The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 27, 1921, Image 1

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O If P IS 11
Thirteen Wilder Seek BIlilo To link-
er County Lino Hectlon of Old
Oregon Trnll Stato Highway
Dond Hold At Premium
Work To 116 Hushed
With a bid, tho total of which
waa (106,424.60, tho Hauser Con
struction Company was awarded tho
contract for tho grading, brldgos,
culverts and rJD-roo on tho 16.3
r miles of tho Old Oregon Trail re
maining to bo built In Malheur
, County, from tho Hilda to Dakar
County line.
Thli was tho most startling bid
offered agaong tho hundreds of pro
posals received by tho SUto High
way Commission at Its rogular moot
ing nt Portland on Tuesday. ' On
the unit basis tho Hauser company
ngroos to raoro common dirt at 1C
cents por yard, and rock at 80 contn
por yard. Theso aro tho lowost
prices evor offorod for highway
construction work In Oregon, and
aro as low as tho figures at which
contracts usod to bo lot for railroad
construction long boforo tho war.
"It can't bo done. Thoy liayo
somo system that wo don't know
about," was tho comment hoard In
halls of the Multnomah county court
iiotiso wnon tho rigures woro known,
for tho many contractors tlioro woro
m or o surprised than anyone olso,
though overyoao was expecting that
this contract would bo taken at a
very clnso figure.
An Idea of the relative figures
offered by the 13 contractors may
be gained from tho fact thai tho
highest offer fqr the dirt was 54
cants, and tho majority of the bid
ders wanted from SO to 3S cents,
whlla there wore but two others
who offered less than 30. Most ol
tho offers for rock work were about
$1.00 to ll.SC.
The commission alsO sold $1,600,
000 worth of bonds and the eleven
bidders also established a record
for high offors, the state -securing
a promlum ot $49,500 on the allot
Competition for Oregon highway
work novor was keener -than at tbo
mooting Tuesday and Wednesday.
Contracting firms from Washington,
Idaho, Utah as well as Oregon mado
offers for the Jobs llstod.
Only 40 Miles To llulld
With the letting of the Slide to
Baker county IIbo soctlon tho High
war commission 'has loft only 40
miles of highway from Ontario to
Seaside sot under contract, aud It
Is hollo vod that all this will be let
boforo spring. Tho sections to bo
lot include; Malheur Jlno to Hunt
ington, 4 miles; Nelson to Uuker.
28 miles, Kamela to Meacham, 8
tho Highway commission at Uio
meeting In Portland announced to
tho various delegations that boforo
now work Is done In several coun
ties that they will have to make
good promises given the communion.
A. V. Wilson, of Eugene, who ro
contly moved to Ontario, and bought
a homo on, tho East sldo has entor
od tho Real Eotato business, nnd
will soon open an offico horo. Mr.
Wilson has a 1240 aero stock ranch
In tho Ilarron Vnlloy, nnd nlso has
proporty In Eugene, but Intonrtrt to
mako Ontario his homos According
to Mr. Wilson real estate Is not
slow In changing hands In OiIh perl
of tho country. Among othor sales
ho roports E. E. Hunter of Ilonlta
recontly bought 140 acros near hero
on tho Bnako rivor, and Neil Paul
Habor of Elmlro, Oregon last week
purchased 100 acros near Ontario,
through Mr. Wilson.
Hardest Fought Football (Jnmo
i-jnyoti Hero In leant Witncrmcd
lly Imigo Crowd Dolso. GcIh tho
Drenket In (Initio's Luck
, L
NO 47
Death Closes J,oiik Career of Veteran
Irrigator, mid Father of Ono of
Ooiinty'ii Foremost Families
Funeral Today
WIImou Hrollieri More nt N)mn l!n
trtvdniid Iirgo. Htork of (Jon.l
Taken Welder Wore. Vis
ited Hamc Night
Somotlmo Thursday night of last
wook, robbers, armed with tools
stolon from tho railroad soctlon
homo at Nyssa galnod entrance In.
w Wilson Urothors storo !hit ,t.d
i oik -nearly icoo worth of goods.
Tho robbora must bo working fo
somo "lonco- lor thoy took a wide
variety ot matorlal, aufflclont to
start a small emporium.. Most of
the goods taken -wero men'n and
women's suits, jewelry, knives, silk
shirts, skirls stc.
