The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 18, 1921, Image 1

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Htet0 '21011
10 V
L.UJ ..J U 11 I
NO 37
Preliminary Meeting Held At Cald
well Discuses Need For Adequate
Association To Secure Uettor
Shipping FadllUci
At r meotlng of tbo Commorctnt
club next Wodnesday evening ono ot
the wont Important matters to bo
dtscussod la that ot tho formation ot
a local traffic bureau, and tho
Uniting ot auch an organization with
uu Idaho-Orogon Trnfflc bureau.
At tho present tlmo thero Is no
organization doToting Its tlmo and
attention to tho solution of the ablp
plng problem ot the ranchers and
btulneeo mon, and elnco not only
the question of rates, but also that
of ear supplies, present difficulties,
It Is believed that an organization
should bo porfectod to hundlo thoso
The moTomont to form such a bu
reau won launched at Caldwell last
Saturday at the Instance of' tho Can
yon County Karm Duroau which
. c'nlfiid together representatives of
six Idaho county bureaus, togothor
.with representatives ot tho com-
inorclal bodleii ot thoso counties' and
the DoIbo Traffic Uurcau, and also
repreaontattTcs of tho Mnlhour
County Karm llurcau and tho On-
'. tarlo Commercial Club.
i ,' At the meeting Sherman Cotfln ot
. noise outllnod tho work performod
Vy the Ilolso Trafflo Bureau and as
sured the meeting that IJolso was
i willing to assist In every way to
further the objoct ot a general traf-
, fio bureau for Southern Idaho and
. Eastern Oregon. In tho Twin Kails
region such an organization has
been perfected.
To get tho sentiment ot tho ruon
, Intorostod In Malheur county moct
lugs will be held at Ontario Wednes
day, at Vale Friday, and at Nyssa
, Thursday, after these moatlngs, If
It U decided that Malheur shall bo
represented, a delegation will bo
fnt to Caldv'etl tot-uUt IttUke per-
. fectlon ot a permanent organisation.
9 At the meeting last Friday W. II.
poollttlo, A. O. Moans and Ooo. II.
Rosa were named on tho committee
', to perfect the Malheur county organ
ization. Count Agent L. H. Drotth-
' a'upt, George II. Ross and Ooorgo
i K. Aiken attended tho Caldwell
'meeting last Saturday,
WHUaai J.. Harris Malheur Coanty
Plo&eer Wee at lib Jiunlceoa
lloae Leave Widow aad
Wevew Oalldraa
Wn. Harris, a Malheur county
pioneer, died at his home at Jamie-
t son, Saturday, Aug. 18, after a long
' Ing Illness, at the age of 63. De
ceased was born In Cedar county,
"'Iowa Aug. 1, 1808 Ha came to
t Malheur county 38 year ago and
- ha been a resident ot this state
', ever since. In 188S.he was marrlod
. to Mlas Ida Davis of Lower Willow
crook. Eleven children were born
to this union, nine .sons and two
.daughters, all living and all at home
j. at the time of their father's death.
.81x ot the boys responded to tholr
' "country's call In tho world war. All
'six -went over seas and all returnod
wsufe and sound. The other tbreo
J ' boys were too young to go to war.
lifThla family furnished the largest
number ot soldiers for the war of
.any family In the coanty. The fun
i feral took place Monday, August 15
1 1 at 3 p. m the services, bolng con-
i ducted at the grave in the Jamteson
cemetery by Iter. Win. Luscombe of
i Ontario. The deceased Is a brother
J la'law of C. D, Davis, ot this city,
. ' who attended the funeral.
. ...... i
I In last week's useue of the Argus,
towing to a mleunderatandlog. at
the details of the business change,
whereby Mesara, Ingram and a be-
; came Interested In the business of
McDowell & Ce. the'bttiieWt m
made that tbey had purchased the
concern entirely. Tal was lacor-
(rect, for Mr. McDowell still retains
one bait tatereat and M the farm's
t pras'.aent a5itarf. .-t s
J, F. Joyee and family returned
ii u removed my September i
Tho Btato Highway Commis
sion has Issued Instructions to
tho rosldont onginoera of tho
Eastorn district to procood to
onforco tho stnto laws prohibit
ing the painting of advertis
ing signs along tho highways.
