fjVe.jU7Z.. THE ONTARIO AEGUS, ONTAEIO, OREOON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 fe 1) E. A. FRASER GROCERIES Anew shipment of PREFFERED STOCK CANNED GOODS FOLGERS GOLDEN GATE COFFEE AND SPICES HARDWARE THE NEW CANFIELD CAMP STOVE $5.00 i JEWEL NO-LEAK OIL CANS,Regular$2.00 NOW $1.00 lilllllllllllllllll YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR SUCCESS E. A. FRASER UIIIIWllIillllllllNIIlllllllllllI IlllllllllllllllltlllllllllliJiUl MALHEUR COUNTY FAIR RACE MEET AND BUCKAROO SPORTS THREE DAYS OF SPORT SEPTEMBER 1 4, 1 5, 1 6 FAIR GROUNDS ONTARIO -RUNNING RACES EVERY DAY 4 SADDLE HORSE RACES MULE RACES BUCKAROO STUNTS J A Running horses from Oregon & Idaho ft 1 1 stables to face the starter in biggest nr V race program ever held in the valley. SOMETHING DONG EVERY MINUTE FOR FOUR HOURS OF REAL SPORT FOR THREE DAYS Grandstand admis 50c Wartai 5c Total 55c James M. Blanton, Mgr. of Races OUTGROWN ItUItAIi SCHOOLS Tho small rurat school, speaking broadly, Is ns much out ot place In America as a fir stump In a pansy bod. It was onco an honored Insti tution. So was tho oz cart, says tho Portland Tolegram discussing tho oducatlonal situation In Oregon. Ott In somo mountain pockot whoro advonturouo sottlors liavo ma rooned thomselvos along with thalr children, tlio Ono-room rural Bchool Is tho best educational institution available Thoro aro also somo peo ple who must still -woar wooden shoos, Dut nobody gots far In a day by tho aid ot oltbor ot tboso makeshifts. Tho typical rural school Is a makeshift. A stato gots about as far up tho scalo of oducatlon by trying to teach eight grades In ono room as a family gots up tho Bcalo ot civiliza tion trying to ralso olght children In ono room. In olthor caso it novor waB well dono; and in tho very na turo ot things It novor will bo. ' In Eastern statos tho ono-room school is disappearing fast. Thoy tako a group of Uiom nnd mako of thorn ono control consolidated school, whoro ono or at most two grades only aro taught In ono room. North Dakota with a population ot 140,000 less than that ot Oregon has moro than 300 ot thoso consol idated rural schools. Indiana has moro that n thousand. Iowa has built moro than 300 of thorn In tho last six years. Mlnnosota is build ing thorn at tho rata ot moro than thirty annually. But Oregon doos not yet know Just what a consol idated rural school Is. Ot courso It can bo said that bad roads nnd mountain stoops mako tho transportation of children to cen tral schools difficult; and so thoy do. In somo casos chlldron cannot bo roachod at all. Dut mora than halt of tho chlldron who aro bolng but halt oducated In our llttlo ono room schools could bo glvon as good an education through tho grados as Is glvon to city school chlldron by bringing thorn togotbor in groups largo onough to mako Is posslblo to grndo tho school. Tho American child who has boon donlod an oducatlon in a gradod school has boon swindled out of his Inhorltauco. Erory such child is a casualty. Tho prlnio roason why ono-fourth ot all tbo Amorlcan men who wore khaki In tho groat war, could not wrlto an Intelligent lottor homo nor get tho moaning out ot a printed pago of nows, was bocauso thoy had wastod tholr school llvos in tho llt tlo, dull, muddled, uninspiring ono room rural schools. II. Eachorson, Duhl, Ida.; Frank L. Low, Dakor; Dort Lampshlro, Fruit-land. on the aiious two on the enteiu'msh Last wook tho Argus, was tho victim ot a vory natural error, whon It prlntod tho statomont that Mat hour County would