TIIE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, TITORSDAY, JUNE 1G, 1921 LOCAL PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Unrton of Hakcr left Monday after a visit with Mrs. Rarton's son, Mr, Snht of tho Sako Cafo. Mrs. Darton, wlw wnn formorly Mrs. Maggie lloiloll, was married April 14th to Joseph Unrton of linker an official of the Bumpier Vnlloy Hallroatl. Now clerks nt tho Golden Rulo Btoro aro Miss Loin Howser of Burns and Mrs. II. C. Oobnuor ol Ontario. Tho Itoheknh Club mot Baturday ovonlng nt tho homo of Mrs. Dan Purcoll In honor of Mrs. Jim Dlvon who Is moving to Nyssa. Mr. Dlvon hns chnrgo of tho Cash drain Com pany Nyssa branch. Mrs. II. II. Whitney loft Sunday for San Mntoo, California. Harry H. Cockrum nnd family are nt Payette Lakes. Miss Lawronco, formorly a mem ber of the public school faculty spont Tuesday and Wednesday hero as tho euosts of tho Misses Cora nnd Rthol McNulty. Miss Lnwrenco wns onrouto from Port Illnkoly WnshlnRton whero olio tnught this past year to her homo In Fairmont, Nebraska. Arthur Cockrum nnd Dryan Neob drovn ovor from Corvallls whoro they attended O. A. C. during tho past year, In Mr. Cockrum's r. Miss Loin Housor, n Rraduato o O. It. 8. who was nn 0. A. C. stu dent durlnsr tbo pnst yoar spent Tuesday In Ontario on hor way to hnr homo In, Hnrnoy county H. 0. Van Potton loft Sunday for n business trip to Pendleton and other points whero his company has lumber yards, Mrs. II. L. Peterson loft Saturday for Portland to attend Knstern Star (1 rand Lodge. Kldor Ouy Dnll who rocontly re turned from n nlnetoon years' stay In Kuropo gnvo n very Interesting talk at tho 8. D. A. church Wodnosdny ovonlng. Kldor Dnll and Mrs.'C. U Btovnr worn schoolmntos years ngo nt Lincoln, Nobraskn. w W Letson left Thursday for Portland to Join Mrs. I.otson" who Is In nttendnnco nt tho Eastern Stnr Ornnd Lodgo. Mrs. Paul Bellgmnn nnd dntiRhtor Paulino loft Tuosday ovonlng for nn oxtondod visit nt Portland, Davo InRlo of Knndrlck. Idaho Is vIsltlnR his brothor B. K. InRlo who has boon sick for tho pnst two weeks. Mrs. Rd Durbln returned Sunday from Nampn whero sho bnd been spending tho wook with Mrs. A. II. Cain nnd attending tho Nnxnrono assembly Mrs. Ooorgo M. Joffery who hns been visiting hor parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. P. dimming for somo tlmo loft this wook for hor homo nt Ilolso nrrompnnled ns fnr ns Cnldwoll by Mrs. t'ummlnRs who will visit reln tlvns thoro. Mrs. Klmor Btownrt nnd children nro spending tho wook nt tho homo of hor father Mr. Gray. Mrs. Audra Underwood In RlaylnR with Mrs. J. Ilurrows for n fow wookB, , Iluftis Dlnwlddlo of Jordan Vnl loy was In town tho first of tho week. 104 In the Shade? Rut cool breezes blow in the vicinity of your Beciric A small investment with n big profit in real summer comfort. The Children's Relief When they take their naps the coot breeze of the electric fan is a balm that helps them sleep. 5 Per Cent Discount for Cash Various TypesLow . Prices Electric Shop Idaho Power Company Kd Fi for and Frank Zollcr return ed Tuesday from a three days fish ing trip to Ironsldo. Thoy found fishing not first class owing to the high wator, however thoy brought back qulto a numbor or trout. Dr. Carl Dartlett of linker Is In tho City. Mrs. Wado nnd Mrs. Illbbard of LaQrando, mother nnd sister of Mrs. Conover enmo Inst week for a vUlt. Mrs. Hlbbnrd returned home Tues day whllo Mrs. Wndo will stay for n few weeks. Word wns recolved Tuesday by rolatlvcs that Alethn, tho youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. lllaney, formerly of Ontario, had passed nwny nt her homo In Cnldwoll after only n fow hours sickness. llololi Flfcr wont to Ilolso this week for n months visit with rela tives. Nathuu Atoxnndor of linker wai nn Ontnrlo visitor Sunday. Cnrl Curtnman Is down from Itlvorsldo on business. Kldnr II. W. Oliver of tho S. D. A. Church Is In Ontario looking for n location ns ho wishes to spend tho summer horn. Ooorgo King of Dnker, of the Aotna Insurance Co, was hero Tuos day. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Grovor, Mr and Mrs, J. Sanford nld Mrs. Susie Morton motored to Nampn, Sunday to nttend the Naznrcno Assembly. Tho following frlonds motored to Vnlo Sunday to call on Prank Wins ton nt tho Dr. Senrs Hospital! Mrs. Kd Horry, Mrs. Kdda Ward nnd dnughtor Illnnehe, Mrs, C, U. Stover nnd son Dick, Undo Dick Ruthor ford, Mr. Bmlloy and sister Mrs. Doty. Thos. Taylor of Tnylor-Knoblo Co who hnvo a numbor of 5 nnd 10 co nt stores was In Ontario Tuosday looking up a location for n Inrgo storo, So fnr ho hns not boon nblo to socure n building with sufficient spneo. Horn to Mr nnd Mrs. Will Hlckoy Prldny n baby boy. N A flno 7 pound boy nrrlvod nt tho homo of his grandma, Mr. I), Loltoy In Ontnrlo, Juno 13. Mrs. R. II. Lolloy nnd young son nro do ing nicely under tho enro of tho two grand-mothers, Mrs, I). Lolloy nnd Mrs. I). B. Tuckor. Ills father, I. II. Lolloy hns given liltn the nnmo of John Anthony. Miss Bvn Sterling spont Tuesday nnd Wednesday In Payette tho guost of Dr. Kleldor. Mrs. Oortlo Calvert Is Improving aftor sovoral weeks sickness at tho homo of hor daughter, Mrs. Andy Johnson nt Pruttlnnd. Tho Hoyal Neighbors nnd Wood men will obsorvo Children's Day Bnturdny with n picnic to bo hold In tho pnrk. Mrs. J. T. Ilnnnfln wns operated on Wodnosdny morning nt Holy Itosnry Hospital for appondlcltls. Hor mothor, Mrs. Rradflold of Good ing, nnd sinter, Mrs. Ilnrold Plorcn of Ilolso enmo this wook to bo with hor. L. M. Capron nnd wife, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. John Mognuson wore Thursday visitors at B. J. Horry's. Arthur King vlsltod Prank Wins ton at Vale Prlday. Mr. Winston Is Improving slowly. Stnnloy Ai of Junturn wns In town for n fow hours Tuosduy vis iting friends. Ho Is an old nrmy pal of J. II. Gordon. Mrs. Martha Drodorlck and Mrs, Oscur Jacokos woro cnllod to linker Thursday by tho sorlous Illness of tholr sister, Mrs. 'Katlo Shuck, who Is suffering from blood poison. Tho Sigma Club woro ontertnlnod at tho C. B. Miles homo nt Now Plymouth Prlday nfternoon nnd evening, Mrs. Iluby Jenkins nrrlvod from Numpn tho last of tho wook for a sovoral wcok'a visit with hor par ents, Mr and Mrs. John Hunt. District Attorney nnd Mrs. It. D. Lytle accompnnlad by Mr. nnd Mrs. II. C. Basthnm of Vale passod thru Ontnrlo Tuoadny enrouto homo from n week-end fishing trip In tho Pay oteo Lakes region- Thoy had fair luck, but no big fish storlos to toll on their return. Mrs. B. I). Conklln and daughter Mildred woro Ilolso visitors Thurs day and Prlday. J. A. Walter and wife wore guests at tho O'Noal homo In Vale Prlday. Dewey Patton roturnod to his homo near Pnyotto Friday, from Moscow Unlvorslty, Ho camo on to Ontario nnd spent tho week end with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Ed Horry. T. T. Kohout of Jordnn Valley trnnsactod business and vlsltod frlonds bore this week. Fred Piatt of Parma was tho guest of his father, C W. Piatt, Sunday. Sherry Johnson from Nyssa was In Ontario Prlday securing help for hay harvest. Mr. and Mrs. Don Piatt camo down from their homestead In the Lochart region last Prlday Mrs. Piatt re mained horo while Mr. Plntt roturn od to tho hills. Charles aoshort of Nyssa was an Ontario visitor on Wodnosdny. MRTHODIHT CHURCH Sunday Sorvlces 10 A. M. Sunday School 11 A. M. Proachlng 'Tho Mount of Glory" 7:15 P. M. Epworth League 8 P. M. Proachlng, "Stumbling blocks." llAITIHT CHURCH Dlblo 8chool, 10:00. Morning Worship. 