: THE ONTARIO AttCHJS, ONTAttIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 1 1921 MALHEUR COUNTV REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS RECORDED A0. 20 'XO AIM. l!7 U. S. A. to Charlog W. llodson, NV4 Bee. 8-1C-42. Jmio 20, 1910. U. 8. A. to ClmrloH W. Hodson, SV& Sec. 8-15-42, Mnr. 20, 1020. U. 8. A. to Emll llodson W'j Son. 4-1C-42. Oct. 22, 1010.' Alvln S. Mobs to Ada N. llnrton bower, SWtfSWtf Sec. IB: SWM NEW, WIS SEW, SEViSW'i Sec. 33-23-40. Dec. 1C, 1020. $1.00. A. Uallautyno et ux to Ada N, llarteiibower, Lots 1, 2, 7, and 8, Sec. C-24-40. Nov. 22, 1020. $500. Ada N, Ilnrtonbowcr ct vlr to W. A. Riley Lots 1, 2, 7, and 8, Sec. C-24-40, 'July 10, 1021, 11.000.00. Ada N. llarteiibower et vlr to V. A. lUloy, 8WUN13U, W'iSEH. SH'iHWJ Sec. 33-23-4G; Lots 1, 2, 7, and 8, Hoc. fi-24-40. Juno 21, 1021. $4,000.00. Itoss Tonnaut et ux to Ray M. Sailors N'KSBUNEU Soc- 2D-31-41. Aug. 18, 1021 $400.00. Shorlff II. Leo Noo to II. S. Sac kott, N4NWU, NBUSWU, SE',i NWK, NWViSWH Soc. 30-17-44. July E, 1021. $814.03. K. C. Hamilton et ux to Moses II. Whlto, NKUNWU Sec. 1C-17-47. Aug. 18, 1921. $390.00. U. S. A. to Mabel Judd Kcstor, NWWSEU 8o. 8-18-4S. Aug. 16 1021. U. S.A. to Chas. A. Coi-IIh.i, SEVi NWU, NEV18WW NiiSEW, and NEW Spc- 31-25-41. Juno 10, 1021. Final Cortltlcato. Chai. A. Corliss at ux to S. It. Corliss, SBNVW. NBtfSWU, N HSBW, nnd NEK Hoc. 31-2C-41. Aug. 4, 1921. $2,K00.00.. U. S. A. to Win. II. Hlako, SEU 8WU Soc. 3G-17-41. May 19,1021. U. 8. A. to Win. II. Woodworth, Loin 2 & 3 SW'l.NEtf. MVURB U Sec. 2-18Ul. Fob. 3, 1010. marrlmie licenses issued dukino week Darld M. Klmo mid Oonn Ornco Leo. Aug. 23, 1921. complaints filed in cutcinr COUUT Edna (Jortrudu Ilarkloy vb. Win. Homer Unrkloy, Aug. 22, '1021. Di vorce Clifford Jordan vs. Malheur Live stock ft Land Co., Auk. 22, 1921. Itocovory of wagos. $l,0Q9i30. Louis If. Htrlogal vs. Malheur Llvostoclc k ImiuI Co., Aug, 22, 1921. Itocovory of money. $1 131. 39. (loorgo M. I.oyo vs. Malheur LUo stock & Laud Co. Aug. 23, 1921. Itocovory of wages. $1,009.94. T. W. Hull vs. Malheur Livestock & Laud Co., Aug, 23, 1921. Itocov ory of inonoy. $402,041 West Publishing Co. vs. Robert U. Lytlo. Aug. 24, 1021. Itocovory on account. $308,7C. Willis Pnrkor vs. Mainour Live stock & I .and Co. Aug. 24, 1921. Itecovery of wagos, $039.00. Davidson arocory Co, vs. Mainour Livestock & Land Co. Aug. 24, 1921 Itocovory on account. $3, 848.91. J. M. McEwou vs. Itobt. E. Law roi.co ot ux. Aug. 24, 1021, Ito covory on nolo. $400.90. Frank Palmer vs. J, A. Ypncoy & a. H. Harvoy. Aug. 24, 1921. Ito covory ot inonoy. $1,000.70. II. E. Spolth vs Carl W. Fegtly, Auk 25 1021. Itccovory 011 nccount. $488.52'. Wm, Chester Tomlln vs. hlUnboth M. Tomlln. Aug. 25, 1021. Dlvorco. II. E. Young vs Thos. W. Thurs ton Aug. 20, 1921. Itocovory on Note. $280.08. II. E. Young vs J. II. Hansen. Aug. 20, 1021. Itocovory on Koto. $320,30. W. T. Stluo vs. Julian Lnrrnbldo Co. Aug. 27, 1021. Itecuvory on Contract. $1,300.00. CRANBERRY IS ONLY FRUIT THAT TRAVELS EAST TO WEST Columbia Ithcr" Crop Canning on Market .Soon Million Dollars InveMnl in Rogs Ncui1 Ontario Thu cranberry Is tlio only, fruit grown In tho United States whoso courso of travel Is from oust to wost. iteullzlog that this state Is a fruit-producing stato, men ot broad vision In tho district at tho mouth of tho Columbia Itlvor entered tho cranberry gaino and havo dovolopod It to Btich 1111 extent thut at tho present tlma It Is supplying u grout many ot tho cruuborrles used on tho Pacific