TITE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREQON, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1921 MB I it h LET EVERY DOLLAR DO ITS DUTY Why koep dollars idle? Thoy should be working and safely oarning an income for. you.. Givo thorn safo employment by de positing them with tho Ontario National Bank. 5' ; Intorost Paid On Savings Accounts iNTAfflefelONAlBAM No. 17 No. G No. 19 No. 23 No. 8C TRAIN HCUICUUIilC West Bound Pas&ongor Mall 1'aMongor PiiBScnisor Pnssongor 3M7 A.M. Dally 0:20 P.M. Dally 4:30 P.M. Dally 2:01P.M. Dally (1'ony 0:33 A.M. Dally East Hound No. 18 PaBsongor 1:10 A. M. Dally No. 80 Passenger (Ponvl 7'GO A. M. Hnllv No. 4 PasBongor 0:33 A. M. Dally (jxo. u mum 2:20 P. M. Dally no, 24 PaBsongor 4!30 P. M. Dally Uivkiiii Eastern llrnncli West Uound No. 371 Mlxod Vale-Crane Doparta 10:00 A. M. Dully Ex. Sunday No. 373 Mlxod Valo-Broenn Dotiarts 8 A. M. Dairy Ex. Sunday i;asi uound No. 372 Mixed from Crane Arrlvo 2:00 P.M. Dally Ex. Sunday no. am mixou rrom urogan Arrlvo 12.20P. M. Dally Ex. Sunday NJft; OLDEST BANK IN JRANT, IIAUNEY4iI? MALHEUR COUNTIES HNwniikWani yvi VNT.J Funeral Directors Six State Licenses Lady Assistant When I esired Modern Chapel R om i u o 0 lipMjPnlii1 IDo Amlmlence Service Willi all Modern Conveniences II. L, 1'etorson 0, R, Augustus p Phone 37'J Phone 7U-M o WTARIO FURNITURE CO. I) llH Side Curtains Repaired SEGU1NE AUTO COMPANY Established liero in 1910 Phillabaum & Allen successors to McDowell Company, Inc. Funeral Directors liconsod in Oregon, Idaho, Washington Beautiful Homelike Funeral Parlors Lady Assistant Hospital Ambulance Service No Distance Too Far Office Phone 227 ' Residence' Phone 227, 178 wmSSS3mstmmBmsit& immmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmm FAnsiniiH wkek f&(,i,,s CONFERENCE oi i-oiiogo Lite at ' riDt.." n- v. xcKwvENTroNs rllls. Or. jUBO maH jwm-onE(30N MB. J. V. lWTLiaT PHYSICIAN & SUROEON Offlco In' Wilson Hldg. Over Post Office notice ok ham: of property HEAL un- 111 The County Com I of the Hlnto of Oirgon, lor (ho County or Malheur In tlio Matter of tho Estato of l.OOAN BAHKLEY, docoaBcd. Nolle o In hereby clvon Unit der and by vlrtuo of an ordor of tho nhovo entitled court tundo on tho 2tt dny of Mny, 1021, tho under signed administrator of tho Estnto of Logan Ilnrclay, deceased, wits directed to Hull nt public auction for ciihIi, tlio followltiK described real properly belonging to tho Estate of l.ocan llnrclny: I.ot Hlxteon (10) nt Illock Ton (10) of tho TowiibMo of Harper, Mnlhour County, OroRon. oi tho samo appears of record In tho oftlco of tho County Clerk of Mnlhour County, Oregon together with tho tonemonU, hereditaments nml ap purtenances theruuuto belonging or In nnywlHo npportnlnlnK, Thnt In purHUnuco of Biich order, tho uiidorslgnod will, on Juno 2Sth, 1021, nt tho hour of 11 o'clock A. M. nt tho front door of tho Court IIoiiko l tho City of Vnlo, Mnlhour County, Oregon, offur for Halo, sub ject to npprovnl of tho court, tho nbnvo described promises for cniih, t lift ndiulnlMtratnr roHorvIng tho right to rejret nuy nnd nil bldii. Dated thin 2Gth dny of Mny, 1021. U. W. 8WAULER, Administrator of tho Estnto of I-orqii llnrclny, deceased. Dnto or First Publication, Mny 20th, 1021, Dnto of Last I'ubllcntlou, Juno 23rd 1021. NOTION OF 1IOND HAM! NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN Thnt Slldo Irrlgntlou District, Mai hour County, Stnto of Orogon, In tends to Issue, ucgotlntQ on,d, spl, and horoby Invltpi npiod bliU (or, tho noRotUiblo vpupmrimnds of nU Slldo IrrlRntlon District, Klrit Horloa nuthorlzed nt nil ulootlon hold with In Huld district mi Octobor