The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 18, 1921, Image 2

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School Vcgins September 12
Tho Frultland schools open Bop
lembor lZtli. The toachors aro as
follews: N. C. Oungor, Manual
Training and Science; Mrs. N. C.
Ilungor, Home Economics; Alice
West Commercial; Russell Kcnnoy,
History and Economical Alico liar
roll, English and Spanish; Mary
Alice Young, music and art! Mrs.
Anna Cardon. eighth grade: Mrs,
Hoy Clomont, sovonth; Alice Kline,
sixth; Mary liollonbock, filth: Eva
Ulomstrom, fourth. Edith Dlom
strom. third: Mrs. Kuth VnnDorKar
socond; Illno Jcnks, first; also Bcs
slo Wolfe, first grado. At Sunny
sldo tho grammar grades wilt he
taught by Mario Church nnd tho
primary grades by Qtadys McKeown.
At tho board mooting Monday ovon-
Ing It was (loci ded not to build tho
the overflow of pupils. It Is evident
that It will bo noccssary to have
school again over tho drug storo or
In somo other building. Mr. Haines
was hired to drlvo Houto No. 1.
1'YultUml Property Belling Rapidly
Monday afternoon of this wook
tho.doal was closed wbcro by M. M.
Hurst purchased of Messrs. F. M.
Fardnor, John Hands and Charlos
Coon tho south forty acres of tho
ranch known as tho Park ranch,
most of tho acreage being in bear
Ing apples, tho fruit going with the
salo. Tho prlco for tho forty acres
was i 60 per acre. Mr. Coon re
cently sold ten of this 100 aero
ranch bolonglng to him and tho
firm sold another ten of tho same
ranch adjoining to J. C. Btowart and
I,. A. Ornhnor the twenty bringing
I8C00. Charles Coon purchasod a
20 aero of tho ranch adjoining his
present 20 acros, tho prlco being
$9000. This Is ono of the bost Im
proved ranches In tho Valloy. Hoy
Manser sold his thlrtoon aero ranch
on Hlvorsldo Avenuo far I4J00,
possession to bo given In thirty
days. Last week ho comploted n
salo for his ton aero ranch Just
south of this to Mr. Crosdlo of On
tario. (Jrant Fisher sold a ton aero
fruit ranch Just north of Frultland
to K. II. Sargent for 16000. Apples
thereon woro Included, Mr. Bar
gont retains tho applos and ho In
turn sold tho land to D. D. Rolling
or for 13260. Tho apples wore Jon
athans and Homes.
Another Fruit liid Wedding
Saturday morning at ten o'clock
Mrs. I'carl I'otorson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. II. M. Lewis, was mnrrlod
to Ilayard Clifton niakosloy at tho
M. K, l'arsonago by Hov. Oeorgo
Todd, pastor of tho First Methodist
Church. Tho ring ceremony was us
ed to unlto tho happy couplo. Mrs.
Todd, Miss Smith, and tho two
daughters of Mrs. I'otorson, Gladys
and Doris woro tho guests at tho
wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Blakesley
left Immediately for n trip to Pay
ette Lakes, occompanlod by tho two
daughtora. Thoso peoplo lived at
Frultland for many years and aro
woll known. Their friends aro ex
tending hearty congratulations.
They will llvo at their now home In
Frultland already prepared for
Word has reached horo of tho
mnrrlago In Mnttoon, Illinois, of
Miss Irene Thode, dnughtor of Mr.
and Mrs. Marx Thodo, of Frultland,
to Arthur II Shaw, of Ilorkoley,
California, Tho wedding occurred
on August 8th, at the Uaptlst
Church Hov. Llveley, pastor officiat
ing. Mrs. Shaw hns lived hero with
her parents .Hovornl years and Is
woll known and will liked. Bho and
her husband wilt arrivo here In
about two weeks for n visit on tholr
way to their new homo In Ilorkoloy.
They aro now In Indianapolis and
Chicago on tholr honeymoon.
Injured in Hall (Innio
Frank Klnnlson, popular both at
tho Stato University In athletics and
at Frultland whoro his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. It. II. Klnnlson llvo, broko
his ankle at Qennpsseo, Idaho, In a
ball gamo bolween Qencssoo and
Colo. Tho accident occurcd la tho
eighth Inning as ho was sliding to
socond baso. A purso was taken
for 11 GO nnd ho was taken to Lowts
ton hospital whoro ho- stayed for
four days and then was taken to tho
homo of a friend whlto rocuperat
Ing. Tho accident will Interfcro In
his playing this year with tho foot
ball team.