Alt thoso must bo removod, If
on tho right 6t way, by Bop
tombor 1, ami thoso firms who
havo signs so locatod aro bo
ing notified to romovo them,
and It thoy do not comply tho
stato wilt havo thorn torn
Tho signs In red recently
painted by a Ilolso firm' wll
also havo to bo obliterated,
Thoy aro confusing elnco thoy
led from all dlroctlon and nru
contrary to tho system adoptod
by tho Stato. Official roAd
signs havo arrived horo and
will bo placed In a short tlnip.
Thoso show tho mlloago bo
twoon Nyssa and Dakar.
Varied Work of Ik))' .and ,Glrl
Clulm Exhibited Intci-mtlng; Pro-
grnm Entertains Crowd IJro-
cecds l-r Community Hall
Tho success ot tho Ilonltn Jlnrbo
cuo was assured with tho carving ot
tho first sllco of brown luscious
moat at tho l'hulan homo on Aug
ust 11. Mr. J .F. I'holnn who was
In charge of tho preparing ot tho
meat, started tho cooking oporatlon
at 10:00 1 M.'on August 10,whoit
ho placed tho boot In tho barbocuo
pit. Each ploce was carotully 'wrap
pod In ohooso cloth and burlaps
An attractlvo part of tho program
was tho exhibit of broad and" cake
by the Uonlta Cooking Club, " This
club has six membors. Matilda and
'Ton Lewellen, Lutlo SchalU? Vlr'
lot, Doris and Mabel Leas. Mrs. J,
F. I'holan, local leador of' tho club,
has doveloped soma broad and cako
makora which can compote In an
opon class with adult women' and
still have a good ohanco ot carrying
off the prlzo. From all Indications
this club will bo tho first 100
club to complete tho proJocL
Tbo local farm bureau offered
prlzos of $3.00, 13.00 and $1.00 for
first, socond and third places re
spectively. Tho Judges awardod
Violet Looa first placo on broad and
cake, Mabel Locs socond placo on
bread and cako, Cora Lawollon'thlrd
place on bread and Lutlo Schultz
third placo on cake.
The program for tho afternoon
began with horse races. Frod Reed
Won first and John Hammock socond
In both tho races. John Phelan
odgod out "Sam" Simpson by a few
feet in tho 76 yard dash. I
A platform dance was glvon In
the evening. The platform was
large enough to accomodato about
30 couples. At midnight a cafeteria
lunch waa served, consisting of raeaf
sandwiches, salad, coffee, Ico cream
and c&oVles.
The barbocuo although promoted
by the farm bureau Is a community
affair, and tbo proceeds go toward
tho building ot a community hall.
Thd County Court recently con
tracted with W. A. Btono -who Is
building' the Ontario-Slide section ot
the Old Oregon Trail, for gravel
from tho county gravel pit Just t west
ot the fair ground at a price which
wll pay the county all' It expend
ed In the purchase ot the pit itself.
As the.tosult.ot this transaction tho
gravel on the road from Ontario to
.Cairo will eost the county nothing
that U for the gravel Itself.
The crusher which has been at
work has cared for the gravel used
on- Uia: mile from Cairo to Jhe J. F.
Weaver corner, which by-thevway, Is
packing la flae shape and la a cred
itable piece of highway; and there
Is eapwgb.' gravel left to complete
tha oad from Weaver's corner to
ttoi dtii limits, when the money is
W. F. Homan was In noise
business the' first ot the week.
