oMX J M THE ONTARIO AHQTJ8, ONAftlO, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1921 -r SIX MKATI0K3 MADE IN COUNTY FOR HU6. WATER Htuto Englncrr'a Officii ItcMrt Continued Application For Wider In Hlnti New Reservoirs To lie Jliillt During tho month of April, May and Juno, ono hundred twonty-flvo permits to opproprlato water, and nix pormlts to storo water woro Is oued by I'orcy A Cupper, Stnto .En gineer. These pormlta cover tho Ir rigation of a total area of 3873 acre of laud, tho construction of ono hundred fnrty-flvo miles of cnnnl lines, tho development of sovrnty-rivo horscpowor, and tho np proprlntlon of water for mining, domestic, municipal, nnd various other purposes, at an estimated coit of 90D2 1C8.00. Tho rosorvolrs arc expected to Rtoro 1008 acre foot of water, tho estimated construction coit amounting to, $12,326.00. ' Among tho mora Important per mltR Issued wore the two ncrmlt to tho Water Commission of Warren- j ton for tho appropriation of addi tional water from tho South Fork I or Lowls and Clark Hirer for a municipal water supply for tho City of Warrcnton, and surrounding towns; Tho permit to r 0. Murray, of Prlond, covering tho appropriation of water from Jordan Crcok for tho uso of tho City of Friend, In Wasco County. Tho two permits to thq Nordcn Frltt flyndlcato, of Holland Oregon, covering tho appropriation of water from Buckor Crook and Its trlhu tarles for tho development of power and for hydraulic mining. Tho pormlt to J. It. Hnrvoy, of Grants Pars, for tho appropriation of water from South Fork Onllco Creek for hydraulic mining pur poici. And tho pormlt to the Portland, Eugene, and Coos Hay Land Com pany, of Cooston, covering tho ap propriation of water from tho sever al branches of Wlllancho Crook for municipal water supply for Crawford Point, In Coos County. In Mainour County tho following permits havo been Issuod' To A. W Mamllton, and K. P. Marquor of Wolior, Idaho, covorlug the appropriation of waste' wntor from tho Malheur District Improve ment Compnny ditches, for Irriga tion of sixty ncres In Oregon. To II, V. Watsou of Wolser, cover ing tho appropriation or wntor from tho Malheur District Improvement Company ditches for Irrigation of twenty acres, To Charles Decker, of covering tho construction Decker Reservoir for tho storage of 160 acre feet of water from North Fork of Indian Creek, to bo used In tho Irrigation of four hunrirod acres. Tho estimated cost of con struction of tho Reservoir nnd dis tribution system Is $.1600.00. To C C. Morton, of Welsor, Ida ho covering the appropriation of water from Mormon Dasln Creek for placer mining purposes, In Malheur County, Oregon. This water system Is estimated to cost $1,000.00. To Frank Dennett, of Drogan, Oregon, covering the appropriation of water from Dasln Crook for Irri gation of fifty acres. Undor this permit It Is proposed to construct approximately four and a Unlf miles or canal, at' n cost of about $300,00 To Candida Aboltlz of McDcrtnltt. covering tho appropriation of water from Fish Crcok for Irrigation of ono hundred eight acres In Malheur County, considered In rovlsed taxes T TO Westfall, bonus bill could bo or the (connection with. tho nnd so drawn as'to meet the finan cial conditions which the new tax bill will ctcato. I'lnn I Approved " Senator McNary assured tho presi dent of his suppor for this program, nnd It Is belloved that a largo ma jority of tho senato will follow the suggestion of tho president. Iteprcsentatlvo McArthur had a conferenco with Iteprcsentatlvo Dar row, leader of tho congregational delegation from Philadelphia and a tuombor of tho steering commltteo of tho house, this afternoon, and was assured thai nona of tho Philadel phia membors would block action on tho Portland fair bill, and, in fact, would support It. Hearing Is Hot Chalrmnn Porter of the house for eign affairs commlttoo set a hearing for the bill for either Monday or Tuesday and promised to get It to n vote Immediately after tho tariff voto on July 21. Hrimtor Mr .Vary AsniiiimI