The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 02, 1921, Image 8

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Mr. mul Mrs. J. II. Cnvluoss nnd
children o( ICmmett woro hero Sun
day, KiicBts of Mr. Cavlness' mother,
Mrs. Win, Jones.
l'olo Johnson, Frultlond mediant,
who tins been living for somo tlmu
In Ontnrlo In Mrs, ltcttn Payne's
houso, In moving this weak to
Frultliind wliero ho will build a
modern homo.
Mrs. Aniila Htllllvnn who tins been
nulla III for somo tlmo wns taken
to Holy Hosnry llosplttil Wudnes-
David F. (Irnhnm nttended tho
llorsu mid Cnttlo UroMurs Assocla
Hon nt Canyon City lout weak.'
Donald M. Qrnhnm, Deputy As
sensor of Vnlo whb In town Tuos
dny to meat his wlfu who Just ar
rived from Edinburgh, Bcottlnnd.
Mr. and Mrs. Kd Horry, Mrs. ('
V. Stovor, Mrs. L. II. I'ntton and
Ron Earl and Mrs. I-. M. C'nprou
wont to Vnlo Sunday to seo Frank'
WlnstOti who Is nt tho Dr. Scum
Hospital. They found him some
whnt Improved but hu Is n ,yory sick
in nn.
Ouorgo I). Clngatt of Denver Is
now nt thu homo of his brother,
Tliumnii W. Clugott, nftnr spending
it couple of weoks nt tho Vnlo Hot
Hprlngs Sanitarium where his wlfu
Ih iiilto III.
(', I.. Hiitcheldar, secretary of the
Wnrinsprliigs Irrigation district
wns In Ontnrlo today for it short
visit. Ho drovo down hero with
, Ifulpli Hchneelook of I'ortlnnd who
Mopped off between trnlns enroulo
to I'ortlnnd from Iltirus.
T. J. Urosunti who rnnchoH nbovo
Vnlo now enmo to Ontnrlo today on
I. K. Onkos wirjf-n Ilolso visitor
A. I. Coekrum and K. C. Vnn
rotten returned Inst Thursday from
I'nyntto Lukes whero thuy went to
look over (ho Ontario Online Club
rottnges. A. I.. Coekrum nud J. D,
lllllliiKHlay will probably hu add
ed to the list of Ontnrlo people
who hnvo cottnKos tbero.
Mrs, J. II. DuiinUon of Porllnud,
n former Ontario girl, Is vIsltttiK
Mrs, C. U. Httivor. Sho will go lo
Nnmpn Frldny to attend thu graduu
tlon of her sister, Miss Ituth Donno.
Mrs, Josslo II. Fnrgo of I'ortlnnd
spent Hnturdny mid Sunday with
tho J. W. McCulloch family.
J. W. McCiillnrh was n hiiHlness
visitor nt Hums Tuosdny,
Jack I'oturson Ih down fr.'in Clr-
do liar rnnch.
John O'Dell from tho Interior Is
In Ontario this wook.
Tho water In tho Snnko has begun
to fall slightly.
Mr and Mrs, Ivan Onkos wero In
Jamlesoii Wodnosdny nud Thursday
Mr. Ilarbaru Wllloughby of I'ort
lnnd Is visiting her daughter, Mrs.
(). M Cnstlomiin.
Mrs C. C. Cochran loft Sunday
for her homo at Unities, Oregon,
nflor it visit of several weoks nt
tho homo of her daughter, Mrs,
Kiigeno McCoy,
Friday somo of thu girls from the
Hnptlst Sunday srhool gave it sur
print! party for (Hatha Franklin at
her homo on Washington Ave.
A birthday party was given fur
F.lilti Thompson In honor of his
eighth birthday nt thu homo of Jus.
Mr nud Mrs. I.. I). Fry nnd fam
ily of Nysan have taken an apart
ment at tho John llrosiiuu homo for
tho summer,
A number of friends an duelgli
bors of Aunt Hetty (londwln gave
her n surprint) party at tho S. F.
Taylor homo Friday. Tho guests
wuro entertained with inuslo and
readings. Aunt Hetty left Wednes
day for her old homo nt Marshall,
Missouri for nu extended visit.
