gMlmiU.TKJtli ,,, "" v. ftiJJEaBww'U- s V I LOCAL PERSONALS Miss Christine Abbott, Domcstlo Bclonco teacher In the High School, lant year, stopped off on hor way homo (ro;u CorvulllB to visit with tho W. L. Turner family ovor Sun day. Miss Abbott will toach this yonr In Auburn, California. Miss Joyco Turner came homo from Corvallts Sunday for a month's vacation. Sho will work In the Ontario National Ilank during tho vacation of Misses Helon Dlom and Amy Cantlold. Hugh Alton was In Vale visiting nt thn Judgo Hlggs homo this weak. Miss Cecil Lognn of Urogan, Ore gon, a grndunto of tho Ontario High Hohool and a studont this yoar at tho O. A. C , Corvallls, nrrlvod In Ontario Tucsdny, on hor way homo for tho summer vacation. Miss Lo gait wont with tho delegates of tho 1M. Hotn I'M Sorloty of tho O. A. C. to tho Convention hold at Charlevoix Michigan July 10th, returning by way of southoru California whoro sho visited In Pasadena and Los Angolus. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. I'ugh of Corvallls and Tom Lognn of Uro gan accompanlod hor homo. Mrs. I'ugh was formorly Miss Gladys Lo gan. Newton Zallor en mo down from Ironsldo, Tuesday for a visit with his mother Mrs. Morgan Carlisle Mr. and Mrs. J. M, Patterson mo tored down from Now Meadows Sat urday. Mr. I'nttorsou wont back Monday Thoy roport huckloberrlos plentiful In tho mountains nnd brot thn proof right along with thorn. J. Fortlor loft Sunday for Port land to spont buyers wcok nftor which ho will bo tho guost of Mr. J. Ilcrron nt his ranch noar Undor wood, Washington for a wook. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Fryo a daughter, July 28th. Sho has been named Suo LoVorno. Miss Kern Johnson from Wood blno, la., who Is spondlng hor va cation In tho west Is spondlng tho week with her cousin, J M. Duller. Mrs. Coo. Hwoltior Is down from from Owyhee spending sovoral days with her sister Mrs. Everett Wisdom and also visiting hor brother Holdon ClomonL N. A. Peacock nnd wlfo from Friiltlnnd nnd Molt Baldwin nnd wife from Evorott, Washington, woro Sunday guests at Art Kings. V. V. Hlcknx nnd family nro rus ticating In tho mountains this wook. Mrs. A. N. Jacokcs returned tho last of tho wook from Pendleton. Mr. Jncnkes' condition remains the snino. Urandma Fuol Is qulto sick nt tho homo of her nephew on tho cast sldo. I Mrs. W. E. Ioes ontortnlnod nl dinner Wodncsdny, Mr. and Mrs Plnkstou of Nyssa. William nnd Hobort Lees loft Wednesday morning for an outing on Salmon rtvor Miss Kiln Urosmun was down from tho ranch above Vale, Wednes day. Mrs. Jack Itnnnfln roturnod Sun day after n few iluy visit with hor parents In flooding, Idaho. Hor slstor-ln-lnw, Miss Madallno Hnnatln also roturnod Sunday from Sho Shouo whore sho spont n few days with homo folks. Mrs. Martha Urnderlck ontortnln od at dinner Sunday. Tliosn pros out woro Mrs. John Plorco nnd Mr Hhlrloy llrnmrock of Payette, Mrs Louts Mucker of Ilarpor, Mrs. Ar thur Ilalley and daughter of Ilrognn nnd Mr. and Mrs. Oscur Jarokos. Mrs. Fred Duller Is visiting tho J. M. Ilutlor family this wook. County Commissioner Frank M Vinos, accompanlod by Mrs. Vines drovo down from above Vale on Monday to do Home shopping here rtox Marquis was down from Vale Tuesday on business and reports tlint tho grain crop In tho Worm sprlngs district will bo tho largest over rulsod In tho valloy. Mr. unci Mrs C W Penn nro tho proud parents of an S pound baby boy, born August 1st Mr. nod Mrs. D. Strand and fam ily, Mr. Turner ami family from ' Nam pa and Mr. CcCarly and futil ity -of Ontario, 'woro entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Skow Sunday. Miss Gwondollno Strand of Nam pa Ih visiting this week with Miss Oertrudo Scow. MIhh Anna Morris arrlrod from California. Saturday to visit hor sisters tho Misses Morris of the Morris Millinery. Sho Intor went on to WoUor which Is their homo. Mrs. I.oland Ready and children returned homo Sunday from Kasley Hot Springs. In tho Haw Tooth Mountains, whoro they have been Do you know you can roll SO gflod