Pffwwir. Mb.fc. iiiiiSm THE ONTAEIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUdUST 18, 1921. e: .HIIJB.!J Li L1- PHIBRPIWBIWiiWHW it. li i- r lp (fDntarin Arniw County Official Taper An Independent Nowspapcr Publlshod Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon, and entorcd at tbo Ontario poit offlco for distribution as 2nd cIqm matter. O. K. Alkeu, Managing Editor 8UDS0RIPTION Ono Year, $2.00 WHEN Till: RANCHER LOS KM On Monday of this week a reduc tion of 8 cents por hundrod was mado In tho freight rnta on potntoct to tbo Middle West. It will rosuli In saving thousands of dollars fot tho ranchers of tho valloy. Dut had It boon In otfect whan first potatoes wero shipped othor thousands of dollars would bavo been saved. Tako tho caso of Canyon county Idaho for example. Doforo tho or dor becamo offoctlvo COO carloads bad been shipped, averaging 15 tons por car. Tho reduction of 8 conts por hundred would havo roducod tho freight at tho rato of $24 per car, or $14,400 on tho 600 cars, Thnt represents Just that much should havo been saved for the ranches. Had there boon a traffic bureau In oporatlon, which had for Its busi ness tho study and adjustment of rato Inequalities, this saving would havo been accomplished. Thoro aro other products bcsldo potatoes upon which adjustments may ta tecurod. Thoro Is hay for uzatnplo. Thoro should bo an ad Juatmont In tho hay rato If this sec tion of tho country Is to bo per mitted to ontor tho market whoro hay Is sold. Unless It Is to bo admitted that It Is not economically posslblo to raise hay lioro for shipment a fight must bo mado to socuro an adjust ment. How aro wo to go about It. Each community cannot go about sottllng each of tho-o commodity ratos with tho railroad company. Such an effort must omhraco all this valloy from Mountain Home to Huntington, for what will apply to anyono of tbo communities In this section appllos to all. It Is thoroforo esaontlal that a united effort bo mado and also that la evory ono of thoso communities, tliero be an active commlttoo of bus iness mon and ranchers convorsant with conditions affoctlng tholr In terests and thoso of tho community aa a whole. Years ago It used to cost moro to ship a carload of apples from Em mett than It did from Payette or ANNOUNCEMENT DOCTOU J. C. WOODWARD, OCULIST, WOODWARD BUILDING, PAYETTE, IDAHO desires to announce that be "will be at bis oftlco ovory af ternoon for the purposo of FIT TING OLA88E8. Arrangements may be made for evening ap pointments. Eyes will bo ex amlnod FREE OF CHAROE. Office equipment Includes every modern Instrument. FIT and SATISFACTION guaran teed. Home for Sale Modern eight room houao, and six lots, with garago, chicken house, doop well, and other couvonlonces. Located In block south of High School, Priced right for quick sale. Call any time. CARRIE B. AKER GENUINE t BULL 11 DURHAM tobacco maks 50 flood cigarettes for t. lk d Caldwell. Tbo Rolso traffic bureau wont to tho railroads and socured an adjustment wheraby tho same rato applies from Emmett and all tho branch towns from Nampa to Emmett as applies from tho main lino. Today It costs moro to ship ap ples from Drogan and Jnmlcson than It does from Ontario and Payette. Now In all reason thoro Is no oxcuso why Emmett should havo tho samo rato as tho main lino towns, when Drogan cannot havo. What Is truo In rato making In Idaho should be equally trifo In Oregon. Thoro nro but a few examplos of tho problems which a traffic bureau would havo to deal with. There aro hundreds of thorn and It Is es sonttal thnt they bo flolvcil. Tho on ly way to solvo thorn Is to proceed to work for a solution. "MAIN HTHKKT" Periodically tliero appears a nov el which attracts moro attention than Is Its duo. Pcoplo read It, and, finding something which appears to thorn familiar, tickles somo fancy, or coincides with somo of tholr own preconceived notions, rccoin mond to their friends as the great est novol of tho day. Such a story Is "Main Street" In which Sinclair I, owl draws bis Idea of life In a small Amorlcan town. Thoro Is Just enough truth In Mr. Lowls' plcturo of Main