The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 25, 1921, Image 5

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i :
EVEN though the wages earned by East
ern organized labor have been only
slightly dscreased, the extreme low price of
RAW MATERIALS has enabled the manu
facturer to produce- BETTER QUALITY
FABRICS, so we are now showing
o U 1 1 u
for men and young men
$25 $27j
Boys' Knickerbocker Suits
With either one pr two pairs of Pants, and they, too, are
of BETTER FABRIC and modestly priced
f V itApradefortatb
fi Miiiiiiiii) WTiJfilllwi 1 J
Orogon SIopo Annual Community
Pair und ricnlo will lu hold Soptom
bor 0th at Arthur Mlllor'a grovo,
ono-fourth mile uouth and ono
fourth rollo wost of Park School
house. All exhibits must bo ontorod
by 12 o'clock noon. Exhibits ore
to bo Judged andyuwurdod ribbons,
There will ba big dinner nt noon,
program and sports In afternoon,
and (lancing in tho evening. Ilo
mombor tho dato, Friday, 8optom
bor 0. Everybody wolcomo. Don't
forget your picnic lunch basket.
Hoy Grain has boon on tho sick
list this woek.
J. It. Drown and wife of Payette
wore guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Drown, Sunday.
L. L. Culbertson spent Thursday
and Friday at tho 8. E. Chapman
home In Payette.
Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Connor and
daughtor Poarl were dinner guests
at the Gulp home, Sunday.
J. L. Drown was a business visi
tor In Caldwell. Tliunulay.
nornqrd Frost Is convalescing
from jvsevere attack of tomjllltls.
Mr. and Mrs. John Coatea and
family wero dinner guests at the
Karat home, Sunday.
Thel S. J. Simpson family woro
entertained at tho Tom Ileslup home
Friday evening. A melon feed was
the main feature of tho evening's
Mrs. J. L. Drown is on tho sick
llBt this weok.
Thft. Doy'a Pig Club accompanied
by Mr. Wellraap of Vale, motorod
to Frultland Wednesday, where they
were Joined by four other pig clubs
for a Judging contest and ball game.
A good time Is reported by the boys.
Mrs. Henry Itaboy and daughters
were guests of Mrs. J, L. Drown,
Mrs. Armena of Payette spent the
weok end with Mrs. T. Carlco.
A, J. Hanntz and family returned
home this weok from Mldvale and
report a most enjoyable vacation
and outing.,
Mrs. Hoy Cram and son, Keith,
wore week end visitors at the home
of her parents In Payette,
Iteva Miller visited Margaret and
Kathryn Simpson, Tuesday,
Mrs, Stanley Drown and sons,
Keith and Darwin of Ontario spent
the week end at the Frost home.
Mlsa Mary Dartsho is spending
the week with relatives In Welser
Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas and
family visited at the- J. L. Drown
home, Sunday evening.
Mr, and Mrs. 8. J. Simpson were
guests of Mr. and Mrs, W, F. Vtn
cont, Wednesday
Miss Leila Bartshe returnod
Thursday from Daker City where
she baa been vtettliig; her sisters for
the pwk two weeks.
Mr. F, 8. Wilcox, bob Fr4rkk
and daughter, Valeria, left for their
homo In Minneapolis, Saturday
evening, after having spent a fort
night at tho Wilcox homo.. Thoy
are returning via San Francisco,
where thoy expect to visit relatives.
Donald Newman and sister, Miss
Minnie Newman" o"f Payette nro
guosts of Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Hauntz.
Mr. and Mm, S. J. Simpson and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dod
saul were guosts of Mr. nud Mrs.
Tom Carlco, Sunday.
Mrs. Osborno and daughtor, Alta,
returned Wednesday from a two
wodk's visit with her daughters at
Mr. and Mrs, K. Frost ontortaln
od nt dlnnor Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Drown nnd chtldron and Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Drown nnd sons of
Ontario, In honor of tho birthday
anniversary of their daughtor, Miss
Tho Qlrls' Sowing club wilt enter
tnln tho Hoys' Pig club nt a plctilc
tar ba given nt tho Welser Park,
August 30.
MIhb Esther Hldnor of Mldvale. Is
la Riicst at tno A. j. iiauntz Home.
