A m h K Ife ; f i A w B !' HIE ONTARIO ARdlTS. ONTARIO, OPEOON, '.ttltJBSDAY, JUNE 2,1021 "Here's Real Tobacco" says the Good Judge That gives a man more genuine chewing satis faction than he ever got out of the ordinary kind. Smallcrchcw.Iastslongcr so it costs less to chew this class of tobacco. And the good, rich to bacco taste gives a world of satisfaction. Any man who uses the Ileal Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put ut in two styles W-B GUT is n long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT GUT is a short-cut tobacco FIRST SETTLERS DUE IN STATE JULY 19 linker County All Rently To .Show Their Possibilities To llmncMTk- ,., They Will Visit Malheur Count Too To View l-nnili Orvlllo Nichols nnd Arthur Dcnm cIuih WIho from horo wuh oi.orutccl ,:l'l:'"V,,V.,,V,,.'L!,a:,,H moved to tho Mountnlns Tuesday I nfJiiliirlo mm w ropone.i Bei- ,. .,.. i.vll,,K CJA with their gasoline ongliio to waso tintf muiib nicuij. A, u Holland, who h.. . MnPtrtn f tilnti.l t .......... ...., nag . . rcsra STARFIELD BILL TO . HELP LIVESTOCK HEN .Mi'iisnie To lie Introduced I'iohlel Cor IiOiiiih lly Tim (iotrrn inent mill 1'iirrliiuc of Paper Telegram Washington lliiH'nil WASHINGTON. May 26 Senator Itolmrl N. Stnnflold will probably liitrnitiicn n hill today which has heou approved an a whole hy the war flnntico corporation, providing for loans to cattlo nnd shoop raisers hy tho government nnd flxliiK tho purehimo of those loans or paper hy Imnks. Tliu toxt of the hill, of which tho senator will try to ne on ro early pnssaito through the sen nto with the aim of rellovltiK sheep nnd oattln incn of tho 1'nclflc North wwt, follew: "The secrelnry of tho treasury In 11 period of Ic?3 than s'x months or longer than two yearn ''The corporation shall not huy such paper from any audi hank or ompnny to nn nmount grentor thnn four times the puld up cnpltnl nnd surplus of the selling hank or com pany. "All loans or paper purchased under tho provisions of this net shall ho Indorsed or Kunrnntced un conditionally hy the hank or com pany selling the sumo to tho cor poration. In addition ,0 the In dorsement or guarantee of tho sell ing hank or company all security tnken hy the selling hank or com pany shnll ho deposited with the corporation nnd such security shnll litTn first lion on the cattle or sheep In form approved hy tho corpora tion. I'utrliiiki Iteotilcli'd "No loan or paper purchased hy tho corporation under tho provis ions of this net shnll exceed . 75 pen cent of tho market value of the cattlo or sheep pledged nt the time such loan or paper Is purchased "Loan or paper purchased under tho provisions of this net shall hear Interest at tho rate of 7 per Imroby authorised nnd directs! to cent, pnynhlo annunlly or' at nmtiir niivnnce or lend to the war finance Ity If mada for less than one year. corporation nil funds accrued or ac cruing from the frunchlso lux pro dded In the federal rosorve net nnd acts ntuetidntory thoroto. "Tho war finance corporation shnll execute nnd dellvor to tho sco rotnry of tho treasury Its certifi cates of IitilolitmlnoHfl thurofor hear ing Interest nt tho rntu of G per rout per nnuum, pnynhlo nnnunlly, Tho advances or lonns shnll ho mndo ns requested hy tho war flnnnco corporation nnd shnll ho pnynhlo on or hoforo tho dates of maturity Hpoclflod In tho cortlflcntos of In debtedness. .Mny Purchase Paper "Tho corporation Is horohy nil t liorlzcnl and empowered to purahnso from any state or nntlonnl hank, or from uny llvostnck lonif company which Is now duly organized under the Iiiwh of any state nnd author lied