TI0, ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1921. DEMAND FOR REGISTERED JERSEY SIRES INCREASES Hmltli-Uiupqun Testing Association First In Blnto to Report 100 l'cr Cent In Use Tho Smlth-Uinpqua Cow Testing association Is tho first In the state to report 100 por cent In the uso of f, registered dairy sires at tho head of tho hords, Kvory dairyman In '' the association has a registered Jor- Boy slro in service Tho association was organized in 1918 and tho mom- ' hers have mndo continuous progress in breeding and foodlng tholr liordA hIiico that tlmo. Tho nverago prductlon por cow during Juno was 874 pounds of milk and 41.35 pounds of buttorfat. Tho honor cow was "Lady," n grado Jer sey, owned by Roberts and Sons, of Hcedsport, which produced 1G0D pounds of buttorfat. Tho hlghost averago yield in a herd writ) 1100 pounds of milk and 5G.0G pounds of buttcrfat, inado by tho 10 Jerseys, inlso owned by Roberts and Sons. W. A. Smlloy, of Ada, Is sccrotary of tho association) and Millie Adams, testor. rouiritY tonic The following Is an extract from tho Sherman County Furm Duroau News, but It applies as well Is this county. Thoso name men or men with similar schomcB havo been known to bo In this county about a year ago, rind thoy will probably nppoar from tlmo to tlmo. It Is woll to romombor this article. "About a year ago n roprcsontn tlvo of tho State Poultry association nppoarod In, Sherman county soiling poultry remedies and offering to cull tho flocks of tho farmors free gratis. Ho stated at tho tlmo that his work was endorsed by tho O. A. C, .throwing tho fanners oft tholr guard, and ho Huccoodod In soiling from $20 to $30 worth of theso remedies at practically ovory farm houso ho visited. Ills prosonco was reported to tho county ngont, and wo succeeded, In putting an oud to his thriving buslnoss at onco. The word just comos from Idaho that n reprosontntlvo of (ho samo associa tion Is doing business thoro, and that samples of poultry romedlos havo boon nubmlttod to tho stato chomlst for analysts. This company was selling n spray supposed to bo used In uost boxos nnd a chemical to bo addod to tho drinking water, which was guaranteed to taka caro of roup, cnucar sores and In fact ovorythlng that could all tho fowl. This dopurtmont found thoso rome dlos to bo cheap mixtures of com- I ouAt to Knows R. J. REYNOLDS ToWcco Co. WlaUa.Sliu.N.C nion antiseptics, and In conclusion stated that these poopla wore offer ing two gallons of tho spray, one gallon of tho chemical,' which was to bo added to tho brlnklng wnter, and 10 pounds of tho powdor to bo placed In nest boxes, all for the sum of $20.00. Thoso costs nt tho wholesalo prices In tho open market are about as follews: 2 gallotiB No. 1 nt 30c $0.00 I gallon No, 2, estimated....' 1.7S 10 lbs. No. 3 (plaBtor) 11 "Krosco Dip" In No. 3 20 What tho $20 romedlos would bo worth $2.00 Had tholr work been uninter rupted horc, no doubt thoy would havo taken at least $5000 out' of the county and loft about $400 worth of poultry remedies In return. SILAGE PROVES WORTH IN FATTENING STEERS Kxporlnient Station Texts Itoaiilt In Krertlou of Many Hllni In KiiMi'rn Ort'gon Uso of sllago far fattening steers Is gaining favor In Kastern Oregon as a result of feeding tests nt the Union branch oxpcrlmont station, Union county loads tho district with 180 silos built since 1014, while Wallowa has 70, of which 07 havo boon constructed since 1017. Lnko has 0 and Klamath whoro silos woro a minus quantity In 1010 has 0 also. Incrcaso Is said to bo largely duo to tho work of tho collcgo extension sorvlco through tho county agents. "fllto owning ntockmon can fat ton stot'rs nt approximately half whnt It costs tho stock raiser who foods only hay," asserted V. L. Hal lard, assistant county agent leader In charge of county ngont work In eastorn Oregon. "With cholco steors soiling nt $G.flp to $7 on tho Port land market Introduction of cheapor boot production methods In oastorn Oregon Is of fundamental Import nnco." GRAI N CONTRACTED AT HIGHEST PRICES SKR W. l- KHCVK AT Ontario National Bank HiUiito Deal Our Motto ESCUE BROS. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IaJJ9 II ifilt Wth? MiVllVlll v mis. uiv w -tuimi I tfrow tobacco You can't beat a Camel, because you can't beat the tobacco that goes into Camels. That's why Camels are the choice of men who know and love fine tobacco. They know what makes Camels so smooth, so fragrant and mellow-mild. They'll tell you that the expert Camel blend of choice Turkish and Domestic tobaccos makes a ciga rette smoke you can't equalno matter what you pay. But it doesn't take an expert to tell Camel quality. You'll spot it the very first puff, Try Camels yourself. Camel i'Aum mmiCAU tights KOll THK BTOCK.MKN Itopresentntlvcs of tho Depart ment of Transportation of tho Amor lean Farm Iluroau Federation ap peared ut the Interstate Commerco Commission hearing In Denver on Juno 1 nnd In Chicago on Juno 6 to present ovldenco showing why rail- road rates should bo reduced. Tho hearings Involved the rates on llvo stock in the Western District. It was proposed that tho Commission romove tho 3G per cent goneral ad vanco established on August 20, 1920. Tho Farm Bureau doclnred that It can bo shown Hint the avorage earnings of tho railways in tho United States aro 100 per cent of thoso In 1013. Ilcof cattlo prices In May, 1921, show an index number of 100; rat cowa nnd heifers, 90; hogs, 100; sliecp, 120, and lambs 144. Tho prices on tho livo stock aro tho avorngo prices for May, 1021, while tho railway indox is for January, 1021, tho latest avail able Tho contrast Is ovldent. Tho Department of Transportation showed that In tho 8 months since tho Incrcaso In rates, from Sept., 1020, to April 30, 1921, thoro was n tremendous falling off In tho re ceipts of llvo stock nt Chicago In comparison with tho corresponding 8 months of tho yoar previous. This docroaso was 270,001 cattlo, 11,220 calves, 1 GO, 841 hogs, 10340G shcop, and 7,7G2 horses. Similar data for other stock yards shows a very genoral decline In tho receipts with tho oxcoptlon of shcop, Tho avorngo 'prlco for beef cattlo at tho Chicago yards during 1013 was $8.2G por cwt. This Is Identi cally tho samo valuo paid during May, 1021, whllo April sliowod an nvorngo prlco ot $8.1G. Tho averago prlco for nnttvo calves during 191.1 was $10.10 por cwt. During April, 1921, tho averago prlco In Chicago was $7.4 S and during May $8. Tho averago prlco of fat cows nnd half ors In 1913 was $0.10, and during May, 1921, was $0.OG. Tho avorage prlco of hogs at Chicago during 1013 was $8.3G por cwt., and during May, 1921, was also $8.36 por cwt. Tho prlco ot sheep during 1013 avoragod $5.20; In 1021 averago shcop prices wcro $4.96 for January, $4.76 for February, $6,80 for March, $0.46 for April, nnd $0.26 tor Mny. Tho nvorngo prlco ot lambs at Chicago during 1913 wns $7.70; durlnfl 1021 tho avorngo prices woro $10.00 for Janunry, $0.20 for February, $0.06 for March, $9.00 for April and $11.10 for May. Tho nvcrage rovonuo rocolvod by all tho railroads of tho Unllod States for hauling n ton of fralght ono mllo during 1913 was 7.10 mills. In January, 1921, tho average revenue for hauling a ton ot fralght ono mllo was 11.02 mlts, an Increase of 00 per cent. Tho carriers aro thoraforo charging rates two-thirds higher thnn In 1913, whllo the prices on all livestock except sheep dud lambs at at tho 1913 level. American Farm Uurenu Nows. KINGMAN KOLONY E. F. Pratt wns down from Iron Bide a tow days last week consult Itiir a physician. Mr. Pratt has beon suffering from an attack of sciatica rheumatism. Tho Pratts will bo located at Lan caster Station, close to Jnmlcson, this winter, Mrs, E. F. Pratt having been engaged as teacher ot the school at that placo. Mrs. Orlu Wnllaco and young son, Kenneth, lcavo Monday of this week for an extended visit In Missouri. Alvln Shafor and Floyd Andorson went to tho Mend.lola ranch Monday