havo its first woman Juror In tho person ot "MIbb" Duby II. Kolloy. Iluby II. Kolloy la going to sorvo on tho Jury all right, as tho Argus know from tho fact that this nanio was con tained in tho Jury list. Dut tho facts aro that Ruby Is a man, and will not bo ablo to pload sox as an oxcuso from Jury duty. And tho Argus has sovoral times boon in formed of that tact slnco tbo issue was prlntod. Ilowovor wo aro not alono In this orror, for, with crodltlng tho Argus with tho story tho Vale Entorprlno prlntod tho samo statomont In al most ldontlcal words, In fact tbo odltorlal comment was ldontlcal, showing tho sourco of tho Entor prlso Information. Whllo tho Joko la on tho Argus, to mako tho vory natural mlstako that ono namod "Ruby" Is a tomato poraon, It is a docldod compllmont to us that tho Entorprlso thus rocognlzos tho usual accuracy ot tbo Argus to tako its nows from us. For tho information ot tho womon of tho county wo havo been Inform od that tho Jury list is mado up at tho beginning ot each calondor year, and that thoreforo not until noxt year will any Mainour county wom an bo callod to pass upon litigation. Wo horowlth offor our apology to Mr. Kolloy. It is on us. at Congrogational church all this month. Proachlng 8:00 P. M. Bubject: "Tho Call ot tho Other World," Whlto School llouso Sunday School, 2:30 P. M. Prcachlng 3:30 P. M. Dogln going to church noxt Sun day. Wo havo somothtng for you. Tho Congrogational Ladles Aid will moot at tho homo of Mrs. A. M. Lackoy, Wodnosday, Soptombor 7th. Important busluosa mooting. Largo attondanco roquostod. CONORnaATIONAfi CHURCH Corner Idaho Avo. & 2nd St. S. W. (D. J. aillandors, Pastor) Sunday School, 10.00 A. M. Proachlnir. 11:00 A. M. Bubloct! "Bovon Now Things In 2 Cor. 5-1." Christian Endoavor at 7:00 P. M. MAJIC8TIO Thursday OLADYS WALTON In "DESPERATE YOUTH" Up Sho Qoos dump Cartoon Fridny MARY PHILBIN, Tho now Unlvorsal Star la "DANGER AHEAD Uneasy Monoy Ono rool Comedy Saturday EDITH RODQllTS In "THUNDER ISLAND" Diamond Quoon Ep. 12. Sunday nnd Monday Paramount Week WILLIAM S. HART In "SAND LAND OF PYGAHES Wild Men of Africa Sorie Topics ot tho Day Tony Barges Almanao Tuesday nnd Wodnosday MONTE BLUB and ALL STAR CA8T in "THE KENTUGiaANS'' Flirt Comody with Harold Ltoyd, Bobo Daniels and Snub Pollard Thursday DOUa. McLEAN and DORIS MAY In "ROOKIES niTTURN" Westward Ho Gump Cartoon DREAMLAND """" Saturday EDITH ROBERTS In THUNDER ISLAND" Sunday "TltH OPEN DOOR" ALL STAR OABT1 First The FOR RENT Largo comforUMs front bodroom In tjulot, modorn homo, sultablo for ono or two gen tlomou. Mrs. C. Scholos. inn ONTARIO HOTELS MOORE: Will McLaren, Juntura; Pearl Jossup, Vale; F. B. Hamilton Puobln, Colo.: O. II. Barrett, Salt Lake; J. E. Williamson, R. H. Mo Quarrlo, Bolso; T. Turnbull, Crow loy; M. D. Hanton, Yellow Pine, Idaho; K. Dovlno, Nampa; J, O. Jardlno, Corvallls; O. P. Lilly, Dak or; II. F. Watson aoo. O. Orlot, Salt Lake; E. A. Whlto, J. 81c. Davis, Portland; J. A. Horastroot, Brogan; F. Ion, Nampa; W. J. Altnow, Beulah; W. M. Doolln, Mt. Home; N. Doty, Pocatollo; J. J. Hambrouck, Botio; D .B. Irwin, Portland; D. A. Smytho, Ogden; W. F. Elliot, Chicago; II. Y. Dlackwell Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Olios, Bolso; Ralph Boamguard, Bolso; Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Nelson, Portland; Mrs. W. R. Johnson, Vale; aoo. Ollvor, Bolso, E. II. Sabotf, Soattlo, S. E. Larkln, Clayton Davidson, T. J, Cramer, K. W. Loedom, Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Morrison, Bolso; John