TIIE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OftflGON, (THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1921- Ule (Jthttarui Arguis County Official Taper An Independent Newspaper Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon, and cntorod at tbo Ontario post offlco for distribution as 2nd class matter. Q. K. Alkon, Managing Editor 0000l 8UU8CRI1'TI0N Ono Year, 2.00 kx-iuihie i.v no danger Ooorgo W, McKnlsht, formor county Judge, who wan overwhelm ingly dofeatod for rc-olcctlon by Judgo E. II, Test Bomo threo yoars ago, In a lottor to a contemporary dcclaros that tho editor of the Ar gun has boon attackod by tho alfal fa woovll. May bo so, may bo so. Hut wo want to unsuro tho ox-Judgo and bis frlonds that Mr. McKnlght Is In no danger from attack by this posky bug, for wo liavo It on tho authority of tho bost bugologlsts, men familiar with tho ox-Judgo's typo, that tho woovll attacks only llvo plants. Hior.KiNn new taxes In an effort to solvo tho growing problem of taxes tho commission op polntod by Qovornor Olcott has or ganltod and startod work. It np ' poors that tho .commission bollovos that roal ostato Is now carrying moro than Its sharo and that such taxes as a stato Incomo tax, poll taxos, buslnoss llconsos taxos, di rect taxos, on automobllos as woll as tho prosont 1 1 comes on nutos will hav( to bo Imposed. Among sug gestions thay aro contemplating a mannor by which stocks, bonds, mortgages and other forms of wealth enn bo reached so that creat or equality of taxation can bo secur ed. Tho ArgUB bollovos that much good can bo accomplished by tho commission to tho ond that tho burdon of taxation on real estate! can bo lightened and that those who aro now escaping taxutlon can bo roachod. Thp public will wolcomo such relief. O. A. O. OUADUATU ELECTED TO TEAdl COMMERCE COUItHi: Oregon Agrlcnlturo rollogo, Cor vallls, Juno 23 Miss Tarry Dayly of Eugene has been appointed ns teach or of commercial subjects In tho high school of Ontario. Juno' graduates of tho collego aro having no difficulty In getting teach ing positions. Twenty appointments mndo this week havo boon an nounced by tho school of vocational education. UNITED lMtEHUYTEIlIAN CHURCH 10-00, Illblo School 11.00. Worshln. Tho Itov. 8aloh, a product of tho American Mission In Egypt will speak. Mr. Baleh Is now n student In tho United Presbyterian Somlnary In Pittsburgh and ts making n tour of tho Pacific Coast, speaking In all U. P. Churches 7:00 Young Pcoplo's mooting Jointly with tho C. 13. of tho Congrc aatlnnnl Church. 8:00 Worship, Union mooting with tho Congrogntlonal ciiurcii. rtovj QlUandors will preach. FOR BALE 1920 6 Passongor Ilulck with oxtras, In first class condition. Paul Cayou. Soo our stock of used prossuro tanks boforo buying. Wo havo somo oxcollont bargains. II. It. Udlck. KiiiiiiiiiiiiiiB'''vv A $17 lil'll'siiiiiiiiiiiiilkiiiB SVI I SCREAll JKpil i a A Shotl A Scream In tho night! Out of tho darkness leapod tho phantom flguro, bout upon a mission of rovongo that led to tho most piuzllne mystory on poltco records. This Is tho IIEOINNINO of a molodramatlc novel ty that Ib loaded with surprlsos; n druma of tho triumph of lovo over tho mad thoorlua of sclenro. You'll thlnkl You'll tulle! You'll Cheer! MAJESTIC SATURDAY DON 7 DON'T DONT DON'T send to a mallordor houso for Jowolry, until you soo mo. I will toll you why, DON'T let somo tnexporlouced parson spoil your watch or Jowolry by trying to repair It. DON'T let somo dishonest Jowelor soli you n white Saphlro for a Diamond, buy from a Jowoler who knows what grado they aro. DON'T let a Joweler toll you that a oynthotlc Ruby Is the same as n reconstructed Ruby, call nuil find out tho difference, DON'T let any ono toll you that tour K. Oold ts as good ns Fourteen, I cau make tho propor tests, as I havo had twenty six-years experience-. I can furnish you anything In tho Jewolry