The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 28, 1921, Image 8

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Vivian Francis Mullctt, son of
Charles W. Mullott und Mary W.
Mullott, was born January Oth, 1895
at tlio Mallotl homo, located bo
twoon Vnlo and Ontario, M.nlhour
County, Oregon. Ho was tliolr
fifth and youngest son,
Charles V. Maltett and family
wore of the early settlors In tlio Mai
nour Itlver Valloy, locating ho re in
the year 1881, at tlio place whero
they now rcsldo, the family being of
Now England anrostry.
At tlio tlmo the United States en-
terod the Worlds' Wnr, tlio object of
this obituary was In the Forestry
Service In California, preparing for
entering tlio University of California
at Dork ley, to complete his educa
tion, but upon his Country's call he
voluutoercd his services, and on
August Sth, 1917, ho was duly must
erod In nt San Francisco, California,
nnd nsslgncd to Ilattory "C" of Hid
,14 (th Field Artillery, being orgnnlz
rd at Camp Tanforan, near San
Francisco, and known as tho "Cal
ifornia Grilles." lUttory "C" bo
Ing uudor tho command of Captain
Stowart Edward Wblto.
In December, 1917, VlvJan was
taken ill and suffered through n
boIko of pnoumonln, which contlnod
him to tho army hospital at that
camp for sovornl wcoks, and as ho
was convnlosclng a mastoid abscss
dovolopod necessitating nn onorntlon
for rollof, which wns porformod on
January 20th, 1918.
On March 18th, 1919, ho was
honorably discharged from tho sor
vlco on account of total disability,
to San Diego, California, and taken
Into tho enro of his mothor, and
brother Harold, whoro ho contlnuod
to rocelvo treatment until Juno 9th,
1919, whon ho was romoved to his
parents' homo In this county, whoro
ho remalnod and recolvod treatment
until December 4th, 1920, on which
dato ho wan taken to tho United
States Public Health Service HohiiI
tal, Holso, Idaho, and placed undor
tho caro of that institution up to the
tlmo of his death, which occurred
July 20th, 1021, his demise result
ing from such affliction.
From his first ontrnnco Into Camp
Kcaruoy Hospital until tho tlmo of
bis death, his physical condition
was that of holplossnosn, re
iiulrliiK constant nttontlon and skill
ful treatmont; and requiring assist
ance to avou change his position In
bed. No words can properly do-
scribe the pain, suffering und tor-
turo which ho was compolled to on-
duro, but ho was uncomplaining
through thoso many months, oxom
pllfylng a power of fortltuda that
could not bo surpussod by human
bolng. To his family, friends and
attendants, ho was cheerful to an ox-
tont that filled nil with bono for his
ultimate relief but nil know that
ho could nover bo rostored to prima
physical manhood, thoy folt, how-
ovor, that his mentality was such
that with such relief as reasonably
could bo axpoctod, his Ufa would bo
ono of usefulness nnd assistance to
' tils follow-bolngs,
After confession of faith ho wiih
baptised In nnd united with tho Un
ited I'resbytorlnn Church, nt San
Dtogo, California, In Juno, 1918.
nnd tho Inspiration of a Christian
fulth brought to his support an (in
surance thut produced that strength
dml rortltudo that has Dlvlnoly san
tlfled Christian martyrs,
Funoral servlcos over his remains
wero held at tho Presbyterian
Church In Ontario, Oregon, July 22,
1921, under tho auspices of tho A
niorlcan Icglon Posts of Ontario,
und Vale, Oregon, tho deceased be
ing a member of Julian Lowe Post
of the American Legion, nt Vale,
' Intorment wus mudo at tho com
etary at Ontario, Oregon, undo
military form, with furowoll volleys
njul bugle taps, and under tho col
ors or ins uountry, mat lie unci
respected and loved to the last, and
for which ho made what might
Justly bo termed n Buporhuman sac
rjflco. ItoQUlcscat In Paro.
' Of his Immediate family ho leaves
tlio toiiowing to mourn his early and
lamentablo demise' Mr and Mrs.
