The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 29, 1921, Image 4

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    iwowcTtt --i I
ljr (Dntarui Arijua
County Official Paper
Am Independent Newspaper
l'ubllshod Thursdays at Ontario,
Oregon, and ontorud at tuo Ontario
post offlco for distribution as .2nd
class tnattur.
U. K. Alkon, Managing Editor
l'ubllo sentiment In rapidly form
InK In favor of the 192ft exposition.
Despite tho fact that tlioru In hoiiio
.opposition to the big hIiow, thoro Is
llttlo doubt but that It will bo hold
mid Hint tho plan for fluancliiR tho
undertaking will bn approved.
In n largo and gonorul way tho
bcnoflts to bo derived nro obvious,
though tho porBounl beuuflts to In
dividuals who nro not planning on
"sailing out" ro(iilros mora effort
to determine.
l'cophi who llva along tho high
ways ovor which tourists will couio
In vorttablo strcunis can, If thoy
tobacco makes 50
flood cigarettes for
Wo want you to havo tho
boat paper for "BULL.11
So now you oan rooolvo
wllhoaoh paokaaabook
ol 24 leaves ol WU.-V.-the
very llnaal olgarella
paper In tho world.
will, copltnllzo tho oxposltlon. It
will not bo surprising to sea In
front of ovnry ranch n llttlo utnnd
from which tho rauchors will soil
tholr products Just ns thoy do now
on tho Columbia Highway, nnd as
thoy do In California.
Anyone who has ovor stnrtcd and
completed mi auto tour of a thous
and mllos or mora knows what tour
lug moans In tortus of manoy-snent.
Ho Is Indeed an export tourist who
can kcop his expense account below,
or oven near to $10 por day. With
ovon that coiiHorvatlva basis to
start with tho fund that will ho
spont In Oregon by tho auto tourists
aloua In 1025 will bo millions, upon
millions of dollars, oven though not
a slnglo tourist buys laud to sottto
With Ontario the terminus of tho
Old Oregon Trail, with Nyssa tho
tormlnus of tho John Day Highway,
and both completed by 1925, Mal-
hour county will bo In a position
to receive n greater share of tho
bonofltH of tho oxposltlon than any
county In Kastorn Oregon. Hero as
thoy ontor tho stato on tholr last
log of tho Journoy to Portland, or
on tholr departure Into Idaho on
tholr way cast, tho tourists will stop
to get Information, suppllos and
rost, porhnps, bofnro proceeding,
Ontario cannot nvold rocolvlng bon
oflt from tho Knlr and tho ontlro
county, espoclnlly that traversed by
tho highways will correspondingly
Improvo Its condition through con
tact with many travelers.
Whatever doubt onco lingered In
tho mind of nuyona rolntlvo to tho
paying possibilities of an annual
Fair or Hound. Up can bo dispelled
by n trip to ono such.
It Is not hard to bollovo that In
Pendleton during every Hound Up
thoro Is spoilt noarly $200,000,
though of couroo thoro Is no way to
arrlvo at tho oxact amount spout by
Proportionately tho samo amount
Is spout por porson who visits any
county fair, for thoro aro certain
oxponsos that must bo mot In any
If during tho tlireo days of tho
Knlr thoro woro' two thousand vis
itors In Ontario from out of town,
and In all probability there wore
more than that, they spont nearly
If not more than $10,000 hero.
Ontario doos not havo tho means
of ontlclng tho visitor to spend as
docs Pomlloton, and more of tho
" V ((6&i'&2h W&0Mr I Drawings made from nctual photoRrnphs of rubber
'' I WpSsaJ lF?f$F' magnified 200 times
y1 Ordinary tiro rubber
''.., y" " Th whit nr an "lump" ol
,' '" untnnly mltd ubtnee: Ertry
i "lump"' I m wooktpat that fo-
'Jr due mlltmi.
Crollde Compound Rubber
ht no Uti "lumpi." Nollem
Till orn ttlut 1 what mk
Thttmohl Tin woof long.
Rear wheels locked!
-a test every tire must meet
The unseen weakness in ordinary tires
that causes trouble in emergencies
fpRYlNQ to hold back on a down
X grade I You jam on the Toot
brake perhaps have to pull the
"emergency." The locked rear wheels
drag over the hard dirt road.
Do ntrnina like this prove too much
for your Urea? Why is there this con
stant threat of tire trouble? Cannot
tires be made to resist an abnormal
As tire distributors, we have heard
n good many motorists ask these
questions. Here's our answer:
If the materials put in tire rubber
to give it strength do not mix in
evenly, they stick together and form
"lumps." The accompanying photo
micrographs show the results uj .com
pared with a successful compound.
