The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 04, 1921, Image 1

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NO 35
diiikctoh a. i davih with
chief engineeit 1 12. wey-
mouth, piioject manaukh
j. ij. 1jond accompanied
it v local committee
inspect canyon
New I'fnu IIfIiik Considered Which
Would Wnli-r tn.1,000 acres ln5
rlmtliiK Ilcslilo Original Project
I ho Com District In Idaho
I)li odor A. I. David, Chlor En
gineer F. 12. Woymouth of tho Ho
llumullon Sorvlco, occompnnlod by
ll. II. Ilond, project mnnoRor of tho
nolso-Fnyottn project and a locnl
cointnlttco spoilt two dnyB of hint
vook tnnpcctiiin tlia propoiod Owy
heo Projoct.
Tho visitors did not sponil prac
tically tho ontlro tlmo thoy wore,
hero viewing tho iltos of the pro
liosal, dams. Thoy did not vlow
tho landii undor tho project for
thoso thoy aro thoroughly familiar
'with through previous Investiga
tions, and thoy doclarcd tholr knowl
edge In tholr superiority
"Thoro ! no'quostlon an to tho
quality or tho noli of tills district, It
Js equal to any o ho found In tho
westt" thoy Bald.
"Tho problum of this projoct Is
that of watar storago and cost of
construction of damn nnd dlstrlbut
Iiik systoin. Tho hind run Htand ns
IiIkIi an aero com as any land In tho
Intormountalu country," thoy added.
In ordor to porsonnlly vlow tho
sites of tho proposod dams nt Dun
can's Kerry and ahoyo Mitchell
llutto tho party Hpont two strenuous
days. With nut on thoy wont as far
ax they could up tho canyon toward
tho Kite of tho proposod diversion
dam. Thon thoy walked u long
way. and when this moans of trans
portation failed to tako them to
tho nlln a row boat was socurod and
with C. It. Emlson furnishing tho
motive power Mr. Davis and Mr.
Woymouth .wont up tho canyon to
tho spot solocted by Mr, Ilond and
his assistants and oxamlnod ovory
rwi tt ftlm nnvnn ivnllu rnrnf ntlv.
drift ui .iiw vui.f vti -..-. ...-... - i
No detail was overlooked In the
minute examination.
This portion of tho trip occupied
all of Friday and In this party thero
woro besldo tho officials Alroady
mentioned, tho following Ontario
men: Mayor W. II. Doollttlo, R. W.
Jones, B. A. Frasor, P. J. Gallagher,
P. n. Emlson, T. W. Clagott, W. J.
Plnnoy, B. M. Grolg and n. W. Pow
ers. On Saturday tho officials accom
panied by Messrs. Doollttlo, Oalla
ghor and Plnney mado the trip to
Jordan Valley and tlionco to tho
Duncan's Ferry site of the dam for
tho storngo reservoir, returning to
Nanipa and Ontario on Sunday.
An KnlrRCl Project
One thing that developed during
tho course of tho trip was tho
fact that the engineers are now
working on a very much enlarged
projoct. one that when completed
will enbrace 135,000 acres, covering
not only tho lands In the original
Owyhee Project whlth Included
Doad Ox Flat but also the Gem
District or Idaho and other lands
on tho Idaho side.
Two Arrowrocks
To accomplish this gigantic pro
ject will require the construction of
two dams each of which will bo as
high ob the famous Arrowrock dam,
though not bo wide.
Doth dam sites aro deemed Ideal,
being situated In canyons whoso
perpendicular walls of basaltic rock
are only 150 reel apart at the tops.
The construction of these high
dams however Is not the sole en
gineering feature that la new, for
the present plana call for tho con
struction of four miles of tunnels
from the diversion dam, which while
expensive Is justified In their esti
mation by the fact that It permits
of increasing the acreage so mater
ially thot the per acre cpst will
actually be deduced.
By thQ construction of tlw high
dams, too, the water will tw taken
out at tho 2560 elevation thus cov
ering all the bench Usis possible
both north and south of tho Malheur
and all of the lands of the Gem and
adjacent regions In Idaho.
