The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 27, 1921, Image 3

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    i tL CMi umraassmi
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Jl lit, rJ!H.Milfc
,.A ., --..
Thomas ' w g
it vftjQMyUl
. 381 wfe,
flsal and
You may buy a Hour that will
raise and make a beautiful whlta
Moaf but still the bread will not
tMtktfy as , It may ba almost
tasteless, but you will make no
mistake If you buy "Leader
It has the flavor and its color
and raising qualities rank with
the best.
juuin r
Marlon Lowo n Delegate
Onco again Owyhoa Is prlvllogod
to catch a fow rays of roflocted
glory. Miss Marlon Lowo, who bns
boon a cabinet moinbor ot the young
Women's Christian Association ot
Whitman Collogo for tho past two
years, serving as chairman of tho
nicotines Committee last year atid
filling tho offlco of Vlco President
and Chairman of tho MomborsHIp
Commlttoo this year, nas for tho
socond time slnco returning1 to col
logt this fall, been soloctod as one
of throo dologatoa to roprohont tho
Whltmaji Y. W. Tho first confor
onco was hold in August at Soabock,
Washington. Tho rocont one wu4 a
couforonco of women from IndustrU
nl Clubs and girls from tho colleges
who aro actlvoly Intorosted In Y,
W. C. A. work. In describing the
trip Miss Lowo states that thoy,
with their chaperon, drove In a
Dodge car from Walla Walla to
Pullman, having a "glorious limp"
with no car troublo pr accidents ox
cent throo punctures, ono blow nut
a broken spring and a broken axel,
which to somo might seem serious
but to four enthusiastic Y. W. work
ors who all lont a hand In ropalr-
dig, morely added zest to tho oc
casion. Whllo in Pullman tho dele
gates wero ontertalnod by tho alf-
foront Sororities W. B. c.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Snydor aro
tho proud parents of an 8 pound
daughtor. born Monday, Octobor 17.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Friar and Don
ald Deebo loft Wednesday for an
overland trip by Ford to their old
homo at Dallas, Oregon.
A wholesale ratling ot sago brush
by Messrs. McEwen, Keoce, Pullen,
Wallace, McOlnnls and others would
Indicate a stronuous effort to com
bat tho exorbitant prlco of coal.
Dee Pullon sold his hay to Mr.
aulldorshevo, ot Payette, who will
foed sheep (hero. The prlco was five
dollars. B. D. Dlgolow sold part of
his third cutting to Albert Caperton
for tho sarao price.
A school mooting to voto on the
budget was held at tho schoolhouse,
Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. John Wall and children vis
ited at Lowes, Saturday.
Mrs. Chas. Fisher and Mrs. Albert
Caperton spont Wednesday after
noon at tho BIgelow home.
Tho telephone linemen, Floyd
Llndor and holpers replaced a tele
phone polo, Saturday which was
brokon off by a runaway, causing
Mr, Sbatto's 'phone to be out of
"contral'a" reach a couple ot days.
Owyhee, friends ore sorry to
learn that Rev. W. F. Shields will
be with us but once more as he has
resigned the pastorate here and will
go to Wallowa. He Intends holding
services here at 2:30 on October 30.
The Owyhee P. T. A. held a meet
ing at tho school house Friday after
noon. As It has been learned that
the mother of our adopted French
orphan, Pierre Bardln, has recently
remarried and Is now In a position
to care for him unaided, they de
cided to turn the "orphan fund" to
another "war orphan." It was also
doclded to give a "Get .Acquainted
Party" on Hallowe'en, Monday even
ing at which It Is earnestly desired
that the community will be well
The McNary vs. Kllngback case
pled before Hon. Judge Dalton Biggs
at Ontario, occupied two and a half
days of the oast week, beginning
Thursday, October 20. The plain
tiffs wero represented by attorney
W, W. Wood, while attorney W. K.
Lees pled for the defendants. The
case was a suit alleging fraud and
misrepresentation of acreage on the
part of the defendants wnea selling
the plaintiffs a ranch and asked
the crops, and their payments re
turned. A counteract for foreclose
ure was brought by the Kllngbacks
oa grounds of violation of contract.