All members of tho Modern Wood
men of America nud Itoynl Neigh
horH of America nud their families
nro Invited to n picnic nt tho park
In Welswr, Idaho, Juno 8 All come
ami bring your lunch mid have u
big time.
Thu Ladles Aid Society of tho M.
10. Church will meet at the homo ot
Mrs, O. O. Luobrs, Thursday, Juno
U. for n "Silver Ten ". All women
nt tho city nro Invited.
Tho christian Endeavor ot tho
Congregational Church 'gave a social
evening to somo of Its mombers
that aro leaving for summer school,
also to others that nro leaving towu
Tho Kudeavor from tho United
Presbyterian church Joined with
them nnd nil had a flue tlmu. Ico
cream nnd enko wns served nt tho
closo. Sunday, May 30 was tho
76th birthday of Charles Athorton (
nud was tho occasion ot a family re-,
union ut his homo that evening. His
three children with tholr families
were present. They nro J. H nnd
H. W. Athorson nnd Mrs. Henry
Allison of tho Payette nonch.
Mr mul Mrs. E K. Ingle outer
tnlned nt dinner Sunday. Mrs. C.
K. Hlnkosley nnd daughter and Mr
nnd Mrs. Itnlph Smith and daughter
of Nnmpn, h. A. Wnlkor nnd family
MW. lW
w jm)
Misses UTn (JrnniBo, DnTsy and"
Myrna Secoy entertained tho Sigma
Club girls at tho Secoy homo Tues
day evening In honor 'of Miss Wll
in a Miles who Is soon to leave for
Seattle. The evening wns spent In
playing games, nnd rotrcshmontB
woro served nt a Into hour. Iloforo
leaving officers wero elected for tho
club for the following ySar. Ula
(Irnniso was elected president, Holm
Itood vice-president, Hopa Cochran
treasurer nnd Evndlnu secretary.
At tho Inst meeting of tho Kpls
copal Utilld hold at tho homo of
Mrs. T. W. Clagott last Thursday,
offlcors wero elected for tho coming
year, nnd It was decided that work
should bo discontinued until fall.
In tho mean tlmu tho ladles wilt
bo mora or less occupied In Rotting
together articles both now, nud old,
for n Itummngo Sato to bo" held
during Fair Week. s
Next Tuesday, tho memborB of tho
Ontnrlo Girl's Club will meet nt
CMC nt tTia Library to bo tnkon for
nn automobile rldo. Tho bnlnnco of
tho evening will ho spoilt nt the
homo ot Misses Com and Ethel Mc
Nutty. I'lenso ho on tlmo.
Tho Monday Ilrldgo Club met
Saturday with Mrs. J. A. McFall.
Tho Tuesday Ilrldgo club met nt
tho homo of Mrs. II. II. , Whitney.
Out per 1 'ii tl 1 Iivkt (linn A")
Oilier County In Htntt Hate
Three Similar ltcoonl Per
Trndier Also Highest In
Ho)' Attciuhiiitc
Malheur county folks who hnvu
not thought about tho mater will be
surprised to know that In cost per
pupil Mulliutir county schools are
operated cheaper than nil hut three
counties In Oregon; nlso that In
salaries paid pur toaclier this county
Is paying less than practically uvery
county In tho state.
On top of tbesu fucts tho schools
of tho county nro better nttended,
have more hoys In proportion to glrlb
In High School than uny other coun
ty. In fact In uvery department savo
that of cost to taxpayors our schools
a ro rated high.
