THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OK BOON, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1921 pi tr 01 en In n tl. ni ill fl til (' fr i F w h it w I v IV 11 tl li I) li A V H li I 8 h o , I n H uHjp QDntarin Anjua County Offlclnl Taper An Independent Newspaper l'ubllshad Thursdays ut Ontario, Oregon, and outorod at tho Ontario post ofrico for distribution as 2nd class mat tor. O. K. Aiken, Managing Editor HUUSCIlll'TION Ono Year, $2.00 tiii: i'i:oi'i,i: want to know? What Is tlio motlvo tlmt is spur ring n small group to lustltuto tho rocnll of County Judgo K. II. Tost mid County CouimlHslonor Frank M. Vlnes7 Why Is It that they cannot tiring forth a candlilnto to succeed these orriclnls? Whnt Is tliolr gamo? Whnt ulterior object do thoy wish to attain? Thoso nro mighty portlnont ciuos tluiiH. When men put up money to bring about n rosult It Is timely tlmt tho Impelling motlvo bo exam ined; there must ha something be hind tho scheme, for no ono In Mal heur county has over accused tho men who nro active In this work us being ho public spirited nud so zealous of tho public good that thoy would actually Invest cash for Its promotion. Kveu tho proponents of tho recall would not claim that for themselves. noineonoH bull must liavu been gored. Whoso was It; nnd If they who would recall tho present offi cials win, what Is tho price they aro tit demand of tho successors? Admittedly there Is no public clamor for u recall, and has not been, and tho men who stir up vtrlfn do not do so for ploasuro. There Is soma object to bo obtained. Tho men behind the recall move ment nro practical men. Thoy will rocognlzo that tho public has a right to examine their motives, to look bo hind tho scones to learn why It Is being used as on Instrument to re vongo ii private grudgo, and this Is whnt the recall really, amounts to. At hoiiio time or other overyono of the men who Is busying himself In this movement bus found some pet scheme hlockod by the County Court. At loaijl ono man Is soeklng re venge for n grudge of years stand ing, so tho Argus Is tuld, and Is furnishing an example of gross In gratitude Taken all In till tho attempt to bring tho milium of two moil llko I-:. II. Tost nnd Prank M. Vines Into illsreputo Is a sordid affair, ono that should bring to shame tho perpetrators. tlvo statements Bhowlng tho posi tion of Malheur county's schools ns compared with those of other coun ties In tho stale cannot bo doubted. Tho comparative statement, too, ro futcs emphatically tho oft repeated statements that our schools aro ox crtvngantly administered. It should be particularly noted that In every Instance whero per centngo of attendance, and other factors showing tho use of which the schools aro put by tho peoplo Malheur county Is high In tho list; white In every feature relating to schools tho county Is nwny down on tho list. y, For example, there are only three counties In tho stato which pay their teachers less than thoy re ceive In Mnlliour county. Thero are only three In which tho cost per pupil Is lower than It Is here. When It Is further considered that as coinpnred with tho other states In tho Union Oregon Is twenty-third In comparative expense, It must ho admitted tlmt for tho edu cation of their children ttio peoplo of Malheur county aro getting ro suits at away bolow tho nvorngo cost. In this connection tho only criti cism that wo havo heard of lato Is that concerning teachers salaries. This has long been n moot ques tion, but alt of tho authorities high In tho buslncsH of government aro agrood that cheap teachers means Inefficient teachers. Inefficient teachers mean Inadequately trained children. Inadequately trained child ren moan men and womon handi capped In tho battle of life. Ily nil means wo aro certain that the peoplo of Malheur county desire for their children an ndoquate edu cation and a fair clmnco for sue coss In tho strugglo that Is before every young man and woman. Hue ecus Ih not easily attnlned at the best, and tho boys and girls of Mul hour county, nro wo bellovo entitled to nn ovon break with tliolr fellows In other counties and other states. MAI.IIKUU COUNTVH HCIIOOUS Coming from tho nuthorltlvo source of tho Stato Superintendent of I'uhllc Instruction tho compuni- ANNOUNCKMKNT nocTon j. c. woodward, O C U Ul 8 T, WOODWARD IIUIMMNCJ, I'AYETTB, IDAHO duslros to announce that ho -will bo at his oftlco ovory af ternoon for tho purposo of FIT TINO OI.ASSKS. Arrangements may bo mado for evening ap pointments. Eyes will bo ox nmliiod FUEE OF CHARGE. Office oqulpmont Includes ovory modern Instrument. FIT nud SATISFACTION guaran-teod. nnTnxrmTriT Lessens Labor Goes Farther 'Y 1""' iii'm"J ""'"TlTJr" M2fl'MUHTEAMt BOKAXfft CHIPS Lm MfumT m JfTVl r m ts.