The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 03, 1921, Image 5

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iiifniiilKWWIIti... nnrnnu oiann
unmun own
Ford Cars Fordmn Tractors
J, v
The Automotive
Supply Co.
A,NN0UNCE the opening of their
new store, in the building formerly
occupied by The Hub, across from the
' Moore Hotel. -
' A.'complete line of Autom'obileSupplics,
Accessories. Tires, Tubes, etc., ;wnTrbc
- availuble, and quick courteous service
is assured. ' ' '
f If It's a'store Ontario has needed.
Automotive Supply Co,
Ontario, Ore.
W jlHk fgtP0Wf k
cQie development of
Jiotor Transportation
There have been many contributing fac
tors in the development of motor transpor
tation; the perfecting of the motor car in
comfort and dependability; the construction
of smooth durable highways; the production
of a motor fuel Red Crown gasoline
which meets every test of power and mile
age; and finally, the Standard Oil Service
Stations at convenient locations, making
Red Crown gasoline readily available to
Look for Standard Oil Service Stations
and for the Red Crown sign at garages,
service stations, and other dealers. There you
will be able to get good service with Red
fc. Crown gasoline.
Red Crown
the Gasoline of Qualify
& tfsggg
of , tho
Sunday School Sundny at Park
School houso at 2 1. M., Preaching
services ot 3 P. M.
Mrs. Lias spent tho wook-ond
with lior daughter, Mrs. II. D.
Rogers of Payette.
Mr, and Mrs. Otto C. Mlllor, L. L.
and I. I. Culbortson woro guosts of
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Chnpmnn, Wed
nesday evening.
S. J. Simpson and E. Frost start
od to tho hills Sunday morning for
Mrs. L. R. Brolthnupt of Ontario
spont Thursday with Mrs. C. .A.
Mr. and Mrs. Tt. D. Rogers and
Miss Rogers of Payette woro dinner
Rtiosts nt tho Mas homo Sunday.
Goo. Ponnlngton traded his ranch
on tho Flat this week for proporty
near Old. Ho expects to movo his
now homo soon.
Mrs. Arthur Mlllor spont
with Mrs. noy Cram.
James Atterhury gavo n
o'on party for tho pupils
Plonror school, Saturday oven Inc. nt
tho Johnston homo. After nn even
ing spent In "spooky" gnmes, ro
froshtnonts, consisting ot pumpkin
plo, doughnuts and elder woro sorv
od. A gonoral good tlmo Is roportod
hy tho youngstors.
J. S. Still of Huntington spent
Sunday nnd Mondny at tho Robort
Llnkon's home.
Mr. and Mrs. Wnltor Cox of
Fruttland, Mr. nnd Mrs. Oscar Cox
of Crystnl nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank
Atlorbury of Payette woro doltght
fully ontortnlnod Tuesday evening nt
tho C. M. Attorbury homo, "COO"
wns onjoyed throughout tho ovonlnp
after which dollclous rofrcshmonts
woro sorvod by tho hostess.
Mr. nnd Mrs, F. M. Northrop
woro Sunday dlnnor guests of Mr
and Mrs. Roy Burroll.
Mr. Itunrk of Caldwoll was on
tho Slopo Inst wook looking ntter
property Interests.
Mrs. Waltor Davis ontortnlnod a
fow friends Friday evening In honor
of tho birthday anniversary ot her
son George. Ontnos nnd music woro
onjoyod nftor which dntnty refresh
ments woro sorvod. Tho guosts
woro P. M. Bonis nnd family, Mr
nnd Mrs. C. A. Knrst and Mr. and
Mm. Harry K. Lnltlg.
Mr, and Mrs. Frod Van Potton
nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Tloht. Llnkons
spont sovornl days last wcok with
rolnttves In Huntington.
11. V. Cnulklns spont Sunday with
his sinter, Mrs, Chns. Smith ot Payoteo.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Davis and Mrs.
H, Slnkboll woro Sunday dlnnor
guosts of Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert
Mrs. Knto Shako nnd dnughtora,
Dorothy and Josophlno, ot Frultlnnd
woro Sunday dinner guests ot Mr.
and M.r. C. M. Attorbury.
Miss Mlldrod Frost, who has been
vory 111 with rhoumntlsm Is much
Mrs. Honry Boxolor "was honor
guost at n dollghtful luncheon giv
en by Mrs, O. O. Wilcox, Thursdny
afternoon. After tho luncheon music
nnd cards woro onjoyod. Tho guosts
woro Mesdamcs: D. It. Davit, Wal
tor Davis, Roy Durroll, Otto Mlllor,
O, A. Knrst, Tom Carlco, Owons,
C. O, Hoslup and H. Bozoor.
Mrs. Otto C. Mlllor was surprlsod
by her frlonds Saturday In tho oc
casion ot hor birthday anniversary
Tho ovonlng was pleasantly spent In
muslo and cards, after which re
freshments woro sorvod. Tho guosts
were: Mr. and Mrs. T. D. London,
Mr. and Mrs. Olon Lnndon. Mr. nnd
Mrs. S. E. Chapman nnd Miss Ruby
Landon of Payette. nnd Mr. and Mrs.
