t . . . w J t X f armu&unv dkpautmisn.t "Office of Comptroller of tlio Currency Washington, May 9, 1921 x Whoroas, by satisfactory ovl denco presented to the undorslgnod, It has boon mndo to appear that "Tho Flmt National IJnnk of On tario," In the city of Ontario In tho County of Mai hour ami Stnto of Otoroii, has compiled with nil tho provisions of thu Act of Congrosa "to cnnblo National Ranking Associ ation to oxtcrtd tholr corporate ox iRtnnco, alid fdr other purposes," npprovod July 12, 1882; ITS A P" NEW PERFECTION Oil Cook Stoves and Ovens THERE'S no smoke and smeU to make digrce ableworkofcookingwittithe New Perfection OU Stove. Clean, intense heat drives directly agairut the'ttteiutl and the oaqie stays whate you set it. Well be glad to demonstrate how easily you caajegukte the New Perfection for any soft tf eeefcing. We have the NewPecftction Oven alto - and ft bakes perfectly. NfMy M Ci. . M !i7iK ii TiiBi vjimmnirH iHf wHK BHrtJBBJ a ml miw mKmwt J ' CI mriT i i im n-immili Now, . thorcforo, 1, Thomaa P, Kano, acting Comptroller of tho Cur rency, do'horoby cortlfy that "The First National Bank of Ontario," In tho city of Ontario In tho County of Malheur nnd Stnto of Oregon Is authorized' to linvo succession for tho period specified In Its nmonded articles of associatien: nnmoly, un til closo of business on May 9, 1941, In testimony whereof witness my hand and Bonl of. office this ninth day of May 1921 T. 1'. KANK, Acting Comptroller of tho Curroncy - r PLEASURE TO COOK WITH A GOOD OIL A cool .clean kitchen no smoke or dirt steady intenso heat concentrated right on the cooking those are the advantages that a good oil cookstovo offers you. A good oil cookstove is convenient and economical no wood or ashes to lug. You can be sure of best results in your oil cookstove when you use pearl oil the kerosene that is refined and re-refined by a special process. It is the best ker osene which the unexcelled facilities and experience of tho Standard Oil Company (California) can produce. ," . J , I t 1 ' M ' I i ' The oil cookstove dealers .whose names are listed to serve you. Ask them to t J. 31 TP 1 gooa on cooKstovs ana xrewi CLEAN HEAT'S . THE THING! The First Thing One Looks Vor In A Stove An Evn to tho Comfort ot the Cook. Inspired that famous Long , Hlue Chimney ot tho Now Perfection It was found that this long chimney proviaeu jusi mo rigui space ior an the oil to be burned up, clean, to be. turned Into intenso boat. Not a drop ll wasted In tbe oye smarting smoke and disagreeable odor. Tbo strong draft ot the long chim ney drives tho clean, Intenso heat'' full-forca against the cooking uton-t all drives, It rigt. through It. ' ... i ' ' ; The quickest, cleanest- aad cheapest & ot all FuelsN ' '" ' . Over 3,099,006 la use. solo y McNulty liwd. Co. THE ONTAEIO AEGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, TIIUliSDAY, JUNfi (SEAL) Chartor No. 6822, Extension No. 3970'. First Publication, Juno 23 1021. Last Publication, July 21. 1921. LOST Uotwoen Vnlo and Ontario box .containing gov't wntor meter. Notify this office 28 p. WANTED Qlrl wantn to holp woman with housowork or caro for chlldrott, Dor 302, 27-28 p. COOKSTOVE tellyou more about ,ther advantages of cooking with a XI i i . vu. w. Sj, .Ml ' " "4'" 1 SEE ONTARIO FURNITURE 4- COMPANY - FOR ' s 3 Oil Stoves WICK OR WICKLESS . SECOND HAND OR NEW OVENS OR STOVES WANTED Bowing at homo 6r by tho day. Mrs. L. Harper tf. FOR 8ALi: or TRADE Six.' Call nt Ford Onrago. -Dulck tf. Now or used walor systoms wo havo tlyoui. If. II. Udlck. PABTURE FOR SALE 2 miles wost, l tnlto south and l'i rallo wcBt of Ontario. Formerly the Ulanton ranches. O. E. Carman, Vale, Ore. 21-29. on this page are anxious 23, ISM. unmun oiflii iu.no SALEM, Or., Juno 21 (Special.) A thoroughbred horso show will again bo u featuro ot tho stato fair In September. Tills wns docldod at a meeting of tho fair board In Salem recently. Lloyd