WtmwyrywPiWn-Aff-wrwwtr' w1"' wr . TJKwa .& ZX3. JTO 3L .' , " ,' I, ...,,, LOCAL PERSONALS TH33 ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTAM6, OREGON, THURSDAY, ANGTJST 31, 1921 Miss Hell Coble of Wolsor vlsltod MIsS Mary Morris ovor Sunday. MIm Elizabeth riionoy nas just roturnod from Salt Lake City whoro Alio has Icon spending hor suinmor vacation. Mr and Mrs I.. I Daus anil Miss Itoslo Dnug roturnod Monday from l'ayotl6 Lakes whoro thoy havo boon jftBt ,! on business. Mr. ond Mrs. II. C. Whltworth drovo over to Ontario from Wolsor Monday, accompanied by hor son who enmo from tbo Hawaiian Is lands for a vIbU. II. L. I'otorson and family return ed last Saturday from Soasldo and rortlnnd whoro thoy havo been for tho past three weeks. L. 0. Olscn and Walter Dalley of tho U. S. Mfg. Co., Ilolso, Idaho, woro In Ontario the laior pari 01 spoiidlng tho sunimor months. Arthur Cochrum returned Monday from Payette Lakes. Miss Irono Under loft Thursday for n visit with hor sister Mrs. Elmo Pearson. Tho Pearson's havo n summer camp In tho mountains nbovo Council. Miss Irono will ho cono nbout two wcolcs, during Will J. Roberts and family loft Monday for n second outing at Payette Lakos. l'hll Eastorday of Portland, Oro gon was hero last weok on business connected with tho Ontario Concrete Plpo Co. Worth npd Paul Montgomery of Mountain Home, snoop buyers, woro iiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiKii.iiNri.ij'iiii;:!;:!!;!!;;!;;;;:!'! V Walue In on Is taking Soattlo Is whlflh tlmo Mm Sullivan Is taking i Ontario last week, going on to her placo nt Hndor Brothers. I junturo whoro thoy completed n deal for GOO lambs. Mrs. Emmn Conover nnd son 011 lard loft Tuesday for In Orando to visit wjth rolatlvcs. J. P. Joyco nnd family loft Wodnosdny for Payette Lakes on an outing trip. Mrs. A. O. Mooro wont to Juntura Wednesday to visit at tho Currey homo. A. Ii. McDowoll roturnod Sunday from Portland whoro ho had boon attondlng buyor's weok. Mrs. A. II. Hllluulst visited Ilolso tho first of tho weok. A. C. Holland was In Dolso buslnoss this wook. Miss Hostna Olomont her vacation this wook. Mrs. 0. S. Wlllltts of vlslUng Mrs. J. II. Illackaby this wook, hnvlng arrlvou naiuruny even ing. Mrs. Wlllltto Is an Aunt of tho Illncknby boys nnd formerly liv ed In Jordan Vnlloy. Miss Holon niom Is visiting hor slstor In Mldvale, Idllho. ' Mnwbry Davidson, tho sales man ager of tho Davidson Grocery Co. Ilolso, Idaho was In town last Thursday looking nflor Interests lioro. A. A. Hall formor Prlnolplo In tho Ontario High Schools was an On tario visitor from Salt Lake City, last Saturday. Mrs. Laruo Illncknby, Mrs. J. It. Illackaby, Miss I.nvlno Smith nnd Mrs. O. 8. Wllllts visited In Cold woll Monday. Born to Mr. nnd Mrs. M. E. llow- ors, of Pnyotte, August fith n baby sin. Mrs. V. Urookovor spent Thursday tho guest of her slstor, Mrs. Will Iloam near Nysnn. Mr. and Mrs. Howo of Vnlo visited Iteeco Jonklns' Monday. Mrs. A. 0. Monro nnd son Hagon loft Wodncsdny for a weeks vacation Thoy will visit nt Fred Curry's nenr Juntura. Mrs. L. H. Pnttan and son Dowlo nnd Mr. and Mrs. Hd Patton of Pronch. Idaho, spont Sunday' nt Kd Ilorrys'. Ilussoii ziinmormnn enmo Miss Nellie Stanton of Juntura Is tho guest of Clalro Hyun for tho weok. Mrs. Schrum nnd daughter of Tho Dalles, who aro on their way to Utah to visit Mrs. Schrum's pnrontH, stopped off for a short visit with Frank Schrum nnd family. ' Elwood Clagott, of Seattle, son ot 0 oo. I). Clagctt Is visiting his father at tho Clngott homo in Ontario. It. SI. Davidson of tho Davidson Grocery, Ilolso, wils In Ontario Wednesday on business. Mr. iuid Mrs. M. I). Thomas and Mrs. TmJmas' slstor. Miss Prnthcr Of Missouri aro taking n short vacation on Salmon Itlver. L. Adnm and family returned this woek