The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 10, 1921, Image 4

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    . ;jtl HJ HMtltM UHHWWWWWtHwr
011)0 ((Dutariu Arijttn
County Official Paper
An Independent Newspaper
Publlshod Thursdays at Ontario,
Oregon, and ontorod at tho Ontario
post office for distribution as 2nd
class mattor.
0. K. Alkon, Managing Editor
BUllSCniPTION Ono Year, 2.00
If tho Idaho I'owar Company sue
ceods In nocurliiR tho adoption of
Its property schodulo at $22000,000
as the basis of rate making In this
territory, tho day of pumping for
Irrigation Is over. Tho rnnchors
might JUBt as well quit, and glva
tha Powor company tltlo to tholr
lands and sock othor cllnos.
Thoro nro nion In tho oinploy of
tho I'owor company who know that
tho rnnchors cannot mnko a living
on tholr farms with tho high power
costs. Tho powor company Itsolf
cannot run tho farms, either, and
that makes tho situation Impossible.
It sooms that thin I'owor company
onco conBolldatod Its Interests nnd
reduced tho stock Issues by mil
lions. Wo would llko to know hon
estly, how much real cash tho pres
ent company has Invested In Its so
called $22,000,000 concern?
If It bo truo that tho company
has any such sum Invested In Us
properties, Judging by tho quantity
of power thoy lmvo dovolopcd this
Is ono of tho most Inefficient In
stitutions In all tho country.
It Is a fact that until this past
season, thoro has novor boon an Ir
rigation period during which tho
company could deliver enough pow
or to furnish sufficient water for
tholr customers. At that ruto tha
capital cost por horso powor; for
hero was not a great addition dur
ing tho past yoar; Is out of nil
ronton. Thoro Is something radi
cally wrong, somowhero In tho busi
ness of a. company of this magni
tude If It takes an much money as
tho company claims to dnvolopo Its
property to tho state It has roached
Ilollod down nnd without trim
mings tho fact Is that tho company
is asking for a valuation on which
to nsscss charges which will mako It
Impossible for auyono to do business
with It. May bo that Is good
buslnoss, far the company, but In
tho long run wo think not, and tho
company will think no loo, If It suc
ceeds In Its apparont object,
Undoubtedly thoro nro many, who
In tho pnnt years havo been the very
host supportors of tho American Hod
Cross In Its wonderful work for tho
noedy nnd tho suffering, who wilt
not this year bo ablo to give tholr
Thoro aro many others who In
tho past havo not given more than
that stlpond who could glvo more,
tako out a fow moro memberships
for tholr family; who havo Just lot
tho matter go when tho solicitor
called upon them for tholr Individ
ual contribution,
Conditions this year, thoroforo nro
such that thoso who can should
glvo freely, for tho work of tho
Rod Cross will perhaps bo groator
than over this winter. Thoro will
bo moro nood for help In moro quar-tors.
Tho work of the Itod Cross Is so
groat, so broad, so humanitarian
that It neods no eulogy. Its record
stands for Itself. Lot thoso who
can, romember tho nood and tholr
duty will bo plain. Don't wait to
bo urged. Send your chock to tho
Chairman of tho local commlttco,
W. P. Homan for your 1D22 mem
harsh I p. ,
Tho Argus has been approached
sovoral times of lato by Individuals
who bollovo thoy havo n grlovanco
against tho local lumbor nnd coal
dealers. Tho complaint Is mado
that thoro Is n comblno among the
local dealers In thoso two commldl
ties which Is working to tho Injury
of .Ontario.
If thoro Is n combination tangible
proof of that fact Is not prosont, so
far as wo nro ablo to dotormlno,
It does nppoar howovor that tha
price of coal haro Is high. Also
that tho margin which It now ob
tains is greater than that which
previously oxlstod, but tho coal
men nllcgn that tho loss In shrink
ago of tonago In transit, tho loss In
unpaid bills and othor Itoms roduco
tho margin to n roasonablo figure
Tho Argus Is not undertaking to
hold a brief for tho coal and lum
bor mon. Thoy nro ablo to caro for
tholr own Interests. If, howovor,
tho allegations nro truo that lum
bar nnd coal nro sold at lowor fig
ures by tho aamo companies in
neighboring towns, It Is tlmo that
tho fact bo olthor proven or dls
provod. If It bo not truo It Is un
fair to tho doalors, It It bo truo It
Is unfair to tho public. It would
nppoar that, unlosa thoy do not
caro, or fool that tho reports nro
Just tho caroloss remarks of thoso
who havo not Investigated tho facts
HKI3 Mel 'A Mi
AM) BKi:
Dr. J. A. M FALL
Ieslght Specialist Ontario, Oregon
l'HONi: 147-J
and thereforo cannot bo stoppod
anyway, tho lumbor and coal men
should endeavor to sot at rest
theso prcslstunt reports.