Officials Nob Cewwttal
Naturally the official were bob-
MAi.iu:rit lamiw net $0.17
When Dnnnld McLeod sold
roiir cnrlonds of Fobruary
lambs on tho Denver tnnrkot
on July nt $0.40 per hundred
ho socurod whnt 1 8 bollovod
horo to bo the highest prices
pnld for Oregon lambs this
That tho Inmhs woro In ox-
ccptlonnl condition was evl-
dent from tho fnct that
tho nvorngo w o I g h.t or
tho rour car loads was 77
pounds per lamb making tho 4
gross prlco per tnmh $7.24
while tho not return nftor
fro'ght, foedlng nnd commls-
bIom was paid was $0.17,
4 Local stockmen bollove tlmt
with lambs roachlng this level
I- tho owe thnt raised thorn and
rflso a clip of wool Is worth
moro than prices which hnvu
provallod and that thts condl-
Hon will bo reflected In an (
T cany rmu in biikujj pricus. t,
Thmi DajB Fieo Show To I In Hinged
lly Fair llnnril Hall (lame mid
Itaoos Mny Ht' Grandstand
IVat tiles With Night Shows
The Mnlhour County Fair this
yoar, bo far-us tho agricultural soc
tlou Is concerned will Inst thrao
days and will bo frvo to nil. The
untortatnment fonturos to bo staged
beforo tho grandstand havo not yot
been dotormluod but plans aro un
der consideration for something
worthwhile for ovory day.
Ono or two days of base ball and
a combination of auto rucos or horso
raccH Is bolng considered for
which a Hinnll admission chnrgo to
tho granilstaud will bo mndo to de
fray tho oxponso. Tho dotntls of
this soctlon of tho progrnm nro bo
lng considered and will bo an
nounced lntor.
Uptown during tho fnlr thoro will
bo n norlQn of nntortalnmonts, Tho
Kolloy ComodlaiiR pro to roturn, a
forrls whool nnd morry-go round
have boon locatod which will come
horo and many local firms will In
stall booths for tho carnival feat
ures minus carnival abuses. Tho
show will bo ono In which tho poo
plo visiting tho city will get some
thing for tholr money. It will bo a
clean show.
Tho Amorlcan I.oglon will havo a
dnnco ovory zoning and amusemont
fonturos will bo on hand to mako
tho ovonlngs pleasurablo to those
seeking a good tlmo.
All thl;SwaM tho doclslon ronchod
following conferences of buslnoss
men nnd a thorough discussion or I
tho offort to aecuro a guaranteo
fund for tho program onco planned
along tho lines usually followed by
tho previous fair boards,
In all $1,000 of tho stipulated
$1,500 waa pledged, and while It
was believed that tho ontlro amount
could be secured many felt that
this was not tho yoar to take
chances of falluro, so tho modified
plan was adoptod.
Ml Bllon Carmen or Payette la
visiting Miss IleBslo Ilutherlord this
Mr mid Mrs. Joo Edwards of
Weatfall woro In Ontario Wednesday
)ii business.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Jones and
daughtor Katherlue leave Friday for
their ranch In Juntura, whero they
will upond a couple of weeks.
Mra. N. O. Bedford loft Wednes
day evening for Portland to attend
lluyors week. Allen lledford Is In
Caldwell and llolsa visiting relatives
while his mother la away.