Floyd rowell spent Sunday with
f-rlflnjIs'lR Bole,
Mrs. ZeMa Aldredg v. ho was op-
fftM o Jaat, weak to,sttl lag
NulglilmrM Fill l'ropoltlun Up To
Von tin Men and Tliey Doioto All
Of Hliuduy To Putting Corn In
Hhock To Hnvo It
That tho spirit of nulghborllnoss
and consideration for thoso who aro
unfortuunto Is not dead, was man
ifested laBt Sunday in tho vicinity
of Arcadia when a group ot tho
younger man ot that vicinity gathor
od to save tho crops ot Tom 1'arvln
who lias been 111 for somo tlmo.
Mr. 1'arvlu was taken to IJolso
for n serious oporatlon and his crop
was In dangor ot bolng entirely
ruined. During his IIIiiubh tho corn
had not had suftlctont water, so
was burning up, and tho neighbors
dccldod to savo It. Though thoy
woro busy with tholr own ranch
work. J. L. Mackoy and Jou I.oopor
put tho proposition up to a number
of tho young men lu tho neighbor
hood and tho following turnod out
Sunday morning nnd shocked tbo
corn after cutting it! J, L. Mackoy,
Joo Loopor, N. M. Uonlfort, Ham
Van Dyko, Harry Nooco, John Zlt
torcob, Vonion Ilutlor, Edinond
Duller, Otis Dullard, William Ring
or, Dryant nnd Noah Guftoy.
In tho mlddlo ot the day Mrs.
Mackoy prepared a big chicken din
ner for tho workers and that was
tho only reward of tho Workers,
savo that creator reward ot work
well dono tar a worthy causa.
OoiigruiMiiiiiii Hlnnott To Hold Oiiu
IK-tlllvu Exiiinlnntlon To Hccuro
Cnndldntes for AiiiiiihiIU
And West Point .
Congressman Nick Slunott will
niako his 1023 appointments tu tha
ftaval Aca'doniy at Annapolis 'and
tho Military Academy nt West Point
by moans ot a compotltlvo examina
tion. This examination will bo held
for Mr. Slnnott by tho U. S. Civil
Sorvlco Commission on October 20,
1021 In Imkor, Rend, La Grande,
Klamath Falls, Ontario, Pendleton
and Tho pallos.
Appotntmonta will bo made by
tho congressman according to tho
grades mado by tho candidates tak
ing tho examination, as reported to
him by tho oxamlnors ot the Civil
Sorvlco Commission,
Tho Socond District ot Oregon
will havo tliroo vacancies at the
Naval Acadomy, throe prlnclpalshlps
and nlno altornatoshlps; and ono
prlnclpalshlp nnd two altornatoshlps
at tho Military Acadomy during
1922. Tho official examinations to
Annapolis are held during Fobruary
and April 1022, and for West Point
March 7th, 1021, Mr. Slnnott has
set tbo dato for tho competitive ex
amination far ahoad in ordor that
thoso successful thoreln may have
plenty ot tlmo to prepare for tho
official examinations. '
Any young mun of tho required
ago who Is a bona fide resident of
Socond District of Oregon Is ellglhlo
to toko the examination. Full par
ticulars regarding same may be had
by writing to Hon. N. J. Slnnott,
Room 347 Houbo of Representatives,
Washington D. C.
County Commissioner G. W.
Dean brought to the Argus of
fice emphatic evidence t the
potato raising 'capacity of Mai
hour coanty lands, when he
. presented tbo spuds ho took
from one hill, There wore 16
Idaho Rurals In the hill, tho to
tal wolgbt ot which was nine
pounds. Tho largest potato
weighted one pound and 10
ounces, the next welghtod ono
pound and four ounces. The
six largest together weighted
six pounds and ifoiir "ouncos.
While M of the hills on tho
Dean ranch did not produce as
did (his ono(.It, was , not the
largest, but a fair sample ot
how the" crop produced
"Tho potato market has been
quiet during tbo past week.
