The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 28, 1921, Image 1

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NO 34
l :
No Stato In Union linn Surpassed
Old Oregon J ii Last Year Only
Ono Failure North Dakota la
lilt Hard Bays Htnto Hank
Bnlom, Or., July, (Bpoclal) Oro
Ron, with only ono bank falluro duo
to tho financial depression following
tho war, 1b nmong tho bIx states In
tho Union that havo host wontliorod
tho adversities cnusod by docllnlng
prices, uncertain market conditions
and an abnormal situation attend
ant to tho country'a readjustment,
according to a roport compiled horo
today by Frank UramwotJ, stato aup
orlntondcnt of banks, says tho Satom
Correspondent of tho Oreeonlan.
Mr. Dramwoll's roport was based
on statistics furnished by tho fod
oral rosorvo bank at San Francisco,
and covers tho porlod from Novem
ber 22, 1020, to July 1, 1021.
Btatcs othor than Oregon that havo
boon crodltod with only ono bank
falluro during tho porlod coverod In
tho roport Include Tonnossbo, Con
necticut, Massachusetts, Florida and
Ono Daniels Iteopcnotf
Although tho fodoral rosorvo bank
statistics show that throo banks In
Oregon clOHod tholr doors botwoon
Novombar 22, 1020, nnd July 1.
. 1921, Mr. Dramwoll said that only
ono of thnao, tho Crook County Bank
of Prlncvlllo,' was forced to suspond
business becauso of tho financial de
pression. Tho First titato & Sav
ings Dank of Klamath Falls, which
cloiiod Its doors temporarily, was ra
opened on Mrrc,h 14, 1021, liquidat
ed Its papor and now Is on a solid
financial tooting,
Tho closing of tho Dank of Jack
sonville, also ohargod against Oro
Kon, Mr. Drnmwoll said, was not duo
In any way to financial conditions
but was tho rosult of questionable
management.. Tho prosldont of this
Institution now Is sorvlng a torm in
tho stato ponltontlnry for falsifying
tho records of tho depository, wlillo
sovoral othor porsons aro under In
dictment, chargod with being partly
responsible' for wrecking tho institu
tion. North Dakota lilt Hardest
North Dakota, tho stamping
ground of tho non-partisan loague,
had tho most bank falluros of any
stato In tho union. In this state
there wore a total of 51 banks
forced to rloso their doors during
tho eight months covorod In Mr
Dramwell's report. Texas was sec
ond on tho list with 39 failures,
Montana third with 10 falluros and
Idaho fourth with an aggregato of
14 failures.
' California had n total nt throo
failures, Including tho Kirs Nation
al Dank of artdloy, California Nat
ional Dank of Modesto and the Nip
pon Dank of Sacramento. Tho lat
ter Institution subsequently was re
opened. Washington had eight failures.
These Included the State Dank of
Illack Diamond, First National Bank
of Clarkston, Citizens Dank of
Georgetown, Kelso State Dank,
North Bide Stato Dank of Boattlo,
Bcandlnnvlan-Amo'flcan Dapk of
Seattle, Scandinavian-American
Hank pf Tacoma and tho Central
Dank & Trust Company of Yakima.
Idaho Failures Reported
Failures roported .by the stato of
Idaho Include:
, Overland National Dank of Dolse,
Druneau State Dank of Druneau (re
opened June 28, 1921), Dank of
Commerce of Hurley (reopened June
2, 1921), Durley Stato Dank, Ooeur
d'Alene Dank & Trust company of
Coeur d'Alene, First National Dank
of Fairfield, Grangevllle 8avlngs
Dank & Trust company of Grange
vllle, Karalah State bank, State
Dank of Kooskla, Commercial &
Savings Dank of Mountain Home,
Fidelity Stato Dank of Oroflno, State
Dank of Peck Dannoek National
Hank or Pocatello, Stockgrowers'
Dank & Trust company of Pocatello,
Dank of Stltes,
,Mrs. A. M. Sheffield of Spokane
Is In Ontario this week on business
in; connection with the Judication of
tho Owyhee Ditch water rights.