commltal. They did uot Indicate
what their report will be, though
the mombors of tho local committee
felt by their general attitude that
they were favorably impressed. It
is believed that the rate or the pro
ject lies In the goueral prosperity of
the country, upon which the legis
lative action of Congress will be
While the dotalls of the plans are
being completed a crew of men will
bo engaged in making borings or
the bed rock of the proposed dam
altos and If these, as It (s expected,
prove satisfactory the completed
plans will be ready for early pre
sentation to the officials In Wash
ington for their final approval. In
the meantime the local committee Is
preparing to proceed with the nec
essary steps preliminary to entering
into a contract with the federal gov
ernment for the construction of the
project, there being a mass or such
detail which must be 'cared for In
any evenC m i'
AVutfi CoiumliMoiipr 3oo. T. cli-
rune nnd KnglnctT C. K. Htrii-k-
land IW'kIm PrcllmliinrlPH For
Adjudication of Owjlico
Ocorgo T. Cochrane, water Buper,
Intoudont for tho second district nnd
Chnrlos B. Strickland, an cnglncor
from tho otflco of tho Stato Wator
Hoard reached Ontario Tuesday and
rocolved claims filed by Owyhco
Water users. Thoy hnd boon at
Vnlo on Monday and listed claims
and from Ontario thoy wont to Jor
dan Valloy yesterday to tilo tho
claims or tho us or if In tho uppor
rlvor. ,
Owjluo Ditch Stockholders Split
Tho ono fouturo that 'dovclopod In
tho formnl application for wator
rights was tho division among tho
usors under tho Owyhee Ditch. Af
ter tho directors of tho ditch and
most of tho stockholders proceoded
to rile claims as a unit undOr tho
company title In tho main canal, it
number of usors In tho upper region
about Nyssa soparatod tholr claims
and rilod tliuin as Individuals,
Thin action followed tho theory
upon which W. L. aibson filed a
BUlt against tho Owyhee Ditch for a
priority ovor usora undor tho ditch
who put tholr land Into cultivation
after tho first lands. According to
this theory tho canal or tho ditch
compuny would bo treated ns n river
or any nntural sourco and tho first
wator usors would havo priority to
wator In Rplto of tho fact that thf
canal, diversion and otlior works
worn tho result of offortK of u stock
company. W. W. Wood and J. W.
McC'ullocli aro representing tho
claims or tho Individual Btoolthold
ors who aro thus seeking prior
rights, whllo Ilrooko & (Jnllaghor aro
retained by tho dlrdctors or tho com
pany for tho company as a whole
Claims of uppor Owyhee wator us
ors aro represented by Dnvts ft Kos
tor and Jullon Hurley of Vale aiA
wharo not advarso to Owyhee Ditch
company soma o rthesa users nro ro
prosontod by Ilrooko & fJnllaghor,
Whllo tho claims aro bolng filed
now It Is not anticipated that testi
mony will bo heard until tho spring
or summer of 1022. Mr. Cochraao
said that In nil probability loBtlmc'y.
would stnrt next Mny. In that case
It will bo nt least two yoars boloro
a doclslon will bo renchod, It tho
Malheur rlvor adjudication Is u cri
terion by which to Judgo. This
caso was hoard two years ago, and
whllo tho findings of tho wator
board havo boon mndo, tho confirm
ation of thta from tho district court
has not yet boon mado.
llcpoit to Council Says General Con
dition or City Improved Note
lU'llcnncnt of Flro i:iilpini'iit
In Its roport or tho Inspection or
tho city for flro haxzards the Stato
Flro 'Marshal's department orders
tho city council, to romove a num
ber or the old shackB In tho alloys
back of tho business blocks. Tho ro
port also asks that a rogular Inspec
tion system bo Installed for tho
safety of tho city. Tho roport In
full which was rend at tho mooting
or tho city Council Monday night
was as follews:
We find that slnco the last In
spection of the city by tho Flro
Marshal Department a great deal of
Improvement has been mado. The
flre-flghtlng .equipment has been
Improved by the addition of motor
apparatus and tho city la found to
be woll kopt and quite freo from
rubbish. Thoro Is still opportunity
for Improvement and we offer tho
following recommendations to tho
City Council.
We recommend thnt the city
(Continued oa Last Page)
Whllo In Portland last week
tho Editor of the Argus was !
4 Informed by members or tho
highway Commission that the
Vule-Durrell section or the
Central Oregon Highway; and
the Jamlesou-Drogan section of
the John Day Highway will be
4- advortlsed for letting, at the
August meeting.
In tho case of the Slide to
Huntington soctlon of tho Old
Oregon Trail the commission
has decided to let this later In
the year so that more contrac-
tors can be secured to bid up-
on It. und better prices recolv-
, ed which It is believed will re-
suit aftsr many now engaged
havo completed their Work,
Auto CrnnliCH On Mount Wilson In
California Killing Mttln Knthrrlno
Messenger, daughter or Form
er Ontario (llrl
Mrs. Huby Unties this week ro
colvod word or tho donth of llttlo
Kathorlno Messongor, daughter or
Mrs. Ira Messongor of I,os AngolcB,
who wns Miss Olivo Hurlbort of On
tario. With tho word of tho llttlo
girls death camo thq following clip
ping from n Los. Angolos pnpor toll
ing tho Hnd stery:
"Kathorlno Elizabeth Messongor,
7W-yoar-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Irn Messenger of Uurbank, wns
Instantly klllod on tho Mount Wil
son toll road yestorday whon tho
automoblto in which sho wns riding
with her father catapulted down a
sloping embankment for 400 foot.
