The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 20, 1921, Image 1

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vol. xxvv
;J. Ll.Jg'.ll
ALocnls Out Play Applo Tickers In
K Etery Department of Gridiron
i Giuuo Fumblo Itcsponslblo
, i'or vnjeuo's Toucuuown.
yi Outplaying ' tholr OppononU lu
orory uopartmont of wo gamo, Iho
Ontario High football loam defeated
l'ayotto lioro Ink Saturday lu their
annual clash by a scoro of 20 to 0.
As in tho case ot tho Vale game,
ho scoro docs not furnish a real
Idea of tho superiority shown by the
utnlg whoso ono glaring woaknoss
n alt tho games, fumbling, cost
thorn nt loast two additional touch
downs, and was also responsible for
tho oiio touchdown which l'ayottc
This l'ayotto touchdown iwas tho
sparkling ovont of tho gamo, for
jwlshort. tho spoody llttlo l'ayottc
end, rocovorod tho fumblo on his
own throo yard lino and sprlutoa
tho untlro longtb ot tho field across
A' the Ontario goal.
f Hack Field Improving
, ' AVhtlo It still has far to go to bo
- tin efficient organisation tho back
field worked bettor Saturday than
in any gamo this yoar. Thero
wns loss fumbling, and a vast lin-
' provomont In, running back punU,
Mllggs playing safely retrlovod hon
or for hlmaolf by roturalng punts
nearly 100 yards, whllo -Poorman on
Ifono occasion got tho ball and came
buck 20 yardst
y .Ontario's first touchdown wan a
jfjtluko play, and while allowed, was
jfca lucky break for the locals. It
happened alter If. minutes of play
,' in the first quarter. Ontario after
VS making three first downs and carry
ing the ball to, the Payette 10 yard
ft line lost It oa an intercepted pass.
: l'srsna ansa lu get siawm in mr-
ritif, II1U uu nuu HRU tu P" "
tho middle ot the field, where On
ta'rlo again startedrfowti" the "'field
but wus held In check. Poortaan
then klckod and MoCrelght rocovor
od thu ball whon tho I'ayetto safoty
ralsiod It and ran 15 yards for a
touchdown. l'ayotto claimed that
r tholr safoty did uot touch, tho ball
(t but Umplro Culbortabn ruled that ho
i did, so tho touchdown which Me
k Crolght mado was allowed. Built
!' van failed to kick goal.
M, Ontario kicked off and Tayotto
'" fallod to gain when In 'quick sue-
IS cession, Clemont, Maddux and Dun
X tin oacu spilled a play boliind the
2? l'ayotto line, whon'Payotto klckod
M Illggs mado a pretty return and put
, tho ball In play on tho 60 yard
line. Thro first downs In a row
wero then scored on soven pluys,
Including a SO yard psbs to Mc
Crolght and Weavor'a 12 yard run.
Bhea who had replaced Sullivan
then carried the ball to the one
yard lino whore Payette hold and
got the ball on downs, Payette
kicked from behind the goal lino
J and Ontario was penalized 15 yards
for holding which was soon rocov
' orod by a 10 yard forword pass to
'f Shon. Weaver's 12 yard run, San-
V ford's 8 and Maddux 8 and Mo-
, Crolght'a six. With, tho ball on the
y'. four yard lino, big Maddux crashed
J4 his way through tho left sldo of the
I'ayetto lino for tho third touch-
Vf down. Shea kicked the goal,
During tha play Ontario com-
plotod 8 and' failed la 11 forward
' paBses. Ontario returnod punts 120
V, yards. to Payette's 55; Payette coin-
', pleted'2 passes and missed 5. On-
I, tarlo fumbled 8 times to Payette's
I 3; Ontario recovered ono kick off
, and ono punt, Payette did neither.
"' Ontario made a total yardage ot
1 a 811 yards to Payette's -29.