lltli, 1020, In tho amount at Flftoon Thousand Dollars, the funds to bo derived therefrom to bo usod for de fraying tho necessnry oxpouso of or KfinUntlm of nald district, construe (Ion of works nml vystem nnd main lunanco and oporntlou of tho name, or nuy nuo or more- of anld pur posei All bids for said bonds must bo nonlcd bids riled with I. Ynnt, Soc rutnry of Slldo Irrigation District of Welsor, Idaho, on or boforo tho hour of 2 o'clock P. M. on tho 20th dny of Juno, 1021, nt which said hour all bids will bo openod, and niu,9t be arcompnnlcd by an. unconditional certified clipck. t tho sMm of Zfr of tho prlca bid, said chock to bo held as llqutdnted damnKos by Slide lrrlKtlon District In (lie event tho bidder rofuspx to tako up nnd pay ror said bonds If said bid Is accept ed. Each bid shall specUy tho rato of Interest, nnd tho prlco In lawful monoy or tho United Btntps Of Amer ica bid for (A) bonds, not bearing Ihu certificate of the Securities Commission of tho Stittn of Oregon, (11) bonds bearing tho certiricato or tho Securities Commission of tho Stnto or Orenoii, and (C) bonds hearing the certificate of tho Secur ities Commission of the State of OroRon and upon which Interest U quurantood by tho State of Oregon for not to exceed threo yearB, or for either ot tho same, Tho said bonds shall bo negoti able In rorm. and payablo In gold coin or the United Statos ot Amer ica or tho present standard or wohjhts nnd rinenoss, or In Us equiv alent, and shall boar date tho 1st dny or January, 1021 and shall bear Interost not to exceed 6 per an num, payable semi-annually, said bonds to bo In denominations ot not less than $100.00 or more than $1,000,00, with Interest coupon nt tnchod tor each semi-annual Install ment or Intorost, the principal or said bonds to maturo serially In an nual amounts approximately equal, principal nnd Interest, In not less than ten years nor moro than twen ty years atter date. Tho Uoard or Directors reserves the right to rojoct any and all bids ofrered, but It said bonds are sold will deliver tho samo rreo or ex change or transportation charges to any city ot tho United States, the purchaser to furnish the litho graphed bonds nnd to remit the purchase price freo of exchange, to the bank to Jo designated by the soller. Dated this May 6th. 1021. BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SLIDE IltniOATION DIST RICT. ATTEST: , , By W. D. Patch, Chairman I. Yant, Secretary, f SEAL) First Publication, May 12, 1021. Last Publication, June 10, 1021. O. I SUMMONS FOR PUIIUCATION In Tho Circuit Court of tin- Stnto of Oregon, County of Mnltit-ur Myrou A. Patch, Plaintiff Vfl. A. Rice. Estnto of Amv K. (Stroblo) Rice decensod, Amelia 8troblo Myers, Prudonco Stroblo Johnson, Corn A. Rice and C. A. Rice, heirs of tho Estnto of Amy E. (Stroblo) Rice, de ceased, John F. Mayors, Andrew E. Johnson, Prudonco E. John son, I. A. Hrown, John W. Ornfr, nnd C. II. Roberts nnd W. D. Hill, co-partnors known as Hoborts nnd Hill, I.cnn' Follows, nnd John Roo nnd Rlchnrd Roo, nnd nil other porsons known or unknown, claiming any Interest In or to tlio hereinafter described prem ises. Defendants. To C. A. Rice,. Estato of Amy E. (Stroblo) Rice, deceased, Amelia 8troblo Moyors, Prudonco Stroblo Johnson, Cora A. Rice nnd C. A. Rice, holrs of tho Estato of Amy E. (Stroblo) Rice, decoasod, John F. Moyors, Androw E. Johnson, Prudonco E. Johnson, I. A. UroAvn, John V. Ornfr, nnd C. II. Roberts nnd V. D. Hill, co-partnors known ns Roborta nnd Hill, Ionn Follows, nnd John Roo nnd Rlchnrd Roo, nnd nil other porsonn known or un known, claiming any Intorost In or to the horoluaftor doscrlhod prem