THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1921 i OWYHEE NEWS NOTES DO LLAR DAY T. M. Lowo, Hnrry Ilusnoll, Theo Hust and Clins. and Otto Schwclzor itwifftrml In Vnln Mnnilnv in linnr Sir ' Tsui- " &'- m r s . Or ) f STORES HUB STORES ONE DAY ONLY SATURDAY MAY 28 ONE DAY ONLY CHILDREN'S (BLACK HOSE 27-IN. PLAID GINGHAM Sizes 5 to 9V2 10 pairs $1.00 Best Grado, Fast Colors n y 5y2 yards $1.00 LADIES' WHITE COTTON HOSE 32-IN. ZEPHYR GINGHAM 7 TM 6i nn Plain and Plaid Colors 7 Fairs ?L0 5 yards $1.00 MEN'S SOX PPPfiATPq Black, Whito, Brown, Gray, Novy . . . FER0ALE3 ciiampagno-6 pairs $1.00 36 in yaXl'.OO MEN'S FANCY STRIPED SOX . All leading Colors, 4 pairs $1.00 , , P?R(JALEB 36 in., Light colors. Whilo thoy MEN'S ATHLETIC UNION laat' 6 yards $1'00 SUITS A suit $1.00 . ORETONNE-36-in. WIDE Just tho thing for those Novelty GOOD WORK GLOVES APro"s' WJlil intnLasts Guantlott or Wrist Length 6 yardfl L0 Pair $1.00 9 LAROHMOUNT L. L. WHITE OUTING FLANNEL Avrn 27 in. wide, heavy grado For shfi0ta ' w 0asos 7 yards $1.00 yards $1.00 BROWN CRASH TOWELING OHALLIE-DE-MOUSSELINE 17 in. wide, fine for roller towels 36-in. wide, beautiful Porsian and 5 yards $1.00 floral designs fino for kimonas or comfort tops HUOK TOWELING 6 yards $1.00 18 in. wide, 5 yards $1.00 SHIRTING . STIFFEL STRIPE BIB 30 in. Ohoviot in blue chock or OVERALLS AND J UMPERS stripo, 5y2 yards $1.00 -. Pair $1.00 MEN'S TIES CHILDREN'S GINGHAM Wido silk four in hand ties DRESSES 2 for $1.00 . Each $1.00 FLOU Flour has Advanced 60 Cents Per Barrel rx in For the balance of this week we will maintain our low price on ARROW, 'SUNSHINE, and PURITY, thereby saving you the 60c Procure your needs for the next two months and you will save a nice piece of money. E. A. FRASER nnd Bco tho "flying squadron" and to nrrnngo ror war veterans 10 bo curo their victory medals otc. Mr. and Mra. J. C. Klomlng ot Long Beach, California wore gucBts nt tuo D. I l'ullan homo, Sunday. Doc I'ullen motorod to l'arnia, Saturday wlioro ho spoilt tho night nt tho Northland homo, returning Sunday. Owyhee frlonds of Ed Norrls, son In-law of Manual Hatfield will ho Borry to hear of his death last wook. A lottor to Doc Pullon from Geo. Uohaunn of Arkansas stated that ho was Instantly klllod when struck by lightning. Chas. FUhor Is farming tho Claronco McConucl ranch this Ben son. Goo. Uonton returned to his homo In Llolso last week. Whllo hero ho purchased a 28 aero farm near Nys Ra wlioro ho will tako possession Im mediately. MIbs Uornlco Martin, ot tho Kol ony was an overnight guest of Mil drod DoUord, Sunday. Tho noxt wookly prayer mooting will bo hold nt D. 1'. Pulleti!. l'rcd Kllnghack Is lcador. Tho ditto Ib Krldny, May 27. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Pratt woro down from Ironside for a few days last wcok. Whllo hero Mrs. Pratt was a guest of tho Eastorn Star Kensington, nt Nyssn, Monday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Wnltor Wlminor of Pocatollo, Idaho vlsltod Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Olnscock and family last week. Mrs. T. M. Lowo who visited nt tho John Wall homo several days Inst wook Is home now but Is suffer ing with a sovoro cough. Mf. nnd. Mrs. Ilnlph Hood woro guostB nt tho I'ullen homo from Wednesday to Friday. Mrs. Allco Vasblndur nnd baby, Floraboll, and Claronco DoUord or Momodalo woro guests nt tho Do llord homo Sunday. "arnndmn" nnd "arnndpa" Pinks ton who hnvo boon visiting nt tho Alvlj, McainulB homo roturnod to tliolr homo In Nyssa last wook. Thoy will bo obllgod to koop a nurso and hoUBokoopor, as both old people nro growing rnthor fcoblo. Claronco McConnol was down from Wostfnll Wednesday, a kuomI of (lus Schweizor. M. A. aill who nhoarod tho sltoep bolonglng to V .L. Dollord last wook roturnod to his homo In tho Uond, Wodncsdny. Owing to tho rlso of phono rates many hnvo boon having tliolr phonos romovod. Krod Kllngback's was taken out Inst wook bolng tho third ln tho vicinity to bo romovod. Dlgolows woro Ontario visitors, Monday. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. I). DoWItt of Sngo nrush Springs woro weok ond guosts ot Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lowo lust wook. On Saturday, May 28, a spoakor Is otigngod to como to tho school houso nnd explain tho moasuros to bo votod nt tho Juno election. Bvory onn Is urgod to bo prosont. Mrs. Sarah Itoliortaon ot Pocatollo vlsltod hor daughter Mrs. Geo. aiascock and family last wook, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson drovor of Ontario woro guosts nt tho II. V. Korr homo. Saturday. Charloy Schwoltor motorod to tho Onto City last Tuesday. J. Doors and daughtor and Miss Yost of Creston, who attondod tho High School graduation exorcises nt Ontario, nccompanlod by Jonnlo nnd Ilussoll neors. who nro Juniors In high school thoro, spont thu wook ond nt tho Wall homo noar Mitchell Ilutto, returning to Creston, Mon day. AT ONTAIUO HOTELS Following aro boiiio ot thoso reg istered at Ontario hotels tho past wook Mo'eilE: Mr. nnd Mrs. W. C. Follow, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Tlbbs, E. F. Cnlllna. a. A. French, J. M. DoVoo. Ed. It. Smith, Wm. Ilnlrd, C. I. Wild, nakor; Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Davis, John Onrdenor, DoUoj It. II. Daldock, .LaOrando; A. II. Van nuron, Ironsldo; Qoo. W. An drows, Klnsoy M. Robinson, Pay otto; Philip Coyno, F. J. Knuphus man, John O'Toolo, Junturn; W. II. Abondroth.Parina; F. J. Konnorly, John Vines, Elulo Walloson, T. M. Harton. K. W. Smith, II. R. Woll man, II. L. Thorp, Mrs. R. J. Ivors, Vale; V. Loomls, Hermlston, D. II. Hunter, Nampa; Mrs. Chas. E. Plvnn nnllnniin. f!nlii. T. A. Will- tors, Caldwell; Sua A. Turnbull, HlioBiiono; rnit Easioruay, mr. nnu Mra, L. I). Metzger. Portland; Mr. nml Mra. II. P. Ilmleo. Ram C'reom. Wolser; M. Clark, Nysaa; Cloudo M. Kolsey, uueo uiriow, job. ii. iviuit, P. Rldwell, Huntington; Ilouzz Routty, Donlo; Loulso L. Hazen, Wnlln Wnlln- W. II. Prnvon. Crane: Jamoa L. Klnnoy, Oakland, Calif.; ii. unapin, r.raraou, a. j. uuum, Ironside; E. W. Mlnar. LaOrando; Mr. and Mra. a. A. Colllor, Suntex. CARTER: 8. D. Stewart. Woat fall; Amos Roothler, Riverside; II. B. Wright. Tho Dalles; W. E. Hart, Pnyotte; F. Sweetman, Wm. Colo, Caldwell; Fred Knighton, Pcndlo ton; L. McKlnnoy, Dregan: J. C, Brady, MIdvalo; J. C. (Jalbralth, Caldwell; J. R. Wado, Tho Dalloa; R. W. Thompson, Frultlnnd; D. F. Fraser, Doulah; Russell Rodsull, II. B. Spleth, Vale; a. P. McCurdy, Nyssa; Floyd Rlodsoo. Caldwell; Oeo. II. Winters, Frultlnnd; Mrs. Mabel Throo, M. A. Stephenson, La Orando; J. A. McKJnnbn, Burns; Wm. A. Ruthorford, Hums; Mr Tom, Mobrldgo, 8. D.; R. McCroay, Adrian, Arthur Moon, Parma; A. L. Haley, Juntura; R. M. Dlnwlddlo, Jordan Valley; James Ruth, Wolsorj P. O. Story, Frultland; M. Joo Chick, Cody, Wyo. A Sulky Rake That Gives Extra Service There's real economy in buying a John Deere Sulky.Rnke. Because of its better construction, better material used, ond the adjustments provided to keep it in good working order, it will give you more years of satisfactory service than any other rake wc havo ever seen. JOHNDEERE SULKY RAKE Its heavy angle steel frame never sags the ad justable tic rod keeps the frame true, always. The heavy steel wheels with an extra number of staggered spokes, pro tected by the channel steel tire, arc interchangeable, giving