O. H. Peterson of Ontario, receiv
ed a message Wednesday to (the ef
fect that his mother had, passed
away at her home in Berkley, Cali
fornia, at the age of 80 years At
th time Mr. Petersen was oa the
way to Portland with, ,a load of
stack, and was uaaWe to be preaeat
at th (immmI,
Stnto Eloclrlcal Inspector, Aiken,
with headquartors at Portland,
stopped oft In Ontario Tuesday
ovonlng. Whllo hero ho mot
with tho Flra Department, who
gavo him a demonstration of tholr
work. Ho spoko to the boys on tho
oloctrlcal work of Oregon, and they
woro free to ask htm any quostlou
concerning this work. They ro
colvod a lot of Information, regard
ing such things aB how to tako caro
of tho oloctrlcal wItob on a burning
building otc. Mr. Alkcn urncs On
tario to nccopt tho Orogon Electrical
From here ho wont on to Vale nnd
Nyssa. At Nyssn ho will Inspect
tho wiring of tho school house.
i:plitIiiN to ex-Hen Ico Men Why lit
VoJetl ns President Wished nnd
Ask Hoys to bo Patient
for n Tlmo
Telegram Washington Duroau ,
yuslilnntoii, July 25,- Senator
Btanflold Is writing personally to all
ox-soldiers who havo boon fighting
for tho lutniedlato passage of tho
bonus bill, explaining tho situation
and urging that tho administration
bo given opportunity to work out Its
plans. In theso letters Sonator
Stanflold says:
"That I am In favor of ndjustod
compensation for our soldier boys
Is woll known.
In l'nvor of Hill
"Tho prlnclplo of adjusted com
pensation Is sound and just, and I
hopo at no distant data It. will bo
enacted Into law. shall do all I
can to bring this about.
"Tho secretary of tho- treasury on
April 26, 1921, mado a statement to
tho chairman of tho ways and moans
commlttco of tho house and on July
2 In reply to an Inquiry wroto a
lottor to Sonator Frollnghausen In
which ho very forcibly brought to
tho attention of congress tho condi
tion of tho fodoral troasury and the
probablo consequences to tho coun
try and tho troasury If tho obliga
tions contemplated In tho bill undor
consideration woro added at this
tlmo. v
"On tho 12th Instant, tho presi
dent In porson, dollvorod n strong,
convincing, courageous and states
manlike message to tho senate, re
citing tho present condition of tho
fodoral troasury, tho outstanding
federal obligations, tho wldesproad
Industrial' depression provalllng and
the agent to which provision In bo
Ing mado for tho disabled and do
pondent. "In consideration 'of. tnls ho re
quostod tlie sonato to' defer action
upon the pending bill by recommit
ting It to tho commlttoo on finance
and in doing so added, 'If tho bur
gotted recommitment of this meas
ure bore tho merest suggestion of,
neglect or hint of national ingrati
tude I would not urgo it.'
Kxplulns Action
"In view of theso presentations,
the low prlco of farm products
ovorywhere, Idle labor In largo num
bers, thrf hlRhost taxes In our his
tory, huge obligations, public and
private, that must bo paid or return-5
ed and also having In mind that our
own boloved state of Oregon has
mado some provision for our sol-,
dlor boys along a similar line, after,
very sorious tnougni anu consiaora-
(Ion I yielded tuy dostre to hasten
tho passage of this bill and deferred
my judgment to the president's re
quest. "The administration Is entitled to
a fair chance to work out the
groat problems before it end upon
which it has made remarkablo pro
cress since Inauguration.
"In this I feol sure that evory
lowal ex-soldier will cheerfully con
pur, thus again placing the welfare
pf his country first In his affections
and patiently await the time when
tho federal treasury will be In a safe
and sound condition, the Industrial
agricultural and commercial Inter
ests reorganized, and the country as
a whole readjusted the after-war
"I am inclosing senate document
No. 48, containing the president's
message, the gtatagMwU of the sec
retary of tho troMjwy hereinbefore
metre to, a c , wrote cm
G06, and the report of the coamlttee
M ftftaaaa,."
