The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 21, 1921, Image 6

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Tlid tnx-payors mooting hold
Thursday ovenlng to decldo on build
Ing a now school Iiouho. brought
pooplo from all parts of tho district.
Tho chnlrmnn of tno directors, Mr
C. E. Hcch called tho meeting" to or
der. When a llvoly discussion for nnd
against building was cnrrled on.
Finally a motion was mndo thnt tho
now school houso bo built Tho first
ballet was a tlo but when tho second
was cost one mora voto was regis
torod sovontcen voting "Yes" uud
fourteen "No" and the rhalrmnn
declared tho motion cnrriuM In favor
of a now bit ding. Then a discus
slon nroso In rcgnrd to tho location
as somo were not In favor of. build
ing on tho present slto. No motion
was made on this and It whs voted
to appoint n committee who would
choso another slto nnd tho meeting
ndjourned until August 1 when thnt
and other necessary business will bo
Mrs. II. U. Wood and children
loft Inst Monday for Portland, Mr.
Wood leaving on Thursdny to Join
thorn there.
Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Alheo spoilt
Dart of Mondny nt Wolser, return
In thnt night.
c)ulto a number of nolghhors nnd
friends hnvo cnllod on Mrs. Jesso
flrown slnco hor niothor, Mrs. Annn
Qondwator. camo to visit her.
Mr. Harry Wollmnn, lender of
Hoys' Clubs, has been calling pn
membors of tho Corn Club In this
vicinity. Tho boys will accompany
him, together with clubs from other
schools, on a trip to Nyssn, mg iicnn
and other districts.
Frank Nowblll and his son
Charles, wont to Little Salmon riv
er on a fishing trip.
Thlrteon visitors on business and
social calls found A. V. Ilurr and
fnmllv nt homo on Snturdny, Mr.
Hidden Clomont nnd fnmlly Inking
supper nnd spending tho onrly overl
ing there.
Miss Agnes Amldon will leave
Hometlnio this week for Wolsor
whore she will visit her aunt, Mrs
Ooorgo Wright.
A. It. Alhco Is expecting his two
slstors from Iowa this week on an
oxtondod visit.
drain Is rlpnnlne vory fnst now
nnd as so many plowed up pari
or tholr alfalfa fields nil the bind
ers nrn busy nnd rushed to got It
cut before It shatters.
Itov. Mnrtln, of tho Nn-arono
church will pronch nt Valley View
Sunday, July 24.
Mrs. MoMurren, who hns been nt
Wolsor taking treatment returned
homo Friday but went back Sunday
night. There In lltllo If any lm
provomont In her health.
Myrtle Slownrt nnd children spout
tho day Inst Friday with Mrs. Ed.
Mrs. C. C. Lovltt and son, of
Portlnnd, visited nt tho Albee home
tho first of tho wok. They linvi
spent flvn weoks with rolntlvos and
frlouds hore nnd nt Pnyotto hut ex
pect to return to Portlnnd tho com
ing week.
Tom Johnson, wlfo nnd baby, worn
nt Nyssa Bundny. spending tho day
with hor parents.
Gordon Shaffor. who hns boon
helping Mr. Oft nil summer, took
sick last Thursday, Ho will Icavos
Wodnosday for tho hills whore ho
will spond a couple of weeks rest
ing and fishing.
Miss Lola noes spent Tuesday af
ternoon and evening with Miss Una
Mr. Snydor nnd family spent tho
week end with Mr. Dufflold's, north
of Ontario.
From two rows of Hod Rasp
berries about ICO feet long, Mrs.
Ed. Ingraham has canned 75 qunrts
of fruit and there will bo n number
of good pickings yet. How Is that
for good soil 7
W. J. Shaffer will begin to cut
Mr. Oft's grain Wednesday. W. S.
Itces Is cutting for Nowblll, DuPro
nnd Williams, and A. F. Ilurr for
Hob Austin.
Notlco Is horoby glvon thnt undor
nnd by virtue of nn order of salo
duly mndr nnd entered by tho
County Court of tho 8lnto of Ore
gon for tho County of Mnlhour, on
tho 1,0th dny of July. 1921, In tho
matter of tho cstnto of Hnrrlot N.
Hnmsoy, deceased, tho undorslgnod
administrator of said cstato, will, on
and nfter tho 20th day of AugiiBt,
1921, at his office In Ontnrlo, Ore
gon, offer for snlo nnd sell nt prl
vale sale, In ono parcel, for cash
In hnnd subject to confirmation by
snld Court, tho following described
tract of real cstato owned by said
cstato, to-wltr
Lot 7 In Illock 9 In tho Orlglnnl
Townslto of Nyssa, Oregon, ns tho
snmo Is shown on tho revised gen
eral Map of Nyssa, Oregon; nil be
ing In Mnlhour County, Oregon.
Tho first publication of this notlco
Is on July 21, 1921, nnd tho Inst
publication Is on August 18, 1921.
Admlnlstrntnr of tho cstnto of
Hnrrlot M. Hamney, deceased.
eoNHTituerio.N no.vns
((1.10,0(10 pur value mid armed
That sealed bids will bo rocolvod by
thu County Court of Mnlhour Coun
ty. Btnto of Oregon, nt tho County
Court room In tho Court houso nt
Vnto, In Mnlhour County, Statu of
Oregon, on tho 20th day of August,
1921. up to tho hour of 10 o'clock
A. M. of said day, for tho salo of
Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00)
bonds, par value of said County In
sorlcs ns follows, to-wlt: $2,000.00
of sorlos "A" to run nnd be pay
nblo four years from December 1st,
1919; $2,000.00 of series "II" to
run nnd bo payable six yoars from
Docombcr 1st, 1919; $3,000.00 of
series "C" to run and bo payablo
eight years from December 1st,
1919; $4,000.00 of sorlcs "D" to
run nnd ho piiynhla ton years from
Docomhor 1st 1019; $0,000.00 of
Horlos "E" to run nnd bo pnyablo
twolvu years from Dcccmbor
1010: $7000.00 of series "F" to run
nnd bo puynble fourteen years from
December 1st, 1019; $8,000.00 of
sorlcs "O" to run and bo payablo
sixteen years from Dorombor 1st,
1019; $8,000.00 of sorlcs "II" to
run nnd no paynmo oigntoon yoars
from December 1st, 1019; $10,000".
00 of series "I" to run nnd bo pny
nblo twenty years from December
1st, 1019;
All of snld bonds to bo In de
nominations of Ono Thousand Dol
lars ($1,000.00) and bearing Interest
n't tho rato of flvo and one-half per
cent. Dor annum. Interest pnyahlo
soml-annunlly at tho office of tho
County Trcasuror of said County, or
nt tho flscnl agency of tnc stato or
Oregon In New York City.
Each bid must bo accompanied by
a chock, payable to Malheur Coun
ty, certified to by a reputable sol
vont bank In an amount equal to
flvo per ecru of tho amount of tho
Diir valuo of tno bonds bid upon in
snld bid; such check to ho returned
If said bid Is rojected. If tho bid
Is acceptod such chcckswlll bo 're
turned upon payment for nnd deliv
ery of tho bonds Included In said
bid; If said bid Is acceptod and tho
ntnount of snld bid Is not paid with
In thirty (HO) days after tho ac
ceptance thcroof, such chock shall
bo cashed nnd the proceeds thorcof
shnll becomo tho pronorty of said
Mnlhour County.
nids will bo rocolvod for nny
ntnount of said bonds of tho sovor
nl series not oxffdcdlng (Fifty Thous
and Dollars ($50,000.00), par valuo,
and accrued Interest.
Tho right to roject any and nil
nil bids, or to ncccpt part and re
ject part, Is rosorved by the County
Court. Address bids ns follows!
"H. S. Sackot, County Clerk, Vnlo,
Mnlhour County, Oregon."
nnd ondorso on the onvelopo:
"Did for Mnlhour County Koad
Cltl-cns of Malheur County will bo
glvon n preference right to purchnso
snld bonds.
Dated, July 10, 1021.
II. S. SACKET, County Clerk.
Mnlhour County, Oregon.
First publication, July 21, 1021.
Lnst publication, Aug. 11, 1021,
Friend of Ho) s III Three Wnrs Die
After Trip to Old Home -Many
(father To Pny Final Tribute
Was llelnved lly Little Ones
7 9fflHliik. .
ItseRed Crown Gasoline
tfor Power and Mtiutgp
That your engpie shall delivers
the maximum power and
the maximum speed it was
designed to develop.
The refining of Red Crown gasoline to make
high-quality motor fuel is based on a thor
ough scientific knowledge of the fuel require
ments of the automobile engine.
These requirements have been met by the
Standard Oil Company out of its years of
experience and in accord with a policy of true
service in its field.
Look for Standard Oil Service Stations and
for the Red Crown sign at service stations
and other dealers. There you will be able to
get good service with Red Crown gasoline.
Mis Elizabeth Oooilwln, "Aunt
Dotty" nn sho was known to all
Outarlans, ospcclnlly by nil tliolboys
and girls whoso particular friend
sho was, and thoy woru many, died
nt tho homo of Mr, and Mrs. S. F.
Taylor on tho Eastsldo last Satur
day morning. Funeral sorvlccs wort)
attended by n host of hor friends.
Tho church was beautifully do
curatcd with tho floral tributes of
her friends,, young nnd old. Tho
j.t fcliurch choir sang a number of hor
rnvorito nymns ana Mrs. u. ... rot
orson sang, Lead Kindly Light.
Aunt Hetty who was nearly nine
ty yoars of ago raturncd to Ontnrlo
Just a fow weeks ago from a visit
to hor old home In Missouri, Tho
henrtacho which followod tho visit
to tho graves of hor parents, hor
brothers and .slaters nnd frlonds of
l)or generation, togothor with tho
fatigue of tho long trip proved too
much for her falling strength and
brought on a nervous Illness from
whlcji sho died.
"Aunt Dotty" mndo her homo
with Mr. and Mrs. Taylor for the
past 35 years, and camo with thorn
to Ontario ten years ago, Sho was
JUrs. Taylor's aunt, but hor affection
widened to all those about hor, es
pecially tho children all of whom
fondly cnllod "Aunt Dotty."
"Aunt Dotty nn sho ofton said,
was born amid the green fields of
old Virginia, November 18, 1832.
Sho remained there with her par
ents until four years of age when
hor mother died. Then sho wont to
Missouri Where hor father bocame
ownor of a largo farm. Naturally
bolng energetic and actlvo she de
veloped every musclo and enjoyed
to tho full all tho out-door sports
known to the girlhood of that day.
"The country was spdrcoly settled
und schools far apart so hor op
portunities for learning were Indeed
poor. Hut possessing a brilliant and
receptive mind sho acquired more
than an ordinary education.
When thlrteon she bocamo a
member of the Presbyterian church
of which Bhe remalnod a loyal ad
horent until death.
When she reached young woman
hood sho was considered one of tho
most beautiful and popular of the
whole country side. She was demo
cratic In her friendships although
sho loved everybody. Children
were Just a little nearer and dear
er than grown-ups. To her chil
dren and flowers were "the for-get-nio-nots
of angels."
She was active through three
wars and worked and prayed for the
boys In each. She was an expert
with her needle' and spun, wove and
mane suits for tne boys in gray-
yes and made a few for tho boys
4n bluo. During; the Spanish-American
war she made handkerchiefs,
neckties and such presents as she
could sent In the days of the
world war she knit thirteen pairs
of socks even though far advanced
In years.
She has been a resident of On
tario ten years and was generous,
always mindful of others and was
ever a help to the poor and dis
Phone 69-J.
Sunday sorvlces at I'ark School
house Sunday School at 2 I. M.,'
J; II, Drown, superintendent, preach
ing services nt 3 r. M. livoryuouy
Tho barn on the Geo, Pennington
rnnch was dostroyed by flro.ono dny
last wook. Damago to bam and con
tents Is estimated at $1500.00 with
no Insurance
8tanloy Drown of Ontario spent
Sunday at tho Frost homo,
Among thoso who nttoudod tho
Dig Willow picnic nt tho Coatos
ranch Friday woro, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Lattlg, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Karat, P. M. Uonls and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Lnwronco Attoberry, and
John Howard nnd family.
Mr. and Mrs. wesloy Jimorson of
Pnyotto woro guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Attoborry, Sunday.
Meiidamcs J. It. Drown and
Clough and Miss Caudo Culp woro
dinner guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ooo.
Thomns Wodnesday,
Miss Elsie Poolo of Ontario spent
last woek with her schoolmnto Miss
Mildred Frost.
Mrs, E. D. Drown returned last
week after having spout sovoral
months visiting rolntlvos In Nebras
ka. Sho wan accompanlod by hor
sister, Mrs. Frank Tlppon of Fair
bury, Nebraska.
Wo aro sorry to report that Wil
liam Attoborry Is not Improving ns
fust as his frlouds could hope for.
Robert N. Van Home nnd son
Itobert Jr. of Sioux City, Iowa, ar
rived Wednesday. Mr. Van Home
expects to remain several weeks
looking after his forty aero orchard.
Tho girls' sowing club met Tues
day afternoon with Leora Hnmdtx.
The afternoon was spent sewing
after which tho hostess served a
two course lunchton,
ElUaboth Davis of Holse Is spend
ing her vacation with her cousins,
Miriam and Louise Davis.
D. Lattlg of Canada visited Mon
day with his brother Harry Lattlg
and wife. Mr. Lattlg was on his
way to tho coast overland.
Miss Marie Frost was a guost at
tho Joseph homo Sunday.
J. L. Drown was a business visitor
In Ontario Saturday.
Itena and Maxlne Miller spent
Tuesday with Mrs. S. Chapman of
Mrs. Davis Is visiting at tho home
qf hor son Walter Davis after hav
ing spent several months In Holse,
Keith Drown of Ontario spent
last week with his grand-parents
Mr. and Mrs. Frost.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lattlg were
Sunday dinner guests of the form
er's sister, Mrs. Jesso Newton of
William Vlncont Is building a new
Mrs. Spearman and two daughters
of Haines, Oregon, spent last week
with her niece. Mrs. Ooo. Bullous.
