The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 02, 1921, Image 3

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roil 8ALE-0..0 3 cylinder llur
llo H.ray t.titrit romplo'" In
working order Al,. " "7 V
Hoc. A. II. Albee. Phono 207-RI 2
fsOAP ft f
blips I i
HAIjIu 4 fnitiM
lllMlKll. I', o. I lux 417.
Wl mil k hu ... .
w ""'"' I'.iKlit room ,ousu
anil 5 IoIh i tnulu for t'lnrkHton
Wellington or l.owlston, Idaho pro'
lii.rly Onturlo Ileal Kninlti Co
',1AH;rU"" WMIHAI.K-S in,l,K
won, 1 mil,, nomi, ,,,, ,,, .,
woul ur Ontario, Formerly the
I miton rnnrliuH. () K. vimnu,
iik', ure 21-2!)
V " 1 " OUMWlU J
WANTED To purchnBO flltlo cnr
for Iridlun Motorcycle Inqulro at
Argus Office. tf.
Agonr-y Lnuu-Drl-Etto WiiBhlng Mil
chlno. All kinds of Electric Wiring.
FOR HAliK At loss than cost, n
now bungnlow with all modern con
veniences, located Just north of
laundry. For nppolntinoni call O.
A. Krntz.
FOR HAM' Chevrolet tourliiK
cnr It 18 model In good condition
30l' . Bomo toriiiH, Buo It nt the
Kuril (loragu, IMiuiiu 1G1-J. P. O. II.
270, Ontario. 14. tf.
1 OH RENT -Largo Sleeping room
niodiiru Iiuubii. I'lionu 17:i-M, $ 14.00
with gunge. lOtf.
I.08T OR STOLID Two .sail
ing Btt'iMH, hraud left hip, (Ell con
lectcd) I'loaso tnko up and notify
J J. Dllliird. 31i).tf.
Itall Rates Will Adjust TlirniNchcN
In Time I'tolili'iu I'ompllriitcil
llut Will lie Hohi-tl llouit
I.onil liny I'i'iiiliit'ls
All klmlH of Electric wiring. Tele-
phono 228 J. tf
Imhy chicks 118.00 pur hundred!
Hutching eggs II. GO par Hutting.
$10 00 pir hundred. 1'hunu 200. K.
(I l.lghtfoot. tf
After Juno 1st I'rlcu $1.50
per head, yearlings 1.00.
(loud pnHturo, plenty of
water. C. II. Trousdnlo It
By tho Month - $42.00
By the Week - - $10.50
Board one Month .- $30.00
Board one week - J$ 7.50
Meal tickets 21 meals $8.00
Single meals - - .40
Kll white help
$1 OoOO
And All Next Week
Make Your Selection Early
Beautiful Assortment of Hats
$3.50,$4.50,$7.50 Values to $12.50
Suits, Dresses, SMirits Also
Gireaftlly Kedlocedl
Oootl hluo grtiHs piiHturo for rent
Dave Stewart on Ed Hurley place.
2B-20 I'.
houso, 1 fix 10, and Mtnnll bungalow,
both with linoleum covered floor
(lood condition nt a bargain. Can
be easily moved; or will trndo for
good milk cow. I'lionu 20SW3. 23p
FOR 8ALE Jorsoy bull calf
'lolden (How Chief. Registered from
high cIjbs stock. -For quick sale
lihoup or soo O. E. Dlbblo, I'ayelto
KOU KENT Kurnlshcil room
Also 1 npartmout. 1 block north
of Mooro Hotel. Mrs. 8. E. Morgan.
Phono Dl-i 24-27 v
FOR SALE Ono lllg Six McCor
inlck mower, good as now, lato mo.
del. I). C. llooth.
Puro Ilred l'oluml China (Hits
mill Hoars for sale. Hen Hoso, On
tario. 24-30.P
"KOU SAKE 1020 C PnsHongor
Ilulck with oxtrns, In first class
condition. Paul Cuyou.
HuuiHtltchlng 10c per yard.
Illancho l'. Andorson. ritono 42-W,
23-20 p
Pressuro tank for salo. J. II. Oor
don, Outnrlo. tf.
Morris Milliner u & Novelty
Nellie Morris Qmn Phono
Prop, win; oa.u
I'OH SALE Pressuro wntor sys
tem tnnk. In good condition, 8co J.
II. (lordon, Ontario. tf
"Already thoro Is ovlilonco that
business condllloiiH are liupravlng
nnd will continue to Improvu," do
clarod I). It. Oruy, assistant gener
al rrelght ngent of tho O. 8. L. who
was ono of tho pnrty with Kurnior
Smith to visit Ontnrlo last Wednes
day. With Mr. Orny was 11. A. Smith,
supervisor of ugrlculturo of tho
Union Pacific system and Uco. J.
