. y,r!yi w-.. . tww Hv- Y Tim ONTARIO ARGTJS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 6, 1921. I GOING! GOING! GOING! TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER The $39.50 Fuel Saving Heater I Tt4iir 1 m l r mus The Most Popular Girl in Town If yoti want a parly in your parlor every night ask "Dad" to get vou a Urunswick. The latest song hits, the newest (fauces, all the old favorites everyone loves think how delightfully you could entertain your friends! Wc make it easy to own one. There arc Bruns wicks in so many different styles that you will find one which suits you at the right price. Our convenient monthly plan takes care of the payments. No liomcnccd he deprived of the pleasure of a Urunswick. Musicians Recommend The Brunswick Because it renders true tones, conveying sus tained notes of mellow quality and mighty crcsccn dos of volume with equal facility. A rcmarkahlc achievement due to the Urunswick Method of Re production, embodying the Vltona and the Tone Amplifier patented Urunswick features. Compare Records You may think there is "no difference" in records. That the same piece is alike on all records. But just for the joy of it, hear your favorite popular hit or classic as inter preted on a Brunswick Kccord and you will real ize the pleasing difference Brunswick recording makes. Any Phonograph Can Play Brunswick Records You can buy a Brunswick on easy tonus and wo arc making a Special Record Of for this week on tluco different priced machines. Como in and see those offers or if you havo.a phonograph, hear tho new October Brunswick Records. Scaly Triple Oiiui-iinlm 1. Wo OiminnU'o (Ik Kt-fily to bo miulo or l'uro I.oiiK-I'lliro Cotton, without I.lnturs or Mlll-Wiisto. 2. Wo Qniirmilw llu Hotly for Twenty Youth ngnluat becoming Lumpy or Ilunchy. !. Wt Qiinriiiitco that nftur Six ty N'IkIiU Trial you will pro no unco tho Boaly tho most Com fartubla MottroH you hnvo over imoil. or your money hack. Should tlio Mattr8ri tall In nny ono of thuKO condition, whun sulijoctoil to ordinary uso, on proaontliiK this Contract, wo will roplaco tho MattroHS or rotund tho purchnso Vrlco. Heal)' MiiOiosm Company nit Sealy SANITARY TUFTLESS MATTRESS Sit or lio upon a SEALY Tuftlcss Mattress and it will yield gently to your woight, immediately as suming its smooth, oval shape when you arise. Ono of tho notable- qualities of the v. SEALY is its coolness in summer. It does not gonorato or store, up heat. Bccauso it is tuftlcss tho SEALY Mattress is sanitary. There aro no depressions or stitch-holes to hide dust or permit it to got through to tho clean air-woven cotton. i After you havo used a SEALY for twenty years it will' bo as soft and as free from lumps and hollows as it was on the day you bought it. SEALY Mattresses do not havo to bo renovated or made- over. Tho first cost is tho last cost. $65.00 SEALY for $42.50 $1.00 Down, $2.00 Week Pay While You Sleep Comfortably SEE IT ON DISPLAY IN OUR WINDOW All bids must be in by date and time shown below, at which time the secret bid box will be opened and the heater delivered to the highest bidder. I ill out the bid card, sign your name plainly and send or bring the card to us now before you forget. You may be the Lucky Bidder who knows? This heater, noted for its tremendous fuel economy, will keep your rooms at an even steady tempera ture day and night. You can burn any fuel. cffSSJp I bid $ for this POM) heater which is to be sold to the highest bidder. Name of range now in use is years Name of heater now in use is years . . .' Will you need a range this Fall? Will you need a heater this Fall?,.,. .- Bidder's Name Bidder's Address M0MM ALL BIDS MUST BE IN BY OCTOBER 15th Buy your Hoosier Now EVERY WOMAN NEEDS THIS 10-PIEOE KITCHEN SET This is tho Famous Dexter Domestic Science Kitchen Sot endorsed by eminent authorities. The Special Cooking Spatula was designed by Mr. James Scott, supervisor of industrial education, Syracuse, N. Y. Vo not comparo theso tools with "so-called" kitchen sots you seo ad vertised at a low price. You cannot buy this set or ono of like quality (exclusive of tray) for less than $7.50, HOOSIER SlVES miles of steps f $fi&8ffi$ft fill ir rir ixA r rvBlw' I Ik x InfiHtH miniH I Hll o II " u- -f f : tlHSnH ffll jfltiwi a N Q Mttm I : f ; liHlSirr ITT T v'VQ"J ' "BBhCR- - flli wrwmmri ifc ff.HLVV fWK- m mill We offer four strong reasons for buying your Hoosier immediately FIRST Wo dolivor your Hoosier when you pav your first dollar. You pay the balanco a little at a time. No extra charge for theso easy terms: SECOND You do not pay a cent more than the regular prico of lloosior. . The low 1921 prices for tho Hoosier provail. These prices are fixed by the factory; ' xixxnu During this salo wo will givo FREE with every Hoosier Beauty Cabinot, tho handsome, practical Tlf ill Silt Gf4- Aw1 CvrwilSll fl1nl i1 i I n-m iviLUiiuu nut mm toijuuim jum-v .mmiJirrmmir ii ONTARIO FURNITURE COMPANY ONTARIO, OREGON ' imr tL !.,..f '..::.. x :""" w iiiu giujucai. Hiugiu convenience ever installed in a Kitchen Cabinot; FOURTH Thero is no kitchen convenience that can compare with tho Hoosier. It is not an ordinary Kitchen Cabinet, but a real working center at which all kitchen activities aro concentrated. A demonstration costs you nothing. It will con vince you that you pay for tho Hoosier in wasted energy every day you do without it. And remem ber, right now, you not only got the FREE Kitchen Sot and Compartment Tray with this wonderful cabinet. $1 Delivers Your HOOSIER T tt