The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 21, 1921, Image 1

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NO 33
. r.
Wlillo Practically All Counties Hinu
Inrrt'iiM'il Tho Cost of County
Government Malliour It Olio of
Twi'hii To Decrease Com- '
pnrlfion Oh en
Editor's Note: In tlio Port
land Telegram Honry M. Jinn
ion la presenting n sorles of
studies In taxation as shown by
by tho records of Orogon for
i tho pnst fow year. Thoso
studios covering nil dopart
montH of government nro Illum
inating and nro particularly in
teresting at tlilB tlmo whon tho
pooplo nro considering hucIi
probloms. In tho nrtlrlo print
ed below Malbour county folks
will learn that under tho pros
ont county court, Mainour coun
ties taxes tor county purposes
havo decroasod.
Ily Henry M. Hntizon, In tho Port
Innd Tologrnm
Although tho lovy for tho admin'
Istrntlon of tho stato government In'
croaHod at a trotnendous rata dur
ing tho Inst ulno yearn, tho Incroasoa
rntloctod In tho lovlos of twonty-ono
of tho Htnto'n thirty-six counties nro
comparatively slight, nnd In twolvo
of thorn tho levies docroascd.
Ilmiton, Clackamas, Clatsop, Co
lumbia, Coos, Curry, Unrnoy, Hood
Itlvor, Lake, Linn, Marlon, Morrow,
Multnomnh, Polk, Shorninn Tilla
mook, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa,
Wiimco nnd Washington nro tho
twonty-ono counties whoso lovlos In
creased during tho nltio-ycar porlod,
Malheur lias Decreased
llnkor, Douglas, ailllnm, Orant,
Jackson, Josophlno, Klamath, La no,
Lincoln, Malbour, Whootor and- Yam
hill nro tho twclvo counties whoso
levies docrenRod.
Tlireo Show Changes
Tho remaining throo counties aro
Crook, Deschutes and Jafforson, and
figures nro not nvallablo for a com
parison of tholr lovlos for tho porlod
n Orook until 1016 embraced both
thn other countlos.
(Continued on Page C)
vivian MAiJiirrr iarhi:h away
Tho funornl services of tho lato
Vlvlnn Mallett, who died Wednesday
morning, at tho Soldier's Ilnrracks at
Holse, will bo hold Friday at 2 p.
m. from tho United 1'rcabytorlan
church, Ilov Cochran officiating.
Mr. Mallett has boon HI for tho past
three and ono halt years, taking
sick soon after entering tho army.
Ho was 20 years old last January
nnd la a member of tho Vale Post
of tho Amorlcau Lotion.
Mrs. Curt Inglo and daughter Hel
en and Mrs. Tom Rtowart and chil
dren woro Sunday guests of Mrs.
Ilorb, Stewart.
Mrs. J. T. Hale was a Wednesday
visitor at Mrs. Ida Lindsay's.
Secretary of State Chamber Mas His
Eyes Opened by Bumper Corn Crop
"This Is Indeed a surpriso to me,"
said aeorgo Quayle, Secretary ot the
Btnto Chamber of Commerce, as he
rode through the country from On
tario to Nyssa Sunday afternoon,
"I honestly hnd no Idoa of the
, productivity of this valley," he con
tinued between exclamations, "say
look nt that wheat floldl Isn't is a
"Oreat Scott! I h.od no idea (hat
you folks here could produce the
varlty of products that are to be
seen on this trip. Of course wo
have EOino exhibits ot the corn ot
this region down In Portland, but
I kind of thought that they were
, special pieces, not the regular var-
' iety that could bo found in every
"With this corn and alfalfa to
make sllago there is room hero for
hundreds of dairymen, and they can
make money here too.
