THE ONTARIO ABGTO, ONTARIO, OREGON, OHDBSDAY, iOCTOBER,6 1921 4 1. 5 ; fr .V Phillabaum & Allen successors to McDowell Company, Inc. ' Funeral. Directors Licensed in Oregon, Idaho, Washington " Beautiful Homelike Funeral ciIcib Lady Assistant Hospital Ambulance Service No Distance Too Far Office Phone 227 Residence Phone 227, 178 7 I 8' OUR PURPOSE f tu innnlirlnre fli irnnjr Vinaf. in hatlVlnff W facilities is to make our servico in- . creMinglyuwful to every depositor muUclieiit. " - - - . .. -. POnmoItonaiBank I"""; OLPE S T BANK IN a3RANT, JMIWEY3KD MALHEUR COUNTIES MORE THAN A THOUSAND different articles needed in your homes. China ware, Glass ware, Aluminum and Enameled waret . 6c, 10c, 15c, and 20c tables full of things which are kitchen labor savers. Dolls, Toys, Notions, Etc, Opposite Post Office. The Variety Store ONTARIO- OREGON. PACKARD TOPS FOR ANY CAR AT FORD PRICES Just received a shipment- of Packard top material direct form the Packard i factory It's the class of all materials r Have your top fixed now good I work fair prices quick services SEGUINE AUTO CO. ; ONTARIO, . OREGON AUCTIONEERS DICKENS & SHULTZ CALDWELL PHONE 455 J C.ALL AT OUR EXPENSE YOU WILL LIKE US FOR SALE! Six room house onTerraco Heights, one block south of Hospital. Six lots, barn garage, fruit and shade. All in good -condition. Termr. PHONE 223 J PAID LOCAL ADS Oregon Journal dollvorod by car rlor Dally and Sunday. 05o por mo. Loavo ordor at Turner's Nows Stand. FOIl . SALE 4 room houso. P. O. Box 417. plastorod 1'ooplo'B Socond Hand Btoro. rlsti, Prop, E. Far-36-tf. POIl BALE Flvo room Iioubo. Plenty of shado and lawn. Easy terms, Phono 30-M. 40-44 WANTED Position as house koopo r roforonces. AddrosJ Dox 382, or call Argus offlco. tf. FOR 8ALE Remington typewrit er, prncucauy now. inquiro at Ar gus Ottlco. NOTICE OF HCUOOfj MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to tflb legal voters of School District No. Eight, of Malheur County, Statd of Oregon that a SCHOOL MEET ING of said district will bo hold at High School Building, on tho zum uay 01 uciouor, izi, at 7:30 o'clock in tho ovcnlng for tho pur pose of discussing tho budgot horolnaftor sot out with tho lorylng board, and to voto on tho proposition of Iovylng n special district tax. Tho total amount of monoy noodod by tho said school district during tho fiscal year beginning on Juno 30th, 1022, and ending Juno 30, 1023, Is cstlmntod In tho fallowing budget and Includes tho amounts to bo rocolvod from tho county school fund, stato school fund, clomontary school fund, spoclal district tax, and nil othor monoys of tho district: BUDGET ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Professional Cards PERSONAL HKIlVICi:: No. 3. TO TItADE A truck to trado for touring car. Call 183. O. W. Piatt, Insuranco Agency. First National Dank Building. Firo and Automobllo Insuranco. tf. IDEAL AHCOIiA'8 FOR HOME Wo liavo tho host farm pumping systems on tho market. No guess ing at your needs. A.bsoluto satis faction guaranteed and tho right pump In tho right placo. H. It. Udlck, Plbg. & Htg. FOR SALE 40 ncro Improvad farm, adjoining Ontario. Somo good potato land. Reasonably prlcod and oasy torms. V. D. Staples. Ontario, Orogon. 42 tf. COMFORTS tackod' nnd hommod $2.00 a ploco. Llro on stroot back of Laundry. Mrs, Fred Lowls. 42p 4. 6. 7. Suporlntondont 1 Principals l .. 1 .. 1 Tcnohors .. , 2 1 - .'