Tho lino up ot tho teams .was;
Sullivan,' 1 e
Maddux, M
Clemont, Tg
r a Wlshert
1 t Carlco
r b C. Cram
" c White
1 g Adair
1 t Jefforls
Wiseman, e
pecoy, r g
Dunton, r t .
McCrelght, re .1
qiggs Q '
Weaver, 1 h
ganfprd, r h r h
Poorman, t
e Coblentz
q Crump
1 h Patton
f H. Craw
' Summary; Substitutes;
Shea -for Sullivan. Kale
for M-
freight, McCrelght for Hale. Touch Teuch Touch
eowns: Ontario, McCrelght 1,
Weaver 1, Maddux 2; goals, Shea
Fa,r Payette: touchdowBSj Wtofcert
1; field goal, H. Oram 1. Score,
OaUrte 28,. Payette 9. Referee,
Culbertsee, Moralagslde; PoWt,
Oree; Ileal Uaesnaa, Weaver.
-"- sissUa JM
Bee k Wjak
Capitalized nt $10,000 sub
scribed by business men of
Gooding, the Uoodlntf Cattle &
Lbanv Company has. bbon Incor
porated. Tho purposa ot this
company as outlined by?Attor-
noy H, A. I'ndgham ot adodlng
In today.'s Statesman Is tbut, of
purchasing dairy cows to bo t'
sold to tlm ranchers about
Gooding. Tho company plaud '
on borrowing ft sum equal to
tho amount of Its capital. Tho
stock subfecrlbod according to
Mr. Padgham varied from $100
to $600. "Thus It Is proposod
to furnish a market for .the
alfalfa hay and help business
generally said .Mr. Padgham la
the Statesman. 4; .
If Prlnevllle,. and Gooding
can do this why ennnot On
tnrlbT Why?
llimlimul wid llflby 1Ck.hjo Injury
When Kntlro I'jHiilly Is gtrtirk Uy
Light Truck On l'ari'iticiit In
I'Vont of Their Home
Mr. and Mrs. Olonn Mustard and
tholr llttlo baby all ware struck last
Friday ovonlng by a light truck
drlvon by A. W. Crcgor, who lives
on the Frultland bench directly east
Of Ontario, about a mlto from tho
ond of the bridge. - MrvMustard and
tho baby' escaped Injury whllo Mrs.
Mustard who was thrown to tho
pavomont has been contluod to' nor
homo since that tlroo. Tho exact
naturo of nor Injury has not beon
The accident occurod about G;30
p, in. almost directly I iv front ot tho
Mustard homo which Is a quarter of
a mile East ot tho c4ty limits on
tho Horlhsldo ot tho pavoment load
ing to tho unako rlvor brldgo.
According to Mr. Croger'o state
ment be did net see the Mustard
family for the lights :on hte car
wfevdlm and he wan blinded by
thd Mghts of a car going West, whllo
ho was 'driving eastward. Mr. bus
tard .declares that he heard tho oar
apprsachlng and wont to tho side
at the road, ho was walking and
pushing tho bu by buggy at tho
tm llo was the first onelilt,
urn! whs thrown with tlui rrtitsV
against Mrs. Mustard who fell in
such a ninnnor that tho car passed
over, her body.
Crogor stopped, and Mr. Mustard,
nttor taking his wife and baby
homo, brought Crogor back to .the
city and called Marshal II. O, Farm
er a;d lodged a complaint tor rock
loss driving. Crogor was roloasod
on his own recognizance, and with
his father appoarod boforo Judgo
Stearns Saturday morning. Ills
caso was contlnuod until Saturday
morning ot this weok ponding a do-
termination of Mrs, Mustard's In
IxkhI Institution Merged In laun
dry and Dry Cleaning Works
KiulpiHPnt Will Ho Added To
Dry Cleaning Dcpartmrnt
, It. W, Jones this week took pos
session of tho Ontario Modern
Pressary and comblnod that Insti
tution with tho Ontario Laundry
which ho has operated slnco 1910.
Tho doal by which the cleaning and
pressing establishment passed Into
new ands was concluded last week,
Theo. Fischer of Welsor who owned
the Prossary for the past two
months soiling It to Mr Jones.
