THE ONTARIO ABQUS, ONTARIO, OIIEOON, TIIUIiSDAY, .TUNE 30, 1921 i A ,' ' ' ' -V 1 J., ' t' i '4 .. V ' m x p -fif p- I Stefansson at Chautauqua Famous Explorer Comes on Second Night With Hit Remarkable Story of the Polar Regions 1 'I 1 BnWMbLl.P . K BtmrKpjf x LOCAL PERSONALS The cnrdlnnl lecture event of the week for nil Choutnuquans comes on ho second night when ElllKon-Whlte presents Vllhjalmur Stcfnnsson, tho famous Arctic explorer antl discoverer of tho "blonde Eskimo," for tho first tlmu on tho Clmulnuqun plntfornf. , Rear Admiral R6bert E. Peary, discoverer of tho North Pole, said of him: "Stcfnnsson hns Inkcn the whlto man's brains Into tho Polar regions, nnd tins evolved a way to mnko himself absolutely .ilf.sustalnlng. He could huvo lived In the Arctic fifteen nnd n luilf years, Just as easily as live and a half years. Uy combining great natural physlcul ability with hard, practical ronnnon souse, ho has accomplished what Ije has accomplished, nnd made an absolute record." Btrfnnsson's lecture has thrilled audiences everywhere. IIo has a re- mprknbto story to tell nnd manual ability In presenting Its fusclnatlng de tails graphically. ARCADIA NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Ed Itobortn, of Nys sn, nnd Miss Hunter, ono of tho Chautauqua Indlos woro visitors at C. W. Darrott's Sunday evening, Ira Dnll nnd family ware visiting at tho Thorn homo Sundny after noon. Jim Flomlng nnd wjfo wore shop ping in Ontario Saturday. Hov. Young hold services at tho Arcadia school houso Sunday nftor noon, Tho Minos Mary nnd Lillian Dall, John Deorliig nnd Hlrnm'Vnn Dyko woro In Nyssa 8undnr. Miss Cora Ulraswoll of Los An. goles Is visiting her nleco Mrs, Chostor Lackoy. From horaslio will go to Scattlo for tho summer. Mrs. Adolphus 1'oynler of Nampu, Idaho Is visiting nt V. W. Darrott's homo this wook. Jim Lackoy Mrs. Jim Smith and inoth.ln-law woro visiting nt Chos tor Lackoy's Monday afternoon, Phillip Ilarrott has been qulto sick with Tonsllltls thu past week. A small group of frlonds gather ed at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dall Friday ovonlug nnd npont thu tlmo In singing. John Vnndorpool nnd small son Koimoth woro visiting nt Charles Uullurd's Monday. Llttto Iluth Edwards has boon sick the past few days. A Silver Tea wns hold at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Long Wednesday evening and n lovely tlmu was had by nil prosont. Irene Edwards Is visiting her mint Mrs. Emmot Stool, of Caldwoll Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. It. II. Knowlton of Soldier Idaho woro tho guests this wook of tholr daughter, MIhh Wlnnl frod Knowlton. William Jonos of Junturn enmo down this wook to got tho vory Intnst rnturrin frnni itm llimimnv. Cnrpontlor camps und bo horo on Saturday ta glean tho rotuniB from tho battle iiB thoy come over the wlro. Mrs. Atkins and family of ltuport Idaho nro horo this wcok tho guests of Mrs. Atkins aunt, Mrs. William Janes. W. L. Kramer of Harper was ail Ontario visitor during tho first of thu week. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. L. Thompson of tho IroiiHldo country woro horo in Ontario tho first of tho weok David Graham, agent of tho East orn Oregon Land company has ront cu mo unscoii nouso on Novndn street in Villa Park nnd will bring his family horo from Junturn soon, I'. K. Joyco of Junturn wns an Ontario visitor on Monday. John C. Oordon tho wall known Vnlo sheopmnn wns In Ontario on business Monday. II. C. Knsthnm of Vnlo pasiod through Ontario Tuesday onrOhto for LnQrando whoro ho wont, on la gal business. Miss Dorothy Tumor who return od last weok from O. A. C. has taken a position in tho Farm Iluronu of ! flea for tho summor while Miss Luolln.D. Cnllln spends her vacation In Portland. Miss Cnllln leaves Monduy for tho R040 City whoro she will spond tho summor continuing nor musical studios. II. C. Doyor returned Saturday from an oxtondod