The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 14, 1921, Image 1

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It. V. Hlnnflehl Coiiipnny to Cotisol.
Jilnlu Offices Range To Ho Ro
xlocki'il nml Activities llroml-
ciM'il Siijh New Malinger
NO. 32
Ontario In to tin tlio general head
quortori of tlio II. N. Stuntlnld com
pany, In other words from thin city
la to bo directed tlio activities of tho
Inrxi'it nlicep compnny In tho Unltod
fltnlei In tho coumo of tho next
few weeks tlio brnnch offlco of tho
company which woro locitod In tho
Washington hotel nt Wolsor will bo
moved lioro as wan that at Stan
field, Oregon, recently.
"It Is tho purposo of tho company
In rc.iilJtiHt It buslnoss nnd Incronso
tho number of Ntock It now has on
lis range, said Frank Smyth, socro-tary-trrnnuror
of tlio R. N. Btnn-
field cuinpnny, who -camo hero re
cently from Ogden to take charge
nf tho company's affairs. Mr. Smyth,
prior to liM coming to Ontario war
i banker In Ogdon nnd linn had
years of experience In tho ntock
nuslnesn both an n producer nnd as
a communion man.
"Thero li not nonrly so much
itock on tlio rnngo today as thnro
wan tlireo yearn ago, nnd yet the
price are nt a low ebb. Wo aro to
ri wo belloro, at tho lowost obli.
Thro la a mlddlo ground which the
business occupies most of tho tlmo,
It U our purpono to proparo for
that tlmo, and to have enough stock
on the rnngo to mnko tho buslnoss
prosperous n wo bollovo It con bo
"From our offjeo hero In Ontario
ill of tlio properties of tho company
In Oregon, Washington, Idnho, Utah,
Wyoming nnd Colorado will bo di
rected. It Ir going to tako time with
our concorn, an with practically ovor
big concern that has felt tho offocts
of the slump In markets to got back
to the point whoro wo woro prior to
the war Hut In robulldlngJt Is our
purpono to build from tho ground
on a substantial basis.
"Wo feel that tho peoplo ronllze
that tho rocstnbllahmont of tho llvo,
itock business Is nbsolutoly ossontlnl
to the prosperity of this soctlon of
Oregon nnd Idaho, and only as tho
In enso of n flro tho pooplo
of tho city nro roquostod to
wnlt a fow minutes nftor tho
nlnrmboforo using their phonos
for any purposos, savo an
omorgoncy, for durlnir thoso
minutes tho tolophono oporn-
tors uro busy enlllng tho mom-
born of tho flro department,
nnd nlso In ringing tho boll by
t uso or tho pimli button In tho
control offlco. Tlio ronsonublo-
Hess of this roquoRl Is nt onco
manifest for tho contrnl girls
nro In reality tlio norvo conlor
of tho flro dopnrtmont at Hint
tlmo. If everyone will mniin 4.
that somo tlmo their proporty
might thus bo ondnngored
through tho Inability of control
to get tho flromon out, tlio do-
portmont feels cortaln that tho
publlo will glvo this co-onora-
Hon. Especially doon thin .
4- quost apply to night fires.
J. II. Athorton, Flro. Chief.
College lloo rlpcclnllst Discusses
Problems With Local Producers
Demonstrations Mmlc.
About twenty df tho county's boo
koopors gathorod at tho Mallett
ranch last Thursday io spond tho
day In talking ovor tholr probloms
with tho Collogo Ueo Spoclallst, Mr,
Boullon. Tho mooting wob arrang
ed for hastily by tho county agri
cultural agent nftor Mr. Scullon bad
roturnod from tho annual beokecpprii
picnic at Caldwell, which woh hold
on Wodnosdny, nnd It was found
that tho Hpoclallst could spend 11 day
In tho county,
Tho main topics discussed by
Powor Users Legal Advisors To
Contest Inclusion of Old Deficits In
Power Company's Cupltnlizntlon
Attornoys representing powor us
ing patrons of tho Idnho I'owor com
pany will "Tuesdny attempt to tear
down tho thoorles of Dr. Thomas
Conway, Jr., of Philadelphia, upon
which aro basod tho Intanglblo vol-
uos Includod In tho powor company's
122000,000 inventory, says tbo
I.o'.ho Statesman.