-W5., p-ww-- Gu&r- 4BM IRONSIDE NEWS Mr. Taylor, Field Superintendent At Eastern Oregon Land Co., from Ontario, wus In this vicinity tho past week looking after business. Wm. Turomnn came In from Mnl heur Illver Saturday going to Vale. Mr. Chester was an Ironsldo vis itor from Malheur river Saturday. Ous Heed passod through Iron side, Saturday going to llrognn, for a load of stock salt for tho llunit Illver Mercantile Co. C. Smith nnd John Smith of llro gan went on n fishing trip to the Malheur river Mondny. They re ported a poor catch. W. W. Howard from Ilonltn Is building fenco for ltalph Harvey. Don Piatt nnd wlfo. returned to Ontario from tholr Homestead near Ironside. Porey nnd Olllo Iocey nnd mothor from Wolscr visited nt the homo of Mrs. 8. D. Duncan nnd C. T. I.ocoy, tho first of tho week returning homo Thursday. James Weaver nnd Earl from Ilonltn were Ironsldo visitors Batur dny. Earnest and Fred I.orcy mode n business trip to Hereford. 8nturdny. Alvn I.ayronco nnd wlfo of Unity enmo to Ironsldo Saturday lo vnlt Mrs, I.nwrcnro's mother, Mrs. Will Lofton. Mrs. Chas, Door was visiting her parents nt Frultlnnd tho pnst week Ironsldn nnd Hereford hall teams met nt Ironsldn nnd played a vorv Interesting hnso ball gamn. The score wan 0 to IB III fnvor of Here ford. , , Morvln Duncan returned home from school, after spending tho win ter In linker. Mrs. Ed Ilenm entertained a fow frlonds nt hor homo In honor of her daughter, Vivian, It being hor birthday. Tho nfternoon wns spent In gntnes nnd light refreshments were sorvod by tho hostess, Mr, nnd Mrs Fred Iiwronco at tended tho ilancn at llrognn Hatur day night and reported it good llmo, Norn Lnthropo and brothor Monte mndo n trip to Whenton crook Sat- jsw W &A W CULVKI c IMjANTH at ont AMI CAIiDWI Permanent as the Pyramids , V 'i S&JV x& . I UK), OltlXJON X ' !M,, IDAHO X DltAINAOI HKWKK I IT, 1IK1I1W iVTION r; AI'I'IIECIATK YOUIl IIOMK TOWN ''Illghl now Ontario Is better off than nine tenths of tho towns Us slxo In this Interinoiiiitnlii country," said C. S. Watson, formerly of On tario hut now a resident of Salt Lake from which point of vantage he Is looking after his Interests which nru scattered all the way from Utnh to Ontario and vary from farming hinds, business build Ingrt nnd mining properties. During tho course of tho past ton mouths since ho loft Ontario It has boon nocessary for him to visit nil over tho luterniotintalii country and he Is theroforo quntlfled to Judgo. Visitors to Ontario constantly make such declarations and while soino may do so to flatter our pride, yet the statement mndo so often must havo u monsuro of truth. It Is certain that many of us do not appreciate how really fortunate wo aro In this section. Even though we nro facing real problems, the basis of our prosperity Is laid deep and business hero Is holding Its own. Wo ought to nppreclato this fact. I'uiiiT Tin: wi:i:vu, Tho havoc which tho ulfulfn wee vil has brought In many fields of tho county has at last demonstrated that It Is n menace that cannot be. Ignored. l)y sonio of tho men who tutvu considered tho problem from many angles tho coming of tho wcovll Is viewed almost us u blessing; for they arguo, tlmt It will couipell tho nbandonmeu of alfulfn, as tho solo reliance of tho rancher. While this may bo true, still al falfa will never he abandoned as a leading crop. It would bo a calam ity to have ull tho alfalfa fields devastated, for upon alfalfa will bo built the dairy and hog raising In dustries which will tako up tho slack left by the curtailment of stock raising which has already manifested itself, If nil tho fields of ulfulfa In the county could be abandoned far a few years perhaps the pest could be thus curtailed but It Is foolish to nntlclpato such n condition, and that being true It rests with tho ranchers to adopt tho next best method. Tho county Is fortunate that It has the opportunity of getting tho ndvlse of the specialists of tho de partment of agrlculturo through tho county ugent. Ily this service It Is possible that many times tho cost of the entire service will be saved to the county