, s I h THE ONTARIO AKGtJS, ONTAUIO, m?iMw. ''fTTIIiSPAY, JULY 14, 1921 POULTRY HEN EVIDENTLY NOT GREATLY INTERESTED (Niunfy Agent (lives Cnudld Hlnlo Orgnnlzc Poultry Growers Into Marketing Orgnnlratlon I- In the following lattpr L. It. 'Hrclthuupt, county agent, thin week told the poultry rimers of tho coun ty tho result)) of tho otfort to effect a branch of the Pacific Poultry As soclntlon In Mnlhour and ndjulnlng counties. Thin Is what he had to say: "As several of tho poultrymou have, nskod about what was dono at the nicotine held recently to consider markotlng organization 1 nm going IRONSIDE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. W. It. IOfton nud daughters, Mrs. Hort Luwronce uud Mrs. Alva Lawrence of Unity went to linker to colobrnto the 4th. Mr. and Mrs. II. (V Kims und Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Kilns celebrated the 4th In linker. Mr. and Mrs. It. M. Corlllo of On tarlo visited with Mr. and Mrs. II. C. KIiub Sunday and went on to linker Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nichols went to Wolser to spend the 4th with rolutlvcH, A royal good time wns reported. K. J. Ileum and family went U Nyssn and Vulo for the 4th celebra tion. A. M. outFqACMFWYPETAOI TT A number of Ironside people met at tho homo of Frod Lawreucu uud hnd a picnic on tho lawn Sunday. joiiii smith aim family of tlrogun to bo no Interest as judged by atten danco at tho meeting. I think the reader cannot but pardon a plain statement of tho cane to date. "Owing to tho numerous com plaints which have been voiced about tho prlco of eggs and tho apparent dcslra for bottor marketing facilities I took It upon myself to got u. I.. Upson here, during fnrmors' week. last winter to. toll about tho Pacific Poultry Producers' Association, a purely cooperative marketing organi zation of poultrymondolng business In western Oregon and Washington. Ills address aroused n good dcnl of Intorest and at least one of our poul trymeii Joined tho association. Tills man shipped oggs all spring and summer to tho association tit Port land. HY KXPIIK88 AT A COST OF SIX CENT8 PER DOZEN, and mnde It pay. Tho association charges two cents per dozen for handling and markotlng tho eggs, nsldo from trans portation. This made his totnl cost eight cents por dozen, and still It paid because of tho superior murketlng facilities of tho association. Hut If tho six cents express or most of It could hnvo hooij eliminated It would have paid much butter. "About two months ago the people over In Idaho also got wrought up about tho prlco thoy were gutting for eggs and tho county agents wero led to believe that tho poultrymen want ted somo help along thoso linos. A mooting was called In Ilolso, which was attended by enough poultrymen to rorm a prolty good association Thoy cntno from several counties. Malheur being roprosoulod well. I took tho troublo to set Mr. Unson to this mooting also, and took our mar keting specialist over to help out. A commlttco representing each of six cnuntlos In tho Hnako Illvor Valley was appointed and n scries of meet ings wero hold to ascertain the son tlmont of tho peoplo, and two or thrco mootlngs wore hold at Caldwell tho whola requiring considerable tlnio and oxpanso. "All of this time enthusiasm run high among tho poultrymen so thnt the committee decided to schedule a sorles of county mootlngs nud Import Mr, Upson for a week In ordor that ho might explain his association to all of tho poultrymen. with tho Idea In mind that a branch of the Pacific Association would bo formed bore with sufficient voluino of business to Justify local candling and assembling plant, thus doing away with most of the six cents oxpress I roferred tn earlier In this letter "At no little troublo uud expense thoso mootlngs wero hold. Most of them turned