The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 07, 1921, Image 1

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County Agent limit Warning To
Fruit Men Culling Attention T
CiimlitloiiH In Comity Market
Conference Oil led In
County ncont L. It. Brolthaupt
lioH lssuod anothor warning to (ho
fruit growers of tho county calling
attention to tho need for spraying,
in Bumo umo giving thorn Informa
tion concerning tho markotlng con-
foronco to bo huld In Portland soon.
Tho following Is Jiln lottor In detail:
"Ah I stated In my last lottor, tho
growor can dctormlno for hlmsolf
by moans of tho coddling moth traps
whon boat to apply (ho covor spray
tor tno socouu generation worms
Unloss tho growor tnakoa this in
vestigation tor himself, It Is a ratlior
difficult thing for anyono (o rIyo
him exact information without
spending moro (Imo than I have at
my disposal for tho purposo, bocauso
ot (ho variation in tho tlmo of
omorgonco ot tho moths In dltforent
localities and under tho varlablo
conditions bo(woon farms In tho
samo community. However, I will
call nttontlon to tho advlco glvon by
tho Idaho Inspoctlon Sorvlco which
Is that this spray should bo on tho
troos by July 15 for tholr earliest
NO. 31
tho city. Uoforo (ho blaio was
torrltory and by tho 20th for the LiHcovorod such headway had boon
Deputy Stato Flro Mar
Mhnls, Iluraco Sykos and James
Oleusen arrived In Ontario
Wednesday for an annual Jn
spoctlon of tho city. Aftor a
trip ovor tho city they ordorod
tho City Council to onforco tho
city ordlnnnco regulating out
buildings In tho alloys, speci
fically naming tlioso on tho al
loy botwoon Oregon and Rich
nrdBon stroots from Washing
ton avenuo (o California avonuo,
and to gradually extend tho
regulations until all Hin out
buildings In tho flro limits are
Thoy oIbo ordered tho Iramod
lato installation of flro escapes
on tho Mooro Hotel under the
jlunnlty ot closing- tho building.
T. II. Mooro who Is in Portland
was notified by wlro of tho or
dor. '
Tho doputloa nro to mako
another trip to Ontario this
fall to chock up tho results ot
tho ordors Issued on this trip.
early morning fire iiuhnh
automobile ani garage
At 3:20 Wednesday morning tiro
ot unknown origin dostroyod tho
automoblla and garago bolonglng to
Victor Marsdon In tho north end ot
othor Snako IUvor torrltory ndjacont
to us. I do not think any of our
torrltory Is as oarly as so mo of tho
Idaho sections, but consldorablo of
It cohiparcs with tho torrltory which
they havo itatod for July SO. As
this Is a tow days oarllor than I
indlcatod In my last lettur I thot
your atteatlon should bo callod to
it. I think conditions havo been
iul(n favorablo for rapid dovolop
mont of the coddling meth.
Another matter whlefc should bo
ot Interest to orchard, men of this
county Is the fruit Marketing con
forenco in Portland a July (1, 12,
and 13. Delegates frsw (ho six
Northwest states will VS attend
nee as weR juayUfuM au
thorltlo'a on horticultural artd- mar
keting matters', and, pursuant to a
lottor addressed from this office,
tho majority pf tho mombors of tho
horticultural committee havo Indi
cated tholr doslro that a dolegato at
tend from this county. Tho county
farm bureau organization has boon
financing dologates for such pur.
poses to somo extont bavins twice
paid oxponsoa for horticultural delo
gatesa but owing (o (no lack of sup
port which has been accordod tho
organization by tho fa.rmors In gen
eral, (ho treasury doos not warrant
any turthor requests In tho Interests
of the orchardlsts. Under the cir
cumstances, chairman Hood of, tho
horticultural commtttoo, has sug
gested that each orchardlst send In
his contribution in order to croato
n special fund to meet tho needs of
his commlttoo in paying oxpensos of
n delegate. While Mr. Ileod accom
panied his suggestion with a five
dollar check and promise for more
If needed, I bellevo he should be
made custodian of this fund. If
therefore, you agree with the com
mlttoo as to the advisability of keep
ing In touch with development along
marketing lines, eta, is pertaining
.to horticulture, I suggest that you
mako whatever remittance you care
to direct to A. A. Reed, Brogan
Oregon. Any suggestions in regard
to the personoll ot your representa
tion, or other matter, may also be
made to Mr. Reed, whose commlttoo
will bo In charge."