Her fnthor. driving tho car, cscapod
without Injury.
"Tho fatal accldont camo as a
Bad ending to n day plannod for
happiness. Llttlo Kathorlno had nuv
or been up to tho top or Mount Wil
son. After ropoatod ontrontlos, hor
fatluir dotormlnod to grant hor re
quest. "Tho mother remained nt homo
whon fnthor and daughtor startod
out for tho top of tho slope. There
woro smiles on tho faces of all m
parting words woro spokon. Kath
orlno wns BUpromoly happy. Hor
longing wns to bocomo roallty.
DatliCN Into llatluo
"Tho machine rolled along on Its
way to the foot of tho grade and
startod tho ascent. Mr. Messongor,
driving, upproachod a very narrow
turn In tho roud. Ho stopped tho
car. Iii'doso to tho side ot a shcir
rise, ho bollovod ho did not hnvo
room to mako tho turn. Ho rovorsod
tho gear of the machine, and backod
up, Ho planned to get n wider
swing nnd thus mako tho curve In
surety. , , ,
"For a moment tho enr backod ns
It would under ordlnury circum
stances. Thou tho earth scorned to
slip from bonenth thorn. Tho car
had slipped over tho odgo ot tho om-
l.niibim.Ml tl irriiHlinil down Into
i.. n. vim) tiirnlnir ovor and over
bu Its downward courso.
Death Instantaneous
"Iloth father and daughter woro
tlii-.iu.n rlmir nf tlin cur Ha It cnlllO
to Us resting place at tho bottom,
nnaiy smusnou nnu uauuruu.
' "From thu position In which
Kathorliui's Inort rorm wns round Is
was evident, It was said, that douth
had been Instuntnneous. Yet Bnvo
for scratches and hrulsoH, Mr. Mos-
miifn, .una lint llllrl.
vuiihui .. . .......
"The body or tho llttlo girl wan
takou to tno isurnunm uuuunuNiuK
parlors In Pasadena. Funeral ar
rangements havo not boon com
Shooting Said to Ilntn Folhmnl Few
Words Victim Killed with Ills
Own Gun l.caes Wlfo nnd
Hon lli'i'o In Ontario
Elmer Dorey who lived hero In
Ontario for mnny yoars was murder
od at Idaho FallB last Friday after
noon by n man nnmod Ponnell who
was Immediately arrested on Inform
ation furnlshod by two boys who
witnessed tho deed. Ponnell claims
that thu shooting resulted from a
romnrk mado by Dorey with whom
ho had been drinking.
Dorey was klllod lustnntly, and
strange to say tho weapon used was
his own, according to the reports
printed In tho Salt Lake papers ro
colvod horo by relatives of tho mur
dered roan.
Shortly .aftor tho murder author
ities at Idaho Falls telephoned to
ltnlph Dorey ot this city son or the
victim, who wont to tho bcouo to
tnko charge ot his rathor's body,
llesldo tho son Dorey loaves his
wlfo who lives hero and u brother, a
rosldout of Wostoni Oregon and his
sister, Mrs. C'prrlo Simpson of Iron
Officials or tho packing com-
panics on tho Frultland Ilonch
declnro that tho rrult crop rrom
Welser to Emraott will yield
tho growers nearly two million
dollars. Alroady sales on
which advance payments havo
been made confirm t his stato-
mont. One grower alone has
received, advances which show
that ho will receive $25,000 for
his crop.
Tho present prices for applos.
tho highest received In the his-
tory of the fruit business has
stimulated tho demaud for or-
chard lunda and sevoral real
estate deals or $20,000 or moro
have been made on the Fruit-
land bench.
The growers declare that
the rrult Is In better condition
this year than ever which in
part accounts ror the ract that
sales ot apples at $50 nnd ICO
per .ton, orchard run are the
rule. Somo ot the ranchors 4
aro holding ror $75.
