The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 11, 1921, Image 1

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    I xmnremmtiRnwtffy wvo -. .
" V
NO 36
ma ui mm potato growers
61,000,000 BUSHEL SHORT
Hinnls Wilt Itrlnp; $180,000 In Grow-
oi-h of County On Kiitliiintcil Crop
of 200 Cars of ICnrly Varieties
Last Potatoes) Also PconiUo
To llrliiK OoihI I'rlrcit
Malheur county potato growers
aro "sitting on top of llio world".
Rivaling tlio men with big fruit
. crops, tho producers of tho lowly
hp ud are profiting by national short-
Ko of 01,000,000 bUBhols which wan
reported by tho tlcpartmont of
nnrlculluro. Monday.
Potatoes which until two wooks
nen nmmnrml to ho a clriiir on tho
ttfiplftf ainlilntilv liiiiinml (n nrlrn '
nnd tho upward trend has been
steadrnims occupied tho thought.
of tho growers and tho attoutlon of
overyono ltttorosteM lit farm pro-
,lulB', . , ... .
varr.0oSyprJl0ceas:0w,,.th,,rquo?a0l!onnK. of
moro than $3 por nundraa otiorcu
sonio of tho ranchors. If this Is
tho avoragd prlco at which tho early
potato crop of the county Is market
ed $180,000 will bo recolvod by tho
potato growors of thp county, for
it Is entlmatod that- 200 carloads
will bo harvestdd.
.Tho ylold par aero In tho valloy
varies. Some of tho ranchors report
flvo tons whllo others doclaro thotr
ylold will bo eight tons por aero.
' Olbxon Told To Holt
W- L. Olbson, salos managor of
tho Mulhour I'olato O rowers associa
tion, nt a mooting of tho dlroctors
hold, horo last Saturday Was glvon
authority to proccod to contract all
tho crop of tho mombors as soon ns
thoy could bo dug.
At Mio nicotine ovor which Presi
dent Foto Tonsan prosldod woro truth of KlpHngs' observations rein
Joiias Drown of Oregon Blopo nnd, te to the female of tho spoclcs etc
.frank Weaver, dlroctors prosont. '.. n...t.u ... .i.rmiAn,i nn
Johh yinos.-tho other director, wos M"' .0uoht!!,r WB ,dotorralno,, not
absent. to let the off leers haro an oasy
... eMnnnger Gibson ouUlnsd the 4v4 MMM 1foi W' C0X rostrMn
vulopmont in the market, which at hor she ran to the ranch pump and
that tlmo had not reached tho ram-' Bfter throwing- rocks Into a holo
KE trLTJ: the well prWdod to pump
started this organization thoro was j vigorously To fill tho hole with
no inurkot, and wo ndvocaiod hold- water, Hor effort was partially
Ing. There- woro somo offers of 90 IUccos8f ul for sho smashod sorad
coiuh, nut i tnougiu it uost not to
...... I ....I ....Ill ..... nnlJ I...... I... I
kUIIWIIkt Ullt.l nu vuuiu IVHItl ,uv.
w)iut tho situation would bo
Ass tfi wsatilt nf niiv fwtn n (vn lrt
fow of our ranchors sold and wo nroi
all In a position now to profit by
tho. fact that wo did hold togother.
Ovor in Idaho tho speculators bavo
control of tho stock now and many
of tho ranchers reallzod only $1.00
to $1.25 por hundrod.
"So far only sevon carloads hnvo
been sold from this section at from
$1.00 to $1.10. ,
"There aro 114 ranchors with fairly-largo
fields of potatoes In tho
county, Of thoso 4G bolong to the
association. If the ranchers will con
tinue their co-operative effort, I am
sure that noxt year the potato busi
ness in this soctlon will bo moro
Muballzed. Wo have throe things
to do howover.
First; 11 uy good seed. Wo haya
lost $50,000 this yoar on poor sood,
If not mora than that.