lino, on short notlco. I havo soma reconstructed Ruby Rings In stock, prices right. I kIvo satisfaction, or monoy back. PiiillllllllllllllllllllHilllllllillllli HENRY MILLER i ONTARIO, OREGON ARCADIA NEWS NOTES The voters of school district No. 30 held a mooting nt tho Arcadia school houso, Juno 20 C. W. IJar- rott was reelected ns clork and Ed Wolfo wnH elected on tho board to tako tho placo of Nick Snilt. Miss Dorco Doarborn of Ontario Is to take tho lower grades for tho com ing school term and n meeting will bo held on Wednosday evening to dccldo on a toachor for tho higher grades, Charles Dullard and family woro In Ontnrlo Monday nftornoon. Mr. and MrB. Ed. Roberts and Mr and Mrs. L, D. Hammackor and small son, Dobby of Nyssa, spont Sunday at tho homo of C. W. Dar rott. Mr. ond Mrs. Prottymnn and Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson of Nyssa woro motoring In this neighborhood Sunday 'aftornoon. Ruth Uarrott motored to Ontario Monday nftornoon. Rov. Shlolds of Nyssa flllod his regular appolntmont at tho Arcadia school houso Sunday aftornoon. J. A. Hunt of Uolso mndo a visit to his ranch In this neighborhood Saturday. Mrs. Mackoy was out driving with hor Infant son for tho first tlmo Sunday aftornoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chcstor Lackoy nt tondod tho ball gamo at Emmott Monday afternoon. Carrot Smlt of Cairo was In this neighborhood on buslnoss Monday nftornoon. Jack Uarrott attended tho ball gamo at Parma Sunday. ' Evoryono Is busy putting up ha? and tho prospoct for a second crop scorns vory poor. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In tho County Court of tlio State of Oregon, for tlio County of Malheur In tho Matter of tho Estato of THOMAS CROTHERS, Docoased. Notlco Is horoby glvon Uiat tho undorstgnod administrator of tho Estnto of Thomas Crothors, decoas od, has filed his Final Account and Roport In said Estato, and that tho abovo ontltlod court has fixed Satur day, tho 23rd day of July, 1021, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M. of said day, In tho County Court room In tho County Court Houso In Vale, Oregon, as tho tlmo and placo for hoarlng of said Flnnl Account and Roport. Any objoctlous thereto should bo filed on or boforo said dato. Datod this '2Cnd day of Juno, 1021 R. W. SWAtiLER. Administrator of tho Estaio of Thomas Crothors, deccasod. Dato of first publication, Juno, 23rd, 1021, Dato of Last publication, July 21st, 1021. $25 SUITS S $30 SUITS ALEXANDER' ONTARIO & VALE "BEST VALUES frOR THE MONEY" . NEWEST MODELS For the young man or the conservative man. Strictly all wool fabrics, hand tailored, priced as low as in the Good Old Times $25 $30 $35 Pure Thread Silk SOCKS Plain and fancy 75c, $1, $1.25 White Flannel and striped white Serge Trousers $6, $7, $10 Canvas Shoes and Oxfords White, Tan, Palm Beach $2.50 and $3 EXCEPTIONAL SHIRT OFFERING Madras & Percale Neckband, Soft Cuff Shirts $1.50, $1.95 White Or Tan, Collar Attached' Soisette Shirts $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 NOTICE TO WATER USERS TO ALL PERSONS, firms and cor porations, claiming a right to tho uso of tho wators of, or owning or holng In possession of lands border init on and having access to. OWYHEE RIVER, or any tributary inoroor, ana fTO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREOON: You and oach of you aro hereby notlflod that, pursuant to an order of the Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon for Malheur County datod Soptombor 22. 