Thu State Superintendent of
Schools, J, A. Churchill, bus Just
completed u survey of tho public
schools of thu 30 counties In Oru-
gfm. His purpose wus to leurn
which counties hud thu most ef
ficient school systems. In order tu
compose tho different counties ho
picked out 10 points of efficiency or
10 different sets of fucts, ouch of
which has a direct bearing on tho
efficiency of public schools. Those
ten Points nro tho sumo points on
which tho 48 states wuro composed
by tho Department of Education ot
tho Itussoll Sago Foundation In
10 IS.
Helnw Is shown tho ranking of
Oregon among tho 48 states' In
1918, nlso thu ranking ot Mulhour
County among tho 30 fount lea of
Oregon, 11)21:
l'ur cent of school population
attending 8 3
Average days nttended by
each Child 2 0
Avorngo nuiuhor of days
schools open 5
I'or cent of high school at
tendance to total 11
Her rent of hoys to girls In
high school . . ...... 24
Average annual expenditure
per child 23
Average uuiiunl expondlturo
per child school ago ... IS 27
Avorugo annual oxpoiullturo
' per teachers 21 33
Expenditure pur pupil for
purposu other than for
teachers .' 28 31
Expondlturo per teacher for
salaries 17 22
Combined avorngo of nil
runklngs , . , . 20 20
Thoro aro sovoral Items ot Im
portance In tho comparison of Mal
heur county with other counties In
tho statu. Malheur ranks highest
of nil In tho percent thnt boys nro ot
girls In tho schools of tho county
Only two futilities, Morrow nud
Union, BtirpnEH Malheur In tho per
cent of children of school ago who
nro actually In school. Malheur
also ranks 0th In tho regularity of
On the other hand, only 3 counties
have u lower cost per child attend
Ing school. 21 counties pay tholr
teachers larger uvorngo salaries than
does Malheur.
Offico In WslllUon nidg.,
Ovor Post Otflco
Willow C'tt'ek Iti'scmilr Filled Willi
Water llroguit Handlers Ex-
pect 100 per cent Fruit Crop
Itoadi Kit lis
Handlers In tho Mnlhour City
region hnvo not Rccn tho range In
such good condition ns It Is todny
for many years. Tho whole country
,la green nnd tho stock nro getting
"No sir," snld Charles Morfltt, thu
votornn storekeeper of Mnlhour Inst
Frldny, "wo hnvo not seen a summer
tlko this In n long tlmo. Tho grass
Is great, but tho folks nro wonder
ing what tho price ot stock will bo
That Is nil Hint Is worrying them
now. Then too wo would like to
got connected up with Mnlhour
county nnd hnvo tho rond down the
Willow creek canyon put -Into n
rcnsonnblo condition so that wo can
get down to sco tho folks below now
nnd then." ,
Hcsldu rnlslng stock on tho hills
where onco tho prospector wns hu
prome, tho folks up Mnlhour way nre
still doing somo mining.
"Lot mo show somo gold I panned
yesterday," said Davo Worshaiu, ns
ho nnd Mr. Morfltt rolled out somo
of tho yellow metal thnt niado Mnl
hour prosperous years ngo. "Wo
can nlwoys get somu pay dirt If we
try," nddod Mr. Worshnm.
I'lnccr mining Is not tho only min
ing going on olthu?, for Oco, II. Hod
fish nnd u crow hnvo started to clear
out tho cuvetl In shaft of tho old Hod,
White mul Illuo mlno Just bolow tho
town and woro having qulto a (lino
when scon driving timbers to hold
hnck tho muck.
Mnlhour Is still onu of tho picture
stiio spots of tho county, sitting ns It
does on n hill overlooking tho valley,
with old Ironside off to tho south
west furnishing n rostful plcturo for
tho oyo, Its dark green sides strenk
ed hero nnd thoro vvlth snow.
Yours ngo, boforo thoro wns an
Ontario, Mnlhour hnd n population
of mora than Ontnrlo has today.
Thoro tho cluk of tho roulotto wheel
nnd tho fnro bank played tholr part
whllo tho old Joss houso of tho china
man still stnnds to romlnd tho visit
or of tho turbulout past ot tho Hrol
Hnrt days of Mnlhour county.
C. W. Settlomolor, grand high
priest of tho Itoynl Arch Masons of
Oregon Is tho guest of Kodoc Chap
tor today and tonight will witness nu
exemplification ot Mark Muster de
gree, following which a luncheon
will bo served. This Is tho first
visit ot tho grand high priest to
Zodoz chapter lu sovoral years.When
ho wus Grand Master of tho Orogon
Ornutl Lodge of Masons, Mr, Settlo
molor vlsltod tho local lodge threo
years ngo.