CoaBt, but thoro nro still borrlcs Bhlppcd In from tho East. Laud that was considered wasto has been made productive. Tho to tal investment In laud and Improve ments In tbo district amounting to 11 million dollars. . Tli oho members of tho Oregon Stato Editorial Association who wore fortunnto enough to visit tbo cran berry "bogs In, Clatsop County, Ore gun, last tall woro astounded at tho mngnltudo ot thu Industry. Tho cranborry Industry on tho Pacific Coast, whllo now nlreudy occupies a firm placo among tho horticultural Industries ot tbo Northwest, llorrics of very flno iiuullty aro grown lit Oregon and Washington, in tho district nt tho mouth nt tho Columbia Itlvor. Hero Is n groat frost-froo zouo, with nbundnnt rainfall, having a climate udmlrably adapted to tho growing ot cranberries. Picking will coiumouco tho second week In September and will extend over a period ot tour to six weeks. Many people aro attractod to this district by tho fact that thoy can earn good wagos picking crnnborrles nnd at tho samo time, enjoy tho mild woathor ot tho Orcgoji Coast cllnmto In Soptombor. To tho rulo that tho Oregon fruit Is tbo bost grown nnywhoro, tho cranborry is no exception. It Is n vory luscious and wolt-fluvorod fruit which has made a great Impression wherever Introduced. Thoro is a projudlco in Home quarters In favor ot tho oaslorii cruuborry. Tills is duo moro to habit than rouson. Thu cranberry grown on tho cast shores ot tho United Statos is in deed u wonderful fruit, but tho cran berry grown on tho Pacific Coast Is ot oqunlly good quality and roqulros loss augur when put up. Tho In dustry Is well organUod nnd tho fruit Is markotod co-oporntlvoly. Perries will nppoar 011 tho murkuts shortly after tho picking soason is completed. Tho cruuborry associations ot tho coast aro urglug tho purchase of cranberrlos by tho housewife early on account of tho tact that thoro is a shrinkage In berries as tho soason progresses, and tbo thrifty houso wlfo, by making an early purchase saves Just that much. Cruuborrles canned early In October last Just as good on Christmas day as cron borrlea cookod on Christmas Evo. PAID LOCAL ADS Oregon Journal dollvored by car rier Dally and Sunday. 00o per mo. Lento order ut Turner's News Stand. FOR SALE Wurohouso 40x80, opposlto depot on railway tracks. Apply II. it. Udlck. .33-11. WANTED Uoy, 15, wnuts work In linylug. Will toko part payment In buy. Phono 94-M. tf. FOR TRADE- Houso nnd flvo lota for good Ford Car. Must be in first class condition. Iuqulro at tho Second Hand Store. Ontario, Oregon. (y GENUINE IV BULL DURHAM tobacco makes 50 flood cigarettes for B5v IUC ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. A. Stewart Drown desires to nnuounro that sbo has boon appoint ed Cosotioro for tbo Splrella Com pany. For appointments, phono 2 8-J, 38 tt. LOST Pocket book botween Vale and Ontario, brown leathor, Finder please leavo at Argus ottlco. Iden tification ot property can bo made. Howard will bo paid. " 37-p. FOIl KENT or sale tlvo room house, easy terms, two blocks North west of Qrado School. W, Korcher. ICE UOX FOK SALE Is In good condition. Call 2G-R. C. F. J. p. FOlt SALE 4 room plastered houso. P. O. llox 417. FOlt SALE at a bargain, Lots 11, 12 and 13; block 297; also 15,10 and 17, block 278. Address M, E. Gannon, Ontario, Oregon. 