The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 04, 1921, Image 5

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Lllse Ileif Crown Gasattm
- ;
die most
In the world
depends on its
source of power
The refining of Red Crown gasoline Is
based on a thorough, scientific study and
knowledge of the fuel requirements of the
automobile engine.
Keep a record of your trip mileage, also
note the power and flexibility of your en
gine with Red Crown gasoline, and you
will be convinced that Red Crown, ' the
gasoline of quality ."Is the gasoline for you.
Look for Standard Oil Service Stations
and for the Red Crown sign at garages,
service stations, and other dealers. There
you will be able to get good service with
feed Crown gasoline.
Qhe Gasoline of Qualify
CARTEll. Clarence Osban, II.
Crummett, A. 11. Alexnnder, Honry
Smith, Lucia Dlwarau, Vale; W. J.
Itoup, Ed. Lights, J. A. Lancer, B
N. Johnson, R. C. lloborson, Dolso J
Agnes Zlnk, J. A, Page, Adam Mur
raay, Juntura; II. Walters, NyBsa;
M. C. Soils, Harper; Frank Pink
hntn, Hallway; Dill Colo, Catdwoll;
Laurnnco Croasoy, Crowley; Adam
WIIboii, Illvorsldo; II. A. Itoso, City;
It. C. Stewart, Wcstfnllj Jim Jones,
Joncsboro; Amos ltoothlor, lllvor
sldo; John Vogt, A. J. Drown, II.
Lowls, Frank Qolden, Uolso; John
Ervln, O. N. Plate, Frultland; M.
II. Myers, Ilrogan ; Dr. Durrows, II.
II. Collagen, 'M. W. Ryan, Mrs. J,
L. Mustard, Max Stiles, Vnlo; Oco.
Irwin, City; Frank Drunhnm, Pay
otto; C. W. Recoy and wlfo; Mrs. L.
A. Ullyeu, J. M. Illlyau, Ilrogan;
Carl Cloca, City; Mrs. Orr and sons,
Emmott; Wm. Patterson, Cnscado;
Tom Ilurdman, City; A. M. Lyon, J.
A. Oliver, Jordan Valloy; Mr. and
Mrs. Leathers, Ed Corrlgan,' Honry
Smith, It. Travos, Vale; E. S. Clung,
Uolso; Tomplo Scroggln, Watson;
Mrs. Helen Reed, Heppner, Oro.
MOORE: W. S. Carpenter, Cor
vallls; Elmerlll Fox, J. M. Durt,
Uolso; Mrs. II. Doswoll, Ilrogan;
Isabollo Ralston, Joromo; J. A.
Small, Uakor; Mrs. Adda M. Shot
Hold, Spokano; II T. Dauor, Poca
tollo; Frank Ulnck, Caldwoll; Leon
Howltt, Boattlo; E. E. Lawlstnn, Mrs.
Halon Dlllmnn, Uurns; Mary Dodge,
Vale; Frank Jones, Llborty Chestntn
Wostfnll; II. F. Watson, Samuol L.
Cram, Wolsor; M. M. Hurst, Now
Plymouth; Mr. nnd Mrs. II. Whit
ney, Fort Mndonl, Iowa; Mrs. J.
Honry, Ruth Honry, Dnrrowvalo, Pa.
C. L. Forbes, La Orando; R. Lyon,
Mt. Home; C. D. Hvans, Vale; A.
E. Nichols, Ironsldo; Mr. nnd Mrs.
A. Venator, Flolds; It. Onllant,
Wolscr; F. Schollako, (1. H. Rod
man, T. J. O'Kcofo, Uolso; II. C.
Hayes, T. L. Norman, Honry Tonkin,
Uakor; It. H. Unldock, La Orando;
Marcus, W. May, C. W. Wllllsms,
II. P. Kuonlko, Pendleton; A. P.
Davis, Washington, D, C.J B. C Dul
ler, Lowlston; Walter Plorco, Ln
Orando, Louis May Urunxoll, Nnm
pa; Ruth Derllngamer, Nampn, Mao
Wilson, DoIho, Mrs. Fellows, Marvel
Follows, Loo Noo, Vale; I). II. Hunt
er, Nampa; Mr. nnd Mrs. Patsy Daly
and Mr. nnd Mrs. E. D. Dnly Pralr-
Every Potato Means
Additional Profit
When the price per bushel you receive for your potatoes is Jow,
good profits can still be made by saving time and labor and by getting every
potato in the field. It costs you no more to harvest completely, and you get
the extra dollars for your increased crop, if you use a
The Hoover Potato Digger digs up all
the potatoes in the Held and piles them in
neat rows where they can be handled with
minimum labor. This digger has proved
to be an especially good investment to all
potato-growers who have used it.