Secend: Out a compotc-nt com-
mlttoo to handle tho purchasing of
' tho seed and the sale of tho crop,
Third: Get proparod so that wo
can put our crop on thp market
early in August.
Mr. Gibson has worked njght and
day during tho past two weeks to
organize tho effort and keep the
ranchers Informed as tb tho current
quotations. And whllo many of the
ranchors havo benefited by this ef
fort and still romalnod out ot the
asslclatton, the work is to continue.
An examplo of the loss which
some of tho ranchets have suffered
through lack of Information is given
In the fact that one or two carloads
woro sold to commission men at
$1.25 when the association was be
ing offered $1.50.
Whllo .there aro only about 800
acres In potatoos this yoar It is bo-
uoveu mat next year wis acreage
will be Increased ten fold.
Freight Hate Reduced
Another factor In tho potato sit
uation was tho filing ot the order
of tho Interstate Commerce com
mission grant(ng the request of
Union Paciflo for permission to re
duce its rat 08 by 8 cents per hun
dred, This information1 came from
Congressman Nick Slnnott with
whom the matter was taken up by
. local bodies. Tho actual starting
- of the formal effort came from tho
railroad officials to whom applica
tion for reduction was made direct
by thn Commercial club as well as
'many individuals. The reduction
will be effective next Monday aid
will vary from 4 to 10 cents per
hundred for the territory eevered.
1 Representative Slanott this week
sent to If. B. Ceckrum tb complete
report of th comratseten's finding
In the matter.
Lee liobtewn, son of A. Robin
son' is o'n tbe.8lck ltsi this week.
Mrs. (He Derrick mu 1 On
tario tram Jamtee Tftettay vMt
UHt trl4t.
, 1
Travel ha1 boon bo hoary
over tho now grado for thb old
Oregon Trail across Dead Ox.
Flat that tho onglnoors for (ho
Highway Commission haro boon
"compoltad to blockado tho high-
way In sections. This was dono
to navo tho road bod, and will
bo but temporary for tho grdvol
work Is progressing to such a
dogroo which" will pormlt tho
oponlng of tho sections now
cloned In a short tlmo.
I'hllllp Dnuchtlcr Fined 92.10 anil
Cllvcii 110 Days Mrs. Dnuchtlcr
Destroyed l'nrt of Evidence
Hut Not Knouglj To
Stop Conviction
I'hllllp Dauchtlor, anchor living
nix mflos southwost of tho city on
. tho lloulovnrd plad guilty boforo
Judge O. M. Stearns last Saturday
nftornoon to tho possession of II-
quor. Ho wut fined 250 and glvon
30 days In Jail by tho Judge Ho
' ""In, out tho sentence. In the
coumy jau.
Dauchtlor had. boon under suspic
ion by tho authorities for somo
time, whoa tboy notod that ho wns
spondlng a groat doal of tlmo about
tho city. Armed with a search war
rant Marshal II. C. Farmer and Do
nuty Shorlff Charlos alonn wont to
tho Dauchtlor ranch Saturday room
ing and got tho goods on tho place.
They found tho still, n stool stoam
cookor, and portions of tho coll us
od. Thoy also found four quarts of
mooiUhlno and a barral of mash.
Boforo thoy found this, howovor,
thoy had an Interesting tlmo with
Mrs. Dauchtlor who provod tho
,,,,,,. ,
1 IIOlllOB 111
tho holo and dostroyod tho
efficiency ot their contents by dilu
tion mothods pmployod,
Not satisfied with that sho tried
to get Into tho houso armod with a
stovo boo!:, but tho officers intor-
fored and she was kept outsldo by
Deputy alonn whllo Marshal Farm
er made tho hunt which rosulted In
tho discovery of tho bpoze.