from tho Payette Lakes nnd will leave Monday for n visit nt St. Anthony, Idaho and n tour or Yel low Stone park. - Miss Mary Springer left last weok for Borkorlj', California, whoro she wilt nttoml college Sho wan accom panied by her mother who will visit const towns before returning home near tho, first of Soptombor. Miss Mary Lackey has taken Miss Spring er's place in Udlck's Plumbing Shop. Mrs. Madden returnod this week from Anncordln, Washington, whoro she wont sovernl weeks ngo with her son, John Madden, of Mc Call, Idaho, for his health. Whllo there sho visited bor two dnughlors and .ono son. ' Mr. Madden Is still thoro, undor medical treatment. , Miss Elinor Itnndall, County Li brarian and her slstor, Miss Olllo Itnndall roturnod from Payette Lakes Sundny,v whoro thoy havo been (or mo pnsi mourn, miss uiiiq nan dall leaves Friday for her homo In Now York. Mr. nml Mrs. Gwlnn aro moving to Payette wlioro Mr. Gwlnn hns a M1ILAND DENCH ) r 'liQnormnnont wave that is keeping our sales at high tide. August is supposed to be be the slowest month in tho Slothing year. And wosupposo that if we sat limp and drifted along Jvith the tide we would have lots of time to sit around the cracker' barrel and whit- file. Instead of that we are cut fang wood ajso prices of- rA..!.w imlnnn flint ri tn finairtt auiui uiuv;o umi iuu w.iu.w than to position ns bookkeeper with tho An son Hart Co. Geo. N. Lnvn of tho Duttorflcld Ilnnch spent Sunday In Ontnrlo. M. 10. Until spout tho week ond In Ontnrlo. Win. Ilnnloy accompanied by It M. Duncan nnd Mr. McCoiinoll ot Hums, inndo a business trip to On tario, Saturday. down 4o say "Yes" to r"veto." Dust look at these items-- 'things you could get along fSR. XftiZ without if you had to pay ffc-Illlwr loft TuoglIuy regular prices. Palm Beach Summer Suits : $12.50 Highest Grade Silk Shirts $6.30 Toggery Bill fcfc GENUINE 11 I BULL DURHAM tobacco makes 50 flood cigarettes for IUC . xiLS ' u"'Xi, fi?!?tr Home for Sale Modern, eight room houso, and tdx lots, wUh gdrapo, chicken houso, deep well, and other 'coiivouloncos.' Located In block Bouth ot High School. Priced right for uulck sale. Call any tlmo. '' CARRIE B, AKER MAJESTIC Thursday, ti((tit 1 1 EDITH IIOIIEIITS III "LURING LIPH" Friday nml Haturdny TOM MIX In "PRAIRIE TltAILH" Hearts nnd Flowors Comedy Diamond Queen Sunday iiiiil Mniidny tin: revenge of tarzan" ALL 8TAR Alnt I.ovo Grand Sitnshtno Comedy Tut'Mlny nml Wt'dncxdiiy HILL HAUT In "OMALLEV OF THE MOUNTED" International Vows Tlim-mlny, August IH PEARL WHITE In ".MOUNTAIN WOMAN" Gump Comedy Friday nnil Hnlmilny WILLIAM HUSSELL III IIAHI) KNUCKLES" llubblng It In Comody DREAMLAND Hmubiy ALMA UUI1ENS In "MAN'H COUNTRV" King of tho Circus Picture Coming tills .Month William Pnrnum In "Drag Harlan" All Star Godless Man v Still More Land Sold. J. W. ltussell purchnsod from Mrs. Lotilso Ward Illch tho ten acres on Pennsylvania Avonuo ono half mile south ot Prultlnnd for $12,000, with half tho npplo crop. Thoro Is a beautiful sayen room bungalow on tho placo nnd It Is ono of tho most dcslrablo residence locations In or nenr Frultland. Mr. and Mtfl. Illch will glvo possession Soptomber 1 and then go to Jerome wlioro .thoy havo other business Interests. B. W. Grovor and M. M. Hurst of Frultland purchased last wook thirty flvo ncrcs ot woll Improved land thrco mtlos this sldo ot Wolscr for $12,000. This Is known ns tho Olllo Potors placo and It Is said tho prlco to bo received from tho apples will bring nlmost Hint amount. , ' Hoy Mansor sold Saturday his ten acre tract orchard land with out othor Improvements, to 11. D. Crr-n-din, of Ontnrlo, the prlco paid being $3500 which 'includes tho npples thereon. IlrlKK'-WllkJo Al high noon Sunday. Miss Wcl then Wllklo, niece ot Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cnrmlchael, of