& i TI11L ONTARIO AttGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1921. IRONSIDE NEWS Mr. nnd Mrs. James Kims were cnllod to Ontario Saturday to tlio death or tholr daughter, Mltinlo RltnH who passed nwny 'Friday In Ontnrlo hospital with cancer of tho Btomach. Mm. Alvan Utishfoy nnd Mlllous Elms, sister and brother of tho deceased from Unity nttonded tho funornl. Durlal was In tho On tnrlo cemetory. HI wood Turouinn of Mnlhour rlv or wan taken to Vnlo by Dan Mo J, port for medical treatment. Ild was bitten on tho noso by n dog which was thought to bo Infcctod with tho rnblos an It had had n fight with ii coyote a fow days provlous that ,hiid bitten n hog nnd chased othor stock. Dnvo Logan was In thin vicinity, Saturday buying beef cattlo. , Hay Duncan wont to Ontnrlo Sun day on n hurried business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Laurance nnd slstur llazbl woro dinner guests of Qordon Judd. Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. I. Smith, Prank Kims motored to Vnlo nnd Ontnrlo Sunday, returning Tucsdny. Mr. nnd Mrs Floyd Whlto and llttlo daughter, Norma of Unity wore dinner gucstn or Mr. nnd Mrs. II. ('. Kims, Sunday, also Mr. nnd Mrs l'liolnnd of Ilonltn. Mr. and Mrs, Hen Jones woro Ironside visitors, Sunday. Frank Audorson of Mnlhour dis trict was n business visitor Sundny nt IronBldo. MIIIIh Lawrence pud Karl Munn of North l'owdor nro In this vicinity at tending buslnosa. 01UOLVAL KSTIMATK AM) ACCOUNTING SHEET School DMrlct No. H This orlglnnl cstlmato Is mado In compliance with section 231-A of tho school laws of 1921 nnd shows In parallel columns tho unit costs of tho Bovornl sorvlccs, innterlal nnd supplies for tho thrco fiscal -years noxt procodlng tho current yonr, tho dotnll oxpondlturoa for tho last ono or said thrco preceding fiscal years nnd tho budget allowances and expenditures for six months or tho currant year. ("Six months or the current yonr" menus' six months or the Innt school year.) A EXPENDITURES t " Expenditures for thrco fiscal years ' noxt procodlng tho .Inst school year Estlmutod Dotallcd oxpondlturcs expenditures Second year First year for tho for tho Inst Gtva Olv6 ensuing year of tho yearly yearly school year throo-yonr totals totals period I 3.000.00 1,800.00 1,360.00 700.00 2D, 050.04 2,760.50 27C.00 $.16,838.44 $27,405,40 $21,527,04 I'KIIHO.VAIj HEHVICE: 1. Suporlntondcnt 2. Principals 3. Tcachors .. 38,000.00 4. Janitors - 3,000.00 5. Work 300.00 7. Othor HorvlCQ, It. O T. C. Tolnl IVmonnl Henrico 41,300.00 MATKUIAIi AND HU1'1'LUI 1. Furnlturo (desks, etc.) $ 1,500.00 2. Supplies (chalk, etc) 0C0.00 .1. Library books COO. 00 4. Flags 5. Playground oqulpmout 2C0.00 0. Jnnltor's supplies .... lfiO.OO 7. Fuel 3,000.00 ft. Light und Power 200.00 0. Water 3C0.00 10, Pottngo nnd stationery 100.00 Tnlnl ..Mnlcrlnl mid Supplies $ 0,700.00 MAINTENANCE AND IUCPAIltHi 11. 8. Uulldlngn and grounds ,$ 2,000.00 CJrndo llulldlngs nnd grounds Imp. of grounds COO. 00 Total Malntcnntico nnd llcpnlrn $ 3,000.00 INDE11TEDN1CHS: 1. Dondod, and Intercut thoroun $ 3,100.00 Total IndubtcdncMS ....$ 3,100.00 INHUUANCJ.'i $ 300.00 TiXnl Iiisurmirn $ 300.00 MISCELLANEOUS: Printing, Manual Training, Domestic Sclenco, Music, Art, Dorn. Art, Physical Training, Commorco, Sclonco, Voc. Ag., It. O. T. C, H. 8 2,000.00 Tolnl MUcullnneuus ....$ 2,000.00 $ 2.170.C2 . 