It is these "lumps" that cause the
tire to weaken nnd "blow-out."
Remarkable rubber compound ditcovered
Starting with this knowledge, the scientists
of the Thcrmold Rubber Company perfected
Crollde a rubber compound that reduces
"lumpy" formation! to a minimum that
eliminates premature tire troubles.
Crollde Compound (t today uicd exclu
sively In the manufacture of Thcrmold Tirti.
Either the Cord or Fabric type gives maxi
mum mileage under nit road and weather
We have compared the Thcrmold Tire
carefully, olnt by point, with other tires on
the market today, and we confidently be
lieve that no other tire compares with it for
service and durability.
You are Invited to call and tee thete new
tires for yourself alao the famous Crollde
Compound Tubes.
m ii i nimxiMj;! -aiiiwibij
Brunswick Records
Brunswick, In Its October release of super-feature records,
meals the tails of all music lovers ballads, operatic and
orchestral selections, and song and dance novelties, with the
delightful versatility which chaiacterliesall Brunswick music.
To select from this list Is to own what Is best in phonographic
Check tho Records you wlih to hear then
let u play them fur you.
3001(5 I Impromptu In A DM (Cltopln) PlanoforloSalo
1.40 I LoopoU
100)7 ( Mrt&U)o (JoflSont from Fautt) Al. Ill
I .(Hi i iuounoui m rrtncnl .soprano
LoopoU Godowtkr
Florence Eulon
10035 hUtoroUn-INoapotltan Soni) (il CtacamoTo tl)
1.09 I Uanton in Italian . CIiuoppo Donlto
30013 I J.l.n.ll (In Momarlo-n) (SUotrta-SUborttoM
I.S0 I Soprano In YiJJUh . . . . DorolUr JrJon
10041 f SpooUhDonco ICranaJofKnUUr) Violin Sola
IPoloMoon (Gftca. Logan) IJorlton ,
Mh UnJr tou (StrltklanJ) Daritam
Mox Roton
ttlch.rJ Uon.Ul
Rlcnonl BenolU llo (Afooro) IrlihAlr) To nor
Tito. K41U
WhonlitihForooAroSmllloi lOUott-Craff.Bollt
Inoo, nono onu wwcaniiniM irio
.M "1 Honolulu It
L Tonotan
' Bon Dolt (Eniliin-Kntai$) Contralto Elitobolh Lonnox
Robin Allr (Krppol) (.StoKhAIr) Contralto .
Ellubotn Lonnoa
2124 f WoodUnd Echooo (Ityman) Vlotln-Flaf.llarp
IS CondolUrTrto
' I JuonlU (Norton) Violin-Flutfllarp . UoadoUorTrlo
Lo (RortO'Jonnton) Soprano on J Contralto
lrna Audrov onj Cmllr EArlo
lloa.r Wttln'AppUH,U.Dy,on
a aattion . tnu.mii ua uiwumiw
3t27f Tutk Mo la SU.p (rounr.Lowlr.Moyor) ,..,,
,j UiUrJonct obi StrondMolo Trio
Uf You Onlr Know (F.on. Von filur) tlarilono
5062 f Down ol tho Kutkla' Boo (RonnfotJ) ., . ,
,00 J Crll.rion M.U Quoriot
' A Uttlo Clw. Hormonr O'llara) Criltrioo M.U Qutrtot
2123 ri'ock'oBtd Dor (5araan) . . Strood Malo QuatUk
,M "S Annual Protut Off to School) (Pyc) Humaroa
Kocitallan ...... Frlodo Portko
Jl5 ( Down AtThoOldSwImmla' Holo (tffion.Brtnnan)
7 onor an J tlarilono , mil Jooto ond fnxl flora
, oiur joao
Globe Service Station
ferntioi3 TIRES
ora ana raoric
. Mlml (IHacOanalJ.ConraJ) To nor
3130 ( All By MmoUWo TVol (Irvlnr Borlln)
V-30 I Bonnlo Kruoior'o Orth..t,
1,3 (Sotunlay FomTtoI (Brook) BtnnloKruoitr'oOrcnMUa
I'to Col Ibo Jot Fox Trot (() Coil Fonloa'o Orchou
r Lut WiUi-lntroJoclng "Now FaJriMy GolJon Loo
2129 I irm,,rMn,,7'Ai.ooH'ah,,IOerSlrou)
jj 4 Cotl Fonton'o 0htr
' I MlMluIpplOodU-tVafUfOUan) CorlF.ntoo'.Orch.lUo
Ontario Furniture Co.
mono la spont for things thnt are
worth whllo, so thnt tho visitor to
our fair who comoa from tho Inter
ior will co mo again.