Delight fill Home Picnic
A largo gathering of relatives and
frlonds which proved n very enjoy
ablo affair bocauso of tho represen
tatives of so many states was that
whon slxty-thrco mot Sunday at tho
Waltor Mahoncy homo north of
Frultland. A big picnic dinner,
sorved cafatorla stylo was tho pen
tor of attraction. Thoro woro races
for tho children nnd prizes given,
wrestling mntchos and mimic for en
tertainment. Thoso present wer
tho host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs,
Wnltor Mahonoy nnd family, J. w,
Mahoncy and family, Mr. and Mrs.
A H. Preston, of Fnlrbury, Nobrns
kn, Mr. ind Mrs. Alfred Ilocord, of
Eaglo, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry DoFranco
and family of Wilder, Mrs. Sarah He
Franco, Mrs. L. C. Wnrnor and Mr.
and Mrs, Pat Mahonoyi of Nampa,
Mr. and Mrs. Tlppln, of Falrhury,
Nobraska, Mrs, K, I), Drown, Cor
vallls, Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. Both
Manning and son nnd Mr. and Mrs.
Evorett Manning, of Wilder, Mr. and
Mrs. William lloscli, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Harry Lnttlg, Mr. and Mrs, Jonas
Drown and Mr. and Mrs. Loo Drown,
of Dead Ox Flat, nnd Mr. and Mrs.
Dob Drown, of Pnyotta,
Honoring Mrs. Nellson nnit Mrs. Cox
Charming throughout was the
COO hundred party given at two
o'clock Friday nftomooii at tho
beautiful country homo of Mr. and
Mrs. I). I. Ingard near Frultland.
In giving tho dollghtful afalr Mrs.
Ingard was honoring Mrs. T. It.
Nollsnn, of Nampa, dnughtor of Mr.
Ingard, who Is visiting horo with
her two eons, and for Mrs. A Cox,
of Cleveland, Ohio, mother of Mrs.
Ingard. The homo was boautlful
throughout with roses' and other
beautiful flowers. A delicious three
courso luncheon was norved at flvo
o'clock. Mrs. MoKlnnoy was honor
ed with a beautiful basket of sweet
poas, tho first prize, 'and Mrs. L. W.
Peterson with a card table cover,
tho second prize, Mrs. Cox and Mrs.
Nellson being prosented with guest
prizes. Tho guests wore Madames
McMllland, J. W. Woodward, Mc
Kinney, L. E. Peterson, Holmes,
David Orr, Duty, Ed Lauor, Soolcy,
Sommorkamp, flhawhan, McDonald,
of Payctt, Mesdamcs, Stetler, Mad
son, Thode, Fred Davis, Win. liollon
bock and Miss Hupp, of Frultland,
nnd tho honro. guests, Mesdamcs
Cox and Nellson. The hostess wan
assisted by Misses Katherlno Mad
son, of Frultland and Misses Mildred
Holmes aid Dorothy Turner of
Dtblo Viicntloii School Closes
Bundny morning tho niblo Vnca- J Donvor, came Saturday for a
uuii duiiuui ciuscu wuii u uifi rally
and community meet at tho audi
torium of tho High School. There
woro 212 enrolled with fourteen
teachers. A well rendered program
of music bible quotations and mis
sionary talks wcro glvon by tho var
ious students which provod very
interesting to tno audience which
filled tho largo auditorium to over
flowing. Hov. Horschol Shanks of
tho Drothron church was In charge
of tho school. It has proved a suc
cess and stops wero takon yesterday
to contlnuo tho work next summer
in Frultland with all the churches
uniting In tho otfort. A collection
wns taken which nmountod to $21.
05 to bo turned In to pay somo of
tho expenses. Displays of the work
.accomplished wero shown. Tho In-
tormodlato class made beautiful
gingham dresses and aprons for tho
children at tho Chlldron' Home In
Brunswick Records
This September release of Druntwlck Records merits iht
M of Suptr-Pftura-Lltt. It offers two great artists new
to Brunswick Records, Oluseppe Danlse, Uarltono) Florence
Ksston, Soprano; and presents in perfection and variety,
songs, band selections, dances and novelty numbers that
""been accepted as the best in their respective fields.