Mr. Jones has moved his down
town otfleo to tho Prcssary and la
preparlnK to Increase tho dry clean
ing equipment so that Ontario will
havo a thoroughly modern establish
ment or that type, as well as a
thoroughly jnodorn laundry. Since
these industries are In many ways
so closely related Mr, Jones Is
preparlug to give his sllsiita the ad
vantage ot this new organization
Aubroy Howard who has been in
charge of the prcssary during the
past will remain in charge of that
Tho Ontario Girls' Club met at
the home of Mrs, W, L, Turner
Tuesday evening, with a member
ship of "nearly forty gkle.
, Tho evening was very pleasantly
spent, the entertainment commltteo
presenting as. the event ot the even
Ing, a vaudeville show, which was
staged la the barn to the light ot
lanterns and the moon. A golec
tloa from Shakespeare was very
ably presented. The Orchestra was
a very pleasing part ot the pro
gram, and the snake dancer and
trapese performers added to the
After the program dainty re
freshments were served.
The next aaeeftsg will be held at
the home ot 'Mrs. A.' S. Brown,
Tuesday, October 25th,'
im.A .....&. f 0 llnn.l nllftm.
panled by his bfether Ford C. need, I
passed tarougn uuurio weunesaay
ot last week fcesp Pendleton to
uh Ussy were lateted in
Agreement Kcaclicdi To Ccaso llusl
ticss At I'lvo O'clock IVoni No
cnilMr 1 Until Srarcli IS .
Kxcctt on SturilH)s 'ft
Undor an agrcerrinnt Blgnod by
practically all of tho morchants of
tho city on Monday, tho stores In
Ontario vtttl start closing ovory day
in tho week; except Saturdays, nt
6 p. in. ,oa Noveeiber 1. This
schedule will be maintained until
March ,16, 1922. On Saturdays. the
stores will realn open until 9 p. m.
The following are the morchants
whs signed, the agreement? E. A.
Franor, O. P. Skow, Gold.on Ilulo
Store, Ontario Furniture Co., Trox
oil Imploment Co., Kroeasln Hor
ness Co., Quast Uros., Independent
Market, Jbo Hub, lllackaby Jowelry
fttoro,. Ontario Meat' & Grocory Co.,
Toggery Dill, Alexander. Co., Doyor
Uros. & Co., Tagg'art Hnrdwaro Co.,
Osborn Mllllnory, Stylo Shop, C, P.
Cummlngs, McNulty & Co., Ilador
Uros. Co., Ontario Trading Co., and
Morris Mlllfnory & Novolty Shop.
Wife Deserter Plays Hide and Seek
With Marsha!; Breaks Out and In Jail
Polo Small, or Westfall Invcntdd
n now gamo; ono that Ontario of
ficers novor had played on thorn
Pete, who was plckod up on tho
streets' ot Ontario Mondny by Mar
shal Farmor ut tho request of Sher
iff Loo Noo, broko out of Jail, and
thon broko In again. Tho last part
was tho novolty soctlon ot Poto's
It Booms' that Pete,- whoso wUa
wanted him, found tho old hole lu
the root ot tho Jail which was
mado by a Jnll breaker last spring,
and ho induced Harold Plant who
was With him nt tho city rocopilou
room to uso It. Thoy did. Uut
Plant went up town, and thoro ho
mot tho Marshal and relntod how
Small broko Jail and mado him do
llkowlso. So Marshal Farmer made
a search ot tho Jail early In "the
ovonlng, and found Small missing,
Written and Edited by the News Writing Class of
The English Department
Tho commercial department has
Just received four now typewriting
tables for tho extra machines nec
essary t6 accommodnto tho largo
numbor ot studonts taking typing
this yoar. Somo now blackboard
has also beon put up In the type
writing room which will bo a ma
terial aid In class Instruction.