We have a great task before us
to bring people to this ana" other
sections ot the .state. The state
chamber which hns the duty of
generally Introducing the people to
the state as a -whole eaa be ot Mat
erial aid, but the people In regions
like this should concentrate their
tterta in a colonization movement,
It must be specific purposotul
There la bo doubt that with the
proper adverting la the fall when
the crow are barreled In the MW-
die Wert that there will be many
people la that wotlwt who will vWt
- fty,tjaV. , rf-lti TP Jfl
Mrr Tin: aiiAHM aiiow longer
Andy Qump of comic famo
Is nut tho only advocato of loss
harboring for tho lawns. The
latest apostta of uncut locks for
tho gardon grass Is A. N. Hick
oy, wator boss of tho city of
Ontario, Ho has askod tho Ar
gus to glva this messago to tho
peoploi !
"Ploaso toll, thorn," said Mr.
Hlckoy, "that tho supply of.
wator for Irrigation Is getting,
short, and Is going to bo short
er tbo romalndor of tho Irriga
tion sonson. Also add that If
tho grass I not cut so otton
that It will holp to hold tho
molsturo and will probably savo
tbo lawns from burning. It
ovoryouo will aid a llttlo in this
effort to savo wator wo will bo
ablo to got by tho soason al
Coin (Iron em Urged To Tuko Ad
autngo of Opportunity of Qualify
ing Crop for H'od Purpos
lluletliix To llo Distributed
"I wish to call your attention to
tho now corn sood certification work
which will bo dono for tho first
time In this stato this year," says
County Agent, L. It. Urotlhnupt In a
lottor to tho Corn Clrowor of Mal
heur County. "Tho object Is to lo
ot to and corttty sood corn which Is
froo from corn root rot dlsonso and
of a typo which Is resistant to that
trouble. I havo arranged with our
crop specialist to havo this sorvlco
niado nvallablo to tho corn sood
growers of this county. It you In
tend to mnrkot your crop as sood
and wish to socuro the advantage of
bottor demand and prlco usually re
sulting from certification, ploaso no
tify nitr'befdre July '2 3, giving Vour
namo, ad dross and varloty of corn.
"I havo wrttton for a supply of
Farmors' Ilullotln 117C, ontltlod
nottor Sood Corn', and also of
Farmers' Ilullotln 1170 on corn root
rot. Thoso will bo sont to tho corn
growers of tho county whon thoy ar
rive.' The corn seed business Is ono
which might bo dovolopod hero on a
Inrgor scalo,"
Mrs. Elmer Stowart and chlldron
went to linker Sunday to visit her
husband and spend a wook In the
Mrs. W. L. Tumor went ovor to
Dolso Monday to spend a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. H. It. Udlck and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Sto.woll and family left for the
Meadows Monday to spend a fow
weoks cnmplng.
Willis Halo Is able to bo up after
a solge of typhoid fever.
tho west In search ot new homes
"Then it will bo time for tho
people of the various sections who
havo speclflo 'possibilities to offer
to be prepared to present their alms
for consideration,
"In the next CO days the excur
ston which was scheduled for this
week will come, out from Oranha.
This will glvo tho various towns
moro time In which to prepare for
them and they will foql more like
taking time to look the country
"You people here have such a
variety ot crops, and being assured
'Of a crop by irrigation this country
certainly is a fine front door for
the state and will undoubtedly make
Its appeal to many prospective set
tlers." Mr. Quayle who was visiting this
section ot the state for the first
time Is optimistic over tho possibil
ities ot tho early passage ot the Mc
Nary reclamation act which he be
lieves will be the beginning ot an
Immense development period In the
publlo land states. Mr. Quayle
while here confered with P. J Gal
lasher", W. H. Doollttlo and George
K. Alkeu, v. bo united to impress
upon him the poslbllitles di this
-region by showing him various sec
tions. From'' Onta Mr, Quayle
'went to Jordan Valley to inspect
the Jordan Valley project for Har
Jy J. Hooker who Is ill la Rortlaad.
