The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 22, 1921, Image 10

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horn personals VALLEY VIEW NEWS
A civil scrvlco oxnmlnntlon was
hold In Ontario Saturday of last
wuok for postmnstor at Nyssn. Miss
Elizabeth Thompson, tlio present
NysB.i post mistress wnn tlio only
nno taking tlio examination. Chos.
K. Homnii, clerk In tlio Ontario
pofltotflco, who was 'on his annual
vacation, had charge of tlio NyRsa
poslotflce, whllo Miss Thompson wnn
In Ontario for tlio examination.
Frnncls Zimmerman, auxllary
clork In tlio Ontario poHtofflco, loft
this morning for I'ondloton to attend
tlio Itoundup. Prom tharo ho will
go to Portland whuro ho will spend
tlio rest of his vacation.
Mrs. Carrio II. Akor and her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. If. C. Onbnuor, hnvo moved to
ltnlph Oyer returned homo tnsl
Tuesday, after spending tlio suintnor
In California. Iloforo reluming home
ho mado a trip to Kansas City to
visit his brother Clnrcnro Oyer
formerly of Ontario.
Hov. W. F. Cochran hns his homo
tilled up with tlio tonchors for tlir
winter term. Thoso who were lucky
enough to find rooms with Mr. and
Mrs. Cochran aro, Miss Ilaytoy, com
mercial teacher, Miss Woods, domes
tic sclenco, Miss Dunsluno, mimic
Minn Laura Wherry, grade teacher
nnd Mr. I.nthfop, high school ninth
motlcs. Mrs. Joo Llnglo, has as her guest
this week hor cousin, Mrs. Delia
Mlchaud or nonlo, Novnila.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Huhcr of I'o
catollo woro guests of Mr. and Mrs
Paul Cnyou from Friday to Wednes
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ivan Oakei hnve
heon In Jnmloeon since tlio first of
the week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Irving Ilnxoltlno
nnd small son Hilly of Canyon City
who linvo boon visiting friends In
Ontario this week loft today for
Miss Alma lloinnn returned the
Inst of tlio week from n trip Into
tlio mountains with friends.
Judgo K. II. Test, J. I'. Joyco nnd
Frod Test wont duck hunting the
first of tlio week nt Jordan Valley.
Otto Ulncknby ramn down from
Jordan Valloy tlio hut of tlio week
to enjoy ono day of tlio fnlr.
Mrs. Ilotit. Lytlo who was n guost
of Mr. unci Mrs. Ivan Onkes last
week roturnod 8aturday to hor
homo In Vnlo.
Dr. It. O. Pnyno, I). W. Powers
nnd W. b. I'luniiy loft today on n
hunting trip up nhnvo Ironside
Miss Kiln McFnll ontortnlued six
of hor girl friends nt n theatre party
flaturday oenlng In honor of hor
thlrtoonth birthday.
Ten carloads of prunes hnvo been
shipped from tho narrow's & Ord
way Itnnch and this nook tho pick
ers aro busy with apples Twenty
fho porsnns nre working In tho
orchard whllo six sorters nro busy In
tho pncklng-houso. The first car of
apples was being" loaded Tilesdny
which will ha shipped tooso In tho
Miss Agues Amldon Is helping In
tho fruit picking nt the Harrow's
nnd Ordwny ranch, also tho Misses
Albee, who havo boon visiting their
brother, Mr. A. It. Albee. A sister
of Frnnk llonry, also Mrs. Honry's
sister, both from Nnmpa, aro picking
Quito n number of tho ranchers
havo Joined the Grain Growers As
sociation and hnvo pooled their
wheat for shipment to that concern
nt Portland. At present Will Downs,
Chnrlcs Amldon nnd Mr. Sttndqulsl
nro busy londlng n car at Cairo.
Those who hnto Joined must sign up
for n period of six yenrs. A sample
of tho grnln Is soul to their Spokane
ngont nnd when npproved tho grain
Is nhlppcd to Portlnnd. Upon re
ceipt of tho Illll of Lading tho As
sociation pays tho shipper 70 of
tho market price nml tho wheat Is
hold until May when tho shipper Is
paid thn bulunco at tho Increased
market price, giving them whntover
ralso there Is In tho price. Tho
cost of shipping from hero to Port
land Is about 20c per bushel.
Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. W Dean loft Inst
Wodnesdny for n trip to tho Coast,
going first to Spokane, then to Aber
deen whero they formerly lived nnd
then to Grcshom, Oregon whero
they will visit tho Mr. Von Itcndon's
boforo roturulng During their ab
sence Miss Dorothy nnd Master Hy
ron nro staying In Ontnrlo with
tliolr grnndmothor, Mrs. Loltoy, nnd
nttondlng school. Loltoy Donn Is at
homo and attending tho Valloy View
Tommy Johnson, who tins been
helping Clarence Itees tho pnst yonr,
hns boon looking nt the Harry Plum-
tnor plnco with n view of purchnslng
It. Ilo Is ono of tho' young men
who grow up In this vicinity nnd It
would help build up our neighbor
hood If ho nnd other steady young
men would locnto hern with tliolr
Don't forget the meeting at tho
school limine, September 27, from
2:00 to 7:00 P. M. to voto for
1 10, C00. 00 bonds to ho used to pur
chase threo acres of ground nnd
build n now school Iioiiko.
Clarence Itees has lost his foot,
(wooden ono). We nro glnd to sny
ho Is able onco morn to use his own
foot with tho aid of only n cane.
door of tho Court Houso, nt Vnlo, In
said County nnd Stnto, noil at public
miction to tho highest blddor or bid
ders for cash, the following de
scribed renl property, to-wlt:
North Twenty (20) foot of Lot
Five (G) nnd South Flvo (fi) feet
of Lot Fourt (4), In Ulock Six (0)
Lots One, Two, Threo, Bovon,
Eight, Nino nnd Ten (t, 2, 3, 7, 8,
9, 10) nil In Ulock Ono Hundred
Thirty (130).
Lots Nineteen nnd Twonty (19 &
20) In Ulock Ono Hundred Thirty
nine (139).
Lots Six, Seven, Eight, Nino nnd
Ten (0,7,8,9, 10) In Ulock Ono
Hundrod Forty-eight (US), All of
snld nbovo described property being
In the City of Ontnrlo, Mnlhour
County, Oregon.
Tho nbovo real property with Its
appurtenances tnkon nnd levied up
on as tho property of tho said Do
fondants, W. II. Doollttlo, TriiBteo,
L. 1. Hlrsch, Ernn Illrsch. J. F.
Doty, Ontnrlo Concroto PIpo Co.,
Dolse-Pnyctto Lbr. Co., Wm. Ilend
or, John Lown, partners, ns ltondor
Lewe: D. M. Tnggart. II. It
Udlck, L. 0. Olson & L. W. Olson,
pnrtners ns V 8. Plumbing Co., nnd
Tho First Nntlonnl Unnk of Ontnrlo,
by virtue of ii mortgngo glvon thoro
on by tho nbovo unmed Defondints,
or ns much thoreof ns mny bo noc
ossnry to satisfy said Judgment In
favor of W. F. Homnn, togethor
with nit costs nnd disbursements
that hnvo or may accrue
Dated nt Vnlo, Oregon, this 21st
ilny of September, 1921.
II. LEB nok, Hiicrui
Ity C. W. aienn, Deputy.
Onto or first publication, September
22nd, 1921,
Dato of last publication, Octobor
20th, 1921.
Data of snlo Octobor 22nd, 1021, nt
11 A. M.
At high noon yestorday nl tho
homo of tho brldo's parents. Mr.
nnd Mrs. Jnmcs II. Anderson, Miss
Helen Anderson of this city bernmo
tho brldo or Dounld Karl Mnstorsnn
of Juuturn. Only thn Immcdlnto
ruluttvui nnd closo friends of tho
brldo and groom witnessed thn
ceremony. , Hov. Young of the
Mothodlst Eplscopnl church read tho
Tho brldo wns nttendod by hor
slater Miss Urbn Anderson while
ltnlph Mnstersou, brother or tho
groom was his attendant. Follow
ing tho sorvlco a wedding dinner
was served nnd tho young couple
left for Pendleton to witness tho
round-up following which they will
go to Portlnnd and other cities for
a honoymoon trip, nnd be nt home
nflor Novoinbor 1 nt Juuturn, Ore
Tho brldo who has llvod Ifi On
tnrlo for n number of years nnd Is
n grndunto of tho Ontario High
School with tho clnss or 1920, Is a
native daughter or Kustorn Oregon
having been born near Drewsey In
Harney county. Following her grad
uation slio taught In tho schools nt
thnt section nnd has u host of
friends throughout this section of
tho stnto.