On Saturday aftor tho fair thoro
wora morchants In ono or two linos,
whoso stock was almost deplotod.
Other merchants told tho Argus
that thoy had novor onjoyed a fair
wook business of tho proportions of
this year.
To our minds, thoroforo, It op
pears that fair week can bo made
a pnylug Institution for Ontario,
uiul tho ono argument which somo
of tho business men have used ran
thus be- answered.
Hut the Fair can novor ho a per
manent success from tho point of
vlow of tho business man until
thoro Is dovolopod n hotter spirit
of co-operation. Evory business man
In Ontario should holp, It cannot
ho ahoulderod onto a fow public
spirited men and thoro left. It Is
a positive shamo, tho manner In
which fair boards of tho past havo
boen treated by men who ought to
know hotter.
Now Is tho tlmo to get this fair
matt?r straight and to organUo for
noxt year. It Is a Job that rUnnnt
bo delayed.
ruptcy ono of those days In tho not
distant future tho city council must
tnko Its courage In hand and ralso
tho water rates to a placo whom
tho municipal water avstom will at
loast provldo for Its vott of upkeop
and provldo for tho retirement of
its bonds. It should at least do
that, It tho gonoral proporty of the
city Is to bo asked to provldo for
tho funds with which to pay tho
Oregon will havo a primary olec
yon eight month banco and the
political seora aro beginning to .in
tho hoavous for signs.
Tho rnclfla I.lvo Stock company
la planning to sell Its holdings In
Harney county, when the Irrigation
district Is formed, ovor thero
When that time comes Malheur
county ranchers want to hue
o'nough stock of tholr own to oat
their hay crops.
1U1SK Till: W.ITKK KA't'KS
Ontario's city council which es
tablished tho water ratea had no
local experience upon which to base
rates for a system such as that
Installed. So when It made the
rates so low that tho plant did not
pay It was not altogether to blamo.
But now that tho plant has been In
operation for threo years sufficient
experience has been gained to point
directly to the one courso that must
be followed unless Ontario desires
to face a very serious situation a
few years hence.
It is a fact that Ontario! water
rates are lowor than those in effect
in Weiser, Payette or any of Its
neighbors. Thero Is no reason for
this, In fact Ontario's could logic
ally bo higher, for tho plant here
was built during the war when costs
wore at their peak, and the system
la scattered over a district capable
of sustaining twice tho numbor of
peoplo served. All this adds to the
cost of the service and tho main
tenance, Unless Ontario I to go Into bank-
Cqrner Ida. Ave. and 2nd St. 8. V.
' (D. J. Qlllanders, I'astor)
Sunday School, 10:00 A. M. .
Preaching, 11:00 A. M. Bubject:
"dod'a Voice."
Christian Kndeavor. 7:00 P. M:
Preaching, 8:00. P. M. Subject:
"Throe Eternal Things."
White Hchool Hoiiso
Sunday School, 3:30 P. M.
Preaching, 3:30 P. M.
Are you drifting with tho careless
and thouKhtleas, nearer each day to
Eternal DooraT Are you following
the man of Galileo? Hemembor you
reap what you sow.
-I anAjs Kr mT iM Yfl 1 k Baaaaaaaan mmw
aa IT m"MimaU 3 fWt mmmmmmmmmmTnfaBBVnS2
In tho County Court of tho State of
Oregon, for Malheur County
Notice Is hereby given by W. H.
Rrooko. administrator of the estate
of Sylvester B. Klbler, deceased, to
the crodltors of, and all persons hav
ing claims against said estate, to
present such claims with the neces
sary vouchers according to law,
within six months After the first
publication of this notice to W. H.
Brooke, at the law office of Brooko
and Gallagher, In Ontario, Oregon.
The first notice hereto Is pub
lished this 22nd day of September,
Administrator of the Estate pf
Sylvester B, Klbler, deceased.
Date of last PuMiMtlM, Qt. 16,
In every field
there is a leader
The uniform high quality of
Red Crown gasoline, and the
unfailing satisfaction long expe
rienced through its use, have
made "Red Crown" the favorite
motor fuel, relied upon by the
majority of motorists.
With the leadership of "Red
Crown" has grown a system of
service. At Standard Oil Service
Stations you are assured of quick
courteous and efficient service.
Garages, and other dealers,
too, sell Red Crown gasoline.
Look for the Red Crown sign
before you fill, -the sign that
signals 'Power and Mileage."
tewt: i)'i, h
Si,,Jj,J Oil CrmfMjt
; A:
i . M
.. '
f .
VJ if,