Ton thousand farmers recalved
Hood loans from tho government
this year. Theso loans woro madq
only In drought stricken nreas.
Ono third of tho lard and -lard
BiibstltutOfl used lu tho United Stntes
Is substltuto; Ono fifth ot tho totul
butter and buttor substitutes Is
Argentina Is tho eighth largest
wheat producing country of tho
world, but sho exports the. third
grontost quantity.
fl New Lot
White Skirls and Petticoats
fl New Lot
1 Silk and Kid Gloves
fl Special Values
TTnTni .,. ,
Contest Slopped Hy I In In Willi
First Half of Sixth Inning When
Hroiv Wiih fl to a In Vnle's
Favor Locals Llsdess,
Tlio fjrst meeting of n Vnlo nnd
Ontnrlo baso ball team lu many
years resulted lu a tlo Bcoro Monday
afternoon when tho rain Btoppod tho
contest with but halt ot tho sixth
Inning playod. l)y tho rules of tho
gnmo thnt put tho scoro hnck to
too overling Innings when the
count was 2 to 2,
In tholr half of tho sixth how
ever Vulo had scored threo runs
nud apparently hnd tho edgo, though
It wns nnyuno's gnmo, Judging by
tho looseness of piny on both sides,
A sample of tho play may be
gained from tho fact thnt Vnlo's
tlvo runs were inndo on threo hits
whllo sovon Ontario hits yielded
only two runs. Howovor Hoy Smith
)ho opened tho sixth for tho locals
hit safely nnd wns on first when
Cnptnln Hoso of Vnlo callod his men
from thu field when tho rain start
ed ngnlu. Mixed with tho throe
Vnlo hits wuro nlno Ontnrlo errors
which nccounlod for tho flock of
runs. It wns nppnront that the
14 Inning battlo of tho dny boforo
nt Caldwell loft tho local team list
less, whllo Vnlo which hnd boon de
feated tho dny before nt Nyssn de
monstrated a strong comubnek nnd
plnyod nlr tight ball.
How tho gumo would finally hnvo
untied Is of couso' n matter ot con-
Jecturo with tho ntlhoronts of each
team assured In their own minds
Just who tho winner would hnvo
Many Lawyers Present to I'reient
Arguments in Casa Tlint Inter
cut oil Ontario Inst Year
r Other Cases Ponding
Tho Intorostlng history ot L.
Hoyman alias L. Hlrsch's careor In
Ontario during 1010 nnd 1020 was
rovlowod this wook when Judgo Dal
ton niggs hoard tho caso brought
to sottlo tho validity of tho deed
which Hoyman gnvo to Ontnrlo
National Hank transferring tho var
ious pnrcols of real estnto ho had
accumulated hero during his oper
ations. To arguo tho caso for tho bank
attorneys A. F. Flegol and John W.
Itoynoltls of Portland and W, E.
Lcog of this city woro opposed by
W. W. Wood of Ontario nnd George
E. Davis ot Vnlo. The tostlmony
wns taken on Wodnosday and con
tinued today when argumonts wilt
bu submitted.
Judgo Dlggs will also hoar tho
testimony In tho caso ot tho trusteo
of crodltors ot E, A. Flfer vs. A.
Hoblnsou which Is an attack upon
tho mortgago give,, by Flfer to Mr.
Hoblnson. Attorneys Hrooko & Oat
lagher, H. W. Swaglor of Ontario,
and G, Eugene Hraslo represont the
crodltors, trustoo and Mr. Flfor,
whle W. W. Wood Is representing
Mr. Hoblnson. Tho casos aro being
heard at tho City Hall.
Just received Thirty-five New Organdie, Swiss and
Lawn Dresses, most reasonably priced from"
$6.50 to $15.00
For all the family
The prettiest assortment
ever brought to the
Jniulcson to llrognn Hellion Also to
llullt SlIilo-lluntiiiKton Section
To bo let In August New. . . .