Each studont In tho enmmnrdnl
goopraphy class has been assigned
a subject on which he is to prepare
a torm papor, Tho chief purposes
of this work are: (1) To familiarize
the students with various sourcos
ot Information, such as bulletins
from tho U. S. Department of Agri
culture, U. S. Forest Bervlco offices,
helps from dlffelrent agricultural
colloges, beside books and periodi
cals In tho school mid county li
braries; (2) To afford the studont
an opportunity to develop rather
than merely to commit facts from
his text, and (3) To Impress the
importance ot correlating English
work with other phases of educa
tion. Tho final copies of these pa
pora will not be duo until near tho
end ot the firBt somester. At that
time they will bo graded oa general
make-up, materia) contained, and
Interest manifested. This work
will constitute one-third of the
semester's grado for this course.
MIbs Dertha Davis, State Super
visor ot Home Economics, whoso
headquartors are at Corvallts, was
here over the week-end. She Is do
llghtod with tho progress being
made in Vocational Home Econom
ics, especially 1b the plans being
carried forward in tho practlco
house. The papering and Inside de
coration of tho practice houso have
Just been completed and this week
the girls taking tho course have
been occupied in makng draperies
for the windows and applying a
stencil in colors to the furniture.
The boy's glee club m the
girl's chorus aro preparing numbers
to be sung before the public soon
Last Friday tho boys' glee club
flrganlxod and elected the following
efficers: President, Carl Louhrs,
Vlco president. Ojy Socoy; Sec. and
Treas.M Paul Peterson.' "
Tho teachors have all roturnod
from the Malheur County Teachers'
Institute and are vesting their pn
thualasBi on the pupils, Thoy were
very proud ot Ontario as repreatnt
od' SB the frograei by Superintend
oat MDeld, Mlas Lee $m Miss
DuMtaae, Mr. McDoaald vm elect
ed president of the Malheur County
Teachers' Association for tho com
ing year, and Mrs, 'B. 'B, Couklin,
secretary treasurer. Mr, toucher
was elect dlato to the state
evetias). An luritAtla ww ex
tended and aeeeptM uf the Uetl-
Prof. Jnniletoti, Dairy Spoclnllnt of
O. A. O. to Meet Malheur County
imii-ymcn Jiiommy iinu xucv
i day of Next Week
County Agont L. n. Drolthaupt,
received word today that Prof.
Jaraloson, dairy specialist ot O. A.
0. will arrive In Malheur county
Monday for a two days demonstra
tion for tho benefit ot tho dairy
men of the county.
Those demonstrations Will bo
held nt Kingman Kolonr. Nysoa.
Ontario and Doad Ox Flat and prob
ably at Vale, also. Tho demonstra
tion nt Kingman Kolotiy will bo
hold at tho Conrad Martin ranch, at
Ontario nt tho C. 13. Socoy ranch.
Just west ot town, and on Doad Ox
Flat at tho A, A. Guttorldgo ranch.
Tho flrs,t demonstration will deal
to a largo dogroo upon tho subpqct
pf "Judging tho dairy cow."
Goo. V Wayt who for tho past
year andn half has oporated the
Wayt Implomont house clocod his
doors on Tuesday of this wook and
will retlro from tho local business
Hold.. Whnt his future clans will
be Mr. Wayt doos not know at this
I time.
and tho nolo in tho, root prpppod
open. Later Night Marshal Oordon
making his round found Smnll lu
tho Jail and Plant gono so ho call
od Mr. Farmor and told him Plant
was gono, and was surprlnod to bo
told by Mr. Farmer that Small was
too, Dut Small was not at that
tlmo for Mr. Gordon had Just conio
from tho Jail whore ho saw Small.
That surprised Mr. Farmor, who
Immediately camo down to boo. Ho
found that Smnll had roturnod by
tho samo way ho loft, and In re
turning had taken Uie prop from tho
holo In tho roof. Smnll did not,
whon fncod with tho ovldoncc, (Sony
that ho had taken a vncnttou a)id
changod his mind. f
Smnll wont to Vale Tuulny with'
Sheriff Loo Noo and eottled his
troubles, somehow. At loast ho was
back in Ontario Wodnosday.
tuto will bo hold in Ontario next
Lawrenco Itowo has registered In
the Senior class for tho coming
Quito a number witnoisod tho
practlco gamo horo botwoon Nyssa
and Ontario last Friday.