cigarettes for lOcts from on bag of GENUINE BULL'DURHAM . TOBACCO MI .fl'Jr fl V on a camping trip with Mrs. Hendy's brothor It. 13 Wlnnnso and family. , Miss Nolllo Morris left for Port land Saturday to attend lluyer's wcok Miss IJcsslo nuthorford entertain ed nt her homo Friday evening to n party of Ontario young people. A vory pleasant evening wan spent. Miss draco Realty of Ooodlng, Idaho spent tho week otul with Miss Mnry Morris. Hen ltutherfnrd nnd family left Sunday for n camping trip In the Ironsldo mountains. Completing n year's tost, during which tlmo sho produced over 10, 000 pounds of milk, tho .1 yenr old Jorsoy cow belonging to C. II. Sar gent of Frultlnnd has boon awarded a silver modal by tho Amarlrnu Jorsoy Cattle Club of Now York. Mrs. Mortlnson and family loft Monday for Seattlo. whoro they will spend tho balance at tho summer. Mr. Dlnghnm and family return ed Saturday from linker City whoro thoy spent n few days. Mr. Mng hnm has sovoral contracts over thoro and went over to look after samo 11. C. Hoyer loft last Friday for Now York City. Ho will bo gono about thrco weeks. Miss Georgia Hull spent several days In Maker City this weok. Miss Roberta I'rathor of Colum bia, Missouri, arrived Monday to visit her slstor, Mrs. M. T). Thomas. Miss Irene Ornul left Wcdncsdny for Catdwell whoro sho nrceptod a position with tho Westorn Union of fice thoro. Mrs. J. A. Lackey roturnod Sat urday from Ironsldo whoro sho has bocn visiting hor paronts Mr. nnd Mrs Locoy. Miss Twlla Embody returned Sat urday from Montnnn where sho hns been taking her vacation, and Is again on duty in tho Golden llule Store. "" Miss Dorothy Twlford of Ogden. Iltnh, and Miss Fern Johirson, of Dow City, lown, aro visiting tlio formor's mother, nfler a (rip thru Yellowstone Park. An outing pnrty consisting of J It ItuMtnusHou and family. Joo Ilrad bury anil family nnd A. E. Ilrorount nnd family ami Mr nnd Mrs. D. C Anderbory, loft for a trip lo thn mountains near hnmodnlo Saturday Thoy woro accompanlod by Mr. nnd Mrs. Thos. iinrtmnn or Montpoitor, Idaho, who woro married last Thurs day at Pocatello and nro on thoy honeymoon Mr Mnrtman Is n brother of Mrs. Ilradbury. Mr nnd Mrs. Karl niackaby loft for Pavetla Lakes Sunday to spond their vacation. Mr. unil Mrs O. M. Cnstlotnnn and Miss Ilnrbnrn Cnstlotnnn nnd It. W. Jones and family loft Thursday morning for a hunting nnd fishing trip on tho llttlo Mnlhour. I) W. Powers nnd Dr. II. II. Whitney went to Jnmlesou Wodnos day on n hunting trip. Ivan Oakes went to Jamlcson Wednesday on business. Miss Esther McCulloch ontortnln od a numbor of hor llttlo friends, Monday afternoon In honor of her sixth birthday. Dainty rofresh- monts woro served nnd n good tlmo wan had by tho llttlo folks. Mrs L. K Jones returned Monday from Powell, Wyoming whoro sho visited her son Paul Jnnos who Is one of the V R Reclamation en gineer nt that point. Mrs. Jones hns been nhsont from Ontario for snvou months, during which she visited, San Francisco. Los Augolns San Diego nnd other California points before going to Pnwoll. On her way homo from Powell sho vis ited for n short tlmo with rolatlvos nnd friends in Twin Falls, President C W. Tonny of Hooding Collego was a caller at tho Metho dist Pursonngo last Tuesday. LOCAL PERSONALS Frank Itador rotiirned Monday from the Payette Lukeu where ha spent his vacation. !;. C. Van Petten nnd his son Frank roturnod Monday from an outing ut Payette Lnkos. Dr. II. (1 Wells, VS. of Liberal), Kansas arrived this week for u visit wltli his brothor J. R. Wolls, tho dairyman Dr Wells Is on his way back to Kansas nfter n transcon tinental auto trip which included all the southwest to California, tho Cal ifornia anil Oregon coast country nnd buck to Outnrlo. Already he has travelled C.000 miles and will add two more to tho record bofore he gots homo. Mr. and Mrs John Hunt announce tho birth of an 81$ pound grand daughter, born tndny. Tho proud and happy mother Is Mrs. Jenkins who wag formerly MIbs Ruby Hunt. Otten Turner left today for Pay utto Lakes, going with Mr. and Mrs. I). O. Plorco of Holso Mrs. Pierce Is a sister of Mrs. W. L. Turner Word wns received this wook of tho ilouth of Mrs. Ward, wife of llov Ward, former minister of the Nnzerlno Church horo. Tho Wards had but recently moved "to Caldwell. Word wns received horo last week of tho doath of Mrs. McNaught a former resldont of Ontario, at Tlend. Oregon. 