..W mSAt k THE.ONTAKIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THUKSDAY, OCTOBER 87. 192J. 1 i ONTARIO HIGH SCHOOL WEEKLY NEWS BUDGET Written and Edited by the News Writing Class of The English Department Tho Juniors report progress on tho piny, "Lots All Got Married' which they plan to present soon. Tho cast Is working very hard and wo predict that It will ho a great BUCCCBS. On Thursday and Krlday of lust wook tho Assombly period was used by tho studonts to practice somo now yolls to ho given at tho foot hall gamo Saturday. Tho Sophomoro and Fretlinian English classes have subscribed for tho Lltorary Dlgost which they will uso as a text hook for oral English, Friday evening a big rally was hold on tho High School campus to croato Bomo onthutlasra for tho football game with Dolso. A big bonflro was built nnd yells given, nftar wfllch tho studonts formed a sorpontlno and hiarched down town. Captain Floot, tho hoad of tho Uolso R. O. T. a, camo down Satur day with tho football toam. After hoarlng tho 0. H. S. It. O. T. 0. hand play, ho said that our organl gallon was far superior to that of Boise. Tho first year cooking clae lj planning to sorva a series or lunch eons at which tho membors of the faculty will bo guests. Tho first ono will ho on Wednesday at noon, to which Miss Gaboon nnd Miss Conway haro boon Invited. Tho night classes In shorthand and typewriting moot on Monday, Wednosday and Friday. Thorn arn ton enrolled for typewriting and flvo for shorthand nnd moro nro expect ed. Tho shorthand class moots nt Bovcn o'clock and tho typowrltlng nt. olght. Tho dishes and sllvorwaro for tho Household Arts practlco houso havo arrlvod, and tho girls aro now milk ing tho tahlo linen. Dlcjc Adam spralnod his nnkla badly lnfootball practlco Thursday ovenlng and was unablo to play in tho gamo Saturday against Uolso. Homor Maddux1 acted ns captain in his stead. Tho mombors of tho Sigma Club hold their annual Initiation party nt tho homo of Uln Qramso Frldny ovenlng, October 21. Thoso Initiated wore: Loulso Wood, Merle Fnhy, Daisy Sccoy, Itolon Dunstono and Jonnlo Doors. Following tho Initia tion delicious refreshments wore sorved. A good tlmo was onjoyed by nil. Tho following Ontario High School Cndot Officers wcro nppolnt od on Monday, .October 24 to servo tho renmlndor of tho school year: Major, James Purccll, Adjutant, Don Poormnn. Tho officers for Com pany "A" are: Hugh Dlggs, Captain, Frank Clomcnt, First Lt., Wondall Thayor 2nd. Lt., Homor Maddux 1st. Snrgont nnd Eldon Fortlor, J.oft guldo. j Tho Corpornls for Company "A;' nre: 1'nul l'otcrson, Montlo Duntor Frank Van 1'ottcn, Dwlght Sanford, Thomns Amldon nnd Donald 1'arkor. Tho offlcors for Company "II" nre: Dick Adam, Captain, Ilohort Llnxy, 1st Lt., William Loos, 2nd Lt. wu weaver, 1st Sargont,, Willis Halo, Night Ouldo nnd James Mc Crolght, Left Ouldo. Tho Corporals for Company "H" are: .Leonard Zimmerman, Honry Johnson, Ouy Socoy, Ilalph Drnno, Frank Scott nnd Culver Marshall. On Friday Octobor 21 tho olghth grndo foot ball toam plnyod tho Nyssa olghth grndo team In Ontario, Tho scoro was 30 to 0 in favor e: Ontario. Tho agriculture class had a lesion In stock Judging at tho C. E. Socoy ranch on Tuosdny morning, Tho latter part of tho wook thoy will visit tho Iluttorflold ranch near Wolsor. ml ONTARIO AssW iml ontGONj Emm DEPARTMENT STORE NOTICE FIRST SHOWING THIS-WEEK OF THE FAMOUS PRINCESS PAT DRESSES -Nationally Advertised $39.50 Be sure to see this showing Mi L aAMkfjlBMJi? DEPARTMENT