mado that tho flro dopartmont could
do nothing to savo It though a quick
run was mado to (ho sceno with (ho
now flro (ruck. It was tho first of
ficial call which tho now truck has
Tho only passlbla explanation
which Flro Chlof J. D. Athurton has
ot tho blain is that boys shooting
flro crackora back ot tho garago
during tho day had set (Ire to grass
which graduully reached the garago
without attracting attention. Tho
garago, and tho auto were totally
dostroyou. No Insuranco .was car
rlod on them.
4. 4.
Warning to Water Users Not to
Waste Water and to Obey Rules
Owing to tho fnct that tho high water ot the past Hp'rlng him fill-
4 od tho pumps at tho municipal pumping plant with silt, tho water
wilt bo shut oft from tlmo to tlmo to got tho pumps rloati. In
tho menntlmo It Is Imperative that the rosorvo Hiipply bo not rcducod
bolow tho safo(y point so that water would bo nvnlluble in caso
of flro. AH persons using wutor for gardons or for Inwns nro
horoby notlflod that tho regulations for uso of water must bo
obeyod or arrost nnd punishment will follow. Tho following arc
tho regulations for sprinkling nnd gardon Irrigatien:
Section I. West of O. S. L. It. It. nnd East of Villa Park, Heurs:
5 n. in. to 11 a. m.
Soctlon II. Villa Park ana Kant Side of O. 8. L. R. It., Heurs:
2 p. m. to 8 p. m.
Two strokos of tho flro boll Is n warning to stop using water
In all sections of tho city, ono will notify you that Hprlnkllug
In (ho Ulntrlct parmKtod by tho abavo regulations may bu ro-
sumod. 4.
Ity Order of tho Common Council,
V. W. OlinmbtirM wntor superintendent.
'' 4.4.4. 4.4.414.4.
Regular Old Time Celebration IViil
lire Prove Stellar Attractions
Slnglo Men l'roto Victor, (live
Married Men Dut-klng
Alonza Horzog, agod C8
years, a roBldont ot Smith Port
Pennsylvania, who with his wife
nnd son woro on an auto trip
across tho continent tiled at tho
tourist park hero Tuesday after
noon. The cuuso of death was
ncuto Indigestion from which
Ills son nalil ho had been sub
ject for somo time past. Thu
body was taken to tho Phlln
baum & Allen parlors to bo pre
pared for shlpmout to Smith
Port, whllo tho young man and
his uiothor arranged to accom
pany tho body.
Question of Houtlm; of Old Oregon
Trull Into City To lie Subject Of
Meet lug Monthly Night Pro
ceedings of Clly Council
Ono ot tho' foremen of tho Houser
Construction company nrrlvcd in
Ontario Wodncsdny to nrrnngo for
tho location of tho company's camp
to bo used whllo Its crows nro
building tho handsomo concrete
brldgo ovor tho Malheur on tho Old
Oregon Trail.
Ileniillfiit Floral Rntiitieta Kent lly
AnmocIiiIo Matron of Portland
Iocnl Stni-N Present OlffN
Flower Drill I'reneiited
Relative of Irfical Fniully Dies After
Lingering Illnoot At Vale Saul
tiirlum Interment In Ontario
O o 111 o t o r y
At the regular session of tho
Beatrice Rebekah Lodge, Wednes
day July 6, District Deputy Presi
dent Emily Pogue, assisted by Grand
Marshal Hattle Draper; Grand War
den, Mary Lyle; Grand Treasurer,
Ida Hill;' Grand Secretary, Daisy
Rutherford; and Grand Inside auar
dlan Eva Poorman Installed the fol
lowing officers into their respective
chairs for the ensuing term: Past
Noble Grand, Edna Draper; Chaplin,
Emily Pogue; Noblo Grand, Winnie
Diven; Inside Ouardlan, Ida Hill;
Vice Grand, Hazel Wiibeck; Outsido
Guardian, Annie Carlllo; Recording
Secretary Adeline Haw; Financial
Secretary! Ina Do Foe; Warden,
Amelia Vlernow; Conductor, Hattle
Draper; Supporters to Noble Grand,
Daisy Rutherford, Eva. Poorman;
Supporters to Vice Orand, Mary Lyle
and Mrs. Courtney.
