'SpKWnfl I'l&W'."? THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTABIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27J.921 w m ixWftiW! t rv R 1 to i i-S ! I re Automotive Supply Co. ANN0UNCE the opening of their new store, in the building formerly occupied by The Hub, across from the Moore Hotel. If A complete line of AutomobileSupplies, Accessories. Tires, Tubes, etc., will , be available, and quick courteous service is assured. If It's a store Ontario has needed. Automotive Supply Co. Ontario, Ore. homo nt Confection, Missouri, this I Thursday morning after an extond od visit at the Charles Hcnggler homo. Mr. and Mrs. Zone Schubert, Mr and Mrs. Lone and Miss Phillips, of Iiolflo, and W, A. Smith returned Friday with a flvo point buck hav ing been up at Lowmnn and Garden Valley. Ho weighed 300 pounds and only with difficulty did they got him to the camp. They rounded up anothor doo and wounded nor but beforo thoy could capturo her othor hunters grabbod tho prlto. Mr. Schubert Is manager of tho Frultland Tolophono Company. Mr. and Mrs. Coolck, of Ontario, woro guests of Atbort Mohlar and family Sunday. Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Daldwln and two sons loft for thotr homo In Kvorott, Washington, after spending sovornl months visiting hero at tho N. A. Peacock homo. Miss Maudo Baldwin accompanied thorn from Parma. Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Daldwln and sons and Mrs. N. A. Peacock woro guests of Mr. Daldwln's broth er, D. W. Daldwln, nt Pnrma. Fri day theso pooplo woro ontertalnod at tho 0. W. Drowning homo. Saturday thoy visited In Payctto with Mrs. Dlomstrom. Mr. ond Mrs. Day Leonardson and S. Y. Hickman, of Dolsc. woro Tues day guests at tho Charles Coon homo. Frldny tho Wolior Institute young men played tho Frultfend High School nt football and tho Bcoro was too big for tho Instltuto to count. PROPERLY RANKED AS HER I, 1 KINGMAN KQL0NY eWmWtl . FRUITLAND BENCH P Mm. Mnry Ann Hunrtx Pncn Mary Ann Marfoot was born In Mason County, Illinois,, July 0, 1844 and passod away In Payette, Octobor 23, 1021, agod 77 years. In 1800 alio was married to Den Jamln I'. Swartt In Illinois. To this union two sons, Charles and Wil liam woro born. Tho family moved to Iloon County, Iowa, In 1870 and lived in vurlous parts of Iowa until February, 1820, whon thoy movod to tho King ranch ono mllo oast or Frultland, which thoy purchasod, and nro making tholr home. Mrs, Hwartz had beon III about throu weoks and was takon to Nurse Dakor's homo In l'ayotlo whom everything was dono for her com fort. Bho was a most lovable wo man and devoted mothor and will bo greatly mlssod In tho homo which hIio crowned with such love and devotion. Tho funeral services woro held In Payctto at tho M. K Church, Tuesday afternoon, October 24th, at two o'clock, tho Frultland M. B. Fustor, Itov, (loorga Todd, of ficiating nsslstod by tho Payette pastor, Itov. Clydo Walker. The body was laid to rest In ltlvorsldo Cemotery. Payette.' To llnvo Up-to-date Cluirch For several wooka a canvas has beon mado to got funds to rebuild, remndol and add to tho Frultland M. H. Church. Tho amount asked for Is -7S00 and $0400 of that amount has beon pledged and It was decldod at tho last committee meeting to begin Immediately. On Tuesday morning of this week tho ground was measured for tho ex cavation which Is to Tiogln at once. The addition will be S4 by 05 feet There will bo an underground baso mont under tho whole structure which will havo sovoral 3-indny School rooms, a dining room, fur nace, and a gym of high school slio with twenty foot celling Tho seating of tho church proper will be roversed with now pews added and the upper floor addition vlll also Include now Sunday School rooms. The building committee consUts of nine leading men of tho community and a sub-committee of thioo, D. W. Orovor, W. A. Colwoll and D. I). Strawn have boen nuked to see about the furnaco, tho excavating, otc. Tho details have been mappd by the wholo committee and any cbangs In the plans will bn submit ted to It. When this building Is completed Frultland will luvo one of tho most up-to-dato churchos In tho southwestern part of Idaho and ono that can take caro of thu grow ing neods of this community. Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Plnkerton, of Itosoburg, Oregon, will celebrate their Jlttioth wedding anniversary, this Tuesday, Octobor 25th, They wore formor resldonts of the Frult land bench, owning tho forty acros now occuplod by Iter. J. K. Sham- bergor. Old friends horo have been Missionary" by eight mombors of tho class. Finally tho old witch op ponrod and told stories to tho kid dles and kopt thorn Intonsoly fntor ostod. Sandwiches, pumpkin plo and coffoo woro fiorvod. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Puniinrt and tholr daughtor, Mrs. Wm. lloudrlx loft Sunday morning by nuln via Portland for California to spend tho winter. Thoy will roturn noxt April. Mr. and Mrs. William Wll- lard aro occupying tho Puchert ranch during tholr nbsonco, Mrs. Q, I, Ilollonbeck and her nloco Miss Daiiglimnii lonvo this mursduy ror Kansas City to attond tho National Legion meeting Mrs. Ilollonbeck will remain In Kansas City six weoks visiting her slstor, Mrs. Ilaughman. William Ilollonbeck and J. F. Smith aro off this week up at War ren on a deer hunt Thoy accom panied I.oren Iludolph of lloleo. Lostor and Itussoll Hooker mid Leo Taunlund returned Monday with a door from tho Knox country. Thoy were gono Just a short time. Mrs. Charles Itoystou and little daughtor have boon visiting tho last weok at tho C. B. Duoll homo while Mrs. lloyston Is rocuporatlng from a rocont operation. Itov. and Mrs. II. S. IHuck will move this week Into tho llaptlst parsonage. Tho llaptlsts might woll bo proud of tho new six room mad. ern bungalow eroded for their pas- iur uuu who. Mr, aud Mrs. W. F. Domino woro In Outurlo Sunday tho Kuests nr Mr. urn! Mrs. Castloman. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Peacock nml family aud their guosts Mr. and Mrs. Ilobert Daldwln and sous, of Bverott, Washington wore In On talo this weok. Major and Mrs. Harrv Lowl have returned from Uolso where they wout to attend tho funoral of tholr nloco, Louisa Alsop. While there they woro entertained to din ner at tho John Anderson home. Sunday the Excelsior Class held a basket dinner at tho church aud had a happy reunion together, .Mr. aud Mrs. N. F. Feltbouse and Mr. and Mra. J. B. Deal wero guests to Sunday dinner at thu U Z. Schu bert home. The Ladles Chorus met Mondav evening at the L. Z. Schubert home. Mr. and Airs. II. C. Adams, of Bmmett. visited Sunday at the M. S. Smith homo In Payette, also at tho L. Z, Schubert' home In Frult- iana. Mr. and Mrs. Ilalph B. Johnson and son, Ilalph Jr. of Frultland, aud Mr. and Mrs. M. F, Johnson aud grandson, DUly Johnson, of Al llauco, Nebraska, motored to Dolse Saturday, tho former visiting at tho Liuck homo and the latter with Mrs. Tom Drown. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Johnson and grandson left Sunday afternoon from Dolse for tholr Nebraska homo. O. D. Looney, escaped from Black- foot returnod to tho Whitley Bot tom neighborhood Saturday. Sheriff Jeffries camo out and got blm and Harry It. Otis and Florence D. Kingman woro united In mnrrlago Wednesday, Octobor 12, 1921 at tho homo of tho brldo's father, A. O. Kingman. Tho young peoplo nro mombors of two pioneer families of tho Kolony and havo a host of friends. Aftor tho ceremony which was performed by Dr. Amos of Portland and delicious refreshments sorved by Mrs. Kingman, tho young pooplo loft for a camping trip. Aftor November 1st thoy will bo nt homo In Kingman Kolony. Outsldo of Kolony guests woro Dr. Amos of Portland, Mrs. W. P. Bhlolds of Nys sa. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lowo anil Mrs. John Wall of Owyhea. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Peck, Chae. Peck and Francis Peck of Dig Ilond and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drumg of Wilder and Mr. and Mrs. Maurlco Judd of Parma. At u mooting of tho offlcors nnd teachers of the S. S. teachers tho past week It wan planned to glvo a Hnllowo'on parly at (lie ncnooi houso Monday evening, Oct. 31th. Eddlo Powell trndod his Kolony ranch for tho Sorvlco Oarage at Nya- da, taking Immediate possession. Sovoral bands of sheep aro com ing Into this nnd adjoining dis tricts whoro thoy nro on pasture. There Is still some flno pasture to bn hud some third crop pasture, soma stubblo nnd grain pasture. A rocont loiter from