STORM ONTARIO HAN GETS TITLE TO LANDJFTER 20 YEARS J. 1). Rllllngfllpy Wins Patent To Hit) Inn In Barren Volley Busnl On Script Dough Knini Illdo In 11)00 ORIGINAL ESTIMATE AND ACCOUNTING SHEET Mnllirur DrnlmiKn District ..i. 7 . ?l'lnn' Mtlmuto Is modo In compllanco with tho provisions of Lnnptor 118, aonornl Uws of tho Stato of Oregon, and shows In parallel columns tho unit costs of tho sovornl services and (totalled oxpondlturcs for tho last ono of tho throo preceding fiscal years nnd for six months miu Lurrum year, ino years ivib ana ii nro not shown ns con Mructlon of tho system was In progress during thoso years. Estlmntod Expond- r.xponditurcs for 1022 Ituro 1st six months of presont year Personal Hr-rvlro: Socretnry-troasuror . ...... 180.00 $ 00.00 Supervisors Salaries ......:........... 108.00 00.00 Stamps, Tolophono Tolls, etc. nnd Incidentals 18.20 Legal Advlco ,,....... S0.00 Material and Supplies 101. 3G Int. on Ilondod Indebtedness ..-.. 0420.00 4800.00' Int. on Warrant and IJI ...M....... . 108.00 Malnteuanco nnl Repairs.................... 712.00 033.77 Now Construction Expond Ituro 1020 180.00 102.00 0240.00 121.87 574.44 3546.00 110420.00 $6162.22 13703.31 I, Thomas W. Claggott, do horohy certify that tho nhovo cstlmnto of expenditures for tho yoar 1022, and the expenditures for six months or tho currout year, nnd for tho year 1020, havo hcon compllod from tho re cords of Malheur Drnlnngo District nnd nro truo nnd corroct copies tli i' roof. THOMAS W. CLAOETT, . Socrolnry. Oct. 27 Nov. 3. An echo of tho famous Hydo Land fraud cases which proved ono tr tho sonsatlons of tho Itoosevett admlnts- irauon in 1007, was heard this wook whon after litigation covorlng 21 years J. D. Dllllngsloy received n government pntont on n section of land In Ilarron valley. Tho land Is located In soctlons 2, 3, 10 nnd 11 In township 28 8 Itnngo 38 E. W. M. Mr. Dllllngsloy based his clnlm to tho land by ronsnn of tho purchnso or script rrom K. A. Hydo ft Co. who had secured this land through tho uso of llou land selections, fol lowing tho formation of a govern ment rosorvo In a section of Cnll- rornia withdrawing tho original lands from entry. Aftor Mr. Dllllngsloy claimed own orshlp of tho Darron valley lands, tho government contested on tho grounds that Hydo mada tho selec tion on tho basis of dummy entry men. Tho first hearing hold nt Vale resulted In n divided verdict, Register Thomas Jonos deciding for Illlllngsloy and Itocolvor FeTttlnv against him. Tho ensn then Wont, to San Francisco whom tlm num. mlsslonor doclded against tho claim ant. This was appealed to tho Sec rotary of tho Interior nnd with 05 nthnr cases growing out of tho Hydo scnnuoi woro rororod to a special matter at San Francisco In 1010, W. II. Ilrooko appearing for ' Mr, Dllllngslny. This tlmo tho cummin. slouor was rovorsed nnd patent granted. It has taken two vnnrs howovor slnre tho last trial to so- euro tho Instrument. WEISER HIGH COMES TO PLAY ON SATURDAY Another Ilrllllnnt Content on Grid Iron IKki.'d Forward Ti Entire ly New Dark Meld To llo Seen In Action Luck of tho hardost Kind hit tho untarlo High football team this wook and caused Coach John T. Hughes to dovolopo nn entirely now back Hold. Lou Weaver who aftor two weeks practlco was Just getting Into con dition, turned In his suit, Monday and quit tho toam. Ho gavo as his reason tho bollof thnt ho had in jured his side whoro ho was hurt two years ago. HUgh Dlggs was In jured iu tho Dolso gamo and had to Icavo and Sullivan