THE ONTARIO ARGITS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1921 tr ot en In a tl. ni nl n in C tr !' ni It .1, w ! V N H tl ll ll ll V H li I' B li o t M n I v t i 1 ( 1 ( I I I I i I Built Better Lasts Longer Costs Less To Operate It's real economy in the long run to buy a John Deere Grain Binder. Its stronger construction, tho proper application of better materials, and its improvements to insure most effective operation under nil conditions arc apparent tho minuto you sec it. JOHNDEERE GRAIN BINDER Toko tho main frame for example. Its strong, wldo atcel bars are widely over lapped and hot-riveted together. The main bearings aro oelf-alignlng thorc'a no twist ing of the frame or binding in tho bcarjngs. The wheels aro extra high and have wido tractTgngiving tires. They furnish amplo support for tho machine and extra traction In wet fields. Tho John Deere makes better bundles. Its three packers instead of two insuro this. This binder handles extremely short or heavy tungled grain better than others with less clogging and less missed bundles. Its bundlo carrier is tho easiest to operate wo havo ever seen no particular effort to dumporrcturn to position it can boudjusted as woar dovulops to keep it in cusy-working order. Tho Quick Turn Truck Is another featuro you will like. It keeps the binder running straight, permits of square turns, takes off aide draft from tho horses, and because its axlo Is ft.xibly mounted, tho wheels hold to the ground. There is no other binder that will ulvo you the years cf satisfactory service that you can get with the John Dcero it'u reui economy to buy this better machine. Do suro to coma in and see it beforo you buy. GEO. W. WAYT NOTICK To nil rosldunU of houses not con nt'cttul with newer In City ot Ontar Ontar eo: You nro liuroliy notified Unit n city ordinance) required nil uutxldu lnllotH to lo treutud with iiluoked or mmm of llmu, onco tmiry tun duys durliiK the next four or fltu mouths. lly order of tho Common Council. V. W. (UIAMIIKK8, Hupt I'Olt ItKNT Oood paituro, plen ty of wntor, three and ouo-hnlf miles wont of Ontario. $1,75 pur month, ymirlhiKH $1.2G. No stock moved till sottlod fur. C. W. Gar rott. tf. KvorythliiK for tho Iuiiiho nt tho I'uoplo'H Sgcond I land Store B, I'nr rlnli, 1'rop 2C tf WANTED TO HKNT Six or Ntivuii room hoiiHo; modern If pos Hlhlo. Sou David !'., Kast urn OroKon Land Co., Wilson Illdn. Ontario. 24-tf. F011 8ALK OH KENT Now threo room house. 20 loU -half orchard, half Kardun thrco hlockH south oast school Mrs. C, II. Trousdule. MALIIKUH COUNTV IlKAL KHTATK THAN8KKIIS IlKCOltDED MAY 28 T() JUNK t Ouy It. McDonald to Alhurt T. McDonald, KNW Sec. 10-17-40, May 3, 1021. f 1.00. Allien T. McDonald ot ux to Ouy It. McDonald, SHNEVi, EHNWU Sec. 10-17-U. May 2, 1021. $1.00. Hoy A. Judd ot ux to C. It. Eml son, Trunteo, EtfNWUBWHNEVi Sec. 5-18-47. May 28, 1921. $050.00. J, W. Shorldan to Dan DraRlsIck, Und. U Int. In Ilolchcr quartz nitn Ing claim. May 31, 1021. $400.00. llorwlck U. Wood ot ux to Ersklno Wood, NWHflWVi, WV4NWU Sec. 20-18-47. May 30, 1021. $10.00. Alison E. Powell et ux to A. E. Nichols, 8KUNWK. WSEU, E 8W',i of Sec. 141 NWU8EV4, NV4 8WV4, WNEU, SEUNEH, NEV1 8EU.8Ei.48EU of Sec. 23; 8N W, NWU8WU Sec. 24-14-38. Nov. 20, 1020. $2,000.00. 8. E. Aborcromblo ot vlr to Iva M. Aborcromblo, NftSWUSWU Soc. 28-1G-47. April 27, 1021. $1.00. Payette Land and Livestock Co. to Annie Applcgatu, 1.3G acres In NEUSBU Sec. 3G-1C-47. May 12, 1021. $1.00. Shorlft II. Leo Noo to Frank Min or, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and G In lllock 04, Greens Add. to Nyssa. May 28, 1021. $50.00 I Shorltf II. Loo Noo to Kay C. Hiirloy, NEH8EU, NWU8WH See 24-18-44. May 21, 1021. $100.00. Andrew II. Anderson et ux to Wil liam Henrlo, 8EU8EU Sec. 17-16-4C, Auk 4, 1015. $1,000.00. Thos. J, Jones to Janot Jonos, EH Sec. 