8KWINO CI.UI1 TO OIVK PICNIC The Westfnll Sewing Club Is to hold Its picnic exhibit on Friday, August 12 This will give tho poo plo of Westfol an opportunity to mm what tholr sowing club in do ing In tho morning thero will bo n short program, a sewing demon stration, tho exhibit and foot races. In afternoon n baseball game and horso races aro planned. A dnnco to bo given In the evening. Tho membors of this club have done some very fine work this year Their local leader. Mrs. Itussel Zimmerman organized tho club last winter and has glvon a great deal of her tlmo In helping the girls. THE ONTARIO AROUS, ONflAffiO, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1921. COMMUNITY lUTA'SAIM Dm heme To lie Held On August At Which Inlet cm lug Program of HpoitN, Kiicoh nnd Talks Will Ho Featured Iloultn, that cnorgotlo community In Cow Volley, hns njnbltlons which call for tho construction of a com munity hnll. To start a fund to bo used for that purpose tho folks up thero under tho loadcrahlp of tho Farm Ilurcnu aro going to hold a picnic and barbocuo on August 11. This was tho decision reached at a Farm Uurcau mooting hold last week at tho Phclan storo. In tho nbsenco of Chairman Ham mack, J. F Phclan was tho chair man of tho meeting which wns woll attonded Following tho tnlk on pig nnd cow Judging nnd n rovlow of tho work of tho pig club in flotilla district by County Club Loader Har ry Wollmnn tho mooting considered tho roport of tho commltteo which stnrted arrangements for tho nnuunl barbecue and picnic which It wns decided to hold on August 11 at tho Pholan grove. Tho following wcro appointed on tho committees bar- becuo nnd dinner Pholan, and Slinonson; games and Jones rarcs: Letter Hnmmnrk, Ed Uowmnn and Karl Weaver: program nnd arrange ments: Slmnnson, Leo Hammock and Edgar Woods Tho Ilonlta folk nro extending nn Invitation to ovory ono for miles around to bo prosont nt tl.nli- nlcili. nr.,1 tinrtirtnn tvlilMi at their picnic nnd bnrbecuo which Ih one of tho big events of tho year In Cow Valloy. I'llli: MARSHALS ORDER OLD HHACKH REMOVER (Continued From Page Ono) cut Condemnation Ordlnnnru which Is found to be entirely ndoqunto and cause tho old wooden shacks . nnd sheds to ho removed from tho busi ness district of tho city. Thcso old sheds arc a poslttvn menace to tho city nnd nro of practically no valuo. Wo would recommend thnt action bo takoti Immcdlntoly on tho follow fellow follew ing: Tho blocks botweon Wnshlng- ton and Cnllfornln Streets and bo tweon Oregon nnd Illchnrdson Stroots. Also In tho alleys of blocks No. 14 and No. IB. Thcso'old wood shacks nro a vory groat flro mennco to tho better class of buildings and their removal will rodtico the danger from flro mater ially. Wo recommend Hint tho double .ir, gallon hnnd chemlcnl extinguish ho n valuable piece of oqulpmont. chnrged for uso. It wilt provo to ho a vnluahlo prlco of equipment. Wo firthor rocommond that as soon as possible tho two lid gallon chom Irnl tanks ho mounted on tho rear of an nutomohllo chassis. Thoy will bo u vory vnluahlo addition to tho flro equipment. Wo rocommond thnt an ordlnnnco bo eunrtod authorizing Inspection by tho Flro Department for the removal of flro hazards and thnt the flro chief or other sultablo person bo nuthorUed lo do tho Inspection work. A sultablo ordlnnnco for this purpose Is nttnehod to and mndo a part of this roport. This Inspec tion work Is of very gront Import ance to tho city and tho Ordinance should bo ennctod without dolny. CONCLUSION In conclusion wo wish to com mend tho Mnyor and Common Coun cil for the good work nlready ac complished and to oxpress tho deslra thnt thoy will