This list will appeal to widely diversified tastes and temper
amenta and well reward careful scrutiny of Its contents.
30010 Dl rVav.aia , (Tkr Horn. I. F.Ir Pra.aace)
( rrmrrUl:Atlll-3n,l-V.rJt
Giwaaapa DaaUa
At Maria (BatS-CtwifJ) 5raa nj
VMlm, lLmlin , Flaraaca Eaataa aa4 Ma Rmi
Maria Ckarataa
J Df ( Lui As Ttr ,
IUnlTrUk(Vr5rftwa) Tmr , Tbaa, KarU
NaVaJ Kaawa D TrauUa !' 3aaa
fiYasraJaiVftaar) Ttntr , Tba,KarU
1 ll i T'""'l (!') VUlln 3U , , Mm Raaaa
(Tk.ra'a O.lf Oa Pal Afl.r All T.n.r Dl
Jwu SkarUaa and Jam Lyath
llakl Fa.1 la a Bakr'i ILaa. Tartar mmJ Barlfm
Fraak MaUar aa Caws Raanlaa
I Vfi Ta U? Van Bat ll'a AU Now
Straad MaU Quart.!
Old Tkar'ra 3ul Nt faaala Tartar . Billy Jaaaa
21J7 INajy'. Alt.aipt AtSuIcUa , BlUf CaU.a a.J BUly llatae
M R.UUU1 Cm,JUn .... BUIr CaU.a
Blnl ladLkUaa Whittling StU , Mararl Mf Kaa
BUd. AaJ Tka Break WSUll.r wKA OtK,.lrm
, Marsarat McKae
..... rVariaUaaaOaSUfarTWaaaaAaaaaeTliaCaM
lM SaulV.ra RVaaaadr t .
f KawaU-waffan A.f.aV
2119 J FiaakFararaaaJAalaaaFraacklal
Fraak Farara aad Aalhaay FraacUal
UUII f MrCaatrr Blaaaaaa F Tft 1 Ukaai Joaaa' Oraaatta
iff Slalaa KU..-F Tft-tt,Jtli "I" a Bm.l"
I Ukaai Jeaaa Ortaaaua
2S005 EaaaliaaJaaalU F TV' lAaat Jaaat' OrtaaaUa
Tl-OJaa-IJUae-farf. , Uam Jaaaa Orckatlia
fBriae Batk Mr Bliukla Raaa Fa Trl, fnlrtJmtUr
Salt. IVWt YitCmBmt"tfmZUiM.r
MiU,fl2l . . , CailFaataa'eOraVaalra
LaaraTa SmllFt Tial. lntrJuin "Canvarta.
Iln Sum" ram7n O'BrUn Ctrl
Call Faala'a Orcaattra
Ontario furniture Co.
A picnic dinner was hold on the
II. II. Klnnlson lawn Sunday. Mr.
nnd Mrs. W. A. Colwolt and Dcthcl,
Mr. and Mrs. II, D. Klnnlson and
family, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Jones, Mr,
and Mrs. Arthur Colwotl and sons,
of Dolso, Mrs. T. C. Taylor of Pay
ette, woro tho participants.
Mr nnd Mrs. J. T. Dockwlth had
as tholr guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs
Thurston Dockwlth and family
Itolno Jonks, and Mr, Claudia Huug
or, of South Dond, Indiana, Tho af
fair was glvon honoring Thurston
Dockwlth and family who go east
to mnko tholr now homo.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Hcckcs re
turned Monday ovenlug from (holr
honoymoon trip to Yellowstone
Park. Thoy will reside on tho John
Hlch runclr adjoining Frultland.
Mrs. A. II. McConncll and Harry
nnd Nolllo. Mrs. C. M. Williams and
two sons, Mrs. O. W. Drowning and
two sons and Miss Leona, Mlssoa
Fern Wllfong and Corral Sllnkor
loft Bunday morning for n wcak's
outing on Dear Crook.
Mrs. N. A. Peacock sorved a de
licious noon day dinner Friday
honoring her daughter, Mrs. Hobort
iiaiuwin. of Kverott, Washington.