Tho groom Is tho sou of A. I,
Mustorsou of Juuturn and Is n nn
tlvo son of this section. Ho Is now
rashlor of tho Punk or Juuturn.
Notlco hi hereby glvon thnt, In
pursunnco or Ordinance No. 230, of
the City of Ontnrlo, I hnvo taken
up nnd Impounded tho following de
scribed nulmiils round running nt
Inrgn within tho corporate limits of I
Mm f'llv if Ontario. In Mnlluiiir I Hilt
ui:i'iir.Hi:NTATivi: or ghain
To-oporotlve Oregon Ornln Grow
ors Association In part nt thn north
west division or tho United State
Ornln Growers Cooporntlvo Associa
tion, Incorporated. '
"Mcmborshlp roo or $10.00 en
titles you to nil privileges of this
nssoclnllon for tho torm ot tho con-
tract which Is six yenrs. This In
tho only roe you havo to pay. Tho
contrnct nnd nil dotnlls will ho ex
plained by Mr. llnruoa.
All wheat will bo poured, accord
ing to vnrlcty nnd grndo, nnd onch
member will recolvo tho nvorngo
prlca or tho pool, In which his
whent Is. For Instnnce, should CO
per cont or tho Dlcklow No, 1 pool
soil for 11.00 a bushel not, nnd tho
othor GO porcent for $1.20 not,
overy in o in bo r having wheat In Dlck
low pool would got tho average
prlco of $1.10 por bushel. Final
sottlomant on tho Dlcklcuv pool for
nxnmplo must bo nindo by Mny 31.1
ns ino pool or nny pari
This is one
of the
to be vert
this season
There is so much satisfaction in
finding tho style that is jnst right
for you; the ono that is most he
coiniiiL', that harmonizes with the
eolor ot your eyes,
Our School
This season
school shoes at
as the French
of it
County, Stnto of Oregon, to-wlt: Ms oiu, niiuitionni nuvnncos over nnu
Hmnll llrnwn Mnrn lirniulni! thus nllOVO tllO Orlgllinl aUVMlCO or 70
U on right hind leg.
Illnck horso brnudod J V. on
right stUlo, both hind root white.
And that I will on tho 1st dny or
Octobor, 1021, nt tho hours ot 3
o'clock P. M., of said dny offer for
snlo nnd will sell nbovo doscrlbed
nnlinnl nt 'public unction to thn
hlghost blddor. for ensh In hand, at
Tho Kngln Livery In said City of
Tnkon up this 19th dny of Sep
tember, 1921.
Posted thin 22nd day ot Septem
ber, 1021.
City Marshal.
FOIt SALE 40 ncro Improved
farm, adjoining Ontnrlo. Some good
potato land. HonHonnbly priced and
easy tonus. V. II. Staples. Ontario,
Orogon. 43 tf
IN FOHECLOSUHE. duly Issued by
tho Clork of tho Circuit Court of tho
Stnto of Oregon, for tho County of
Malheur, dntod thn 10th dny or Sep
tember, 1921, In n certain suit In
tho snld Circuit Court tor snld Stnto
nml County, wherein W. F. Homnn,
Trustee, us l'lnlntlff. recovered
lodgment ngnlust W. II. Doollttlo,
Trustee, L I. Hlrsch, Ernn Hlrseh,
J F. Doty, Ontnrlo Concroto Pipe
Co.. Holse-Pnyetto Lbr. Co, Win.