Mallett, his parents; four hrothora,
Albert Howard, Harold and Stanley;
and five sisters, Pansy, Alice, Isn
belle, Mary and Mrs 1. W Camp
bell. During about all the tlmo of his
suffering and affliction his most
constant attendant was his noble
and loving mothor, who by her faith
fulness of administering to his needs
held him with us for such length of
time, she having nitre to do there
with than all others combined,
again evidencing that highest degreo
of love and constancy that Clod on
ly' deloguted to a mothor'H keeping,
because of its purity and sacroduess,
through nil ages
His bravery as a soldier In tho
afuso of right nnd Justice, while not
tested and proven upon the field of
battlo or In conflict, was most ceil-
tainiy tested and thoroughly proven
when combating with war's groatest
ally, dread disease, for to tho last
ho was loyal to his Country's need,
and complained not of Its cause, nnd
Is truoly one of its lteros.
Wo shall only think that ho has
passed beyond the mists that blind
us here nnd has come to the end of
the Itnlnbnw of Promise"; "Not for
oursolves, but for our Country,"
and has crossed the Harrier to greet
tha dawn of eternal peace.
"To do Is to succeed our tight
Is waged In Heaven's approving
The smile pf God isvlctory."
(Continued From Page One)
around tho campflro on tho shores
of that mountain lake will be the
choicest momory of years to thoso
At this dlunor A. Whlsnant, editor
of tlio i Uond Press presided nnd a
qunrtotto from Dend from a boat on
the lako furnished a musical obllga
to for tho speakers.
Ator a piping breakfast of hot
enkos and bacon many of tho party
took hikes Into tho mountains or
fished while othors returned to
Ilcnd homoward bound.
Kvorywhcro that men of the con
vention gathered following tho con
vention thoro was but ono subject
discussed tho Uond Bplrlt of hospi
tality and co-operation. This wns
Indeed an Inspiration Though Uond
has mills that can produco two hun
dred million toot of lumber per year.
though she has box factories that
can turn out 100 car loads of box
shoots per month, though sho tins
unlimited water power, yet her
greatest rcsourso Is tho wlll-to-do of
hor ptjoplo, and the Inspiration of
the glorious mountain sccnory of tho
In n loiter lust received from Ed
gar I. Ludwlg, organization mana
ger, Oregon Coopcrntlvo ornin
Growers' Association, uy i. u
Iirolthaupt. County Agent, tha fol
lowing Information concerning this
organization wan given;
"(irnln (Iniwrra Association Now
HnndlliiK Wheat"
"Twenty-ono hundrod farmers
hnvn signed tho Association contract
nnd wilt turn over to tho Associa
tion some flvo million bushols of
whoat this harvest. Approxlmntoly
800 of these men nro from tho Wil
lamette Valloy
At tho rocont oloctlon of tho
Hoard of directors A. U..8humway
of Milton was again chosen Presi
dent and ho, togothor with C. A.
Hnrth of Tho Hallos nnd V. II. Smith
of Wasco, constitute tho exocutlvo
Tha first 1021 wheat to bo han
dled was two cars at Turkoy Hod
consigned by Wash MoKlnnoy of
Hlnlock, and O. J. Cox of lone.
1920 wheat wns recolvod from Ioo
Nlodoror of Summorvlllo, II. Tt.
Sh'lntnffer of Ixistlno, Nothnagol
Ilrnthors of Allcel nnd K, S. Kruze
of Sherwood A ensh ndvnnco of ap
proximately 70 of tho vnluo of
this wheat wns made Immodlntoly
upon receipt of tho whent tickets or
tho bills of lading.
