ysai9i rti-jy. j 4K3:it3iuiKx.i. THUi.ONTAIlIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1921 If m H'l I f 10 (Shttartu Arijuc County Official Taper An Indcuendout ts'cwgiitcr Published Tkursdaya at Ontario, Oregon, and cntorod at tho Ontario post office for distribution as 2nd class matter. Q. K. Alkon, Managing Editor BUUSCIUPTION. Ono Year, J2.00 not HirrriiKOt .iuht I'ohti'oxud Tlio pooplo of tho United Btntcs aro rollovod thnt tor tho prosont, nt toast, Micro Is no danger of a rail road strlko. However that doos not nionn thnt tho danger Is nvorted for alt tlmo. Tho Imuo has not been nettled, only to tho degrco that the railroad men recognize thnt thoy cannot combat public opinion and tho forco of tho United States gov ernment Tho fault lies not with tho rail road employees nlonc, but with tho malingers of tho rallronds as well, lloth sides hnvo been in tho wrong. Thoy havo forgotten thnt thcro Is a hlghor Interest thnn tholrs which must bo consulted. In fact it appears thnt tho onllro transportation nyslom of Amorlcn has broken down. It nppnrantly Is tint an economical Hystum. Tho toll It Is Inking from tho public Is more than tho public enn bear. It cannot Justify Us chnrgos. Thoro must bo further transporta tion reductions beforo business enn bo back to normal, nnd tho railroad stockholders nnd tho rnllrond em ployees should tliomsolvos soo to It that thoy enn so function nnd servo tho pooplo thnt tholr Invested cap ttut, on tho ono hand, nnd tholr em ployment on tho othor can bo stnbll ixod and nssurod. Tho Interests of both tho owners of capital Invested in railroads nnd tho men employed in rallrondlng aro nt stako nnd thoy should soo tho light nnd put their own houso In order. TOO ItlCIf, NOT TOO POOH "Mnlhuur county Is too rich to get to work," said an ohsorvunt vis itor hero tho othor day. "Tho troublo with tho folks In this sec tion Is that thoy havo too much wealth. Thoy aro living an tholr fut, and havo not, as yet roachod tho point where thoy hnvo to go to work. "Thnt is tho principal roason why Tfes it's toasted) of course. To seal ,in die flavor f d TwJfMfdtKt-ArjAtt-. thoro aro not more dairy cattle In this section. It thoro aro pooplo who havo tho hay uud who roally want to milk cows, I boliovo you peoplu hero will tlud the monoy. ou havo tho energy, tho ability uud tho cour ugu to tucklo this problem. "The development achieved here In tho past ten years shows whut can bu done, uiul I um confident that you will come through the present, situation all right. In fact you uro now In a much bettor sit uation than most communities. 1'our (armors uro better off, even though they liuvu nut mado utiy money this or lust year. Neither havo tho lurmers In the Middle West. And It is truo tuut whore there uro dairy comb uud chlckeus tho peoplu uro not coniplulnlug." This statement from a muu who is Is a position to know what the sltuutlou 1h eUowhero should en courage tho people of this section. Thro Is no doubt of tho fertility of our valley. Thoro Is no doubt about tho ability of our farmers to rnUo crops. With tho necessity of provid ing themselves with u market for tholr buy through food lug to dairy cows plainly understood wo bolluve that thoy will not sldestop tho prob lem, but will fuco tho situation as It Is uud udjust thomsolves accordingly. In this they uro entitled to the leadership of the business men ut tho community. They uru outltlod to the consideration of their problem by tho business men and tho banks, to tho end that during thu transi tion porlod thoy will bo accommo dated as they as Individuals merit. Wo do not boliovo that thu farm ers ot this section uro asking for unusual