A verdtot was rs-turaed la favor of
tho defendants.
Mrs. 0 co .Glascock and children
loft this wook for an oxtondod visit
with lior sister, Mrs. F. B. Nowblll,
near Ontario.
John Vnnderpool was a business
visitor In Owyhee, Wodnosday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Pratt motored
ovor from Jamloson Saturday, ant
ing dinner at thq DoDord homo and
spending tho night at their houso on
th0 "Illnhoo Ranch". They roturn
cd homo Sunday.
Mrs. Frooman Drqdtoy wont to
Emmott to visit tho Hnrry Pratt
family for a tow months.
A lanro band of sheen win
"brought to tho BlggB-Dunnaway
ranch for pasturo and food this
week. Another largo band is pasi
turlng on tho Ovorstrcot ranch on
tho rlvor.
Mr. and Mrs. Oco Schwolzor and
llttlo daughters, Margaret nnd Lois
woro Onto City visitors Tuesday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Kygnr and
family movod this wook to tho Jack
McCaunoll ranch, which thoy, In
partnership with tholr son Lynn nnd
Lu DcQoodo, havo rented for tho
coming yoar.
Car troublo provontcd Rav. Chas.
Blom from holding tho regular Kor
vloos hora Sunday, Ho nnd Mrs.
Blom wero calling In tho community
Monday, having dinner at tho Ulg
olow homo. Rov. Ulom Is ussltlng
with ovangoltstlc sorvlccs In Applo
Valloy this wook.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis PattoMon. of
Warren, attendod Sunday School
hero nnd spont tho ovonlng nt tho
Blgolow homo. Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Fisher woro also guosts at Blgo
low's Sunday ovonlng.
Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Pulton nnd
family aro moving back to tholr
homo on tho ditch bank nftor hav
Ing spent tho summor as tenants
an tho Hlto ranch. Tho their houso
was vacant but a wook aftor tho
Friars moved away somo onn sotsml
tho opportunity to broak ono ot tho
largo windows in tholr houso.
'Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Smith' and
Mr. nnd Mrs. Claudo Smith and
baby Vivian wcro-Oato City visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reoco nnd
family, accompanied by Mosdnmcs
flhntto and .Williams motored to
Ontario Monday wharo Mrs. Itceso
had somo dental work dono.
Mr. and, Mrs. F. L. DoDord and
baby Vorl, woro In Nyssa Monday,
taking dlnnor at tho doo. W. Ronton
0. II. Flfor with ICO hoad of cat
tlo which ho is bringing from Jun
Ipor Mountain to pasturo on the
Chas. Emerson ranch near Ontario,
passod through tho valloy tho first
ot tho wook.
A work train Is busy putting now
piling under tho 0. 8. L. bridge
across tho Owyhee 'river at King
man Station. '
Mr. and Mrs. Goo, Skinner loft a
short tlmo ago for a visit with their
daughtor, Mrs. Ida Hausman and
family after which thoy will go to
California for tho wlntor.
Mrs. Ous Schwolzor and son nnd
daughtor, William nnd Anna pont
Sunday evening at tho Caperton
Don't forgot tho "Got Acquainted
Party" to bo hold at tho school
houso on Monday ovcnlng, Octobor
31, tho night whon "ghosts and
black cats" roam abroad.
Whllo attending tho Frud Wilson
funoral at Caldwoll last wook Mrs,
J. P. McOlnnls becamo vary 111 and
Is still conflnod to hor bed.
Mis Pearl Plnkston camo up from
Dayton to attond tho funeral of her
undo, Fred Wilson. Sho antici
pates going to Homodalo soon
whore sho will attond school.
J, P. McOlnnls are digging Early
Ohio potatoes this wook and ropnrt
n splondld yield.
Albert Uollslo wont to Portland
last week to visit his mother.
The apple picking at tho Barrows
Ordway ranch was flnlslied Tuosday
of this wook, although the sorting
will not bo cotnpletod for several
days. Including the car which was
loaded Tuesday, twenty-seven -cars
of apples have beon shipped this
fan, consisting mostly ot Jonathan,
Home Doauty and Wlnesap varletlos
with only a few Wlntor Poarmalns.