for a two weeks run of haying. Sovornl Colony ranches havo tho second crop of alfalfa read for stack ing and report an oxcollcn crop, the woovlt having dono ho nntlceablo damngo In this section. Tho grain binders havo boon busy In many fields nnd practically all grain will bo bound this wook. A number of ranchers nro clan. nlng to lot part of tholr alfalfa go to scou. lluyora of baling hay woro In this section tho past wook. Misses Spier and Watson ot Par ma, Idao,h buyors nnd shippers of apples, woro visitiug tho orchards In lllg llond and Kingman Colony last woek and offering a good prlco for apples, to bo shipped from Adrian. Mrs. Maurice 1.. Judd of Parma, spent soveral days with homo folks tho past weak. Mr. Harry Wollman, county club leador, was n guest In tho Over street homo Thursday availing. Prof F. A. Kvorotl of Blstor, Oro- gon mot with tho school board this wook and has boon ongaged ns prin cipal ot mo Kingman colony school for tho onsulng year.' Prof Kvorott, with his family, will movo to tho Colony at an oarly dato. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall of Nyssa, Oregon wcro dinner guosts In tho A. O, Kingman homo last Sunday Mrs. M. M. Maxwell and Miss Corlnno Maxwoll loft a wcok ago for an outing. Mrs. Maxwell who has not boon In good health hopes to bcnoflt from tho camping and travel ovorland. In a recent lottor wo loarnod Hint after u woek in Vale at tho Hot Springs Sanitarium, thoy wont to McCall, Idaho, whoro thoy aro delightfully located, camping by a lako In tho mountains, Thoy re port hundreds of tourists In tho mountains, many Vale and Ontario peoplo among them. Mrs. Maxwoll Is greatly benefited by tho restful llfo and mountain air. Mr. Wollman was In tho Colony tho past wotk'lu the Interest or club work, tho pig dug taking a flold trip on Thursday and recolvlng In structions In hog Judging. A canning Club Is under organiza tion and several girls expect to take up tho work. All clubs ot Owyhee, Wuron, lllg llond and Kingman Colony hold tholr annual plcnto ut lllg llond Park last Friday. Tha clubs and many oldor pooplo onjoyod the out ing, Ramos and a ball game, with a good dinner titling a goodly portion of tho day. In tho afternoon dem onstrations by tho Owyhee Poultry Club, tho lllg Ilend Sowing Club and others with a talk on club work by Mr. McCull, former Stato Club Loader, ot Idaho completed tho day. vai.uk of pimi:inu:i MVKSTOCK CONHPICUOUH Tho valuo ot purebred llvo stock, say specialists 'in tho United Stato Department ot Agriculture, Is most lotlceablo In those cases In which tho capublllty of the animals Is measured most directly. Among farm animals tho beat Illustration can be found in dairy cattlo, though careful yearly testa ot milk and but terfat production aro relatively recent affairs. The enormous dif ferences among dairy cows when given the same opportunity have been brought out clearly in a great numbdr ot cases, aud these differ ences are strongly Inherited through .both tho sire and the dam. The average production for purebreds aud grades Is much above the aver age ot all milk cows, which is about 4,000 pounds of milk and 180 pounds of butterfato annually. TO IDENTIFV OHKGON WII12AT Specimens of moro than 30 varie ties ot wheat are being sent by the farm crops department to W. O. Clark, hoad of the department of coreal Investigation In Washington, D. C, for standardization in name and classification. The same varie ties ot wheat have been grown In different parts of tho United States under many dltforent names. Mr. Clark will endeavor to give a stand ard name and classification to each variety. Of the 300 varieties of wheat to be sent, only 125 are ac curately named, These are all grown on the college farm under the supervision ot the experiment sta tion. FOR SALE Furniture, Includ ing New Majestic range Thor wash er and also one saddle. Telephone 56-M. 32-34 p. I'HICKH OF FAItM CHOPfi , lJHIiOW PJtKWAK AtfURAGK Tho prices of six of tho Important crops