4 4
Potato growors who, until
rccontty woro discouraged at
prlcos orforod for tholr product
aro not so bluo now. During 4
tho past wook prices for spuda
havo stronglhonod and tho quo-
tntlons yesterday woro $1.25
por hundred. At this prlco nnd
at from $1.00 to $1.10 sovoral
cars havo bcon Bold. O. W.
Doan ono ot tho plonoors In tho
potnto gama sold four cnrB at
tho latter prices nnd has novor-
nl additional cars to markot.
"I bcllovo that potatoes at
fr $1.10 aro oqual to $16 alfalfa,"
said Mr. Doan, "nnd slnco tho
buyerB who hnvobcon horo do-
claro that our potatoes surpass
those or tho Idaho soctlon
h around Caldwell and Faftna I
can boo no reason lor rooting
County Sent Visitors IOno Field
Willi Kcoro 2 to 1 In Ontario's
Favor Umplro Aw arils flniuo
by O to O Score No
Third Contest
With tho Hcoro 2 to 1 In Ontario's
fnvor In tho Inst hair or tho sovouth
Inning tho Vnlo team left tho field
nt tho fnlr ground Inst Sunday after
noon so Umplro Gibson who waa of
ficiating awarded tho contest to On
tario by tho regulation score In Bitch
caso of 0 to 0.
Thu gamo thus Interrupted hnd
boon n pretty contest with honors
fairly oven until tho break In tho
luck sont Ontario Into tho lond.
Then It wns that Joy Hustod con
nected with ono ot Stiles' offerings
for a single which ho ondoavorod to
stretch Into n double when It wns
slowly rolayed from tho outrield.
Hustod reached second by sliding,
Yancoy tho Vale second hnsoman
touohod him on tho body, Gwlnn tho
umplro ruled that Hustod' root hit
tho hag beforo the basemnn tnged
htm. In any ovent tho piny was
oloao, nnd Yancoy and Iloso, tho
Vnlo captnln Insisted on qultlng tho
Mnby ol tho Vale men, Including
Stiles who hnd pltchod good ball all
nftornoon wanted to contluuo, ns did
Ike Itoblnetto tho mnnngor ot tho
Vale team, hut Itoso and Yancoy
would hnvo nono ot It. Thoy oloct-
od to forfeit rathor than play tho
last two Innings.
Up to tho point of dispute the
gamo wns ono of the host soon hero
this yoar. Pouson pitching for On
tario, with Ilybeo his battary mate
rrom tho Emmott team had a slight
Odge on Stiles hut tho margin was
not great and tho crowd was enjoy
ing an tntorosttng gamo.
Vale was tho first to scoro, and
hold a ono run load up to tho sixth
when Penson boat nut a limit
Harry Chapman followed with a
torrlflo wallop to right flold which
the Holder misjudged, and In his
attempt to get undor the ball foil,
lief ore tho centor fielder could re
cover tho ball Chapman comploted
tho circuit for a home run, with
Ponsau uhead of him. Thon came
the seventh Inning and tho wrangle,
which deprived tho crowd of tho
balanco of the game for which as
Individuals thoy had pitld admls
Among ho Interesting Holding
stunts or the gamo were tho two
clrcuH ra tcli oh Interjected by Jack
Hammnn, and tho generally tight
fielding of tho ontlro lnflold. Tho
Vale toam was strengthened for the
contoat by several men from the
Nyssn team who gave good accounts
or thomselves and supported Stiles'
pitching In excellent shape
Thoro Is ono interest which the
players or the Vale toam who In
sisted on leaving tho Held entirely
overlooked; numely that or the pub
lic which paid to see tho contest.
Tho management or teams should
see to It that tho games aro rinlshed
evon If rank substitutes have to bo
put Into the flold to replace peevish
players, and theso players should be
barred .rrom playing until thoy
learn to take the public's interest
Into account. Unless some such
drastic action Is taken It will be
Impossible ror base ball to secure
tho public support that Is necessary
to Its continuance In this section".
Adopt Iteport Fntoriiift Ilhcr llouto
of Old Orrgoii Trail Into City
Firms Which Alnko Public
Pay For Deliveries .Must Oh
tain I)ru)ago Licenses
Further retrenchment In tho ex
penses of thu City of Ontario woro
ordored by the City Council at Its
regular mooting Monday night fol
lowing tin Interesting session lu
which tho city dads divided their
votes on several mnttcrs.