Tom Moggrldgo and J. II. Carlco
and sons Hugh and James spout
Bunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom .Car
lco Mr. and Mrs. 13. HaHinunRon and
Bon woro dlnnor guests of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Jacob Jonson, Sunday.
Mm. Claude Alton of Welsor and
Mrs, Howard and daughtor, Mario,
of Payette wero ontortnlncd at tho
A. J. Jonson homo Friday ovonlng.
Dotlclous rotroshmont woro servod.
L. L. Culbortson with a party of
friends motorod to Nysaa Saturday.
Mr. nrolthaupt and Mr. Long of
Ontario woro In tho Flat Saturday
on official business.
Mrs. Epperson of Dig Willow Is
tho guest of her .brothor Mr. Clnua
nnd wlfo.
Mr. And Mrs. C. Welchor nud Mr.
A. Bhay and son, Kugono, wore Sun
day dlnnor guosts at tho Melt
Luuor homo.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Lovolaco and
son, Don Vostor, woro guests Wet!
ncsdny of Mr. and Mrs. Vnn Patton.
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and
daughters of Toxas nro guosts at tho
Campbell homo this weok. Tito
Campbolls motored from Toxas and
report a flno trip,
Mrs, 11. Karat and Miss Oortrudo
Doals woro Ontario visitors Satur
day. Mr. C. S, Graham, visited friends
In Payette, Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Connor vlnltod
rolntlvos In Ontario, Monday.
Mr. nnd Mrs, Walter Griffith Jr
and baby and Mrs. Ada Morrlck and
son, Orvlllo, motored over from
Caldwell Sunday and spont tho day
with Milt Lnuor and family.
Mr and Mrs. Muson dough woro
dinner guests of Gcorgo and Maude
Culp Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Troxoll and sou,
Mr. and Mrs. Crowso nnd son, Jorry,
and Mrs. Davo Howard nnd son loft
Friday by motor for Portland and
other coast cities. They expect to
bo gouo two wooks.
L. O. Wisdom Is spondlng n few
wooks at the Hot Springs In Vale.
Mrs. Goo. Bullous, son Harold,
and nlstor, Fern Coles, spent Mon
day In Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Tonilln have
boon In La Orando the past week
mnrkotlng -wntorraolons.
Ono ,of the small twins of Mr,
and Mrs. Lnwronco Attorbury has
boon suffering tho past wook with
n Bora foot causod from a cut on
tho too. In some manner It has be
come Infectod and It Is feared am
putation may bo noconsury,
Mrs. O. K. Nlckoraou, Fathor
Nlckerson, of Dolso, and Mr. nnd
Mrs SJrotton and two sons nnd Miss
Nlckorson of Wyoming, Mr- and
Mrs, Tom Ileslup and son Jlmrolo,
wero ontortaluod at Sunday dlnuor
at tho t O. Hoslup homo.
Mrs. Frank Friar, Is helping cook
for haymen at tho Itoy Howe homo
as Mrs. Howo Is III with tonsllltls.
Miss Elba Pullon was eloctod
superintendent of tho Gradlo Itoll of
tho Sunday School, lust woek.
The Swimming Club will meet at
Dradley's at 3 o'clock Thursday
aftornoon, August 25.
County Club Loador, H. K. Well
roan met with tho Owyhee Poultry
Club, last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Win, Peutz and Mrs.
It. 'HltO motorod to Ontario Friday
whero thoy had dental work done.
Mrs. T. M. I.owe and Marlon wore
guests at tho W- W. Smith homo
Monday, ,
Mr. and Mrs, J. 8. Fisher, of
Dolso spent tho week dnd at the
Caporton homo. They left Monday
for a fortnight's stay at Payette
Mr. and Mrs. Hen Smith and
daughter and Mrs. John Wall and
sons were Gate City visitors Thurs
day. The Walker Threshing outfit was
ut McEwan's Tuesday.
Dorn, to -Mr. and Mrs. Oce
Schwelzer, Saturday, August 20, a
baby girl.
The Oeo. W. Denton family of
Nyssa, spent Sunday at the DeDord,
Mr. and Mrs, II. It. Overatroet
and son, Hobort were guests at tho
Lowe home, Sunday,
Mr, and Mrs. Win. Peutz and
family motored to Ontario, Friday,
Lola ml Fenn called on the homo
folks, Monday
Tho Dlgelow family called at the
Kllngback home, Sunday.