The buyera have ndt been con
tracting for future deliveries,
but are taking the spuds aa they
are loaded onto the car's, at
prlcoa slightly lower than last
Gi-oiKo Melvlu Mfllcr, lliollier of
oMtiiln Miller, Poet of tho Hler-
iiiK, HpenilH Tlmo UrjjIriK Central
Oregon Hlgtitrny Association
For tho purposo of promoting an
association ot all ot tho commercial
bodies from Florence, on tha Pacific,
to Ontario and Nyssa, on tho Snake,
to tbo ond that they unlto to urge
tho completion ot tho Central Ore
gon Highway from bora to Florence.
Geargo Melvlu Millar ot Eugene,
was In Ontario Wednesday and
On his way horo Mr. Miller stop
pod at llcnd, Hunts, Crane nnd Vale
and secured tho co-oporntlon ot tho
organizations In each of thoso com
munltlas. It Is his purposo to havo
tho Central Oregon Highway Incor
porated In thu Lincoln Highway
plans nnd mado ono ot tho brandies
of that highway and so advertised.
Mr, Miller, who Is a brothur of
Joaquin Millar, tho famous pool of
tho Slorrns, mot at lunch at Whlto's
n number ot thu local business mon
and tho Commercial club nt woll as
a numbor ot tho garagos and other
business houses subscrlbod to tho
fund for tho preliminary work of
getting such an organization started
FiiKt Driving! I'nlliiro to Glto HI-
uiNs DrhliiK Willi Ono Front
Light No Rear Light,
Home of Infraction.
"Ontario auto drivers hnvo boon
getting mora nnd more cureless In
their driving, and constantly tho
number of Infractions of both tho
stiito Inws and tho city ordinances
Increasu," says Marshal II, C. Farm
er. ; ,
"Unless something Is dono soon
there Is going to bo u Herlous ac
cident on thn stroetH ot tho city,
for which thu blumo will be directly
upon somo uuto driver. For ox
umplo: thero aro mnny people who
drlvo down thu street with only ono
front light on thulr car, and that
tho right hand light. Again thero
are others who drlvo with no roar
light; othors who havo but ouo
number plato; othors who entirely
Ignore tho trafflo regulations which
require that they glvo a signal when
they are going to turn at an Inter
section, to stop to park etc."
"Wo havo boon extremely tolerant
of thoso nbusos hero lu Ontnrlo but
conditions aro rupldly gotting so
bad that somothlug must be dono
and tho officers aro going to onforco
tho regulations. This warning should
bo sufficient for nnyono who drlvos
a car. A copy ot tho truffle laws
ot tho stato are In thu hands of
ovoryono who has purchased an auto
license. There Is no oxcusa of ignor
anco that will avail.
"For tho saka of tho peuco of
mind ot the drlvor, for tho safety
ot tho public, and for the best In
torests of tho community, everyone
ought to b careful and observu tho
regulations, which are reasonable
and Intended for tho safety of tho
publln. If drivers will not bo care
ful wo will hnvo to enforce the law.
'Drivers should tako note of the
fact that under tho statutes It Is
possible to have driver's operating
llcensu revoked und then thu driver
may not oparato a car In this stato.
This penalty Is drastla but will bo
asked In some cases, unless reforms
are mado."
Preparing for Increased stock the
Ontario Furniture company force
has been busy this week completing
tho construction ot a largo addition
to tho balcony bo that 700 feet of
additional floor spaco has been so
cured. At tho sumo tlmo a general
rearrangement ot the display room
Is bolng undertaken.
Louis Hurtle spout Sunday visit
Ing lu Haines. Ho was accompanied
homq by his son Ralph who will at
tend school In Ontario,
Mrs. D. L. Thomas, mother of Mrs.
D, P. Dearborn, also Mrs. Dearborn's
sister Mrs. Low Is and tliroo daugh
ters who havo been vlBltlug at tho
Dearborn home for the past two
Iwoeka leave Saturday for tholr homo
lu Halad', Idaho. ,"
Tho long effort on tho part
of tha County Court to socuro
tho construction of that sec-
tlou of tho Control Oregon
Hlghwqy from Vale to Uurrolt
Is going to bo realized at last.