Doctor Conway nnd Markham
Cheovoro, cl.lof engineer of tho Utah
Povor company, nro expected to bo
tho last nr.iv wltuossos placed on
tho stand by tho Idaho Power com
"In somo lines of Industry
thoro Is npparont a revival,"
Scullon woro "Roaring tho Quoons" ,mny attorneys. Other exports here-
Street Committee of Counrll Thrcul-
cuod Willi Lawsuits Even To
Supreme- Court Engineering
Fenturew Discussed
Vigorous protosts omphntla
statomonts nnd oven suggestions of
tears woro Introduced at tho hoar
lug held by tbo Streot Committee of
tho City Council Monday ovonlng on
tho matter of tho ontrnnco of tho
Old Oregon Trail highway Into tho
city. Councilman D. W. -Powers
prosldod at tho hearing and with
Council W. J. Wooso quostlonod
somo of tho protostauts,Councllmnn
Ivan K. Oakos tho otbor momber
was absent unvlnir boon called to.
Jamloson that day.
Tho proporty ownors In that soc
tlon of tho city lying botweon Rich
ardson street and Ilarton streot
from olovonth avonuo to tho river
across which tho proposod routo
company's do got re-established can would travorso wero practically nil
Ihrrfl bo general prosperity for
"Wo havo boen glad, to note tho
plrlt of co-operation oxtondod In
the effort to reestablish and fool
!ht good Is going to como from tho
ffforts mndo nationally to rocognlso
Ihe Mockmen'R needs."
Telegram Washington Ilurcnu
WA8IIINOTON, July 12Socro-.
wry Melton arinounccs tho 150,000 -000
banking pool which has boon
roprosontod by counsel, Indicating
tholr determination to fight tho mat
ter in tho courts, In fuct they de
clared that to bo tholr Intention.
Among the nttornoys prosont woro
W. E. Loos, who Is also a proporty
owner of record In that soctlon, R.
W. Swaglor, who represented W. J.
Johnson, and C. McOonaglll who de
clined to state whom he represented.
Mr. Loos declared that tho city
was not Justified In condemning tho
proporty for tho highway, that It
would mean tho destruction of f 12 -000
worth of proporty, and that ft
was not tho propor site for highway
anyway, becausa the land Is so low
and "Control of Disonso." Tho first
topis was taken up In tho morning
Tbo discussion of mothods was fol
lowed by n domonstrntlon to show
tbo manner of transforlng tho Inrvn
from tho brood colls to tho proparud
quoon colls and tho slto of tho Inrvn
to uso. Tho main point emphasized
by tho specialist was tho possibility
and doslrablllty of brooding up tho
ontlro nplary in a very short tlmo by
tho soloctlon of queen brood stock
from a hlvo which has domonstrntod
tho good qualltlos of Its quoon by
tho slzo and color of tho boos and
tholr docility and Industry. It was
thought ndvlsabta to purchase a
good quoon or two from somo boo
brcodor If no effort bad boon made
to dovolop good stock thin quoon to
sorvo as foundation stock for tho
now quoons that would bo usod to ro
quoon tho wholo nplary.
In tlio mattor of dlsoaso control,
American Foul Hrood nnd control
monsures was discussed first. Then
Europoau Foul Hrood woh dlscussud
in moro dotal! as tho local producers
woro nat fumlllar with It ns tho
otitor. .Tho causo of tho dlsoaso
was said to bo a bacterium which Is
transmitted- to the young larva In
tho honoy that Is fod thorn. It In n
vt'ry destructive and must bo con
trolled by sanitary moasuros. Fol
lowing Mr. Scullerwt talk, there was
a gonoral dlscusalon of dlsoaso con
trol, Inspection mothods, grading of
nunoy nnu mnrKotltig probloms. Tho
boo mon aro qulto badly dlssapolnt
od this season so for, owing to tho
small honoy flow caused by tho al
falfa woovll eating the bud.
to foru examined may, howuvor, bo
recalled to tho stnnd for further
questioning, basod upon tho examin
ation nnd cross-oxamlnatlon of Doc
tor Conway,
Wisconsin Deficit Theory
Tho Conway study of tho powor
company's properties, which will bo
Introduced in evidence, Is said to in
volve tho Wisconsin doflclt theory
undor which oporntlng dofc'lts dur
ing pioneering yoars aro nddod In tho
capitalization of a utility. Attorneys
for tho power usors say thoy will
oppose to tho ond tho adoption of
this theory in Idaho.