The shovel is of best quality high-carbon
crucible steel and shaped so C3 to gather "
the potatoes with tho least possible loss.
No danger of cuttmc the potatoes to the
atxtent that a plow or hoe does. Stone
guards can be UBed in stony ground. You
can raise and lower the shovel while the
machine U in motion. All adjustments .
are made from the seat by convenient levers.
The vise-separating rear rack has a ,
backward and forward motion that sifts
out all dirt and deposits the potatoes in a
compact row on clean ground directly at
the rear of the machine, while the vines
and trash are deposited at one side.
Six roller beartsgs and wide tires on
the wheels assure light draft.
Patented Double Action Front Truck
permits the digger to be turned in a very
short space.
Solid steel frame, strong main sides of
Bessemer steel, beams of best quality char
coal malleable castings, and steel chains
and hardened steel sprockets that greatly
resist wear.
Don't foil to see the Hoover Potato
Digger before you harvest your potato crop;
its use means greater profits. Also ask
us about Hoover Engine Drive Potato
Diggers two-horse machines undor all
conditions, and any other potato tools
you require.
fo, City; Mr. nnd Mrs. Arch Dncon,
LaGrnndo' Mr, Hill, Homcdnlo; Mr.
Clark, Nyssa; J. A. Yancey, Uolso;
Crawford Eagle, Dotso, J. C. llron
don, W. W. Yancoy, Hugh McClnln,
Flvo o'clock Sundny afternoon tho
Urethral Church was tho scono of a
beautiful wedding ceremony when
Mlns Wllma Mao Dolllngor, daugh
ter of Ilov. nnd Mrs. D. D. Dolllngor,
was married to Itov. Harvey It. Hos
teller, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hob
totlor of Frultland. Tho church
room was decorated In forns nnd
pink and whlto flowers nnd the altar
covered with beautiful pink and
whlto flowers. Hoforo tho wedding
sarvlco which united tho happy cou
plo tho trio composod of Mrs. Znno
Schubert, Mrs. Horschol Shanks
and Miss Mlldrod Fisher, sang "Do
cnuse" nnd tho wedding March
"Faithful and True" nnd "I Love
You Truly." Aftor tho corompny
tho trio sang "O, Perfect Lovo,"
nnd "Tho Lord Bless Theo and Keep
Thoo". Tho four ribbon bcarors led
tho bridal party, stringing pink and
whlto ribbons, forming tho alsto.
They woro Merle Fisher, Loonn
Molilor, Marjorlo Thanks, and Mnry
Ilcchtor. Tho two ushers, Wilbur
and Onion Ilolllnger followed, nnd
then tho two ministers, Itor. Hor
schol Shanks who porformod the
ceremony nnd Ilov. 11. A. Knuffmnn,
who offered tho prnyor. They woro
followed by tho groom, Ilov. Hnrvoy
Hostottcr nnd his best man, Onion
Hostotlor, brother! then tho six
brldusmnlds, Mrs. Ponrl Peterson, of
Wilder, cousin of tho bride, Mrs.
Noll to Holt, of Pnyotto, Mrs. Mar
garct Ilolllnger, Misses Vesta Iloll
lnger, Jnno Shamborgcr nnd Itolnu
Jenks, nil drcssod In whlto with
plik,organdla sashes. Tho maid of
honor, Miss Mary Ilolllnger,. sister
of tho brldo, dressed In pink organ
dlo, nnd carrying a showorboquot of
pink roses, followed, and thon enmo
tho flowor girl, llttlo Luclllo Bchtt
bort drosscd In pink organdla and
scattering flowers nlong tho way In
tho path of tho brldo, Miss Wilms
Ilolllnger On tho arm of her fathor.
Slio was dressed In goorgctto cropo
do meteor, with tho bridal veil, and
carried whlto roses and sweot pons,
Ilov. Hcrscho I Shanks pronounced
tho words that unltod tho happy
couple Two hundred guests woro
present to showor congratulations
and present bunutlful and usoful
gifts. Aftor tho coromony a throo
courso wadding supper was sorvod
by tho brldo's pnronts on tho Inwn
at their homo noar Frultland to
sovonty-flvo of tho relatives and
closo friends. Tho lawn was beau
tifully decorated with pink and
whlto streamers. Tho happy couplo
loft for a short honoymoon trip,
Tliuy will bo at homo aftor Soptoin
bor lGtli at North Manchester, In
diana whoro thoy expect to finish
tholr collcgo courso. Doth thoso
young pooplo nro prominent and
well known and dosorvo tho congro
tulntlons of a host of friends.