10-20-43. May 27, 1921. $10.90. D. W. Hathfon to Mainour County-road Hlght ot Way across NEU Sec. 10-10-47. May 2, 1021. $550.00 Edgar 8. Fortnor'ot ux to Malheur County-Koud ItlRht ot Way across BWU8EU and 8EU8BU Soc. 33-17-47. April 10, 1021. $1.00. Shorlft II. Loo Noo to Vale Trad ing Co., 8H8EU. 8EU8WU Soc. 8; NWUNEU Sec. 17-1C30. May 31, 1021. $001.44. Ooo. M. Wlcklltf to Carolina Krumm ot al, S8EU Soc. 10-10-47. Aug. 8, 1910. $1.00. Itautlsta Ilamos to James Har bor,' 8KSEU Soc. 0; NUNEU. SE 4 NEU. EW8EU Soc. 7; WV4NW H , 8E U NW V4 , 8W U Soc. 8 ; N W U NWVi Soc. 17 J NEU NEU Bee. 18-27-38. May 31, 1921. $2,800.00. COMI'LAINTH I-'ILKD IN CI11CUIT COUUT DUIIINO WEEK William Illach vs. John Couroy. Juno 3, 1021. Accounting U. 8. National Hank of Vulo vs. M It. Everts, Juno 3, 1021. Itocovury on Nolo. $1,745. 04. Malheur County vs. W. a. Cathoy and Ontario National Ilank, Juno 3, 1921. Itocovury of Personal Prop, Tax. $101.33. deo, P. Oroon vs. Sago & Cathoy. Juno 4, 1021. Itocovury ot Wagos. $209.80. A. W. Ward vs. Ada Thompson et nl. Juno 4, 1921. To Quiet Title. rJlML, SUMMONS In The Circuit Com I of the Htnte of Ori'Koii, I'tir The County of .Mnlliuiii', nn. Klstla V. Patch, Plaintiff, vs. Peter Fredrick Martin, E. A. Pad dock, Elizabeth II. Paddock, and tho Wolsor National Hnnk, a corporation, Dofondants. To Potor Frodrlck Martin, E. A. Pad dock, Ellzabnth II. I'nrtdock add thn Wolsor National Ilank, a Corpora tion, Dofundnntb. IN THE NAME OF THE BTA'ii. OF OIIEC-ON; You tho hereby re quired to appear and ntiBWer tin complaint tiled ngatust you In tint nbovo entitled suit wlthfn bIx weeks from tho dato of tho first publca tlon ot this Summons, and It you fall so to answer for want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to tho Court for tho Tollof domaildod the Com plaint to-wlt: for tho Foreclosure of that cortaln Indonturo of Mortgago Recorded In book "Y" nt paga 300 Hecord of Ileal Mortgages In the ifflco of tho County Dork of Mai nour County, Oregon and upon Lots, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 of Hlock 4; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4..G, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 nnd 12 and 21 In lllock 10; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 of lllock, 18; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, G, 0 of lllock 0 according to the second Plat of tho Town of Annex, Mnlhnur County Oregon, now on file In tho Offlco of tho County Clork of Mainour Coun ty, Oregon, nnd for Judgment ngnlnst tho defendant, Potor Fred rick Martin, for tho sum ot $450.00 less credits, as follows, $50.00 paid, Oct. 7th, 1919 nnd tho sum of $25.00 paid-October. 14th, 1919 with Interest thereon from tho 21st day of Doromber, 1918 at tho rato of 8 por cent per annum, and tho further sum of $02 K4. taxen pah' nn tho nbnvo dwrlhort lands, with Interest thoreon from thn 31st dnv of March. 1921 ot tho rnto of 10 por cent por annum, nnd tho fur ther sum of $75.00 Attornovs foes In this suit, nnd for such other nnd further relief as to equity and good conscience mav pertain. This Summons Is servod upon each of tho dofondants In tho almvo ontlttod suit, by tho publication thcroof for six consecutive weeks, and sovan Issuos thoroof In tho On tario Argus, published In Ontario, Oregon nnd of gonernl circulation In Malheur County, Oregon, under and by vtrtuo ot an Order ot tho Hon. Dalton Hlggs, Circuit Judge, ot tho Circuit Court of the Stato of Oregon, for Malheur County. Datod Juno 2nd, 1921. Date of First Publication Juno, 9th, 1921, Dato ot Last Publication, July 21st, 1021. C. McOONAOILL, Attomoy for Plaintiff Itosldenco, Ontario, Oregon, HAIlltIS, STINSON & HAHIHS Attorneys for Plaintiff Itosldenco, Wolsor. Idaho. AT ONTAHIO MOTKI.H Following aro soma of thosu reg istered nt Ontario Hotels tho past wook; Jack