trip through tho unions tho best no lias seen In yenrs. Judgo Dulton Illggs camo down Monday from his ranch above Vnlo to hear tluo testimony in tho cjiho or tno ratoroo in Dankruptcy vs. "A. Iloblniou who took tho Flfor Cafo undor tho terms of a tnortgngo. Mrs. Hugh Alton who wns opor nted upon at tho hospKul Inst Sat urday Is roportod to bo mako satis factory rocovory. Port EmUou who was operated upon nt tho hospital two weeks ago so fnr rocovorod that ho wns taken to tho Emlson homo on Monday whoro ho Is slowly convalescing. Poto Duford ot tho Ontario Auto Company has boon ill at his homo for sovornl days this wook. J. C. Fleming who has operated a ranch on tho Boulevard at Art end la for many yoars oxpocts to teavo soon for Long Peach, Califor nia whoro ho has purchased pro perty, Mr. Flaming has not sold his ranch horo hut lias-rented it. Puptlst Church and Sunday School will havo n plcnlo July Fourth at tho Orovo at Washoe. Moot at tho church at 10 o'clock. Transporta tion will bo provided. Mrs, H. F, Morgan nnd daughter, Mildred, left for Portland Sunduy. OREGON STATE NEWS OUR AIM THE BEST IN EVERY LINE GOLDEN GATE 1 PREEERRED I SWIFTS cf- STOCK PREMIUM Baking Powder Extracts Coffee Hams Teas Canned Goods Bacon Preserves Silver Leaf Lard jjw- 1ST Jill Arrow Mothers Oats Sunshine LEE Brooms 75c Kerrs Oats Purity Best in town Pancake Flour Clydo (Hod) Rupert, who was convicted of taking $15,000 In Lib erty bonds from tho Northwestern Natlonnl bank of Portland, where ho was employed as n special pollco offlcor will comploto his three-year santonco nt tho stato prison early In July. A federal officer will at once take him to McNoll Island to boglu a five-year term on tho snmo charge Governor Olcott on Friday an nounced his appointments for tho stato board ot aeronautics, croated by tho legislature ot this year. Tho appolntcos nre: Archlo F, Roth, Portland, for flvo-yonr term! Wnltor E. Loos, La Qrnndo, for four-year tarm; L. D, Hickman, Portland, throo-yoar torm; Leo II. DoVnuey, Iloseburg, two-year tor.m; Floyd Hnrt, Mcdford, ono-yoar torm. Two fatal accldonts out of n total of .140 industrial casualties woro ro portod to tho stato Industrial acol- ilntit nnmm tsatnn fnt tltn wiinlr nml. Ing Juno 10. Tho fatalities woro Harry E. Eckenstoln, a wnrchouso man of Medford, and Frank Doorg, n loggor of Cochran. A stntomont Issued by Sam 'A. Kozor, socrotary of stato, shows that a total ot $010,038. OB has boon paid out In educational aid to Oregon ox sorvlco mon undor an act passed by tho peoplo In 1010. A total of t545 formor soldiers, sailors or raarlnos havo' taken ndvantngo ot tho act. Tho stato highway commission has asked tho public sorvlco commission for a rohenrlng rolntlvo to a doslrod chnngo of plans for 'tlio $71T,000 ovorhoad cros'sliie on tho Southorn Pacific botweon Eugene and Spring flold. A pormancnt oarth fill ap proach Instead ot a trostlo approach Is doslrod. Tho rahoarlng has boon granted. According to announcement by E. E. Klllott, stato dlroctor ot voca tional education, , homo making courses will bo In operation tho com ing school year in tho schools of Ashland, Cottago Orovo, Forest CI rove, Salem nnd Ontario, O. P. Hoff, stato treasurer, who as n member ot tho stato board ot control, will havo something to say about tho location of tho now train ing school for boys, wants it placod at a remoto dlstnnco from tho stato penitentiary whom no possible In fluence may reach It from tho Inttor Institution. Ho would havo tho school nwuy from Salem If nocossary to moot that condition. Tho Association Oil company in reporting to tho socrotary of stato shows that it sold In Oregon during May 733,005 gallons of gasoline nnd 70,208 gallons of distillate. Thirty-two boys who aro Inmatos of tho stato training school passed tho recent eighth grado examinations. SMILE And the 0r(raraMjimraiBiiBTjra,BiiMffircMiBma smiles with you flrMIS! iifflisraisnwimintinffl