A party was given at Will Downs
last Wednesday evening for Arthur
Downs who was homo en a vacation
from the homestead on tho Owyhee.
The evening was spent In games and
A representative ot tho Ontario
Pharmacy gave a demonstration ot
the Vlctrola at the school house last
Friday from 2:30 to 4:00 P. M.
Amoug the selections given were:
The Rosary; The Whistler and his
Dog; Tho ,Dear Story, part one and
two; Tho Clock Store; The Hunt In
the Forest; Old Folks at Home, atid
many others. Several ot tho ladles
of the neighborhood attended tho
recital, Mesdamea II. Oft, C. E. Reos,
Shaffer, Crane, Stewart and Dowel).
Tho party given at the Orange
Hall last Friday night was a com
plete surprise, to V. V. Hlckox and
family for whom It was planned. The
Hlckox's will be leaving soon for
tholr ranch at Big Bend. About
supper time friends called them to
the Hall. A very pleasant evening
was spent although all expressed re
gret at losing them from this com
J. A. Walters and family will re
turn to their ranch when It la va
cated by V. V. Hlckox.
Mr. Sterling and Mr. Finch of On
tario were out In, this neighborhood
Monday locating a camping ground
so they may trap furs this winter.
Another surprise party was held
In the neighborhood Sunday when
nine ot the friends of little Claudlne
DuPre gathered at her home oa the
occasion ot her eighth birthday, Ro
froshmeats ot Chicken salad, Ice
cream and cake were served; the
cake was decorated with birthday
candles. Those present were: Yelma
Luclle and Virgil Bellsle, Orace, Ivy
and Edna May, Ethel and Mabel
Blakley and Rosa Noah.
C. H. Mueller began haying Tues
day. Mr. Newblll has Just finished
and Ed DuPde Is busy with third
Department of Urn Interior
United States Lntul Office
Vale, Oregon, Octobor 2Gth, 1921
To Morton Hudson of unknown ad-
dross, Contcsteo:
You aro heroby notified that
Stanley Asp, who glvos Junturn,
Oregon, as his post-offlco address,
did on October 24th, 1021, tllo In
this offlco his duly corroborated ap
plication to contest nnd secure tho
cancellation ot your Homestead En
try, Serial No. 00375 mndo August
23, 1020, for WJ4WV4, Sec. 22,
EWEH, Soc. 28, WHNWVi, 3Etf
Ytan n auction xi, lownsmp tl
South, Range 39 East, Wlltamotta,
Meridian, and as grounds for his
contest ho nllcges that "Said Morton
Hudson novor did establish resid
ence upon said land and Is not now
residing thoroon. That snld entry
man's absonco from said land was
and Is not duo to his employment
In tho military Borvlco ot tha Unltod
States rondored In operation In
Moxlco or along tho borders there
of, or In tho mobilization enmpi
olsowhoro In tho military or naval
sorvlco of tho Unltod States or In
tho National Guard ot any ot tho
sovornl States."
You aro, thoroforn, furthor noti
fied that tho said allegations wltl bo
takon as confosscd, nnd your said
entry will bo canceled without fur
thor right to bo heard, olthor bo
foro this offlco or on appeal, If
you fall to fllo In this offlco within
twonty days after tho FOURTH
publication of this notlco. as shown
bolow, your answer, under oath,
spocllically rospondlng to theso al
legations of contost, togothor with
duo proof that you havo served a
copy of your answer on tho said
contestant ollhtfr In porson or by
registered mall.
You should ntato In your answor
tho namo of tho post offlco to which
you doslro futuro notices to bo sont
to you.
TIIOS. JONES, Register.
Data of first publication, Octobor
27th, 1921.
Data ot socond publication, Novom-
bor 3rd, 1921. ,
Data ot third publication, November
,10th, 1921.
Dato of fourth publication November
17tb, 192L
Mrs. Jcsslo D. McComb, State.