to make loans upon livestock, paper Inked, hy such bftiik or com pnny for loans mado to growers, brooder or fooders of cnttlo or shoop, "STn iinnnp nii.nlinonil i.ittA Ilm I. 1'iii'vi inuiimavii uiiiici MIU "Tho corporation shall nun-huso such paper on the hasls of ft4 per cent per annum nnd nllow or refund to the soiling hank or company tho difference hetweon tho 7 per cent paid hy tho borrower and tho rt, per con charged to tho soiling hank or company hy tho corporation "Any papor purchased hy tho cor poration us herein authorized mny ho ronowed or oxtended wholly or In pnrt In tho discretion of the cor poration nnd tho prorcods of any paper collected may ho rolnvostod by the corporation us heroin author ised. "All nets or parts of acts Incon sistent with or In anywise contrn voiiIiik the provisions of this net nro hereby roponlcd." , AM. PLKATINO, Accordlun, side or box promptly dono nt prices reasonable Hollo Bur's I'lontlng Works, 1110 First Avo. North. I'ny otto, Ida. Mall orders solicited I'liono 2G8M. 25-26 FOR SAI.i. or TRADB- provlslons of this net shall bo for' Six Call nt Ford Oarngo. -Ilulck tr 2 ll U I. ULJ.II.I.1I IlliJ. Ilium i. .. ,..,. avmr 4fSfH '& ' mm $ ' t 1 i mwmr,: ci i are you? 1'ORTt.ANU, ORE., May C2 (Special) July nineteenth will mark the date when thu first train loud of homeseokcrs from the mid dle wost will start from Oniuhn to Oregon, according to nnnoiincenieiit made by tho executho committee or the Oregon stnto cliiituher of com merce following receipt of u long telegram from Wllllntn Itiinloy from Omaha. This dntc wuh selected h tho heads of tltc ngrlculturnl do Irartment of the L'nlon Pacific sys tem nt Omaha and confirmed here hy tho executive committee of the stato chamber. Hanlcy, art it director of tho stato chamber. Is In Omaha with J. R Hearing, colonization expert who Is working with Union Pacific officials In grouping together homeseckers to bo brought to Oregon In a body Tho ngrlculturnl department of the Un ion Pacific will swing Its whole forces Into tho drive to send settlers to Oregon, It was announced. Following notification ns to tho results of tho conference la Omnhn. Secretary Qunylo of the state cham ber sent out letters to each commer cial organization of tho stnte, urg ing them to prepare for tho com ing of the settlers, first, by obtain ing listings of Innds In their dis tricts at prices based upon careful appralsnl, nnd second, to form, If possible, n corporation of flunncing commission composed of the lead ing huslnoss men of the community for tho purpose of buying up these available lands, or obtaining options upon them, under terms that will permit tho settler to mnko good "In regard to preparing, for tho reception of tho settlors wlie,, they arrive In Oregon, "snld 8ecretnry Qunylo, "Kugeno business men hmo already perfected n tentative organ ization, the purpose of which is to buy or obtain options on lauds nvnM able for tho settler, and re-sell these Innds on easy terms and long tlmo payments. Tho Crook county chamber or commerce was recently formed and Is nlrondy at work pro- paring for tho homeseekors, The linker county chamber of commerce has u committee working on plans for Inking enro of settlers when they nrrlvo In linker. "Theso communities nro to he commended for the promptness with which they are meeting the situa tion ,and I am certain that nil other communities will do their share. Tho stato chamber can only bring tho settlors to Oregon. It U up to the Individual districts to take care of them when thoy nrrlvo and see that thoy nro located whore thoy enn mnko