This was tho first work prora-
Isod lu tho county, oarly In tho
history ot tho Highway com-
mission, but repeated survoyB 4
ot various locations dolayod
action. Tho work Is now being
advertliiod and wilt bo let at
tho meeting ot tho Highway
Commission lu Portland on
August 30. At tho sntuo tlmo
tho bids will be recolved tor
tha Jntnlcson to Urogan section
of tho John Day Illghwuy,
from Vale to Cow Vnlley.
Very Few .People Storing Coal
Should Htrlko and Mint's or Snow
lllorkndu Retard Truffle on
Railroads Muiiy Will Suffer
Many Ontarlans nro tempting fate.
In thu hopo that tho prlco ot coal
will rocoed Ho effort Is bolug made
by many residents who annually
buy tholr coal during tho summer,
to secure u supply. As tho result
thero Is not noarly so much coal In
tho household bins at this dato us
tholr was ono year ago.
Of courso It thu winter la an op
on ono, nnd thero nru no strikes at
thu mines, this may not turn out
badly; but if qllhcr of thoso condi
tions is nbsent during tbo wlntor,
then thoro Is trouble ahond.
At thu present tlmo tho cost of
storage coal Is loss In Ontario than
lu Ilolso. It la tho saiuu prlco at
which It Is being sold auywhoru
along thu lino. Desplto contrary
statements, thu Argus finds this to
bo true, on lnvosllgutlou.
Htutn Veterinarian Order Dipping
of KiH)od Bhcep Two Dlpplugx
NecesMiry for Infected Animals
Or Until Curo is Affected
Stuto Veterinarian W. II. Lytlo In
u circular Us nod rocontly has estab
lished a quarlutlno on tho public
buck herds of tho county and order
ed that these bo treated. Tbo ordor
In detail follews:
WHEREAS, au lufoctlous parasi
tic sklu dlsoaso us scabies has been
diagnosed at somo tlmo during tho
past year lit sheep in Malheur, Har
ney, Luke Klamath, Jacksou and
Deschutes Counties; and .
WHEHttAS, tho publta buck herds
have lu tho past beon a eourco ot
distribution and sproud ot this dl-
souse, and
WHEREAS, Section IZ, Chaptor
223 ot tho Laws ot 1007, provldos
lu part ns follews:
"Tho Stato Sheop Inspector and
his tleputles and the officials ot tho
united States llureau of Animal
Industry shull havo authority to In
Hiieet and quarantine and treat
sheep affoctod with cuntaglouu or
Infectious disease, or suspecteu ot
bolng so affected. "
Lytlo, State Veterinarian, constitut
ing ex officio the Stato Sheep In
spector ot tho stato of tho Countlos
of Malheur, Harney, Lake, Klamath,
Juckbon and Deschutes, au being
suspected ut bolug Infected with or
exposod to sheep scab und do order
that said public horde bo placed In
quuraiitlno by this ordor and bo re
quired to be dipped once as exposed
sheep. If not found infoctod, mid
twlco or until cured It found Infect
ed, such dipping to ho oxecutod In
accordance with the laws of the
State ot Oregon und tho regulations
of the Stato Live Stock Sanitary
Hoard, Such dipping to be under
tho supervision of a Stato, Deputy
Stato, or a United States llureau of
Animal Industry Inspector and to bo
completed between now and Novem
ber 1st. 1021.
EXECUTED nt Salem, Oregon, on
the Eighth day of July 1021.
State Veterlnurlau and Ex Officio
Stute Sheep Inspector.
Wednesday, August, 17th, the
Rebekah Club wuh entertained at
tho homo of Mrit, Geo. Lyfes. A very
enjoyable aftornoon was spont und
a watormollon feed onjoyed. Mrs,
Lyles has a very beautiful flower
gurdon and boforo leaving each
guest was presented with a boquet
ot beautiful flowern. The next
mooting will be held at the home ot
Mrs. Crocker Johnson.