Tho economy keynote was struck
by Councilman E. M. Grolg whon
Councilman 1). V. Powers, chairman
or tho street commlttoo presontod
tho roquest ot Street Commissioner
Artie Peel for a two weeks vacation
for himself nnd his team.
' Mr. Peel has put In mauy hours
of ovortlmo for which ho has novor
put In a bill," said Mr. Powers
"and 1 bcllovo ho Is entitled to a
vacation, but It ho Is glvou ouo,
thou tho other employees will mako
tho same request, In fnct I under
stand two otlior such roquosta havo
been mado. It wo glvo thoso vaca
tions on pay It will cost tho city
approximately $600 for additional
help, and I don't see whero wo havo
thu monoy to moot tho bill."
"Wo Just cannot do It," Intorposod
Couucllmun.Orolg. "It Is not our,
fault that tho city finances aro In
tho condition they aro In, hut wo
have to work with the funds wo
"Not only can wo uot glvo vaca
tions but thero Is uo reason why
tho city should bu paying more for
men aud teams than tho farmors
aro paying. Tho farmors aro paying
$2 and board for men aud teams
far lesa than tho city la paying.
Thero Is no excusu for the city pay
ing moro than tho provntllng wage
when men und teams cuu bo obtulu
od ror less thuu wo uro paying now.
Taking account or tho bourd allow
ed by tho farmors I move that the
wngos paid bu 40 cents por hour for
men and 76 cents tor a man aud
toum." This motion carrlod unani
mously "Not only must tho wages bo re
ducod, but tho expenditures ot tho
city lu ovory form must bo curtail
ed." udded Mr. Grolg In his cam
paign to cut expenses. "I move that
no suppllos bo ordored for any de
partment and no work dono until
upprovad by tho Mayor and It ho
does not waut to assumo tho re
sponsibility then ho can got the ap
propriate commlttoo togother or
wait until tho ontlro council can
act." A motion making that sug
gestion effective carrlod.
Favor Kh cr llouto
Tho council hoard tho roport ot
tho committee on streets and alloc
taking up In detail tho arguments
for and against rlvor routo as the
ontraura or tho Old Orogon Trail
highway Into tho city. This report
rocommouded tho river route and
waa adoptod. Instructions ware
given tho city attorney P. J. Gal
lagher to proceed with tho necos
Bary steps to socuro this right-of-way.
Will Not Abandon Street
A motion to rocall tho romou
strancu filed by tho City with tho
County Court concerning tho requost
or C. JO. Secoy ror tho abandonment
or the right or wuy or tho street
along tho western boundry or the
city lu Villa park, leading north
ward rrom the county highway was
offered by Councilman II. It. Udick
nftor tho matter bad boon discussed
by Mr. Boeoy and Councilman D, W.
Powers and a logal opinion given by
City Attorney P. J. Onllaghor. Mr.
Gallagher pointed the effect ot a
relinquishment ot thu right-of-way
In case tho city should ever want to
extend boundaries to tho west, as
woll as tho fact that tho land In
volved llko all other portions or the
city Is held under tho tonus ot
bond Issues etc, and thoroforo ho
advised against the withdrawal ot
tho remonstrance. On vote being
takou tho Udlck motion lost by a
three to two voto ob follews: against
tho withdrawal; Turner, Powers,
arelg: for tho withdrawal; Weso
and Udlck,
On the motion to grant vacations
In a modified form of one weok on
pay, the voto was against Vacations,
Turner, Powers Woese and arelg,
ror vacations, Udlck.
Deslde these matters tho usual
grist ol city bills were ordored paid
William Vlornow who hauls
ror the Ilolse-Payette campany ask
ed tho Council to return to him tho
license fee ho had paid, because be
said tho men hauling for the Van
Potten Lumber company and Henry
Griffin, both of whom followed the
same practlco of collecting for coal
and other dollvorles did not pay a
license. Mr. Vlernow's request was
denied and the City Itecorder was
Instructed to muke tho others con
form to the license requirements.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. K. Aiken and
family returned Sunday evening
from Portland, Bend and other
points, where they havo been visit
lug for tho past two weeks.
. !
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