r ANNOUNCEMENT OF MUHIO CLASSES Mra. C. F. Cox, wishes to an nounco, that sho -will botsln her m(isIo class, Soptonibor 1. and la propnrod to giro credits in violin and piano. Sho la a graduate ot Iowa Collcgo In violin and piano, and has dono post graduato work in tho Amorlcau conservatory In Chicago. Prices for piano nro ro duccd from ?1 to COc per lesson. Sho has boon appointed by tho Slier wood School ot Muslo to glvo a four yoar's conservatory courso to any ono desiring saino, For further In formation, Phono 00-J. Adv.38-42 LOCAL PERSONALS THE ONTAEIQ ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST1 2fl, 1921. ANNOUNCIOUJNT Mrs. A. Stowart Drown doslrcs to announco that sho has bcon appoint ed Cosotlcro for tho Splrolla Com pany. For nppolntmonta, phono 28-J. 38 tf. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll OH!--for a Magnet tluit would attract mid draw every inun in Malheur Coun ty into this store for only 5 minutes each. To aoo PALM BEAOH SUITS AT $12.00 To ' boo Handsomo SILK SHIRTS GOING FOR A SONG $0.30 To sco what is to us, tho Jlricst and cleanest stock of morchandiso in all the state boing turned out of houso and homo at prices you will gladly pay . . W. O. T. 0. ELECTS OIWfOUKS Tho annual business meeting of tho W. C. T. U. was hold Tuosday attornoon at tbo Methodist Church. Tho offlcors for tho year elected were: Mrs. Olnudo E. Ulngham, proaldent; Mrs. Geo. Howo, vlco presldont; Mrs. W. F. Cochran, secretary; Mrs. F. P. Joyco, corres ponding; secretary; Tho superintend ents of tho dltforont departments nro to bo nppolntod nt tho next meeting to bo hold nt tho homo of Mrs. W. E. Lees, Soptombor 22, and tho now offlcors installed. Mrs. Howo sang a very clover song, composed by horsclt and set to music, to tho offect that duos should bo paid right away, so that tho Secretary would bo able to make a report boforo tho Convention, held In Portlnnd, In Soptombor. Mr. and Mrs. Irwtn Troxoll nnd sons of Ontario, and Mr. and Mrs. Mllos and family ot Now Plymouth, Bpont Sunday In Caldwell as the guosta ot Dr. J. N. Honry. Ed Howo, wlfo nnd two sons, of Albany, Oregon, accompanlod by Mrs. Stoughton and daughter of Dayton, Oregon, woro guests of aoo. Howo tho Inst ot tho weok. Thoy woro onrouto homo from tho Interi or whoro thoy had bcon visiting otlior relatives, W. L. Kellor, and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Home went to Mer idian Sundny to visit at tho Fred Sherman homo. Miss Holon Kel lor rcmnlnod for n longer visit. Guy Stovor roturnod from Now down from Caldwell Wodnosdny to visit n fow days with V. P. llrook ovor's and John Hrosnnns- dug Stovor roturnod from Now Meadows, Friday, whero ho had boon staying since July 1 Waltor Clomont Is down from Cnldwoll, doing soma lovoltng on his ranch. Ho oxpocts to inovo back on his placo In tho 'spring. Mrs. C. U. Stovor nnd sou Guy spent Monday with Mra. L. M. Cup rou woHt of Cairo. W. It. Lofton accompanlod by Mr. and Mrs. Alva Lawrouco of Ironsldo, rondo u business trip to Ontario Frl day, returning Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. tloo. Joffroy ox uoiso who novo boon visiting in Vancouver, Washington stopped oft to visit Mrs. Jctiroy s paronln, Mr. and Mrs. C. 1'. Cummlngs last Saturday. INCOMPATIBILITY By HELEN WAITE MUNRO. L All we ask is your auco. attend- "What wo have to show you will tako caro of tho action. Toggery Bill Ontario, Oregon III TOWN GOSSIP By Rube "Anyway" says Pat "I may not have lit tle Fajry in my homo, But I hnvo a little . "Miss in my engine nnd a little maid (made) in my cel lar." We have it or will get it if it's Jewelry. BLACKABY JEWfLRY STORE , HOSPITAL NOT&S Col. 8. F. Taylor was oporatod on for appendicitis Monday at tho Holy Rosary hospital, by his brothor Dr. Taylor of Uolso. Ho Is roportod ns doing nlcoly. Mr. llornurd 0. Donu, who was ooratod on last wook is gottlng along flno.' William Altrod Fonton, four year old sou ot Mr. U. I. Fonton under went an operation at tho hospital this wook and Is getting along nlco ly. Arthur Unlloy ot Jirognn was brut to tho hospital Tuosday whoro ho undorwont a very sorlous operation. Mr. Balloy Is a brothor-Iu-lnw of A. N. Jacokos. Mrs. W. 13. Uoyd ot Hrogan, Is uudor medical troatmont In tho hos pita llhls wook. Mrs. a. F. aillosplo ot Payette, Idaho was oporatod on