ltondor. John Lotto, partners, ns
Homier & Lowe; D. M Tuggnrt, II
It Udlck. L G. Olson nnd L. W
Olson partners as U. S. Plumbing
Co , and Tlio First Nntlonnl liank
of Ontnrlo. Defendants, In tho sum
nt Fourteen Thousand Two Hundred
Eighty-throe nnd 99-100 ($14,283
99) Dollars, with Interest tboreou
from tho fo-irteouth dny ot Febru
ary 1920. nt tho rule of G per mi
lium, nnd for tho further sum of
Flftv-slx und 30-100. ($6C 30) Dol
lar costs and disbursements here
in, .vhlch Judgment was enrolled
nnd docketed In tho Clerk's office of
said Court In said County on tho
10th dny ot Septombor, 1921.
HV aiVEN. That I will on tho 22nd
day of October. 1931, nt tho hour of
11 o clock, In tho forenoon or said
day, at tho North main entrnnco
At the Osborn Millinery. Many beautiful hats in
velvet and fancy materials at prices within reach
of all. Dress hats, sport hats and smart tailored
Ontario, Oregon
por cent or tho Portland prlco will
be nindo Immodlntoly following tho
salo, and following tho snlo or nil
tho Dlcklow pool, nil mombors hnv
Ing whent In tho Dlcklow pool will
receive flnnl nnd complete settle
Wheat will bo delivered to tho
warehouse whore you hnvo boon nc
customed to delivering It In pnst
yenrs. From thou on, tho associa
tion will hnvo full responsibility for
tho wheat. Thoy will pay all stor
age, Insurnuco nnd grading charges.
Tho nssoclnllon ndvnncos 70 per
cent of the mnrkot prlco upon the
wheat when It ts hauled.
In tho Northwest over 40,000,000
bushels or wheut will bo markotod
thru tho ussoclntloii this rail. This
Is estimated to bo two-thirds or tho
Tho Northwest Whent Growers
AssQclntlon has ovor 16,000 mom
bors In Oregon. Washington. Idaho
nnd Montnnn. Tho momborshlp In
Oregon Is approximately 3600 and
growing very rnpldly.
"Tho following nro somo or tho
ndvnntngcs to bo gnlned by co-opor-atlvo
"Larger quantities hnndled. re
sulting In lower handling expenses.
"Fnlr grading. ,
"Lower oxponsea In soiling.
"Extra profit from bloudlug low
nnd high grade wheat.
"Markot will be stabilized bocauso
tho furmor Is not comjiellod to dump
his grain at harvest time.
"Tho grain Is Insured.
"Tho rinnnclng of tho cooperative
association will be done ns tar ns
posslblo through tho locnl banks."
Tho Wnr Flnnnco Corporation has
recently loaned tho Northwest
Whent a rowers Association ten
million dollars which will bo used
to mako ndvnncos where tho locnl
banks aro unable to do so.
Mr. D. L. names will bo at the
Moore Hotel where ho enn bo com
municated with.
And, of course, to find the style
you must have a laro assortment
to choose from. That is just what
we are offering you.
Printzess and Wooltox
Tailor-made suits in all the now
styles for fall and winter, and in
addition the assistance of our
trained sales force in the selection
of tho ono right style for you.
we are offering
surnrisinuly lw
prices; sturdy" good looking shoes
for little Bobbie who is just start
ing his school career, or for Jb'g
Sister who is a college senior.
Note the following prices:
Little Children's sizes .0 to 8
$1 .95
' Children's sixes, 8 to 11
$2.25 and $2.65
Misses sizes, 11V to 2 i
$2.45 and $2.9
Growing Girl's sixes, 2' to 7
$3.45 and $4.45
. Brown and Black Oxfords for the
High School and College Girl.
$5.95 and $7.95
Upto the minute styles that give
the finishing touch to the well
dressed girl,
See Thorn in Our Windows
Rader Bros. Company
Prominent Itanclier or Oregon Slope
Dies Suddenly FollottliiK ()win-
Hon for Intention) Trouble
I, lied nt Njkirn I 'or Vents
Sunday School at 10:00 A. M.
Preaching services ul 11.00 A .M.