Mohler, traveling supervisor of
"Whtlo freight rotes nro Bubject
to adJtiBtmeut, and tho time ucrhnim
will never como when they will bo
perfect, nftor nil business regulates
freight rates, for when buslncBS
ennnot bo dono under oxlstlug rates
It ccokcs and rates must bo adjust
ed. Tho problem Is compllcut'ed,
specially when It Is remomborod
that a rato that Is remunerative for
hoiiio rnllronds Is not for others
that tho commission In regulating
has to tnko all railroads Into ac
count," continued Mr. Orny.
Whllo discussing rates nnd tho
otfects of thorn Mr. Orny doclared
tho reduced rato on liny from tho
Short I.lno torrltory had sorved to
lutroduco alfalfa Into tho south
eastern country Whoro hitherto It
hnd boon unknown,
"Why," ho declared, "thoso pco
plo down thero did not botlnvo It
was alfalfa buy It wns so superior
to anything they had previously had,
nnd as the result I am suro that a
market for hay from this section
has been established regardless of
tho freight rates."
The visiting railroad men hnd a
luncheon on tholr private car fol
lowing tho address of Knrmor Smith
to tho Hoys' and airls' clubs l the
morning Having ror tnoir guests;
Mayor W. II. Doollttlo, President It.
W. Jones of tho Commercial Club,
I It. Hrolthaupt, county ngout, E
I), Conklln and Qeorgo K, Aiken.
Why Farmers do Business
With Mail Order Houses
Beo our Block of used pressure
tanks beforo buying. Wo havo
some oxcollont bargains. H. II.
LOST Parly who picked up
child's brown ovorcout, downtown,
May 30, lenvo nt tho ArgUB. Howard.
I.08T Him Jack for nuto. Ploaso
return to Olobo Service Stntlon or
Mrs. A. E. Hrecount. 20-27 P.
Now or used wator systems wo
havo tliom. II. H. Udlck.
FOIt 8ALE Now Hulck llondster
1920 Model. Mrs. T. II. Klser.
Phono 93-W H. tf
FOR HENT Two room furnlsbod
npartniont. Kormor Hoyd homo.
Two blocks north of Mooro Hotel.
Mrs. Omar Klum, Phono 80-M.
20-29 p.
soven room houso; modern If los
slblo. Beo David K Ornhiun, Fist
om Oregon Land Co, Wilson Hldg.
Ontario. 2,tt-
Wo havo n dandy lino of pumps,
both now and socond hand. II It
PwmwiiiiMmra mmmmmmmimm
wmmmum iiiiiiiiim
Now agrees with us, that POINSETA m
fakes & crackers are"BL00MIN' GOOD"
So we have arranged to have a fresh supply come
in every few days. 1
as the sanitary carton keeps them fresh and you iy
uuvv iney are ciean ana aiwciyo wiuii'
The Home of Good Things to Eat at Reasonable Prices
About ono hundred men and their
Indlos from tho Slopu accepted tho
Invitation extended by tho Payette
Chamber of Commerce to bo their
guests luHt Thursday evening for a
bnutiuot and evening's entertain
ment. After tho dollclous three
courso dinner Mr. Coughnnour us
toastmiiBtcr gave n very Interesting
address of welcome which was re
sponded to by Mr. Ixio Ilrown of our
Farm Hurcau nnd nlso Mrs. Tomlln,
prosldent of tho Ladles Club. Mr
Northrop also rosponded very happi
ly to a request for a speech. Miss
Johnson and Miss (lauer each gavo
oxcollont readings ami Mr. Earl
Venublo told In u most Interesting
way somo of his oxporloncos whllo
In Washington, I). C. Each ono wns
then furnlsbod a ticket to tho pic
ture show as n climax to tho even
ing s cntortnlnmont.
Tho Oregon Slopu pcoplo wish to
thank most heartily tho Puyetto
Chambor of Commorco for this hap
py occasion.
Mrs. Bullous and son Harold aro
spondliiK tho weok In Hakor.
Miss Mario Frost spent tho wook
ond In Ontario with her sister Mrs.
Stuuloy Drown.
Tho Club plculo will bo hold nt
tho Wolsor Park this Friday.
Mr. Dunn nnd Mr. HIovIim woro
callers on tho Slope people tho past
weok. Mr, Dlovliis writes Insurance
for tho Idaho Mutual 'I.lfo Insur
a 11 co Company.
Mrs. C. (1. Hoslup wont to Port
land Saturday whom sho will moot
her daughter, Miss Oertrudo, and
togetbor thoy will tnko in tho Hose
Festival at that place
"Farmer" Smith of tho Union Pa
cific System gavo nn Interesting talk
at tho court houso In Payette Tues
day ovonlng on tho Importance of
tho farm llfo of tho country of tho
dairy cow, tho pig nnd tho hen.
Thero wns a good ,altendnuco from
this section.