M. BeiiBoor, Mesa Orchards; II. It. Ml oy, J. II. Manhall, Welser: Mrs. S. N. Bolton, Mrs, V. J. Bolton Burns; Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Bottom, La Orande; D. L. Clark Parma: Louise Warren Nyssa; Mrs ,B. A. Richard son and children, Burns; E. l Peg low, Soattlo; O. I, Mattonaon. O. A. Cullman, J. A. Reed, BoUe) Mrs. B, W. Tlllotson, BouIaU) Mrs. S. M, Bolton, Burns; Mrs. A. O. Rose, Vale; Andrw Prader, Halloy; Joo and Ella Brosnan Vale: Mrs. E. M Nafee, Bolso; Walter W. Covin, Bonlta; D. E. Dunwti, Jordan V.; Dr. W. K. He,Us, Juntura; II. R, Wellraan, Yfclo; Mrs. M. A. Clay, La Orande.: J. E. Roogan, Wallowa. CARTER HOUSES O. W. Wright, Caldwell; Mr. an Mrs. Bllyeu, J. M. Bllyeu. BqnAtft. Ore.; M, M. Joyce, David Keat. juntura; O. 8. Sklnnor. M. Lewistou, Bend; Geo. Irwin and Frank Golden, Boise; O. S. Rice, City; O. W. Davis, City: Bert Graves, Max Krltz, Auson Davles, Payette; Fred Reed, Brogan; Frod Troutb, Parma; II. Russell, Nyssa; C S. arahm. Payette; Wallace Lynch, Nys; Jack Henry, Emmett; C, At lMa, Brogan; Frank Black weld Enterprise; Melborn B. Ellis, Yale; J. C. Medlln, WestfaU; A. M. Roetbler, Drewsey; Sen Stover, West fall; Mrs. A. 3, Rlcbey, Jun tura; M. Livoaston, Yoso Meba, Boise; Arch Mathows, Tamarack, Ida.; Caaa. Hodson, Brogan; W. S. QHWple, Jordan; Adam Murray, Jun tura, Will. McLaren, Henry Waker leg, WestfaU; Edla Marnon, W. R Heglor, W, J. Roup, Bplso; iS Kcontn, Nampa; Paul Sollo, San F, Mike Gibbons, A. L. Ostor, Juntura; W. E, Beckman, I. F, Maxiuon, Chic; Max Stiles. Vale; Frank Lyells, Cascade, V. L. Rich, Fruttland; Frank Reams, WestfaU; Nacker Canan, Bend; Roy McNulty, L. Page, A. E. Foster, Vale; Ross Cblran, Fred Lawson, Caldwell; A. S. Oahn, W, E. Eder, Payette; H. Palmer, Welser; Lyla L. Valley, Fred Jay, Manns Creek; T. 8. Moffatt, Nampa; W. F, Stlae, Ro-me; I. J. Hasbronck, Bhre; II, L, Cosaaa, Bead; Thoa. ;!,: SEPT. 6th COME TO- LINK'S BOISE FOR THOROUGH BUSINESS TRAINING B. C. BEETHAM II. D. FOOTE Owners and Managers lniiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuwmHtiittMtiiw Announcement You aro invited to attend tho Fall Opening of the Morris Millinery & Novelty Shop SEPT. 3, 1921. Morris Millinery & Novelty SSiop Ontario, Oregnn ulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltWIItMIHM iiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiHiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiutiiiiiiffliiuiin LADIES! attention LADIES! YOUR last winter's plush Coats and velvet Dresses i can be made like new at the Ontario Modern Pressary. We have latest equipment for Rugs and Carpets and all kinds of Draperies, Give us a trial. Wo call for and deliver, Phone 12 ONTARIO MODERN PRESSARY ( iiwwmiiwmMiiHiiiiimiwiitittiiiiiiiiiiiiiw University of Oregon CONTAINSi The College of Literature, Science and the Arte. The School of Architecture and Allied Art. The School of Business Administration. The Softool of Education, The Extension Division. The Graduate School, The School of Journalism. The School of Law, The School of Medicine. The School of Muiic. The School of Physical Education, The School of Sociology Fall Term Opens September 26 A klfh ttanlird of cultural tni professions! tkoltKl hts becoms on ol the ouUlandinj ol lh Situ Unlur f Ity. for cttilofus, follrs on IK vsrious school, or (or sny IrJormstion, vrlts THI? REGISTRAR. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eusane.Ore. 'Ml ..' V oA ,'Ai ,m i I t c '.V ;k" ;V A '.'I Er.w iii-nii aausBBMfu pwcsp swpesc