That the Amorlcan people are
praying for tho succoss of tha com
ing limitations of arms conforonco
thoro can bo no doubt. Something
of this kind must bo secured unless
tho world Is to bucomo an nrmod
fortress. Tho toll upon tho wealth
nnd strength of tho world for arm-
nmont Is ovorburdoulng. Wo must
havo rollof.
Tho fact that by a vast voto tho
pooplo of America repudiated tho
Versailles troaty nnd tho Loaguo of
Nations sot forth thoroln, does not
prucludo tho possibility of a concert
of powers, an ontento If you will,
of tho loading nations.
Noed tho formation of tho concert
go to tha end of a doflnlto troaty,
men do not havo to bo bo bound,
nolthor do nations. Nor aro treaties
solamnly ontorod Into, guarantees of
tho covenants thoroln declared. Tho
hlutory of tha world glvos ample
proof that Bothmnnn Hollwog was
not tho first diplomat who consld
ored such engagements, mere,
"scraps of paper."
Without sotting up a supor gov
ornmont tho nations of tho world,
particularly thoso to ongago this
wcok In tho conforonco at Washing
ton can, It public opinion In tholr
several countries will sustnln them
agrca to limit tho building of battle
ships, forts and other war aganclos
for a doflnlto period of years.
Howovor much tho representa
tives of tho powers might wish to
accomplish this end thoy cannpt,
unless backed by public opinion In
tholr homo lands. So long as tho
pooplo of tho world want wnr, or
sco In that agoncy tha only means
of securing Justlco tor thotnselvcs,
thon so long will wnr continue Tho
futility of war as n remodlnhlo
agency must ba focognlxcd by tho
So long as tho public wills It, so
long will tho nations contlnuo to
bankrupt thomsotves building battlo
ships. . '
It Is the proud boast of overy
Amorlcan, of every Kngllshman, of
ovory Kronchman, of ovory Inhabi
tant nnd cltlxon of many other
lands that his Is n froo nation. In
fact none of them nro froo, In tho
comploto sonso of thnt torm; that Is
froo to dotormlno tho policial they
would follow.
If America woro entirely freo to
choso nor own path, would alio not
Immediately limit hor oxpondlturos
fnr thn nrmv and tho navy? Of
all tho nations of tho oarth wo aire;
wo bollovo, tho least bolllcoso; yet
today wo aro engaged In a great
naval program costing billions of
dollars, and why? Ilocnuso Japan
nnd England nro also building war
ships, and wo cannot stop so long
as thoy contlnuo?
Is Krnnco froo? No, only In purt
Krnnco has today tho greatest stand
ing army In tho world, elght-hun-drod
thousand man umlor arms.
Why Is Franco nrmod T Ilocnuso
sho does not bollovo Qormany sln-
coro or faithful In carrying up tho
disarmament sections of tho peace
troaty. T"oar of our neighbors and
posstblo onemlos doprlvos all of us
ns nations of comploto freedom.
Qfc right fitel
c for your
oil heater
To make sure thnt
your oil heater will op
erate at its highest ef
ficiency, tell your deal
er you want Pearl Oil,
the clean-burning ker
osene that is refined and
re-refined by our spe
cial process.
Pearl Oil makes oil
heaters most econom
ical to operate because
every drop delivers
clean, intense heat. No
waste no smoe no
Sold in bulkby dealers
everywhere. Order by
name Pearl Oil.
Corner Idaho Avo. & 2nd. St. 8. W.
(D. J. Qlllanaors, l'nsiorj
Sunday School. 10:00 A. M.
Preaching, 11:00 A. M.,. Itov. D.
D Itoesa will preach.