408.44 'C30.C7 40.00 1C3.31 422.01 1,240.31 134.08 343.00 30,70 $ 0,007.80 . $ 4,030,00 $ 1,411,00 $ 1,704.00 3,000.30 1C2.03 I 0,822.47 $ 2,461.07 l. 5,142.88 S, 142.88 3,163.30 $ 3,311.02 $ 823.76 266,00 $ 302.40 -rfn (illAND TOTAL $ 3,300.62 $ 3,370.80 $60,400.00 $80,406.80 $41,278.37 $ 3,004.74 $30,468.00 I, W. L. Turner, do hnrour certify that tho above oatlmato ot oxpon- dlturoa for tho year 1021-1022 was propnrod by mo and tho oxpondlturcs for tho throo fiscal years noxt procodlng tho curront yoar ns shown above lmvo boon compllod from tho records In my cbargo nnd aro truo and correct copies thoroof W. L. TUnNER, District Clerk. BEAT OLD MAN WINTER TO IT! Here comes the lull botwoon summor and wintor, tho host chanco in tho world to tighten your dofoncos against tho cold blasts that are on tho way. Is your machinory safely sholtored?. A fow dollars spent on sheds will-save a lot of dollars invested in machines. , Aro tho roofs all waterproof?, A few shingles horo and there will stop tho leak bo fore a lot of damage is dono. . Tho railroads aro under a big strain al roady, moving crops and goods. If they.are overtaxed coal may bo short again.. Tho timo to buy winter coal is now, and tho coal to buy is Jesse Knight's Spring Canyon Coal Wallnco Derrick of Urouso .creek wag a visitor In Ironside, Monday. V. It. Lofton wns called to. Unity Sundny on business. Earnest Loccy and son Carroll went to Hereford, Saturday on bus iness. Charles Senton nnd mother mndo n business trip to Urognn Tuesday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Sylvester Hebo and father. Francis, nnd Jorty Lnwronco wont to Ilrogan Tuesday whore thoy will spent a fow days with tho Itoso children who are In school thero. Mr.Stiibhlofleld who has been do ing somo survoy work for Eastorn Oregon Land Co. on Camp crook re turned to Portland via Ironside Tuesday. Hon Faust wns n business visitor of Ironsldo, Tuesday. Frank Glen nnd County Survoyor ot Vnlo wns In this vicinity on bus iness, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cnnflold ot Ontario rolurned homo Tuesday after n fow days visit with their son and wlfo at Mnlhour river. Joo Ilrosnau ot Ontario with his wlfo and friends woro Ironsldo vis itors Thursday going to Malheur riv er whoro they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Joo Howcry ton a fow days. Messrs. Pratt and Wnltors roturn cd from Nyssa Thursday, golni; to Unity. ,jV!r. and Mrs. O. It. Dick motored lorOntnrlo and Nyssa Thursday. Mrs. Will Wcstfnll accompanied them to Ontario whero sho Tvlll spend tho wlntor. II. C. Means nnd son Arthur of Vnlo roturncd homo from Malheur rlvor, Thursday. Mrs. Alva Lawronco or Unity Is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W .11. Lofton this wook. Leo Thompson ahd Hnrojil Carlllo ot Unity wora Ironsldo visitors Wed nesday on their way to Ilrogan and Jamloson whoro thoy will pick np plrs. Mrs. Audio Lnckoy was cnllod to hor homo In Ontario Thursday, re ceiving word that her son Ilnloy was sorlousty III. Mrs. Lackoy has been visiting hor daughter, Mrs. Itny Duncan, tho past couple or weeks. Hay took his mother-In-law to OntnrloS Carl Storsback or Camp crcok'had tho inlHfortunu ot getting his head badly cut by n woodsaw ns ho and Hardy Murray woro cutting cord wood. Carl wont under tho snw to remove n limb which was In tho way of tho saw and raised up whoro tho saw cought' him Just over tho eyo cutting it badly. Mr. MoKamoy nt Nyssa Is In this vicinity with a load of fruit nnd watormolous. "Qranilum" and "Grandpa" Locoy wcro our visiting nt tho homo of Mr, nnd Mrs. Kay Duncan Wednesday. Thoy seldom got out as Mr. Locoy Is vory fcoblo. Mary and Fred, son and daughter, accompanied thorn, also Mrs, Callto Derrick and Mrs. Wnllnco Dorrlck. E. 20, 13. BIS MAL1IEUK COUNTV lUUL ESTATE TitANSFKits hecohded hi:pt. a i to oct. i Frodlc McKluley Graham ot ux to llorel I). Wilson, Lots 1 nnd 2, nnd 8HNKU Boc. 2-17-44. Sept. 21, 1021, $10.00. Mrs. Orn I. Huffman to C. Woltorstrom, Lots 18, 10, and In Illock 16, Junturn. April 1021. $300.00. U. 8. A. to Joo G. Craig, Sec. 36-10-44. May 26, 1921. Charles E. Johnston to Ponrl M Johnston, NWViSEW, E8KU Sec 33-13-41; BEfcNEU nnd Lot 1, Sec. 4: SW.4NWU Sec. 3-14-41. Juno 14, 1021. $1.00. Otto C. Krlonko ot ux to Albert W. Klug. 8HNEU8EU SocW. 23-33-39. Dec. 28, 1920. $176.00. Henry Alexander Ksplo, Jr, ot ux to Joseph L. Mariner, Lots 2, 3, 4, SW'ViNWVi Soc. 4-17-43; WHBEtf EttSWU Sec. 33-10-43. Sopt 10. 