Tho Misses Mario and Mildred
Frost entertained tho young peoplo
of tho Slope nt tholr homo Mondu)
ovonlng In honor of Mlsa West who
has completed her torm of school
hero and will lenvo this weok fo
her homo In Wostorn Oregon. The
young peoplo report n very plonsnir
I.lttlo Mary E. Wilcox, ton mouth
ld baby of Mr. and Mrs. Charlop
Wilcox, passod nwoy at tho home
horo Inst Friday morning. Tho little
0,110 had whooping cough and nthor
complications followed wnicn caus
ed hortloath. Funeral services wore
held from tho homo Sunday after
noon Ilov Walker of Payette con
ducting the sorvlces and tho little
ono laid to rost In tho Hlvorslde
Comotery. Tho sympathy of tho
entire community goes out to the
Wilcox faintly at this tlmo.
Marshall Flold, Chicago's formor
inorcliniit and president or tho com
pany that boars his namo mado tho
following stntoment In addressing n
convention of Country merchants:
"Vou country merchants constantly
speak of tho mall order houso pro.
blom and yet you do not seom to
rcnllzo Hint you aro tho muse and
also too solution for It."
This was n strong stntoment and
yet It is surprisingly true.
Whon tho farmer desires to buy
products such ns groceries, dry
goods, hardworo otc, thoro automa
tically comos to his mind tho iiinncs
of n number of dealers engaged In
tho handling of thoso products. To
many tho names of tho local mer
chants do not hnvo any grentor In
fluonco In making him decide from
whom ho will purchnso thnn will
that of Soars Itoobuck, Montgomery
Tho nverago farmer fools ' Hint
tho country merchant Is Interested
moro In what ho can mako out of
tho farmer rather than how ho can
aBslst In mnktng tho producer moro
prosperous nnd thereby mako his
own business n success. Tho ron
Bon for this attitude on tho part of
mo ngnruituriBt is largely duo to
the fact that tho merchants hnvo
not demonstrated that they woro
ucttvoly interested In tho farmers
Judging by tho number of busi
ness moil that attend the farmers
meetings, the producers nro scorn
lugly Justified In their nttltudo.
Too often tho commercial men of
tho country pass on tho desirability
or tho undcfllrnblllty of tho various
cooporatlvo enterprises tho farmers
bring Into oxistonco, without over
having nttondod n meeting for tho
purposo of discussing tho vnrlous
plans offered for tho solution of
farm probloms.
Tho country morchnnt must keep
In mind that tho wolfaro of his
business ontorprlso doponds lnrgoly
on tho prosperity of tho agricultur
al producors about tho town, Duo
to tho tromondous decrease In tho
prlco of agricultural products, tho
purchasing power of tho farmers
has boon reduced flvo to night bil
lion dollarn. Tho embarrassed fin
ancial condition has nlroady reflect
ed Itsolf In tho sales made by our
largo mall ordor houses. Tho fol
lowing figures show tho per cent
docronso in salos in 1921 it three
companies ns compared with tho
sumo months of tho previous year'
Fob. Jan. Doc.
Soars Itoobuck.. CO 3f 47,11 38.10,
Montgy. Wnrd . .r.l.4fi 34,40 30.44
Am. Wholesale. 27.9! 34.05 19.58
Thoso figures would show In a
moasuro tho npproxlmnto docronso
In tho salos mado by local trndos
mon ovor tho United Statos.
Country morchnnts hnvo an ad
vantage ovor tho mall order houses
In that thoy can havo personal con
tact with those who Ho In tho rural
districts. Fow country business
men hnvo capitalized this to tho
fullest oxtcut possible. "Good Will"
Is a vnluablu assot nnd represents
tho doslro of your patron to deal
with you rather than with any ono
olso ongngod In tho snmo lino of
business. In ordor to ncaulra tho
good will of tho farmer n morchnnt
must first, soil nt rcasonnhlo prices;
second, rendor efficient sorvtco, nnd
third, tnko an active luterost In tho
affairs of th patron with n view to
nsslstlng him to become moro pros
porous. Too many merchants tako a nan
slvo interest rather tjmn nn activo
and constructive Interest In the
agriculturalist's wolfaro. Whnt con
stitutes mi activo nnd constructive
Intcrost? It consists In nldlng tho
fnrmcr to secure all Hint can bo ob
tained for his products consistent
with lnw of supply and deninnd. It
consists In nldlng him to Bccuro
reasonable transportation rates nnd
adonuato finances so that ho may
mnko farming n success. It consists
In nldlng him to tnnko a success of
cooporatlvo marketing enterprises
winch nro legitimate and founded on
snfo nnd sound business principles.
Huslnoss mon do not sccuro tho
"good will" of farmers by falling
to attend fnrmorH meetings, by
knocking legitimate cooporatlvo en
terprises nnd by emphasizing his
weak points.