W. F. Vincent, Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
Mlllor, Mr, and Mrs. C. C. Wilcox,
Mr. nnd Mrs, Henry Ilozolor and F.
II. Wilcox,
Mosdamcs Roy Rurroll, C. C. Wil
cox nnd Honry Ilozolor ontortnlnod
at a dollghtful Hallowo'en party
Monday ovonlng nt tho homo ot Mrs,
Roy Durroll, The rooms woro beau
tifully docoratod with automn
loavos pumpkins and corn, Tho
ovonlng was pleasantly spent In tho
usual Hallowo'en stunts and games,
after which delicious refreshments
appropriate to tho occasion woro
sorved by tho hostessos. Covers
woro laid for about forty guosts.
Cnl dwell Mnn Declares Weekly Loss
xo iianciierrt or HoutliivcMorn
Idaho In Two Thousand Dol
lars Weekly Itnnchers In
Hnnio Fix
Rlblo School 10:00,
Morning Worship and Commun
ion 11:00.
Junior D. Y. P. W. 0:15.
Prayer Mooting C:30.
Servtco of Song conducted by tho
choir. Program will consist of
choruses, quartetts, duotB and solos.
We Invite you to theso services.
Southwestern Idaho farmers are
losing 12000 ovory wcok that thoj
racuio I'ouitry producers is not in
operation, according to estimates
made by Joss Qowon, secretary of
me uaiuwoll comiuorclnl club nnd
tumpurnry local manager of tho ar
rnngomonts being mado in Caldwoll
for oponlng a rocolvlug station ot
tho poultry marketing association
hero. Tho dlfforouco In quotations
on eggs Is given as tho basis for
this loBB which Is shared by ovory
poultry producer in this section
Immediately upon opening tho ro
colvlng station and tho shipping out
ot a Bmall surplus of eggs producod
In this district, mnrkot quotations
on oggs will liicronso about 1C cants
por dozon. It Is that 15 cents on
ovory dozen eggs producod huro Hint
Is bolng lust nt present," says tho
Caldwell Tribune
What Is truo of tho ranchors of
Southorn, Idaho Is also truo ot tho
ranchors ot Mainour county, for
conditions hero nro Idontlcal to that
which provallB about Caldwoll and
Continuing tho Trlbuno says:
"Plans nro now being laid for a
final cloan-up cninpalgn of all ter
ritory not yet completely worked
for tho ogg markotlng associations.
Sovoral thousand lions aro known
to bo "at largo" In Canyon county
and many thousand In Ada county
aro as yot not afflllatod with tho
markotlng association. Producers
who havo already Jolnod tho associa
tion aro urged to oxorclso tholr ln
fluonco In hnvlng tholr neighbors
Blgn contracts or nt loast to turn
over tho names ot producors to tho
Commercial club or to tho fnrm
buroau office
U. L. Upson, manager ot tho Port
land branch ot tho association, loft
Friday for Portland nftor cloanlng
lip on results of tho work dono thus
far. Tho building that will bo usod
ns a rocolvlug station Is being ro-
modolod to bo rondy Just an soon as
sign-up worx is compioto. A check
on tho' totals thus far obtained
show that not mora than 100,000
lions havo boon slgnod up. Mr.
Upson Insists upon at loaBt 125,000
bcroro tuo rocolvlng station opons.
"In corrospondonco with Mr.
Oowon, Mr. Upson polntod out that
It was doubly Important that this
work bo complotod shortly, slnco
producors woro losing heavily at
present and that tho annual elec
tion of tho board ot dlroctors Is
hold In Norombor nnd that It Is to
tho Intorcst ot this district to com
pioto organization In tlmo to oloct
rcprosentatlvos to tho board ot di
rectors of tho association.
"With 125,000 lions, this branch
ot tho association will bo ontltlod to
tour of tho 13 directors on the
In tho Circuit Court of tho Htnto of
Oregon, For Mnllicur County
In tho Mattor ot tho Potltlon
ot tho Board of Suporvlsors of
DISTRICT for tho Judicial Ex
amination nnd Judgment of tho
Court as to tho Legality and
Regularity of tho Proceedings
of tho County Court and ot said
District In tho mattor ot tho
Organization of said District,
and of said Board In tho mat
tor ot tho Issuanco of Bonds
ot said District.