Ilomalno, Douglas county youth, has begun a tllfo term In tho stato penitentiary for tho murder of Abo Ulvons. . IJocnuHo ot litigation that has been Instituted against tho Btato highway commission lu Polk county rolntlvo to tho west side routo ot tho Pacific highway, tho commission toara tho entire road building pro gram In Polk, county may bo held up auuthor year. Captain Lyman Illco of Pendleton and Arthur C. Spencer, an attornpy of Portland, havo been appointed by Governor Olcott as members ot tho commission to administer tho now Boldters' bonus nnd loan act. Tho other mombors of tho commission aro tho governor, tho secretary of stato and tho adjutant gonural. Kvory omployor who employs por sous lu hazardous occupations is uubjoct to thu provisions ot tho workmen's act unless ho has given notlco of his iutontion not to come undor tho act, according to an opinion of Attornoy Qouorat Van Winkle, written In reply to nn In quiry by tho stato industrial acci dent commission. Wntor, light and gas utllltlos operating In Oregon aro dpuu until August 1 to flic briefs In protost against a proposed uniform systom ot accounting adopted by tho public sorvlco commissions ot Oregon, Washington and Idaho for tho utll ltlos operating In tho three-statos. A pool tax, tho return of automo bllos to tho tax roils, furthor taxa tion on estates, stato Incoino. tnxus, nnd taxation of cortaln classes of ships that aro not now taxed aro soma ot tho suggestions mndo by tho stato commlttoo on taxation, created for tho purpose ot lighten ing tho burden of taxation on land. Tho commlttoo mot in Salem during tho wook and I. N. Day was eloctod chairman. - A sharp drop In tho cost ot many food artlclos was revealed an com pared with six months ago when tho stato board ot control last Wednes day oponed bids on suppllos for tho stnto Institutions for tho uoxt six months. Thero has boon n marked drop in. boot, mutton and ilour as well as In ninny staplo grocorlos. J. N. Phillips, known us "lluuk" Phillips, who was killed by robbers In Portland Tuasday night, uas a guard ut thu stato penitentiary un der Wurdcns Stevens and Stotnor. Tho publla sorvlco commission has orilore.il that a motor systom bo In stalled at Lakuvlow by tho Lako vlw Wator company. ,Thu Standard Oil Company ropnrU to the ocrotary of statu that for tho month of May It sold In Oregon I,89fl,30U,C gallous of gasollno and paid 15 4 ,00 4 In taxes on tho sales. ThoN Spokano. Portland & Simttlo Itnllroad company has Informed tho public sorvlco commission that It has established summer excursion furen between Astarlu nnd Tlllnmook bench points. The round trip furo to ull points Is 1.10. In conjunction with proceedings to dotormtno oil the wator rights in Wnrnor valley, Lake county, Loo Mc Allister or tho stato engineering de partment, Is conducting a survey In both tho north nnd tho south por tions ot tho vnlloy. Tho city of Salem has filed with tho public sorvlco commission a pro tost ngalust tho proposal of tho Southern Pacific company to lu creaso stroot car fares from S to 7 cents lit Salem, Kugsne and West Lynn. Tho protest will havo tho offoct of suspending the proposed rates until a hoarlng Is hold. At a meeting of tho stato high- vay commission In Portland, Juno 2( S bids will be opened on road bo lldlng projects In Curry, Lane, Wt ishlngton, Yamhill, Coos, Jack sot i, Josephine, Lincoln, Tillamook nnd'iUmntllla counties. X) ndor tho gasoline tax act of 1021 pora. onB who use gasoline for other than motor vohlclo driving on tho high n'8 nr entitled to a rebate from' tho stato for tho fuel so usod It Is ; necessary however that the elalniA tor robato ho submitted to tho sect 'otary of state within ninety days ofti'r tho date of sale. Sovoral hsers lutt'Q lot tholr robato for tho first thrt" months of tho law's operation because ot tardiness In presenting tho claims. Tho Easi'vrn Oregon Lumber com pany of Enterprise has canceled Its