11:00. Junior H. Y. P. V., 6:30., Dlblo Study Class, 7:00. Children's Day Program 8:00. Prayer Service, Wodnesday 8:00. Arrangements aro being made for a church and Sunday School picnic on Fourth of July, LOST Htm jack for auto. Plense return to Globe Sorvlco Station or Mrs. A. B. Rreqpunt. 26-27 P. FOIl SALE 5 room house, 4 lots. Cornor. Good location. 12000. Phono 30-M. 27-30, Pure Bred Poland Chtna Gilts and Hoars for snlo. lien Rose, On tario. 24-SO.p FMIAND BENCH I Carpenter-Hunter Charming In Its simplicity wna tho protty homo woddlng which took placo Thursday, June 9th, nt high noon, at the homo of Mrs. 8. Hunter, Minnesota Avonuo, at which, tlmo hor youngest dnughtor, Mlsi.i Olive Pearl Hunter, was united lit mar riage to Mr. Phil L. Cnrponter, only son of Mr. and Mrs. L, II. Car penter, formorly of Prultland, now of Wolsor. Tho boautlful nn1 lin presslvo ring ceromony of tho Meth odist Episcopal church, was road by tho pastor, Rov, George C. Todd. Preceding tho ceremony, tho two llttta daughters, of II. I). Huutor Itolou nnd Laurn, nieces of tho bride, daintily drossod In pink nnd bluo, unravollcd tho white stro'tms of ribbon loading from tho Btalrwny to tho south window of tho parlor which had boon beautifully docor nted In pink nnd whlto. roses nnd peonys nnd whero tho wedding oc curred, Tho brldo nnd groom, un nccompnnlcd nnd to the strnlns Of Mendolsshon's wedding ranrch, play oil by. Miss Hupp, camo dawn tho stairway and procedol between tli.t ribbons to tho placo whoro tho pas tor was In waiting. Tho beautiful i nnd Imprcsslvo ring ceromony of tho Mothodlst Church wns' road by the pnstor, Itov. George C. Todd. Mine Hupp played "Humonosquo " while tho happy couplo recolved congratu lations. Tho rccoptlon rooms, parlor and dining rooms wcro beautifully docor atod with tho pink nnd whlto flow ora nnd tho color scheme of pink nnd whlto wns cnrrlod out In tho dollclous four courso wedding din nor given by tho mothor, Mrs. Huntor, to tho thirty guests, tho Im mediate relatives of both tho brldo nnd groom. Tho brldo, n young womnn of storllng chnracter, grown to woman hood In this community, n teaehor In tho public schodls, wns charming ly gownotl In n simple cropo satin, trimmed nround tho bodtco with n row of pearls. Tho groom has also grown to manhood In this vicinity and Is well worthy of tho brldo. He Is nn overseas man. Tho happy couplo loft In tho nftornoon by auto for tho Pnyotto Lakes. Upon tholr return thoy will for the present ro sldo with tho mother of tho brldo. Hchonl Notes Tho Doard or Education at Us meeting Monday night of this week votod to call a special election June 28th to voto on a proposition to build n $46,000 school building for Prultland. Moro room Is needed for the grades and It was thought that n now high school could bo built nnd thus glvo tho rooms now usod for high school to tho grndes. At this mooting Miss Kllno, of Mlddloton, who taught tho sixth grado tho past yoar, has been hired to teach that grado agnln. Mrs. Clomons, of Pocntollo, Is to toach tho sovonth grado nnd Mrs, Anna Cardon, who taught at Huntington last yoar nud who has hnd Boveri yonrs experience In touching hns boon hired ror tho olghth grade. This completes the teaching force for tho coming yoar for tho Prutt lnnd schools, , Social No ten Tho Fidelia Class of the Ilroth- ron Church had a monthly and soc ial meeting Tuosday evening of this wook nt tho mjo Uodard homo when a tplondld tlmo wus had. 