Tlio hearing, which begins Tues
day, will probably coutlnuo alt wook,
nnu win concludo the presentation
of tho powor company's caso. At
tho ond of tho wook, according to
Commissioner E. M. Swooloy, who
Is conducting tho caso for tho pub
lic utilities commission, n rocosn of
two or throo wnoks, will bo takon to
Klvn counsel opposed to busing
rates upon n 122,000 000 valuation
.tlrno to propnro briefs and begin n
counter action.
4 says Charles B. Plpor, of Chi- 4
cago who spont tho first of tho
wcok horo tho truest of his son
f and dnughtor, Mr. and Mrs. 4
Ocorgo K. Alkon, whllo in
othor linos' tho readjustment is
still going on.
"It Is npparont that tho ro
turn to normal Is going' to tako 4
tlmo, but thoro is a marked
f changu for tho bottor alroady
4 and buslnoss men generally lu 4
4- tho mlddlo west and oast too, 4
4- fool that tho worst Is ovor. 4
if From what I havo bcon ablo 4
4 to loarn of conditions In tho 4
4- west, you pooplo nro bottor off 4
4 than thoy aro in otbor sections.
4 You havo big crops, and in 4
4 tho fruit districts of Michigan 4
4 and other section thoy havo al- 4
4 most no crops. That should
4- spell prosperity for you locally. 4-
Tho buslnoss depression has
4 boon so general that all havo 4-4-
foil It, and not oven tho larg- 4-
est firms havo escapod dlfflcul- 4
4- tics. Howovor thero Is no roa- 4
4 son to bo downhearted, bust- 4
noss Is going to bo bottor."
Kfn..i.iii 11..T.1.. iri-1....... i,ii.,.uu rr, .
.1....... ........ .l..n ....,...--. --. ,1 jj
til I.riKIi When He Wi'iikena mill 1 '
Four Runs Arc Hrorcil Al- 1, '
tcmliinco Very Hmnll fj
Vnrslly Drniuatic Oub of Idaho To
Present Great Comedy Hero
July 'Jti
Ontario lost Its first loaguo game
at homo horo S inula v. Tim cams')
also tnurkod tho official closing- off$f
tno Dig Four League schedule onr I
local grounds. Tho gnmo went to f(
uaiuwou uy 11 0 10 J scoro. i
Dcsplto the fact that Caldwoll
won, tho game was worth tho mon-lV
cy, for until tbo eighth Inula On
tario hold a 2 to 0 load thanks to
Newblll's great pitching up to that
frnino, for ho struck out 12 of the
Caldwell sluggers. lie weakened
howovor In tho eighth and after
Anso Cornell had conuoctod with a
fast otio for throo bases, Donedlct
camo up and clouted out a Dabe
Ruth tying tho score. Then two
moro come over on a combination
of hits and errors. Doth teams put
ono over in tho ninth, making; it
C to 3.
Only a small crowd saw the game.
and most of them camo from Cald-
woll. The local management which
has given Ontario tho best baseball
it has had In yoars counted on the
gamo furnishing tho nocesMry cask
to moot all oxponsoo, but It did not.
As tho result of tho lack of local
aupport tho local managers who have
given of tholr tlmo and effort now
havo a doflclt to ralso to cloar the
formed to handle livestock loans that It overflows during high wntor,
-hi no reany to begin making loans
this week.
It Is understood that all differ
ences huvo been satisfactorily ad
JuM and that many applications
for loans have been mado and' will
acted upon during the week.
The committee oxpects to make
iilvnncea aggregating at least -1,000-"00
the first week. Management of
'lift pool will bo undor direction of
M. L. McClure In the Continental ft
Commercial Natloual bank building.
that furthermore In caso of an over
flow tho road would bo wasnea out.
Mr. flwagler after discussing the
viewpoint of tho proporty owners
and tho damago which would bo
dona blm, tho difference in cost,
etc., urged tho committer to tako
all the factors Into consideration
and locate the road whoro It would
cost tho least, nil factors considered.