1010. and tllod In tho offlco of tho Stato Water Hoard, January 12, 1020, transferring tho causo of Owyhco Ditch Company, a corporation, plain tiff, vs. Fred Kllngback ot al do fondants, to tho Stato Water Hoard for a determination of tho rotative rlghtB of all claimants to the uso ot tho waters of Owyhee River and Its tributaries, tho Stato Engineer ot tho Stato of Oregon will begin an In vestigation of tho flow of tho abovo named stream and Its tributaries, and of tho ditches diverting water therofrom, on Monday, tho 1 ut day ot August, 1021, And you aro horeby further no tlflod that the State Wator Super intendent of tho Stato ot Oregon will commonse tho taking ot testi mony ns to tho rights of all parties claiming water from said stream or Its tributaries, as follows On Tuesday, the 2nd day of Aug ust, 1021, In tho Circuit Court Room of the County Court Houso at Vulo, Oregon. On Wodnesday, tho 3rd ot August, 1021, lu tho City Hall at Ontario, Oregon. On Friday, tho 6th day ot August, 1021. In tho Hall ot the Jordan Val ley Hotel, at Jordan Valley, Orogon. For a porlod ot 30 days beginning on Monday, tho 15th day of August, 1021, at tho office of tho Stato Water Superintendent at Ia a rondo Oregon. Statoments and proofs ot claim ants will be taken on each ot said dnys at tho places aforesaid from the hour ot 0 o'clock A. M. to 12 M., and from 1 P. M. to 5 P. M. And you are horoby required to appear before tbo sold Stato Water Superintendent at ono of tho times and places above mentioned and sub mit proof of your claim to the wators ot said stream or any trib utary thereof, It any right thereto Is claimed by you for any purpose; and you aro horoby further notified that If you foil to so appear and Bubmlt proof of your claim to the waters of said stream or tributary thereof, default will., be entered against you and you will be barred and estopped from subsequently as sorting any right to the waters aforosald, and will be held and doomed to havo forfeited all right to tho use ot said waters thereto foro claimed by you. ny ordor of tho State Water Hoard of Oregon. Dated this 10th day of June, 1021, at Salem, Ore-1 gon. . I STATE WATER DOARD OF OREGON Percy A. Cupper, Stato Engineer1, doo. T. Cochran, Stato Water Superintendent Attest: R. W. rottei1, Socrotary, 28-29 SUMMER UNION SUITS Long or short Sleeves and Legs $1.00, $1.50, $1.75 KHAKI and WHIPCORD LACE PANTS $2.45 . $2.95 $3.50 $5.00 A LEX AN DER Ontario and Vale ONE PRICE CLOTHIER Oregon RESIDENT PIANO TUNER II. W Oliver, forjncrly with tho Kohlor, Chaso and Sherman Clay piano houses, has locatod hero and offers his professional sorvlcea to piano ownors of Ontario and- sur rounding communities. Mr. Ollvor Is an oxporloncod tuner and offers to pleaso musicians of all grades. Soo his car In the classified column. Adv. p. 20 ANNOUNCEMENT DOCTOR J. C. WOODWARD, OCULIST, WOODWARD nUILDINQ, PAYETTE, IDAHO desires to announce that ho will bo at bis offlco overy af ternoon for tho purpose of FIT TINO OLA8SES. Arrangements may be made for evening ap pointments. Eyes will bo ex amined FREE OF CHAROE. Office equlpmont Includes every modern Instrument. FIT and SATISFACTION guaranteed. THE FAIRMONT CREAMERY CO. Pays fop price for good cream GIVE US A TRIAL CAN Accurate weights and testa guaranteed 4 Now open to receive cream 2nd door west from Fraser's "Store Majeptic Amusement ' Co. Offers Sheldon Lewis in Robert Louis Stevenson's Famous Dramatic Story DR. Mill AND , MR. HYDE Also Joe Martin Monkey Comedy 'Monkey Business' Fri., June 24 SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICES The Sanatorium CLEANING and PRESSING LADIES' LIST Suits $1.50 Skirts 75, up Waists 75 " Jackets ..,, 1.00 Coats 1.50 " Dresses .... 1.00 " Silk and Fancy Dresses . . "l.50 " Bath Kolioa 1.50 Sweaters .. 1.00 " Gloves 25 & .35 MEN'S LIST Suits $1.50 ' Coat Vest 1.00 Pants ..... ,65 Sweaters .. 1.00, up Overcoats .. 1.50 " Ties .15 Pelt Hats . . ,75 Bath Robes 1150 Suits Sponged and pressed .75, up Wo clean everything that can bo dry cleaned and guavanteo all our work first class. Givo us a trial and you will always be our customers. As a man dresses, so ho -is. Wo do rolining, alterations and repairing.' Let us take care of your dyeing. . FRANK DUBORKO, Prop. & -' iili