Street to mako It familiar to anyono who has over boon fortunato enough to know tho Ufa of n small town. Hn has ndaptod tho well known char acters; It ono looks nbout him and thinks of tho oxcontrlcltlos of neigh bors and Into tholr activities ho has woven a plot. Tbo plcturo Is ovor drawn. It Is cynical. It la tho conception of a small town audi as n supercilious "city" man whose digestion was had might draw from somo characters to bo found anywhere In big cities as woll as small towns. Yet tho story Is worth reading In splto of Its ohjcctlonablo features. Thoro aro fow howovor who will agroo that tho woman roformors who Jumped from ono hobby to an other and qultoach worthy ambi tion whon alio oucountorcd tho first opposition Is entitled to tho sym pathy sho craved. Nor yet will It bo agrood that tho self complaconcy of tho Inhabitants of Gopher Pralrlo was entirely Justified. Thoro Is a mossago In "Main Stroot" howovor for ovory ono. For tho complacent "Main Street" may Jar thorn from tholr smug sat isfaction of tho purely material, and teach them that thoro la another vlow of llfo than that which satisfies thorn. For tho tdoallst thoro Is a' losaon In tbo solid nchlovomontH which tlmo nlono can bring through tbo Instrumentality of thoso who do not for sako tholr alms with oach robuff. Thoy to will find that ox ample, moro than precept appeals to tbo avorage community; that aer vlco, not aentlmont Impolls faith and Inspires followers. Durlng eoasons, such as this, whon other sections aro Buffering from crop failures duo to drought, ranchers on Irrigated farms appre ciate that though costly, Irrigation pays. A Frultland bench applo ranch wus held at $19,000 two years ago. This year Its crop was sold for $28,000. What-Is that rauch roally worthT It cost ono Canyon county farm er $3,000 becnuso- ho did not know that tho potato crop In tbo Kaw river valley was a failure And with his neighbors who sold to speculators the total loss of tho Canyon county ranchors Is declared to bo $500,000. That Is a mighty high costing Ignorance, DEAD OX FLAT Word has been rocelved of tho safo arrival In Kansas of Mr. and Airs. (loo. Fell, but after having spent a year In tho west, Kansas uoea not iook good to them and thoy aro making arrangements to return to Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Rasmussen of Payette are guests of tho former's brother Ernest Rasmussen and fam ily. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Raboy were guests at tbo Carlco homo Sunday. David Uurrell, stato welfaro com missioner of Dolse, stopped over on ftis way to Spokane. Friday and Baturday, and vlsltod with his eon Roy Durrell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Erneat Rasmussen and Mr. and Mrs. Noblo of Payette, motored to Pleasant Valley and Rolso, Tuesday. Mrs. W. F. Vincent and Miss Rena Miller wore guosts of Mr, and Mrs, S. Chapman of Payette, Friday. Roy Waltors and sister-in-law, Mrs. Cora Walters of Nampa spent . hi tuo ituinuua uuuie. R. N. Van Home and son Robert returned to their home In Sioux city, Wodneaday, after spending several weeks In tho Flat looking after property Interests. Mlsaoa Virginia and Elizabeth uavis or uoiso will .arrive Friday lor a iwo weeKs visit witn a two weeks visit with their cousins, Louise and Miriam Davis Mr. and Mrs. Hatntti and family left Tuesday for a week's outing In the mountains. Miss Cox of Frultvalo, who has been attending Normal In Uofno Is tho gifcst of Mrs, T. Carlco, this week. Mr, Charles Staples and Mlsaoa Mamlo Johnson and Fay Choster of Vale wero gueats at tho Durrell homo Tuesday and Wednesday. Tbo wind storm Baturday did cousldorablo damage In our section, especially In tho orchnrds, whoro qulto a number of fruit trees wore uprooted. Tho barn on tho Uurroll ranch was wrecked and tho largo derrick on tho Wilcox ranch blown down and practically rulnod. F. M. Tlppon and wlfo woro din ner guosts at tho J. L. Drown homo Friday ovenlng. E, Frost and family, Loo Drown and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Lattlg, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dosch, Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Drown and children attended a family reunion and pic nic bold at tho homo of Walter Ma honey of Washoo, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, J. Jensen and family spont tho wcek-ond with Mrs. Jen sen's brother, William Howard, of Dlrdlug's Island. Mr. Henry Moellor and family of Payette woro Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kuohl. Mr. and Mrs. John Howard and family spoilt Sunday with Mrs. How ard's mothor, Mrs, C. Johnson of Payette. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lake, Mr. William Howard and daughtor and Elinor Kolfor of Payette wore on tortulned at tho Jensen homo, Fri day ovonlng. Chjrlotto Drown entortalnod tho Misses Morna and Leona Thomas Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ara Wllklns of Pay otto' woro guests at tho Campbell homo Sunday. Mr. C. Wolchor s ablo to bo out again after having boon qulto 111 tho first of tho week. Sovcral families from tho Flat at tended tho Woodmoa picnic at Washoo, Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs, Frank, Attorbury of La Orando arrived Thursday for a visit with Mr. Atlerbury'a parents Mr. and Mrs, C. M. Attorbury. Mrs. Mason dough and stater Mlsa Maude Culp visited Mra. Wei chor and Mrs, Lnuor Wednesday, Mrs. Alfred Rocords and children of Dolsa woro weok-ond guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Drown. Mrs. Records attended tho rounlon at Mahonoy's Sunday. Miss Loulso Staples of Salt Lake City Is tho house guest of her sis tor Mrs, Roy Durrell. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tlppon, spent Saturday at tho Frost hpmo. Mr. and Mrs, Wolchor and Mr. Shag spont Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ingalts of Payette. - Mr. and Mrs, Ford Northrop and son of Wolsor woro guests of tho formor'a parents, F, M. Northrop and wlfo Sunday. Mlssos Mary Connor and HflUred Follows and Mossra, Art Connor, Mllo Lovoland and Elmer Koltbley, motorod to Now Plymouth and Dlrd Ings Island, Sunday and vlsltod Miss Mario Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hoslup enter tained Mr. Ivan Nelson of Ilolso at six o'clock dinner. L Mr. and Mra, McQIaaon and two children or South Dakota, woro guests at tho P. M. Doats homo last wook. Thoy woro on tholr way from South Dakota, via tho coast to Dolse wbero thoy expect to mako tholr homo. Mr. and Jtfra. Tom Hoslup, Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Wilcox, Mrs. F. D. Wilcox and Froderlck and Valeria Vllcox, woro delightfully entortaln od at tho homo of Dr. and Mrs. Mc Donald of Payette Saturday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. D. Karat woro Sun day dinner gueats of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Doala. Mr. and Mrs. nrelthaupt wore calling on frlonds on tho Flat Sun day. Mrs. E. Hall and son Edrld left for tholr home In Nobraska Wednes day by way of tho coast after visit ing hor sister, Mrs, Karst for sev eral woeks. Mrs. C. O. Healup entertained Thursday evening, complimenting Mrs. F. II. Wilcox and daughter Valeria, During tho evening a mus ical program was enjoyod Including violin solo;) uy Hal Koeler, and saxo hhono duets and trios by C. C. and Froderlck Wilcox and Fred Moss. Delicious refreshments were served by tho hostess to tho following guests. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moss and llal Keller or Payette, and Mr. and Mrs. F n. Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wilcox. Froderlck Wilcox and Mrs. Valorla Wllcor. Mrs. Carlos C. Wilcox entertained Saturday afternoon for her llttlo son, Hobble, In observance of his third birthday anniversary, A de lightful luncheon was served on the lawn, tho birthday cake, with the three candles forming the center piece. Tho following guosts helped to make It a Joyful occasion; Ruth Durrell, Ethel Carlco, Dorothy Mobs, Reva, Maxlne and Mildred Miller and Jennlo Heslup, and Mesdames Roy Durrell, T. Carlco, Otto Miller, Fred moss, Tom Heslup. F. II. Wll cox and Misses Wilcox, Staples and Cox. Tho Directors of Payette Oregon Slope Irrigation District have ap pointed