Tho guosts woro Mosdamoa Oeorgo
McKeown, Fairy Spatnhowor, Wil
liam liollonbock and Misses atadys
McKoown and Mary Hollenbeck.
A Jolly camping party lc(t Frld.iy
morning for John Day Orogon In
the party woro Mr. and Mrs. Diehard
nan ana cniidren, Miss Dornlce Mc
uoo and Howard Manser and Mini
rorij iinck nnd Arthur I.lnck. cf
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. McAllister and
Mr. and Mrs. Alfrod McAllister, of
Mooteesso, Wyoming, camo Sunday
evening by tho auto route to visit a
few days at tho William Itauert
home. Thoy are on their way to
tho Coast and are looklnr for a irw
James Itauert, of Orand Island,
Nobraska, camo Thursday to spend
tho winter with his son, William
Arthur Colwoll, of Dolso, who
has been attending summer normal
nt I.owlHton, arrived Saturday even
ing to Join his wlfo and two sons
at the II. D, Klnnlson home. He
left Monday morning for Dolso and
his wife in the aftnrnonn. Intnl.,-
her husband at Nampa.
Tho Queen Esther Clrclo will have
a cookbu joou sale at Frultland
Saturday all day. Patronize 'thorn
for tho money is being used to edu
cato poor girls In tho south.
Forty young people of the Chris
tlan Endeavor Society on Saturday
evening attended n most delightful
social evening at the homo of Miss
Dornlce Hill at Now Plymouth,
Sherbet and cake weco served the
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Smith bad as
dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
William Hollenbeck and Robert and
Miss Mary Hollenbeck and Mrs. Ida
Mr. and Mrs. M, E. Dowers are
the parents of a little daughter,
born August 8th.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Til Harney aro the
parents of a little daughter, born
August 6th.
Misses Dertha and 8ophlu Dllnd
are home from attending I.ewlston
Normal during the .summer term.
Mrs. T. H. Nellson and nnn Tlnh.
ort, and Holland returned to their
nome ai rampa after a visit at the
ft. F r ratner 1 Insard
mi, iinuauii mm son, ingard are
in unio ror a month's visit with
roi eusoirs motner and other rel
atives, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Oardner are
home from a trip to coast points.
Mr, and Mrs. Peter Enberr re
turned Sunday from a week'a outing
at Council.
Mr. and Mrs. L. c. Hooley, Mr.
and Mrs. E. P. Nokes and Miss
(Muuino AinicK aro home
outing up ou Dear Creek,
Mrs. K. A. Unck returns this
rrlday to Dolso after a two week'a
stay at the Ralph Johnson home.
Mr nnd Mrs. O. I. Hollenbeck,
Miss Oladya Daughman, Miss Edna
Tlllotson, Miss Maude Yost and Ted
Seeker motored to Arrowrock dam
Bunday. From Boise they were ac
companied to the dam by Loren
Rudolph and children.
Miss Laura Hands left Tuesday
morning for Manleton. Iowa, whom
her aunt, Mrs. Clarence Rovoll.
Thurston Dockwlth and family
left by auto Tuesday Vnornlng for
North Manchester, Indiana, where
tho children will ontor school. Mr.
Dockwlth wilt go to Ohio whoro ho
will sell Payette Valley apples.
Miss Heine Jenks is home from
Dolso where she attended summer
A. L. Qorham went to Meridian
Sunday to take Fay and Fern
Hands, twin girls, where they will
make tholr homo with Mr. nnd Mrs.
C. W. Sandy.
Mr. and Mrs. L. 7., 8hubert nnd
son and Mr. and Mrs. James Deal
loft Monday morning by auto for
Senttlo and Vancouver, Canada, As
toria and Portland, Oregon, expect
ing to be away two weoks.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Drown will oc
cupy tho Bchubort resldouco while
they aro oft to tho Coast and Mr.
Carratchaol wilt look aftor telephone
troubles for, Mr. Schubert:
Mrs. Hoy Lowls, sister of Mrs,
Miller, nnd dnughtor, Frances, of
came Saturday for a visit
with Supt. and Mrs. Mlllor. Mr.
howls will Join his wlfo on next
Mrs. C. K. Powell and llttlo
daughter, of Corvallls, has come for
a visit with relatives. Mr. Powell
will nrrlvo this week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. D. Clasper of
McKccsport, Pa. who havo bcon vis
iting at the Harry Powell homo loft
this week for Portland and othor
western points before tholr return
to their homo in tho East.