On tho same night a storo at
Welter, was robbed, and a quantity
Of grocerya sccurod. Judging by
the variety tho robbors will havo a
department storo stock.
Sheriff Loo Noo and Doputlos
Cbarlw and Frank Olenn worked
on tho Wilson robbery all day Fri
day and all tbo pnllco have boon
notlflod for mllos around. No
clues havo boon found as yet.
liofoio tho largest crowd that has
wltncssoil a football ganio horo In
yoars, Dolso High, tho only unde
feated team It this soctlon, savo
tho Wolsor Institute dofoatcd On
tario by a 12 to 0 Rcoro, last Satur
day afternoon.
Tho gatno wan a groat exhibition
of high school football. Tho linos
of tho two teams woro so evenly
matched that noithor team could do
much with tho othor In old fashion-
wl ,.nltrl f4t.Mll f H...
v.. miuiivii, vmuuili 11 muro WUI
any cholco to mako Ontario's lino.'
men bad tbo bettor of it, for On
tario galnod noarly twice as much
ground through tho Dolso lino as
Ilnlso gnlnod through Ontario's.
Tho towor of strongth ot tho
Dolso lino wns Captain Qulnn, but
Qulnn bad nothing on Montlo Dun
ton, who opposod him, In fact
Qulnn was compolled to lot Maddux
through on oft tacklo bucks a num
ber ot times, so hard was ho chock
ed by tho charging ot tho local lino.
On tho dofonso. howovor. Qulnn was!
ii uvur miu in ovary pi ay.
Whllo tho spectacular features ot
tho gnmo wero furnished by Cam
oron from Dolso In his groat run
for a touchdown aftor ho Intercept
ed a forward pass from Poorman,
and again whon ho throw a protty
pass thirty yards to Floyd Lansdon
for tho other Dolso touchdown, ono
mlnuto boforo tho gatno ondod, yet
tho real strugglo took placo In tho
linos, ilnd the Dolso forwards had
nothing on tbo locals at any stage
ot tho game.
In nil fairness It must bo ndt
mlttod that tho Dolso, backs wero
taster than tho locals, nnd nartlcu-
larly was this truo ot Cameron tho
Dolso rull back, whoso work stood
out as tho class of tho strugglo.
Howovor Sanford and Weaver an
nexed somo protty gains and Shoa
during tho few minutes ho was In
tho gatno showed well. Dlggs and
Poorman fought hard and both
ntoppod many n Dolso play,
Ono of tbo most marked Improve
ments shown wns that ot tho onds,
Sullivan and McCrolght. Only onco
wero either of thorn "pulled In" on
a play, Whllo their tackling was
deadly, often resulting In Dolso be
ing thrown for lossos, Homor Mad
dux and Dunton, each broko
through the Dolso lino lo spill plays
boforo thoy got started.
Wiseman's passing nnd tho guard
work of Sccoy and Clomont was of
a Itlgh ordor and earn for thorn a
placo among tho Ontario nil slurs
sssy-yyi , - jlifMi
sVl IflaWi
Today, Ontario cltlxons, and many
othors from various soctlons ot Mai
nour county nro pausing to pay
tholr last tribute to Charles W. Mai
lott, who died in Portland nt s
o'clock, Monday aftornoon following
a gonoral broak down ot health fol
lowing tho death of his son Vivian.
Tho shock of his son's passing, tho
first ot tho Mnllott family to dlo,
proved too groat for tho waning
strength of tho patriarch and ho
nnt-lnto a docllno soon nftorwnrd.
Mr. Mallett wns 70 years of ago,
having boon born In Loo, Ponobscot
County, Malno, Decombor 30, 1840.
As r young man ho wont to sea and
began that enrcor of adventuro
which finally lod him to tho West,
whore ho first located in California.
Lator ho moved to Nevada, whoro
In 1878 ho marrlod Mary W. Dnr-
rott, who witii nlno of tho ton chil
dren born to this union survives
him. Thoso children, all ot whom
aro so woll known to almost evory
ona In Malheur county, aro; Albert,
Howard, Stanley nnd Harold, Panty
and Mary till of Ontario; Allco of
Jackson, Michigan; Isabollo of Fall
City, Washington; aud Mrs. Paul W.
Campbell ot Portland.