After Installation the members
adjourned and had refreshments
arr4 at tk Shtr BewL
Mrs. George D. Clagett who camo
to Malheur county from Denver Col-
orada in tho hope that a change of
nltltudo would bo bonoflclal, nnd
who was a pallont at tho Vale San
itarium for several wooks died there
Sunday afternoon. F,unoral services
wJro held from tho homo ot T. W,
Clagott Just west of Ontario Sunday
nftoruoon, and Interment was made
in the Ontario Comotery.
Mrs. Clagett is survived by her
husband, a brother T, W. Clagett
ot this city, who camo horo with
her. In her young womanhood Mrs,
Clagott was a nurso by profession
and during tlu war was active In
Rod Cross work. To care for her
during her last lllnoss an associate
of her profoaslonal life, Mrs., Will
oughby ot Port Townsen'd Wash
ington camo here,
The funeral servlcoa which wore
prl.vato were conducted by Rov. W.
F. Cochran of the Presbyterian
church to which she belonged as a
young women. The muslo for the
sorvlco was sung by Mrs. II. h,
Peterson and ' Miss Rose Kroesslu
accompanied by Mrs. 8. D. Dorman.
one accident mars fourth
john Mcculloch huhxkr
Only one accident marred the
otherwise featureless observance of
the nation's birthday in Ontario.
John McCulloch tho youngest son
ot Mr. and Mra.'j. W. McCulloch was
badly burned on his right hand and
arra( and about (be face and head
whon a quantity of giant powder
which waa sitting on (be porch of
tho McCulloch home suddenly e x-
ploded. The powder had been left
there by John'o older brother Ralph,
who with somo other boys bad
awakened the city In the early
morning hours with a heavy cannon
ading. How the powder was ex
ploded no one knows, but It is pre
sumed by a spark from some fire
works which they were sotting off
on the lawn, Dealde the injuries
John recelved his father was allght-
Hy burned, and little Miss Esther Mc
Culloch had her balr singed.
David Wilson of Spokane, Wash
ington who U heavily interested in
Oatarlo la sending the week here
leeklmc over ata firtlee.
Tho first ovent ot the kind ovor
punoti oif oil Mead ux Fiat was
put ovor July 4th. A big old tush
lotiod culobratlon with all ot the
uiual features and many now ones
Including tho horso racos, field
ovents( ball gamo and tug of war.
Promptly nt ton o'clock tho field
ovonts woro run off with L. L. Cul
hortsou In charge, Not u dull mom
out until twolvo thirty whon tlmo
was called for dinner. Froo colfoo
and lemonade woro handed out to
ovoryono prosont and families In
groups sproad out over tho spacious
shaded lawn of Win. Grace whoro
nil enjoyed tholr basket dinner pro
parod by tho good housewives of
Doad Ox Flat.
Promptly at ono thirty tho crowd
gathorod at tho Improvlsod dance
pavllllou (0 listen to tho spoaker of
tho day. Aftor tho singing of Amor
lea by tho audlonco F. N. Northrup
who woa prosontod by I. I. Culburt
son dollverod a very uccoptnblo uud
nblo Fourth ot July oration.