- gJW
Lnrgu Hum Spent To Prepare "Iter
Husband's Wife" For iton
Critic Unniilnioiis In Giving
Appiovnl of Presentation
A vivid Idoa of what It costs tho
average road show to organize and
propnro for a tour was rocolvod by
tho Varntty Playurs ot tho Univers
ity of Idaho whllo making ready for
their present Jaunt ovor tho 'north
west which brings thorn to tho' Ma
jestic thoatra Friday, July 22,
Hlnco "Hor Husband's Wlfo," tho
play thoy aro to present hero, calls
or cortnln fontures not Included In
ordinary stago sots, tho players woro
forcod to havo tholr sconery inrtdo
by n lnrgo Now York tlrm nl a
consldorablo cost.
"Hor Husband's Wlfo" bolng a
now nud woll-rocolvod comody, call
ed for a cash royalty ot between
$G00 and $000. Adding these
charges, to thoso tor costumes, make
ups, advance advertising and thn
many othor charges Incident to such
n trip, tho Varsity Players open I
considerably more than f2,000 In
prepnrntloa for tholr tour, '
Dut becauso of tholr thorough pre
parations, tho Varsity Players have
ono of tho flnoiit companies that has
boon through this section for soma
tlmo. Each mombor of tho cast Is
oxactly suited to tho rolo ho or'sho
Is to play nnd has had several
yoars' oxporlonco In dramatics.
Intorost In tho play Is carefully
distributed as It should bo bo-
twoon tho characters and tho situa
tions In which they find thomsolvos
ontanglod. Tho play Is a series of
complications and comploxltlos, each
with a ridiculous, nonsensical un
winding. Tho Varsity Playors will mnJco ft
porformanca Friday night at tho
Majestic thcatro, July 22. Tho,
evening show starts nt 8:30.J"Jo'nt
fprlcos of QOo nnd'7Cc for tlioilrgiit
show will prevail.
Tho play Is now on thu sixth wook
of Its tour of Idaho and Oregon and
ovorywhoro tho critics havo boon un
animous In giving It tholr approval.
Not a single advorso comment has
boon made In tho pross ot tbo towns
whoro It has shown.
Father of Young Woman Who l)roo
Cur Which Met II. 11. Wood on
July -1 Hun Account Which
Differ l-Yom Mr. Wood's
Tho story ot tho auto accident ot
July 4, when the cur driven by 1).
H. Wood, nnd ono drlvon by Miss
Orota Anderson mat on tho lluule
vard near tho Orange Hall is a sor
lal which comes in Installments.
Two weeks ago tho Argus printed
tho story from reports rocelvcd on
tho streot. Last week wo prosontod
Mr. Wood's version of ovonts, and
this week, E. V. Anderson father
of Miss Greta Anderson presents his
account. Thattho Argus readers
may havo all tho details we aro
printing the account Mr. Anderson
gavo when ho said:
"My daughtor, Oreta Anderson,
pulled out to the sldo of tho road,
until the two outside wheels were
off thegraveled part of tho road
and stopped, I mado tho remark to
her as Mr. Wood's car came over
the. tracks, 'Look out for that fellow,
he's going Ilka tho wind.' The lights
on our car, were the kind that are
one half shaded, making tho upper
halt dim and the lower bright. This
keeps the bright glare from the
other fellow's eyes, tbo same as dim
mers, but Greta turned thorn entire
ly out and this throw us Into dark
ness, so she again turnod them on.
Mr. Wood turned his lights on again
as she did. He turned to the west
tilde ot the road, and then turned
to tho east sldo, and ran diagonally
across the road striking the back
part of the front fender ot tho Mc
Kenslo car which we were driving,
and going on Into the barrow ditch
behind our car, on tbeenst side of
the road. After Mr. Wood was over
the tracks my daughter started on.
It she had not started up Just as
she did, Mr, Wood's car would have
hit the front of our car, and would
have probably caused a serious
wreck. He never bit the wheel at
all or knocked off the hub cap.