on May 1 of this year woro bolow tho prewar average prices for that dato, according to figures col lected by tho Ilureau ot Crop Esti mates, United States Department of Agriculture. Thoso crops aro corn, oats, barley, flax, potatoes, and cot ton. Tho report showed that tho prices of tho three grains wheat, rye, and buckwheat wero above tho prowar average prices, During April tho 'avorage prlco of wheat declined from $1.60 to $1.23 per bushel. Tho roport shows that In gonernl tho Industrial crops, such an flax, cotton, and broom corn, nro tho most dopressod In prlco, and that food crops, such ns wheat, ryo, po tatoes, and apples, show relatively less decline. Tho prices In various parts of the country vary, with South Dako ta bolng tho center of tho low-prlco district, tho Mny 1 roport shows. Tho avorago prlco ot wheat In that Stnto was 00 cents per bushel, nnd In soino countlos it wns -as low as 70 conts. Corn was soiling nt an nverago prica of .12 cents per bush el In South Dakota, whllo tho avor ngo price from tho United States was nearly 00 cents. Tho prlco ot oats wan 23 conts por bushel In South Dakota, the avorago for tho Unllod States being 30.8 conts. Tho roport showed n big docllno In tho prlco of old potatoes, especially In Michigan, whoro tho nverago was 29 cents a bushel, which was 20 cents below tho avorngo for the. United States. LOST! iiiiiiiiiiiHHinii Thiee Hundred A man paid Three Hundred- and Fifty, Dollars for a Diamond, It turned out to be a white saphire. valued at ten dollars, bought it from Henry Miller, he have full value for his money. EXPERT and does not rob anyone, a trial order. IlliiUllllIlllIlIl HENRY ONTARIO, HHllHlllllliiiillH MICHELIN has overcome tha commomH causas of tiro trouble Tires & Tubes ST ftl REDUCED Effective May 9, 1921 Motoristshave been waiting for Tire prices to come down Here are rock bottom prices on the world's quality tires Ring- Oversize Fabrlo Shaped Site Cords Casings Tubes 30x3 h fi.RO fio.oo ya.o.1 , 32x3 & 31.0" 30.00 3.20 , ' ' Slxt 38.00 8.00 1 32x4 40.00 27.00 410 82x4 40.00 27.00 4,10 88x4 47.J50 90.30 4.20 34x4 48.AO 20.75 4010 I. 38x4 oa.oo a.ao 83x4 U na.no 0.30 ' 84x4 H 54.no n.40' '' 3.1x4 H Bfl.OO 0.80 v, 30x4)4 07.00 8.70 388 65.00 O.IO 33x8 08.00 0.50 t 37x8 71.00 0.80 , 3flx8 8.1.00 J 0.45, , T You may now secuee MICHLIN Tire and jubes at the above rock-bottom prices If your wheels are loose boil them in oil at HUNT'S GARAGE llEEKKEPINa 18 DKVKI.OIHNO O. A. C, Corvnllls, Dcokeoplng ns an occupation Is rapidly develop ing In Oregon. Largo commercial apiaries are Increasing In slzo in tho Irrigated sections ot oastorn Oregon, In the flre-wcod sections of southern, Oregon, and In tho nlslkn clover soctlon of tha Wlllametta valley. Many bookeeporg havo Incomes of from $1600 to $4000 while somo havo an Incomo from their aplarlas which Is mora than $10,000. Tho present production ot honey In Ore gon Is nearly 1,000,000 pounds. Ilea pasturo Is bolng constantly Increas ed, duo to larger areas coining tin der Irrigation. Domand for men trained In boo kooplng is urgont. Tho department for ontomology of tho Oregon Agri cultural collcgo has received re quests from commercial horticultur ists for man tralnod In horticulture and beekeeping to take charge of tholr orchards nnd bees. Largo commorclal aplarlos aro also look ing for men experienced In boekcop Ing to manago their aplarlos. TARTKU IC.MKT10 KTH ANTH Houso ants, a serious nuisance In many homes, may ordinarily be ex terminated by tho Judicious uso of tartor emetic, say tho O. A. C. station entomologists, Havo your druggist weigh It out In tlireo grain lots, and mix lot with four table spoons of syrup or similar sweet matorlal. Apply on chips or pieces of crockery placed on shelves or near runways, so that tho ants may feed on It. and Forty Dollars If he had would still He is an Give him MILLER OREQON ,i .i. M house. 33, fi . v . CMR-K5SSJKT; I FOn RENT Modern Phone 59-J, mm&MmttammmmtomMaamtaeMm