A steak fry was plannod by tho
momuers or tno mgmn Club for
Friday evening, Octobor H, but on
account ot tho rain It was changed
to a candy pull at tho Cochrau rea
Idonco. According to Slguiv custom
a very onjoyablo time was spont by
all and soveral pounds ot candy
woro disposed ot.
The copies ot the Junior play ar
rived last Monday and tho cnut has
bogun practicing nlroady.
Miss Frances Folgor, a Junior of
the High School, registered lust
Monday for tho school yoar.
Last Monday ovonlng a meeting
was held at the High School to or
ganize night classes In shnrthund
and typewriting, fop town peoplo.
Typing will bo given from Y;00 to
8; 00 followed by shorthand from
8:00 to 9:00 overy Monday, Wod
Jiosday and Friday evening. Nino
have enrolled so far and moro are
oxpoctod at tho first meeting ot tho
class. Thero seems tp be a demand
for a class In Commercial Law and
also In Writing,
B. E. Elliott, State director of vo
cational education, ipnt Thursday
and Friday In Ontario on his annual
tour of Inspection. He expressed
himself as well pleased with tho
Smith-Hughes work In our high
school, Mr. Elliott approved the
plan of organizing night classes un
der the Smith-Hughes Law. Ontar
io Is one ot three high schools In
Oregon offering courses in both
agriculture and home .economics
under this law,
Friday afternoon (he Nyssa toam
came to Ontario to havo a practice
gamo with our boys.
The Ontarlq schools have recent
ly purchased a lantern and Blx hun
dred selected slides which aro 'to be
used in vladal instruction, primar
ily in history and geography, Thcso
slides will bo added to from year
to year and different sets of slides
may be borrowed from theUnlver
slty ot Oregon and O. A. C.
Thursday evening ot last week
Ralph McCulIoch entertalnod a
number of his friends in honor ot
his birthday. Those present were;
Margaret Blackaby, llutb Homnn,
Ethel Conway, Ella Meseee, Alma
Homaa, Alice Dorm an, Ronald Mc
Crelght, Carl Leuhrs, Edgar Kortler,
Donald Parker and Owen Turner.
Dainty refreskweets wero served
as4 a go4 Urns was reported Vy
Six coyotes and ono groy
wolf nro roportod to" bo living
on Morton Island and catting
tholr meals from tho chlaken
coops of tho ranchers. Whllo
thero lo n6 doubt concerning
tho proseuco ot tho coyotes,
sovoral ot tho hunters of tho
region nro skeptical on tho
mattor ot tho groy wolf for it
has boon years slnco ono of his
spado has 'beon soon in this
section, Of courao It Iq posslblo
that ono has found his way to
tho Island and Is using tho
coyotes ns out-runners tor his
doprcdatlons. Tho Islanders
and a numbor of Ontario hunt
ers nro plannlnK on a drtvo for
tho marauders.