Dauchtlor as docllo when ar
raigned boforo the Judge- and cntor-
od a plea 6f guilty and took his
sentence Frlonds endeavored to
havo tho entenco roducod In vain,
for as tho judge doclarod; 'Thoy all
look allko to mo. Ho know what
he was doing and ho must receive
the sama soatence which others
have beon given in this court."
AraBgoieHt Oomidetetl For JlrliiK-
Ing 40 Hang-TiUbt to Ontario for
Annual Exhibition Other
Hport Also
Assisted by direct contributions
from business men, but assuming
their own risks, while permitted to
have all ot tho receipts at the grand
stand a committee of horsemen havo
arranged to stage a "race program
during the county fair. James M.
Dlanton is to be manager ot the
races and he has gono to McCall
this weok to sign up a bunch of
fast ponies entered at tho annual
McCall meet. ,
"Wo havo already listed a bigger
string ot ponlos than has ever run
at any of tho meets In the valley,"
said Mr, Blanton before ho left for
tho lakes.
"Wo have 40 horses assured and
will undoubtedly havo moro, That
will assure us from five to seven
entries in every race.
"We will have, too, a number of
events to be put on between the
races so that tho crowd will have
something to be interested in every
minute of the, four hour program.
"While we are to, have tho re
colsvts ot the grandstand to finance
this show, It will also be necessary
to secure .aMtHance from the busi
ness men, aa4 we have been assured
bymay that they will help."
Further 4&tl!fl of the program
will be given later.
The Fair, beard has secured a
number of 'sflal premiums for ex
hibits. OnsAWHhem Is a VIctrola
for the MsfttPeMiinunlty exhibit
wMca hibiiirtfusmUit by the On
tario Paarwaaf.
Two Mi-mlwrs of High School FncUl-
ly To lo Selected HiilldliiK
lluwi lleen 1'nlntcd nml 1'rc-
imri-d For Full Term
Monday, Soptember ID, has beon
soloctad by tho School Hoard ns tho
o)onlnB day ot tho 1021-22 school
This In two wooks tutor tlran tho
oponlng dny of last year and was
purposely selocted so that tho bgys
nnd girls from tho ranches may
havo that much addlttonal tlmo to
work In tho orchards and nld In
vplcklng and packing tho fruit crop.
In preparation ror tno oponma
day tho buildings on tho wont hide
havo boon put In thorough ropalr.
Tho roofs and Wood work of tho
High School and Orammar. Hcliool
havo beon paintod and otlio- needed
repairs mndo. Last year similar
work was dono on tho Kaststdo
Whllo all of tho tcnchuiH haro
boon omploycd for tho primary ijt'1
departmental Bcbool, thorn nn) 'still
two vacancies In tho Hlgn School
faculty duo to resignations.
Tho following Is tho ndmlnUtru
tiro and touching forco ot iho
schoels: J M. McDonald, Miipnrln
tondont ot schools; S. M. Uouchor,'
principal ot High School; M. D.
Thomas, nKrlculturof Cnthorlno'Con
way, Kngllsh; C. A. UUtirop, mathe
matics; Carrlo Dagly, commorrlal;
Holou Dunstone, muHlt; Ada M I oo,
physical education; Ituth Cabcen,
history. Tho posltlnna ot toachur ot
domostlo sclonco, and ot modern
languages Is yos to bo soloctod.
In tho departmental school tho
following Is tho faculty Will J.
Iloborts, principal; Mrs. Will J.
Iloborts, physiology; Mrs. W. W.
Howard, Hazel Smith and Mao IM.tlt,
assignment ot studies not llstod.
Orudo Schoel: Mrs. W. F. I Io
nian,, Cora McNulty, Voru Noub, Kt
ta McCrolght, Ituth Lackey, Haryl
Sttth, Mrs. l'oarl Jamloson.
Hastsldo schoel: Jamos L. Turn
bull, principal; Mrs. Kstcllo Conklln
and Miss Lauru Whorry.