Mlddlo Western Men To Como Hero
September 110 Instead of This
Week A Fow May Como Now
Hut Many Moro Intcr
Portland, Ore., July 18, (Special)
Following tho recent announcoraout
that tho dato ot tho Bottlers' excur
sion from tho mlddlo west tp O'ro-
gon had boon postponed from July
10th to Sdptombor 20th .upon ro
quest of lnrgo numbers ot homo
saokors who ura uuablo to mako
the trip until utter harvest, tho Ore
gon Stuto Chnmbor of Commorca is
'making complcto preparations for
tho Sop torn tor trip, uccordltig to an
nouncement today.
Commercial cltlbs of tho stato
havo boon urgod to complcto tho
listing bf available latfds lu each
community 'for tho Information of
tho settlers' and these listed lands
will be placed In tho 'hands of each
member of tho, party, according to
Socretary Qiinylo. . Ju this way, tho
hoincsookor will know lu advanco
tho prlco and description of actual
tracts ot land In each district in tho
'George Quaylo, genoral sacrolary
of tho Stato Chamber, loft today on
a tour of tho Stata for tho purposo
ot securing roprcsontattves of var
ious districts who will assist tho
BUto Chnmbor representative In tbo
Mlddlo West In tbo work bt lining
up prospoctlvo sottlors,
A long tologram from Omaha, re
questing additional lltorajuro on
Oregon for distribution among pros
poctlvo Bottlers, ttatod that a huge
numbor ot homoiookprs aro prepar
ing to como to Orogou In September
uftor harvest Is oyer.
'. Umoett.'.July-JlHh;
at tho homo ot Mrs. Qoorgu Lyles,
Mrs. Clnronco H. Poorman ontor
taluod tho mombors ot tho Ilobokah
Club with a lawn party,
Attor tho buslnoss mooting, dainty
refreshments woro served. Thoro
woro olovon mombors prosont and a
vory pleasant aftornoou was spoilt
by all.
Harney county routs will
Act of InKt legislature in Vesting
Titlo to Lnko I'M imd Hlioro
Innds in btnto to bo Discussed
lly Scuutor VM ami Other
Tho Ilurim Tlmos-Horuld ot last
week contained the following story
which Is ot Intorost to all thoso
Who havo followod tho controversy
over tho ownership ot Malbour
Hon. Charles W. Ellis has Issued
a publlo notlco calling attention to
a mooting to be held In this city on
next Thursday morning at 10 o'clock
In tho Commercial club rooms to
discuss tho Mainour Lake Dill.
It will be romembered that tho
last leglslaturo passed a bill estab
lishing tho ownership of the lako In
tho state, but It was thou agreed
that settlers adjoining the lake
should be hoard and tholr rospoctlvo
riparian rights considered, also that
thoso owning lands bordering the
lake should havo certain privileges
In preference to othors.
A committee representing tho
State Land Doard, the Attorney
General and the Stato Engineer will
be present, possibly among tho rep
resentatives being Geo. D. Urown,
former Attornoy General of this
state and Porcy Cupper, state En
gineer. This meeting will be largely at
tended as It Is, understood some
changes In the law are to bo re
commended. Mrs. J. M. Patterson and Mr. and
Mrs. Haw left Tuesday for New
Meadows and Payette Lakes for a
two weoks outing.
Jean McCoy and family expect to
leave Sunday for Hillsborough, Ore
gon to spend their vacation with
Lee McCoy and family.
"I am not personally acquainted
with Mr. Wood, but will leave It to
hit neighbors as to which Version of
the accident I the correct oae,"
Tho mooting of tho American
Legion Monday ovonlng will bo
ono of tho most Important hold
horo In bo mo tlmo. Thoro aro
many Important mattors of bus
lnoss to bo considered concern
ing which every mombor Bhould
bo conversant.