nut about like tho Mnl hour county mcctlngwhero there wero less than ten per tout of tho poultrymen present and itiost of thoso wore already familiar with the association from having heard Mr. Upson last winter. Tho result was Indeed disappointing not thnt It makes so much difference whethor there Is an association or not, except to tho poultrymou thomsolvcH but It has caused thoso who huvn spout so much tlmo trying to do what tho poultrymou scorned to want, to Inso faith In trying to do unythlg to hot ter conditions whatever. to assume thnt It would be of Interest Ir . d Mrs C S mill. v, to tho poultrymen of tho county In ""'! MJ-' " '' fj "L ,i th f Vule general, oven though thero seemed woff "u. "l" r" " fe.. ..... a.u.v. ...... w. ..unit., nun uu Ironside visitor Wednesday tnklng back a team of horses. 0. A. Turenmufh 1IT3DIIAUO4440 Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Turemnu, Jody Lawroncc, and Herman Hose return ed homo from linkor Tuesday. Mr. Styles of Vale Is In this vicin ity nud will work for Fred I.nw- renco through haying, Mr. Sullivan of Ontnrlo who has been visiting Carol Locoy tha nasi couplo of weeks will stack hay fori W. 11. Lofton. Archie Davls'of Portland came up to make final proof on his home stead near Ironside. II. C. Kims went to Ilaker Satur day on business. Mr. and Mrs. James returned homo from Unity Wednesday after a couplo of weeks visit with rela tives Ironside farmers nro all haying. Crops nro flno. Miss Dottle Loroy Is visiting rein tlves and friends In Ontario. Mr, and Mrs. J. P. Smith return ed homo from Hrngan and Valu Frb day where thoy attended tho Chau tauqua. Ivan and lloscoo Welch from Mal heur river aro working for Fred The l.ndles Improvement Club mqt with Mrs. Bullous last Thursday afternoon. The annual election of officers took place. Mrs. Touillu was re-elected president, Mrs, Jonns Drown vlco-presldenl, Mrs. HarrV Lnttlg Secrotnry-teasurcr, nnd Mrs. Otto Miller Club Correspondent. The roports of tho various commit tees wore given nnd cummlttoo ap pointed to work out program for tho coming year Meetings will bo discontinued until fall. Mrs. Sulleus served dainty refreshments of Ice cream nnd cako. POTATO GROWERS HAVE BIG CROP TO MARKET County Will Piodiiro Hundred Tlmunnd Hacks of Spuds Tills Yeiii" Nently all Must He Shipped In the following letter to the po tato growers of the county I.. It. llrelthaupt. County agent, sots forth the general expansion of that crop this year and urges Immediate pre paration for proper digging and handling of tho crop, Ills letter wns as follews: "It seems to mo thnt tho potato growers of Mnlhour county should tnko note of two things nl this tlmo. (1) Thnt tho old days of tho potato FOIt SALE Chovrolot touring car l'l! model In good condition 300 . Somo terms. Sco It at tho game, when thero wero so fow spuds I VnrA flnrnco. Phono 1G1-J. P. O. 11. Mollne Karma '. '" Mnlhour i .,.! f.. in! - nml Iinurovoniculs in Hrognn nnd Jnmleson; nlso 28 tracts nnd Int nt Hrognn nml Jnmleson sold under contract to various pur chasers. Juno 27, 1921. 11.00. Malheur Lnnd Co to 0. J. Mbro -helmor, AH South and West of II H. Ill i SV'!j Sec. 4-10-13. June 6, 1921. Moiliio Farms Co. to O. J- MK helmor, 10 ncres In SWUNEVi See 30.16.43. July 1, 1921. $1.00 Chin. L. Thompson ot ' Thompson. H W U NB U , S U NW NK'i Se 20-19-40. July 7, 1921 $10.00. . . .,. f. May M. Plniioy ot vlr to Chas. ( . Carter, I-ots 10, 17, 18. 19 and 20, Hlock 134, Ontnrlo, Mny 26, 1921. lir.nnn. W. F. Donne to Winn. C. Carter, Lots 1 to 10, Incluslvo. In Mock 1J4, Ontario, Mny 10. 1921 ffiOO.OO m.hhi.(Ji: licenses ishii-:d lU'ltlNd week Hay II llansbrough nnd lllnnchi' Dnysnn. July 8, 1021. LOST! CO.MPUUNTtf Fll.i: IN Cl'HCCIT COURT DimiNH WEEK Hay Ohmart vs. Desert Sheep Co. ot al, July C, 1921. Damages. $!. 