Tho sports program was rosumod
Immediately after thu address. Es
pecially Intoroitlng ovonts woro tho
potato raco on horsoback and tho
boys events which wore tho groused
polo nnd greased pig coutosts and
turkey In (ho straw. In tho latter
event thirty or moro boya lined up
twonty-tlvo yards from a stack of
straw, nmoug tho straw being scat
tered numerous bottlos of pop, pack
ages of fire crackers, gum und can
dy. Evory boy got a prlio and somo
boya spoclal prUes, Aftor the special
quartor mllo horse raco for women
thu ball gamo was played between
tho married men and tho slnglo
men. Tho married men bolng pro
perly humbled to the tuno of a six
to two scoro. Tho fast running
races with horsos were tho next
events on the program after which
the big ovent of tho day followed,
tho tug of war between tho married
men and tho slnglo men took placo.
As per agrcoment a ropo was stretch
od across the middle line Irrigation
ditch and many woro the bpasts bo-
tweon married men and slnglo mon
as to who was to take, a freo bath.
Aftor what boo mod ages (he married
mon worn out und with hope gone
gave in and took tholr ducking
umld (he cheer ot (he big crowd
Dancing from olght oclock until
twelve at the pavllllon ended a por
foct day and one that will long be
The committee In charge of the
celebration were 8. J. Simpson, L.
L, Culbertsou, J. Frost E. W. Tdra
lln, F. N. Northrup and I. I. Cul
bertson. The thanks of the entire
community la extended to the gen
erous! merchants of Payette who
gave tho prizes aud prize money and
the free refreshments,
Following Is a list of the events
and the prize winners:
Roys Race, age 10-13 50 yards,
Otto Miller, Jr.; Free for all. 50
yards, Oscar Graco; Roy's threo leg
ged, age 10-13( 25 yards, Win and
Archlo Thomas'; Men's three legged
25 years, Otto Miller, Ray Christen
sen; Freo for all 100 yards, Oscar
Grace; Potato race, 25 yards Oscar
Grace; Potato race, for 200 lb. men,
Ray Christ ensen; Track race, 50
yards, Archie Thomas; Free for all
girls race 50 yards, Leora Hauntz;
Women's nail driving contest, Mrs
Otborae; Slow jaulo race, Delmer
Honoring Mrs. W. W. Lotsou, a
mombors of thu Star Chapter O. E.
B. of this city who is worthy grand
matron ot tho Grand Chapter ot
Oregon tho officers and members of
nor noma chapter gavo an oluborato
reception at tho Musonla hall last
Thursday ovonlng. Nearly (wo huu
drod members of tho order togodi
or with Masons and tholr wives,
many of whom were from Nyssa and
Pnxutto woro present.
Tho hall was beautifully decor
ated for tho occasion, flowora bolng
banked everywhere, whllo tho hon
ored guest wns showered with beau
tiful bouquota ot roses which woro
sent to her through tho local lodge,
by tho associate matrons club of thn
Portland chapters.
Following tho formal opening ot
tho lodgo by Mrs. H. L. Petorsou,
worthy matron ot Stur Chaptor. us-
silted by W. F. Homun, acting pa
tron, aud tho othor officers u lano
was formed by tho offlcors nnd past
matrons ot Star Chaptor through
which tho honored guest was es-
cortod, procoudod by little Mlssos
Maria RusmiiNsun and Kutherluo
Petorsou who scattered rosos to (ho
offlcors dlus.
Thou Mrs. Dora II. Shlolko ot La
Orando, past worthy grand matron,
was similarly escorted to a placo of
honor, as wns Mrs. Oldham ot Pay
otto who Is grand Eloctax ot tho
Idaho Orand Chuptor. Aa each In
turn was Introduced to tho assem
bled guests, grand honora or a
gracious welcome was extended
Following a welcoming 'address to
oach ot tho honored guests and fit
ting responses by them W. H. Ho
mun, on bohalf pf (ho lodgo pro
sontod Mrs. Letson with a haudsomo
travollng bag, whllo Mrs. 11. Ii.
Cockrum on behalf of tho officers
of tho lodgo presented a beautiful
writing set to Jccompany It.
To those Mrs. Letson glowingly
rospondod and told of tho work of
tho lodgo and tho loyal assistance
tho member had been each year as
she reached n higher offlco In thu
grand chuptor. Mrs, Suollko t 00
was called upon and rospondod with
u tribute to the work Mrs. Letson
had so fur accomplished and urged
upon tho memborH tho continued
Bupport ot hor work.