Vnlo Wins First of Series of Throw
Onine to Im) Played
With OnUtrlo.
Aftor nine hard fought Innings
last Sunday Vale managed to dofeat
tho Ontario team by a sc'oro of G to
4. When the, old tlmo rivals mot
on tho Vale diamond last Sunday,
tho caRor spectators gathered with
tho expectation of witnessing a real
"scrap" for honors, and tho boys
surely gavo them a r,un for tholr
In tho swoltorlng heat of 100 In
tho shado tho boys played tho gamo
ffor all thoro was In it, nnd tho fin
al scoro Indicates that tho two teams
wcra woll matchod. Howovor On
tario was somewhat handicapped
last Bunday In that tho boys enter
ed tho gnmo with a crlpplod llno-up.
Jack Mammon pitched a good game
nil the way thru and Vale managed
to get In only ono clean hit. In spile
of tho fact that tho "Ump" occasion
ally failed to , rocognlzo n fair
Last Sunday's gamo Js tho first
of a Borlos of throo gJmes to bo
played by theso teams. Tho noxt
gamo Is scheduled for Sunday, July
31, and will be. played at tho On
tario Fair grounds commencing ul
2:30. It's nn understood fart that
both f;amK will bo out with tho
best llno-up available, and tho gamo
will bo ono to hold tho Interest of
tho crowd from start to finish. Tho
Ontario boys aro In to win and It's
up to ovoryono tobo nt tho gamo
Sunday. Your attendance nt the
gamo Bunday will bo n groat encour
ngomont to tho boys, Ho bo on hand
and do your part In hflplng Ontario
to put ono ovor en Vnlot
Tour of Inspection of Owjheo Pro
ject mill Visit to Proponed Hlto
of Diversion Dhiii Is
A. P. Davis, director of reclama
tion, of Washington, D. O., and F.
E. Woymouth, chief engtneor of tho
reclamation Borvlco, of Denver, are
to bo In Ontario Friday and Saturday
for tho purpose of inspecting tho
Qwyheo project.
A largo party of Ontario and Nys
sn citizens aro planning on accom
panying theso gontlomont upon this
tour and will visit tho proposed alto
of tho new diversion dam near tho
"Hole In tho around" ranch on tho
Qwyheo river.
Tho project report by engineer
Dond of Dolse, will soon bo ready
for submission to tho secretary of
the Intorlor and some nctlon Is look
od for upon passage of the Smith
McNary bill in December.
I -n in urn !
A picnic for tho, mombers of tho
Doyp'- and Girls' Clubs and their
parents was .hold Friday, July 22, at
the Dig Dond Park. The districts
ropresentod wcra Dig Dend, King
man Kolony and Owyhee. The club
members In Warren district wero not
Mr. McCall, county agent of Can-
"Ion county gave a vory Interesting
W " what can "e derived rrom
dun work. Mr. McCall was for four
years State Dors' nnd Girls' Club
Lender In Idaho and was largoly re
sponsible for the success
of the
work In that stato.
Two girls from the Owyhee poul
try club gave a culling demonstra
tion. They told tho character of a
gopd laying ben and pointed out tho
differences between a good layer and
a poor layer,
A demonstration on tha various
kinds of stitches was put on by the
Dig Dend Sewing Club. Kach girl
actually mode a dlfforent kind of a
stitch and told Its uses.
After tho program a ball game
between Dig Dend Corn Club and
the rest of the club members was
staged. The Dig Dond Corn Club
under tho coaching of "Mike"
Eachus their local leader havo de
veloped a team which can put up a
good brand of ball and during the
first Inning played the visitors' clear
off their feet. The visiting team
kbad never played together before
and showed their lack of practice In
the way they bandied the ball. After
the first three Innings however,
thy tightened up and played regular
i baseball.