In combating this men ace nlouo. To get rovengo for their private grudges a group of self-seeking pol iticals nro going to make the tax payers of Malheur county dig up 2,000 In real money to hold an election. What do you think of that Mr Tax Payer? Aro you will ing to be used as a tool for prlvato ends and then mado to foot tho bill too? urdny, nttondlng a dnnco whllo thoro. Mrs. C, Smith of Vnlo Is visiting tit tho homo of J. P. Smith. She oxpocts to stay here for n month on account of so much whooping cough nt Vnlo. Mrs. C. I). Housor of Illchland, Is visiting her pnronts, Mr. and Mrs. II. ('. Elms. Sho expects to leavo for Unity Sunday whora sho will visit relatives thoro beforo return ing to hor homo. Mrs. II. O. Elms will return homo with her. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd White and W. U. Thompson enmo from Unity Bun dny to attend tho ball gnnio. Mr. Alexander enmo In from Mal eour river Monday. Ed Itoso and Sumner Smith aro smoothing tho roads after tho hoavy rains. Manto Crows hns taken n contract to build several miles of fence for S. M. Molthnn and Son. Fred Inwronco nnd Arthur Ilenm wont to Flog to do somo fonclng on Mr. Iiwrcnco's homestead. Mrs. E. J. Ilenm wont to Vale tho first of tho wcok to havo somo don tnl work dono. Mr. nnd Mrs. Earl Lofton took Mr. Lofton's mother to I'nyotto Tuesday on land business. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Williams woro guests at tho home of W. It. I-of-Ioii'h from Unity. Mr. Means mado a business trip through Ironsldo from Vnlo Tues day, going to Malheur Illvor. ltalph Harvey went to (lrogan this wook to rldo after his cnttlo. Orvlllo Nichols will drlvo stago dur ing his absenco. Zeldn and Elmer Hose from linker have returned to their homo boro aftor spondlng tho winter In Ilnkor at school. Mrs. Edith Iloblnson of Mnlliour wns In Ironsldo on business Friday. Ilnlph Ilenm attendod tho dance nt Bridgeport Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Ilert Iiwreuco went to Cnldwelt Friday. Orvlllo Nichols wont to Vnlo Fri day for n load of freight for his father, A. E. Nichols. HEED IlEPOKTO CODDLING 18 OUT ON TKKIM NKAH MtOOAN A. A. Heed, clinlrmnn of tho farm huronu horticulture committee re ports that coddling moth emerged at llrognn as early as tho uilddlo of May. This report Is confirmed by orchardlsts who watch such mat tors In other parts of tho county. Tho nights of May 24 and 26 wcro very favorable for tho moths to bo laying eggs. While all of tho moths had not omerged nt that time by nny means, It Is probable that tho apple growors who neglect to apply tho flrstcovor spray In tlmo to catch the worms from oggs laid by thoso early moths will suffer considerable damage of tult. It will probably require nt lonst two weoks llmo for theso oggs to hatch at this season of tho yoar, nud If tho wonthor Is cool, longer. With nvornge conditions, tho frst covor spray will need to ho applied this year so as to bo finished by Juno 9th or 10th. mtm wttTrmrTM&BMtTMT&UMWtlMW7777? rwmtrm U. S. TUBES Th sm sundird of quality built Into U. 8, Tilts is put atO U. S. TuU 4 Why some men seem to have all the tire luck YOU probably know n man whoso car la a hobby with him, He knows just why it's the best little old cor there is of its class. And he'll stand up for that car against the world in any kind of an argument Year by year an increasing number of men feel the samo way about U. S, Tires. For a while they may try "job lot" stuff, "bargains," "big discounts" and "rebates." But usually it doesn't take long for a man to sense the economy of the standard quality tire. For years U, S.Tire makers hlwe been build ing quality tires for sane tire users for the car of medium or light weight no less than for the , heavy car. The tire buyers of the land have responded with u mighty U. S. Tire following. The U.S. Tire makers meet the re sponsibility for supplying thufdation wide following with characteristic energy. Ninety-two U.S. Factory Branches are established, covering the entire country. Find the U. S. Tire dealer who has the intention of servingyou. You will know him by his full, completely sized line of fresh, live U. S.Tires quality first, and the same choico of size, trad and type as in the big gest cities of the land. "Find In, U.S. Tin ittttr wHfl Ih full. cumiiMtty Waii iiiia of frmth, Av V. S. Tint." United States Tires United States Rubber Company FORD GARAGE 8KS8? .. r f 3