Mrs. M. M. Maxwell nnd Miss Corlnno Maxwell states that thoy mado tho trip ovor land to California without mishap nnd had a dollghtful trip. Mrs. Maxwoll Is greatly Improved In health. Thoy vlsltod Mr. and Mrs. Win. Walls and tho Ilushmar fam ily residents of California who for merly lived In tho Kolonv. Messrs. Drolthnupt nnd Jamloson hold a dairy cow Judgment at tho Conrad Cartln ranch Monday aftor noon. There was n good crowd out, a number of tho ladles being In attendnnce. Dairying nnd poultry raising aro two linos of ranching that are vary popular In this sec tion. John Moses has rented tho Dr. Smith ranch for tho coming season and will move on the plaro at once Tho Shaffer boyn havo rented a part of tho A. a. Kingman ranch und expect to ralso wheat anil corn. Soveral hundred lions wore signed up with tho Co-oporntlvo Poultry marketing Association In tho Kol ony. Prof. Everett spont the week-end with his family In Ontario. The attendance In Prof. Evorotts' room for the first month of school was 17, Pupils neither absent nor tardy were; Jauntta Dlgolow, Anna Schwelxer, Dorothy Parsons, lluby Heed, Pupils neither absent nor tardy In Miss Oladya Johnson's room were: Kenneth Ilach, Christina Chrlstonsen, Mary Ann Edwards, Cora Elliott, Janetto Martin, James Lloyd and Orvlllo McEwen, James John nnd Virginia McOlnnls, Mar garet Morgan, Agnes Nichols, Wil liam Parsons, Iluth and Violet Pink stan, Eddlo and Helen Powell, Ches ter and Ella Heed and Leonard Smith. ' Invltnil nml nm In tarnatrifl In Vtmw of this Imonv "event comlnc to such a B.uara frow tno D'c"oot Instl 12JI. coming to sucu tutlou CAIU0 for hlm tmU ovanlng no was sentoncea mere in July and nau maue nis escape, Mrs. Terrlll Taylor wus enter tained to dlnuer Wednesday by n worthy couple, Halloween Party Last Friday evening tho Fldells Class of tho Drothrou Church hold a Hollowo'en party In the basemont of tho church. There wore 100 present to enjoy the musical pro gram. Tho decorations wero in orange and black, to these were addod Jack o' lantorns and DIack Cats. A musical program was giv en, a reading by Claude Hauger, aud u Dialogue "The Now Home HAPTIST CHUItCH (Chas. H. Dlom, Pastor) Bible School, 10:00. Morning Worship, 11:00, Junior D. Y. P. U., 6:30. P. M. Gospel Service, 7:30, P. M. Prayer Service, Wed. 7:30, P. M. Tho choir Is preparing a musical program which will be glveu No vember 6. Deserved Tribute te Colli Who Qave Master the "Last Full Meas- uro of Devotion." Clyde Scott, four years old, lies dying on his father's farm near Deck, ley, W. Va. Uls pet collie Is dead. A vicious sow, bearing the scars of bat tle to the finish, Is so badly mangled that she must be killed, too. It Is one Of those simple stories of a dog to which all human sympathy responds, remarks the Baltimore Sun, The boy. playing In the yard, was at tacked by the sow, which had escaped Its pen. Hearing tho child's screams tho collie rushed to the rescue and eugaged the sow In fight. It needs no assurance of the telegraphed Item to tell hlm who knows his dog lb details. The child's mother camo Into the picture, bearing her torn baby to safe ty. Dut Uie dog remained. His was n supreme duty, that knew no com promise. The Infuriated sow was a menace to those he loved. It was his business to remove that menace, and Into the Job ho put hla concern. It was his concern only to remove the menace, and at any cost. Uls own life mattered not at nil. and In the end he lost It, In as noble a strug gle for what he believed to be right eous as any that over brightened the annals of man or nntlon. We do not know the little collie's nnme. If wo did we should like to print It In honorable memory of bis gallant conduct. IU was a soldier and a gentleman: he was a devoted comrade and playmate; be was all that a dog Is and that a mnn should be. We hope ho had a Christian bur ial, for he was n Chrlstlnn, If to be Christian Implies sacrifice of self nnd love fur others. He was nil of that and he was a hero a hero on four legs. PLAGUE THAT FOLLOWS WAR In All Ages Rinderpest Has Harked the Path Taken by Armies on Their March. The newspapers told recently of the trouble that arose when the authori ties of Montevideo refused to admit to that Mirt a little do owned by a woman who hnd taken It there on a passenger steamer, the rrfiiHal being based upon the epidemic of rinder pest prevailing anionic the cuttle t Uruguay. Itlnderpest Is the numi terrible- of the dlsenses llint affect rat tle, nml Is often railed itlmnly "cattle plague." It affects, so far as I known, only (lie rtiinlnnnt. cloven-footed nnltnnls oxen, sheep, gnnts, cmiieN, etc. hut Is sn Infectious-thin It tnny he car ried from one herd to another by at tendnnta, dogs, est nnd hint or by fnddeV. Therefore, the dog wnn ex eluded from fenr not flint It would con tract the dlsenv but that It might contribute to spreading It. The cause of rlnilerpem Is not yet definitely known, hut li Is nu ancient disease which nlwii) breaks out after great wars. The rnviigea of the (Joins and Huns lu the early Middle ages were followed by frlchlfui epidemics. Its commonest symptom nre fever, cough, dysentery nml exhnuMlnn. Its mortality Is high, hut the dlm-ase I not nweMitrlly fnlhl Red Cross Plans $6,000,000 Effort To Save Children They relieve much Suffering KANTLEEK HOT WATER BOTTLES Filled with hot water and applied to the Bide, head, feet, back, or wherever there Ih pain, brings quick relief. Kantleek Rubber Goods are made by experienced workmen, in' one of the beat equipped factories in the world. Each piece fa tested beforo it leaves the factory. We gunranteo Kantleek Rubber Goods to give satisfactory wear and Ber- vice for two years. Insure comfort by usinp; Kantleek, tho water bottle that does not leak. ' GET IT AT ONTARIO PHARMACY REXALL Prescriptions our Specialty EASTMAN VICTOR BOYS AND filRLS WIN RIBBONS AT STATE FAIR Jrnnetto Martin nnd Dyro State Winners llolrcrts Nino boya and girls In Malheur County aro tho proud possessor! of ribbons from tho Oregon Stato Fair. Theso ribbons wero won at tho Inst stato fair on club pojoctn In sowing, corn and poultry. Tho high quality of work which prevailed throughout the club pro jects mado It vory difficult to pl.ico In tho prlio monoy. Aftor scoring tho sowing tho Judgo said that tho club girls woro doing hotter work than tho avornge college girl. Thlt quality was not only found In tho sowing but In tho othor projects nn woll. In tho live, stock work the club boys showed In open elaus with tho best broodors In thu norihwnst and wero consistent wlnno-.i. Elovon counties In tho Mu to, In cluding Mainour, had club booths at tho Stato Fair. Many of th re maining counties sout In various club projects, which woro nMomblod In nlnglo booths. Tho wlnnora nt tho Stato Fnlr from Mulhour County nro an fol fel fol eows: Jeanetto Martin, llmt, Sowing Division I; Kathorlno Dowell, sec ond, Sowing Division II; F.lih Wr.l tor, fifth. Sowing Division I; Mil dred Conklln, fifth, Sowing Dlvltlon II; Dyro Iloborts, first, Wilbur Hub erts, second, Elinor I'nrkor, third, Wesloy Roberts, fourth, Corn; Al bort Zimmerman, fifth, Ducks, Mainour Co, Farm Duroau Nows. and showing tho greatest Interest will bo solcctod. Tho oxact schod ulo will bo announced to tho fruit growers of tho county by a circular letter from tho County Agont's of fice as soon ns arrangements havo beon made with tho Farm Dureau Horticulture committee Malheur Co. Farm Dureau Now. UMTKI) PRESIIYTKIUAN CHUItCH Sabbath School at 10, A. M. Mra. Dtngham, Supt. I'arents come and bring your children. Preaching Bervlce at 11:00, A. M. Subject: "The Preeminence of Joaus C'hrtkt " Something Is preeminent In your lire. What Is It? A vory cordial Invitation Is ox tondod to all who do not have a church home elsewhere. Misses Darrott aud West. Mrs. Torrlll was tho gueat of Mra. Hoy Whlt8oll on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zuger are the parents of a little daughter born Saturday morntug, Octobor 22nd. Misses Catherine Scholbor and Matilda Wultora returnod to their C. W. Piatt, Insurance Agency. First National Dank Dulldlng. Fire and Automobile Insurance. tf. 1DKAL AHOOLA'S IX)lt HOME We bave the beat farm pumping systemB on the market. No guess ing at your needs. Absolute satis faction guaranteed and the right pump lu tho right place. II. It. Udlck, Plbg. & HtK, Medical care and clothing for thou sands of children In Central nnd Kast ern Kurope are outlined aa the activ ities of the Ainclcan lied Cross In Europe for the current year, says a statement on the eve of