. 1 4 6 u..........t ,..,3 - . ......i5 """slUrB tttliUtlHttMHItdtttHMMHHHHtlilMllV slQrK l Othor Borvlcos, n. O. T. C 1 Salary Total por year $ 3, COO $ 3,600 1,800 1,800 1,350 1,350 1,200 1,200 1,800 , 3,000 1.57G 1,676 1,440 1,440 1,360 G.400 1,126 0,750 990 2,070 000 4,600 460 000 2,776 300 300 270 270 Total .138,300 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES: 1. Furnlturo (dosks, stoves, curtains, etc) $ 860 2. Supplies (chalk, orasors, olo) 360 3. Library books .. .. 460 6. Playground cqulpmont 250 0. Janitor's supplies ............................. 250 7. Fuol ... 1,600 8. Light nnd Powor ................................. 150 " .valor ...........M.....................t.A.............M.M.M....... ..... 300 10. Postago and stationery .rt..... ....... ....., CO Total ;, $ 4,160 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS: Building and grounds ....... $ 1,400 Total .. 1,400 WANTED Two, throo housokoaplng rooms. Call or four 01-W. tf FOR SALE Warohouio 40x80, opposlto dopot on railway tracks. Apply II. R. Udlck. 33-tf. FOR RENT or snlo five room houio, easy torms, two blocks North woit of Qrade School. W. Korcher. FOR SALE Oood flvo room houso, shado, troos, lawn. $000.00 worth of good furnlturo. Good lo cality, prlco $2060, Grogg & Doo-llttlo. IN NOTICi; OF SHERIFF'S SALE l-OUIX!IX)HURi: RY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE, duly issued by tho Clerk of the Circuit Court gt the 8tnte, Oregon, for the County of MalhMir, dated tho 10th day of Sep tember, 1921, In a certain suit in tho said Circuit Court for said State and County, whoroln W. F. Hainan. Trustee, as Plaintiff, rocovorod judgmont against W. II. Doollttlo, Trusteo, L. I. Hlrsch, Erna HIrsch, J. F. Doty, Ontario Concroto Plpo Co., Rolso-Payotto Lbr. Co., Win. Roador, John Lowo, partnors, as Reader & Low; D.-M. Taggort, II. R. Udlck, L. O. Olson and L. W. Olson partnors ns U. 8. Plumbing Co., nnd Tho First National Dank of Ontario, Dofondants, In tho sum of Fourtoon Thousand Two Hundred Elghty-throo and 90-100 ($14,283. 09) Dollars, with Intorost thoroon from tho fourtoonth day of Febru ary 1920, nt tho rato of 0 per an num, and for tho furthor sum of Fifty-sx and 30-100, ($66,30) Dol lars," costs and disbursements hero in, which judgment was enrolled and docketed In tho Clerk's office of said Court In said County on the 10th day of September, 1921. THEREFORE' NOTIOE 18 HERE BY aiVEN, That I will on tho 22nd day of October, 1921, at the hour of 11 o'clock, in tho foronoon of said day, at tho North main entrance door of tho Court Houso, at Vale, In said County and Stato, Mil at public auction to tho highest blddqr or bid ders for cash, tho following de scribed "real property, to-wlt: North Twonty (20 feet of Lot Flvo (6) and South Five (6) feet of Lot Fourt (4)ln Dlock Six (6). Lota One, Two, Thrco, Sovon, Eight, Nine and Ten (1, 3, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10) all in Block One Hundred Thirty (130). Lots Nineteen and Twenty (18 & 20) in Block One Hundred Thirty nine (139). Lota Six, Soren, Eight, Nine and Ten (6,7.8,9, 10) in Block One Hundred Forty-eight (148), All of said above described property being in the City of Ontario, Malheur County, Oregon. The above real property -with ita appurtenances taken and lovled up on as tk property of the aald De fondants, W. H. Doollttle, Trustee, L. I. Hlrsefc, Erna