contlnuo In flro pre vention work nnd In perfecting the flro protection to tho end that On tario may bo made n flroless city. MimioDiHT riiuurii Sunday Services 10 A. M. Sunday School 11 A. M Preaching. "Lot's Choice " 8 P M Illustrated address aul the Apostlo of tho aontlles," THEATRE ATTRACTIONS MAJIwSTIC TliuiMluy nnd Filday WALLACE HEID In "Till: CHARM SCHOOL" The Promoter Gump Comedy Hnturduy, Aug. (I KUGKNE O'HRIEN in "WONDERFUL CHANCE" Diamond Queen Hunilur nnd Monday DOROTHY DALTON In "IDOL OF Till: NORTH' All Wrong Sunshine Comedy Tuesday, August l ROHKRT WARWICK In "THOU AUT Till! MAN'' One Root Comedy Wednesday, August 10 "PKNNY OF TOP HILL THAU." ALL 8TAR International News Tliiiodiiy, August 1 1 EDITH ROHKRTS in "LURING LIPS" Gump Comedy I'llday and Saturday TOM MIX In "PH.WHIH TRAILS" nm:..MiaNi Hnturndy, August (I "TURN OF TDK ROAD" ALL STAR Hundny, August 7 "RED FOAM" A Ralph lure Production King of tho Circus DISCOUNT PRICK PAID FOR cumin of iri:mou quality Whlla equipment for cleaning nnd conditioning grain Is expensive, country olovntors will find that lts uso frequently Improves tho quality of tho grain nnd Incrcnscs Its mar ket valuo, says specialists of tho Ilurcnu of Markets, United States Department of Agriculture. Soma times grain comes to tho olovntor In poor condition, nfton being dirty, dusty, or with high moisture con tent, and unless tho quality Is im proved by cleaning or drying tho grain cannot bo dlsposod of advan tageously. Moreover, grain containing Im purities, forolgn mntter, or n high molsturo content Is qulto likely to becomo hot in transit, which grently reduces Its valuo nnd frequently re sults In serious flnnnclnl loss. If tho olovntor. Is not provided with suitable oqulpmont for this procoss, such grain must bo shipped In tho condition In which It Is received. Tho farmer should not plnco all ! responsibility for cleaning grain on mo ciovntor, it is iioiioveu. it snouui bo romembered thnt olovntor mnnn gom drt not pny grain prices for tho dirt nnd water found In n farmer's grain. Tho prlco should bo cstab- . Hshod by taking Into consideration ' . ..... tna noccssary oxpenso or placing tho grain In markotablo condition. Tho farmor who dollvcrs clonn, dry, sound grain should rocolve n premi um over tho prlco pnld to tho mora rnrcloss farmer who dollvcrs grain of Inferior quality, specialists say. rilACH CHILDREN TO WASH fruits and vkgi.tahlks Children should have fruits, also celery, tomntocs, and snlads not on ly to glvo variety In their school .unches, but especially to supply tho vltamlncs and other food oloments necessary for healthy growth, agreo nutrition specialists of tho United Stntos Department of Agriculture When thoy ent any Of these uncook ed foods at homo It Is prolmhln that tho mother has washed tho fruit or vegetables properly boforo serving It. All market produco needs wash ing to removo dirt nnd dust, hue torla, and sometimes pnrtlclos of spray residue. Tho best fruits and usually tho bout-looking .fruits nro thoso from trees which hnvo boon properly spnyed while tho fruit was in Its early stages nnd sometimes tho spray mny not hnvo woathorcd off thn fruit boforo harvest. Child ren should not bo given monoy to buy their own fruit from hucksters or stands unions thoro nro facilities at school for washing It. Thoy should bo drilled In tho prnctlco of washing what thoy eat of thoso un cooked products, as a mnttor of or dinary cleanliness. CUT ALFALFA WHEN NEW HI IDOTti HTAUT FltOM CltOWN ' Just whon to cut nlfalfa and how many times to harvest a crop in one sonsou nro questions which hnvo rorelvod studied attention from oxports In tho United States Depart ment of Agrlculturo nnd tho various experiment stations In alfalfa-producing Statos. Ordinarily It Is a good tlmo to cut alfalfa for hay when the now shoots hnvo started from tho crown, nnd from ono-tonth to ouo-flfth of the plants aro in flow er. Hut theso two conditions do not always occur at tho samo time. However, tho furmor with n llttlo oxporlenco, and keoplng