ises, dofandantB, In tho name of tho Stnto ot Oro- ro you aro hereby roqulrcd to ap pear nnd nnswor or othorwlso plead to tho complaint on fllo heroin on or boforo six (0) weeks from tho dnta ot tho first publication hereof, tho snmo bolug tho last day ot the tlmo by ordor or tho Court direct ing service or tho summons In snld suit to bo mado upon you by publica tion, and It you fall to appear nnd answor or othorwlso plond nnd tor wnnt thoroof tho plaintiff will apply for a docroo against you as plead for In the snld complaint, to-wlf for n docroo quieting plaintiff's tltlo In and to tho promlsos do crlbcd ns follows, to-wlt: Lots Ono nnd Six (1-0) Incluslvo of Illock 10, Lots One nnd Four (1-4) Incluslvo or Illock Eighteen (18), I.otn Ono to Twolvo (1-12) Incluslvo and Nlnotcon to Twenty-four (10-24) In cluslvo or Illock 0. Iots twenty threo and twenty-lour (23 nnd 24) of Illock 11, Lots Thirteen to Sovon toon (13-17) Incluslvo of Illock Four (4), Lots Threo to Ton (3-10) In rluslva ot Illock Twenty (20), Loin Thirteen to Twonty-four (13-24) In cluslvo ot Block Flvo (6), tho East one-half ot Block 21, ncrcngo tracts unmoors 38, tho South ono-half of 10, nil ot 30, 40, 41, 42, 40 to SO Incluslvo, C4, CS, 73 to-81 In clusive, C to 12 Incluslvo, 20, 27, 28, 50 to 60 Incluslvo, 05 to 00 In cluslvo, and that ploco or trnol of land doscrlbod an follows to-wlt: Beginning at tho Northwest comor ot lot or tract Number 10 In tho Town ot Annex in snlit county and stnto nforosnld according to tho of ficial plat thereof, thence In a Southwesterly direction to the ren ter of Third Street, thonco west to Robert fltreet, theuco north nlong snld Robert Street to tho Northwrst cornor of lot or tract number 10, thonco enst to tho plnco of begin ning, nil of said lots nnd tracts be ing l tho Town of Annex, In the County of Malheur nnd Stnto of Oro gon as shown by tho official plat of wild town, now on file In tho of fice or tho clerk ot sutd county and stato aforesaid; and forever onjolu and debar you, nnd onch of you, from assorting any claim or claims whatsoever In and to said lauds and premises advorse to tho plaintiff and for such other and furthor re Hot as to tho Court may soom meet nnd oqultnblo nnd for plaintiff's costs nnd disbursement In this suit. You will take notice thnt this summons Is served upon you uudor nnd by virtue ot and pursuant to an order ot the Honorable E, II, Test, Judgo ot tho County Court In nnd tor said county and state; which order was. made and entered on tho 1st day of June 1921, and direct ing that tho summons herein bo published for six weoks, Including seven publications, In tho Ontario Argus, the date of the first publi cation Is June 2, and the date of tho last publication Is July 14. ROBT, D. LYTM5. Attorney for plaintiff. Resldenro nnd postofflco, Vala, Orogon. SUMMONS In tlio Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, For tho County of Malheur MALHEUR COUNTY, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION PLAINTIFF V8. SADIE D. JOSEPH DEFENDANT To Sadie D. Joseph, Defundunt: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You aro heroby re quired to appear and answer or othorwlso plead to tho complaint on fllo herein on or boforo six (0) weoks rrom tho dnto ot tho first publication hereof, tho samo being the last day ot tio tlmo by ordor of the Court dlroctlng servlco of tho summons In said suit to be made upon you by publication and It you fall bo to appear and answor or othorwlso plead, and tor want thoro of, tho plaintiff will apply ror a do cree against you as prayed ror lu said complaint, to-wlt: .For a ducreo condemning (he right of way for