THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, nil rflOV. TmMtSnAY. TPNK 0, 1021 J I , ! ! fc, I i 1 1 1 4lu:; r ! i J v ft t r "J- if ' Hv 'i' Lt !lf 4 I' I- (- If J I- t tfi J OWYHEE NEWS NOTES Mr nml Mrs. C'has Ilrndloy niul tlnughturs, Altn ami Kuliy, niul Mr nnd Mrs Frnitk Krlur nnd Mrs. Iluodu motorud to IJoIro Thursday. OcorKO Honton recently of Uolso, lint now of Nyssn, having ''moved Inst week with his family, nto sup per nt the Dollord homo Sunday. While In tuOftOwyhce ho purchnscd n tonm of drnft horses from J. S. (llnscock, Bnld tonm holiiR tnkon to Nvssn by Louis nnd Hollo Fonn. Mrs. Dolln Uoblnson, of Ontnrlo wns nu Owyhee visitor Mondny, com Iiib nfter her ilnuRhter, Krnnccs, who ImB been v'sltlng her uncle, (loorgo dluicnck nnd family. Mrs. ("has Schwclzor nttondod n mcctliiK of the county executive hoard of tho 1' T. A. In Ontario, Wednesday. W. W. Smith took his Sunday school class on n picnic to Chnlk llutte, Tuesday. Itev. Shields was calling In tho community Saturday. Mrs. J. S. Qlascock nnd children called nt tho Fonn homo Friday ni tcrnoon. Andy Hansen, who spent tho win tor In tho mines nenr Yuma, Arizona roturned to Owyhee a short tlmo ngo to visit with friends before leaving for Council, Alaskn. Oeo. Kroth spent n fow days with Fred Snlvely on his rnnch up the river this wcok. Mrs. Oscar I'lnkston nnd daughter I'carl, vlsltod at tho J. 1. McUlnnls hiimo. Sunday. " Mrs. Now'l Thomnson nnd child ren, Jcsho, nnd lllnncho motored down from Kmmett, Sunday to bo hero for Memorial Day. Mrs. Thom nson spent tho night nt the I.owo home. Jcsso was a guest of Carl Schwclzor and lllancho Btnypd at tho Kllngbnck homo for n visit with her former school-mate, Evelyn Do llord who nlso spent the night there. Mrs. Fenn and' daughter, Ilcrnlce iind nlso one of her sons motored to Nutnpa on Memorial Day. Miss lluliy Wilson Is a guest nt tho J. 1' McOlnnls homo. Kvolyn Dollord attended the Will ing Workers class party given by tholr teacher Miss Florcnco King man, Tuesday nt her homo In tho Kolony. Mrs. J S (llnscock was n Onto City visitor Monday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Nowblll wore In tho Owyhee on Memorial Day. Mrs. Oils Schwclzor and daughter. Mrs. J. 8. Qlascock nnd children, Vllco and Johnny nntlclpnto leaving Wednesday for n fortnight's visit with Mrs. Schwelzcr's daughter, Kuto nnd husband, In Seattle. They nlso oxpoct to nttend tho Iloso Feu thnl In Portland. Thoy nro going as guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Oreeti of Ontario, who will accom pany them. Mrs. Sula Thompson of Ontnrlo Is a guest of Mrs. C. 8. Schwclzor and family. I T. M I.owo Is dragging tho roads which wero recently uamagou uy wnter spouts between horo nnd Vnlo. Geo. (llnscock motored to Nyssn Saturday. Kenneth McDonnld was an over night guest of Oornld Dollord Sun day. ltov. Shields held his regular monthly preuchlng service at tho school houso, Sunday. Mrs. J. II. 8mlth and Mrs. C h. Schwclzor, President nnd Secretary of tho County I. T. A. who nttondod n meeting of tho oxecutlvo board In Ontnrlo Wodncsdny woro entertain ed nt luncheon by Mrs. W. H. Itob- erts of that city. ORCHARDISTS EXPECT i ill MILLION CROP1 Indium I'iomiIm's To Hi lug Ni'cilcd Ciisli To Count) IVxts Til llf Continued I'i eight HiiIcm RADER BROS. CO. WASH GOODS 30 Inehofl wlilo; n very fine mer cnrlzod vollo In dark grounds with a good variety of medium nnd largo floral patterns. Uroumls como In coponhiigou, navy blue, taupo, wisteria, old roso and dark brown. Spoclal por yard 63c Anothor big tnblo at Special 47c VOILES :i!