Favorable Action Will Do Taken An Soon An Devolution Itriirhrft Executive Tologram Washington Durcati WABHINOTON. July 12 Presi dent Harding will sign tho resolu tion for tho Portland exposition In 1 025 as soon ns It reaches him. This ho m a do perfectly clear to Senator McNary nt tho capltol. Tho president surprised everyone by an announcement visit to the capltol and mot a number of sena tors at lunch, Including Senator Mc Nary. When tho president went to his room Just off tho senate chamber ho asked Sonntor McNary to go with him and ho then told him that no plans for a Philadelphia oxposltlon would Intorforo linny way with the Portland exposition. WnnlH Wpt to Grow Ho roltorated that ho was eager to soo tho West succeed and pros por nnd that ho would bo glad when tho resolution en mo to him for ap proval. President Harding came to the capltol primarily to have thn'bonus hill, now boforo tho sonato recom mitted to tho sonata finance com mltteo to bo hold thero until after tho ravlslon of the Internal taxes had been accomplished and then the DIRECTORY OF ONTARIO'S BUSINESS FIRMS ARCADIA NEWS NOTES Klbert Dutlor and family woro vlsltlpg at tho Denall home Tuesday evening. Clyde Iongwent to Ontario Wed nesday to consult n doctor. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall and Mrs. Fred Young woro vlsltlng at C, W. Durrett's Tuesday evening. I Jim Fleming and wife loft for California Friday morning. Mrs. Florence Jensen has bcon strk for tho past week Frank Kd wards and family woro visiting nt Klbert Dutlors Thursday evonlng. Thomas Claggctt took dinner at Kd. Wolfs Thursday. Until Uarrnlt Is visiting In Nampa. ONTAIUO HOTKtJI Tease lagging appetites with this tempting Baked Custard Always smooth and velvety made with Carnation 2 eggs, beaten light, 3 tablespoon fills sugar, grated nutmeg, I cup of Carnation Milk diluted with I cup of water. Mix together nnd pour into buttered pan and grate nutmeg over the top, Set in a larger pan of boiling water, nnd bake In & moderate oven. Insert a clean knife blade, and when it cornea out clean the custard is done. Watch It closely to avoid cooking too much. 5an4 for Carnation Cook Book containing 100 practical latlad raclpaa. Carnation Milk Product! Co., 806 3, Oth St., Bolia. llrcauie Carna tion Milk it twice ai rich at ordi nary milk, it give cuttardi, pud ding and all food a finer fla vor ami added tmoolhntii. Uie Carnation in any recipe calling for 1 cup milk' l(j cup Carnation di luted with Y cup xcaler. .Ill (Iroctn Hill Carnation Milk "from ConltnltJ Coki" Following are somo or those reg istered nt Ontario hotels the past week: CARTER; John Qardner, Jtin- tnra: W, J. Hetula, Juntura; Mrs. A. Olatton, Dolllngham. Wash.; John Kvans Drewsey; Luo Kmorson, Har per: Joe Crato, Drewsey; Sam Wnl don, letha: Manford Walden, Lothn; It. K. Foster, Homodale; Hona Thurston, Caldwell; II. T. McCarty, Pocatollo; Frank Thomp son Glenn Ferry: Win. Itoss, Ourna: K. Mnshos, Nampa; Harold Hallton, Wolser; Frank Cawfleld, Harper; flhlrloy Scargons, Jordan Valley: Mr. and Mrs. J. II. lloso, Dakerflold Calif.; Mrs. K. Watson, Homedalo; (Hen Stover Seattle: K. E. Mllllron, Seattle; I.. J. Flcklln, Boattlo; Win. Conley, Westfall: n. M. McFarland, Pocatollo. C. T. Ollvor Pocatrllo; B. E. McDonald, Nyssa; Alex Murray Plpo Lino; W. A. Hlley, Homedale: Wallace Lynch, Nyssa; Mrs. Dabel Tliroo, Dskcr: E. II, Troy. Dotso. MOOIIB: M. J. O'Tolle. M. M. Jo)co, Martin Joyce 'Juntura: John Conway, Drewsey; A. It. Ground, Dolso; l 11. Htowart, wnsiiau; iwf oil Northrop, Caldwell: J. P. Iifgen thron. Huntington; C. Hoyal Coch ran, W. W. Yancey Vale; M. Clark, Nyssa: I.lnlo Turner. Htversldo; Mra. Angle Lawrenco, Pralrlo City: B. J. Johnson, linker; Mrs. Carl C Urlfflth, Durnn: Kthel Thompson, Crane: K. C. Derry. T J O'Keofo. F. II. Edwards Dolso, C. I. Forbes, I (Irande: G. Tenson, Emmett; J S, McCumsey, Durnsj M. Ilus, Cald well: Mrs. It A. Lonch. Portland; D. I). Joslyn, Jordan Vallevj Oeo Doonstrade, Nnmpa, K, N. Nuwinan. B. E. Maeken, C. K. Dalrd