Permanent Organization To Jook
After Detail of Formation ot En
larged District All Sections
At tho City Hall lust Friday aftor
noon, uu organization to bo known
as thu Owyhee Davalopuieut Loaguo
wob formed. Only a tomporary sut
ot directors nnd officers woro otoct
ed ponding tho annual oloctlon of
tho vurlous Irrigation districts,
which takes placo next month, whon
with new officials ot oach district
tho poriuancnt organization will be
Tho tomporary ottlcori chosou
Friday wore: E. M. Grelg, president;
W. H. Doollttlo, socrotary-treasur-or;
J. II. Lowolt, Oom District; C.
A. Marshal, Outarlo-Nyssa; P. M.
Uouls, Payottu-Orcgou SIopo, and T.
W. Clugctt, Owyhee District, direc
tors. At tho meeting where alt ot tho
work so far dono was outlined,
thoso present were: Charles Thomp
son, Loon Wilson, C. A. Marshall,
OnturlO'Nyssa; I. T. Yunt and W.
D. Patch, Slldo Irrigation, Ivan E.
Oakoa, Owyhee Ditch Company;
John Reoco, Kingman Kolony, T. "W.
Clngott, Owyhee District; J, 11. Low
ell, and F. II. McCouuall, Gom Dist
rict of Idaho; C. I. Strickland, state
ongluoor'a off Ico, Balom; R, W.
Swnglcr, High Dead Ox Flat; Ed J.
Patch and M. A. Patch, Malheur Im
provement District; P. M. Doals,
Payette Oregon SIopo; E, M. Grolg,
P. J, Gallaghor, W. H. Doollttlo, On
tario Commercial Club,
Tlieo, J. 1'IhIiit of Modern HUvuui
laundry nnd Dry Cleaning Co. of
Welter Iluys Ontario Modem
VnVMury Aubrey Howard, .;
Negotiations wore completed this
wook whereby Tlieo J. Flshor ot tho
Modern Steam Laundry and Dry
Cleaning Company of Walsur bo
camo the owner ot tha Ontario Mod
ern Prossary, ho having purchased
tho interests ot Harschel Drowuo
who has oporatod tho busluoss for
the past throe years.
' Mr. Flshor has boon In Ontario
during tbo past wook nuporlutend
Ing a numbor ot changes lu tho
plant and preparing for many Im
provements. Aubrey Howard who
has boon omployod by Mr. Drown for
somo time, and who soveral years
ago, was the ownor of tho business
has boon rotulnod as manager of tho
plant by Mr, Flshor. Through tho
connection ot tho plant with the
dry cloaulng department ot the
Wulsor Institution It Is tho purpose
aud possibility to greatly Increase
tho sorvlco avullablo to thu public,
says Mr. Fisher.
Sheriff Leu Noo last Friday re
ceived a supply ot temporary II
conso tags through the use of which
It la posslblo for owners of cars to
oporato thorn while awaiting the re
turn ot tho permanent license tags
from the boc rotary of state's office.
Under thu now regulations appli
cations for temporary licenses am
mado at the sheriff's office pu thu
payment of $1 deposit. At tho
samo time an application for, a per
manent llcenso may bo made at tho
same office, or may be forwnrdod
direct to tho secretary of state. On
tho return of tho permanent llcenso
ttio tomporary cards may bo taken
to tho Sheriff's off Ico and tho $1
doposlt Is returned.
Sheriff Noo has Instructed his de
puties to pick up all cars running
without licenses, and a genoral cam
paign of traffic enforcomont is to
b(i uudertnkou.
Mr. and Mrs. Jako Funk ot Aber
deen, Idaho, parents ot C, F. Funk,
are visiting horo 'this week, having
arrlvod Wednesday, coming ovor
Innd. Miss Marlon Elizabeth and
Detrlch Funk, brother and sister of
Mr. Funk nro also ot tho party.
Mrs. John Studebaker returned
Wednesday from California whore
she has beon spending tha summer
with her son, Ralph Oyer.
uea TBitef,
-jmmmmymxwmbRs -jg