favors. Thoy aro willing to fight tholr own fight nnd only ask for uu opportunity. Tin: imi'KAT ok rim s. v. u At last tho Non Partisan League in North Dakota has been repudi ated by thu voters ot that state. Tho victory, howovur, was not so Im- presslva ns to lead to thu optlmlstlo bollef that tho I.oaguo In that statu is dead forever and amen. Not by a long shot Is this true, though It would bo dollghtfut to boliovo that this was true. To a largo dogreo, wo boliovo, tho victory ovor tho Towuloyltos was a porsouat victory for 11. A. Nostos, tho candidate lor governor who de feated Lynn J, Prnsler. Nostos Is an ablo man, a powerful campnlgnor, an Itidofaglulo worker who knows tho pooplo ot tho statu from tho Mon tana lino to Hod Itlvor ot tho North. llcsldo this Nostos had tho back ing of u powerful organization which has carried on tho fight against tho domugoguory of tho N. P. U. for tho past flvo yoars. Thoro Is ovldonco that tho pooplo ot North Dakota havo at last awak ened to tho danger to which tholr proporty has boon subject by tho Ir responsible theorists of tho Non Partisan League, fow of whoso load era woro In fact but parasites liv ing off tho farmer members of tho toaguo. Thoy woro carpet baggors poddllng discontent nnd hatred. Dlvorcod from tho public payroll, repudiated by tho voters, tho dan ger of tho Non Partisan League re viving In North Dakota for tho pres ent Is not great, and it need novor bo rovlvod it tho Independent Votors Association and Its leador uso good Judgment. There woro soma reforms for which the N. P. L. utrovo thnt were worthy ot consideration, and which tho I, V. A. and Governor Nostos and Ills associates should secure, and demonstrnto that they are constructive farsoolng men of real ability. I NITKI) PltltfllYTKItlAXCIIimCII Sabbath School nt 10:00 A. M. Ilomomber this Is tho school ot tho Church. Drlng your chlldron. Preaching Servlco at 11:00 A. M. Special Music, Mrs. niugham leader of Music. Subject ot Sermen: "Rio meuts of a Or oat Nation." A hearty wolclmo for alt nnd a special Invitation to thoso who have no othor church homo. IRONSIDE NEWS An early winter is Indicated by tho mountains noar Ironsldo wear ing whlto caps ot snow. Tho days have bcon warm and sunny nnd the rights very cold. W. P. Pinney, E. W. Howland nnd D. W. Powers of Ontario woro Iron side visitors Mondny, roturnlng homo from nn oxtonded doer hunt on Mainour river nnd Hull Itun mountains. In splto ot tho dlsap. polntmont tho hunters said thoy had n roynt good tlmo. Mr. and Mrs. Hon Jones ut Bon Ita passed through on tholr wny to Camp Crook to visit Mr. nnd Mrs. Hardy Murray Tuesday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Leu Turomnu of Mainour rlvor woro ovornlght visi tors of Mrs. Fred Lnwronco, Tues day night. Mr. Turemnn wns ro turnlng homo from Vnlo whera ho had takon Bomo beef catto. Mr. and Mrs. Elmor Lawrcnco ot Ontario aro visiting Mr. Lawrenco's parcntB,,Mr. nnd Mrs. Q. II. Law rence Harold Carlllo and Leo Thompson woro overnight visitors horn, return ing homo to Unity from Jamleson, Archlo Myers nnd S. It. Dickson woro business men of Ironside, Tuesday. Mrs. Edith Ilobortson nnd little Bon woro visitors of Mrs. 8. I). Dun enn, Wodnosday. Sho was accom panied by Mrs. C. Wisdom, n Bister of Mrs. Duncan'B, who will visit n fow dnys boforo roturnlng to Wolsor, Earl Weaver of Pnrtnn Ib spend ing this week hero. O. V. Wise wns nn out going pas senger on Thursday'B stngo to Vnlo. Mr. Cannon of Wcstfall was nn ovornlght visitor nt tho Locoy ranch Thursdny looking for drossod lum bor. Mr. Howard of Howard Ilros. Saw Mill had tho misfortune ot get ting his hnnd badly cut In tho saw