Tho dologntoB of tho Stato
Convention will prosont tholr
roportH and tho rocommendn
tloiiH ot tho Btnto gathortng.
Qcsldo thin thoro will bo a regu
lar smoker program with coot
drinks taking tho placo ot tho
usual "coffoo and."
Tho momhers of tho post teol
olatcd oVor thp recognition ot
Ontario Post at tho Stato Con
vention whon Earl Dlackaby ono
of tho local dolcgatos waB olec
tad to hu a delcgato to tho
national convention to bo held
In Kansas City In Scptombcr.
Only thrco dolcgatos wero olec
ted whoso oxponBos aro to bo
paid by tho stato body and Mr,
Illackaby Is ono of thorn,
Miss Hull Mote Utlo Shop ami
Will Add Departments Oolden
Hull) Henovnfes Space To In-
rroKO Hales Doom Third
, Faith In tho continued prosperity
of this region Is botug maultostod by
two Ontario firms who nro onlarglng
tholr floor spuco for business pur
Miss Goorgla Hull was engaged
this wook In moving tho Stylo Shop
from Its old location in tho Cartur
Hotel block to now quartors In tho
Wilton building opposlto tbo post
office. The enlargomont ot quar
ters makes possible thu addition ot
a Bftby Stoop,'; and, next month a
-ucauiy parior win no auueu to tno
departments ot tho storo.
This wook, too, soea a crow of mon
ojigagod nt Golden Kulo In remov
ing tho potltlon In tho back ot tho
ground floor so that alt tho spaco
In what has been tho stock und
shipping room Is now nvallablo for
salos space.
Tho basomont ot tho storo Is bolng
propared for use as tho stock room
nud shipping room. Dy this change
ono third inor floor space Is provid
ed for tho sales room.
E. I). Couklln returned Friday
from a ten days trip to Dakor
Huntington aud othor points.
Mr. and Mrs. Shorry Johnson of
noar Nyssa spent Saturday In Ontar
io. Sam Soolye was a Vale visitor
George Maddux loft Thursday for
Ironside after spendlug sovoral days
hore visiting relatives and friends,
Ed Itoso nud family loft Sunday
for a week's outing near Pnyotto
Lakos. Thoy wero nccompanlod by
Ida IJndsey and son Claronco.
Mrs, W. W. Itoso was down from
aiouiiA Forry Tuesday visiting
friends and looking after business
Emmett Boy Released From Box Car
I wo Days Without Food or Water
Weak from lack ot food, with
his tongue so thick from thirst
that ho could not speak for nearly
an hour following his release, David
Itussoll, aged H of Emmett) Idaho
was found In a box car hero Mon
day afternoon by Dudo Huthorford,
at the freight depot whon he went
to locate a shipment of lumber. Tho
young man was cared for 'at the
Huthorford homo Monday night and
sont to his home Tuesday,
The little chap could hardly ex
press his grdtltudo to tho frlondly
folks here who ministered to his
relief when ho was found Marshal
Farmer communicated with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D O Itussoll
of Emmett aud they arrangod for
his faro from Frultland to Emmett.
To tho Argus tho boy told tho fol
lowing story of his experience:
"Funny Paper ItcMponslble"
"I bad just eaten my lunch at
the mill at Emmett and was going
to take a swim but decided to wait
a while and crawled Into the box
car to road the funny paper. That
was Saturday afternoon. As I was
reading along cams the switch ea
gluo and humped tho car. The
W. T. Sherman Q. A. It. Post No.
ill Stago Successful Picnic At
Ontario, Wednesday,
July SOtli
Tho W. T. Sherman, G. A. It. PobI
No. 31 and tho Itallot Corps of Pay
otto, Idaho enmo ovor to Ontario,
Wednesday, July 20th whoro they
woro Joined by tho Ontario mombers'
und staged a wondorfully successful
picnic on tho lawn at tho homo of
Mrs. Henrietta Payno. About fifty
pooplo woro present. Tho Payette
pooplo brought lots ot good things
to cat nnd tho Ontario Ladles fur
nished tho cotfeo. A delicious p Io
nic lunchoon was sorved at noon.