Following thosa tulks tho officers
und star points ot Star chaptor
presented tho beautiful floral drill
perfectly. This proved oue of tho
delightful events of tho evening
especially slnco Mrs, A.' S. Drown,
one of the leadera In tho In
tricate maneuvers was tukon sud
denly 111 and her place filled on tho
day of the reception by Mrs. J. L.
Following tho drill (ho reception
lino was formed with thu honored
guests, the officers of the lodge uud
past matrons. The refresbmoiKs
woro served In (he banquet room.
Tho past matrons who were lu tho
receiving lino were;
Mrs, Emily Poguo, Mrs. E. A.
Eraser, Mrs, David Dunbar Mrs. J.
A. Lackoy, Mrs. D. D. Purcell, Mrs,
O. W. Mallett, Mrs. IL, W. Clement,
Mrs, Stevie Lackey, Mrs. Margarot
Trow Mrs. Pauline Piatt, Mrs. C. E.
Van i'etten.
Everett Staples was discovered by
Officer J. H. Gordon! In tho posses
sion ot a full qunrt ot old Rock and
Ryo, which In tho pro-Volstoad days
was a woll known spocltlc for colds.
Tho officer mado tho dlscovory on
Tuesdny nnd yesterday whon Evorott
nppoarod boforo Judge C. M. Stonrus
ho offorod no explanation but ad
mitted tho possession, which result
ed in his paying a, flno ot 1100 and
costs of $7.
On tho samo day ono Jonulo
Slovens proprietress of tho Farley
rooms wns fined $60 for disturbing
tho poaco slio having glvon vent to
n fit of temper and used most
scandlous Inngungo during Tuosday
ovonlng. An associate 'of hors, who
likewise was told to appear before
tho court failed to do so and loft
town. Ono half of Mrs. Rtovons flno
was remitted aud shn was warned
to ho good.
Changes in Line-up llrenk Up Com.
bliiatlon Which Won at Home
First (Jaiuu lo.t l to t!
Second O to 2
With Joy Hustod on (ho sick list,
with Roy Smith out of tho gumq 011
tho Forth the winning combination
of tho Ontario ball team was broken
up speftoctlvely that Caldwell won
both of tho games playod thero on
Sunday and Monday.
In the first contest tho Caldwell
sluggers guvo Ponson strong sup
port whllo thoy whanged tho offer
ing of Nowblll luckily and returned
winners by u 0 to 2 scoro.
Tlui Monday's game was (ho bet
ter contest ot tho two for Ontario
was ablo to maintain a I cud for sev
eral innings while Erulo Wells of
liolso pitching for Ontario hold tho
Caldwell men at bay. Howover thoy
got to Ernie's offerings aftor tho
mlddlo of tho game aud combined
with slips In his support garnered
6 runs, enough to win handily.
The local mon report a good tlmo
at Caldwell In splto ot the defeats
and are expecting u strong gumo
horo with Caldwell Sunday when
tho local lino up will bo back lu
Noxt Monday ovonlng nt tho City
Hall tho street commlttoo will hold
a public hearing to listen to argu
ments for and against tho proposed
ontrniico of tho Old Oregon Trail In
to tho city, by which a direct route
will bring l( (0 Oregon stroot.
At tho mooting of tho city council
last Tuosday ovonlng tho matter of
routing tho road through tho garden
tracts In Rtvorsldo Instead ot com
ing south on tho so callod Fortnor
lano wob rofcrod to tho commlttoo so
thnt an oxprosslon of opinion from
nil tho peoplo could bo had.
Tho route has boon Investigated
by onglnoors ot tho highway dopart
mont, Including Chlof Engineer
Nunn nnd by Highway Commissioner
W, R. Jlarratt, both of whom favor
it. Tho commissioner whon hero
took under advlsomont a proposal to
co-opcrato with tho city In making
this Improvement, largely bocauso
tho now routo would oltmlnato at
loast ono curvo, as woll as shorton
tho dlstanco.