To tho Southoast Unit Dralnago
District and to all frco-holdors,
logal votors nnd nBscsstnont payors
In said District:
tho Board ot Supervisors ot tho
Southeast Unit Dralnngo District, n
municipal corporation organlzod
nnd oxtstlng undor nnd by virtue of
tho Dralnago District Laws ot tho
Stato ot Oregon, have, by potltlon
filed with tho Clork of tho abovo
ontltlod Court, commenced special
proceedings In said Circuit Court
for Mainour County, Orogon for tho
purposo ot having a Judicial exam
Inntlon and Jugdmont of tho Court
ns to tho regularity nnd legality of
tho proceedings ot tho County Court
rar Mainour County, Oregon nnd of
said District In tho mattor ot tho
organization of said District, and
tho proceedings of Bald Board of
Suporvlsors In tho mattor ot tho
authorization ot bonds ot snld Dis
trict In tho sum ot $20,000.00, nnd
that all said proceedings bo approv
ed and confirmed, and ndjudgod
nnd docrcod to bo legal nnd valid.
And you nro horoby further noti
fied that tho lionrlng on said poll
tlon has boon sot for tho 8th day
ot Docombor, 1021, nt 1:30 o'clock
P. M. of said day, or as soon thero
aftor as counsol can bo hoard, at
tho Court Room of said Court at
Vnlo, Mainour County, Orogon.
And you nro further notified thnt
you and any parson Intorostod In
tho mattor. ot tho organization of
snld District or In tho procoodlngs
far tho authorization, Issuo or snlo
ot said bonds may, on or boforo tho
said dato fixed for tho hearing on
said potltlon, dotnur to or nnswor
said potltlon.
Given undor my hand and tho
seal ot tho Circuit Court ot tho
Stato ot Orogon In and for Mnlhour
County, this 1st day of Novombor,
County Clork nnd Ex-offlclo
Clork of tho Circuit Court for
Mnlhour County, Orogon.
On ,tho Cth day of Novombor
1921, a penalty of 5 por cont will
bo added to all Dollnquont Taxes
tor tho yoar of 1020.
H. Loo Noo, Sheriff,
Malheur County Orogon.
10-20 to 11-4.
No bnsomont requtrod; your homo
hcatod bottor, safor nnd moro
economically. Wo havo -a packogo
II. R. Udlck,
Plbg. & Htg.
NURSING Rcglstorcd graduato
nurso. Call 12, Nyssa, Oro. 48-51p
FOR SALE Docker Piano In
good condition. Will bo Bold reas
onable. Inqulro Argus or phono
FOR SALE Boos, twonty stands.
Sao E. M. Smith, Ontario, Oregon.
LOST $5.00 gold ploco, datod
1834, Was In loathor match box
Tho ownor prlzos this ploco vory
highly and offers a roward ot $10
to tho flndor. Laavo at Argus offlco.
FOR RENT Two furnished
housos, ' ono a flvo room houso.
uiorouguiy modern, oiuor turoo
room, both complotoly furntshod.
Call 48-J, Ontario, or Fruttland
TO TRADE A truck to trado for
touring car. Call 183,
Orogon Journal delivered by car
rlor Dally and Sunday. rQGc por mo.
Loavo order at Turner's Nowa Stand.
An agreement has been signed be
tween A. B. Cain ot Cairo who Is
county leader on Poultry work for
the Farm Bureau, H. E. Cosby, Ex
tension Specialist In Poultry, Paul
V. Marls, Director ot Extension, aud
County Agent Brelthaupt whereby
Mr. Cain will cooperate In conduct
ing a poultry demonstration farm
under tho Instructions ot Mr. Cosby
for tho benefit ot the poultrymen ot
Malheur County. Mr. Cain furnishes
all stock and equipment and tho
Extension Service furnishes noces
sory record blanks and guidance in
conducting the work.
Mr. Cain will keep three or four
hundred laying hens which will be
fod, housed and cared for" in ap
proved manner. He will also do
incubation work and all other Hues
ot activity connected with the poul
try business, It is planned to make
this demonstration farm a meeting
place for tho poultrymen ot the
county and It is expected thai Mr
Cosby will conduct meetings on spec
ial phases of the poultry business
there, three or four times a year.