The Oregon Ansoclatlon havo
opened offices ut 207 Title nnd Trust
Illdg. and tho Northwost Whoat
C rowers Associated, rnlch Is tho
sales agency of tlio Orogon, Wash
ington, Idaho nnd Montana Grain
Growers Associations hnvo nlso op
onod n branch office In the Hallway
Exchange Hldg. and members of tho
'Association aro Invited to call at
thoso offices whenovor they nre In
Tho Directors of tho Orogon As
sociation and flonoral Manager
Jowott, of thn Northwest Sales
Agency. nro bonding overy effort In
porfoctlng satisfactory arrangements
for adequately financing tho growers
as fast ns their whoat tickets nro
turned over to' the Association. Mr
Jowott has Just returned from the
Enst whero he has spent some tlmo
In nrranglng for money from East
ern capitalists to be used In supple
menting finances obtalnablo from
tho Orogon banks and the Associa
tion nt this tlmo plans to advance
to tho grower approximately 70 of
tho sales value of tho whoat when
the wheat tickets nre turned over to
the Association Whero a crop mort
gage Is hold on tho grain, tho As
sociation will apply any portion of
the advanco vnluo necessnry to por
mlt tho moving of the grain, this
payment being made directly to tho
parties holding tho mprtgago whoro
It Is so desired and -arranged for
The Association will not be In a
position to handlo sacks this year
excopt In emergency cases. The
grower will obtain tbem whore evor
most convenient for hlmsolf If
nocossary, tho grower can give a
"grower's order" on the Association
for the payment of the sack bill,
but unless this Is demanded by the
firm handling tho sacks, It will pro
bably be more convenient for the
grower to make tho payment from
his advance money. In emergency
cases, where the grower is absolute
ly unable to obtain his sacks at
home, tha Association will assist him
ill' obtaining them.
Wnltor Cohlck and family wont to
Stnrkey Hot Springs, Sunday. Mr.
Cohlck returned Monday leaving his
family thoro for a while.
Wo tuko this opportunity to
thank tho kind frlonds who assisted
III many ways at the death of our
eloved "aunt" Hetty Goodwin. We
also wish to express our apprecia
tion of the beautiful floral offer
F. S. Taylor aud family.
A wedding of Interest to Ontario
people wns reported to tho Argus,
when Miss Jean Conklln, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. E. 11. Conklln of
Ontario, was united In tnarrlago to
Hlchard I.oonldus Young of Char
lotte, North, Cnrollnn. Miss Con
klln Is well known In this commun
ity, having graduutcd from the High
School hero sovoral years ago, nnd
is a vory chnrmlng girl with n
host of friends.
Following Is a report of tho cere
mony taken from tha society col
umns of tho Charlotte Obsorvor,
of Wednesday, July 20, Charlotte,
North Carelina:
"In a ceremony characterized by
boauty nnd chnrmlng simplicity Miss
Jean Conklln, of Ontario, Oregon,
and Mr. Hlchard I.eonldas Young, of
this city, wero married yesterday
aftornoqn nt 4:16 o'clock nt" Ninth
Avcnuo Unptlst church, tho pastor
How Dr. I II. Pruotto, officiating,
"A mass of palms nnd ferns
formed tho background for tho wed
ding. Miss Loulso, Young, sister of
the bridegroom, presided nt tho or
gan. Prior to (ha coramony sho
rondorcd "Cavntlna" with violin ob
llgato by Mr. C. A. Workman.
Thero wero no nttondants,
"When tho notes of "Tho Ilrldnt
Chorus" from "I.ohongrln" woro
sounded tho officiating initiator en
tered tho church from tho rear of
tho pulpit. , Tho brldo nnd bride
groom entered together passing
down tho right nlslo. Tho bride
wns pretty In hnndsomn trnvcllug
suit of dnrk blue trlcotlno nnd Jada
lint. Sho wora n corsngo of bride
roses nnd swnnBonla.
"Tho ring coremony wns usod nnd
during tho scrvlco "Souvonlr" was
played by Miss Young and Mr.
Workman. Mcndolssohn'a march
was rendered for tho reccsslonnl.
"Mr. and Mrs, Young left on tho
nftornoon train for Wrlghtvlllo
"The bride li a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene I!. Conklln, of On
tario, Orogon, tlio former n prom
inent ranchor of oastern Orogon and
formerly superintendent of tho
schools nt Pendleton and Ontario.
Hor grandparents, Mr. nnd Mrs,
Otbo Eckorsloy, of Cove, Orogon,
woro nmong tho pioneers In Oregon.
Mrs, Young wns oducatod nt tho
Oregon-Stnto collogo, whoro sho was
n mombor of PI Hotn Phi sorority.