'the Ladles ChoiMs of tho Ilroth ron church met Thursday Queuing at tho church. , Wodnosdny of this wook Mrs, Hoy Klnsoy was bostons to u dollghttut party ut which tlmo shu announced tho engagement of Mr. Klnsoy'a Bis ter Mlstr Esthor Klnsoy, to Mr. O. W. llondrlcka of Mountain Home Thoro wore fifteen ludlea prcsont tu enjoy tho delicious feast and good tlmo and to Join In good wishes tu tho coming brldo. Mla Klnsoy U mo uaugnter Air. and Mrs. J. M. Knsoy and u gradunto or tho Fruit- land High School. She at ouo time lived with hor parents In Uoleo and has visited horo often. Mr. Hen dricks Is a buslnosa man of Moun tain Home. MUs Kinney aud Mr. Hendricks camo up from Mountain Home to visit ut the Klusoy homo ovor the week end. Mr. Hendricks returned this Wodnesday uud MUs Klnsoy will stay roja longer visit. The Misses Poacock eutortaluod to dinner Sunday Misses Tholma and Mildred Williams, Bugeue Mc Cleur. Howard Smith and Harle Amlck, A reception was given Sunday evening at tho Uungalow for Hev aud Mm. George Todd aud Polly Lou uy the members of tbo church. About forty youug people attend ed the U. E. mooting at tbo Cregor homo when Mr. aud Mrs. Ulllard Cregur were hostesses. A most de lightful tlmo was had, uiuuy of the guests being those Just home from College, 8UMMO.NH In Tho Circuit Court of tho Ktuto of Orcgou, For Tho County or Malheur, w. Klstlo V. Patch, Plaintiff, vs. Poter Fredrick Martin, B. A. Pad dock, EJUabeth II. Paddock, and the Welsor National Hank, a corporation, Defendants. To Potor Fredrick Martin, E, A. Pad dock, Bllxabeth 11. Paddock and the Welser National Dank, a Corpora tion, Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the abovo entitled suit within six weeks from the date of the first publca Hon of this Summons, and It you fall bo to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for tho relief demanded the Com plaint to-wlt: for the Foreclosure of that certain Indenture of Mortgage Recorded In book "Y" at page 368 DIRECTORY OF ONTARIO'S BUSINESS FIRMS V ' These ie Men and Firms will serve your very needs promptly. Call upon or writo to of those who are listed below when in need of anything in their respective any lines. They are reliable: HANKS PinST NATIONAL DANK Capital nnd Surplus $100,000 "A Good Unnk In A Qood Country" ONTAHIO NATIONAL HANK Tho Oldest Unnk In Mnlhour County "Sorvlco that Sorvcs" Capital nnd Surplus $100,000. DRUGS AND 8UNDIUKH i. a. LUEims. DRuaaisT "Wo Never Substitute" Proscriptions a Spoclnlty Phono 123 ONTAHIO PHARMACY O. M. Cnstlomnn, Prop. Prescription Spcclnllst Victor PhonogrnphB Hoxnll Remedies Eastman Kodaks CANIV-CI(1AIU THE SUOAR DOWL Wo Make Our Own lea Croam KI.KOTKlO HUPPI.iW ONTAIUO ELECTRIC CO. Itloctrlcal Appllancos and Wiring CLi:Ai?i:iuf W will Clean nnd Dya ror You nt the ONTARIO PHE88ARY TIIE PANTORIUM meaning, Pressing, Dyeing Phono 81 TlAllDWAIUtf" MCNULTY HARDWARE CO. Satisfaction Guaranteed TAOaAHT HARDWARE CO. Maltiour County's Largest Hardware Storo TROXELL IMPLEMENT CO. Farm Operntlng Equipment McCormlck, Deorlng nnd P. & O. 11. R. UDICIC Plumbing and Heating Domestic Wntor Systems KROE8SIN HARNESS CO. Tho nouso of quality V. W. MAIWDKN General Repair nud Machine Work Record bf Real Mortgages In tho otrico of the County Clerk of Mnl hour County, Oregon and upon Lots, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 23 nud 24 of Block. 4; Lo(s 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 nud 21 In Block 10; Lota i, 2, 3, 4 of Block, 18; Lots 1, 2, 3. 4, S, 6 of Block 19 nccordlng to iho second Pint of the Town of Aunox, Mnlhour County, Oregon, now on fllo In the Office of (ho County Clerk of Mnlhour Coun ty, Oregon, nnd for Judgmont npuinst tho defendant. Potor Fred rick Martin, for the aum of $460.00 less credits, as follows, $60.00 paid, Oct. 7th, 1919 and tho sum of $25.00 paid October, 14th, 1919 with Interest thereon from the 2lBt day of Docembor, 1918 at tho rate of 8 por cent per annum, and the further sum of $92.84, taxes paid on tho above doscrlbod lands, with Interest thereon from tho 31st day of March, 1921 at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, and