good." Many applications for ndmlsslon to tho special homoscokors party aro nlrondy on file from middle western farmers according to Score tnry Qunylo. A recent letter fro (I ray, Indiana, stuted that thro, representative citizens of n largt colony of prospective settlors had boon selected to join tho party. mit.tL'fWll1 Mr nnd Mrs. Klmer Lawronco of Unity spent thu week end with Mr. MireiicoH parents, Mr. mid Mrs. U. II Lawrence. Mr and .Mrs. James Kims wore ironside visitors Moudny, getting suppllos. .,..,, Kll Roso wont to Vnlo Moudny to got his mother mid sister, .Mrs. Lottie Cohuni nnd nlecos Miss Dolly nnd Ora Lnwreiue, who lime been in Vale the past winter for school. Mrs. Samanlha Uraham from Washington is here visiting his sis ter Mrs. J. II. Roso. John Dolnnd, wuter mnstor, spent tho first of tho week hero from llrognti. Mrs. C'nlllo mid Mrs. Wnlluco Dor rick, nnd Krnostlno I.ocey were Ironside visitors Wednesday. Mrs. 0. 11. Dickson mid Mrs. Net tle Lawrence wero Ironside visitors Wodnesday. R. It MeKny representing llnllow & Wright Hardware Co., of Port land was nn Ironsldo visitor Tues day. Alfred Carpenter of Cnmp Creek Hnwmlll brought u load of lumbe to Ironsldo Thursday for H. C. Kims Hownrd Ilros. hnvo moved Into their wiwmlll nt Long Creek mid will begin work right nwny. Mrs. Lou Tiireinun of Malheur I river was nil Ironside visitor I iiurH-, Uo wny 0f nroii.rM.- Y i . ---mii nia I ilnn from imrlv ui.-i.. r " W Is wild to hnvu had, ns f " day Mr mid Mrs. I'd Roso returned from Low Vulloy Friday whoro Mr. Rose has been repairing roads. Sylvester Rose nnd Fred (Inrilnor went to linker Wednesday. Wuller Lnwremo iiiuilo n trip lo Ilrognn Wednesihiy nfter n loud or stock salt. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. P. Ilurko returned from Pnyetlo to their homosteud neur Ironsldo Tuesday. 1 vnn Welch returned from noug hts County Tuesdny whuio ho line been visiting his parents tho post few months. Mr. Welch will Im prove his homosteud on Mnlheur river. I. J. Ilnshroiick. ngent for (loud yeur Tire & Rubber Co., nt , Halt Ijiko, wus an Ironside visitor Tuesday. K. Nichols nnd llulpli Harvey A. mndo a IiusIiiomi Wednesdny. trip to Vnlo FOR BALK OR IIHNT-Now lliroo room house. 20 lots -half orchard, half garden three IdoekH south east school. Mrs. C. II. Trousdulo. tenj iiiuiir u any voirimiii i,.d n rows of radlshos nnd pom .7. Ima ulriitMin.l ,. ..I .' "Ci .... ..- ..... ,,,, un, iricni r.,i.." tho fumous NlchtoiVW , nnil thru It cnrriM.:5 i curroiii, thus produdiiS gh to easily tirot(.ri Ly frost. Tho cost Is said to U fU Jlght and thq oxporliuciit hti .2 mir i n HiiccoM liint Mr RoluK detliled to put In mud, Mf. " den and a hlg frost protcctlm'S . in next vonr. W wire of position trlcul Otlllll CONOHKOATIONA , CHUTlCH v uriiur ui iiiuno mill .'lid g( o J. I). aillnndors, Pastor Hutulny School, 10 00 A. 11 irencning, iiiou A. JI. RDvCI VVlw Mav Pr,.,.l. n-l. ' ...... ..... .VHI.U I IIU UDlMlf4 Junior Kiidcnvor. 2 30 p u Seizor Kudenvor, 7:15 p v I Preaching, 8:00 P. M. , 8,vJJ "A Twofold Witness " ' ?1 lllhlo Bludy, Wodnesday );jj Thank you for tho iphndidj iiuiiiiiiiiu inn nuiiuay I iq . you wero well pleased with tk rhestrnl music. Come again. W -an advantage mf worth while jXjjILJHJ IRONSIDE NEWS NOTES IS your kitchen uncomfort nbly warm and does it re quiro constant effort to keep it clean and tidy? Or are you ono of the thou sands of happy women who delight to work in a cool, shin ing kitchen with a good oil cookstovo? A good oil cookstovo is easy to operate brings a steady in tenso heat concentrated direct ly