Charles itilnins Gomes iVoln WVUer
Seeking Ills, Drotlicr and Iicarns
Ho Is In llosjilul Hut Arrhes
Too Lato to Kco Hint Allvo
., "" ' ,M-."ri,.ur,-?2BS "" "."V
Tstl f 1 llfl M aa aaaa.t rt O . Il.u
,.., .. vu .... " "u7 lur uu.pi-
ui Baiuroay nignt wniio his brother
Chorion Adam ot Wolsor, formerly
or uiis city, was Hunting ror him,
ho having loarnod thnt ho was lu
Ontario, but did not know ot his
Charles Adams went .to tho Don
key homo, west of tho city and thoro
loarnod thnt his brother was In tho
hospital. Whon ho arrlvod at tho
Institution bo found that his broth
er hnd passed hwny an hour boforo
his nrrlval. Funeral sorvlcos woro
hold horo Tuesday from tho Allen
Undertaking parlors. Intormont bo
Int mndo lu tho Old Ontario como
tory. John Q. Adam was n plonoor
ranchor ot this county qnd was well
known uot only about Ontario but
in tho uppor country. Ho hnd boon
111 for sovoral months, but his con
dition was not doomod sorlous by
his rolatlvos. Ho wont to Ilnrpor
somo months ago and roturnod to
Ontario last weok and Immediately
wont to tho hospital. Ho Is surviv
ed by his brother Charles and by
ono slstor, Mrs. Don Shaottor ot
Cottonwood, near Harper, with
whom ho lived. Ho w,as uumnrrlcd,
AkkIo Students To Glvo HuNklng
Itco and Ham Dmico To Hcml
Team To Portland Hoosts
Will Hti Appreciated
Tho first activity of tho year by
tho boys and girls ot tho Smith
Hugh dopartmonts of tho Ontario
High School will bo given Satur
day night at tho American Lolgon
Hall. An old fashioned barn dance
and huskln' bco With cldor and pies
for rofreshmonts will bo tho chlof
entortalnmeut. Tho entortnlnment
will bo moro or less In tho form ot
a bonoflt to rnlao monoy to sond
tho stock Judging team to Port
land Pacific International Live
Stock Show. Tho Ontario team, by
placing first at Union last Juno won
tho right to represent Eastorn Oro
gon in tho stock Judging contest to
be hold, in connection with the
stock show, bolwoen tho Smith
Hughes schools of Orogon. Tho toum
has beon working all fall and hopes
to place In tho content. Tho con
test will bo hold on Novombor 5
and tho team will leavo Novombor
3rd and will uso one day to rest
and look ovor somo stock before
the Judging begins. Thoso who will
mako tho trip provided tho funds
nro secured aro James McCrelght,
Uuy Sccoy, Robert Llnzy and M, D
Thomas, coach ot tho toam.
Tho Music Club hold tholr first
meeting of tho season at tho homo
of Mrs. W. W. Wood oji Saturday.
Octobor, 8th. A largo number ot
mombors wero presont.
Tho work for tho ensuing year
was planned and tho following now
mombors woro accepted, Miss Louluo
Wood, Miss Luolla Callln, Miss
Helen Dunston, Miss Ruth Lackey
ahd Mrs. D. F Graham of Ontario
and Mrs. Arthur Moody and Mrs
Reed of Vale.
On Saturday, October 29th the
meeting will bo held at tho homo of
Mrs, Charles Emlson and a musical
program has beon arrangod for
that day,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Purcell arrlvod
in Ontario this week on their hon
eymoon trip. They drove ovor from
Sacramento, California whero thoy
wore married on October 10. Mr.
Purcell is a son of Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel Purcell of this city, a grad
uate of O. H. S, slid during tho war
was In the aviation sorvlce. Fol
lowing tho war he went to California
where he has since resided. Mrs
Purcell. whoso maiden namo was
Lula Hotchklss was a rcsldont of
Roeevllle, California where she has
rUl far the past four years,
NO 3b
Idaho Cnpllat City Pal) era Kxpcct
To Profit lly MIkiiIu)H of I,rns-
Prcss Story Haja Ontario Ilnsl
Thrco XM-u-liuiiilrctl Pounders1 J
Ontario High's football team pfays
Its crucial gamo horo Saturday when
Coach John T. Hughes' proteges
fnco Conch Kcauo'a burloy warriors
from Uolso. Dolso, by tho way, Is
looking forward to tho champion
ship of tho Intcrmpuntnln c6untry
and oxpocts to profit by Ontario's
In tho Dolso Statesman of Wed
uoadny, "fumbling Ontario" was'tho
characterization used to doHcrlbolthn
local abrogation and whllo tbatfap
pollution has boon Juatmod by plat
performances yet Ilolso may bo ur
prluod, for tho locals havo fcltitho
Ignomy of tholr butter fingers ami
nro working hard to mnko them
stick to tho ball. Thor still havo
somo dlstnnco to go, however, m
uno of tho foaturos ot the gamo
that will bo Interesting to local '
students ot tho gamo will bo Itho
tustto botwoon Captain Qulnnfeot
Uolso, tho all star tacklo of flast
. ...,,,. ,,, nnfoTl.u
;.-, : 7:';- " - - ,""7 ' - 'v "
right tacklo. Local ndhorctitofhro
banking on Dunton giving1 tho Dolso
man n real battle, and If Qulritf Is
an all-star thon Dunton will havo
to provo hlmsolf ono too. Dunton'a
local frionds think 60. can do , that
also It ho gota Into tho gamufns
ho did In tho last halt ot tho ,1'ny
otto struggle 3
Judgo C. M. Stonrns had n num
bor ot small cases boforo him Tuns
day ot this wook. Ooorgo Wilson
who was caught, "cutting a cowor"
and ondangorlng podcstrlans there
by was laod 93, Loiter Jloekor.