Tuesday mornlne oarly Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Richardson, Miss Edna
Tlllotson and Ted Meeker loft for
Payette Lakes for a week's outing.
Miss Edna Tlllotson will leave
this Bunday for Chicago aftor a
mouth's visit with Mr. and Mrs. O.
I. liollonbock.
Her. Aldrlck, of La Grando, Oro
gon, hold Quartorly Conference at
tho M. E. Church Sunday evonlng.
Isaac Whcaldon, of Linn county
Oregon, arrived Saturday morning
for a visit with his brother. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Vornlo Rich nro
shipping tholr goods this week by
auto to thor ranch at Jororao and
aro proparlng to vacate tholr beau
tiful property on Pennsylvania re
cently sold to J. W. Hussoll. "
Misses Gladys and Hachol Chris
tensen, of Dozoman, Montana, are
guests this week of Miss Katherlno
Tuesday afternoon Miss Kathorlno
Madson entortalned fifteen guests
honoring tho Misses Chrlstenscn, of
Dozoman, Montana, who are her
houso guests. Delicious oats were
Thousand of Dollars lxt llucll
Year in Orogon lk-cnuso of
Luck of AdiMjuoto
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vallls, Aug. 10 Thousands of dol
lars aro lost oach year In Oregon
because of caroless or Improper
methods of storing potatoes. It Is
well to plan early for a sultabla
storeroom for tho potato crop.
Uso of a cellar Is suggested. It
should bo made In a dry or. woll
drained placo und should bo built
underground. Tho walls should bo
brick, concreto, or stono. The cell
ing sbould bu plastered if a build
ing Is ubovo it, to mako a doad air
spaco between tho plaster and tho
floor. Apertures through which to
empty the potatoes should bo left
at Intervals In tho aides of the wall.
It Is woll to havo a driveway
through the center with the bins ou
each sldo.
ventilation and temperaturo aro
tho most Important considerations'
in building a storeroom. Thirty
flvo to 4 IT degreos Is a good torn-
perature. If posslblo air should be
lead through a deop underground
draln-tlle Into tho cellar. It length
should bo sufficient to warm tho n'r
a llttlo In winter. Tho outside end
of the tile should bo covered to pre
vent the entrance of vermin. A
ventilator on the root will remove
warm air.
A raised board floor should be
In each bin with a ventilator run
ning from it up through tho tubers
at Intervals, Have double doors at
the entrance and the shoots. The
room should be kept dark. A re
liable thermometer should always
bang In the collar. If the tempera
ture gets too low uso an ordinary
oil stove. It is folly to have pota
toes freeze to save a gallon of kerosene.
FOR SALE 1920 6 Passenger
Dulck with extras, In first class
condition. Paul Cayou.
FOR SALE New Dulck Roadster
1920 Model. Mrs, T. D. Flser.
Phono 93-W 14. tf
from an
E Funeral Directors
y Six State Licenses
n Lady Assistant When Desired
1 Modern Chapel Room
emltaW.JSa'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'aMflllaBfaS J - if 'Kf?BtmlHsnLaSSBaBaBaBaBaBaN
t '4 HliFrr " "SssHHsVaffiOifnB
-t 3' If 4A ,-UXll a"jsl'a"a"aM- O.HH I'.lMQ
'IgJuJlfj-sBLiJHB .jBBBH
Ambulence Servlpe With all Modern Conveniences
H. L. Peterson
Phone 37-J
C. R. Augustus
Phone 7G-M
IS reached not by way of speculation, but by
the reliable road of regular'saving and safe
You are invited to open an account with' the
Ontario National Bank.
5 per cent paid on savings account., '
lSJTXPTafir17TTnV Rxitflf li
fliv :P awavmj.v.1
Cords BBaBaff Fabrics
- prices does not
mean a lowered quality.
Every Fisk Tire, large or
small, is a standard Fisk '
Present low prices are on
tire which have' made
the name Fisk famous
for quality and mileage.
There is no better tire
value in the world than a
Fisk Tire at the present
Sold only by Dealers
I she expects to make her home wills