Plaintiff's highway known as the Old Oregon Trull Highway, across the. West one-halt of the South-west one-quarter (WH8W4). ot Section 0, In Township 10 South, ot Range 47, which said highway, according to tthe complaint on fllo heroin, Is more particularly described as fol lows, to-wK: A strip of land seventy feet (70') In width, being thirty flvo feet (35') on each- Bide of the center lino over and across said land as follows, to-wlt- Beginning at Station 929 4.40 of the survey thereof, which Station Is approxi mately 1910 feet north and 30 feet east ot the Section corner common to soctlons 8, 0, 10 nnd 17, In said Townsljlp nnd Range; thonco In a soutlionBtorly direction npproxlmnto ly lG2d fcot to Station 045 I CO of Bald flurvoy, which Stntlon Is np proxlmntoly 1320 fcot enBt nnd 010 toot north of tho soctlou corner common to Sections 8, 9, 10 and 17 In Bald Townnhlp nnd Ruiiko, con taining 2.00 acres moro or less; nnd determining tho damages, If any, roBUltlng to. you by reason of snld condemnation and for tho costB nnd disbursements of this suit. You will tnko notlco thnt this BUinmoiiB Is sorved upon you under nnd by vlrtuo of, nnd pursunnt to nil order of tho Ilonorahlo Daltnn Biggs, Judgo of tho Circuit Court, In and for said County nnd Stato; which order wns mndo nnd entered Into on tho 23rd dny of Mny A. I). 1021, and directing that tho sum mons heroin bo published for six (0) consocutlvo weoks, Including sovon publications In tho Ontario Argus. Tho dato of tho first pub lication Is Mny 20th, 1921, nnd tho dnto ot tho Inst publication Is July 7th, 1021. . ROBT. D. LYTLE, District Attornoy nnd Attorney for Plaintiff Residing nt Vnlo.Oregon. SUMMONS In Tho Circuit Court of tho Stnto of Orogon, for tho County of Malheur Hannah M. Mitchell, Plaintiff. VS. John V. Bonis, Zena Bonis, Oscnr O. Mllcholl, Dorothy O. Arm strong, Frank Armstrong, Jnmon J. O. Bonis, Ooorgo W. Bonis, Violet L. Boats William T. Bonis, Frances Boats, Joseph J. Boats, John S. Heals, Dora Bonis, Mnrgarot J. Brlggs, Charles A. Brlggs Orvlllo R. Ferguson, Isla Fer guson, Evolyn Mollott, Henry Mollott, Thomas T. Ferguson, Allco M, Oromor, Porcy R, Oromor, Walter B. Boals, Mlu ulo M. Llnohan, Thomas J. Lluchnii, Rosa A. Lnwson, Harvoy Lnwson, Bovn L. Abbott Irono Bents, Mnrgnrot Boals; Dofondautn. To John W. Beats, Zena Bonis, Oscnr O. Mitchell, Dorothy O, Arm strong, Frank Armstrong, Jnmos J. C. Heals, Ocorgo W. Bonis, Vlolot L. Bonis, William T. Doulx, Francos Benin, Joseph J, Bonis, John 8, Bonis, Dora Boals, Margaret J. llrlcifs, Charles A. BrlggB, Orvlllo R. Ferguson, Isla Ferguson, Evolyn Mollott, llonry Molott, Thomns T. Ferguson, Allco M. Oromor, Porcy R. Oromor, Walter B. Bonis, Mln ulo M. Llnehnu, Thomns J, Llnohnn, Rosa A. Luwsou, Harvoy I.awnon, Beva L. Abbott. Irono Boals, Hannah M, Mttcholl, Margarot HenU: nnd also nil persons un known having or clnlmlng nn In torost or ostata in tho property horo Inattor' described; DEFENDANTS: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREO ON: You aro horoby roqulrcd to ap pear and nnswor' tho complaint fil ed against you In thu nbovo entitled suit on or boforo tho expiration of six weeks from tho dnto of tho first publication ot this summons, tho samo bolng tho last day of tho tlmo proscribed by ordor of tho court dlroctlng servlco ot summons In this suit to bo mado upon you by publication; and It you rail so to answer, ror wnnt thoroof, tho plaintiff will npply to tho court for tho rollof demanded In tho said complaint, to-wlt: For a docroo partitioning among tho ownors tho lands horoluaftor doscrlbod, or If partition cannot bo mado without great prejudlco to the ownors, then ror a salo or said promlsos by a court roforoo and a division or tho procoods among tho owners, after puylng tho costs, ox penses and attorneys foes In this suit. Tho snld lands aro sltuntod lu Malheur County, Oregon, nnd are described as follows; Lots No. 3, 4, 6, 1. 