Commission Will Meet July 28 In
Portland for Consideration of
Pitting nnd Grading Project
Nino Counties Included
SALEM, Or., July 11. (Bpoclnl)
Hoy A. Klein, secretary to tho stato
highway commission, has announced
that 72.8 mites of road Improve
ment, distributed ovor nlno projects
In nlno counties, will bo up for con
sideration by tho stato highway com
mission at Its meeting In Portland,
July 28.
A summary compiled by Mr. Kloln
Clackamas county Pnvlng of
bridges on Pacific highway at Tryon
creek, Suckor crook and Molallo rlv
or. Cut-off Included
Clatsop county Regarding and
rocking of Wnrrofiton cut-off, ap
proximately two miles, and construc
tion of rock shoulders eighteen-foot
pavement between cast end of War
ronton cut-off and Miles crossing,
dlstnnro of 2.5 miles.
Deschutes county Grading of
Tho Dallos-Callforula highway from
Klamath-Deschutes county lino
north toward Dond, dlstanco of 17
Lnko county Gruding botwoon
Chandler's station and Chowaucan
Narrows on Lakovlow-Palsloy road.
10 8 nillesy Also grading of an:
pruncnon io uriUKU near i nownuciui
river at Palsloy.
Grading Contemplated
Lincoln county Grading on Cor-vallls-Nowport
highway botwoon To
ledo and Chltwood, 8 mllos.
Linn county Paving botwoon
Shedd and Halsey on Pacific high
way. 7-5 mllos.
Tillamook county Hock surfac
ing on Doosovoll highway botwoon
Wilson river nnd lllvordnlo, north
of Tillamook city, 1.5 miles.
Wheeler county Grading nnd
rock-surfacing between Fossil nnd
Cummins hill on John Day highway,
2 5 miles.
Yamhill county Gravel surface
on West Side highway botwoon Am
ity nnd McMlnnvllloo, 3 mllos.
W. 8. Carpenter, crop specialist
with tho Oregon Kxtonslon Porvlco
spent four dnys In the county going
over fields of wheat and potatoes tb
Inspect them for seed certification.
Moro than twenty applications for
Inspection .of potatoes woro taken
caro of and sovoral fields of wheat
Inspected. Mr. Carpenter also pass
ed on twelvo or fifteen fields ofi
whout on which notes had boon tak
on by tho county ngont, It having
boon Impossible for the Inspector to
arrlvo In tlmo for examination be
foro tho whoat was cut.
Tho Inspection proved that thero
It vory little seed In the county
which Is good enough to pass the
requirements of tho Orogon Inspec
tion Of all of tho whoat examined,
only two Holds, both of Jenkins club,
woro good enough to pass first In
spection. One of theso fields Is In
Dig Hond on tho farm of R. L. Tate
and tho other at Nyssa, belonging to
Gorrott Oroot Whether the seod
will pass tho socond, or bin, inspec
tion remains to bo seen.
Tho potatoes also proved unequal
to tho occasion. Tho chlof difficul
ty was found to bo "Loaf Mosaic" a
form of dlscaso which Is transmit
ted through tho seed or tuber but
cannot bo found by examination at
any tlmo after tho vines ripen. The
only remedy la to select seed from
flolds which havo boon oxamlned
during the growing season and
found comparatively freo of tho di
sease, as tho potatoes look smooth
onough and may ovmi bo soloctod
for seod by those who practice pick
ing tho smaller sizes,
Tho meeting of tho American
Legion hold Monday evening, July
i 22 was well attonded, thero being
about 40 moniberu present.
Earl Dlackaby, delegate to tho
State Convention held at Eugene,
July 1-2-3, gavq a 1'ery interesting
Tho matter of the Doihis Dill tor
Orogon was taken up and discussed,
Each County must havo three Ap
praisers and ono Attornoy to ap
praise the land that the Legion men
plan to tako up, under this law, and
a commlttoo was accordlpgly ap
pointed for recommendation of
same. Those appointed were Earl
Dlackaby, Ernest Oramse, and 8. M.