-40 In. plain whlto vollo n real sheer uiittorlnl for soft Hiimmor frocks. Spoclnl 55c Another Special nt 29c GINGHAMS Hem iimllty 27 In. gingham tit !Mc A good quality nt '-Or PERCALES Ilfl In. porcalo nt ,. JWo K In. peronlo at -c GIRLS' DRESSES 1 I-ot llttlo girls drosses of good gingham nlcoly trimmed, slzo 2 to 0, Special 95c 8 to H, Spoclal $1.49 Polly Prim Aprons A big lot to cbooso from mndo of porcalo or glnghnm. They nro of different stylos. Special In cooperntlou with the farm bu reau committee on horticulture, county agricultural agent llrelthaupt has Just completed a series of meet ings of orchardmen whore control measures for fighting tho destruc tive coddling moth for this year's fruit crop wns given consideration nnd n survey of tho acreage and probable returns trom the crop made. Fow people realize tho Im portance of the orchard Industry In Mnlhour county for In comparison' to other lines of farming the ncieugo Is small. However, according to preliminary est liuatcB made by tho I fruit men, tho crop In 1021 may bring u half million dollars Into the county. And this measures up pret- I ty well with the probablo value of tho hay crop. According to the survey made, ' there nro 270C acres of bearing I fruits In tho county In commercial orchards. Of this, 1114 acres lire I In tho Outarlo-Nyssa section; 088 acres on Dead Ox Flat; 8C-S In tho llrognti-Jamleson district; and the bnlnnce In Dig Ilend. There nro 2114 ncres of apples; d4S acres of prunes; 30 acres of peaches; mid 14 ncres of pears, There nro a number of Irrigation districts In the county which could contain tho en tire ncrcngo of fruit nnd linvo room left for as much more. , Now that the frost period seems safely pnst, thorn Is Just about ono thing which stands between tho fruit man nnd n good crop of mnrkutablu fruit. That Is the wco coddling moth of nocturnal habit, mother of countless worms which, In the ab sence of poison on the fruit, outer tho npples nnd make them unsalable. To bring about bcttnr spraying unit thus Increnso tho amount of mar ketable fruit was tho object of tho meetings In particular. Supplement ing tho meetings, n circular letter wns addressed to all of the orchard Ists In which n report was given of tho progress of the egg luyluK of tho moths and recommendations for liming tho spray given. NEW REAL ESTATE HAN TO HANDLE FRUITLAND LANDS ('ro, II, l.iH'icli Organizes I'miuri'V IiiM'tlini'iit Company To Cngnge In Handling Property In Vnlley 95c SKIRTS 1 big lot of whlto wash skirts to closo out nt l-fl off. 1-3 Off Bathing Apparel For Mon Women nnd Children, corroctly fushlonod, up-to-tho-mln-ute styles. Attractive color com binations ul popular prices CH ALLIES 30 lii, Quilting Chnlllos, In now floral doslgnB, tho kind you can wiihIi without fear of fading, Spoclal 25c ART TICKING We Just recolvod n now slilpmontof this material nt tho now low- price, Thoro nro lots of ways to uso art ticking for pillows chnlr rovors, bod pads, laundry bags, otc-Special prlco 45c 5Sr PHONE 95 .! ONTARIO ELECTRIC COMPANY KI.KCTHICAL CONTRACTING HOT I'OINT Al'l'MANCES i:asy vacuum washkrh kdison mazda lamps irrigation plants motors and supplies wk8tco water systems PHONE 95 Geo. II. Loprch, formorly of Won utcheo, Washington, but more re cently or Sonttlo has opened offices In Frtiltland whero ho has organized the Fnrmor'H Investment Coinpan which has for its purposo tho hand ling of farm lauds, primarily in tho Frultlniid nnd Ontario sections Mr, Loorch has alrnnilv innnirnui. od nn nctlvo Intcrost In the develop merit of tho country about Fruit laud, ho having boon Instrumental In bringing nn additional 1 Q00 , r0i Into cultivation ubovo tho Fanner Ditch between Frultlniid and New Plymouth. "This section will support uioro families than It Is now, and in the dry land farming sections of East ern Washington nnd In Montana thoro nro many peoplo who nfter their oxporlonros of tho past three yoars