37-30. People's Second Hand Storo. E. Par rlsh. Prop. 20-tf. FOlt SALE Detroit Wnpor Oil Stove. Phono 161-J. 32-tf. STOCK TO PASTURE After June 1st Price $1.50 per bead yearlings $1,20 Good Pasture, Plenty ot water. C. II. Trousdale, tt APPLES, PEACHES, PEARS TO my old customers 'as well as those who have not bought fruit of me before I wish to say, I have a full crop of the above varities of fruit. Indications are that the qual ity will be exceptionally good this year. If you are inter ested in getting your home supplies direct from the grower, write for our price list. A. A. DOUBRAVA BROGAN, OREGON WANTED Mnllord ducks. Phono tho Angus. 38-tf. FOIl HENT flood house, cheap. Inqulro ot Davidson arocory. WANTED A girl or woman to help with gonorat houso work. Mrs. O. O. Luohrs. 2t. B ! B, WANTED Sowing at liomo or by tho day, Mrs. L. Harper tf. CQMAKESWAS 4"ANY OTHER tt DAYLIKE DAY- Our September offer makes it easy to start electric washing in your homo. For $9 down you may choose either a Thor or Auto-Matic electric washer. Tho prices havo been reduced for tho month, and you may pay tho balance in easy monthly payments. ENTER THE CONTEST A FEW DAYS LEFT Guess how many rubs in an average wasldng for a family of five $70 in.Prizes The number of nibs in the average wash ing has .been determined by actual count Hero are the prizes offered bost guessei's: FIRST PRIZEi 9iUi allowed on purchase prlro of any electric appllanco, to tho person guessing nearest to tho numbor of rubs. SECOND PIllEt $25 allowed on purchnso price of any electric appllanco, nnd Tlllltl) PHIZEs $10 allowed on purchase prlco of any electric appllanco. Contest Closes Sept. 10 QUT HERE I kucsn tho number of rubs in Hie average washing for flvo people to be Namo Dato Town Street or 11. F. D ELECTRIC SHOP Idaho Power Co. FOR HENT Two furnished houses, ono a tlvo room house, thoroughly modorn, ' other tlirco room, both completely furnished. Call 48-J. Ontario, or Frultland Cafo. FOU SALE Remington typowrit ur, practically now. Inqulro at Ar gus Office. FOR RENT Two largo comfort ablo bedrooms in quiet modorn homo. Phono 80-M. 37-tf. -r"-- When yon come light down to reason, wiiat is there discount tires THE no::t timo a friend come3 to you (ill excited about some wonderful tiro bnrgnin ask him how much value ho ought to get for each dollar of tire money. It's astonishing that any cur owner today should not know all the tiro service he iu entitled to. Nor how to check up between the economy of par quulity on one hand and big discounts, surplus stocks, discontinued lines nnd retreads on tho other. For two years U. S. Tire makers havo been telling the American people all about tires. They have laid open tho tiro business from every angle. They have always led the fight for better tires. They have consist- T ffrfisMlp cntly maintained quality first standards with certain economy for the tiro buyer. y They have established 92' Factory Branches all over the country. Perfecting U. S. distri bution so that you get a fresh, Jive tire every time you buy a U. S. Tire. So when n man once decides on U. S. Tires he knows what he is getting in quality service economy. In support of his own judg ment he gets the pledged word and reputation of the largest and most successful tire concern in the world. A sound reason for the fact -r-fS55 that you see more u. a. lires on more cars than ever this year. to I few, rV.J The ' U. S. CHAIN TREAD On of tho few tlr.a of which it romy tx said that they deliver economy year In and year out and tire after tire. "Yen tl fmh, hr tin ererll'me fau bur U & Tin." United States Tires United States Rubber Company Wfii FORD GARAGE HARVEY & RICKER mssm tes. 4ltt- . - n 4rfc , JMJ,rMM k.MlJ' . .ass. st . issrr"-" -yscuig-: