The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 21, 1921, Image 2

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Tolegrnm Sntoin Hiireau
8AI.BM, Or., July 12. (Special)
A. It. I.on, Rocrotory of the Btnto fair
bonrd nnd mnnngor of tlio Htnto fair
for tho last flvo yen, hns been
elected mnnngor of tho Oregon Ornln
Growers aHnoclntlon nnd niitioiincuB
thnt ho will resign hlfl position with
tho fnlr board after the next Mate
fair In September.
Contrary to tho usual experience,
Stato Forostor F. A. Elliott reports
that no forost fires wero started by
cureless campers nr smokers on July
Clyde J. (Had) Iluporl Inst Wed
nesday morning finished his throe
year term In tho stato penitentiary
for stcnMtiK JIG.OOO In Liberty
bonds from tho Northwestern Na
tional bank of Portland and was dis
charged. Ho was Immediately taken
Into custody to McNeil's Island
whoro ho will begin a flvo-year term
for tho samv offense.
Tlid utnto board of control an
nounces thnt tho stnto soldiers
homo at Hoscburg has accommoda
tions for twenty-flvo voternns of tho
world war.
Uncords In tho offlco of J. A.
Churchill, stnto superintendent of
schools, show that 1C00 pupils of
Odegon schools tiro convoyed to and
from school each day at tho expense
of tho districts. Thoro nro jtovonty
flvo routes.
Luther Fngan, who wounded T. J.
Miller near Hood Itlvor lost Wednes
day and then kidnapped Mlllor's
wlfo nnd daughter nnd ndnptcd son,
and who Inter wns killed by a posso,
was formerly an Inmnto of the stnto
penltentlnry. Ho was received In
Mnrch, 1910, for a statutory offouso.
Ho oscnped In July, 1020, nnd wns
returned two wooks Inter. Ho wns
conditionally pnrdoned Inst Decem
ber. Out of n total of 277 accident re
ported to tho stnto Industrial nrrl
dont commission for tho week end
ing July 7, thren woro fntnl. The
fntnl ensos wore: K. O. Ose, n logger
of Dnllns: Wlltlnm lfnusor, n Inbor-
or of Klnmnth Fulls, nnd Kugnnc
I'nterson of Mnulstlqun, Mich., n
Tho Hen ton county court has beon
granted authority by the public sor
vlca commission to construct nnd
maintain n crossing ovor tho tracks
at railroad mllo post No, 802. C.
Tho now world wnr vctornns' stnto
nld commission tins established lionil
quarters In tho United States Nation
nl Hunk building, Hnlom,
Tho stnto bonrd of control Iiiih
selected n slto nenr flnlom for tho
now stnto training school far boys.
It li not fnr from the present school,
but has n much bigger area.
Colonel deorgo A. White, ndjutnut
general of Oregon, nnd his stnff
havo approved plans for n nnw arm
ory nt McMlnnvlllo.
A courso In flro protection will bn
established In tho schools of Oregon
by J, A. Churchill, stnto school sup
erintendent. Tho material In tho
manual has been prepared by Hor
ace Sykcs, secretary ol tho state
flro marshal's department.
Tho public servlro commission has
announced that the rehoarlng of tho
rato caso of tho Pacific Tolephono
&. Telegraph company will be held
In Snlem Instead of I'ortlnnd. Tho
ditto Is July 18.
For tho fifth consecutive tlmu Dr.
W. II. I.ytlo hns been elected by the
stato livestock sanitary board ns
stnto veterinarian and secretary of
tho board. Walter K. Taylor of Cor
vallls, was ro-olccted prcsldont nnd
K. 0. Warner of Pendleton wns
olocted vlco president.
Tho stnto llvcstork sanitary
board hns ovorrnled n protest of
Lake county sheep men ngnlnst en
forcement of tho bonrd's sheop dip
ping order Tho bonrd hns ordored
thnt nil buck bands In Malheur
I,ako, Hnrnoy, Klnmnth, Deschutes
nnd Jackson counties must bo dip
pod before being turned In noxt fall.
Juno flro losses In Oregon, outsldo
of Portland, nro estimated by A. C.
Harbor, Btalo flro marshal, at $442,
000. Among twenty-eight fires men
tioned In tho report tho henvlost
i loss was caused by a box fnctory
I flro nl Astorln whoro tho loss wns
I $175,000.
' Colonel George A. Whlto, ndju
i tnnt gonornl of Oregon, announce
1 thnt Oregon towns thnt sent nation
al guard tilt to thu world war will
bo glvon first claim on now units
f under the 1022 program of organi
sation. Tho towns on this prioruv
list nro Cottngp Grove. Hood Itlvor,
T,aOrnnde, Pendleton, Tlllnmook,
nnd Astoria The Oregon notional
guard hns mot mnxlmtim roiptlro
tn c nl for 1021.
Hoy A. Klein, secretary of tho
stato hlghwny commission nnnounces
thnt 72.8 miles of rond Improve
ment, distributed over nlno project
In nlno countlos, will bu boforo tho
commission for consideration nt It
mooting In Portlnnd, July 28.
Itn to tho closo of business last
Saturday night 100,180 automobiles
hnd been registered nnd licensed lit
Orogon for tho present yonr, ac
cording to figures of tho socrotnry
of stnto. This Is 14,2fi4 moro than
nt tho corresponding tlmo Inst year
Fred A. Williams, chairman of
tho public servlro commission, nnd
II. F. Wiggins, tho commission's tra
flc nxport, oro In Ban Frnnclsco nt
tnndlng n hearing of tho Interstate
romlnorco commission relative to
railway rates In Nnrthorn .Califor
nia and Southern, Orogon. The Oro
gon mon represent tho Interests of
Oregon shippers nnd commercial
Syron, deceased, appellant: nppeal
from Lake county. Action to recov
er money. Opinion by Justice Har
ris. Judge George O. Hlngham re
versed and caso remanded '
II. K. Kolty vs. C T. Fisher nnd
S. O. Cressler, ndmlnlstrntor of
ostnto of J. II. Fisher, decensed, np
pollnnt; appeal from Lake county;
action to recover moitoy. Opinion
by Justice Harris. Jttdgo George O,
Hlngham reversed and case remand
ed. A rehearing wns denied In tho
caso of Mrs. Thomas J. Mansker vs.
city of Portland.
Only two opinions woro handed
down liv tho supremo court last
Tuesday. They wore:
II. H. Koltv. respondent, vs. O. T.
Flshor and 8. C. Crosslor, adminis
trators of estnto of George Wesley
Tho city of Lnkcvlow has nppllod
to tho stnto engineer for n permit
to npproprlnto wnter from Hurut
crcok and from thrco spring for
domestic uso. Othor applications
hnvo been fllod ns follews:
Ily Portlnnd Hallway, Light ft
Power company, of I'ortlnnd, cover
ing the appropriation of 100,000
Incro feet from tho main fork of
Clnekamns rlvor for tho development
of G8,GO0 horsepower In Clncknmn
, county at a cost of approrlmntoly
I l)y, Erwln II. Gardnes of Echo,
covering tho appropriation of water
from Gnrdlnor spring nnd pond, for
Irrigation of, sixty acres In Umatilla
I county.
Hy J. T. Folkor of Union, cover
. Ing tho appropriation of water from
I Cathorlno crook for Irrigation of n
sinnll tract In Union county.
Ily M. A. Zollar of Hood rlvor,
i covering tho appropriation of wnter
from unlimited springs for Irrigation
of a tcn-ncro trncj, In Hood Itlvor
Hy Joseph Mosthaf of Hldtllo, cov
ering tho appropriation of wntor
from Mttchol crcok, for Irrigation of
a flvc-atro tract, and for domestic
wator supply In Douglas county.
Hy llar,ry Sordy of Oallco, covor-
Ing tho appropriation or water from
Friday springs for Irrigation and
domestic wnter simply In Josophlne
Hy It, L. Owen of Takllma, cov
orlng tho appropriation of wntor
from Long Gulch creok
tlon of twenty ncrc In
Hy W. It. Condlt of Grnnt Pnss,
covering tho appropriation of wntor
from Soldier creek for Irrigation of
twonty ncros In Joscphlno county.
Hy T. C. Dcnrlnger nnd Daisy F.
Doarlngor, Hereford, covering the
npproprlntlon of wator from soepnga
from tho Dig ditch nnd north fork
of Ilurnt rlvor, for supplemental
supply for Irrigating forty ncros In
linker county.
for Irrlga-
black horse, flvo yonr old, weight
1160 lbs. Hns whlto stnr on faco.
Lnddor brand on left shotildor. Ono
sorrol yoarllng, whlto faco, wlra cut
on left front log, no brand; $10.00
rownrd for Information or return of
sumo. Phone 201-H. Ontario. 32-tf.
w.. mw$&1u
Built Better Lasts Longer
Costs Less To Operate
Ifs real economy in the long run to buy a John Deere
Grain Binder. Its stronger construction, the proper application of better
materials, nnd its improvements to insure most effective operation under
all conditions are apparent the minuje you see it.
Gun Stevenson was an Ironside
visitor Monday en route to Mainour
Mr. Pholatt of Ilonltn wns an
Ironside visitor Monday, bringing In
some beef for Bale and going to
Camp Crcok sawmill.
Lto Thompson returned to Unity
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Whlto of Unity
were Ironside visitors nt tho homo of
Mr. nnd Mrs. It. C. Elm on Sunday.
Archlo Davis returned to Portland
Monday by automobile nftor mnklng
flnnl proof on his homestond.
Mr.' nnd Mrs. Nichols of Hrldgo
port aro visiting Mr. Nichols' hrothor
nnd fnmlly, Mr, nnd Mrs. Arthur
Mr. H. It. Lofton, Mlllls nnd
Jody Lawrence in a do a business trip
to Vnlo Wodncsday.
Mrs. G. A. Turomnn went out to
Ontario Wednesday to look nftor
property there.
Undo McOlven having Just re
turned from California Is vlslltng
frlonds at Ironside
Mr, Davo Logan has beon In this
vicinity tills week from Hrogan buy
ing bcof cattle.
Miss Mury Lockoy of Ontario Is
visiting Miss Dottlo Locoy.
Mr, Joyca nnd family wero Iron-
sldo visitors Wednesday from Vnlo
going on n ramping trip to Malheur
J. M. Weaver of Ilonltn was Iron
sldo visitor Friday.
Mr. and Mr. W, J. Hunter of
Grnndvlaw, Idaho aro visiting 'Mrs.
Huntor's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. II.
C. Elms, nnd will visit at Unity,
81 in) ton nnd Dnkor boforo return
ing homo.
Mrs II. C. .Elm hns been nt Vnlo
gottlng somo dontnl work dono.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. P. 8mlth went
to Vnlo Thursdny returning Frldny.
THANHI'EIW lu.voitmcn
ailbort W. Donn et ux to Frank K.
Nowblll, NH8WU8WW8EW. nnd
8V4NW'8W48BW Boc. 29-18-47.
July 1G, 1020 13,000.00.
Paclflo Llvo Stock Co. to John
Hlnklo ot al, Lot 14, Illock 8, Har
per. Juno 15, 1021. $10.00.
'Loltoy Morgan to Wm. Phetan ot
nl, 4 Quartz Mining Claims, July C,
1921. 11.00.
Loltoy Morgan ot nl to John Dan
lots, 2 Qunrtt Mining Claims, July
S, 1021. $1.00.
Shorlft II. Loo Nno to J. A. Korr,
NWU8WU Soc. 6-10-47. July 11,
1021, 11,808.14.
Sheriff II. Lee Noo to Oliver W.
17; NWUBWli Soc 10-18.40. July
11. 1021 $7,000.00.
Shorlff It, Loo Noo to It M. Horn.
Lots 13 nnd 14, Sec. 3-20-44. July
11, 1021, $2,251.70.
Julia A. Parks to Dcmnsco Elordl,
Houin portion of Lot G, illock 3
Ployeev Add. to Jordan Valley, 8ep
21.Tmb. $2,000.00.
Jordan Vnlloy Cattlo Co, to Eul
ogla Madarlaga. All Sec. 1-30-40,
lot Catron Add to Jordan Valley;
also all ot Illock 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 0,
10, 11, 12, 1.1, 14, 16, 10. 17 and
18 nnd Lot 1 to 6 Inc. and 7 to 12
Inc. In Illock 6; also EH of Lot 6,
and Lot 1 to 4, Inc., nnd 7 to 10,
Inc., In Illock 0, nil In Cntrous Add.
to Jordan Valley. Juno 15, 1021,
Adrian Iiivostniont Co, to Oernld
E. Btanfleld, Und. H Int. In RW
Soc. 5-18-47. May 2, 1931. $7,000.00
E. D. Morris ot ux to Edward T
Prlco, NKU HEU Soc. 30-10-45.
Jan. 12, 1021. $10.00.
U. 8. A. to Mattlo E. Camp, BEU
BWVi Sec 23-20-41. Juno 15, 1021.
U. 8. A. to Howard II. Camp, Wtt
NE U . NW M 8E U . and NE U BV U
Sco. 23-20-41. Juno 15, 1031.
Santiago Jurlnallo nnd Hata Ham
yras, July 11, 1021.
Klwood L. Keclu and Nelllo Hut
inrd. July 11, 1021,
Floyd Huntington and Hnzol Mc
Geo. July 12, 1021,
, Frank II. Yhymnn nnd Martha
Davis, July 12, 1921.
Henry Uoswoll and Amelia Mario
Horn, July 14, 1021,
Take the main frame for example. Its
strong, wide ateel bara are widely over
lapped and hot-riveted together. The main
bearings are self-aligning thero's no twist
ing of the frame or binding in the bearings.
The wheels are extra high and have wide
traction-giving tires. They furnish ample
support for the machine and extra traction
in wet fields.
The John Deere makes better bundles.
Ita three packers.instead of two insure this.
This binder handles extremely short or
heavy tangled grain better than others with
less clogging and less missed bundles.
Its bundle carrier Is the easiest to operate
we have ever seen no particular effort to
dumpor return to position it can be adjusted
as wear develops to keep it in easy-working
The Quick Turn Truck is another fcaturo
you will like. It keeps the binder running
straight, permits of square turns, takes off
side draft from the horses, und because its
axle Is fl.xibly mounted, the wheels hold to
the ground.
There is no other binder that will give
you the years of satisfactory servico that
you can get with the John Deero jt's real
economy to buy this better machine.
C. n. Flock vs. Dorasy M. Flock.
July 11, 1921. Dlvorco.
Irving 11. Notlngham vs M. It.
Tregaskls, July 14, 1921. Hecovery
oil Note. $275.00
O race Hutherford vs. Joseph
Wlldauer et al. July 15. 1921. To
Quiet Title.
Iva M. Stoughton va. Walter
Rtoughton, July 10, 1921, Divorce.
Aftor June 1st Price $1.50,
per head yearlings $1,25
Oood Pasture, Plenty of
water. C, II, Trousdale, tf
WANTED Sewing at home or by
the day. Mr. L. Harper tf.
Agency Lauu-Drl-Ette Washing Ma
chine. All kind of Electric Wiring.
FOH HENT Furnished rooms,
also two room apartment. Former
Hoyd home. Two block north of
Moore Hotel. Mrs. Omar Klum,
Phone 80-M. tf.
Be sure to come in and see It before you buy.
MP P F y mb B
Sold only 5JBBBy dealers
give tire mileage
at-the lowest cost
in history
30 x 31
non-skid red-top cord
$15.00 $22.00 $27.50
Reduction on all styles and sizes
A New Low Price on a
Known and Honest Product
Thiee Hundred and Forty Dollars
A man paid Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars
for a Diamond, It turned out to be a white
saphire. valued at ten dollars. If he had
bought it from Henry Miller, he would still
have full value for his money. He is an
EXPERT and does not rob anyone. Give him
' a trial order.
In the building on Idaho Avenue
back of the Ontario Furniture Co.
formerly occupied by the A. S.
Brown Auto Company
Full line of Accessories, Gas and Oil Service
and Repairs
Harvey and Ricker
J, A. Robertson, Manager
"See McFall and See Better'
Eyesight Specialist, 0Urie, (ke
Phone 147-J
A. Ih