IX A. Fifer Held to llmo llivn In
solvent When A. Koliliwon Ho
eclvt'd Mortgiigo HlrHch
IVustco DchmI Hcclnrt'il
At Vale Tuesday Judgo Dalton
Ulggs handed down two decisions lu
cases .which havo occupied tho Inter
est ot many Onturlans whon ho de
cided tho caso ot W. It. Doollttlo,
roforoo vs. A. Robinson.
In onch caso tho Identical question
was lnvolved: namely tho solvency
of tho giver ot mortgago or deed.
In tho bank caso tho court hold that
thoro wds no roasoit to bollovo that
tho bank know Illrsch was Insolvent
whon It took u trust deed to his
property, and theroforo Judgment
was awarded tho defendant.
In tho caso of Doollttlo vs. Robin
son tho dlroctly opposite finding
was tnado whon tho court ruled
that E. A. Flfor, whoso creditors
were represented by Mr. Doollttlo as
trusteo, was Insolvent whun h6 gave
a mortgago to Mr. Hoblnson, and
that tho latter was reasonably pre
sumed to havo knowlodge ot Flfer's
financial condition. Tho court
therefore found In this caso for.tlio
plaintiff and awarded damages lu
tho itmuunt ot $S,fT00.
J, H. HlHcknby fti'turns Front
I onfmrno With Hi-M'rvo Head
J. It. Hlackaby returned Sunday
from Portland whoro he was one of
four country bankors callpd Into con-
rerenco with oniciais or tho Twoittn
District Federal Reserve. Hank. As
tho result ot this conforenco Mr.
Ulackaby Is very optimistic over the
early revival of normal business con
dltlons, evidences of which aro al
ready to be found In many lines,'
ho said.
Herbert Paul, managor of the
Majestic and Dreamland announces
this weok that he has contracted for
a new.sorles of pictures the first of
whlchftwlll bo showu this week.
"Undor tho now contract wo will
have for Ontario patrons all first
run pictures, including the host re
leases obtainable, showing such stars
as Charlie Cbafjftln, Dug. Fairbanks,
Mary.PIckford. Tom Mix; and the
long list of . Paramount, Universal
and other company stara'
'Mr, and Mrs. S. D. Dorman and
family returned this week with tho
general exodus of Ontsrlans from
their camps at Psyotto Lakes.
W. E, Lees returned Sunday from
Jordan Valley whero be wont on
legal business matters concerning
the filing of water rights in the
Owyhee adjudication.
W. H. Brooke and son Jlmmle re
turned Sunday from Jordan Valley
where Mr. nrooko represented cli
ents In the adjudication precoedlngs
Mrs. ChrlMlne Nelson left Wed
nesday for Mhwoula, Meniaaa tor a
visit with her daughter
Meeting Culled For lVlday ot Oftl-
cmis ur An irrigntion Units
Within HoundnrlcH of Fio-
posed HIk I'tojcct
For tho purposo of forming an or
ganization to look attor tho (totalis
of organization and other needed
steps looking toward the construc
tion ot tho proposod Owyhee Project
a meeting has beon ealled for to-
'morrow of roprcsontnttves ot nit the
irrigation units now in oxlstom-o
within tho boundaries ot tho big dis
trict. Tho call for mooting wns mado
this weok and already ropllos liao.
beon received, from moro than hilt
of tho bodies to bo roprcsonted, Hay
ing tboy will bo represented.
Slnco thoro Is n great deal of pre
llmlnary work in vlow of tho
changes contemplated by tho govern
ment nnglnoors Including tho addi
tion ot thousands of acres not with
in tho boundaries ot district formed
years ago It has boon deemed advls
able to form a pormanont organiza
tion to caro for theso details and
ralso tho money necessary to fur
ther tho work. Tho mooting will bo
held ct, tho city hall.
Wn Ottor, farm hand who has
boon working on tho Shaw ranch
near Now Plymouth, disappeared
last Saturday and has not as yot
beon found. Ho Is a man about 35
years old, wolghlng 12C pounds.