The Malheur County Fair for this
year was also discussed and a pub
licity committee, consisting of
Dwlght Pelrce, 8. M. Doucher and
Jack Gordon was appointed to co
operato with the Commercial Club
and Fair Doard.
Smokes, sandwiches and cold
drinks helped to make 'the -ovonlng
a pleasant one. ' '
Dr. and Mrs. 8tee-lkaimer were
down from Yale Monday." v
Tho water users of tho Owyhee
ditch havo been busy tho paBt wook
proparlng statement of claims to bo
fllod with tho stato water board
which moots hero on August 2nd.
As thoro aro 200 water users on
this ditch with acreages varying
from 2 to 500 acros, tho handling of
theso claims Is no small task.
Secretary Fall To Introduce Itevolll
tloiuiry Methodnnd Hecks-Authority
of Congress To Mnko
Bchcino Go
Tclogrnm Washington llurcau
Washington, July 26. 8ocrotnry
of the' Interior Fall Is to lntroduco
a revolutionary method of handling
all tho grazing laud still left In the
public domain It congroBS will glvo
him tho 'authority.
Sovoral millions of acres of hinds
havo boon passed by as a unit for
agrlculturo or tlinqor purposos and
much of It can novor bo Irrigated
under any posstblo circumstances.
Much of tills land has no troo
growth, but nt times has a fairly
good grass or pasture crop.
Poor lniul At Host
Tha practice for tho last few years
has been to socuro through congress
passage of various bills adding cor
talu lurgo tracts of publio land to
contiguous forest rosorves. Onco In
tho forosl resorves thoy can never bo
taken out again except by congres
sional action, and this course has led
to tho Inclusion of thousands of
acres of bald lauds In tho forest
arons that cart novor bo roforestod
and aro quite Incapable of timber
growth. Tho ronton for tholr Inclu
sion In tho forest areas was to so
curo tho privilege of regulatod graz
ing, permits for this purpose bolng
Issued through tho office of tho
chief forestor nnd tho secretary of
Inasmuch as tho control of all
public lauds is placed In tho hands
of tho secrotury of tho Intorlor,
Secrotary Fall proposes to end tho
practice of Including thousands of
acres of untlmborud lauds in .forest
areas and to Issue pormlts for graz
ing on such lands through tho laud
department. Tho bill to offoct this
bus been sent to Chairman Slnnott
of tho houso commlttoo on public
lands, who will Introduce It today
and later hold hearings before hla
committee on tho doalrablllty of
granting tho iutorlor department the
authority desirod.
Conflict May Hesult
This It tho last wholesale action
which can bo taken In tho disposal
of public domain, as undor present
laws tho details of all othor uses of
public lands aro provided for. This
nctlon on tho part of the secrotary
of the Interior is likely to precipi
tate a conflict between thu conserva
tionists of the more radical type nnd
those who wish to have the public
domain utilized.
Lund which Is unfit In Its pres
ent condition tor raising any crops
othor than grass or forage, and
which cannot be Irrigated except at
unreasonable cost, may be tbrowu
litto largo grazing units and leased
by tho socrutary of tho Interior for
periods of ten years, local men now
utliig tho lands to havo tho prefer
onto. Where the annual rainfall ex
ceeds ton inches tho rainfall to bo
charged by the secretary for those
permits Is flxe.d at 1 cent per au
num per aero, and where the annual
rainfall is less than ton Indies the
rental shall be one-half of 1 cont
per annum per acre. Tho monoy
shall be paid Into the land office
where the land Is located aud one
half of same shall go Into the re
clamation fund of tho United States
and tho other half in the highway
fund of tho state where the land Is
To Hold Hearings'
Congressman Slnnott expects to
hold bearings on this measuro about
September 1, aud expects that there
will be u great deal of Interest iu
the proposal to regulate grazing on
all tho unappropriated public do
main. In all permits to bo Issued
under this grazing law the mineral
and coal rights aro specifically re
served and tho prospecting mining
und removal of minerals Is provided
for under existing laws.
Mr. and Mrs. A'. Hoblnson and
son wen) over toolso, Wednesday
on a short business trip.