Chrlstaln Endeavor, 6:30 P. M.
Preaching, 7:30 P. M. Bubject:
"Signing tho Armistice."
Wlilt" School House
Sunday School, 2:30 P, M.
Preaching, 3:30 P. M.
Do not fall to hear Rev. Ileeco
Sunday morning. lie has a mes
sago for you. Tho Sunday night's
sermon should be of Interest to all
loyal Americans. Tho American
Legion boys aro Invited to attend.
Willi Fewer Trees Washington,
Oregon nnd Idaho Htirpimn Kimt
rrn nnd Southern Htittro Ac
cording to Record
Northwestern Btatca hold tho ay
pto supremacy of tho country and
of tho world becauso, trco for
trco, tho Northwestorn orchards nro
tho tlnost, nlthough not the largest,
In tho country.
This was tho statement mado to
day by D. D. Olds, director of ex
hibits of tho Pacific Northwost
Fruit Exposition, which Is to ba
held at tho Dell Street Terminal in
Sonttlo from November 21 to 20.
"Figures which wo havo proparod
for uso at tho exposition," Mr. Olds
explained, "show that moro apples
nro producod by overy trco In tho
Northwest that by trees In any othor
section of tho country.
"For Instnnco, although Washing
ton's npplo crop In 1919 was 21,
608,091 bushels, ns against 14.3G0,
317 for Now York, thoro woro 9,
030,098 bearing npplo trees In Now
York whllo Washington had only
7,004,107. Vlrglnln, with 7,38G,277
treos virtually tho samo numbor
as Washington producod only 8,
942,520. "Tho othor Norlhwostorn statos
show to equal advantage Orogon,
with but 3,31G,093 boarlng trees,
had a crop of 0,021,284, whllo Ken
tucky, with 3,742,930, producod on
ly 1,280,649 bushels; North Caro
lina, with 3,474,821 trocs, produced
only 1,938,038; West Virginia, with
6,664,731 treos, had a crop of only
4,189,102 bushols, and Pennsyl
vania, with 0,981,128 trees, produc
od but 6,560,138. bushols.
"Idaho, which had only 2,380,623
producing treos In 1020, had n crop
of 3,046,040 bushols tho year pro
vlous, whllo Iowa with 2,090,400
bearing trocs, could produce only
1,810,443 bushels."
In changing sires In the dairy
herd always plan to change to a
hotter one of the same breed, never
to one of another breed. Good bulls
from high producing cows can now
bo bought cheaper than -ever before,
henco this is the time to anticipate
future needs and solect the next
head of the herd. O. A. C Experi
ment Station.
FOR SALE I have for sale fine
white rock roosters, tho C Daniel
strain. Rosa Caviness, Ontario,
Oro. Route 2. 49-60p
"sIIIIbvhmTTjvTbI sHaraHlTisllesllislt
irrvjcrjK.miitfm tcxiefrtwrrvmv.MTWi
Auction Sale every
Saturday. Be sure
and list your stuff
early so I can adver
tise it.
Hurry R. Wollmun, county club
lender was an overnight guest at
tho Lowo homo Friday. Mr, Well
man sturts this coming Friday to
tako tho Cairo stock Judging tcuui
which won second prlxo at tho
County Fair to tho International
Stock Show at Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cantroll and
daughter, Dottlo Hollo havo return
ed from Montana to tholr runch, re
cently vacated by Kygara and Intoud
farming It noxt year.
Mrs. F. L. Dollord and children
Florvuco and Vora aro staying at
tho Kllngback homo during Mrs.
Kllngback'a Illness.
Pupils nolthor absent nor tardy
during tho past mouth woro; Orvlllu
Dlgolow, Elba Pullon, Joa Bhutto,
Roy Wllllums, Laura Huffman nnd
Ooorglu Rust In Mrs. Schwoltor's
room, and John Ulgelow, George
Huffman, Morol Kygar, Eurl Kygar,
Albert Cuporton, Marvin Caperton
and Dolla Lois Schwolzor In Miss
Lilian Davis's room.
Doglunlng with Novombor tho
school will havo a set of education
al slides to show tho children, on
tho third Friday afternoon or each
month. Tho public Is Invited to
como to tho school houso ou those
Fred Kllngback nnd daughtor,
Doris, accompanied by F. L. Dollord
mado a business trip to Aronu Vul
ley Friday, eating dinner at tho
Hugh Dullord homo,
Louis and Hollo Fenn truppod a
coyote a few days ugo.