Soon aftor tholr miirrlago In Ne
vada Mr. aud Mrs. Mallett came
with a party to Malheur county.
among that party was Judgo Caslua
H. Drown. Thoy sottlod In tho Mat-
Tho Darn Dnnco and Husking Dee
glvon Saturday night by tho Smlth
Hughos vocational classes at tho
tho Legion Hall was a social ns woll
as financial success. Tho hall was
docorntcd with corn stalks and
pumpkins. Jait cops, candr ami
cider wero sold during tho evening
and plos, mado by tho Domestic
Sclenco girls, woro ratflod off by P.
J. Onllaghcr to tho hlghost hlddor.
Toward tho closo of tho ovonlng tho
boys all Joined In a husking boo,
but no rod oars woro found. Tho
Agrlculturo class cleared $130.00
This will onablo tho boys to maku
tho trip to Portland. Thoso who
nro to go nro, Jamos McCroight,
ltouort Llnxy and Ouy Secoy nccom
pnnlod by Prof. M. D. Thomas.
Secretary W. II. Doollttlo Present
Deport Showing Standing of Or
gaiiluitloli Com in It tea Named
On Auto Park After
Cnnlno Nulsanrn Hns Itcaclied Such
ProHrlloiiM That Council Deter-
mined To Abate If Owncm of
Licensed Dog Lined
Second Institution From Can) on
County Branched Out In Tills Ter
ritory AatMobllo Supply Com
pany Heady For Husincas
Tho Womans' Club held their reg
ular study meeting at tho home ot
Mrs. S. I). Dorman last Thursday.
On Thursday, November 3, tho an
nual guests day will bo observed at
the home of Mrs. E. C. Von Petten.
Each membor will Invito a friend to range for equipment. Mr. Evans will
Do tier guest on mis occasion, au derote his entire tlmo to extending
tho lady teachers of the city aro In
vlted to attond and each yenrnre
uccepted as honorary members of
the club. On November 17th the
club will me$t at tho homo ot Mrs.
Joe Staples.
Following on the heols of Quant
Drothers, the Caldwell shoo mon.
who oponed a branch store In On
tario last month, comes tho Auto-
mobllo supply Company, also ot
Caldwoll to extend Its activities In
to Malheur county, with a branch
store here.
The now automobllo shop, Is
located la the Moore building next
to the Quaat shoo shop, so the firms
thus continue their nelghborlluess
established In Caldwoll.
Olon L. Evans, ono of the firm
comes to Ontario as manager ot tho
local branch, and ho has been busily
engaged during tho past wook
Building fixtures and otherwlso pre
paring for opening up. The stock or
goods arrlvod early in the wook and
tho storo Is now opon for buslnoss.
For tho present, until thoy can ar
I; or nights, tho sleep of many On
tarlons has boon ruined by herds of
dogs barking under tholr windows.
Most of theso dogs It has boon
found carry no llconso tags and nro
logally qullaws. To abato thin
nulsanco tho City Council has do
tormlnod on spoody action, and
asks tho corporation of thoso who
know of persons keonlnir ilnrm tMk1i
I-or tho boneMt of thoso who nro
not acquatntod with tho stato laws
and city ordinances gorornlng tho
licenses ot dogs tho following In
formation Is given. Also bolow will
bo found a coraploto list ot tho rosl
donts of Ontario who havo taken
out licenses for canlnos.
Thoro aro many dog brought In
from tho country, nnd many stray
dogs about which nro going to bo
killed unless tho owners tnko noto
of tho laws at onco. A now pouud
has boon built and th.o officers havo
instructions to proceod nt onco to
exiorminato tno posts, Tho follow
lug Is tho statutos eovornlnc itoea.
Tho Ordor of tho rmmnnii fnim.
sorlmago alone Ontario carried tho JJ IS "nwnnnwon r,0!.B.UB I ?u " "" n f ownors or har-
ball 80 to Dolio's 90. Ontario !." Vi'"m"Jr "'"' "l"r porors, who uavo not already dono
hour Vnlloy In 1881. and ionn thorn
.ud.ngr.m'wo'anTr r- ?" ?. !?. ??."?. ?
ward passing Dolso carried tho ball """,. "' "l""t T v Vv
mado four comjiloto forward passes
ror iu yards, winio. Dorse mado ono
for 30 yards. Ontario failed to
mako 34 forward passes wkllo Dolso
L fulled ut 13 efforts, Ontario was
torcou to puut 10 times to Hollo's
13, and Camorou and Weaver hold
each othor ovon on tho score.