Tho tenia which ho wns driving wan
found tlQd to tho fonco and whon
last soon he was walking on tho
bank ot tho 'irrigation canal. Thrco
moilths wngoa woro duo him whon
ho loft tho ranch, It Is said. Mar
shal II. C. Farmor has beon notified
and a description glvon. Tho coun
try surrounding Now Plymouth and
tho Shaw ranch has boon senrchod
without result.
Idaho Knights Win Hall Oaiiio ami
Am Challenged lly Ort'guiilnuN
For Hctiim Match Idaho
Takes Tug-of-wnr.
Tho annual gathorlng ot thb
Knights of Columbus of Snako River
council at Honggler'a grove was a
ropltltlon of tho success which thoso
gatherings havo achtoved each yoar.
mis year moro wero uoside tho local
knights a numbor from Holso and
moro distant points.
As por schedulo tho Idaho knights
won tho big ovont. tho tug-of-war.
and on top ot that turned In and de-
foatod the oregonlaus In tho ball
gnmo. This provod moro than tho
Orogonlans could stand so thoy chal
lenged tho Idahoans for a return
game. Tho dato will be given later.
Tho winners ot tho other ovonts
woro; girl's raco; Clara Ryan;
Misses race, Miss Church; bo"ys un
der 10, Ray Church; smalt boys,
Ray's brother; Moil's raco, Androw
Qastlo; fatmen'a raco, Mr. Murry or
DqIso; horse shoe pitching, H. II.
Tuuuoy and John Keegan; champion
toad dlsponsor, Pat O'llrlon.
II o With HlKh Homirw Won
William Hlackaby returnod homo
from KiiKono Sunday, Mr. Hlack
aby romalnod at tho Unlvorslty to
completo his collcglato coursos for
his dogross, thus making up time
lost whllo in tho service. He had
tho dlstlncltton of winning tho high
est scholarship standing achieved by
any member of hls fratornlty tho
A. T. O. and also to bo one ot tho
highest In tho class which graduated
this year. He loft this wook for
Jordan Valloy for a short vacation
trip boforo seeking employment.
Surprising their many Ontario
frlonds, was the announcement of
tho marriage of Mrs. Nan Jones and
Lew McNalr, of this city, at Holuo,
Tho wedding took placo last Wed
nesday at the parsonage ot the
Daptlst church ot that city. Rev.
Hockwlth performing the ceromony.
After a two days stay In tho Idaho
capital Mr. and Mrs. McNalr return
ed to Ontario and ara at homo on
tho. Kast side, whoro they havo boon
receiving the congratulations of
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Court formerly of this city will re
gret to learn that Mrs, Court was
seriously Injured in an auto accident
in uoiso Wednesday nicni. wuu
Mr. Court sho was riding In their
car when it was struck by a street
car. Mrs. Court was taken to a
hospital where It was believed, she
was suffering from Internal injuries.
Mr. Court -escaped with a few minor
bruises. . ,
Mrs. Ivan E, Oakos and son John
and Mrs. Mary A. Heron, who
were vacationists at Payette Lakos
returned home Monday, They wore
accompanied by Mrs. R. D. Lytle and
Mrs. O, O. Burrow and son Charles
ot Vale.
4 Sheepmen nnd financiers in-
terestcd lu tho wool business
who follow tho Boston market
roports from tho Hub City aro
encouraged by tho roports
which lmvo boon printed In tho
papers ot that city. Theso havo
boon uniformly optlmlstlo of
lato, In many rospocts. To
tho Boston authorities on wool
a rovlval In tho wool trado is
Particularly of lntorost to
wool producors Is tho authorl
tlvo statomont that tho clip 4
this yoar was tho smallest In 40
years, duo to tho Bonding ot so
mnny sheop to tho slaughtering
pens. Tho roports also Indlcato
that .tho amount ot foreign 4
wool on hand is diminishing
and purchases of foreign clips
havo almost coascd.
portland father & son buy
Mcdowell m, chance name
Ontario Trading Co. To Ho Now
Appellative of Firm A. I. Sic-
-Dowrll Retain Position of
Tho McDowelt Furnlturo Co.
which wns bought by Mr. Schmidt
last wlntor has again changed
hands. Mr. O. W. Ingram and son
ot Portland havo bought Mr.