Uolndy, L. E. McPhcrson, HurnBj Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Halon, Caldwoll; Mr. and MrB. Frod Doiiort, Pendleton; HIancho McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. M. 0. Morris, WolBor; Har ry Chnpmnn, Itnwllns, Wyoming; J. DoCorso, Uold Ueoch, Or.; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Snow, Holse; C. M. lied Hold, llond! J. W. Ueymor, Hopp nor; F. E. Ootdorsloove, Entorprlne: W. C. Elllngsworth, Pocatollo; II. C. Hodge, Wolsor; Earl Harrop. Nnmpn; Mr, and Mrs. ('has. II. Har rlman, Soattlo; W. O. Itust. Jun urn; Mr. and Mrs. W. E Shlolds, Suntex; J. E. Carlson, Seattle: Wndo Silver, Entorprlso; Etholyu Hanaou, I.oona Hanson, Ln Grande; F. II. Smith, Ed Darling, Mrs. Hovoy, Nnmpa! Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Jones. Hully Crook; Mrs. N. It. Downing, Salem; 11. N. Hostwlck, Hokor; 8. Cream, II. McKennody, Wolser; John Conroy, Peter Murphy, Junturn; M. Clnrk, D. Clark, Nys sa; C. E. Hoss, Mt. Home; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stunrt, Huntington; C. W. Hrecknor, Echo; Waltor Olldor slcove, Starrncck, Wn.; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Estoy, Spokano; D. II. Hunt or, Nampn; Mr. nnd Mrs. A. E. Nichols, Ironsldo; J. L. Turnbull, Crowlev; John O'Toolo, Junturn: F. K. McDonald, Nyssa; Mr, and Mrs. It. W. Fulton. Sonttlo; Mr. und Mrs. A E Zonor, Twin Fnlls; C. E. Horb, Mt. Home. CAIITEH: Mrs Wnlkor. Payette; Tom Poat, Wolsor; T. K liwriwo, linker; F. 8. Heard, Haines: W. L Iluthorford, Huntington; J. C. Gray Emmett; Geo. H. Toombs, Adam Murray, Junturn; It II Blrcotur, F Ilcnms, Westfall; Mrs. A. L. Parker, and mother, Lu Grande; Frank IIII boo, Ilolso; J. L. Lamborson, Tom Campbell, Westfall ; M, J, Shulton, Hrogan; Frank Dubarko, Payette, It Floeno, Wonlall, Idaho; W. K. Sterl ing, Uolio; Warren McIIargon, Spo kano; O. J. Henson, Portland; Ilalph Dory, Ontario. r THE BEST is None loo Good - Try Our Merchants Lunch 40c AMERICAN RISTAURANT Sake Cafe Bnck 1st Nnt'l. Pnnk P "See McFall and See Better" DR. J. A. McFALL Eyesight Specialist, OiUrk, Oft We Grind Our Own Lenses Phono 127-JJ Tire Mileage at the Lowest Cost in History o, ,mv NON-SKID UED-TOP RIDDED CORD NON-SKID CORD GRAY TUBES SIZE and Tl PR Old PHcea New Prices Oldrrices New Prices Old Prices New Prices Old Prices New Price Old Prices New Prices 30x3 Clincher $17.G5 $12.85 ?21.05 $17.00 I 1 " $2.75 $2.15 30 x 31 Clincher 20.80 15.00 27.75 22.00 $32.G0 $25.00 $34.25 $27.50 3.25 2.55 32x3 S.S. 2G.30 21.00 31.60 26.00 39.20 32.90 41.15 36.40 3.60 2.90 32x4 S.S. 31.95 26.90 42.00 31.40 49.80 41.85 52.30 46.30 4.55 3.55 34x4j S.S. 49.85 38.35 59.10 49.65 62.05 54.90 G.00 4.75 . 35x5 S.S. 01.15 47.05 73.65 61.90 77.35 68.45 7.25 5.85 rim war la. Qtktr tint riJittJ I frprtl4 These Prices Apply to Our Regular and Complete Line Price unsupported by value never is an advantage to any but the man who sells to make a quick "clcun-up" and quit. A reputable, unexcelled mileage tire made by a company that can and will deliver all and more than you pay for is the only one you can afford to buy. Sold only by Dealers A New Low Price on a Known and Honest Product I MOTEL WILSON DINING ROOM NOW OPEN FAMILY STYLE RATES BOARD AND ROOM By the Month - $42.00 . By the Week - - $10.50 Board one Month - $30.00 Board one week - $ 7.50 Meal tickets 21 meals $8.U0 Single meals - - ,40 ALL WHITE HELP wmmaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmEsmmmammeummKmmmmmmmmamamm Summer Excursions EAST DAILY JUNK 1ST TO AUGUST IftTII I VIA. OUKGON J SHOUT LINK UAIMIOAD (Union Pacific H) stein) SKR AOKNTH FXIK DKTAIIJ Omaha, St, Joseph or Kansas CUy .S.H7.00 Chicago or Milwaukee ,,,,, -, , 106,80 St. Louis 101.40 8t. Paul or Minneapolis 105.00 Memphis 111.60 Ft. Worth, Dallas or Houston 109.20 Tickets good three months hut not to exceed October 31. tfj