has boon shlftod to iiunrtor whllo Shea now works at end, thus an almost now hnck field Is being workod Into condition. All this has been going on with tho Wolsor High coming hero Satur day for a championship gamo, and Wolsor and Ontario always demon strate tho fighting ability of tholr teams. Early In tho season Welser hold Dolso to an 8 to 6 scoro and slitco thon has boon going strong under tho direction of Conch Albert Qlbson. DOO HOUND UP WILL UK HTAOED IIY CIT1 ItOlHi: 1 1 Km WINS ON LOCAL GROUNDS VJt TO O (Continued From Pneo Ono) Tho following was tho lino up ONTARIO Sullivan Maddux Clomont Wlsomnn Becoy Dunton McCreleht Dlggs I o r I t r I B r c r k I rtl(e) r fi I - q DOISE D, Lansdon Tuckor Slbloy Htuntz DeMott Qulnn F. Lansdon Qulnter Dunhnrii Emery Nifal CumorOn NEW DOAltD OF DIRECTORS SELECTED IIV COM. CLl'D J. E. Tliompson Walter Oramso W. W Letson Jack Van Huron I Curt Inglo (Continued From- Page Ono) May Totcr W, F, Homan, II. C. Doyor, P. J. o. It. Huffman Onllughor and J. A. Lakncss. This John Noob commlttoo brought In tho following' Ties smith seven names: it. w. jonos, uoorgo e. P. Hhlpln K. Alkon, E. C. Van Pettou, Harry! L. Adam D. Cockrum, D. W. Powers, E. M. Orelg and T. II. Mooro, thus com pleting tho board of dlroctors. Tho directors oloctod will meet soon to choso tho officers for tho coming yoar. NOTICE OF MEETING OF MALHEUlt DRAINAGE DIHT1UCT Notlco Is Heroby 0 Won to tho Land-owners and legal votors of Mal eour Drainage District that u meeting of tho Lovylug Hoard with tho tax payers of Malheur Dralnngo District will bo hold nt thu City Hull In Ontario, on Baturdny, November 10th, at 2 P. M. for tho purpose of dis cussing tho Dudgot hereinafter sot .out. Tho total amount of money needed by Malheur Dralnngo District during tho fiscal year beginning January 1st, 1022, and ending December ;ilnt, loss is estimated, In tho following budget to be: lVrsoiiuI Service: Number Balnry for year Total Weaver . I h p Banforrt rlil Poorman f Rlll.tltlf jltna niinlini.i .. n.il....-! Shea for Dlggs, Thayer for WeaVe: Summary: touchdown, Cameron',' F, Lansdon; Iteforee, L. I. Culbertsbn, Mornlngslde: Umplro, Otto lllacl; nby ,0. A. C.j Tlmekeopers, J. M. McDonald, U. of M. Jack Hays. Idaho. : 8ecrotnry-troasuror Huporvlsors ... i 180.00 30.00 180.00 10S.60 llulcbtlMlllCSMI lulurvst on Bonded IndobtoduoaH... Mnluli'iiiiiicc nnd Repairs: Of uud lo thu system ua now constructed Attest: Thomns W. Clagett, Secretary. Oct. 37 Nov. 3. $ 23S.'00 $ 0420.00 712.00 a lt. EMISON, $104320.00 Chnlrmnn. PAHENT-TIJACHERS MELTING A mooting will ho held In the. High School Building on Monday ovonlng, Ortohor 31st at 7:30 p, to. to discuss the reorganisation of the Ontario unit of tho Parent-Teachors Association for tho present school year. Parents and teachers from both East Sldo and West Side of town aro urgod to he presont and tJ stato their opinions as to whether Ontario wants a Parent-Teachors organitatlon. A new chairman, will be elected at this meeting. Every parent should bo present. J. M. McDonald, Vlco-Chalrman. ONTAHIO (llltLH CLUH ENJOYS IIALIjOWEEN PAUTY At tho homo of Mrs. Jos 8taplos, Tuesday ovonlng tho mombors of tho girls club woro entertnlnod In a vory uniquo and amusing manner. Ohosts, dead mon, mummies and relics' from ' Blue Heard's, .chamber! woro all present to greet the guests, A hilarious ovonlng was spont by all. Tho next meeting will bo hold nexi 'luesuay uvenmg, novomppr i at 'the ttbmo 'of Mr.' 0. a. Luohrs. Cars will be