(Coutlnuod On Last Page)
tho trade la accessories and
kinds of auto supplies. Lator
United State National and First Na
tional Hanks of Vale Siuiieml
Operations Now Institution
To Take Over HunIhcm
Following on Investigation which
has been underway for sometime,
the United States and tho First Nat
ional banks at Vale closed their
doors Tuesday. At the same time
announcement was macio that ti
mav nstabllah n tlrA vulronltln H. "" ".-MiT".. """ "m".a ""'
...V-T .:.V .i:. ,,-" W.? . uv ?l mreciora 01 eacn of these
!,. .u uwoi iiiins oiiiuu lo Huanandnd InatllullnnQ
-. - ..-.. VW..VM.
the auto trade.
Ontario Wireless Devotees Listen to .
Concert Played by California-Machine
Every Monday and Thursday lions by Harry Lauder, Frlti JCrels-
evening a group of Ontarlons "lln
ten In" on a vlctrola concert with
which a man In Los Alamos, Call
fornla entertains his friends from
Astoria to Denver.
Last Monday evening at the home
ot Leonard Zimmerman, on the east
side a group gathered and had a
particularly flno exhibition or the
receiving power of Mr. Zimmerman's
equipment, and of the sending pow
er ot that In the California town
They heard the Callfornlan give
directions to those who wero ro-
colvlsg the messages in Paso Robles
to call up "Mr. Kennedy and tell
him tho concert Is to start, for he
wrote me that he wanted to hear
one of the entertainments." The
Ontario group also heard the Cali
fornia man tell Mr. L. L. Martin In
Nampa that he appreciated bis let
ter telling of being a bio to hear the
concert though SO feet away from
the Instrument, and they also heard
his message to a frtead In Doaver
and another to a friend in Astoria.
' 'Amofig the musical auaibora en
layed by the OaUrlaas were wlc-
ler, John McCormack and ethers.
So far aa ability to distinguish each
piece eves the finer portions the
local auditors of the wlrelesd phono
exhibition could distinguish no dif
ference, Fritz Krolsler's violin
tones, and Lauder's vocal efforts
were alike audible.
For a short time however eloctrlo
disturbances spoiled a portion of
the, concert. Leonard 7.imrtrman.
at whoso home tha concert waa
hvard la a licensed wireless opera
tor, one t several Ontario boys who
havo wireless outfits over which
they held regular communications.
It was however accidental that Mr,
Zlramemaa learned of the Callfor
tan's coMerts when he wns expert
Keating la wireless telephony,
StHso tfcM he has enjoyed the con
certs. Vp
After flltenlng to tho wireless con
cert a ispnhnr of the auditors e
curlng the numbers ot thu records,
went tithd Oatarto Pharmacy
where unTlPsyd tbera on a ma
chine there and declared ' that by
w!rIM tbay Hbwd very little.
-wun a nuuiuor ot other citizens, all
well kuown In tbo county, bad
started proceedings for the purposo
of taking over the buslneus of tho
banks, under a new charter.
Tka now bank Jt Is expected will
be opened In a very ahort tlmo, for
all that Is needed Is the necessary
charter from tho comptroller of the
currency and this s expected soon.
It was the expressed belief ot one
of the men who has taken a prom
inent' part In the reorganization,
mai aau tno worx started one week
sooner the Vale Institutions would
not have been compelled to close.
Among the men who have aaanel
ated themselves and subscribed for
siock in tno now bank are the fol
lowing; J. T. Logan, of Brogaq;
W, P, Allen, of Juntura; John Nor
wood, Clarence H. Oxmau, both of
Jamieson; Leo Schmidt. H, R, Dun
lop, U. H. Dearmond, John C, Gor
don, Oeorge B. Dayls, C. O. Bur
rows. Hugh McCall, T, T. Nelson, O.
E. Carmen, L. P Peterson, Perry
Hurvls, Jerome Bridges, S. Hansen,
C. W. Nelson, A. W. need, O. E.
Stanfleld, Bex Marquis, Charles L.
Baefeelder, Etta and George w.
Hayes and Frank J. Brown, all or
Vale; Bit Rose aad Loeey Brothers,
both of Ireaside; A. A, Reed, Bro
gan and James Moffltt of Belae.
Wb. Pollman, Paul PollaaH and
Joha SekaiU, all Baker bankers,
were la Vale ever Saaday and b1u
ed la tbo eVgaalzatloa of the bow
Vale baak,
itowoa wun n mount constitution, n
big framo, h6 hold n commanding
position nnd mon rolled upon him.