While out driving Bunday, with
hor daughtor Anna and Omar Hlte,
Mrs, Gus Scliwelzer was severely In
jured In a runaway. The attend
ance of Dr. Sarazln being necessary.
Mr and Mrs. Cbas, Schwelzer and
daughter Dolla, vjslted friends and
relatives In Wilder and Caldwell,
Sunday. Delia remained for a
visit with her grandmother, Mrs.
Otto Schwelzer and hor couulu, Mrs.
Victor Marshall.
Miss Marlon Lowe spent the week
end in Payette at the Sbamberger
home where a reunion of the grad
uates of Fayette High was held in
honor of Hugh Sharaberger. who Is
home fron sUasfleld University oa
a vmtkwi.
Mrs. Dortha Green, of Ontario,
motored up Friday for a visit with
her paronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. Gus
Schwetzor nnd her sister, Mrs. J. S.
Glascock and family and Incldontly
with hor husband who Is haying In
this vicinity.
Poutz'n attended a dnnco in tho
Dond Friday ovonlng.
Miss Mary McQltinls who has
boon employed at tho Peutz homo
returned to hor homo last week.
Mrs. Mrs. B. F. Pratt who Is
down from Ironside for a short stay
Bpout Monday night nt tho Chris
tonson homo.
Miss Marlon Lowo loavos Friday,
August 20 to attend tho Y. W. C.
A. conforonso at Seabeck, Washing
ton. MIbs Lowo In Vico Prosldont
of tho Y. W. at Whitman College.
Tho Kllngback family called at
tho Shatto homo Sunday, ovonlng.
Mrs. John Wall and children
spont several dayq at tho Lowo
homo, Inst wook.
Mr. and Mrs. llof Howo nccom
panlod by Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Friar, motorod to Ontario. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Flock and
baby motored to Frultland, Sunday,
for n visit with Mr, Flock's parents.
Dlgolow's visited at tho Lowo and
Pullon homos, Sunday 'ovonlng.
An abstract of tltlo Is a
short methodically written his
tory of tho tltlo to a desig
nated' tract of land, It con
slstH of a summary of tho ma
terial parts of ovory recorded
Instrument of uonvoyanco
which affects tho tltlo, togeth
er with a statemont of all
lions and Incumbrances to
which the samo Is subject.
Tho objojet of an abstract
Is to afford tho prospoctlvo
purchnBor or mortgagco of
real estate a convonlont meant)
of ascertaining tho condition
of tho tltlo.
Tho cnutloUB mnn will not
accept a deod or n mortgage
on roal estate unless It Ib nc
conipanlod by an abstract pro
pared by n rollnblo firm.
Vnlc, Oregon
Tho Ontarfo Pharmacy, O. M. Castloman, Proprlotor, of Ontario,
Oregon, takes plcasuro in announcing to their frlonds nnd custom
ers that they havo secured tho sales representation for Malheur
County and vicinity and adjoining Idaho territory of
for their ontlro Hno of V
and the marvelous
Sherman, Clay & Co. nro unlvorsally recognized as being tho
largost andMUost rosponslblo Music Houio In tho West. Thoy havo
but ONE PHICE overywhoro and and wo will bo In a position to
soil you horo In Ontario and vicinity any of tho Instruments
handled by thorn nt Identically tho samu price quoted for tho
samo pianos In any of Sherman, Clay & Co.'b main stores.
Tho Pianos handled horo will bo tho follewing:
Htelnway, Weber, Kniornon, A, JVChniio
Ktoy, Kurtzmnn, Hlrouri, Ilrnmbarli,
Krnknnrr, Aldrlrli, Voo, Htcck,
Whcclock, Nhcminn, Clay & Co. nnd secrnl other.
nnd tho Marvelous DUO-AUT
Wo will gladly trade In
at a liberal allowance
your old piano, organ or talking machine
Torms t osutt on all instruments, ovon tho Htclmvny.
You aro cordially Invited to visit our storo.
The T&exa& Store
Victor Product
O. M. Cattleman, Prop.
Ilexnll Drugs
ICuxtumii Kodnka
TO my old customers as
well as those who have
not bought fruit of me before
I wish to say-, I have a full
crop of the above varities of
Indications are that the qual
ity will be exceptionally good
this year. If you are inter
ested in getting your home
supplies direct from the
grower, write for our price
f m