waiting at tho Library at 7:30 to take tho mombtrs out, and everyono is requested to he thero promptly at tho appointed time. All girls Interested are cor dially Invited to attend. (Continued From Page Ono) Ico or Constahlo of tho Product In which said dog Is ownod or found running nt largo. Soc 0368 Tho County Clerk hnll koep n record of tho Issuunco of dog llcnnsos In n special hook kept fof such purposo. Any ownor or keeper of said dog or dogs who shall fall or neglect to npply for, or fall to pay said llconso foe dur ing tho month of Jnnunry In oncu. yoar, or witnin thirty days nftnr hn hocomon tho owner or keeper of said dog or dogs, shall pay u flmi of $10.00 for each offonso, which fine shnlLbo collected with "out of tho proceedings of a civil action In tho namo of tho Stn6of boforo a Justlco of tho Peaco. Nogloct to apply for or pay said II censo fco for n period of thirty das arior sain nno snail iiocomo dim, shnll bo another nnd sepnrnto of fonso and will subject tho person to pay an additional fine for ench offonso. "v Tho following Is tho list of per sons roildlng In Ontario, Oregon, who havo taken outltcense.i n dogs rar tno year or ipzi: J. F. Dullor I. F. Smith Chris. Druner It. W. Jonos J. F. Ilnsmusson 8. E. Morgan It. J. Hnrkolrodo Cecil Multan A. J. Whltesldn F. Erllngton Horhort Luscombo O. M. Cnstloman Honry Qrlffln II. D. Cockrum C. M. Tylor C. A. Williams Laruo Dlackaby John Wood Donald, Bingham Thos. Itcdsull M. I). Thomns J. F. Joyco M. D. Mclxjod Ituth Ilobcrts Win. VIernow It. W. Athorton A. L. Hunter BUSINESS MEN AND WOMEN GO TO SCHOOL Students ItcglHlcrtil In Hhoiiluiiid Ami Typewriting K. of ('. Will Py l'ullloii of E-Hcrvlco M o n S. D. Dorman D. W. Powers Frank Doatty Joy Hustod II. P. Ho wo Noll O. Bedford M. Hatfield Mrs. 10. C. Waterman Duddlo Zimmerman LOCAL PERSONALS P Mrs. J, It. Rasmusson is enter taining her mother, Mrs. Staloy of Montpoller. Idaho, this wcok. A. O. MeanB was a passenger bound for Portland on No. 10 Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Homan In augurated the Imperial Club's win tor Boaaon at their homo Thursday evening. Mrs. W. W. Wood was tho hos tess for the Wednesday bridge club. At tho homo of Mr, nnd Mrs. P. J. Oallagher, Tuesday ovonlng the Carnation club opened Its winter season. Mrs. O. O. Luohra. at her home on tho hill west of town was tho hostess for the Tuesday bridge club this week. The Monday bridge club met this weok at the home of Mrs. ueorge K. Aiken. Born, at Holy Rosary hospital, Wednosday, October 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm, )Vestfall of Iropaldo, a daughter, Miss Kutherlno Neob has accepted a position as Stouographor for the Staufleld Co. Mr.s I. O ,1'rout returnod Satur day from Nampa, bringing with her a nlno nnd ono hair pound girl, which was born at tho homo of her mother, in that city, Octobor 6th. A. A. Dackus who has returned to Ontario this week from Montana. wuero no was In tho Oovornment omploy during tho summer, gives oui me inrorumtton that Ontario Is tho most allvo and thriving town anywhere along he Hue, On his way back to Ontario Mr. Dackus spent some tlmo In tho Wlltamltte Valley, visiting in various towns. Mr, ana Mrs. Joe LIngle outer talnod at a Hallowoen dinner Wed nesday ovonlng. Thoso prosont were Miss Viola Dell llusted, Miss Zelda McIIaloy, Marcus Pinny and Joy Husted. Dwlght Plerca Is ablo to bo dawn town a little this week but will be obliged to walk with crutches for nt least a month yet. Miss Uoorgla Hull