Tuosday and Is doing woll. Mrs. Francis Kayo ot Cambridge who was brought to tho hospital last wook, Is progressing vory favorably. Miss Nolllo Ellraboth McConnoll of Frultland, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. A. H. McConnoll undorwont an oporatlou Wodnosday .morning. Mra. Aldrldgo loft for hor homo nt Mldvalo vory much Improved Monday DltAlNAOK DISTIlId' MICDTlNfl Notlco Is hereby given and a mooting ot tho owners of land situ atod In tho Vnlloy Vlow Dralnago District, Mnlhour County, Oregon, will bo held on Saturday, Soptombor 10, 1921, nt tho hour of two o'clock P. M. of said day, at tho City Hall lu Ontario, Orogou, for tho purposa or oloctlug two supervisors for said District, ono for a term of throo yoars, and tho othor for two years: and for transacting such otlior hut.- Inoss as may coma boforo said mooting. Dy order of tho Hoard ot Super visors of tho Valley Vlow Dralnago District this 12th day ot August, 1021. O. W. DEAN. ProJldont. D. II. WOOD. Secrotary. (SEAL) 38-39. STOP at Weaver's Comer Buy your fresh melons and fruits of all kinds. Sweet Corn a saecialty. 10 doz. ears for $1.09 .. H. E. Lockett MAJKHTIO Thursday mid Friday HRDESY BASON Tho liaby Star la TIIIJ DIG ADVKNTUHK" Flicker Fllckor Llttlo Star Oump Comedy a Saturday WILLIAM FAUNUM in "DHAO HARLAN" Tho Diamond Queen Ep. No. 11 "A NIOHT ON PAHAIHSK ISLAND" A Nutlva Troup of Hawaiian ontcrtnliicru, slitRors and dancers Sunday nnd Monday CAIIMEL MYERS in "TIIK DANGKHOUS MOMENT" Tho Sailor Suushlno Comedy , Topics ot tho Day Tuesday EVA NOVAK In "THE SMAItT SEX" Harold Lloyd Ono rtoel Comody Wednesday FRANK MAYO In THE ALMINIFIOKNT ltltUTK" International Nows Thursday OLADY8 WALTON In 'DICSPERATB youth" DREAMLAND A Saturday DUCK JONES In "ONE MAN TRAIL" , Sundny "POOR llKLATrVES'' ALL STAR OAST (. 1JI, br MoClur Nwipapr UynJIcm.) Love was dead, dead I Not even u hint of the memory of love remained in the cold gryy eyes of the woman descending the steps from tho ofllcu of the big lawyer, nor lu the absent brown ones of her husbnnd us he glanced hastily ut LU watch with a view to tho quickest possible return (i business. Something In bis tired face, however, drew out In her a trace of the divine maternal tluit exists In every woman, but especially In tlui.se who havo a tiny grave to remember, ns Dorrlee Ordway had. "You must hare something to cat before you go back to work, Robert," sho told him quickly. "Then- Is a lit tle rcstnurnnt Just acrosi the tracks there. It looks clean. We will go over." Indifferently he ordered tho whole soiuq food she suggentcd for him. Tor l.ersclf slie took only tea and toast Indigestion had lately added Itself to her long list of ailments. Ho spoke abruptly, between mouth, fuls. "I suppose Illnck thought It 'wan queer for us to go together to find out tho steps necessary for our dl orce. Strange, I've faced every kind of business sltuntlon alone, but when It comes to telling sonta one elso your fnmlly troubles" ho hesitated almost boyishly. t The maternal light again softened her eyes, then died to u cold gleam. "It will soon be over," she told him. "Mr Illnck con fix It up, you sec, without trouble a simple case of In compatibility, You will be freo for your everlasting business business." "And you for your sanitarium and baths and eternal complaining," lie re taliated as ho shoved his chair back sharply and led the way out. "Wo ought to hnvo brought tho car hero with us. You know It make my side ache to walk," sho complained, fretfully, as-they started back across the tracks. Ills only nnsucr was a gruff "Humph I" as he walked slightly ahead. Then a horrllled gasp from her caused him to turn quickly. She na stooped and was pulling fran tically at the heel of her high shoe, which wa caught In the track. Strug gllng, twisting, wrenching, she worked, her terrlfled eyes watching with aw- nil fascination an object bearing uown upon them, looming largo like some ancient monster tho engine of the through express, ,!n seconds that seemed like hours ho exerted every Inst atom of bis strength to releuso her, his mind work tng lightning quick to llml the eouw of her captivity. Tho high heel simply fitted tho railed groove In which It had slipped. No power on earth could free her In tho scant tlinl before that death-dealing monster would