Thursday. Ho was Immediately tnk on to Ilakor for treatment. I). Plummer and son Eddlson loft Thursday for parts In Idaho look lnK for omploymont for tho wlntor, Ttfr. Molchor of Frultland, Idaho Is spending this wock with his sis. tcr Mrs. Chns. Ilooro. William Hnll wont out to Unkor Tuesday for a load of freight for W II. Lofton. Mr. and Mrs. Van Huron nnd daughtor, Hollo, visited Mrs. A. E Nichols, also Mrs. Trod and Hniol Lnwronco woro visitor of Mrs, Nichols. C. P. Lawrcnco nnd son, Horbort, woro Ironsldo visitors tho past wcok from North Powdor. Ho roports thnt his non, Tnrvor, who Is In tho liospltul at linker, Is much Im proved. Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. V. Whlto nnd llt tlo daughter, Norma, -of Unity, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Chus, Elms ot Horford worn Ironsldo visitors, Sunday, Uvo Hill Is building n now four roomed houso on his homestead Mr. J. P. Hurk Is carpontor. Edd Noam sold 200 tons or hay to J. A. Cooloy of Malheur river. 7, II. Lnwronco and sons, Elmor, Jody nnd Mlllls, hnvo tnkon another outing In tho mountains In hopes ot getting tholr wlntor'a moat Hnlolgh Van Huron nnd Mr. Mnrsh of Ontario nccompanlod tho hunters. B. H. Carlllo of Unity passod through on his wny to Jnmlcson for apples, Monday, roturnlng tho samo day. Doug Lofton and son, Earl, sold sovoral carloads ot boot cattle to Hick Lockott ot Jamleson tho pnst wook. Thoy took thorn to Hunting ton for shipment. Dave Huchan, formerly of this placo Is working for John Woodcock of Malheur. Loo aullllngburk and II. Carlllo of Unity wero Ironsldo visitors, Fri day, onrouto to jamleson, Ika Powers took a load ot posts to HroKun. Monday. Fred and Wultor Lawronco re turned to Flag TrnlrlQ Monday whoro tnoy are gainoriug cniuo. Hoss Hood ot Unity went to Hro gnu Sunday, taking a truck load of hogs for John Smith and Arthur Hlnew. He took back n lopd of freight for Iturnt Hlvor Mcrcantllo Co. Mrs, II. C. Elms tins boon on tho sick list tho past week. FOH HENT Two bedrooms to let In quiet modern homo, heat furnish ed. Mrs. Bcholos. A 8-4 Op pnn rai.R Snortlnc rlflo. In nulro W. 8osonn, Ontario, 4 8-4 Dp People's Second Hand Storo. E. Par rlsh, Prop. 20-tt- WANTED Laundry work to bo !nnn nt limns hand work. Address Mrs. E, D. Houges, Ontario. FOH BALK Uees, twenty sinnus. FAIRMONT CREAMERY WANTS YOUR CREAM, POULTRY AND EGGS i HIGH CASH PRICES - PAID Don't forget to get in line with us for TURKEYS 1ST I E BILLED FOR BOISE Diogcst Football Game of Season Sche- duled for November 11) Doth Teams In Perfect Shape and Awaiting Sound of'Openlng Whistle HOISE, IDA., Nov. 2 Southern Ida ho's football clnsslr, the second nnnunl Armistice day gnmo nt Holso, this year to take tho form of a contest between the University of Idnho und University of Wyoming elevens, has nlrondy nrousod such unuaunl Interest thnt 10,000 persons arc expected to be on hnnd when the two vnrslty tennis come together nt the state fair grounds. This season aouthorn ldnho entirely outclasses the north In representation on tho tenm which will represent the state ngnlnst Wyoming, nine of Kol ley's first string men cnlllng southern Idaho home whllo only two hall from north of tho Salmon river. Uolse, with threo regulars In the per sons of Frank Urown, Jim Nenl and Habo" Urown, lends tho romnlnder of the stnto. Catducdl Is second with tho two Hreshcnrs boys, Howard nnd Arnold, whllo American Falls, with Cnptnln Orover Evans; Emmet, with Dnlo Voosch; Hlnckfoot, with Clnyton Hoover; Hupcrt, with the, Bensntlonnl Nell Irving: Cocur d'Alone, with Ilelnts Otlfidemnn and Lowlston, with Joe Whltcorab, complete tho roll of honor. "I would llko to