Mr. Mcdonaglll doclared that the
council had no authority in law to
condemn the property and that
nolthor did the county court or tho
State .Highway commission. Ho nl
so wont into the prosent financial
J. R. lllncknby Observes Thousands
of American Anton in llrltlili (Jol.
umbla City Takes 2,800 Mllo
Tour of Northwest
II. 11. Wood Wns Not, "Incnpnclmted
lV)r DrIvliiK" nt Tlmo of Accident
Ilrlgla LlghtM on Car Is
Cfliue Wood On Right
Nldo of Road
'' J Oallairlinr rntiirnnri M ,..-,
Tom Salem where he went on bus- co"?,t,on f1MU,e clty "5 ,"nBth-
.ess ror the city following his ad
Iresn at nend on July 4. He re
"rt that the contract for tbo Old
'reeon Tra aection frora the pres
at work northward will' not be let
Mil fall due to tho fact that all
ne larger contractor In this section
ve plenty of work for the summer.
' Lehrs and daughters
'ft Friday for Salem for an ex
'"led visit,
. Q. Luebrs and his hova drn
' Arrowrockda'm last Sunday for
Miss Terressa Cox who taught
"ng the 'past year In the high
hool at The Dall iq spending the
immer with herV?ents, Mr. nt
'. Connell Cox who live south
et 9f Ontario. '
' O. A'.TuremaR. of Ironside
visiting Mrs. Ina DeFoe this week.
r. and Mrs. L. I. Purcell, Edl-
r Of the Welser Santinnl and 'M-
ld M". A. D. Boher of Welser
ent Sunday at the home of Mr,
' Mrs. A. L. McDowell,
Henry Miller one of tho property
owners was emphatic in his pro
tests. Hp said the proposed road
from Ilarton street to Oregon street
woulA so bisect his property as to
ruin It. becauso and land on one
side be of the road would be too
low for use and especially since
barrow pits 'would be dug on either
side to get dirt to make tho nec
essary grade for tho road.
Mrs, Anna Sheppard, doclared she
opposed tho highway for it would
ruin her ten acre tract. Mr, Davis
her father also discussed this phase
of the route, and W, J. Johnson
told of the desire of the peoplo
there -to have the original trouto
nown uarion street usea, as did Dr
B. S. Fortner. P
The committee took ho action at
the meeting Monday night but. In
dicated, thaf tke report would be
made soon following the return
Councilman Oakes.
According to n. R. Wood, nnd
othors who woro with him at the
tlmo of tho accident, tho statomont
mado In last wook's Issuo of tho
Argus that Mr. Wood was, "Incap
acitated for driving," was Incorrect.
Tlio nccldont roforod to Is that which
occurod whon tho Wood car, and
that of Donald MclConsle. which
was bolng drlvon by Miss Oreta An
derson of this city, camo togothor on
tho Roulovnrd near tho Orango hall
on July 4th.
In the car with Mr. Wood nt tho
tlmo, was Mrs. Wood nnd tholr two
boys, ono of whom was Injured by
flying glass.
The 'Story of the accldnnt. AntnUm
- ..-....,, )
01 wmen win Argus did not socure
Inst week was ns follow. nM m
Wood and In Justice to him, the
ArKus is printing his statement In
"Wo had Just crossod tho railroad
track at Cairo, nnd wero approach
ing the Orango Hall whon wo saw
tho car approaching going at a fair
ly fast rate. I wa0 not driving fast
for I had JuBt passed another car.
drlvon by Nelson Noah who will sub
stantiate this statemont. Whon I
w mo iignis or the car driven by
Miss Andorspn, I dlmod my lights,
and she dimmed hers, then sudden
ly, ns uio cars noarod each othor.
tho lights of Miss Anderson's car
were turned on again. Fearing that
;mT0.u,d,.r,n lnto tho narrow pitch
filled with water, for I was nwnv
over on tho right hand side of the
road where I- belonged, I had to
turn my llghta back on. so both
enrs had their llghta burning bright
ly, nnd Mrs. Wood saw that the
othor car was to hit' us. Again I
turned to tho right nnd felt the
Dick Scott came down this week
from DeulaU on business.