Frultland, was married to Mr. ltnymond Ilrlggs, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ilrlggs, ot Dolso, tho coromony bolng perform ed by Itov. Agco, ot noise, pastor of tho Baptist church. Thoro wcro no attendants nnd only Mr. and Mrs. Cnrmlchael and Mr. nnd Mrs. w. w. Ilrlggs nnd their family of Ilolso wlio were nil horo, nnd Miss Lena Hoon folt'woro wltncsess. Tho brldo was gownod very daintily In whlto gor Kotto. A thrco courso dlnnor wns sorved fojlowlng tho coromony. The lirldo auu groom ion cany monuny morning for tholr nowonio In Dolso Hearty congratulations wero extend ed. Knight ' Columbus Annual Picnic Sunday tho annual Knights ot Col umbus Picnic was hold nt tho beauti ful homo of Mrs. Francos Honggclor, ono mllo south of Frultland. Thorq wcro 2C0 In attendance, coming from Ilolso, Wolsor, Now Plymouth, On tario, Payette nnd Frultland. Jack Murry and Marian Gnrmnn woro among thoso down from Ilolso. Thoro woro sports or an Kinds, rnc tnuios fairly groaned with nil tho goodljs. Ono of tho features was a hall game botwoon Idaho and Oregon which re sulted In a scoro of C to 0 In favor of Idaho. Hoard (if Education, Mot Moiidn)' At tho moling ot tho Hoard of Ed ucation Monday ovonlng n Inr io amount ot business wns taken up u id dlscussod. Tho wagon drivers Mill not ho seloctod until nt a spoclal meeting n week later Pcoplo from Now Plymouth woro present nuking that thoy bo allowed to send their chlldron to Now Plymouth nnd t!:o school district No. 18 pay tho tuition It was rocldod to build a ono or two room building back of the school houso to arcommoto tho ovorcrowdod conditions. Tho rooms nro more thnn ruulng ftver now and it Is ox poctod n largo number of chlldron from transient hero to tnko caro of tho largo fruit crop will make con ditions oven moro crowded. Apt Needlework -Sale; EVERYTHING in our Stamped Goods line greatly reduced. -In this assortment you will find Lnncheon Cloths, Dalles, Scarfs, low els, Pillow Tops, Gowns and many other,.articles too numerous to mention, and - EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY . Dresses, Gertrudes, Pillows, Robes. Bibs Bath Sets Crochet Thread 16c per Ball SALE STARTS FRIDAY, AUG J 2 Remember we have moved across street from Dreamland ' The Style Shop i QKOHOIA HULL lloopllnl Ncmh Notot Llttlo Miss Virginia Lnwrltio Hyl ton of Now Plymouth who was oper ated on at tho Holy ltosary Hospi tal Tuesday, wus not ablo to with stand tho shock nnd died Inter in tho day. Tho llttlo girl stippud on a rusty rnko about n woel: ago and Wood poisoning sot In. Tho log wns nmputntod nncl ovory effort wns mndo to savo the llttlo girl's llfo but to no avail. Mrs. Illaydon, slstor of Homer An dorson who has boon qulto 111 for somo tlmo Is still In u sorlous condl- Mrs. Zolln Aldrldco of Mldvnlo, Idaho, was operated on nt tt.u hos pital this week. Mrs. Uertnco Uymmnn tit Port land, OroMu, slstor of P. II. Emi's, was brought u on No. 21 Mumlny ovonlng nr.d tnkon to tho hospital. Hho Is ct'lnK along nicely. Joni Hollers of- Ontario, wnn operated en Wodnosdny mo.,'ilni for npondlclKR. Mrs. E. Carrlngton of Nyssn win brought tj tho Hospital, July 31th. UNITED PHKHHYTHHIAN CIIUIU'H llov. M. E Dunn, D. D. of Port land will preach at tho United Pro bytorlnn church Sabbath, Augiut Uth at 11 00 A. M. Sunday School nt 10.00 A. M. Subjoct of tho morning sermon. "Tho World's Groatcst Question nnd tho Answor." - METHODIHT CHUHCH Sunday Sorvlcos 10 A. M. Sunday School. 11 A. M. Preaching-"Duty". 