Another Frultland Couplo Wed
Saturday evening nt olght o'clock
at tho homo of Hoy, and Mrs. Hor
schol Shanks occurred tho marrlago
of Mr. Harry Hockos, oldest son of
Mr. nnd Mrs. Honry Hockos, and
Miss Haiol Lanfoar, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William Lanfonr. Itov.
Shanks road tho sorvlco which
unltod tho happy couplo, Mr. and
Mrs, Warren Hubboll, of Frultland,
woro tho only attendants. Mr. and
Mrs. Hockes loft Sunday morning
for a motor trip to Sugar City, Ida
ho, for a visit with relatives and
then on to Yellowstono Park. Upon
tholr roturn thoy will llvo In tho
John Itlch homo on Pennsylvania
Avenuo which has already boon fur
ulsbod ready for their occupancy.
These young pooplo havo long re
sldod at Frultland and nro woll
known and popular and tho good
wishes of numorous friends aro be
ing showered upon them.
Shower for IYultlnnd Ilrldo
A miscellaneous showor which wag
a surprise was given Miss Wllma
Ilolllngor Thursday aftornoon at tho
homo of her parents In honor of
her approaching marrluKo. A fout
uro of tho aftornoon was an amus
ing mock wedding given by six of
her girl frlonds. Dy following di
rections which led all over the
houso tho brldo to bo found many
lovoly gifts, Each lady wrote some
good advlco to be followed by tho
now bride. A lunch of marcaroous
and punch wore sorvod.
Llttlo Girls Cclobrnto Anniversaries
Sunday afternoon thirty of the
boy and girl frlonds of Misses Helen
Tusslng and Doris Taylor gathered
on the II. F, Tusslng lawn to help
them celebrate their birthday anni
versaries. It was Helen's sixth
birthday and Doris' soventh anniver
sary. Some of the grown ups ac
companied the youngsters and en
joyed with them the delicious eats
of Ice cream and cake served later
In tho afternoon.
In Honor of Mother
Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Itoy
Manser entertained a number of
friends at their home, honoring tho
mother of Mr. Manser, Mrs. Mary
Manser, of Derkeley, California, the
occasion bo her birthday anniver
sary. Tho guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Hoy Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Thomyson, Mr. and Mrs. M. Puchert,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Manser and
Mrs. Mary Manser.
Woodrlver, Nebraska, Picnlo
More than fifty Woodrlver, Ne
braska peoplo gathered together
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Puchert, near Frultland, for a big
picnic dinner and get-together good
time. Tho tablo groaned with all
the good things that these Wood
rlver people know how to prepare
and It was a happy occasion for nil.
Thoso Included among the party
were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Puchert,
Imperial Valley, California, vlsttlng
here, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Flcken,
Mr. and Mrs, James Frazler and
family, Mr. and Mrs. William Itau
ert and son, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Manser and Howard, Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Colwell and daughter, Bethel,
Mr, and Mrs, Sam Phillips nnd son,
Mr, and Mrs, Dockor nnd hrothar,
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Todd, Mrs.
Urocklohurst nnd Mrs. Taylor, Mr.
nnd Mrs. II. Shearer and family,
Mrs. Ithoda Bhcaror and children,
Mrs, Mary Mnnsor, Jcsso Durkard,
Mrs, Dorothy Hondrlx and Mr. nnd
Mrs. M. Puchort,
Tho U. Y. P. U. will glvo a plo
social on C. M. Williams lawn Fri
day evening, August 12. Pics auc
tioned off. Ice Cream also served, p.
Government surveyors who nro nt
work nenr tho upper hot springs
abovo Mitchell Dutto surveying for
tho proposod high lino Irrigation
project aro boarding nt tho Pouts
ranch. It Is roported their estlmatos
will bo submitted to tho government
within n month.
Mrs. S. I). Dlgolow and Miss Mar
lon Lowo motored to Nyssa, Monday
then on to Ontario. Mrs. Dlgelow
nttendod tho Farm llureuu mooting
nt Cnlro, relating to shipping pota
toes. Mrs. Pouts was In Ontario
Wednesday having sumo dentnl
work done
Dornlco Fonn and her cousin, Jack
Twelves mndo n business call nt the
Kllngbnck homo, Monday.
Tho Shatto and Dob Wallace fam
ilies attended n family reunion at
tho Fox homo near Nyssa, Sunday.
Tho Owyhee Swlnnlng Class mot
nt tho Drndlcy "swlmmln' holo"
Thursday uvonlng.
Mr. nnd Mrs, I). P. Pullan nnd
family woro dinner guests nt tho
W. W. Smith homo, Sunday
Tho Alvln Mcaiunls and Wnller
Plnkston families nlso visited tlioro
Sundny afternoon.