loft Monday for aionns Ferry to meot her mother, who Is coming out from tho East for tho winter. MAN THUOW.V TO PAVEMENT LOSES ALL HIS UPPEH TEETH A. M. Peacock, of Frultland, suf fered painful bruises when his toaio ran away during tho thunder storm, Wednesday ovonlng, Mr. Peacock was coming to Ontario with a load of baggage for. his daughter, Mrs. Robert Daldwln, of Everett Wash ington, who was to leave for her home. Down on the pavement near the bridge the team became fright ened at. the thunder and ran away, running into the embankment at tho side of tho road and throwing Mr. Peacock and tho baggage fro; the wagon. Mr. Peacock struck on his head and shoulders and all of his upper teeth were knocked out and ho suffered from, brutses en arms and logs. The baggage wafe scattered along the road, and had to be taken home and repacked. ' Mrs. Poacock who had been to Ontario In the car and was going home saw tho team coming and In tho excitement of trying to get out of the vray did not recognize her husband. HAY anOWEHS CONOHES8 This Is to notify you, writes Coun ty Agont Broltlmupt In n lotter to tho hay growers of tho county, thst there "will bo a hay growers' Con gress next Monday, October 31 nt tho Boulevard Orange Hall at Cairo, beginning at 10 A. M, A light lunch will bo served at noon, after which tbrt business of the day wilt be fin ished. The marketing of this yr'4 hay crop Is porhaps tho most Important matter to ho taken up. The. pros pective markets and manner in which they may be reached should be given attention, as well as the probable selling price of hay. . Also something of tho tuturo prospects for tho hay business. I have Invited the following per sons to assist In tho discussions be cause of the particular Information they aro ablo to give; L. A. Hunt. Manager of the Oro- eon Hay Growers Associatien: II. A. Llndgren. Specialist In Livestock, and Livestock Feeding; N. C. Jamie- son, who has made a study or tno price dairymen can afford to pay for Kood hay on the average: and Claud Wakeland, who had charge of al falfa weevil control work In Idaho and Utah for several years, I am arranging also for several local men to be present to assist In tho dis cussion of particular subjects. This will bo a county-wlde affair and some of tho hay growers from adjoining counties in Idaho wtll be present. It is Impossible for me to send written notice to every farmer la the county, therefore I am notify ing the principal hay growers as I have them on my list. I trust that you will consider this your affair and assist in if by making it Known to all you meet. THEATRE ATTRACTIONS MAJESTIC Tfiurwlwy and Frlduy THOMAS MEIQHAN In 'WHITE AND UNMARRIED" WhII Ndw York Snores Comedy Saturday "KENTUCKY COLONEL" ALL STAR CAST International Nowr Comedy Sunday nnd Monday "PASSIONATE PILaitIM" COSMOPOLITAN PItODUCTION Harem Scarem Century Comedy Tuctdny DESSIE DARRI8CALE in "DREAKINO POINT" Harold Lloyd Comedy ONTARIO'S LOCAL PICTURE Wwlnesday and Thursday "KAZAN" James Oliver Curwood Chester's Cat Qump Cartoon Flftoon business men and women nro now enrolled In tho classes In typewriting nnd shorthand which aro mooting on Monday, Wednes day nnd Friday avenlngs nt tho high sclipol, under tho direction of tit-.. n..l. ft-..,.... .I. l.it. .... l...,l Hrnmn I i1'111 i.urriu uuyiuy mu iukii bciiuui yn hull i . . ,,,.. .,.l.liu ...oh. t.viif. ... MJiMuiiiii.1111 nimjvvin. Thora is still room for four moro In tho typowrltlng class und sever al others cun bo accomodated In