Mr. Nawlan of Payette gave thanks.
Attor lunch a buslnoss mooting
was hold and tho Near East Ilellef
Committee plnnnod a campaign for
gathorlng old clothCB for the refu
ges. August 3rd has bebn set as
Finish Up Day, nt which tlmo the V.
M. C. A. building at Payette will
sorvo as headquarters.
Cars will bo sont out for gather
lug In bundlos of old clothes. Mrs.
W. E. Loos will tako charge ot this
work in Ontario on that day.
Tho Commutes appointed were:
Publicity commlttoo, Mrs. Mary
Kostonbator, Chntrman and Mr
Rhodes ot Payette, and Mrs. JfenrN
otta Payne, Ontario; Soliciting com
mlttoo, Mrs. E, D. Dorothy, chair
man, Mrs, Iloblnaon, Mrs. Wherry,
Mrs. Storm, of Payette, and Mrs. W.
E, Lees and Mrs. J. Uorvln of On
tario, Thoso ladlos plan (o gather
as many old cldlhos as possible dar
ing Chautauqua. Finance committee,
Mrs. J. P. Walker and Mrs. White
ot Payette, and Mrs, J, Berrla t
Ontario. These ladles plan for a
Tag Day at Payette during Chau
tauqua, to raise money, to ship t he
clothes to Seattle. From Seattle a
Steam. Ship, Line'wltUketbem te
Constonttnoplo freo ot charge, and
thoy will then bo distributed to the
Attor tho Duslnoss mooting Mr.
Nowlnn of Payette gave a vory Inter
esting talk followod by Miss Zola
Davis ot Payette who gavo a boautl
fut reading, and O. L. King who al
so gavo a roadlng. Mr. McGregor,
Ed. Derry, Undo Tommlo Barton
and Undo Dick Ruthorford told ot
some of tholr war oxporlences. Uu
clo Dick said ho was whoro tbo bui
lds woro tho thickest, "Under tho
ammunition wagon."
Evory ono votod It ft vory success
ful mooting and agrood that a royal
good tlmo was had by all.
Among thoso prosont wore: O. L.
King, Commandor, aud Mrs. King,
B. D. Dorothy, Adjutant, and Mrs.
Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. II. I), Newlon,
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Coloman, Mr
and Mrs. J. M. Tumor, A. I. Mc
Clalmkan, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Worth,
Qwtiti Hamp, and A. Cullon ot Pay
otte, and Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mc
Gregor, Ed. Derry, It. S. Uutherford,
T. D. Darton, Mrs. Wolcfc, Mrs. W.
E, Loos, Mrs. Henrietta Payne and
Mrs. J. Dervln ot Ontario,
John Welsen of Salt Lake, Is here
visiting hlri sister Mrs, J, Phoney.
door slammod shut and tho brake
man locked It. I yelled and yolled
until I could not yell auy longer,
but no ono camo, Then tho train
pulled out, and It sooracd hours
afterward wo Btopped.
"Thoro was a slight crack la the
door and I could soo out. Wo
were In Payette. Two boys camo
near tbo car, and I trlod to yell to
thorn. My volco was weak, but I
think thoy heard me for they turn
od nud looked toward tho car, and
then ran away.
"Again I tried to yell, but no ono
camo. Hours afterward the train
started to move again and wo camo
ovor here to Ontario. I was weak
and tired, and went to lie down lu
tho back of tho car.
"Onco a brakeman came and open
ed tho door, Just a little bit and be
fore I could get to It ho bad It
closed again, and I was In, dlspalr
and was about to give up again
when Mr.. Huthorford opened the
door and found mo."
Despite his experience the little
chap was In good spirits attor ho
bad wator to drink and something
to eat.
' (