"ThoCnnadlans declare that thoro
Is enough American monoy coming
ovor tho lino to buy boozo to pay
off their war dobts, and "I bellovo
thorn," said J, R. Ulackaby this
week discussing his recent trip to tho
wetest town in tho Northwest whllo
enjoying a 2800 mllo auto tour with
Mr. and Mrs. Luis O. Kelsay nnd
Mrs. Dlackaby.
"We went from Ontario to Wal
lowa and ovor tho Mlnan forest to
Lewlston, tlionco to Moscow and on
to Spokane. From Spokano we
wont to Seattle via the niewott pass
and tho Snoqualmlo pass, After a
two days stay In Seattle wo wont to
Delllngham and then to Vancouver.
It wag thore that wo mot tho Amer
ican tourist In quest of tljlrst
quonchorsa and getting thorn.
"Thero 'wore literally thousands 91
American cars in Vancouver'and the
peoplo thoro declare that during the
vOnr mllllona Of rfnllnra nru 1,1.1
spont by Americans for liquor which 'SSS'iSt th 8,,PP'nB 'nt
Is sold under a porralt system. "Tim . .ii ... -
.. ir . i Jl . .". ""IB men lor mo
. ,u.. .niiuunyer wo went to
Nenan on Vancouver Island and
motored down the Island to Victoria,
the city that Is more English than
London. There as in all tho other
towns we saw how they go after
tourists. "The minute an auto ap
proaches a hotel there Is a bevy of
porters and bell boys around you,
dusting you off, dusting your bags,
and gennorally trying to make you
... w..ii you ore, just ttio porsoii
thev were looking for.
ruB victoria we crossed the
Straits of Juan de Fuca to Port
Angles on the Olympic penninsula
and made the Georgian circuit to
Olymplt and from there wo went to
Chehalls and thease to South Dond
Washington, thence to Pacific beach
and over the Columbia to Astoria
and Seaside and back to Portland.
From Portland we droye to The
Dalle and Bead and theq to Burns
u iiuiue wnere our
Something entirely now and de
lightful in tho way of n llvo hreozy
sumtnor show Is promised Iheatre-
goors of Ontario on Friday, July 22,
when the Varsity Playorn of tho Un
iversity of Idaho will prosont tho
fnmous Now York comedy "Her
Husband's Wlfo" nt the Majestic
Tho Varsity Playora aro a talented
group of students who woro careful
ly soloctod from tho large univer
sity student body und each members
has had soreral yoara experience
and training.
Tho ahow, "Hor Husband's Wife"
Is ono of tho most talked of come
dies of recont yours. It wns played
In Now York for a season by Honry
Mlllor and his company and waa re
peated in many othor largo eastern
ciuos, aiwuys with groat popular
suncoss. Tho Varsity Playora pay a
royalty, of C00 for tho right to
produce this show on tholr prosent
tour. This summer they are mak
ing a sovon wooks' tour of tho
northwost, playing tho principal
towns of Washington, Idaho, Mon
tana und Orogon and como n On
tario as ono of Iholr last dates of
tho aoason. Whon thoy appear horo
uioy win have played In more than
30 towns, assuring that thoy will bo
near perfection In tho prosont ve
hicle. In all, tho studouta spent more
than $2000 In projiarlng for ' their
trip; special acehory, costumes and
thero seta of mako-upa for oneh
member of tho cast calling for n
large proportion of the amount.
Pralso which would bo n credit to
any professional road show was glv
on to "Hor Husband's Wlfo" when
It appeared In towns of northern
Idaho. The Lewlston Tribune says:
"In 'Her Husband's Wlwe' present
ed at tho Teihplo theatro last night
by the Varsity Playora of the Uni
versity of Idaho" Lewlston play
goers saw what wns primarily a moat
Interesting production of clever com-
Undo Dick Rutherford was ro-
sponslblo for the opportunity which
tho many friends of Vic MarsdeH
lombracod, when Uncle Dick called It
to tholr attontlon, and now Vic has
a now car to replace the one that
was destroyed In the fire which
burned his car and garage last
week-, it took Uncle Dick but a
short tlmo to secure several hundred
dollars, for everyone gave liberally.