Anna, Carl nnd Wllllnm Schwolzor
and Vornon, Donnld nnd Uladys Mc
Oliinls visited with Mary McQInuls
at tho Punts homo Monday evening.
Tho tlmo was pleasantly spout In
music nnd singing.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilcpuorto Froondo
nnd tlirco children nnd Mrs. Uonl
Unrmendla nnd two children, of
Uolso, woro guests nt tho Vincent!
Mondlola homo soveral days last
Mrs. T. M. I.owo and Miss Mnrlon
tnotorod to Vnlo Wednesday, whoro
thoy visited Mrs. Jullon Hurloy.
Thoy woro luncheon guosts nt tho
Kestor homo. Thoy nlso visited a
short tlmo nt tho Gerald Stanflold
Miss Dornlco McLnfforty, assisted
by Mrs. Schwolzor, Miss Lowo and
sovoral others Is planning to glvo n
recital at tho Owyhee school houso,
August 18. All aro cordially Invited
to attend.
Mrs. Nancy Tlmntins of Parma,
who had long boon a suffer from
llvor complaint, dlod last wcok. Sho
was a BlBter of Sarah Clark and
well known to tho older residents
hore. Sho loaves a daughter, Mrs.
Laurenco Daughorjy nnd child, bo
stdos other relntlvos nnd frlonds to
mourn her loss.
S, D, Dlgelow last Thursday ship
ped 100 sacks of first class potatoes
from Nyssa, receiving 90 cents por
hundred for them.
Mrs. Lowo aud daughter, Marlon
motored to Nyssa, Friday whero
thoy vlsltod Mrs, Francis, later Mrs.
Francis, Mrs. Lowo nnd Marlon went
to Parma whero thoy woro guests of
Mrs, Dommlng. Mrs. Lowe, Mrs.
Francis and Mrs. Dommlng havo
bean friends slnco girlhood.
Konnoth McDonald had tho mis
fortuna to havo ono of his toes
crushed, last Friday, when his sad
dlo homo stepped on It.
Luis Ipturrl, of Jordan Valley,
was a business visitor at tho Men
dlola homo last wook.
Frod Kllngback Is binding grain
on tho Dollord and Fonn ranches
this wook.
S, D. Dlgolow and son nnd daugh
ter, John nnd Juanltn, were Oato
City visitors Saturday.
Viola and Tholmn Olascock aro
visiting tholr aunt, Mrs. Frank New
bill, of Ontario, for sovoral days.
Miss Lais Itussoll, of lloswoll Is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Oco
Schwolzor, this week.
Konneth Flolds, of Nyssa, was a
guest of Hollo Kenu lust week.
I lagan Mooro Is on tho sick list.
Frank Davis and wlfo were hero
from their rnnch near Drewsey this
Itov. Chas. Illom and C. D. Davis
mado a trip to Uolso by auto Friday.
Miss Gladys Franklin Is visiting
frlonds at Sllvlos, Orogon.
T. II. Moore was In Uolso on bus
iness tho first of tho wook.
Mrs. Jossln McCarty loft Monday
for Oardon Vnlluy, Idaho, to visit
her sister, Mrs, Alia Coughanour.
Ilov W J. Luscombo was In Dolso
sovoral days tho past wook,
II II Paul was In Dolso on busi
ness Tuesday.
fplnHli klsUPT lolPBS
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbKNsUJ J I V&zSxXttMM
Somebody is always depositing your money in
the bank,
Is it you who are saving part of your income
and putting it where it will work for YOUR
Or is it slipping through your fingers into the
pocket and bank account of someone who ap
preciates its value more than you? '
A savings account with us will solve that problem.
Hot Chocolate that's
always smooth and rich
Made the
Carnation Way
6 even teaspoonfuls chocolate, 6
teaspoonfuls sugar, 3 cups boiling;
water, I cup Carnation Milk, J4
teaspoonful salt. Mix chocolate
and sugar in a cup, Have water
boiling. Heat chocolate pot by
allowing hot water to stund in it
for a few minutes. Hent Carna
tion Milk by standing cup of Car
nation Milk in basin of hot water
for five minutes or more. Pour a
little boiling water into cup of
chocolate and sugar to dissolve
them. Pour into chocolate pot,
add remainder of water BOILING
hot, then the hot Carnation Milk
and salt. Serve at once.
Sand for Carnation Cook Book containing
100 practical letted recipe. Carnation Milk
Product Co., 500 S. Oth St., Bolte.
If your cooking
becomet a burden
and you're tired
of making the
tame dlthet all
the time, try tame
of these Carna
tion recipetlf
it't only a differ
ent way to make
a familiar tilth.
All Clrocert,
"from CouteiitrU tW
lm3 '
i x
! t
l i&&Mt.
"".. ,'jPfMW