have It brought homo," declnred Coach Kolley In spenk. Ing'of his eleven, "that the Idnho tonm, In Its pcrsonuel nnd In Its spirit. In representing this entire state, repres sing It fruni Houndury county to Hear Lake and from Owyhee county to the Tetons. The bcy expect to play clean, hard football and they hope to win. Thoy understand that they must do honor to their state on November 11." Nll Irving of Ruprt Neil Irving of Itupert, brilliant half back, has thus fnr proven himself the stnr of the 10-1 Idnho team. He can run tho ends, plow through the line or hurl forward imssos uud his educated too not only enn boot long punts, but also scores cniiNlxtt'iilly for his team via the pluce.klck routo. CapUIn Croytr Evnt of American Pall Other lumlnants of the Idaho eleven are Captain Orover Utans, powerful right end, a vicious tackier 'and ah adept at receiving forward passes; "Babe" Urown of Uolse, who, perform ing at the opposite end of the line, has acqulreu the reputation .for hitting harder than any other man who ever played for the silver and gold; and Joe Whltcomb of Lewltton, a clever, shifty hnlfback who shines particularly at running back punts through a broken field. Tho bright lights ot Coaqh John Cor belt's capable Wyoming team are Erb, a dashing halfback said to be almost Impossible to stop on end runs, and Flttke. fullback, the ablest punter In the west. Thus far this season Fltzke's punts have averaged between 55 and CO yards, exceeding by more than 10 yards the best lttil average of any other western kicker. University of Idaho alumni are plan, nlng to hold their southern Idaho re union at Boise November 10, the day before the game. A dance honoring the two teams and a banquet at which Mate officials will speak and at which former varsity captains will be Intro luced are among the entertainment eaturw already deflaltalj arranged. YTLDlS Va. atlaTB rV ill rAT W33ti D .- as AmmiHr . . vvg .. mm AVn ifiSou dependable au tne way The high reputation of Red Crown gasoline is based on tho performance of "Red Crown" past and present Its absolute dependability lias made it gen erally recognized as tho Gaso line of Quality. Red Crown gasoline is al ways dependable because it supplies a continuous stream of power from the beginning of tho trip to tho end. Ready start ing, a rapid pick-up and greater mileage theso are tho results you get when you use "Red Crown." You will find "Red Crown throughout tho Pacific Coast, at yournclghborhoodand other Standard Oil Service Stations, at garages and at other dealers. Look for the Red Crown sign beforo you fill. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) SumitrAOl CM', W ANTFJV this next week 10 vvrui j. jjjt Alfajfa Farmg t0 buy or trade for. Let me know Vvhnt you " have. This is your chance, YOU with a big mortgage on your farm. Send to me at once, or come and see me at 4.20 Smith St., Ontario, Ore. Have some good dairy farms' in the Willamette Valley to trade. A. V. WILSON, Phone 99 W A UCT10NEERS DICKENS & SHDLTZ CALDWELL PHONE 455 J CjALL AT OUR EXPENSE YOU WILL LIKE US They relieve much Suffering KANTLEEK HOT WATER BOTTLES Filled with hot water and applied to the side, head, feet, back, or wherever there is pain, brings quick relief. ' Kantleek Rubber Goods . are made by experienced workmen, in one of the best equipped factories in the world. Each piece is tested before it leaves the factory. We guarantee Kantleek Rubber Goods to give satisfactory wear and Ber- . vice for two years. Insure comfort by using Kantleek, tho water bottle that does not leak. get: it at ,T ONTARIO PHARMACY REXALL Prescriptions our Specialty EASTMAN VICTOR 1 iL. j .... wiJTT,BX,