Lociillon liclng
Tho Vnlo to Hurrcll section of the
Ccntrnt Oregon highway nud tho
Jnmloson to 1) regno section of tlii
John Day Highway wilt both bo nil
vertlsed booh, was tho word bruugb
hack by tho County Court from li
conference with thy Stnto Hlghwn)
Commission last wook. Tho Slide
to Huntington section of tho Colum
bia Itlvor Highway will not ho let
until August, owing to tho fact that
tho recent high wntor has shown
that portions of tho location should
bo changed and n now lino run over
tho Slido.
Tho Highway Commission was
anxious to let tho contract from On
tario to Vnlo, but tho County Court
look the position thnt since tho
funds hnd been secured nud tho
pcoplo from Vnlo to Hurrcll hnd
been put oft from year to year fol
lowing orfglnnl agreement with the
commission for this stretch of rami
that It ought to ho considered ut
onco. Tho snmo wns truo of tho
- -
Hrogan to Jamlusoii section ut thn
John Day Highway.
Tho highway coittnlsslon would
not uutcrtnln a deferred payment
proposition for thn roud from Cairo
westward aftor securing nu opinion
from tlo attorney general's oftlco
thnt this wns Illegal.
Tho problom of putting thu roud
from Cairo to Vnlo Into 'condition
wilt now dovolvo on tho county court
for no agreement una reached on the
location of tho permanent road.
Thu Highway engineers Insist upon
locating It a mllo south or tho pres
ent rond whllo tho county court fav
ors tho present road, but might en
tertain a compromise location
through tho Saint Paul orchnrds dis
trict which Is a half mllo south of
tho present highway.
Thu detny In lotting tho contract
on tho Columbia Itlvor highway
from tho Slldo to Huntington was In
part duo to tho fact that tho high
wator causod a chango from tho
proposition to use tho Island below
thu slldo ns a section of the hlghwa
unit necessitated tho running ot n
now lino ovor tho slldo. And tho
commission furthor roasonod that
stneo contractors can work In this
aectlon of tho stato during tho win
tor that mora offers and bolter of
fers would bo recolved nt a later
mooting than would bo obtiUnod
now when all of tho contractors arc
Wo wish to thank tho many
friends nnd tho W. C, T. U. for tho
floral offerings and for tholr kind
ness and sympathy during tho Ill
ness and death of our Iiushnnd nud
Mrs. James Ouorln,
Mrs. Ella Taylor.
WANTED 8owlng at homo or by
tho day. Mrs. L. Harper tf.
"Englno Dlsttllato for ilea In tract
ors, and other similar Internal com
bustion engines, has boon placed on
tho market again," nnnounres O. H
Test, Special Agent of the Stnndnrd
Oil Company hero. Engine Dlsttl
lato hns proven qulto satisfactory
for bovoral types ot engines, and Its
appearanco again on tho market will
mean a considerable saving for trnct
or operntors nnd owners of onglues
which cnn ho ndapted to this fuel.
New Oxfords and Pumps '
Just received
Some very special values
with Hose to
' Match
In The Circuit Court of tho Stnto of
Oregon, County of Malheur
Myron A. Patch,
C. A. Itlco, Estnto of Amy E,
(Strohlo) Itlco doconscd, Amelln
Stroblo Myors, Prudenco Strohlo
Johnson, Corn A, Rice and C. A,
Hlco, heirs of tho Estnto of
Amy E. (Strohlo) Hlco, do
conscd, John F. Meyers, Andrew
E. Johnson, Prudonco 13. John
son, I. A. Urown, John W.
Orntf, and C. II. Hnborts nnd
W. D. Hill, co-pnrtnors known
ns Hoborts and Hill, Lena
Fellows, nnd John lino nud
Klclmrd ltoo, nnd nil other
porsons known or unknown,
claiming nny Intorost In or to
tho horolnnftor described prom
ises, Dofondnnts.
To C. A. Itlco, Estnto of Amy E.
(Stroblo) Hlco, deconsod, Amolln
Stroblo Meyers? Prudonco Stroblo
Johnson, Corn A. Hlco nnd C. A.