Ho was nti Independent thinker and
In every movement was willing to
taku a stand and to mako his posi
tion known.
During his Ufa tlmo of activity ho
was closoly associated with the men
who took loading roles In tunny pub
lic works. Among his associates
woro Col E. 8, Wood, Judgo O. I
King, Will H. King, William Hanley,
W. J. Cuddy, now editor of tho
wookly Oregonlan, and many others
prominent in the life of this sec
tion In years gono by.
Mr Mallett was for many yoars a
membor of Acacia Lodge A. F. Jc A.
M. here, and served tho lodge as
Its master. Ho waa best known,
however, for his work for reclama
tion In which ho waa a practical
plonoor, He also took a load In
drainage, and for his vast holdings
between hero and Vale he himself
superintended tho construction of a
drainage systom. He knew the Ir
rigation problems not only of -the
Malheur Valloy but of tho West for
In the early days ot reclamation he
wns always a representative nt Re
clamation Congresses ot Oregon nnd
the West.
Following tho recolpt ot tho news
of his death In Portland Monday,
which was recelvod by E. A. Fraser
and by him communicated to the
family, preparations wero begun for
the funeral nervtces hold thin after
noon at the Masonic ball.
To theso services which wero con
ducted by Acacia Lod go came
friends for miles. From Vale and
beyond camo more than 100 people,
whllo hundreds wero here from On
tario and tho country about. The
lodge hall could not caro for them.
The Masonlo quartette, Irwin Trox
ell, Hugh Allen, A. L. MacDoWell
and A. W. Quaat sang. Rev, D. J.
(inlanders of tbo Congregation
church preached a short sermon of
eulogy, and Judge C. H. Drown, lite
long friends and past Master con
ducted the lodge ritualistic cere
mony at tho Lodge room and at tho
grave, Intorment was made beside
tho body of his son Vivian Mallett,
whose untimely doatb. hastoned by
Illness contracted In the world war,
brought on tho docllno which re
sulted In Mr, Mallett's death.
The pall bearers were solectod
front Past Master's of Acacia Ledge:
D. P. Dearborn, J. O, McCrolght,
Jamos A. Lackey, Gilbert L. King,
H, W. Clement and Con Ryan.
so, shall pay, a llcqnso on tholr dogs
for tho year of XD31. Doth Stato
and City llconso can bo obtained
from tho City Rocorder by tho pay
ment or thi City llconso.
Tho following nro excorpts from
tho City Ordlnanco and Stato law
relatlvo to tho llconslng ot degs:
From tho Ordinance:
Boc. l. Any porson owning, koop
Ing, harboring or having In tholr
possession or under tholr control
any dog of whatovor ago shall ob
tain from tho City Recorder a ll
conso tag therefor, which Khali be
or metal, duly numbored, inscribed
tor tue year in which Issuod
With a cash balanco ot inqro than
ICGO on hand, aud with n report
showing an oxpondlturo of over 3,
000 for tho year, tho Ontario Com
mercial Club closed Its vaar'it work
at u mooting Wednesday ovonlng.
At this mooting tho directors for
tno coming year woro soloctod.
Doforo l'rosldoilt It. W. Jonoa. mi.
nouucod tho year's work finished
howovor, ho named two commtttoen
of Importance, ono of which will
consider plans for an adoqunto auto
park, tho other will Investigate
moans for promoting tho dairy ln
Thoso committoos woro not nam
ed howovor, without dobato upon
tbo merits ot tho proposals. II, 11.
Cockrum, R. W. Jones and othors
debated tho uuostlon of an nutn
park nnd advanced tho proposition
that In too many lustaiicos tho ob
joct of an auto park Is dofoatod by
giving tho tourist too much.
P. J. Gallagher during tbo dis
cussion mado tho suggestion that
an effort bo mode to soouro tho co
operation ot all tho lodgos, clubs
and othor civic bodies and socuro
tholr assistance lo mako tho build
ing ot a park a monumont to tho
ctvla prldo ot tho city and, Its spirit
of co-oporatton.
Tho commlttoo named on tho park
problom was: Dr. C. W. Tylor, T.
H. Mooro, W. J. Plnnoy, J. T. Mc-
ouuy ana uoorgo K. Alkon.