Subject or sermen: "The Promises
of Ood,"
Alt who havo no other church
homo nro Invited to worship with
Ainu Green nnd wife of Caldwell
were visiting with tho letter's sis
ter, Mrs. Wm, Butler this week.
A. M. Johnston, ono or tho most
prominent rnticliors or tho Oregon
Slopo section or Dead Ox Flat dlod
nt tho hospital hero at 0:30 P. M.
Innt Snturdny following nn oporntlon
for Intostlnnl trouble. -
Mr. Johnston was apparently in
tho host of hoalth on Saturday, Sep
tombor 10th nnd had' attended to
his uffalra ns usual until Tuesday,
September 13th, whon ho was sud
denly takon III. Ho was hurried to
the hospital whore an oporatlou wns
decided upon ns tho only means or
saving him. At first apparently ho
rnlllod from tho shock, but on Tues
day night ho stnrtod to sink grad
ually but ho again rallied and hopes
wero entertnlned for his rocovory
but he again began to sink nnd dlod
Snturdny evening.
Mr. Johnston lenvoa a wife and
four children, nil boys. Mrs. John
ston Is a sister or E. M. Demi or
Nyssn. Mr. Johnston was horn In
Iowa 41 years ago and camo west 13
years ago, settling first nt Pnyetto.
Later ho moved to Nyssa whero ho
bought a big- rnnch which ho sold
two yoars ago, following which ho
moved to Oregon Slope whero ho
has lived since. Shortly after mov
ing to tho Slope ho wns elected n
director of tho Payette-Oregon Slopo
Irrigation district and has taken a
prominent part In the lite or the
community. He was solectod by tho
land owners through whoso property
the Old Oregon Trail runs across
the Flat to represent thorn on the
board or npprnlsers and was Just
two weeks ngo named as one of. the
viewers of the land to be condemned
for tho entrance of tho road Into
the city.
' Tho funeral services were hold
from his homo In Oregon Slope and
interment was mado in the River
side cemetery at Payette. Tho nee,
Clyde Walker of Payette and Rov.
Young of Ontario officiated.
Corner Idaho Ave. and 2nd 8t. 8. W.
(D. J. Olllauders, Pastor)
Sunday School, 10:00 A. M.
Proachlng, 11:00 A. M. Subject:
"Tho Fading Loaf".
Chrlstlon Endonvor, 7:00 P. M.
Preaching, S:00 P. M. Subject:
"Tho Itlch Fool."
White Kdiool IIoiiho
Sunday School, 2:30 P. M.
Preaching, 3:30 P. M.
All welcome to the nbovo sorvlcos.
If you do not get your monoy'n
worth It Is your own fnult. Wo have
It ror you. Try us out next Sun-day.
John Deere Built It
For The Fordson
We can furnish you with
the plow that John Deore bull!
specially for the Fordeon Tractor.
It is made of New Process
John Deer tleel. '
That's why it is extra light
and strong.
It's the lightest tractor plow
you ever c v. tic ha less than the
average ho.t-drawi culky.
It Is tremendously strong
beam are gusramofd not TO tend
or break nil fiame connections are
tioWiveuJ no looew juints no tfivo
anywhere It's the plow you can
depend on to stand the snatna cf
BtilUing Fcrdton power uuuer &I1
plowing conditions.
Becauss of light weight and
dean scouring qualities, it pulls
extremely light. It's a teal fuel saver.
Bee It at work once, and you wilt
appreciate bow light It pulls.
Ita correct line of draft,
when hatched to the Fordson assures
Meat penetration.
Its genuine John Deere
bottoms scour, wiar well and auke
good teed beds.
Ita quick detacliablo shares
are strong and close fining. Loosen
one nut to remote a share; tighten
thesame pt and lh "hsrela on tight
Its simple, strong power lift
works perfectly. Lifting mechanics
moves only when the plow is being
raised or lowered no useless wear.
If-you are planning to ouya
Foribon bJ curs to see this plow. Ask
us to show you the John Deere No.
J0 the plow that fits the Fsrdscn.
Mrs. Vernon T. Herrett an son
Vornon Jr. registered at the Moore
tot Fair week,
". i