Dick Morrison, of Ontario, was In
tho community Friday trying to get
track of the llert Cossoll well dig
ging equipment which ho has pur
chased and part of which soorait to
bo pretty well scattered over the
Tho school onrollmont Is now
Louis Douord has rented tho
Kllngback homestead up the river
for tho coming yoar and will tuko
possession Immediately. "
Mr. and Mrs. Charley SchweUor
and daughter Lois attended the Ill
Jinks at Nyssa school Saturday
evening. i
Chan Fisher brought a load of
barley to Fred Kllugback'H feed
grinder Friday, tho grinding bolng
done for Albert Caperton who Is
fattening a bunch of hogs for mar
ket liob Elliott and family of Nyssa
have .runted tho Claronce MoConnell
ranch and will move out in the
course of a few weeks.
At the recent P. T. A. meeting
Mrs. Floyd Shatto was electod vice
prestdont and Miss Gladys Kygar,
Mr. and Mrs, Pete Denning of
Parma were guests to dinner at the
Lowe home Sunday.
Dr. Sarazln was calling profes
sionally In the community Friday.,
Mrs. John Wall and children were
guests at the Lowe horqe Friday,
calling also at Kllngback'a.
Miss Lilian Davis spent the week
end at her homo In Vale.
Fred Kllngback and children and
F, L. Dollord and daughter, Flor
ence were In Ontario Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Green of On
tario visited the homo folks Sunday,
Dompsey Pleasant of Ontario Is
herding the DeDord sheep In the
hills near tho ranch.
Juantta, Orvllle and John Dlgelow
called at the Kllngback home Sun
day. T, M. Lowe and Fred Kllngback
attended It farm sale on Roswell
bench Tuesday.
No basement required; your home
heated better, safer and more
economically. We have a package
II. R. Udlck.
Flbf, & Htg.
, Hack Cnndvl Full flavored,
. w -! ------ .r -
healthful and satisfying to the last tasto
Praline Creams
Carnation Milk adds test to this delight
ful coniectton noi nnorueu oj uiuiimi
milk) it s extra nenncu give, juji u
needed ooay."
on rage 37 oi dook oi iuu icucu
recipes which we will send you free
m aj.ak & situ nirariinnH inr
"" "i"" "'V"".."V.T""" . t.f.i.T"
making tarninon i-mine .rciu.
today ana try tms ueugnt. laarew
Carnation Milk Products to.
JI0 8o,9t!l8trt, Uol
Gtt Carnation
from Your Groetr
-. v
- ' i
II Mil i laiJf mi. JJUJlLJUL-
"from Gonfnt$d Cow'
Come in and let us show you our
line of Gates Super Tread Tires
30x3 1-2 GREY TUBES $1.50
Willard all rubber Batteries for Ford
Cars for Less
At our new location 3 doors north of Carter House
First: It i3 sold at a mod
erate price. You save when
you buy it
Secend: It has more than the
ordinary leavening strength,
therefore, you use less.
Third: There aro no fail
uresit always makes the
sweetest, most palatable of
Feurth: It is used by mil
lions of housewives leading
domestic science teachers
and cooking experts.
gt;v- -:--."pp
Fifth: It is the best Baking
Powderthat can bo produced. Was
given highest awards at World's
PureFood Exposition, Chicago; Park
Exposition, Paris, France,
Sixth It contains only such
Ingredients as have been officially
approved by the United States Food
The finest quality Baking
Powder at the most economical
cost. The Biggest Bargain That
Goes Into the Kitchen Today."
Pound can of Calumet contains full
16 or. Some baking powders come In
12 o. Instead of 16 o. cans. Be sure
you get a pound when you want k.
Nut CooU
-i cup butter;
H cup sugar, 3
eggs, 4 cup
flour, 1 level tea
spoon Calumet
Baking Powder.
H cup chopped
nuts, 1 teacpoea
lemon Juice.
Then mix In tike
regular way,
you are looking for a house
or ranch anywhere, at a
bargain, Call or see me.
Phone 99W Ontario,Ore.