HARDWARE ' Complete Stock of Heavy and Shelf Hardware PYREX GLASSWARE, ALUMINUM COOKING UTENSILS, PERCOLATORS, BOILERS, TUBS, ; HARVESTING MACHINERY. Our pi ices are lower. Give us a chance to prove this. . t an. i. A. rRASER We will be closed'UH day July 4th Tho following decisions havo boon rendered by stato supromo ceurt: Hrosnnn vs. IIokks; appeal from Malheur county; damago suit grow Iik out of controversy over, wntor rights. Opinion by Chlof Justice Ilurnett: Judgo Dultau Ulggs affirm (Ml. Itohenrlng ordored In Ilottlg vs Polsky. Potltlou for rohoarlng deulod In Mcada vs. Churchill. - Tho Chownucan Land & Cattlo company has fllod with the stato en gineer an application for a pormlt to appropriate wator from i,ong croek a tributary of Slcan river for tho irrigation ot COO ncros ot laud In Lake county. Otlior applications havo boon fllod as follews: Tly Waltor A. Woodard of Cottago Qrovo, covering tho appropriation ot twenty-one socoud root from Coast fork ot Willnmetto river for uso In flumlng lumbor, Tho cost of this development, locatod in Lane county Is $30,000. liy Patrick Rollly of Ashwood. Or., covering tho appropriation of two second foot from John Day rlv or for Irrigation of twenty-eight ncros In Jefferson county. Uy John Conley of Myrtld crook, covering (he construction of thu Conley rosorvolr for tho storugo of wator from Frozon crook, for Irri gation ot a small tract In Douglas county. Ily J. F. Houston of Roberts cov ering the appropriation ot water from springs to bo stored In Prlngle Flat reservoir, to bo used for Irri gating 140 acrog near Roberts In C'reok county. Tho cost of this water system is estimated M approx imately S3E00. ny O. W. Dent of Plush, cover ing the appropriation of water from MacDowoll crook for irrigation of a ten-acre tract In Lake county. Ily. J. O. Hunter of Orants Pass, covorlng tho construction of the Huutor reservoir for tho storage of water from Huutor creek,, tributary of Applegate river, for irrigation of ton acres In Josephine county. Ily A. E. Oram of Kerby, cover ing tho appropriation of water from Horso slough and Horse spring for irrigation ot a ouo-acro tract in Josephine county at a cost ot ap proximately $500. ny J. H. Mansfield of Williams, covorliiK the appropriation of water from Williams creek for Irrigation uf a two-acre tract In Josephine county. Dy O. D, Ramsdell ot Portlund, covering the appropriation of water from an un-uamed spring for domes tie wuter supply In Multnomah coun ty. Dy William Head ot Applegate, covering tho appropriation of water from Illg Applegate river for Irriga tion of ten acres In Jackson county. Ily Florence Hogoboon ot Joseph, covering tho appropriation of water from an unnamed spring for irriga tion of fifteen acres in Wallowa county. Hats, Drosses and Suits, Greatly reduced. Morris Millinery & Novel. ty Shop. Adv. . TO TRADE 6 Cylinder, 5 pas sengor car, In good condition, to trade for milk cows. Phono 13, 30tf All our waists greatly reduced Trlday and Saturday. Morris Mil linery and Noveliy Shop. Adv. Therefore, try and catch the Smiles of your family and friends, with a KODAK ZKCakc an album of all your in ieiesting snap shols, and it will give you many hours of pleasure KODAKS ARE NOT EXPENSIVE Let us sioid them, We arc sure you will be interested i 1 Ontario 1 Pharmacy Ira Tho business training of a bank account in ' his own name is (ho most valuable and lasting education ho will over receive. Habits of thrift, insight into financial mat ters, familiarity with tho proper handling of funds, is as important as any part of our lives. Start an account for the child, direct his handling of it. Ho will thank you in after years. The Victrola Leads Them All FICTOR records are made by the leading artists of the world, thus giving you the very best musical enter tainment that can be derived from the phonograph world. The Ontario Pharmacy Rexall Victor Eastman