1921. $1.00. Sheriff II. Leo Noe to D. E. Mc Klnloy ot nl, BftSWU. SWtfSWU. HHNWU8WU Sec. 12-22-40. 8opt. 20, 1021. $472.10. Mnrgarot Malcolm et al to Purvis Farm & Dairy Co., SEVi Sec. 7: 8 WUNWU. WMSWVi Soc. 8-10-44. Sept 21, 1921. $1.00. Knry K. Claypool ot vlr to F. J. Claypool, BHNEVi. EtfNWH. nnd Lot 2, Sec 1-18-42. Sopt. 28, 1921. $0,000.00. V. 8. A. to Charlos V. White. Lot 3, Soc 33-18-47. Nov. 9, 1916. MAUUI.UU: LICENSES ISSUED DUHING WEEK Forest Jones nnd Bernlco V. Fro man, Sopt. 27, 1921. Joseph McCnrroll nnd Lorone Johnson, Oct. 1, 1921. N. Door, and Alt- Malheur Sept 26, $1,600.00 Wm. J. MAfWWM 00000l0l0000000000l Wo shall bo glad to furnish you with any sort of building materials needed to prepare for winter, Geo. McLain, Sales Mgr, Ontario Yard BOISE PAYETTE LUMBER CO. COMPLAINTS FILED IN CIIICU1T ' COUIIT Velmer Door vs. John Sept. 26, 1921. Divorce mpny, John Ehebarrlota vs. Livestock & Land Co., 1921. Itecovory on Note, Vale Trading Co. vs Morrison et al, Sept. 27, 1921. Fore closure ot Mortgage. $2,466.98. First National Dank of Elgin vs. Nephla A. Anderson et al, Sept. 29, 1921. Foreclosure ot Mortgage. $2, 600.00. Wm. E. Lees vs. Waltor S. Wiley et ux. Sept. 30, 1921. Foreclosure ot Tax Lien. PETITIONS FILED IN PRORATR OOUUT Estata or Konnoth Murray, Sopt. 29, 1921, Eatato of Andrew M. Johnson, Sopt. 29, 1921, NaUtt .,1PE HTRA DOLIRA FR i .BlllllinilllllllHIIIIMIUHIM It took yEARS-rfyEARS to develop CAMEL QUALITY We worked on Camels for years before we put them on the market. Years of testing blending-rexperi-menting with the world's choicest tobaccos. And now, EVERT I)AY, all our skill, manufactur ing experience and lifelong knowledge of fine tobaccos are concentrated on making Camel the best cigaretto that can be produced. I . " ' A There's nothing else liko Camel QUALITY. And( there's nothing elseVlike Camels wonderful smoothness, fine tobacco flavor and FREEDOM FROM CIGA RETTY AFTERTASTE. That's why Camel popularity is growing faster .than over. A better cigarette cannot be made. Wo put the utmost 'quality into THIS ONE BRAND. X Uis' . amel J. IITKOIDS TOIACCO CO, W1mU-J.I, K.C il iiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiifflilP'11' llllillllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.lIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllH FAIRMONT CREAMERY : WANTS YOUR ' Cream, Poultry & Eggs ' HIGH CASH PRICES PAID Dotft forget to get in line with us for TURKEYS ONTARIO'S GREATEST NEED TODAY IS SIDEWALKS Tho appearanco of Ontario ns a city is injured by tho.ln.ck of sidewalks, good durnblo Concreto sidownlks. Tho vnluo of many goodpieces of property is lessened becnuse thoro nre no walks in front of them. 0 Is This Not True? Tho only mnunor in which this condition enn bo remedied is to have the needed walks built, There is no need for dolny on account of high prices Concrete walks last for many, mnny years, thoy hnvo not increased in cost ns hnvo other mnterinls. Thoy last longer and are cheaper nnd better than bonrd walks. " WE CAN BUILD YOUES NOW If you want a walk, if you need a walk, if you would have Ontario a better looking homelike city, let us FURNISH YOU AN ESTIMATE ON A CONCRETE WALK BLASER CONCRETE CO. Fred Blaser, Ontario, Oregon M m r '-& -4 . y- c i 4f 4 i ifi -. u -. r J-JU" -f-"-1- J