In mind the flower nnd new shoots, soon Is able to toll whon his alfalfa crop should bo cut. Tho farmor'a best Judgment will bo called Into play, with pre ference given to the welfare of the plant rathor than the size of tho crop. I Experiments on Government plats seem to prove that cutting Is not es sential to tho welfuro of the plant, hut Is only a means of getting hay. Plats of alfalfa that have not been cut In six yearaxnro In hotter physi cal condition to-day than those that have been cut regularly. Govern ment agricultural experts lean strongly toward fewer crops of al falfa a year, holding that as large tannage can bo secured, for example, with three as with four cuttings, and with less labor. Emphasis Is laid on the necessity of leaving time enough after tho last harvest to permit the plants to get a healthy growth, approximately 4 Inches, be fore frost. FOR SALE Modern Five Room House, on corner of Morfitt'and Cal ifornia, three blocks west of the post office Also all furniture. A bargain If bought at once. Good terms. It will pay you to Investi gate this ir Intending to locate In Ontario Forced to sell on account of sickness. Will ulso sell five lots nnd four room cottage, two blocks west of High School, reasonable. Call 2ft R or wrlto Carl F. Johnson, Rex 381, Ontario, Oregon. UNITF.D PHI-SHYTKHIAN CHURCH Sabbath School at 10:00 A M. Morning Services at 11 00. Rev M. E Dunn of Portland will preach. FALL FAVORS GRAZING LAND LEASING BILL Congressman Hlnnott Introduce .Mcaslttu In House Hiving Au thority to .Secretary of the Interior Tolegram Washington Hurenii Washington, July 30. Congress man Slnnott, chnlrmati of tho public Innds committee of tho liouso, re garda tho proposal of the Interior department to rogulnto grazing on tho public domnln ns pcrhnps tho last great question dealing with public lands. Within tho noxt fow weeks, hear ings on tho bill Introduced by Mr. Slnnott ut tho request of tho secre tary of tho Interior department, will bo stnrted and all angles of tho proposnl ventilated. For many years there hns been growing opposition to tho policy of Including largo acrengo of non-for-ost Innds within tho national forest service, simply for tho purpose of having grazing on these binds re gulated by somo authority. I nil HuggcxtN Hill It wns In nnswor to tho roquost from Congrossmnn Slnnott for the opinion of tho Interior department on ono of thcso hills thnt tho fol lowing loiter wns received from tho socrctnry of the interior, coming with n draft of tho hilt to cover tho Idea suggested by Soerotary of In terior Fall: "I nm In racelpt of your request for roport upon S. lfiDO, proposing to add cortnln Innds to tho Wyom ing National forest. "Available dndn Indlcnto thnt tho grentor port of tho lands described uro chiefly vnluahlo for grazing purposes. An examination of tho lawn authorizing tho creation and maintenance of national forests elonrly shows that they do not con template tho Inclusion In nntlonnl forests of tills class of lands, but by rensou of damnnd for grazing supervision, numerous bills llko this hnvo been Introduced proposing to ndd areas of this chnrnctor to tho nntlonnl forests. This Indicates the uocosslty of somo gencrnl policy as to tho handling mid into of public lamia not sultablo for reclamation, or for tho establishment of homes thereon under tho agricultural homo- Btcnd laws. flecrrtnry (Jit en Authority "I havo accordingly drawn n ton tatlvo bill doslgnod to vest In tho soerotary of tho Interior nuthorlty to rcgulato and leaso tho unappro priated grazing lauds on tho public domain, and to recommend that, It It moot with npprovul, It bo enacted In lieu of S. IG90 and nthor pending hills proponing to ndd grazing areas to national forosts." Congressman Slnnott has Intro duced n bill upon this subject. WANTED Hoy, IB, wants work In haying. Will tnke part payment In hay. Phone 94-M. tf Women love U They love the odor. Perfumed with flowers from the Far East, from the sunny South, from many distant lands,--the wonderful new odor