nro seeking now homes, I unvo oireuuy inioronteu a number of them to tho extend that thoy aro Investigating this soctlon," Mr. nnd Mrs. Loorch visited On turlo on Monday for a short time arcadia Tews Robert Wndo Is tho first to hnvo his first crop of hay In tho stack George Turanian's father Is visit. Ing nt tho Turoinnn home nt present Mrs Ed Gibson was visiting In Adrian Wednesday, She mentioned that she had recolved a letter from Albort Gibson und wlfo who nro do ing nlcoly. Mr and Mrs. Walter Nichols wero Adrian visitors Wednesday Dun Holly, Wed Otis nnd Enor ' nrisinnsim mmin n iniuinuu .i.. . Vnlo Suturday. Mrs Alvill McG lllllfu nn,l c.ll fn James wero shopping In town Monday, Elmer Gibson had the mlsfortuno to break his nrm whllo trying to crank tholr ford Monday , Ermel Ashcraft Is visiting nt the I'.?.'.1!0 .i ",g Pal-0"!8. Mr nnd Mrs Will Ashcraft. George Glnscock was In Adrian Monday, P. II. Alldorson In nn llm !.!, n. this week. Mr Daldwln wns badly Injured tills week liv n ninnwnv M . - -, . .... .., , ,,, nan driving n span of mules to a Jointer, while crosslne n lirlilin ti... . enmo frightened and drug him some distance As hn mho n .,.. anyone hear him ho crawled on his hnnds and knees to the houso, which wjib sumo iow nunurou yards away Mrs Ray Johnson was visiting In Adrian this week She stated that they havo planted nlmost all of their rnnch to sugar cano. A sugar mill was brought from Rona Valley. MinilODIST Clll'RCIC Children's Day 10 A. M, Sunday School U A. M. Preaching "Our Sons nnd Daughters." 7:15 P M. Epworth League S P M. Children's Day Program when tho Young Folks assisted by choir will present a fine program consisting of Singing, Speaking and Drills. fonin nut niul Imin ... i. . tho Children's Day a great success, I HwiiMMiiniiiiin GET ON THE MAP HAVE A TELEPHONE INSTALLED Below are telephones installed since our last Directory was issued: AntU'i'lioi'tf, Dun 'M-M Dnidriclc, Mrs. Martini Ul-J Hiiimaii. I. T 7-W Mln.spi', Frt'd lo-M Hiiillftl, Dr. ,1. C, OlTit-c HI Draper, W ir (ll(il)o Si'i'vicc Stutimi W-M lliii'poi', ('. E 7;")-.! llniTis, Irvins A 10I-W-2 llnlptii, E. I I-W Kirk, Nellie 112H-.I Kliini, Omar W)-M Li-litfoot.E. (1 2IM!-V iMillci',.1. II !)l-V-2 Morris iIilliii(i'ry ',v. '. C52-H Pit.ser, T. .J'. ' ioa,j PlimiiiKM', E. S. vgf. ...... M)lg I'aync, iK'iiricuu . u)(j-v Parker, V. ( 11U-H I tusk, It. V ,rM.J IfnllieiTord, A V, (J2-W MM L 'I , in r mirv, niiMiu . . ; ,i n-d 'lWiii'H, U. (5. ..J-. (i8.fl I Tliompsoii, Y. V) (i:M Wlii! iiiose, II ri-M Cut this out and paste on page 3 of your Directory. Watch this space on 1st of each month for new subscribers. ilLIIEUil HOM HuifuimmiHWwusii 'WssHfflctaatffflerasawHHai E TELEPHONE CO. J. A. LAKNESS, Vice Pres. & Gen'l Mgr. iwiiiiiiiBiiBWBrwwai intwmww ttnuwuiin im.ih wjitiBLjgaagaB3MMiMwMBMWBaMaB a ALEXANDER "MAKE YOUR DOLLARS DO DOUBLE DUTY" THE SUITS ARE HERE Made of pure new virgin wool, Worsteds and Cassimeres,the products of America's best mills SPORT SUITS With built-in backs and four patch pockets $25 AND $30 YOUNG MENS SUITS Single and double breasted with neat semi form fitting backs. $25, $30, $35 CONSERVATIVE SUIT For the man who Is al ways well dressed. $25 TO $40 Practical OiitHnm rww For The Man Who is Laboring These Days LEATHER PUTTEES $5, $6, $7.50 WRAP LEGGINS $1.25 AND $2.00 RIDING BREECHES In a varied assortment of khaki, whipcord and cor-durory. $2.50, $3.25, $5, $6 SUMMER UNDERWEAR . K.inas ana styles $1.25, $1.50 $1.75 OUTDOOR SHIRTS Soisette, khaki, Chambray in tan, grey and O. D. 75c, $1., $2., $2.50 ODD TRDITSRRS BROWN, GREEN, GREY, STRIPES' $5.00 $6.00 $7.00 ALEXANDER ONTARIO AND VAT.R ' V ' "- " T - I lntX U3A ll . ntllAM UKiiJ"n One Price Clothier - a i J BMHBBBHMBMM . if-' 'IWT'JiftiA