Hlrsch. J. F. Doty, Ontario Concrete Pipe Co., Boise-Payette Lbr, Co., Wni, Read er, John Lowe, partners, as Reader & Lowo; D. M. Taggart, H. R. Udlck, L. G. Oleea & L. W. 04eea, partners as U. 8. Plumbing Co,, and The First National Bank of OrUHo, by virtue of a mortgage gives there-, on by the above named Defendants, or as much thereof a May be nec essary to sathtfy said ,ju4aweU In favor of W. F. Ilomaa, together wKh all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue, Dated at Vale, Oregon, tkU Slat day of September, 1921, H. LEK-NOHghariff By O, W. Glens, Deputy, Date of first publication, gentswbar 22nd, 1921. Date of hut Bubl(eatle, October 29th, 1921. Date of sale October 22ad, 1921, at 11 A. M. INDKHTKDNIXm 1. Bondod, and Intorcst thoroon $ 3,036 2. Warrant, and lhtoroat thoreon .................................. 600 ToUl tle (eeaetee e $ 3,635 TRANSPORTATION OF PUPILS: f Total k: INSURANCE: 1 Insuranco, Premium on Clorks Bend -., .............................. ....... ........... $ '1,600 eeeeeeeeee .1 770 Total nee eeeseeeee a seeeeeeaee4 itMiMMItlNIUI $ 770 MISCELLANEOUS: Printing, Dom. Sclonco, Muslo nnd Art, Physical Training, Sclonco, Commorco, Vocational "Agricul ture, It. O. T. C, II. and S .,u..J......$ 2,064 Totnl . EMKUOKNOVl eeeeeeeeeeeee we IHIMIWI .$ 2,064 Total ,$ COO Totnl cstlmntod amount of money for all pur- poios during tho yoar . l(ltUMtMMMIMMMHIM .$52,318 VQ9. HALS Pe)M Citlsa Be, pnre krl. or will eaehaMe . fer gaaiN. Saddle horee fr sate er tr4e fer we k Oatarie, Oreft. T.'QT.r 1 nrL"r nnnntnra From county school fund durlmr coming school yoar, and. From statn school fund during tho coming school year $ 6,470 From olrmontary school fund during tho coming school yoar .........$ 1,500 Estimated amount to bo rocolvod from all othor sources during tho coming school yoar $ 4,800 Total OBtlmatcd rocolpts, not including propoiod tax $12,770 RECAPITULATION Total estimated expenses for tho yoar $52,318 Total estlmatod rocolpts not Including proposod tax. 12,770 Dalanco, amount to bo ralsod by district tax .............-...$ 3 9,6 4 8 Dated this 12th day of Reptorabor, 1921. Attest: W. L. TURNER, WELLS W. WOOD, District Clerk. Chairman Board of DIroctors, Egyptian Decorative latst. Experts tell us that In the decora tion of furnlturo (ho Egyptian cabinet maker never veiled construction. He obeyed the sound prtnclplo and precept that decoration should spring from construction, and not construction from decorntlon. Elements of ornnment apparently were tha samo In private, as In public buildings. These elements were the lotus and papyrus flowers, tho palm branch nnd tho feathers of birds, as well ns n number of geometrical pat terns derived from prlmltho arts of weaving and plaiting. Tho simple or complex treatment of lotus and pa pyrus flowers, buds, leaves and stems, It Is asserted, made the Egyptian sys lem of mural decorntlon rich, varied nnd glowing, as well as thoroughly In harmony with tho scale of color set by nature In tho Nllo alley. Will trado for good town rest donco proporty, 40 acros Irrigated and 40 acres dry land. Located closo to market and on tho Orogon Trail Highway. Quality of tho land first class and Improvements fair. 0. W. Lattlg, Payette, Ida. 43-47 WANTED Sewing at home or by tho day. Mrs. L. Harper tf. FINE PIANO HAROAIN We havo a high grade piano in Payette to bo sold or roturnod at once. For