8 P. M. "A Soldier of tho Cross" Illustrated address Our Annual Conference will meet at Twin Falls, Idaho, August 31 to September 4, 1021. Lot ub nil do our part to make a good finish to tho yenr's work. Tho oqulpment for the Ontrrlo Itlflo Club nrrlvod this week from tho Ilenlcla-Arsonnl, In California and tho Club will bo holding n shoot sometime within tho noxt two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Swansoh from llluo Mountain Springs wcro visiting this wook with tholr Granddaugh ters tho Craig girls. PAID LOCAL ADS FOIt SALE Dolrolt Stove. Phono 1G1-J. Vapor Oil 32-tfi ICE 110X FOIt BALE Is In good i condition. Call 26-H. 0. P. J. p. Pooplo's Second Hand Store, rlsh, Prop. E.Par-2C-tf WANTED Sowing at homo or by tbo day. Mrs. L. Harper tf. ' h LOST 8omowhoro between Vii L. Turner homo and Ontario National Hank, 8orloty pin, black ennmol, diamond shnpo with gold areok lot tors. Hns Initials II. J. T. on book. Loavo at Argus oftlco. , ' ' tt FOIt KENT iMrgo contforlnblo front bedroom In qulot, ifiodorn homo, suitable for one or two gen tlemen. Mrs. C. Scheie. ""' ,f ' FOIt KENT or salo flvo room houso, easy terms, two blocks North wost of Orndo'School. W. Korchor s i ESTItAV Honn Steer, thrco ycani old, undor crop on both oars, brnjul, H led hip. Owner call tor snmn and pay costs. L. L. Grelp, ono nnd ono half miles west Ontnrlb. 3C-S7P FOR KENT Modem tlvo -room houso, furnlshod. Also one thren room houso furnlshod. Call Frult land Cnfo. 3Cf. FOIt 8ALE 4 room houso. P. O. Box 417. plastered for Wallowa to visit hor mother nnd othor rolatlvcs. Qono McCoy roturnod Monday from a two wooks vacation at Hills- horo, Oregon whoro ho visited his brother Leo McCoy. Miss Gortto Hlldrolh who has boon visiting frlonds at Hlllsboro, Orogon the past two weok, returnod homo Monday. Horn Monday AugiiHt 8lh to Mr. and Mrs. Homer Utloy, ii son John Mngiiuson and wlfo spent Friday with Mr. MngnuHoiiH grand parents, Mr and Mrs. E. Horry Mrs. N. O. llcdfard returned Wednesday morning from Portland whero sho has been attending lluy or's Week. Mm Viola Himtwl Is tuklug Miss Maurluo Jones' place In tho Hrooke Gallnghor oftlco whllo Miss Jones Is nwny on her vacation. Mrs David Graham and family arrlvod from Juntura Monday to mako Ontnrlo their home, moving into tho house near the ' hoipltnl which Mr Graham loased somo tlmo ago. Joo Howroy of llluo Mountain Springs Is In Ontario this week on buslnoss. Itoderlck MeCnrthoy, Alex Murray and Donald McKenslo ot Uoulah woro In town several days this weok. Mr. ano Mrs. Martin Joyce nnd baby of Juntura came down to On tario the lattor part of last weok toJ attend tho Knights ot Columbus plculo hold nt Frultland, Sunday. Mrs. Adda M. Shofflold ot Spo kane, Washington who has been visiting old frlonds In Ontario for tho past two wooks, roturued to hor homo Tuesday. Andrew Graham, County Assossor was down from Vale Saturday. Frank Klmo was In Ontario this wook, from Harper, Oregon. O. II. Graham of tho Ooldeu Rulo Storo loft Wednesday for Port An goles, Washington to visit his fath er. . IOWA PIONIO Tho second annual Iowa Ptcnlo rounlou will be hold August 19th In tho same grovo where It was held last year, two mllos Bouth of Pay otto near me u. a. u tracK. Tno Invitation Is extended to all who hall from Iowa, No limit to where you now live. Como and bring your family and tell your Iowa friends Rcmombor, Its all day. Bring your dlnnor, meet your Iowa frlonds and enjoy tho program. Bo euro and come. Committee, SOME HOT WEATHER SPECIALS aisMlji'H U""J lA j I Ji 1 Two inch Continuous Post VERNIS MARTIN BED With one inch center rods. A bed of quality, Simmcns make. Tnis is a very low price and will not last long. $11.85 ! A COTTON MATTRESS built in layers, forty pounds in weight, Art ticking and a good roll edge. $5.45 Your Choice of 3 pat terns of INLAID LINOLEUM Cf A( P. k$7 I TV yard 20 PER CENT Discount on REED CARRIAGES For a 'few days Brunswick Records and Phonographs ONTARIO FURNITURE CO. H. L. Peterson, Undertaker OilStoves, Ranges and Heaters i .V.' trW,)i&taKjj