460.00 Francis M. llusscn vs. Geo. h. Ilnsscn, July 5, 1921. Divorce. Tlnee Hundred and. Forty Dollars A man paid Throe Hundred and Fifty Dollars for a Diamond, It turned out to bo a white saphire. valued at ten dollars. If he had bought it from Henry. Miller, he would still have full value for his money. He is an EXPERT and does not rob anyone. Give him a trial ordor. HENRY MILLER ONTAniO, OHEflON grown that tho homo demand goner ally oxcocded tho supply, nro gono, (2) Thnt tho stntlstlcs on prices show that tho highest priced pota toes nro thoso sold In August nut Infallibly, but on tho nvcrugo. "With regard to point 1, thero will bo harvested In this county from commercial fields 200 or mora car loads of potatoes this year. This means 60 to 75 thousand sacks. Tak ing Into consideration tho great mini- I her of patches less than an ncro In slzo, our potato crop mny bo 100 I thousand sucks. This Is somewhere around ten sacks for every mnn, wo I man nnd child In tho county. LO CAL DEMAND will not tnko caro of tho crop any longer A LA HUE IKAHT nl' TIIL' rwintt titu-r ni.-l w. .... iwg .'ii'n. ur 276, Ontario. u.tr. HKMBTITCHINO nnd Plcotlng nt tuchmcnls, 12.00. Huttonholo at tachments $9.8G. Fits any Sewing Mnchlno. Personnl checks 10c ox trn. Lights Mall Ordor House. Ilnx 27, Ulrmlnghnm, Ala. 30-36 FOIt SALE 4 room plnstored house. P. O. Ilox 417. Lawrcnca In the hny Mold Miss Nora Iithrono returned home I ......... from Houlta where she sneiit the , "" 'e,u'. I fourth. A t0 l,nlnt - ( county huppens llnrold Ournoy, Carol Iicey, Mr, l0 bo ono of tho fow sections of tho Sulllvnn, and Orvlllo Nichols wont to country which can put potatoes on linker tho fourth. l,, ninrkijl In August. Thero aro Mlllons Elms was nn Ironsldo vis- ?voru R00". reasons for doing It, Itor from Unity Wednesday. William Kims went to tho Huther ford lira, ranch near Mnlhour Thurs day for machinery for haying. OREGON SLOPE Mrs. Harry Foldschor nnd daugh ter Margaret spout sovorul days the past week nt tho Otto Miller homo. Tho Win. Vincent house und barn has been moved nud tho Hlghwny work Is moving on rapidly. Tho children of tho Park Sunday I right now If tho best results nro tn school had n picnic ut the Jonas I bo hud. That Is, some plans must urown noiuo nisi weuuosiiay uuor- no mniio so too crop can bo market- noon. Uumes uud u flno lunch wore Sou as soon as It Is ready. Some of for not only Is tho prlco best then us a rulo, but It saves ull tho storage and rohnndllng charges, shrinkage lossos, etc., brings In, early money to tho grower at a time he needs It most and It clears tho land In tlmo for full seeding. Ono thing, howover, must bo kopt In mind potatoes must bo handled right whon dug at this tlmo of yonr. Thoy must bo taken from tho flold quickly nnd placed on board refrigerator cars and thero must not bo undue deluy In tho loading of tho cars. "It ROOms to 1110 that It In thnii In begin getting roady to dig potatoes LUCKY Strike cigarette WoasteM UK-U PURE ARTIFICIAL grcntly enjoyed by nil Stella Newton planned, nud with tho help or others, carried out u very huppy surprlso for Mrs. Auulo- gntn nt tho latter's homo In PayoUt last i uosuny uiiornoou, mo occnsion being Mrs. Applegate's sixty-first birthday. Thoro wnro nbout thlry five presout Tho old neighbors nud friends from tho Slopo who attonil od wero MrH. Foldschor. Mrs. Chun- nor nud dnughtors, Huth nnd Ituby, Mrs. Ilolknap, Mrs. Sullens Mrs, Minimi nun iiuuy romuu. Mr. nud Mrs. N. 0. Sullens and Clarouco Sullens from nonr Vulo spout Sunday with tho CJeo. Sullens family. Mrs. Lias left Wednesday for an extended visit with hor dnughtor and little grunddaughtor who llvo near Seattle. Iee Drown accompanied a car load of cuttlo to Portland tho paBt week. Chas. und Jesslo Lias spent Sun