the fur ther sum of $75.00 Attorneys fees In this sutt, and for such other nnd further relief as to eqnlty and good conscience may portaln. This Summons Is served upon nnrh nf tho defendants In the above ontltlod suit, by the publication thcreor tor six consecuuvu o, and soven Issues thereof In tho On tarin Anrus. oubllshod In Ontario, Oregon nnd of general circulation In Malheur county, uregon, uuuer and by virtue of nn Order of the iinn nnitnn ninr. Circuit Judge. of tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for Malheur county. Dated June otn, ist. Date of First Publication Juno, 9th, 1921, Date of Last Publication, July 21st, 1921. C. McOONAOILL, Attorney for Plaintiff Residence. Ontario. Orogon. HARRIS, 8TINSON & HARRIS Attorneys for Plaintiff Residence, Welser, Idaho. NOTICB Nntlro is hereby elven that It Is contrary to tho ordlntncea of the city of Ontario for any person, firm or corporation to offer for sale or use any explosives, fire crackers or other denotatlng devise, save tire crackers or small size, not over two Inches in length and three eighths or an Inch In thickness, such as come In bunches, and even the use of these Is forbidden within the business district of tho city. Viola- tlnnn nf this mentation will be DUn- tshed by Infliction of Pennine's pro scribed by the city ordinance. II. I '. f-AHMBtl, , City Marshal FOR SALR-rFressure water ays tem tank. In good condition. See J H. Gordon, Ontario. tf I HOTELS CARTER HOTEL Whore Stockmen Moot Next Ontario National Hank Now1 Managomont HOTEL WILSON Tho "Homey" Hotol of Mnlhour County. Good Meals 40c "Ol'TOMKTIlIBT DR. J. A. MC FALL Eyesight Specialist Eyo Glasses nnd Spoctnclos MII.MNKHY Distinction In Clothing And Mllllnory Is the Mark of Those Who Pntronlza THE STYLE SHOP MORRIS MILLINERY A NOVELTY SHOP Pnlmyro Waists Women's Bulla And Sport Clothes, OSHORN MILLINERY Nolt O. Hodford, Prop. The Only Bxcluslvo Millinery Store This Sldo of Salt Lake MRS DLANCHE C. ANDERSON Hemstitching 10c per yard Phono 42-W P. O. Dox C10 IIAKKR1K8 PURITY BAKERY Ernest Harcua, Prop. All Klnds'of Dreads, Cakes and Pastry NOTIONS VARIETY STORE Moro than n thousand Articles for the homo JliNiTUiiH"" ONTARIO FURNITURE CO. Crodlt If You Want It Cash If You Have It MC DOWELL FURNITURE CO. Purnlturo Hardware Thoro Aro Always Bargains At .Our Storo B. PARRISII Now nnd Socond Hnnd Furniture Across from Doyer Bros. Storo MAciilNl:ilV GEO. W. WAYT Farm Machinery and Equipment John Deoro Lino Molina Tractdrs PURE ART1HCIAL I ' m H Mr I Will be at Ice House between' 2:30 and 4:30 p. m. Each Day. All special orders must be in the 'night before N. VINCENT THE ICE MAN PHONE 173-R 3Sr dh ONTARIO nunLC PHf ELECTRIC p COMPANY FROM JUNE 20 TO 30TH -WE WILL CONDUCT A- Sale on Lighting Fixtures Every fixture in our store will be sold at a Reduction of 20 Per Cent Have you seen our ffxture room, if not call and pick out your fixture for your home. ltK8TyUHANTS Good Eats at Reasonable Prlros Quick Service CLUU CAPB 3JAHAGK8 ANlfAUTO8UPPLTl SERVICE TIRE & HATTERY CO. Auto Tiro Hattory Repairing GROCERIES " THE CASH GROCERY "Good Things to Ent" THE INDEPENDENT MARKET Phonos 6 and 135 If Its Good To Eat W Hnvo It If Ifa Farm Produce We Uuy It ONTARIO MEAT & GROCERY CO. Tho Home of Oood Eats nod Low Prices PJioncs 3 and 181 DKIVUITMKNT STORKS S 'Mw ft rj&ffU VLSTORM Evory Day n Bargain Day Dependable Merchandise "Not tho Cheapost, But tho Best" HADER BROS. TUB HUB Ono of 40 Stores Will Savo You Real Money B. A. PHASER Hardware nnd Groceries -jftWKLiyuf BLAOKABY JEWELRY STOnB Home of "Gifts that Last". HENRY MILLER Watchmaker, Jewelry Our Motte: Honesty First OLOTIlfKIUi ALEXANDER'S "A Benson Ahead, Always" Dopartmont Store ml ONTARIO 4aM iWl oregonJ Wm : , t 4 . A A