"You cannot put my thanks any
too strong," said VIo to the Argus
the othor day. "I want to thank the
Pooplo, and r Just don't know how
to exprosa myself," ho continued. "I
did not look for anything like this,
nnd I am Just ovor como. Uncle
Dick slartod It arid I certainly
want to publicly acknowledge my
gratltudo to him and to all who
gnvo. You put It good and strong
for mo, will you." he added.
1 1
Anderson was drlvlnt? hmnbino. ik.
1...1. , " .-..... 0 tu
huh j,up on nor car, and tearing the
tire o'f mlno. With tho tire gone
of course I lost control of my car
and it ran Jnto tho ditch on tho
buuiii Biuu of mo road.
"1 was not intoxicated when this
accident occured. as any one of tho
following. MiSH Wnml. 1n wl.
and a Mr. 8tar of Boise, will testify,
and tho trackR mnrin hv l.nti. ..
will show that I waa on tho right
hand side of tho road, far ovor to
ward tho edge and waa not driving
at an excessive rata of nnni
Mlsa Anderson and her sister both
havo a different version of tho af
fair than that given by Mr. Wnn,i
IThev declare that they were on tho
rignt Bide of the road, and that
Wood was driving fast, and also
that instead nf moral i.i,.i.. ..
back wheel, Wood's car side swiped
their entire ear ti, ji .t .
Btni1mn. ,. . ." "w' ru me
to do, but to turn back Into the edy and what technically considered
t, ,i!1,?h !.dldt Bs. her car WM-1 was a BU'Prlslngly artlstlo perform
Mr wSeVr tSf.B,Wid"?. by- " r ef?,cac.os
.it.i . iio piny was
highly entrancing and" altonw
good. It was by far tho most pleas
ng amateur performance seen hero
in yeara."
And the Coeur d' Alene Evening
Prcsa adds; -Her iU8band'a Wife
I- a splendid vehicle for the talents
of the Varelty Players and the ap
plause of the house spoke more
than worda can do in describing the
-"""""' "' mo perrormance. a
in,. Ann .
m wiiBUBomeni here wnni.i
uuva record house.'
ed hv ,. P0M-Tlme: "Pronounc
ed by all who saw it aa one of the
best amateur shows ever nwn ,.!
The acting of the cast waa
Councilman D. W. Power'a pres
onco of mind nnd his quick action in
rushing into the river saved Calvin
McCrolght, tho little son of Ur .,..
Mrs. J. c. McCrolght from possible
drowning in the waters of Snake
rlvor Monday ovenlng. Mr. and Mrs.
Powora were standing on the river
hank watching their childron and
the little McCrelght boy awlnilng
whon Mrs. Powora noted that Cal
vin waa ovor his depth, nnd his
handa were barely above wntor.
... Beom nttractod Mr. Powers
who seeing tho youngster'a predlc
niont rushed for him reaching him
Just as ho went down for the sec
ond time. First aid in the form of
a few slaps on tho boy'a back ex
Polled tho water from his body and
he was able to walk to the car none
the worse for his experience.
fully nnnnl , 11 1 -
sioB.i ::z'::. v moBt pr-
-. -..uini on lno road
Harvey & Rlcker ho.o , .
Krago In the Moore building which P
Wna ocnunlo.l o- "v'" ,
t,. , tt K8rBO by A. S.
DroW. J A. (Dick), Robertson haa
been pUt in charge of the local i"
iVf lo1 ww hantl,e thl "
aide Z, ? ge aDd ""P'noWIw. Be
aldo this a general repair shop and
service station will be operated Sr
Rob.rtm went to Doise Monday l;
.nd'St0iaCUW,10p '?'
ana other accossirles.
Dwlght Cox, son of Mr. and Mrs
Cone 9ox who lives west of o
tario is one of four O A ri I i
-ho have Rated for ir t hT.
ZlT ab,y dJrected ad -hoi d Z T sThKe 'w.b0w Bre 5
much hard work in rni,a.., Z $ B. s. Kedor bound trn ...
aowe4 a trip of 2,800 miles." UZ . ! U ca vHM ab"
v uiues. (aolro th0m from blara8 fm BCcldent
SSL? - 2?T2R
on tn0 one voyage.