Schiuldt'H Intorpst and tho son is in
Ontario now to tako" charge. Mr,
McDowell Is still connected with tho
storo in tho position ot managorj
and tho young Mr. Ingram will uo
Socrotary and Treasurer ot tho Co,
Mr. Ingram Intends to mako his
homo lu Ontario. Tho now firm
will bo known as. Tho Ontario Trad
ing Co.
A numbor ot former Nobranknns
gnthorod nt tho homo ot Mr. and
Mrs. Frank McCarty southwost nt
tho city last Sunday to naslst thobi.
In cctobraMng thotr ninth woddlng
After being sorvod n bountlous
dinner proparod by Mrs. McCarty
tho guosts spont a very ploasant
afternoon togathor lu thohado on
tliolr lawn reciting "old times"
among tho cornhuskers. In tho
ovonlng thoy dopnrtod to, tliolr var
ious homos wishing Mr. and Mrs.
McCarty many more pleasant annl
vorsarfos. Thoso present wore: Mr.
ahd Mrs. Harry McCarty, ot Ontario;
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cowlbam, Davo
Strand and daughter, Owondola, ot
Nhmpa, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Miller, of Nyssa; Mr. and Mrs.
Klmor Mlllor, ot Mlndow, Nobr.;
Mr, and Mrs. C.'P. Skow, Miss dor
trude Skow and Messrs Kiumott Mc
Carty and Earl Skow of Ontario.
"Roynl Purplo" Decreo Confercil
At a session of tho Encampment
No. 45 I. O. O. F. Wednesday even
ing tho "Royal Purplo" dogreo was
centered on At Andrews following
which tho momebors enjoyed a social
V. E. Front and W. T. F.IIcrtson to
Recruit Members For Bureau lu
OreKon HIopo and Upper
Mnlhvur Valley.
Launching tho campaign for a
more completo organization, the ex
ecutive commlttoo of tho County
Farm Hureuu decided at a mooting
Monday evening to put organizers
Into the field to solicit memberships.
To start the campaign two men
will bo employed at onco. C. . E,
Frost was named to solicit tho Ore
gon Slope region and the territory
near Ontario while W. T. Ellertson,
ot Vale was named to work around
Vale and lu the Upper Malheur and
Willow Creek valleys,
Mrs. II. O. Drauo left Monday for
a short visit In Portland.
Miss Anna McQlvern accompanied
by Miss Ellen Nelson of Portland,
left Wednesday for a trip through
the Yelowstone,
At Smith ot the Aloxandor Cloth
ing Co., Wolsor, Idaho, was an On
tario visitor Saturday,
Four young mon, collego males of
Bryan Neob arrived In Ontario this
weok from tho Artllery Trailing
Camp near Louisville, Kentucky.
The boys drove through In a Ford
car leaving Louisville, July 25th
and going by way of Chicago, back
through Indiana and through tho
Yellow Stono Park, on' their way
here. Thotr destination is Portland,
Oregon, and August 10th was the
day sot for their arrival there.
Bryan said thoy reported one blow
out and no engine, trouble.
Cnlls Already Mndo For Relief
Thrift Shop Planned lr Fall and
Winter Many Soldier (Appeal
Cared For Civilian Relief To
Ho Principal Activity
W. F. Houian will bo tho chair
man for tho 1921 Rod Cross Roll
Call which will take placo during
tho wook from Novombor 11 to
Thanksgiving Day. Ho will bo as
sisted by vlco chairmen from Ore
gon Blopo, Cairo, Nyssa, Kingman
Kolony, tho Big Bend and Owyhee.