D. M. Coctrlll. J. O. Dodson. Phil' Drown well. Dakor; D D Jefferson, (loo, Flock, C. O. Mattcnson, C. S. 8mlth, a. F. Redman J. D. Anderson, C, D, Held. (Den Watson.. II. T. Wat son, Dolse: J. W. Roberts. Fruit land; O. M. Acton, Juntura: B. Doyor Parma; H. P Kolly. Nyssa: II. M. Phelps, Jamleson M. II. Huff, Vale: Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Archer. Dolso; Donald McLeod, Harner: J. II. Davis, Payette; James Gleason, Horace Sykes. Salem; D. C. Ken nedy, Nampa: II. O. Harrison, Spo kane: W. F, Links, Caldwell; Thos. Mundy, Hurley. These Men and JJirms will serve your very needs promptly. Call upon 6rwrite to any of those who are listed below when in need of anything in their Respective lines. They are reliable: ' . RANKS FIR8T NATIONAL DANK Capital and Surplus $100,000 "A Good Dank In A Good Country" HOTELS CARTER HOTEL Whoro Stockmen Meet ' Next Ontario National Dank Now Management. ONTARIO NATIONAL DANK TJ)o Oldest Dank In Malheur County "Sorvlco that Borvos" Capital and 8urplus $100,000; DRUGS AND SUNDRIES ONTARIO PHARMACY O. M, Castleman, Prop. Prescription Specialist Victor Phonographs Roxall Remedies Eastman Kodaks CANDY CIGARS Wo THE SUOAR DOWL Make Our Own Ice Cream tiLKOTHIG HUI'PMKH ONTARIO ELECTRIC CO. Electrical Appliances and Wiring ClilCANKltH We will Cloan and Dyo tor You at the ONTARIO PRES8ARY HARDWARE MCNULTY HARDWARE CO. Satisfaction Guaranteed - HOTEL WILSON Tho "Homey" Hotol of Malheur County. Good Meals '40c OPTOMIin KI8T DR. J. A. MG FALL Eyesight Specialist Eyo Glasses and Spectacles MILLINERY U Distinction In Clothing And Millinery Is-tho Mark or Those Who l'atronlto THE STYLE SHOP MOHIMS MILLINERY & NOVELTY SHOP Palmyro Waists Womon'a Suits And Sport Clothes OBDORN MILLINERY Noll O. Dodford, Prop. The Only Excluslvo Millinery Storo This Sldo of Salt Lake !dH8 DLANCHE C. ANDERSON Hemstitching 10c por yard Phone 42-W P. O. Dox CI 6 liAKllltfGS PURITY OAKERY Ernest Darcus, Prop. All Kinds of Droads, Cakes and Pastry RESTAURANTS Good Eats at Reasonablo Prices Quick Sorvlco CLUD CAFE UAHAUKH AND AUTO SUPPLIES 'SERVICE TIRE &. UATTKRY CO. Auto Tiro Dattery Ropalrlng ' " GROCERIES " r TilE CASH GROCERY ,rGood Things to Eat" THE INDEPENDENT MARKET Phones C and 135 If Its Oood To Eat Wo Have It If Il'a Farm Produce We Du It ONTARIO MEAT &. GROCERY CO. The Home of Good Eats and Low Prices Phones 3 and 131 DEPARTMENT STORES ym kiunu vw 3 teats Every Day a Dargaln Day Dependable Morchandlso "Not tho Cheapest. Dut tho Dest" RADER DROS. . THE HUD Ono of 40 8tores Will. Save You Real Money B. A. Hardware "ilTWH-LTiHir FRA8ER and Groceries "TfOTlONTT TAOGART IIARDWARK CO. Malheur County's Largest Hardware Storo TROXELL IMPLEMENT CO. Farm Operating Equipment McCornilck, Dcerlng and P. A O. H. R. UDICK Plumbing and Heating Domestic Water Systoms 1IYRON TURNER Blgns V.W. 7aIWDEN General Repair and Machine Work VARIETY STORE More than a thousand Articles for tho homo T"0TiJlTUitH" ONTARIO FURNITURE CO. Undertaker- Kmbaliiicrs DLACKADY JEWELRY STORE Home of "Qlfta that Ust" HENRY MILLER Watchmaker, Jewelry Our Motte: Honesty First ONTARIO REAL ESTATE CO. Farm Land City Property Insurance A Rental MO DOWELL FURNITURE CO. vFurnlturo Hardware There Are Always Dargalns At Our Storo B. PARRISH Now and Second Hand Furniture Across from Doyer Dros. Store "STAUiTisiinir OEO. W. WAYT I Farm Machinery and Equipment Jotp Deere Lino Mollne Tractors ml ONTARIO fkMw f OWEGON J fP Department Store MCNARY LED FIGHT TO KEEP SENATE AT WORK Aided by Senator Nov and Support' sl by Mrmbers of AKrlcullurul Dior, Adjouramriit U Dctttcu Telegram Washington Dureau WASHINGTON, July 0. Senator MeNary led tho fight to prevent the senate from recessing for practically u month. He and Senator New are of the opinion that thoro should Iw continuous sessions until some of Is finished. Sonator McNary rounded up a lot of Western recruits, and members of the agricultural bloc, and the Lodge resolution to adjourn was defeated a to z. ine prospects are now that the