double wear on the ratchets. The arched steel axles give the proper pitch to the wheels the wheels never pull in at the top and out at the bottom. The dump rods are re versible, giving double wear at this important point. Tooth holder ac commodates almost any desired number of teeth. You can maintain tho good working qualities of the John Dccro Rake few years. And from the operating standpoint, it is simple) and easy to handle. We want you to como In and see this better hay rake. GEO. W. WAYT FOR SALi.' or TRADE Uulck Six. Call nt Eord Oarngo. tf. Prcssuro tnnk for snlo. J. II. Gor don, Ontario. tf. FOR SALE Prossuro wator sys tem tank. In good condition. Seo J. II, Gordon, Ontario. tf. Home Transformations That you can make yourself with paint, varnish or enamel WE have established a service for women and men who want to do small jobs of interior painting, varnishing or reflnishing of furniture, floors, bath rooms, walls, and bric-a-brac. It's a free service. You simply tell us what you have to rcflnish, how finished now and what effect you want to get. We tell you how to do it in detail. What kind of material to use. What kind of brush. What method. Where to buy. You can work transformations in home things that will surprise you. Old bedsteads, tables, chairs, woodwork, floors, bath tubs, etc; are old really, only on the surface. Faint, varnish or enamel them, and they're netvl We make a special line of paints, varnishes, etc, for just this kind of home work Fuller's "Home I Service" Paint Products. for vow to use. fThey dry perfectly, spread easily and smoothly, and give every de sired result. You'll be surprised to learn what you can do once you've used them. FOR RENT Good pasture, plon ty of water, threo and one-half miles west ot Ontario. 11.75 per month, yearlings 11.25. No stock moved tilt settled for. C. W. Oar rett. tf. Our experience with paints and painting practice goes back more thnn 72 years. Wc arc one of the country's largest manufacturers. Our experts make a study of speci fying paints for every kind of use. Follow Fuller's "Home Service" Specifications, and you'll get the exact effects you're looking for. Don't think you can't because you haven't done this kind of work before. Let Fuller products and Fuller service show you that you can. Remember don't allow sur faces ta rot. It costs less to paint them. Where to Buy Important that you get the right material so be lure to go to the right ttort for fuller pro ducts. Cut out coupon below ai a memo to direct you. Write us now a poit card for complete catalog of Fuller's Spec- , ideation "Home Serv ice" Paint Product!, which tells luit what to buy for the work you have in mind. Send full description of, and get our fret advlti relative to refinlihlng furniture, chairs, bric-a-brac, basketry, etc, IMS) Fullers SPECIFICATION 'Horns Sewice"Plainte Varnishes - tnomel M'f'd by W. P. Fuller & Co. Dept 0, Sin Frsnclico Floater Pilot Minuftcturers (or 72 Vims Eiublithed 1S49 Branches la IS Cities ta th Wist Dealers Everywhere For All Exterior Jobs of Pilntlnr, it Is AdvIitbU to Secure tb Services ot Mister Filntcr, Chit SUttnukllt CumI Ii in intcaw whits .nimtl fcniib. Priti with lull lou, IIM whin tad weiri. rullcr'l SiUenwhlti pro duces t rich, bciutiful finiih oa fursiturt sad Interior woodwork. SAVE THIS (Cut this out ind put It la your pocket book or iundtjif ts memo) Puller's "Horn; Service" Flint products are sold by lbs (oilowlnj la your city. E nihil Silktuuliu cDect, vclut la to&e. produced br Fulkr'i Cstitll Eaimcl Fiaiih. crcitci cluimiif Interior. Obtilubb la white tad old ivory sua kvcb ouvr siuicuvt null. TA6GART HWD. ONTARIO, OREGON o .d! IK, B. tt.