of 29 flowers. You, too, will love it. And you'll find just a touch of it in PACE POWDER JONTEELr a powder of super tf ineness yet heavy enough to stay on. You'll find It In Combination Cream Jonteel, a cream that not only pro . vldes a perfect powder base, but which adds a delicate clearness to your complexion. You'll find R In Talc Jonteel Soap . Jonteel and the many other delight ful requisites that complete this famous toilet line. Compact face powders and rouges ,ln shades to match your complexion. PACE POWDER JONTEEL 50c Combination Cream Jonteel 50c, Talc Jonteel 25c. Manicure Sets Jonteel $1.50 Odor Jonteel $1.50 ONTARIO PHARMACY Th ?fexa&& Store NOTiciJ of sheriff's balm Uy vlrtuo of nu execution in foro closuro, duty Issued by tho Clerk of tho Circuit Court of tho Stnto of Oregon, for tho County of Inlhour, dated tho 28th day of July, 1021, In a certain suit In tho said Circuit Court for said Stnto nnd County, whcroln Klstlo V. Patch, ns Plain tiff, recovered Judgment against Potor Frodorlck Mnrtln, E. A. Pad dock, Elizabeth 11. Paddock, his .vlfe, mid Wolsor Nntronal Hank, u lorporatlon, ob defendants, for tho sum of Four Hundrod & No100 Dollars ($400.00), with Interest thereon from tho 21st day of Decem ber, 1018, nt tho rata of night per cent per annum, nnd Fifty & NOI100 Dollars ($50.00), attomoy's foos, nnd tho further sum of Forty-one & 50100 Dollnrs (Ml. CO) costs, and tho further sum of Ninety-two & 84-100 Dollars ($92.84), taxos, with Interest thereon from tho 31st day of March, 1021, at tho rato of ten per cent per annum, loss a cred it pnld on tho 7th day of Octobor, 1019, In tho sum ut Fifty & Noll 00 Dollnrs ($60.00), and a further credit paid on tho 14th day of Oc tobor, 1019, of Twonty-flvo & No) 100 Dollars ($25.00), which Judgment was enrolled nnd dockotad In tho Clerk's offlco of said Court In said County on tho 28th dny of July ,1921. THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HERE UY GIVEN, That I will on tho 3rd day of September, 1921, nt tho hour of 11:30 o'clock In tho forenoon of said day, at tho north main ontrnnco door of tho County Court Ilouso nt Vale, In said County nnd Stnto, soil nt public auction to tho highest bid dor or bidders for cash, the follow ing doscrlbed real property, to-wlt: Tho South Half (SH) of tract 10 nnd tract 38, lots 18, 10, 20, 21, 22 23 and 24 In lllock 4; Lots 1, 2, 3 4, C, 0, 7,8, 9, 10, 11 nnd 12 nnd 21 In lllock 10: Lots 1, 2, 3, nnd 4, In Hlotk 18; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, S, and 0, In lllock 19; according to second plat of town of Annex Mal heur, Oregon. Tho above real property with Its appurtenances taken nnd levied up on as the property of tho said defen dants, Petor Frcdorlck Martin, E. A. Paddock, Ellzuboth II. Paddock, his wlfo, and Wolsor Natlonnt Ilank, n corporation or so much tharoof as may bo necessary to satisfy said Judgment In favor of Klstlo V. Patch, tho abovo named plaintiff, and against said abovo named de fendants, together with nil costs and disbursement! thnt have or may ac crue Dater at Vale, Oregon, this 2nd, ' dny of August, 1921. II. Loo Noo Sheriff, Hy O. W. Glonn, Doputy. Data of 8alo, Septombcr. 3rd. 1921. ut 11 '30 A. M. Data of first publication, August 4th 1931. Date of last publication September 1st, 1921. FOR SALE 30 acres, unimprov ed, under Wnrmsprlngs district, Innd located three miles west of Ontario, on Malheur river, $800 ensh. Call on or wrlto H. W. Adams, Nyssn, Ore gon, 33-3 G p. LOST 8omowhero botweon W. I Turner homo nnd Ontario National Hank, Sorlcty pin, black enamel, diamond shape with gold Greek let tors. Has Initials II, J. T. on hnck. I.cavn ut Argus offlco. 2t In tho Inst weok's Argus mention wns made of sovoral Ontnrlo girls who woro to tuko part In tho Wny Faror Pageant, nt Beattln. Miss Mary Hervln's nnmo was given as ono. nnd this was a mistake on thn part of tho Argus. Miss Horvln Is going to Normal In Cheney, Wash ington this summer nnd not In Seattlo, onteel v,. I' -r?2Kixj&,ratGZS'jr- KIVS ffftwwMjwaaewf