Tho Commercial Club that
sponds moro tlmo discussing "whnt
kind of a Fourth of July colobra
Hon" the town should hnvo than It
docs on "How can wo got tho
fnrmor lowor transportation rates"
or dovotos a groat deal moro enorgy
nnd money In promoting nn "Ico
mnnufncturlng plant In town" thnn
It docs In nsslstlng producers In so
curing tho efficient mnrkotlng of
tholr products, will find It exceed
ingly difficult to sell morhborahlps
to producers.
Tho morchnnt who sponds tlmo
nnd monoy In conducting n "Iluy
nt Home" or a "Huy Oregon Pro
ducts" campaign nnd then ships In
butter whllo tho cooporatlvo cream
ery In tho snmo town Is forcod to
ship olsowhoro butler of Just as good
n grndo, or tho huslnoss mnn who
sells chcosn mado In Wisconsin
in preference to Oregon mado
chooso, of evon quality bocauso ho
can mako n cent oxtrn per pound,
is not building up tho assot callod
Tho "mall order problom" will bo
solved Just as soon as tho business
men In tho rural confers gel to
gothor and mako nn effort to solvo
tho acquisition of "goodwill."
To our many friends, tho Amer
ican Legion, Tho Itobokahs and tho
Methodist Church wo wish to express
our slncoro thanks for tho many
beautiful floral 'tributes and acts of
sympathy and kindness shown us
In tho loss of our Loved ono
Itobort HobwoII,
Mrs. Vena noswoll,
Mrs. R. O. Horning,
Harry noswoll.
A Week of Collogo Llfo nt
O. A. C.
CorvulIN, Or. Juno ltf-18
Misses Vora Neob nnd Mnrgarot
Orlffln expect to leavo Monday for
Cheney to attend tho summer nor
mal. Mrs. John Lynch Is nblo to bo up
after an attack of appondlcltls,
Mrs. E. 8. Ingalls has as guests
this wook hor slstor and niece, Mrs.
J. 1). Tuttlo nnd daughter, Mrs,
Itobort McCleary of Hutto, Montana.
Mrs. W. W. Lotson wns a visitor
at Halfway Friday.
A Hluo pound so;i was born to
Mr. nnd Mrs, Irving Harris, Satur
day, May 28. Ho was given tho
namo of Richard Irving.
Tho Epworth Longuo of tho M.
E. Church will glvo an Ico cream
social Friday ovonlng at Dr. Mooro's
rosldonco on tho East sldo.
Mr. and Mrs. S. I). Dormnn and
daughter spent Inst week end with
tho A. J. (Hover family at Holso.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. llrutzmaii
drovo to Caldwoll Sunday to visit
Mrs. Miles Mlllor and Mr. nnd
MrU Ilnrvo Hon and family of Holso
woro Sunday and Monday vlsltnrii
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Flfor.
Mrs. Anna Ilooz nnd Ed Fifor
spoilt Decoration Day In Wolsor.
Mr. Illggs of Crane. Section of
Enstorn Oregon Llvo Stock Co. and
President of tho Crane Stato Hank
wns In town on business ovor tho
wook ond.
Mrs. J, R. Jlimnorson of Payette
spont tho weok ond with hor dnugh
torMrs. Laruo Dlackaby.
Mrs. John a lnh, Miss Joy Olsh,
Mrs. Howard Oordon and Albert
Olson of Wolsor woro' shopping In
Ontario Wednesday.
Mrs. Win. Jones has boon enjoying
n visit from hor slstor, Mrs. Abblo
Wllholm of Ruport, Idaho and cous
in Mrs. Mary Koya of Eureka, Cal
ifornia. ,
Oorgo E. Pollock, formerly Sup't.
of Eastorn Oregon I .and Co. was
town ovor tho wook ond.
o say
EVERYBODY UtW-(tKe thaAAtnj-to the wheel
heaving, pulling BOOSTING for OUR TOWN and o(thbor.
It U a community ttwdir growmmprotpenty. The b? rea
son for tuch growth it loyalty and SERVICE.
The butineu and pubEc-tptnted men LONG AGO reafeed
that if OUR TOWN wanted to maintain a iuUtantialpoilrV fheit
busmen must be built upon the foundation of CLOSEST RELA
TIONSHIP. That telabonship U pottible through having SOMETHING
to offer and rrialang the offering KNOWN. It m ike prindrJ
underneath "BOOSTING" out community.
A (own a no stronger than iu BUSINESS the buriawi of
its merchants and neighboring farmers.
The-way to show these honest, sincere merchants of tow
and country that you appreciate the stand they have taken, and are
taking every day in BOOSTING this town t to read thor advw
lisemcnls oatrontze thn. BUY YOUR GOODS of the
who are keeping our town in the prosperous habit
In thai way youll be doing your BOOSTING.