Tills action was takon at a meet
ing of tho directors ot tho chapter
hold at tho City Hall Monday even
ing. At this mooting tho reports ot
tho auditing commlttoo and of the
civilian rollot committee were read
and filed.
Relief Given In Many Forms
An idoa ot tho work which the
Chaptor has boon doing quietly dur
ing tho past yoar can bo gained from
tho roport of Mrs. Honry Orlfflu
undor whoso dtroctlon It Is carried
forward. .
Nino families In the territory
from Ontario to tho Big Bend were
given rollot during tho past winter.
Each ot those Is designated lu the
roport by a lottor and woro admin
istorod to as follews:
A. Furnlshod bedding and cloth
ing for mother and two children.
II. Groceries furdlshod on two oc
casions, nnd clothing supplied for
four children.
O. Furnlshod, clothing, fuol and
P. Clothing furnlshod for fire
E. Clothing furhlshod for mothor
(ud baby.
F. Orocerlos furnlshod twice, and
clothing furnished for five children.
O. Clothing furnished for two
chlldron, and groceries supplied on
two different oceaijans.
II. urocorlos furnished by Chap
ter, while Charity Ball association
Vurchased the clothing tor tire chll
dron and their mother.
I. drocorles furnished, mothor
and two children.
Tho rololf thus afforded needy
famillos was undortnken following
tho Investigation of tho merits -ot
each case by Mrs. Urlftuv and the
total sum spont was $200, more
than naif ot which was spent for
famillos In and south ot Nyssa, the
balauco having boon spont for fam
ilies In Ontario,
Kx-Servlco Men's Itclle'f
Sovon ex-sorvlco mon havo been
glvon rollot ot various kinds, and
a total ot $86 has been loaned to
sorvlco mon. Bosldo this number
of ox-sorvlco mon havo beon aided
In gottlng their papors straightened
out so that they could recelvo their
Plan Thrift Shop
At tho mooting Monday the estab
lishment ot a Health Center and a
thrift shop was considered, and both
were recommended. However It
was decldod to aWolt tho coming of
cooler Svoathor beforo attempting
olthor ot these.
In tho health center It is proposed
to follow tho gouoral plan ot having
a supply of the things needed In
sick rooms, which often cannot be
afferdod by many famillos. These
will bo loaned to thoso In need, and
whon roturned porfectly sterilized
and hold available for others. .
With tho thrift shop It Is believed '
that sufficient clothing could bo
socured and ropalred to supply sov
oral families during tho winter.
From this heatlh coaler, too, an
oducatlonal campaign can be carried
on and literature on health and
hygiene distributed horo needed.
On tho way from Bend to Ontario
Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Polhamua and
Mr. nnd Mrs.tNorman' Cloukle ot
Port Angoles, Washington who were
tho guests of their brother and sis
ter, Mr. and Mrs, O, H. Oraham
this week bad a unlquo experience.
Just this side of Bend they passed
a boy who was carrying a gun. Ho
wavod and apparently domuudod a
ride, but Mr, Polhamus who was
driving did not stop at first. Then
tho boy started firing tho gun, and
ot course tho cur stopped, When
ho reached tho car tho boy demand
od that he bo glvon a lift, and bis
demand was grantod. After a while
the tourists stopped and told tho
boy thoy could not take blm across
tho desert, and he becamuD abusive
and threatened them but Mr. Put
hamus seized tho gun and wrested
It from tho young fellow and
emptied the charabors. Then they
found that it had boon loaded with
blank cartridges. Whou thoy left
the boy at a ranch houso he was
still making dire threats becauso
they would not carry him further,
tboUgh ho apparently had no definite
destination, Aftor visiting here for
sovoral' days tho Port Angeles vis
itors started homo accompanied by
Mr, Oraham. -
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