7, 8, of Block 24 In tho City ot Ontario, Oregon; also tho NW of NWU of Sec. 32, Twp, 17 8. R. 47 E. W. M, You are furthor notified thnt this summons is servod upon you by publication in pursuance of an order ot tho Hon E, II. Tost, Coun ty Judgo of Malheur County, Ore gon, which order was mado and en tered tn said cause on May 7th, 1921, and dlrectod that this sum mons be published onco oach week for six successive weoks In tho "On tario ArgUB," Tho date of tho first publication of this summons Is May 12, 1921, mid tho Inst publication Is on Juno 29, 1921. W. W. WOOD. Attornoy for Plaintiff. My resldonce nud post oftlco ad dress Is at Ontario, Orogon, NOTICE OF BOND ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN, That tho laid ownors within tho FAIRMORE IRRIOATION DIS TRICT, In Malheur County, Oregon, will, on tlio oth day of July, lust, hold an election for tho purposo of dotormlnlng whethor or not bonds of tho said Irrigation district, In tho sum ot $20,000.00, boarlng Interost at tho rato of six per cent per an num, payablo semi-annually, shall bo Issued and sold for tho purposo ot paying tho Indebtedness of the district and for tho purpose of pur chasing tho present pumping sys tem. Said oloctton will bo hold at' the residence of J. II. Seaweard, within sa Id district and the polls will open at 8:00 A. M, and closo at 6:00 P M, ot said day, and tho ballot to be voted at Bald election will con tain tho words, "Bonds, Yes," and the words, "Bonds, No." First Publication, Juno 2, 1021 Last Publication, Juno 30, 1921. Wig W. Whlto. . Scretary of Falrmoro Irrlgatlo,, District. WANTED Sowing at homo or by tho day. Mrs. L. Harper tf. FOR 8AL or TRADE Bulek Six. Call at Ford Oarage tf New or used water systems havo them. II. R. Udlck, Professional Cards 1)118. It. A. MOON & VM. IIALI1 Chiropractic Physicians Klecti-o-Tlicrnpciitltts Hplno At Nvrtu SpcclnlNls Phono l.H Ontario, Oio. DRS. WI2ESE & FOUTNEIl OFFICE HOURS 9 to 12 and 2 to 6 Office ovor First Nutlonnl Hunk folephouo No 33 J Ontario Ore DR. A. It. ROBERTS Dentist Between Ontario Plum. m.il I)CK)t. Phone 52 DR. O. W. TYLER DENTIST Offlco In Wilson Bldg. Otrice Hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Phone 117 lor Appointments. A. A. WELLINGTON Trniufcr nnd Storngo Alfnlfa Mini nt 9I.! Per Sink Ilclhcroil . Pliouo 1(12 FRANK BRITTINGHAM Phono 1 10 J Ontario, Orogon Long Hauling a Specialty Wfl Altvn)N Deliver tlio flood YOURS FOR IJUSINESS BKECKON&SURIVER Auto Repairing. Acctylenu Weld inir u specialty. Block west of Moore Hotel Electric Wiring All wiring done strictly to state laws, I We build up ton standard, not down to a price. Griffith Electric Shop Telephone 228 J GUS GOLDBERG The Saddler Formerly of Wlnuciiiuccn Nevada P. O, Box 071. Sarmiiiento Call fori) la Muiiufurturor of Fine Sad dles, Bridles, Chaps, Renins, RoIiih, Mexican IIuiul Mndo Silver Mounted lilts, Spurs, lleadHlalU, Conchas & etc. Wrlto for Prlco List 6iam The Things You Go By We Make Them Turner Bros. Barney Pete Ontario CUT THE GRASS, Dont pull it Now Is tho tlmo to look over your lawn mower. Get tlio blades sharpened and the work InK parts put In order. Tills will savo you tlmo and iiiako LAWN MOWING KAHY When you want work llko this done Wo do It right, and quickly. MARSDEN MACHINE SHOP V. W. Marsden, Prop. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm M-