Hear Plen For Hart
Tho council Monday night hoard,
n plea by Attornoy R. W. Swagler
for lontoncy for Mart Hart who plod
guilty to soiling blttors with a heavy
alcoholic contout. Mr. Swagler urg
od that since It was tho first of
fomo his cllont should havo mercy.
Tho matter was roforod to tho pol
Ico commlttoo with powor to act.
Attornoy C. McGonaglll again ap
peared boforo tho council to ask tho
condemnation ot tho sidewalk in
front of block ono which Is on Ore
gon stroot botwoon Illinois nnd Neb
raska avonuos. His rouuest was
' Thu Council also passod a resolu
tion protesting to (ho County Court
against tho potltfon of O, E. Secoy
and others asking fpr tho vacation
of n stroot along the west limits of
Villa Park. Tho resolution sot forth
thn fnct that slnco this Is a city
street It Is under (ho Jurisdiction of
the city.
Tho last Issuo of tho Druwsoy
Pioneer Sun carried thu story of thu
doatli of Its founder aud editor,
Losllo Doedo who dlod thoro June
27 aftor a month's Illness. Ha
loaves six chlldron, one ot whom,
his sou Roy L. lleoda will continue
his futhor's work ot publishing thu
Mr. Ueodo camo to Eastern Ore
gon In 1800 and lived in the upper
Mulhuur t valley at Calumlty until
1898 wheu ho established the Sun
at Drewsey. Despite the handicaps
ot tho small community In which thu
Sun waa published Mr, Reede with
tils pungent paragraphs mado his
papor known ovor a large sectlou ot
thu stato. In his passing Drewsey
has lost a useful citizen,
Holloway; Girls egg race, Jean Hart
alio; Turkey In the straw, boys up to
12 years, 40 boya took part and a
number ot prizes were found such
as soda pop, candy, gum,' etc.;
Quarter mile horse race, free for
all, Hay ChrUteusen; Ladles quar
ter mile horso race. Miss Stuve;
Greased Pig contest, Durard Grace;
Greased Pole five boys tied and di
vided prize; Potato race on horso
back, Chas, Grace; Rase ball gamo
between single and married men,
Single men won 6 to 2; Tug of War
between slnglo and married men, tbe
single men pulled the married men
through the middle line canal and
received a box ot cigars.
Derwtck B. Wood whllo returning
from celobratlng tho Fourth when ho
was somewhate Incapacitated for
driving, ran his car Into another
'automobile Just after passing tbe
railroad crossing at Cairo. Tho
Wood car was badly damaged but
fortunately no ono was seriously Injured.
W. C. Stouo who has the contract
for the bujfdlng ot the Old Oregon
Trail north from Ontario drove back
from Portland Sunday accompanied
by Mrs. Stone and their son and
daughter who will spend at loast a
portion of the summer hero with
him. They made the trip from
Portland in 21 hours of actual run
iting tlmo und report thu roads In
good condition In all bif t one or
two sections, they being detours
due to highway construction,
Mrs, J. W, McCulloch who bas
been ill for the past three wooks
Is reported to be slowly improving.
At tho Methodist rarsonago last
Suturduy aftornoon, Iter. W. J. Lus-
combe read the service at which two
brothers, Lester F, and Clarence 1
Scott ot Vale bucuuiq, benedicts,
The brldos wero Miss Jessie Morri
son and Miss Jean Raeburn. Tho
former was the' bride of Lester
Scott and tho later ot his brother
Tho two young couples camo to On
tario from Vale whoro (hey will
muko (heir homos.
E. M, Grulg who wus called to
tho Middle West last week by the
death of his mother returned to
Ontario Wednesday morning. While
business conditions in tho cities
of the central west are far
worse than they are In this section
Mr. Grolg declares that that region
will produco crops such as it has
not known In years. The corn lu
Iowa and Nebraska 1b now shoulder
high, when ordinarily at this time
It Is but knee high, and the wheat
harvest " now underway Indicates
bumper crops, he says.
Misa Luclle Dlggs came dowu
from the Biggs ranch Wednesday to
do some shopping.