notification t withdrawal from operation und "" t,l workmen's com pensation net. Of ten Eastern Ore gon companies tnt "e(J notice of withdrawal two avo decided to to main under tho act. Tho othor Is tho Nlbley-MImn ul company of Cigarette Te Bal blithe dellcleus iufley tebao flav.ar. It's Toasted USTRIhiJ IRixmL R'.V.M V.aAVMJ U.A.WOie w preatflf m MW ill THE MIGHT arcMAButAeeuo fllin tvna ft flntlnlma .InllMl.fnr klduappod lu childhood and brought up llko an anlmnl In tho Jungle with a half-breed for hor guardian. Notnblo cast headed by lluth Iludd, tho screens daring aortal Mar, Majestic Saturday Matinee and Night Uakor. Others aro oxpocted to take similar action. A now Irrigation district, known as tho l'"ort Vonnoy district, has boon oranliod In Josophlno county, but Is yet to rocolvo the ap proval ot tho stato irrigation socur. itios commission to certify a bond tssuo ut $26,000 fort construction work. Tho district embraces only 800 acres, Governor Olcott has announced that A. C. Harbor, state Insurance commissioner and state fire marshal, will be reappointed when his term oxplros, Juno 30. uovoruor Olcott has officially Dro- clalmod Juno 10 to 20 as cheese week In Oregon. All local salary bills that wero voted on In somo counties ot Ore gon on Juno 7 wero defeated. HU.M.MONH In Tho Circuit Court of thu Hltito of Olt'Kuu, 1'or Tlio County of Mulhcur, uh. Kistlo V. Patch, Plaintiff, vs. Potor Fredrick Martin, E. A. Pad dock, Elltabeth II. Paddock, and tho Welsor National Uouk, u corporation, . Defendants, To Peter Frodrlck Martin, B. A. Pad dock, Elltahoth II. Paddock and the Wolser National Dank, a Corpora; tlon, - lJUiOlluUlll 1W i'IIM ft AMU Uf Urn ointu or uiibiiUrt. iou uru jmruuy ru uuired to uppuar unu una nor iu (.ompiuiiit luuu ugaiusi )ou iu mo UUU,U VUtlllUU HUH WliaiU NIX WWOkS from tno uiuo ot luu iirut ouuiut ttoit ot this tiummons, una it you full so to unswer (or want tueruoi. ih(i plaiutitf will apply to tho Cuuu for tno relief dumuudod tho com plaint to-wlt; for tlio Foreclosuro of that certain Indenture ot Mortgagu Hecorded In book "V" at page SOU Ilecord of Ileal Mortgages In the office ot tho County Clerk ot Mul hour County, Orogon and upon SVS of Tract 10, and Tract 38, Lou, 18, 111, 20, 21, 22, 23 aud 24 ot lilock 4; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 7, 8, 8, 10, 11 and 12 aud 21 in lilock 10; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 ot lilock, IS; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, fl-ot Ulock 10 according to thu second Plat ot tho Town ot Anuox, Malheur County, Oregou, now on file In the Office ot tho County Clerk of Malheur Coun ty, Oregon, and for Judgment against tho defondaut, Potor Fred rick Martin, for tbe sum ot $460.00 less crodlts, as follows, $50,00 paid, Oct. 7th, 1919 and tho sum of $26.00 paid October, 14th, 1919 with Intoroat thereon from the 21st day of December, 1918 at the rata ot 8 por cont per annum, aud tho further sum of $92.84, taxes paid on tho abovo described lands, with Interest thereon from the Jtst day of March, 1921 at tho rato of 10 por cent per annum, and the fur ther sum of $76.00 Attorneys fees In this suit, and for such other and further relief as to onulty and good conscience may pertain. This Summons Is served upon each of the defendants In the above entitled suit, by the publication thoroot for six consecutive weeks, nnd sevon Issues theroof In tho On tario Argus, published la Ontario, Oregon and of general circulation in Malheur County, Oregon, jinder and by vlrtuo of an Order of the Hon Dalton Dlggs, Circuit Judgo, of tho Circuit Court of tho Btato ot Oregon, far Malheur County. Dated June Cth, 1921, Date ot First Publication Juno, 9th, 1921, Dato ot Last Publication, July 21st, 1921. C. McOONAOILL, Attorney for Plaintiff Residence. Ontario, Oregon. IIAIUIIB. 8TINSON & HARRIS Attorneys for Plaintiff Residence, WeUer, Idaho, - " t"Ji'jw, i ,,, Mfe!MiPL I