Home Demonstration Loador spont
Sunday, October 9 in Mainour Coun
ty to consult with Mrs. Druco
Kostor, county chairman ot Uio
Farm Bureau commlttoo on women's
Work, and tho county agent, to ar
rango a tontatlvo schodulo for hom
demonstration work. It was agreed
to conduct Child Nutrition Confer
ences for thrco communities In tho
county on Docomber 0 to 8, and
mllllnory schools early noxt Spring,
In at least throo communities, pro
vided tho woman of tho county ap
proved. Mrs. Kostor has already
socurod tho ondorsomont of sovoral
womon'a organizations for this work
and doflnlto nrrangomonts havo
boon mado for tho sorvlcos ot a
specialist from tho Coltogo by tbo
county agont. Exact dates ,and
placos for thoso mootings will bo an
nounced nt a Intor dato.
Mainour Co. Farm Uuroau Nows.
At tha recent Stato Convontlon
for Christian Endoavorors hold at
Baker, Miss Ruth Lackey was ap
pointed Stato Vlco Prosldont for
Oregon. Miss Lackoy will bo ro
quired to travol ovor tho Stato a
good doal, during tho coming yoar.
Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Reed of Jam
loson havo moved to Ontario and ex
pect to mnko tholr homo hero this
Ono Cent Salo ut Ontario
macy, Octobor 27-28-29.
FOR SALE Boos, twonty stands.
Soo E. M. Smith, Ontario, Oregon.
Address Box 103. 47-GOp,
WANTED laundry work to bo
dono at homo hand work. Addross
Mrs. E. B. Hougos, Ontario.
New I'onlNon Tractors $7)10.0(1
Will also glvo froo to purchaser
ono now doublo dlso harrow
for tractor.
(Joml IIiijn lit llulck Six,
Liberty Hlx anil Ford Cars.
Pacific Live Stock Exposition
Dairy Show to Be Large
r , ..-&
yvcfc&y ', .' sssbsssVI
nfttmfc ' Jk ' -'ssW8k
''TsssssssssssBl J iJssVKssssssBSsHr
at sssssssssssssV !'' sbbtT Twl
The live stock breeders ot the East have been working to achlovo perfection
for nearly a century and they have secured remarkable results, but tho pictures
rhown above are not animals from tho East and their type would not shame
the skill ot any breeder on earth. They have beautiful conformation, style and
quality In overy line, and would stand high In any dnlry show lu tho world.
One of these animals Is the junior Holstelu bull calf shown at the Pnclflo
International lust year. He camo from Hollywood Farm, Hollywood, Wuslc
lugton, and won high honors. The other Is a Jersey lielfor calf from Iron Mine
farm at Oswego, Oregon, also on show at the Pacific International. Tim qunMty
nf dairy animals of all breeds on the Paclflo Coast Is a source of perpetual
rurprlse to tho dairy breeders ot other sections. Without losing type, they
hove size and constitution, which the dairyman lows, and which any uuluial
must have to endure.
The dairy Industry ot the Pacific Coast has grown steadily since Its In
ceptlon. This Is partly on account ot the favorable climate and wealth of feed
produced here. The possibilities for increasing tho output of dairy products
are almost limitless. There are markets both at homo and abroad for many
times the amount of cheese and butter now made. Tho difficulty has bwn
largely due to the unprofitable cows. High quality of animals will do away
with this.
There Is no place east or west, north or south, whero ono Interested In
dairy cattle can find so many In one place and select such quality as at the
Paclflo International at North Portland, Nov. S-12.