Dairy IndiuU-y Discussed
8ocrotary W. II. Doollttlo called
attontlou to tho nood for develop
ing tho dairy Industry and tho
mothoda which havo boon usod In
othor places to accuro tho necessary
financial asslstunco for thoso who
might doslro to oxtond tholr hold
ings, suggostfug that possibly
through tho organisation ot n com
pany additional flnuucas might bo
secured through tho war finance
This load to a very freo and gon
oral discussion ot agricultural and
financial problems as tho various
members present vlowed them.
Thero wero, generally spoaklng two
vlow points; namely, that muny of
tho ranchers about Ontario would
not turn to dairying no matter what
Inducomont was offered thorn; and
another that only thoso who wero
not good banking risks would apply
for loaus from a company woro ono
This last view point was stressed
when II. D. Cockrum, coablor ot tho
First National hauk and Earl Blacks
aby, asslstaut cashier ot tbo Ontario
National Dank bad oach declared
that thoro was monov to bo had for
dairy cattle for thoso who wero by
reason of tholr financial condition,
their record etc entitled to credit.
tho same vlow
Musi no worn uv tno doir. on which i. n, frioora iook tho samo
llconso is paid, suspended from Its Point and declarod that ovon woro
couar in such a manner that It may Bucn a corporation formod he would
Miss Helen Payne celebrntod her
seventh birthday Friday at the homo
of her pareati, D. and Mrs. R, O
Payne, by giving a delightful party
to a aumbr ot hor little friends.
bo plainly seen.
Soc. 2. The prlco of such ltconse
shall be as follows! For evory male
dog the sum of 3.00; for ovory to
malo dog the sum of 16.00, for the
curront year and no llconso shall
extend boyond tho 31st day of Do
comber of the year for which tho
samo Is Issued.
From tho Stnfo Law;
Boo. 9367 Evory person owning
any malo or tomato dog over tho
age of eight months within tho
State ot Oregon shall apply for and
procure from tho County Clerk In
which said porson resides, a llconso,
by paying to tho County Clerk, a
license fee of $1.00 for malo or
spayed bitch dogs and $2.00 for fe
male dogs, annually, and upon pay
ment of said license feces aforysald,
the County Clerk shall Issue to such
porson a license and also a leather
collar not less than one Inch In
width and of suitable length having
diverted thereon a leather tag
stamped with tho yoar In which It
Is issued, with a number thereon
corresponding to tho number on
the license Said license shall run
for a period of one year from Jan
uary 1st of each year, and any dog
not wearing uaia collar shall bo con
sidered an out-law and shall bo
killed by the Sheriff, Chief of Pol-
(Continued On Last Page)
not uso Its rosourcoa.
County Agent L. It. Drolthaupt lit
answering tho arguments sot forth
doclared that many ot tho busluess
mon woro over looking tho fact
that thero have boon many additions
to tbo counties population ot farm
ers opornting small tracts, and that
many of those wore seeking cows
but woro not able to buy tbom. Ho
then outlined briefly tho varying re
sults which rocords of furiyer'a In
comes In this county for the past
two years revealed. Theso reports
he said clearly Indicate that tho
way to prosporlty for Malheur coun
ty, Is clearly via tho dairy and
chlokon, and diversified farming
Following a few othor talks tho
following commlttoo was namod to
investigate tho possibility ot form
ing a corporation or othor plan for
financing tho purcbaso ot dairy
cews: Harry D. Cockrum, P. J.
Qallaghor and J. A. Lakness.
The main business of the evening
was thon brought forward, and a
nomlnutlng committee of five was
solected, to bring In tho names of
seven othor members who with tho
nominating committee was to con
stitute the board ot directors for tho
coming yoar. The nominating com
mittee selected was: H. L. Peterson,
(Continued Ou Last Page)
Railroad Workers Call Off Strike
Scheduled to Start Sunday, Oct 30th
The railroad, strike scheduled to
start on some of tho railroads on
Sunday has been called off. This
announcement was made Thursday
afternoon, In Chicago.
The strike had It continued waa
to havp been effective on tho Ore
gon Short Li'O on Saturday, Novera-
Iia. R m.Ltni. It.,- A .1... t--&
I v, iMHKiwft iujd uiio ui wiu last
sections in the country to hava been
Officials ot tbo Drotherhoods do
clared that they had called off the
strike because public opinion had
been so formed that tho people be
lloved the strike to bo ugalnst tho
government and not against, tlu
railroads and therefore thoro was
no hopo of wlnnlug,