bo upon them. No knife, even If he had one, could sever quickly enough the lno Ings of the high boot J No strength could pull the heel from the strongly made nolo. The train wa slackening Its speed now. The engineer had wen them was trying frantically to slop, but still tho monster mine, came. The divinely mtitcnml look again iranxugured nor ruce. "Jump I" sho told him. "Oct awayl" and she tried to push him from her. He grasped the hand that sought to send hi in to safety. Her expres sion changed to ono of perfect trust and love of tho girlish upjteul that he' remcmiiered so well In the days of their courtship. "Robert I" sho cried, regurdlesi of tho oncoming engine. Her eyes wers the eyes of the girl of long ago. He gathered her closely In hM arms. Jump for safety mill leuve herl Never I uorrlcol His wife I The girl of his lovol The mother of the child who had left them I What wus business I What was all the world I What wus lire Itself, beside a love like this I The monster was close upon them now In spite of the swift work of tho horrified men aboard An Instant more and all was over. Silence I Even tbo nolso of the train died uwny as It came to a full stop. Hut love, after all, was not dead. LOCAL PERSONALS First Traveler on Famous Road. Tho first white man of wjiom w hao record traversing (he route of wimt Is now the National roud was Christopher Olst, who had been living neur the North Carolina state line and who cunie Into Muryluud at the re quest of the Ohio company to explore the land toward the west. Ho arrived at Will's creek In October, 17-M. Will's creek Is a good-sited stream flowing Into the Potomac at what Is now Cum berland. The Indians knew It as Calcutucue, a najne both dlttlcult to spell nnd pronounce, which led per haps to Its early dlscardunce. Upon this stream in a small cove In a great mountuln which rises there lived a friendly and Influential Indian whom the early traders wiled Will, probably the nearest English stagger they could make at this Indian name. So the stream Calcutuiuie became Will's creek aud the mountain nt Cumberland Will's mountain and upon the highest point the body of the Indian, Will, wag Interred at his death. Cumberland Evening Times. Not In His Line, "How do you explalu your latest theory T" "My dear sir, I am too eminent scientist to be expected co spend my time answering questionnaires," Miss Ruth Lackey roturnod Sat urday from St. Paul Minneapolis. Whllo thoro sho visited Mrs. Ray illlman of Raid Eaglo Lake, who wus formorly Miss Ethel Hcslup of Oregon Slopo. MIsb Lackey has been uway ull sumnior uud attonded Normul In Cheney prior to hor trip East. Mrs. II. R. Anderson roturnod Saturday from a trip to Portland. Mrs. Iko Ulanoy undVhlldron ot Caldwell woro In Ontario Tuosday, returning from Denlo, Nevada, where thoy havo bcon for tho past two weeks. Misses Helen and Oretta Ander son returned Monday from Portland whoro thoy havo been tor tho past two' weeks. N. Aloxunder ot Raker visited in Ontario Sunday. Superintendent mid Mrs. J. M. McDonald roturnodIouday morning from Marysvlllu, Missouri whoro thoy woro called by tho Illness of Mrs. McDonald's mother. Mrs. M. D. Thomas aud hor uisUir, Miss Roberta Prathor, of Columbia, Missouri who haB boon Mrs. Thomas' guost fr somo tlmo, returned this week from n trip to Portland, Scut tlo and othor coust points. Mrs. J. F. Joyco gave n party Sundny nftornoon for hor daughter Kuthryu in honor of tho llttlo girl's olghth birthday to which a number of hor young frlonds wor invited. Dainty refreshments woro Sorvod oq tho lawn. Mrs. Emma Conovor and son Oil turd returned Sunday from tholr visit to rolatlvcs at La Oraudo. Dr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor and Iko Taylor ot Rolsa woro summoned hero Saturday on account 'of tho sorlous lllnoss ot their brother, Col. 8. F. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Taylor and Mrs. Carl Fiold aro homo from tholr outing trip In tho mountains near Halloy, Idaho, business Tuosday. Dick and Ouy Stovor woro Holso visitors Sunday. George II. Ross has purchased tho rosldonco occupied until rocontly by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jonson, and is having It romodolod, Contractor Harry Klmo has brok en ground for tho construction of a rosMonco of W. M. Walker on tho brow ot tho Villa Park hill Just cast ot tho now rosldonco erected this sumnior by Cluronco Dotrlcs. Mr. and Mra, Dick Scott camo from Uuolah for a short stay this jook. Mrs. II. C. Cleveland of Jaraloson accompanlod by hor daughter, Mra. Charles Harris was an Ontario vis itor today. , Fred Piatt of Parma was an On tario vlsjtor 'on Monday. L. ...... - FIRST GLIMPSES OP THE MEW MILLSMERY For- Early Fall Black will lead in basic tones in hats of all types. Metalic combinations and, tall ribbon bows, graceful touffes of ostrich or other plumage. You will like the new styles. See them at- The Style Shop New location across from Dreamland PAID LOCAL ADS ESTRAY Roan Stcor, throo years old, undor crop on both cars, brand, H loft hip. Ownor call tor samo anu pay costs. L. L. Orolp, ono nnd ono halt miles west Ontario. 3G-37p FOR SALE Small cucumbers for canning, 2Co por gallon, Mrs. L. D. Hooloy, Frultland, Phono 40-2. 38-39. FOR RENT Two furnished houses, ono a flvo room house, thoroughly modorn, other throo room, both completely furnished. Call 48-J. Ontario, or Frultland Co to. ,L08T Dotwecn my Siomo on South Vlrtuo stroot nnd tho Rnptlsl church or tho post office, a pockot book. Ownor will pay reward for Its return. Jason Hnllock. Loavo at Argus offlco. 38p WANTED A flvo or six Inch cen trifugal pump. Write A. R. Olson Hums, Oregon. 38-40 FOR RENT Throo housokoopInK rooms with bath nnd garage also 1 furnished bedroom. Phono 173-M WANTED Mallord ducks. Phono tho Argus. 3,8-tf, FOR RENT Modorn flvo room houso, furnished. Also ono throo room houso furnished. Call Frult land Cafe. nc-tf. FOR RENT flood houso, cheap. Inquire of Davidson Orocory. WANTED Sowing mnchlno, Dav is proforred, and a good bod stead. Mra. J. H. Gordon. Ilox 072. tt LOST Auto tiro and rim 3Gx4U. botwoon Oregon Hlopo and Ontario on this sldo ot tho rlvor. Findor ploaso notify Argus offlco. 38p OREOON STATE FAIR: Salem, Sept. 20 to Oct. 1 A wealth of agricultural, livestock and Industrial displays, an excellent racing pro gram, high class .amusomonl and attractions, andV Ideal camping grounds. s A. H. Lea, Manager, Salem, Or.' 38-42. ill ontario vale htaei: Ienvc, Ontario (Mooro Hotel) 8:30 A. M. GiOO P. M. Ionve, Vain ( Drove! Hotel) 10:00 A. M. 0:30 P. M. Phono, Ontnrlq 37-W Phono Vnlo 3, FOR SALE Modorn six room liniittn. nvrnfit furnnrn. tlirfln blocks I SE."lra?-ilo,-l.- " ,ou ,.n.?i! liliiliililllll 1'iuiii ut pimnvi Uox 077 38-401' ALUMINUM WARE 8 pint Percolator Dishpan, large Pudding pans $1.30 Small stew pans - 70c to $1.20 3.25 Large stew pans - $1.90 to $2.20 .70 Teakettle - -- $2.45 GRANITE WARE Large Granite Dishpans Gqt. Granite Milk Pans $1.00 .50 J gal. granite coffee pots 6 qt. stew pans .75 .90 New Galvanized tubs for $1.00, $1.15 and $L30 MATTRESSES 40I.B. Cotton mattres ses, Art tick, roll edjo for , . .$7.15 This is cheapor than pro - .w a r prices. BED STEADS 2 inch poster $11.95 NEW SPRINGS Just arrived at now low prico but of wonderful construction $15.75 Other springs $4. HIE ONTARIO TRADING CO. is the newest firm in Ontario, and yet it carries the standing and good will of the firm of A. L. McDowell, which has been in operation in On tario foe over nine years. To the reputation of tho old firm for square dealing and reasonable prices is being added new stocks of goods and new aggressive policies by the ne company. Because the most of our business is transacted 'or cash, we can offer goods at a owor margin than if we were bear ng the expenses of a large credit msiness. However in the case of argo purchases we are willing to carry customers for a reasonable length of time, Our prices are low, the quality of our stock is high, and courtesy is the prevailing point in -our salesmanship. I KITCHEN . CABINETS Porcelain tops, complete needs of tho kitchen in a handsomo piece of furniture. $47.90 RANGES at a lower price than we can pur chase them for to day. But it is our desire to move the old stock. Oomparo. our prices with competitors.' Pathe phonographs hold the sales record in the United States for the nnmber of instruments spld. We are 'taking ONE-THIRD OFF our regular price. Records are offered at 50c, BUFFET Quartered Oak, wax' finish, 10"x36" mirror $34,75 Beautiful Stand Lamps ranging in price from $3.00 to $13 i ?T33a in -ir mmMmummiMMmm! ,iiMsramwiiiriMWiWMs'Mi rfVaOMMl