By vlrtuo of an oxocutlon duly Is
sued by tho Clerk of tho Circuit
Court for tho County of Mainour,
Stato of Oregon, dated tho 10th day
ot October, 1921, in a certain action
In tho Circuit Court for said County
and Stato, wherein Sylvia E. Mor
gan, as plaintiff, rccovorod Judg
ment against Guy P. Morgan, an de
fendant, for tho sum of Flvo Hun
dred & No-100 Dollars ($r,00.00)
with lqtorost thoroon at tho rato of
six parcont per annum from tho
21st day of April, 1921, nnd tho
furthor sum of Forty-one & 90-100
Dollars ($41.90) costs, with Inter
est thoroon at tho rato of nix por
cent por annum from tho 21st day
ot April, 1921, In which Judgmont
It was furthor ordorod by tho Court
that tho proporty horolnattor des
cribed bo sold for tho satisfaction
ot said Judgmont, In tho manner
provided by law, which Judgmont
was enrolled and docketed In tho
Clork's offlco ot Bald Court lu Mal
heur County, on tho 21st day of
April, .1921.
BY GIVEN, That I will on tho 20th
day of Novambor, 1921, at tha hour
ot 11 o'clock In tho forenoon of
said day, at tho north main on
franco door ot tho County Court
Houso at Vale, Malheur County,
Oregon, soil at public auction to tho
highest blddor or bidders for cash,
tho following described roal prop
orty, to-wlt:
An undlvldod two-thirds Intorost
in, tho East Halt of tha Southeast
Quarter (EUSEU) of Scctloh
Fourtoon (14), and West Halt ot
Southwost Quarter (WSWU) of
Section Thlrtaon (13) lu Township
Sovontacn (17) South, Range Forty
six (40) East W. M., In Malheur
County, Oregon.
Tho nbovo roal proporty taken
and levied upon as tho proporty ot
tho said above named dafondant,
any P. Morgan, or so much tharoot
as may bo nocossary to satisfy tho
said Judgmont In favor ot Sylvia E.
Morgan and against tho said abovo
nainod dofamlant, with Intorost
thoroon, togothor with all costs and
dlsbursomontc that havo or may ac
crue Dated at Vale, Orogon, this 2Cth
day ot Octobor, 1921.
H. Leo Noa, Sheriff,
By C. W. aionn, Doputy.
Dato of first publication, Octobor
27th, 1921.
Dato ot last publication Novombor
24th, 1021.
Dato of Salo, Novombor 20th,
1921, at 11 A. M.
Thoro Is raoro ot loss mlsundor
standlng about cortlflod socd Tho
plan ot sood certlfilatlon calls for
Inspections both In the Hold and In
tho bin, by dlslntorostod Stato em
ploy oca. In order to have a basis
for Inspection, cortalu requirements
are adopted for oach particular kind
ot seod. Cortlfllatlon doos not
uoccssarlly moan that tbo loed Is
ontlroly froo ot disease, entirely
puro, or ontlroly truo to typo. It
must corao within a cortaln pcrcunt
ngo ot thoso varlouB requirements.
Tha purchaser has assuranco Hint
tho sood couioa within tho require
ments of tho Inspection, which Is
cortalnly n groat advantago In pur
chasing seed which cannot bo per
sonally Inspected by tho buyer. For
anyono to say that cortlflod seed la
not good Is oiulvnlont to suylng
that It is ot no value to htm to
havo had tho sorvlcos ot a special
ist to examlno tho sood for htm two
or three tlmoa, and glvo his official
upproval ot It. Thoro aro of course,
dlfforout valuos In cortlflod sood ac
cording to whothor tho stock passes
with a wide margin or Just bandy
gots undor tbo requirements.
-Malheur Co. Farm Bureau News.
Pooplo'a Second Hand Store. E. Par
rlsh, Prop. 20-tf.
TO TRADE A truck to trndo for
touring car. Call 183.
Orogon Journal delivered by car
rier Dally and Sunday. OEo por mo,
Loave order at Tumor's News Stand.
Tho appearance of Ontario as a city is injured by tho lack of sidewalks,
good durable Concrete sidewalks. Tho value of many good pieces of property
is lessened because there are no walks in front of them.
In This Not True?
The only manner in which this condition can bo remedied is to havo tho
needed walks built. Thero is no need for delay on account of high prices.
Concrete walks last for many, many years, they havo not increased in cost
as have other materials. They last longer and are cheaper and better than
board walks.
If you want a walk, if you need a walk, if you would have Ontario a
better looking homelike city, let u
Fred Blaser,
Ontario, Oregon