Lavish Hospitality Dlsiiln)ed to
VInIHiik Newspapermen nnd Their
When During Three Day Stay
In Luiulfcr Town
Dond, tho wondor city of Contral
Oregon, revorsoda tho order last
wook. Usually whon a crowd comes
to any town tho Baying is, "they
havo captured tho city." At .tho an
nual convention of tho Orogon Edi
torial association held last Friday
and Saturday at Dond It was not so,
for tho Dend men nnd womon cap
tured tholr guests, so overwhelmed
woro thoy with tho hospitality show
ered upon thorn by tho Dend folk.
Tho Dond folk and their hospital
ity woro compelling. Tboy enter
talnod so easily that It was only af
tor It was all ovor and they began
to rocount tho things that had been
dotio for thorn that tho visiting edi
tors realized how truly gracious
their hosts were.
Of courso In Dond thero are al
most unrlvalod opportunities for
tho accomplished host to show his
guest a good tlmo, and bollove me '
as tho boys say tho Dond folk
know just how to inak tho most of
tholr opportunity.
During the first aftornoon of tha
convention, following a buffet
lunchoon ond tho business sosslon
tho Dond business men paused to
take tha convention men through
tho Shevlln-Hlxon and the Drooks
Scnnlon lumber yards and mills.
Tho trip to Dond to view theso
gigantic Institutions Is worth while.
Th6y aro tho vory latest examplos
of tho advanced way of manufactur
ing lumber from tho big troos of
tho Cascados. To tho folk from the
sago brush tho light presented In
tho big mills was a rovelatlon.
On Friday ovenlng a dinner was
given at the famous Pilot Butte Inn,
which according to Irvln Cobb Is the
finest hotol to bo found In a small
town In tho United States-after a
four day stay the convention guests
agreed that for once Irvln was kid
ding no ono.
At this dlnnor tho guests had the
plousuro of hearing beside tho us
ual talks from association members
Walter Prlchard Eaton, tho novel
ist, who with Klser tho photographer
was In tho Dond roglon getting ma
terial for a boy's novel and scenes
tor a moving picture story.
Mr. Eaton doclarod that the time
Is not far distant when beautiful
America will bo a myth unless the
people awaken to the destruction of
natural beauty which is dally taking
pfaco. Ho pled for a rigid regula
tion of the uso of sign boards and
declarod that thoro are loss of these
scars on tho landscapo of Oregon
than in any othor part of tha United
To the womon of the convention
ono of tho memorable occasions was
tho beautifully appointed tea at the
homo of Mrs. Harry Drooks, follow
ed by a ride ovor Dond's residential
Tho crowning event of the con
vention however was tho outing at
Elk Lake, to which the visitors
were taken on Saturday afternoon
by business men of Dend, More
than 60 Dend buslnoss men laid off
for tha day to act as hosts for the
trip of 56 mllos up into tho Cas
cados, behind tho Bisters and Old
Droken Top, where preparations had
been made for tho annual banquet
of tho association.
On tho way up the entlro party
of nearly 200 were the guests df
thu Drooks-Scanlon company at a
lunchoon at ono of tholr lumber
camps. Those In the party who bad
memories of tha old camps of the
pitta woods of Minnesota or Wiscon
sin were rudely surprised. There
was no .resemblance to the camps of
years ago. Nowhere could one find
a cleaner or better appointed place
for the care and feeding of work
men than that which theso big lum
ber companies furnish about Dend,
and tho luncheou It was complete,
plenty of variety, largo In quantity
and Buporlor In quality.
Aftor a trip that ono who has
made It can novor forget the parly
reached the shore ofone of nature's
gems, a Cascade mountain lake,
nestled In between snowcappod peeks
in a setting of great green tlmbors
It was hora that the wonderful
thougbttulneaa of the Dend (oik
manifested itsolf. They had left
nothing undone to make this unique
sotting for a banquet complete
Hundreds of trout were prepared
tar the guests, and the dinner
(Continued on Last Page)
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