looked oa tho moonshine wh it
was white with oxhllaratlng results"'
and firococdod to tho Mullnewah
rooms to glvo vont to his Jby.jKHe
was fined IB. m
Ilocftuzo ' ho would not
school non.oboy his fostor pMts,
and with (V numbor ot aiwctafeU
had figured In a number ot petty
misdemeanors, Harold Plant was
sent to tho roform school at Salem
by Judge E. If. Tost after a, bearing
Tuosday, Plant's fostor parouta to
quostod this action.
Judgo Test at a hearing ut this
morning commlttood William cKals
nor, to tho stato hospital at Peris
ton. Following his hearing?; tho
Judgo with County Coronor Dr. R.
O. I'ayuo, loft for Vale to hold a
similar bearing. 1
As It 'Is imposslblo at this early
dato to know Just when tho'jlocal
motion plcturo of Ontario will bo
roturned from tho studio, announce
ment of opening data ot baby1 con
test will havo to bo dotnrrod until
lator. Ab soon an dato of return ot
picture Is received from tho studio
an announcement wilt bo made on
tho screen at tho Majestlo Theatro.
Watch for It.
Tho contost will run for n period
ot ton days at least, Coupon tlokota
will bo sold at tho box office Adult
coupons will bp toil votes. Child
Coupons will bo flvo votos.
First prlzo will bo a tun dollar
bank account; socond, halt dozen ot
Sellgmnu'a $20 per dozon photo
graphs; third, a bubloa' goldlrlng;
fourth, a babloa loekot. Various
othor prlzos will bo glvon to, con
form to ago ot tho baby winning
them, 1
Tho first mooting ot the Episco
pal Guild will bo held at Uio'botno,
of Sirs. J. D. nilllncalev Tunmlnv
'ovpnlng November 1 at 8 o'clock to
meet airs, tuners, who cornea to
Ontario as a ropresentntlvo of tho
Woman's auxiliary of thu Episcopal
Dlocesse ot Eastorn Oregon.." The
notice of this mooting Huporcoods
that ot an earlier dato whlchl ap
pears oUowhoro In this Issuo,,
The annual election of. a
board of directors for tbo On
tario Commercial Club will bo
held at tho club rooms next
Wednesday evening Octobor 20.
At this meeting, too, thoro will
bo considered a number of mat
ters ot primary Importance to
tho Intorosts ot tho city. ,
nallroad men In Ontario,
and tbore are nearly 40 .'of
thorn, working In tbo localept
flcos and yards, or running' out
of hero; havo, au yot, rocelyod
no orders to go on strlko Octo
ber 30. Many ot tho men,
membora of tho big five broth
erhoods horo profess the bpllof
that there will bo no strlkoTal
though thpy admit that thoy
have no dofinlto information
to sustain that faith.
Mrs. Helen Clement Is visiting
with Iter son, II. D, Clemont' and
family la Baker,
El 1