Charles Llaa as the third Director to succeed Oeo. Lattlg, re signed. Mrs. Dert Karst entertained Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis and children at dinner Tuesday evening honoring ner slater, Mrs. E. Hall. The Oregon Trail Highway la rap laiy being completed and before snow files the people' of tho Flat will have a fine gravel road to Welser, Payette and Ontario. Davo Howard has secured the con tract to do the threshing for those who have pooled their threshing on tho Flat. John Howard has been hired by tho Directors of Payette Oregon Slope Irrigation District to ride the ditch for tho remainder of the sea son. Work on tho now school building, being erected for the primary grade Is rapidly progressing and will be ready for occupancy by the time school opens In September, SPECIAL HARD FLOUR DIRECTORY OF ONTARIO'S BUSINESS FIRMS These Men and Firms vill serve your very needs promptly. Call upon or write to "any of those who are listed below when in need of anything in their respective lines. They are reliable: HANKS FIRST NATIONAL DANK Capital and Surplus $100,000 "A Qood Dank In A Qood Country" ONTARIO NATIONAL DANK Tho Oldeat Dank In Malheur County "Servlco that Servos" Capital and Surplus $100,000. DRUGS AND SUNDRIES ONTARIO PHARMACY O. M, Caatleman, Prop. Prescription Specialist Victor Phonographs Rexall Remedies Eastman Kodaks KNOLLWOOD DA1UV Phone &05-J THE SUOAR DOWL Wo Make Our Own Ice Cream M. WfKELLOd Specialist for Rheumatism I rnrn whnrft nlhprs fall. P. O. Dox 609 Ontario, Ore KLEOTKIO SUPPLIES ONTARIO ELECTRIC CO. EloctrlcaJ Appliances and Wiring CLEANERS We will Clean and Dye for You at the ONTARIO PRESSARY HARDWARE MONULTY HARDWARE CO. Satisfaction Guaranteed TAQOART HARDWARE CO. Malheur County's Largest ' Hardware Store TROXELL IMPLEMENT CO. Farm Operating Equipment McCormlck, Deerlng and P. ft O. II. R. UDICK Plumbing and Heating Domestlo Water Systems 11YHON TURNER Signs V. W. MARSDEN General Repair and Machine Work New Process ARROW . FLOUR, guaranteed to be satisfactory. Made be Payette Mills from Malheur and Payette county wheat. Distributor for Ontario HOTELS CARTER HOTEL Where Stockmen Moot Noxt Ontario National Dank Now Management HOTEL WILSON Tho "Homoy" Hotol of Malheur County. Qood Meals 40o FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND KMUALMKH8 PHILLADAUM ft ALLEN Phono 227 or 178 Ontario, Oregon OITOMinitlST DR. J. A. MC FALL Eyoslgbt Specialist Eye Q lasses and Spectacles MILLINERY Distinction In Clothing And Millinery Is the Mark of Thoso Who Patronize THE STYLE SHOP MORRIS MILLINERY & NOVELTY SHOP Palmyre Waists Women's Suits And Sport Clothes OSDORN MILLINERY Nell O. Dedford, Prop. The Only Exclusive Millinery Store This Side of Salt Lake MRS DLANCHE C. ANDERSON Hemstitching lOo per yard Phone 2W P. O. Dox 616 liAKERiES PURITY DAKERY Erneat Darcua, Prop, All Kinds of Breads, Cakes and Pastry NOTIONS" VARIETY STORE More than a thousand Articles for the home . TTtNlfURK " ONTARIO FURNITURE CO. Undertaken) & Ktnbnlmers ONTARIO TRADINO CO, Successors MC DOWELL FURNITURE CO. A. L. McDowell, Mgr. & Pres J, D. Ingram, Soc'y. & Treas. E. PARRISH New and Second Hand Furniture Across from Doyer Dros. Store MACHINERY OEO. W. WAYT Farm Machinery and Equipment John Deere Line Molne Tractors WHEAT RESTAURANTS Good Eata at Reaaonablo Prices Quick Servlco CLUD CAFE . OARAGES AND AUTO SUPPLIES SERVICE TIRE ft DATTERY CO. Auto Tire Dattery Repairing """0 ROCERl K8 ' THE CASH OROCERY "Qood Things to Eat" THE INDEPENDENT MARKET Phones 6 and 136 If Its Oood To Eat We Havo It If It's Farm Produce We Duy It ONTARIO MEAT ft OROCERY CO. The Home of Oood Eats and Low Prices Phono 3 and 121 DEPARTMENT 8X6105" Every Day a Dargaln Day Dependable Merchandlae. "Not tho Cheapest, Dut the Itest" RADER DROS. THE KUD Ono or 40 Stores Will Save You Real Money E. A. FRASER Hardware and Groceries JEWELERS" DLACKADY JEWELRY STORE Home of "Gifts that Last" HENRY MILLER Watchmaker, Jewelry Our Motte: Honesty First ONTARIO REAL ESTATE CO. Farm I-ands City Property Insurance & Rental Department Store 4 i inVf mrwni-TiTJWf nMsaWMWafei