on tho cooking. For best results uso Pearl Oil the clean economical ker osene that is refined and re refined by a special process. Sold by dealers everywhere. Order by name Pearl Oil, x STANDARD OIL COMPANY (OllfornU) PEARL OIL HEAT AND LIGHT W. J. Robertson en mo up to his nomesienii nisi week, returning to Unity this week with u hunch of cnttlo. Mr. mid Mrs. Don Piatt nnd Mr. und MrH. Clinton Trowel cumo up from Ontario Inst weok to Mr. Piatt's homestead on I .oat Crook. T. Turemun enmo to Ironsldo ono day last weok on huslnoss. John Troby has boon helping (lor- iiuii j mm uuii ,nr. nave loiico their iioiuwsieniiu tins past weok. Mr, Kims und fiimllv made n trin to Unity one duy last weok. Arthur Slmpso,, aime down from his homc-stoud on Lost Creek ono day last weok. Huh Walters cumo up from Unity to uttend to his interests horo Inst week. Ho returned to his homo. Tuesday by way of Nyssu, Mr. mid Mrs. Sam llluton visited nt tho home of Mr. und Mr. Wiilt Thompson lust week. Henry Cupo and family wont to unmrio anu vale this week In tholr Ford tar. C, W. Vlblor was a busluotm visitor nt the Ironside store one dny last weok. Lewis Roso and wlfo motorod to their homestead above Ironaiiin n.iu past weok:, John Westful was down from Ida ranch this past week. Mr. Means, of Vnlo, bookkeeper for the Standfleld Co., was up to t ho Staiifleld Hold-out nbovo Iron sldo Wednesday, Krnest Armenia mid Mr. McKen nn, riders of the Cow Vulloy rungo for tho Kastern Oregon Iaml Co "v.w ... una Tiviiuiy una past week. Dave Lawrenco went out by Sntunloy's stage to Vulo whoro ho will visit friends for a few dnys. Arthur Van Dufen went to Unity trlday and purchused 75 head of sheop from W. L. Morfltt. Stevo Oracle and mothor from (.rouse Creek came in Tuesday for supplies. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. nm niui.. ... Durkee, Oregon, wero Ironside over night visitors Tuesday, K0ng to Unity on n fishing and prospecting . It. Lofton and S. A. Lofton. ir?Un r8in nd for.mor Partners on tho n'a(Carli lmch iave dissolved h?!' h0n7,h'P, '?; W" " ' selling lis half of tho ranch to S A of n-- U.i80n Ut .th0 c08ratlon of f fteen thousand dollars. Tho W.WIIU lantii m one of the best and n so one of tho first located ranches Bnck of the Zcroleno you buy for your engine are the combined resources, expe rience, knowledge and equipment of tho Standard Oil Company. They create nn efficiency in tho manufacture of fino lubri cants hard to duplicate elsewhere in the world. You gain thi3 advantage in the uso of Zerolene. Our Board of Lubrication Engineers recommends the grade of Zerolene to meet the requirement of your type of engine. Follow their recommendations as embod ied in the Zerolene Correct Lubrication. Chart. Ask for a Chart for your car. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CalifornuO craggy QA grade for eacli tjpz of engine vm xfe'Scffi'SffirEK II lKBHHZBS-hM-h: II III III I 1 1 i in II I 'I JlHlliNll WimWw wi l,MI'7 fflllvzoi WrJJ mA I csti JUJUMJj VI K m m&i de a cigarette is m nrjr day . ...... V. R. J. REYNOLDS Tobeeo Co. Wlaiton.Sla.N,cV j-ue amei idea wasn't born then. It was tho exclusive expert Camel blend that revolutionized cigarette smoking. That Camel blend of choice Turkish and. Domestic tobaccos hits just the right spot. It gives Camels such mellow mildness and fragrance I The first time I smoked Camels I knew they were made for me. I knew they were the smoothest, finest cigarette in the world, at any price. Nobody can tell me anything different Camel i " ! V 1 UIIB1UU, S. M Mntbow retnrnn.l homo from Baker Thursday,