day nt tho Lnugloy homo. SMILE And the world smiles with you tho growers nro going tocethor In uu i association to try to help themselves ' along thes linos and I have taken uu I Intorost In helping tho work along hoping thnt It would holp meet the situation. !lJmAtltm4s( I Will be at ice home between 2:30 and '.70 p. m. each day except Sunday All special orders myst be in the night before N.VINCENT. THE ICE MAN PHONE 173-R MAiiiiia'iicou.vrv hum, i4t.tk TILVNHl'KHH ItKCOltllKI) ! I Therefore, try and catch the Smiles of your family and friends, with a KODAK cWac an album of all your in to est ing snap shots, and it will give you many hours of pleasure KODAKS ABE NOT EXPENSIVE Let us shot!) them, We are sure you will be interested Ontario Pharmacy JUIiY a TO JULY I) Ooorgo Hador to John Wood 8W USBtt Sec. 19; WV4NBU. SK'i NKU. and 8KU Sec. 30-24-39 Juno 23. 1931. $1,280.00 W. H. Drooko et ux to U U Homos Lot 20, Block 2. TaylorB Add, to Nyssa, June 24, 1921. $40.00. Sheriff II. Leo Noe to J. A. Wesro 8W4. 8WU8BU 8ec. 16-15-44 Jan. 3, 1921. $S6.19. Doruthea Tschlrgl to J. T. Ixxtan, NYVHNWtf sec. 24: nnd 8 acres In SWU8WU 8ec. 13-16-42. April 16 1921. $13,000.00. Mnlhour Land Co. to 0. J. Mngen. helmor. BUNEtf Sec. 24-16-42: 8 WUNWtf oc, 19-16-43: Ixits 1 to 6, Hlock 4; Lots 1 to 8, Hlock 6; tm1.,..4 nl0Ck 8; L0U l ' 2, Hlock 13; Lts 1 t 16, Hlock 14; Lots 1 to 8, and 10 to 14, Hlock 26, all In town of Hrogan. Juno 30. 1921. $1.00. John F, Iteeco to Eueene F. I'm it WV4NBK, NBKNBK Sec. 22; 8W U8EU 8ec. 16-21-46, July 1 1921. L. W. Muttart et ux to L. A, Mut tart et al, 8 Sec. 4-17-46. July 5, "l. fl.VV. Chas. O. Wilson et ux tu C. W. delloor, Lots 13 and 14, Hlock 60, Oreens Add. to Nyssa, June 1, 1921 o.,U;,;,A-1. Archibald O, Mathews SHNW'4, 8V, WH8BM Sec. 22-14-41. May 19. 1921, U. 8. A. to Honry M. Rutherford. NYVKBBtt. NEUSWU. Lots 3 and 4, Sec. 7-13-40. Nor. 16 1920. a,M,ai?,u,r, L5nd Co- t0 " W. Smith, 8BUNWU See- 30-16-43. Juno 22 i 1921. $10.00. 'I Coramorce Mortgage Securities Co. to F. W. Sni th. RBUNWi! o.. 30-16-43. June 23. 1921. $1.00. u. a. a to Marlon E. MrPhorson. i 8WSWU See. 4j 8EUSBU Sec. 5: NBUmVU Sec. 9-14-40. Feb. 1, II. J. Oottmann to Ellne M. Ing valson, 8HNBU8WU i8ec. 23-31-41. June 13 1921. $1,00. Jay Tlotsort. Executor, to James M. Duncan, It 7. Sec 6-20-47, our, ll, 1919, 14,600.00, Isla Horren Oalces et vlr to Roy Daley, Lots 10, 11 12. nnd 13. Hlock 2. Hadleys 1st Add. to Vale Jan. 8. 1920. $1,800.00. U. S. A. to Dorothy Oleeman iuio, otnic,K aec. 1J-13-39: NW 8EU. NBUSWU, SEHNWK Lots 2 and 3, Sec. 18-13-40. Jan. 10 1921. --, ' U. 8. A. to Eva KnottlnKham. fiu. an, -. - .'. ' Eveiyfhind for OUALITy -nothing for show THAT'S OUR IDEA in mskine CAMELS tho Quality Cigarette. Why, just buy Camels and look at the packagel It's the best packing science has devised to kwp cigarettes fresh and full flavored for your taste, Heavy paper outside secure foil wrapping Inside and the revenue stamp over the end to seal the pack age and keep It air-tight. And note this I There's nothing flashy about tk camel package. No extra wrappings that do not improve the smoke. Not a cent of needless expense that must come out of the quality of the tobacco. Camels wonderful and exclusive Quality wins oa merit alone. Because, men smoke Camels who want the taste and fragrance of the finest tobaccos, expertly blended. Men smoke Camels for Ctfmels smooth, refreshing mildness and their freedom from ciga: retty aftertaste. Camels are made foremen who think for them selves. NBU. NHSEU, Sec. 33; SWUNW K. NWUSWtf See. 34-25-42; B SWtf Sec. 4-26-42. Nov. 11 1920 i A ,-t k n&nCI) PEamel KK R' J' REYN0LDS T0BACCO COMPANY, W,..t.a.Slu, N. Q J U. 8. A. to Mattle E. Knotting .mm, onMnt,Wl WMHii, SEW SBU. EH8WW Sec. 29: NNE Sec. 32-26-42, Nov. 18, 1920. !.