the Annual It oil Call of the organization. These activities, supplemental to the feeding operations of the European Relief CouurI of which Herbert Hoover Is chairman, are designed te provide tbu most adequate aud balanced relief within the resources ef private phi lanthropy. Through the establishment ef child welfare stations lu the centers of pop ulation of those coutitrlee where ade quate medical care Is not now obtain able, the American lied Cross plans to provide the medical assistance need is te reetore thete chlldreu (o e nor mally healthy life. The rum of 10, 000.000 baa Uiea mads available for this work. ms success marks a new rm Arctic explorations. Like great mili tary commanders, Stefansson ban rolved the problem of supplies. Here tofore explorers nave been limited In their trip by the amount of food they reuld carry depending upon eating their dogs on tbetr return. Stefanason, traveling with a minimum of provi nces, has lived off the land for months istd returned with hla entire crew of log In good health. "lie has explored and sounded 100, 600 square miles of the Polar seas and Si discovered new lands which will :er the map. In recognition of (hi service te the world, Stefanseen has alreedy been awarded gold medals by all the American Geographical V deUee." Road Building In India. There Is considerable activity In road making In various cities In India, depending upon the local authorities. In seme places stone rollers, pulled by gangs of men, are used, and In other places steam rollers are to he found A very useful machine Is used lu Lurk now, that has two rollers, the frout fue a steering roller. The rear chain Is driven by a gasoline engine. It has a large gasoline tank and Is well adupt 4 fer light work. PRUNING HCHOOI.H NOV. 14 'IX) IH Tho first series of horticultural demonstration meetings under Ex tension Spoclallst Lonir will consist of pruning schools and demonstra tion pruning. Tho date far thosu schools baa beon set for Novttmbor 14 to 18. Doflnlte arraugemonta bave not boen mado as to the exact places nnd times for the meetings but it is contemplated that there will be at least four cammunltly centora for thla work, probably Nys aa, Ontario, Drogan and Dead Ox. Tho sections having the most fruit MVKHTOCK HPECMI.IHT COMI.NO Mr. II. A. Llndgron, Extension specialist In animal husbandry, Is scheduled to bo In Mainour County Octobor 28 and 20. Ho will make a survey of livestock conditions In this county particularly with rofor onco to tho cattlo and sheep fcod Ing industry. It Is planned to hold a meeting of livestock feodors to dlocuss feeding problems and to conduct a demonstration of the sol octlon of feodor steers nnd lambs. Should tho llvostock feodors of thu county bo favorablo, a achedulo of demonstration meetings will bo mado out so that tho focdors will hovu an opportunity to meet with tho spoclallst ovory threo or four months during tho year. In connec tion with this progfthri tt Is toutu tlvoly planned lo oHtahllHh feeding domontrutlnu7aruiH for cattlo and hogs and poNslbly nlso fur lambs. Mulhour Co. Farm Dureau News. I-'KDEIIATIO.N WHEAT A new variety of Spring wheat called "Federation" linn been tried out on several of thu Experiment Statlena and In demonstration trial by farmora, and found to bo voiy promising. This vartuty yields woll and is of oxcollont milling quality. It matures rather early. Is lienrdlom, and stands up woll, Tho toed U still scarce, only ono man In tho Stato being reported as having It for sale, this man being Q. L. Hon klnson, of Kent, Oregon. He Is of fering cortlfled seod at $2. GO por bushel, F. O. D. Kent. Anyono wishing to try out a now and prom ising varloty of Spring wheat would do woll to communicate with Mr. Hosklnson at onco,as It Is not like ly that tho seed will bo available long. Malheur Co. Farm Dureau News. IpjsMHBjJif l 11 jsaTFsl ssr i a T wi W '- m- 'm IE":& Z. On the strength of the friendly, helpful and personal interest that we feel for each of our customers you will be benofited by a banking connection with us, We offer you every service known to modern banking. Your advantage, unquestioned safety of your funds and business affairs is our chief aim and the basis of our claim to your patronage. iJJJJJJJJJJftSc!..l.VJM;l;P.TfV.r'Qg f