This will give the poultrymou an
opportunity to see first han't ap
proved methods of handling poultry
and get the benefit of Mr. Cosby's
By virtue ot an attachment exe
cution duly issued by tho Clork ot
tho Circuit Court of tho Btato of
Orogon, for tho County of Malheur,
datod tho 20th day ot October, 1921,
in a cortaln action In tho Circuit
Court for said Stato and County,
whoroln Elmor Carlson, as plaintiff,
recovorod judgment gainst Lostor
C. Seawell and Mrs. Lestor C. Sea-
well, as dofondants, for tho sum of
Twolvo Thousand Sovon nnd 05100
Dollars, ($12,007.05), with Interest
thereon nt tho rate of ton por cent
por annum from tho 21st day of
November, 1919, "less tho sum ot
$500.00 paid tho 1st day ot Jan
uary, 1920," aud tho further sum of
Eight Hundred Fifty & No100 Dol
lars ($850.00) attorney's feos, aud
tho furthur sum of Soventoon &
2PJ100 Dollars ($17.20) costs and
dlsbursomontB, In which Judgment
It was nirthor ordered by tho Court,
that tho proporty attached in said
action and horolnaftor described, bo
sold for .tho satisfaction ot said
Judgment, In tho manner provided
by law, which Judgment was enroll
ed and docketed In the Clork's of
flco or said Court on tho 30th day
of Novombor, 1920. V
HEREBY aiVEN, That I will on the
3rd day ot December, 1921, at tho
hour ot 11 o'clock in tho forenoon
ot said day, at tho north main on
tranco door of tho County Court
House at Vale, in said County and
State, soil at public auction to tho
hlgbost bidder or bidders for cash,
the following described real proper
ty, to-wlt:
The Northeast Quarter (NEVi),
and tho Northeast Quarter of the
Southeast Quartor (NE'ASEU) ot
Section Thirty-five (36), Township
sixteen (16) South, Range Forty
seven (47), and Northwest Quarter
ot tho Southeast Quarter (NW14
SEU) of Section Thirty (30),
Township Eighteen (18) South,
Range Forty-four (44) E. W. M.
Taken and levied upon nB tho
proporty ot the said above named
dofendantB, Lester O. Seawell and
Mrs, Lester O. Seawell, or so much
thereof as may be necessary to sat
isfy tho said Judgment in favor ot
Elmer Carlson and against the said
above named defendants, together
with said attorney's fees, Interest,
costs and disbursements, and accru
ing costs upon said sale.
Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 31st
day of October, 1021,
H. Lee Noe, Sheriff,
By O. W. Olenn, Deputy.
Date of first publication, November
3rd, 1921.
Date of last publication, December
1st, 1921.
Date ot sale, December 3rd, 1921,
at 11 A, M.
LOST A bay goTdlug nnd a black
mnro with whlto faco and white
hind foot. Lett my placo on Mal
eour rlvor near Crystal and wore
last Boon hoadod toward Ontario.
Flndor ploaso notify T. P. Buhner,
Payette R. F. D. No. 3.
Why pay moro for imitation
parts wbon wo sell Gonulno Ford
for loss? FORD OARAGE.
FOR SALE At a bargain, Bur
roughs Adding Maculno, slightly us
od. Ontario Electric Co, 46-tf
Genuine Ford parts aro Quaran
toed and cost less. FORD OARAQE.
FOR RENT or sale flvo room
house, easy terms, two blocks North
wost of Grade School. W. Korcbor.
HAY chopped at $1.00 per ton.
Call 22. Ontario. Griffith and Rig
gins. 4C-tt.
WANTED Sowing at home or by
tho day. Mrs. L. Harper tt.
FOR SALE Warohouso 40x80,
opposite depot on railway tracks.
Apply II. R. Udlck. 33-tf.
FOR TRADE Houso and" fi7o
lots for good Ford Car. Must be
In first class condition. Inqulro at
the Second Hand Store. Ontario,
FOR RENT 2 room npu'rtmont
Call 80-M.
Tho choir will havo chargo of tho
Gospol Scrvlco Sundny night nt 7:30
nt tho Bnptlst Church. Tho program
wilt consist ot choruses, qunrtnts,
duotn and solos nnd also by tho
mnlo chorus nnd qunrtot. Tho pub
lic Is Invited.
It's cheaper to ride
in the 1922 Models
than it used to bo to stand
on tho running board a year
Good Overcoats today-
(Michaels-Stern) Coats in
every conceivable model and
$30 $32.50
Same qualities brought $50
at the start of 1921 and tho
same grades are still being
heard of at $40 to $42.50 in
lots of clothing departments
But here self praise isn't
convincing sen appraisal
The coats are here where
you can examine them
ane we are selling them to
people who have yorn
clothes foryears.
Toggery Bill
Thanksgiving will soon be
here. Wo want your poul
try. Write us for prices on
Turkeys, Chickens, Ducks,
Portland, Ore.
40 years in the business
XYtglasses XV
K)clht Hpcclallst Ontario, Oregon
g&&Lj JUmktSu
' BisifcTifii-iL