senato will romaln In ses sion, and put through somo legisla tion Immedlattely, rather than wait till fall, The real plan of the lead era waa to rocess for a month, and then If tho turlff bill, was not ready to rocess till September 1. LOCAL PERSONALS Mr, nnd Mrs. Streeter Stroup ot Washo visited at the home ot their parents, Mr, and Mrs, Jacob Stroup riunuay juiy iu, the legislation pledged by the party from a weeka .stopping In Poca,tello, on her way home. Col. Wllmer Taylor who has boon suffering from rhoumatlsm for some tlma,.ls again ablo to be down town. Mr and Mrs. 8. M, Drown of the Idaho Powor Co., are the, proud parents ot a 10 pound son, born Monday, July 11. Tho Congregational Ladles Aid mot at the homo ot Mra. Helen Clemont, Wednesday, July 6. A very pleasant afternoon was spent by all. Mra. Ferguson of the Ontario Itollor Flour Mills Invited the ladles to go through the mill and see It In operation, Each lady received a small sack of flour to try out. The ladles report some yery good bread tnado .from Malheur county flour. Mrs. Harry Wagoner of Vale Mra. J. Flngler returned Saturday spent Friday July- 6, visiting at the Lake, ' home of Mrs. f. A, Draper j r 'tgj X IMPOUNDING NOTICE i Notice Is hereby given that, In ' pursuance ot Ordinance No. 235, of the City of Ontario, I have taken up , anu impounueu me touowing ins cribed animals round running at largo within tho corporate limits of the City ot Ontario, In Malheur County State ot Oregon, to-wlt: Sorrel mare, weight about 1400 lbs, branded thus loft shoulder, scar left hip, star In forehead. Dlack maro, wgt. about 1150 lbs. branded N left hip white strip In face. Two year old sorrel gelding, WE WELCOME . THE ACCOUNTS OF WOMEN o nnd povdially invito their banking business, offering thorn overy safeguard, facility and eonvonionco of a strong, well regulated bank. branded u u loft stifle. I Ontamgnai Bank ZSZ OLDEST BANK IN I VVATlTrr IIlltXTDVi'Mn uirnnnn ,-i.rvlmTmi n Jiuin a, jiii jz r-:v i'ivliiicujc .JvriAiMUa Dlack two year old gelding, brand- led w . left stifle, star In forehead. : Grey mare, weight about 1400 lbs. branded JI left shoulder, wire cut right front leg. and that I will on the 16th day-of July, 1931 at the hour of three o'clock P. M., or said day otter for sale and will Bell above described animals at publlo action to the high est bidder, for' coBh In hand, at The Eagle Livery In Bald City of Ontario. Taken up this 4th day ot July, 1921. Posted this 6th day ot July, 1921. II. C. FARMER City Marshal. FOR SALE At bargain. New Remington Typewriter, Model No. It. See F. J, Ciemo at Depot Ex press Off tea. ' visu in tmil i fcf MODERN ,aflBrSliaK W4 CRANKCASE ffSfP3f I CLEANING Kw . i service i mm f mtmckm a uuM.ruwwfftuu. tap .- L ZErVOlEHE f should your cronkcose CLEANED? Automobile manufacturers carefully recommend, in their Booka of Instruction, reulr dralntng and deanlns! of the crankcaie. This ia nacasaary because engine operation causaa road dust, carbon, fine mttal particlea and other impurities to accumulate in your crank case oil. ?M gritty oil circulates through your engine, impairs its per formance and uHknately leads to rapid depreciation and repairs. To mt tbU nl, Modio Craitkcas and decs B Impair tha tubrkatlaf FOR SALE 1920 6 Passenger Duick 'with extras, In first class condition. Paul Cayou. r, Classing 8rvka has btaa MtabtUhad by Arst-claM garag and otatr dsalsrs, co opf Ung wlU) tha Sundard Oil Company, Thaaa garag as and daaltrs osa Calol Pluah log OH, tha acUnUAc agant that daans eulold oU,(Urt, gilt and olfcr ImpuiltUa, clancy ef iraafe oH uaad. Tha cltaaad cfaak casa U raAHad Vlth Xht cerraal gnda of Zarelana, Look for da garaga or daalwaiisliiylag tha sign ahown abovt, it maaas "SHt oprti md loajtr eiimm Jit." S FOR SALE At les than cost, a new bungalow with all modern con veniences, located just north of laundry, For appointment cal O I A. Krats. STANDARD CML COMPANJT (CaWWalt) SBBBBa9sBBBBBBBBtBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBP 4 i i Mk'XM