During tho world wnr sho volun-
(leered for nursing service nnd wns
called during tho height of tho In
fluenza epldomlc Sho wan statlonod
at tha llano hospital at Camp Lewis,
Tncomn, Washington, nnd whllu
thoro first met Mr. Young. Sho
spont Inst winter in Chnrlotto and
was n valunbla and popular mombor
of tho faculty of tho city schools,
teaching at tho First Ward school.
Sho Is a young woman of bright In
tellect nnd Js pretty nnd attractive
with winning personality, nnd dur
ing her stuy In Charlotte has Won
many friends.
Mr. Young Is tho only son of
Mrs. Margaret heonora Hoss and
comes from n woll known South
Carolina family. Ho was graduatod
from tho University of North Caro
lina and is a young man of splendid
ability aud nterllng qualities of
character. He Is a. national officer
of tho PI Kappa Phi fraternity.
During tho 'world war ho was com
missioned second lieutenant of field
artillery, recolvlng his Instruction
from the field artillery central of
ficers' training school, Camp Tuy
lor, Louisville, Ky., and from thore
was ordered to Camp Lewis, Wash.
Mr. Young has been a membor of
tho roportorlal staff of Tho Char
lotte Obsorver for tho past two
years and Is n young' newspaper
man of much promise. Ho possesses
genial manners aud a pleasing per
sonality nnd commands a wide clr
clo of frlonds throughout tha Caro
Unas. "On their return to the city Mr.
aud Mrs. Young will make their
homo with Mr. Young's mother, Mrs.
Ross, on Reaumont Avenue, Peld
mont Park.
Noxt Wednesday night, August
3rd the Schubert's Jazz Orchestra
will again play In Ontario for the
Legion dance. Not long ago On
tario dancers had the pleasure of
Jazzing to tho music of those well
known artists, aud a very successful
danco was held. The boys hope
this one will be as much of a suc
"See McFall and See Better"
Eyesight Specialist, 0tfk, Ore
Phono 147-J
Go to
FOR SALE 36 ncres, unimprov
ed, under Warmsprings district, land
located three miles west of Ontario,
on Malheur river, $800 cash. Call on
or write IT. W Adams, Nyssa, Oro
gon. 33-36 p.
TENT HOUSE 16 feet square,
heavy duck screened four sides.
Awnings, good floor and otherwise
fitted up for family uso. Sell for
half Us value. Also good family
horse, harness nnd buggy, $30.00.
Phone 205-WtS. 34 p. I
Miss Gihbs
Is Coming
While in Ontario
She will call on
, several ladies by
Jlavo you hoard your friends say, when speaking of the popu
larity of some other woman, "What is there aboiuVher that attracts
people to her so quickly'"
Lot us answer this question for you. That woman whose pres
ence is felt at any gathering, knows first of all how to safeguard the
clear skin and healthy complexion that Nature has endowed hor
with; she realizes that
To Neglect the Skin is to
Forfeit Its Attractiveness
She also has the good sense to know that to get the best results
she must follow the advice of someone who has successfully special
ized in the beautifying of complexions, just as you seek the services
of a specialist in time of sickness.
That's What Miss Gibbs Is A Toilot Specialist Who Has Succeeded
in Her Profession
That's why we contracted for a week of her services for the
women of Ontario.
Miss Gibbs Will Give You a Personal .Demonstration .of .Jontoel
Toilot Requisites in Your Own Home Free of 'Charge
She will show you by actual massage how you can get the best
results. If you are interested in your skin and you should he
Miss Gibbs will be glad to show you how you can retain or restore
its original attractiveness.
Sho Arrives August 1 and Will Bo With Us Until August 7
Understand her massago and advice on Bkin itreatment costs
you, nothing whatsoever. Let us know when she may call upon you
and wo will be'glad to make tlio necessary arrangements.
Miss Gibbs Sorvicos aro Also Freeto Women's. Clubs Just Phono Us
Ontario Pharmacy
. The' Rexall Store
1 LB., 2 1-2 LB. and 5 LB. CANS
TORY. ALLEN & LEWIS are putting their whole
organization behind this coffee, and it
must be the best possible berry procur
able. Let us send you a can.
' '!
i .J