Hlco, hairs of tho Estnto ot Amy
E. (Stroblo) Hlco, deconscd. John
F. Moyors, Andrew E. Johnson,
Prudonco E. Johnson, I. A. Drown,
John W. Ornff, nnd C. It. Hoborts
nnd W. D. Hill, cn-pnrtnors known
ns Hoborts nnd Hill, Ionn Follow,
nnd John Hno nnd Hlchnrd ltoo, 4
nnd nil other porsons known or un
known, elnlmlng any Interest In or
to tho herolnnftor described prem
ies, dofondnnts.
In tho nnmo of tho Htato of Oro-
J ftftftt flftK tlh4tW Blkiltllllri.l Ih J
'"n J"","1" "- imiiiiih-h hi i-
penr nun nnswur or iiinrrwisii pienn
to tho romplnlnt on file herein on
or before six (0 ) weeks from tho
data of thn first publication horoof,
thn snmo being thn Inst day of tho
tlmu liv ordor of tho Court dlrort
Ing sorvlco of tho summons n said
suit to bo innilo upon you by publica
tion, nnd If vnu fnll to nppenr nnd
nnswer or nthorwlo pletd unit for
vnnt thereof thn ptntntlff will npplv
for a decreo ngnlnst you ni plead
for In the said romplnlnt, tn-wlt:
for a duiroo quieting plnlntlft'n
tltlo In nnd to tho prnmlsos do
rrlbcd as follows, to-wit: Lots Ono
nnd Sis (1-fi) incluslvo of Hloek 10,
Iits Ono nnd Four (1-4) tncluslvo
of niock Eighteen (18), Lots One'
to Twolvo (1-12) Inclusive and
Nineteen to Twonty-four (10-24) In
clusive of niock 6. Iits twenty-
threo and twenty-four (23 and 24)
of Hlock 11, Lots Thirteen to Sovon
toon (13-17) Inclusive of Hlock Four
(4), Lots Threo to Ton (3-10) In
cluslvo ot niock Twonty (20), Lots
Thirteen to Twonf-foiir (13-24) In
clusive of Hlock Flvo (S), tho East
ono-hnlf of Hlock 21, acreage tracts
numbors 38, the South ono-hnlf of
td, all of 30, 40, 41, 42, 40 to
R0 Inclusive G4, 6ti, 73 to 81 In
rluslvo, r, to 12 Inclusive. 20. 27,
28, RO to HO Incluslvo, 06 to 00 In
clusive, mul thnt piece or tract of
Innd doscrlbed ns follows to-wlt:
HoBlnnlng nt tho Northwest corner
of lot or trnct Number 10 In the
Town of Annex In said county and
stato aforesaid according to tho of
ficial plat thoroof, thenco in a
Southwesterly dlroctlon to tho cen
ter of Third Stroot, thence wost lo
Kohert Stroot, thenco north along
said Itnbort Stroot to tho Northwest
"ornor of lot or trnct number 10,
thonco oast to tho placo ot begin
ning, nit of said lots and tracts do
ing ln tho Town of Annex, In tho
County of Malheur and Blnlo of Ore
gon as shown by the offjrlnl plat
of snld towV, How on file In tho of
flco of tho clork of satd county and
state aforesaid; and forever enjoin
nud debar you. and each of von.
from assorting nny clnlm or claims
whatsoever ln and to snld lands and ,
premises nd verso to tho plaintiff
nnd for audi other nnd further re
lief as to the Court may soom moot
and equitable nnd for plaintiffs,
costs nnd disbursements In this suit.
You will tnko notlco thnt this
summons Is served upon you undor
nnd by vlrtuo of and pursuant to an
order of the Honorablo E. II. Tost,
IuiIro of the Countv Court In nnd
'or snld county and stato; which
inter wns mado and entered on the
1st day of Juno 1921, and direct
nr thnt the summons heroin bo
pubt'shod for six weeks, Including
sovon publications. In tho Ontario
Argus, the date of the first publi
cation Is June 2, nnd the date of
the last publication Is July 14.
Attorney for plaintiff.
Hesldonco and postofflco, Valu,
Jm Ontario iklJm m
New Arrivals This Week
New Organdies
New Voiles
New Gabardines
Both plain and fancy
J l!!illl!lll!!!l!ll!ll!!Pill!l!!!i
nnd J, I). Athorton and family.