Miss Haxol Orace of Payette spent
the week end with home folks. ,
Miss Norma Elliott of Daker City
returned to her home last week
after spending six weeks with her
sister Mrs. Van Potten.
Mrs. . It. Hartshe entertained a
group of younK people at a delight
ful dinner party Tuesday evening,
honoring Miss Marlon Jones of Salt
Lake City who has been the guest
of her aunt Mrs. Itoy nurrell. After
partaking of the sumptous three
course dinner, the young people were
conducted by Mrs, Uartshe to the
pavilion where a pleasant evening
was spent with music and dancing.
Mr. and Mrs. Derry and Mr. and
Mrs. D, D. Llnkons of Welser vis
ited Mr, and Mrs. Dob Llnkons
Sunday. .
Geo Lattlg left Wednesday by
auto for Council and other points,
expecting to spend the summer In
the mountains.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stills and
three daughters from near Hunting
ton visited Mr, and Mrs. O. Llnkon,
Friday. Mrs. Lingons and Mr.
Stills are cousins and have not met
for nine years,
The young people enjoyed their
first dance at the pavilion In the
Arthur Miller grove, Friday evening
Misses Mary Conner and Hlldrttd
Mr. nnd Mrs. Oliver Connor of
Miss Frances Derry of WoUor vis
ited Miss Stolla Llnkons Inst wook.
Miss Hova Miller entertained the
Misses Knthryu, Florence nnd Janet
Simpson Mondny at tho homo of her
aunt Mrs. W. F. Vincent. Aftor
spending tho afternoon playing
games, strawborrlcs, cako and lorn-"
onado wero served by tho hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hcslup and son
wero dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Carlos Wilcox.
Miss Marian Jones of Salt Lake
City roturnod to hor homo Thursday
aftor spondlng sovoral weeks with
her aunt Mrs. Hoy Hurroll.
Dead Ox Flat nnd Pnyotto river
boya crossed bnts Sun dny at tho
Payette diamond, which rcsultod In
a score of 14 to 13 In favor of the
Payette rlvor nlno.
Twolvo members of tho Hlverdalo
Gardening Club spont Tuesday nftor
nooiiYleltlng tho Orogon Slope Pig
Club. Mr. Wober nnd County Club
Lender Wollmnn loaded tho boys In
to their cars and took them to tho
Park school houso where thoy met
tho Pig Club mombers.
Tho first hour was spent at Mr,
Ilrown'n whoro some of the fine
points of dairy Judging were takon
up. Tho pig clab Is going to outer
a Judging toam at tho county fulr,
und will dovoto most of the remain
ing time to the Judging work,
A basoball game was staged aftor
tho finish of the Judging work. The
Kurd on club boys had slightly the
best of tho argumont. This was
considered as only a practice gamo
and tho real gamo will bo played at
the elub picnic in August.
Dr. and Mrs. McFnll havo moved
Into Prof. McDonald's houso for the
Chas. E. Deery, of Portland, En
gineer for tho Enstern Oregon Innd
Co Is hero this week and will bo
gin work In tho Ironside section.
He was accompanied by his son,
Charles Jr.
M. J. Stanton from Junlura Is In
town this week.
Donald Graham, Dopdty Assossor,
camo down from Vale and went on
to DoIbo Tuesday,
Mrs. Wlnnlo Dlven nnd son of
Nyssa vlsltod In Ontario Sunday.
Miss Anno Hcams of Lincoln, Nob
rnska, whd has been teaching school
In Walla Walla, Washington stopped
off this week to visit Dr. nnd Mrs.
O. A. Poguo. Miss Hoanis was n
childhood frlond of Mrs, Poguo'a
daughter Ucsslo.
Miss Ilernlco Knowlton Is hore
from Fairfield, Idaho, visiting her
sister Miss Knowlton.
The Annual Picnic of the W. C.
T- U. will bo held at tho homo of
Mr. Adolph Oram bo, Tuesday, July
20, at 2 P, M. Program lunch
plenty of shade genoral good time.
Mombers bring your lady friend.
Cars will leave Mc Do well's store
from two until two thirty.
Time to Fill the Coal Bin With
. Spring Canyon
Everv autumn there is some question about an ad
equate coal supply the trains can haul it only so fast
when folks make a run on the coal yards.
Buying your winter supply now is good strategy it
settles your own coal problem for the winter.
Jessie Knights Spring
Canyon Coal
lives up to full expectations. Our
customers like it for these reasens: '
A clean coal
Heat in every lump
Low amount of ash, less soot
Hot burning coal
Easy to kindle
Order your supply now while our supply is normal in
quality-and quantity.
Geo. McClain, Sales Mgr. Ontario yard
Boise Payette Lumber Co.
Fellows spent the week wd wKa