quick sale will groatly discount price. Torms arranged. Wrlto for all particulars to Tho Den ver Muslo Company, Denver, Colora do. 43-47. FOR RENT Modern flvo room bouse, furnished. Also one three room houso furnished. Call Fruit land Cafo. 36-tf. Funeral LICENSED H. L. PETERSON Directors EMBALMERS -:- C. R. AUGUSTUS , BeBPVliPII MODERN CHAPEL AND EQUIPMENT Ontario Furniture Co. 4 4- -t DR. J. C. HARTLETT PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ONTARIO, OREGON Offlco In Wilson Bldg. Ovor Post Offlco DRS. It. A, MOON & WM. HALIi Chiropractic Physicians Elcctro-Tlicrapotitlsta Splno A Ncrvo Specialists Phono 108 Ontario, Oro. DKS. WEESE & FORTNEU OFFICE heurs: 9 to 12 and 2 to 6. Offlco ovor First National Bank. Telephono No. 33 J. Ontario, Oro. DK.A'.It.EOBERTS Dontiat Between Ontario Pharmacy nnd lfcpoU PHONE S2-F-1 dr. HAKimrr sEiVita Ottcopnth'lo Physician Wilson llldff., Over Rndcra Phono 40 DR. O. M. TYLER DENTIST Office In Wilson Bldg. Offlco Hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Phono 117 for Appolntmonta. A. A. WELLINGTON - lVnnsfvr nnd Storngo FAIRMONT CRDAMERY CO. Phono 1C9 EXPRESS OFFICE Phono 162 FRANK BRITTINGHAM Phono 110 J Ontario, Oregon Long Hauling a Specialty Wo Always Deliver tho Oood illiJlllllllllilllllliJlliiiiliW tvnnw nun iiiiriTnTJ with t h it mmniinfiiTniiiniiniiiiiiiiiH ONTAIUO VAUO BTAOE Leatc, Ontario (Moore Hotel) 8:30 A. M. 6:00 P. M. Lcayo, Vnlo (Drexcl Hotel) 10:00 A. M. 0:30 P. M. Phono, Ontario 37-W Phono Vale 3. IWllllllIitlllllliiilllllllltllllll'i AN ABSTRACT IS A HIS1X)RY OF LAND TITLE An abstract of tltlo is a short mothadlcally written his tory of tho tltlo to a desig nated tract of land. It con stats of a summary of tho ma terial parts of ovory rocordod lustrumont of convoyanco which affocta tho tltlo, togeth er with a statomont of all lions and incumbrances to which tha samo la subject. Tho objojet of an abstract Is to afford tho prospective purchaser or mortgagoo of real estato a convoulont means of ascertaining tho condition of tho tltlo. Tho cautious man will not accopt a dood or a mortgage on real ostato unless It is ac companied by an abstract pro pared by a rellablo firm.' MALHEUR TITLE AND A1WTRAOT COMPANY Vnlo, OrcKOH NOTION TO CRED1TOHH In tho County Court of tho SUto of Oregon, for Malheur County IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SYLVESTER B. KIBLER, Deceased. Notlco is heroby given by W. H. Brooke, administrator of tho estato of Sylvester B. KIblor, docoasod, to tho creditors of, and all persons hav ing claims against said estato, to present such claims with tho neces sary vouchers according to law, within six months after the first publication of this notice to W. H. Brooko, nt tho law offlco of Brooko and Gallagher, in Ontario, Oregon. Tho first notlco hereto 1b pub lished this 22nd day of September, 1021. W. II. BROOKE, Administrator of tho Estate of Sylvestor B. KIblor, docoasod. Data of last Publication, Oct. 20, HE ATI NO No basement required; your homo heated bettor, gator and more economically. Wo havo a packaga prlco, II. R. Udlck, Plbg. & Htg. FOR TRADE Houso and five lota for good Ford Car. Must be in first class condition. Inquire at tho Second Hand Storo, Ontario, Oregon. FOR RENT Two furnished houses, one a flvo room bouse, thoroughly modern, ojhor throo roew, both completely furnished. Call 48-J. Ontario, or Frultland C,