tho shorthand class. Tho shorthand class moots from sovoti to eight o'clock nnd tho typowrltlng, cluvs meets from olght to nlno. Each studont pays a too of. 12. CO In nd vnnco to cover thu cost of tho first twolvo lessons. On Wednesday ovenlng, Novem ber 2nd, at sovon thirty, a mooting will bo hold at tho high school for all thoso who aro Intorestod In tak ing courses In either dressmaking, mllluery or cooking. Classes will bu organlzod at that tlmo In nny ono of these courses, or all of them, If enough poopto wnht thu courses lo mako It worth whllo to offer ttinni. Each class will meet once or twice a wcok, depending on tho wishes of Mwtuft sttt iriiin 'llin fit lt nl 'will dopond on tho silo of tho ctastios. In tho dressmaking class, the problems studied mny bo selected by thoso In tho class but niothoiU of construction will bo omphasliod as well as economy In tlmo. Short cuts and correct principles, ndvano od work and tailored finishes may ho had by those desiring It. For others who need confidence in sow ing, tho making of almplo garments ...III .& l.lf.H .... UnA.I.I l..u.a. I ntii uu Mftvn uy, n)ivvmi iiioiiuv Hon In solt fitting will bo given. The class In mllllnory will follow that In dressmaking, or may be given ono night a wook It enough deslrn It to form a separate class. A class In cooking mny be offer ed .comprising a study In meal planning, preparation of leftovers, naiads, dosserts and one dish moals. Tho Argus Is Informed thnt Snake River Council Knights of Columbus .will pay the tuition or any oxtierylco limn who desires to tako any of tho (.oursos otforod In tho night school. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS TO INITIATE IjAUOE CMHH DHICAMLAND Saturdny ALICEJOYCE In "DOLLARS AND THE- WOMAN" Nows Roel Sunday MARY MILES MINTER in "LAVENDER AND OLD LACE" Comedy I mi,....!, COMINO Not. 4 and 5, Zano OreyVi K " Man of tho Forest" mk. On Sunday, November 0, Snake rlvor Council, Knights of Columbus will hold Its rogular fall ceremonial and Initiate a largo class. Candi dates aro oxpected from various points In the interior of Oregon as well as from tho neighboring sec tions of Idaho. W. O. T. U, MEETS Tuesday afternoon, October 2S, tho W. C. T. U. met at tho homo of Mrs. A. L. McDowell with a largo numbor of members present. Tho next mooting will bo at tho homo of Mrs. Henrietta Marsden, Nov. 20th. FOR SALE Small house In irood condition, -close In, 18 by 24. Cun be moved or land leased where lki stands. Iuuulre Ontario National ANNOUNCEMENT. On nd after NOVEMBER 1, 1921 The Globe Service Station will do a strictly cash business. I will rut a cash price on my goods that will save you money. Come and let us show you our cash price on all standard automobile equipment. PA Y CASH AND PA Y LESS Mrs, Frank Foster and children of Emmett were In Ontario for a few hours Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Moultban of Ironside are visiting Mr. Moulthan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M, Moul- than, this week. v t ? Mm. PmiM rnnnvAr raturiuul WANTED! this next week, IT Alfalfa Farms 10 to , , t,..,p, , ,. . iU faway; jst?JOrd'.'.wra Mrs, A. 8. Drown spont tho weeWTha'd been summoned by tho Illness cud Iu Boise. ,f her wpthen '"' buy or trade for. Let me know what vou hav This is your chance, YOU with a big mortgage on your farm. Said to meat once, or come and sec me ay20Srnith5t Ontario, Ore. . Have some gooo! dairy farms iiUhe WillamtteVallv rd; r F 'Ar-VrWIESrtN. Phnn'otf w " ,f ..W,4W vv v v '.