THE ONTARIO AKGUS, ONTABIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY ID, 192J ' M' , ') r A 40 Stores THE HUB sor WE SAVE YOU MONEY AS AN institution of 40 stores doing business in Northwest, we have a buying power that en ables us to buy lower than our competitors, and bring satisfaction with small profits and little ex pense, We pass on these savings to the consumer. HIIOKS HIIOKH IIKAVV WHKll'lT, DOUIll.K Wo nro nlilo to boII you Hhoos HTITC'IIKU, HMJI2 IHINIM nt pro war prlcos "' OVKHAM,8 MHN'H WOIIK HIIOKH AT M or J.6J, 4J.yj, .JW.JU MKN'H ItlDINO llltKKCIMS, jKlmUl mid Whipcord. 1,IIKS' HIIOKH AMI OX- n . m . . KOIU18, nt prices from .JR Afl li $J.1U S2.65 UP PHKCAMM, 0 In., (HA)ltlA AM) I'ltllMIUM PKHOAMCH " I.V I.KJIIT AND DAKIC CHIMIHIiNH1 HIIOIM M AM, CIIIXIIW, IIKHT C1KAD !!!!!! 20 CENTS YD. HIIKirriNO, l'II,U)V tuiiiko TOWKMNO, OUTINO VhAS- HINOHAMB NKIi, GKKTONNKS, CIIAIr. Hoautlful plaids fust colors I.1KH, 8ATI5K.N, 17TC, nt low- 27 ,nc,,os wl,l' ul 20 CENTS YD. .remmtem&Mite: Mi's a oleasure to cook with a ppod oil coolistove ACOOI. clean kitchen-no smoke or dirt steady, intense hent concentrated right on the utensil these are the advantages that a good oil cookstovo offers you. A good oil coolcstovo Is conven ient and economical no wood or ashes to lug. For best results bo sure to uso Pearl Oil the clean burning, uni form kerosene refined and ro reflned by a special process. Pearl Oil is sold by dealers everywhere. Order by name Pearl Oil STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) PEARL OIL HEAT AND LIGHT isggg3SSiag$8S8gr KINGMAN K0L0NY Mrs. Klllolt and sons, Clarcnco and liny wcra Ontario visitors Sat unlay. "TTrrnnd Mrs. E. F. Pratt of Iron Bldo, OroRoii woro down to tho Siinko and Owyhee valloys tho Inst of tho weok returning enrly this weok with a lonit of supplies. Tho lower grades with tholr toucher, MIsb Vera Ncoh, woro giv en n picnic, Voilnesdny In Mb Uond Park. Sovornt cars woro provided hy inomhorB of tho P. T, A. nnd a thoroly vnjoyahlo dny reported. Other lnomuors of tho P. T. A., u n dor thu direction of Mrs At. L. Parsons, provided nnd sorvod n do llghtful luncheon to Mrs. Prlchatt, tho High School, nnd pupils finish ing examinations, Friday nftornoon. Miss Ncoh Is leaving for her homo In Ontario nnd Mrs. Prlchott and family for Vale. I.osllo and Alvln Shafor motored to l'ayctlo last Saturday. Mrs, Conrad Martin nnd daughter Ilornlro gavo n dinner party Inst Friday ovenlng In honor of Mr. Martin's forty-olghth hlrthday. Tho guests woro Mr. nnd Mrs. Q. 0. Hood nnd family and Mr. nnd Mrs. W. L. Shnfcr and Rons. Mr. nnd Mrs. Oliver Zohnor nnd family woro weok ond guests of Mrs. Zohnor's Blstor, Mrs. Frank Shulcr ln tho Colony. Tho Young Peoples Class met Friday evening for tholr regular luminous nnd social hour, Miss I)or nlco Martin holug hostess of tho ovenlng. Tho Young Pooplo havo boon working somo weoks socurlng now momhors, tho losing sldo to gtvo tho class a treat. Tho girls nro sched uled to glvo tho hoys "tho troat next Thursday ovenlng. Tho Class ordered this wook thirty folding chairs for tholr class room, and aro planning other Improvements. Sunday last tho girls Intermodlato class, tho "Willing Workers" took possession of tho library room and aro planning to havo tho room tho very neatest nnd prettiest room In tho building. Tho Socrotnry of tho S. S. report ed an nttondniico of flfty-sovon Inst Sunday. ltov. niotn of Ontario hold ser vices In tho Colony Sunday after noon. Dinner guests ln tho It. It. Ovor streot homo Sunday woro; Mrs. Kdltlin Scott, Mrs. John Ennls of Sioux City, Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. Maurlco L. Judd of I'nrmn. Herbert Illckox attondod, as dole gato, tho cnllod mooting of poultry tnou of this section lutorostod In tho plana of co-oporntlvo markotlng of poultry nnd ogga. This meeting wan called as a result of Instruction glvon nt n Southern, Idaho and Kastom Oregon poultry men's moot ing nt Ilolso, April 30. It Is the plan of thoso back of this movement to form nn organization hero In Kastom Oregon and Southern Idaho which will afflllato with tho Pacific Poultry Producers Association of tho northwest. Do you want to Im provo tho poultry and egg situation you will bo glvon nn opportunity but do not oxpoct somoono elso to do It nil. Horbort Illckox of tho Colony will bo glnd to glvo any In formation on tho subjoct. Any ranch woman handling a flock of GO lay ing hens can probably bocomo a member of thin association. MAMIKtm COUNTY KKAIj K8TATK TltANHFKItH UICCOUDKD ' MAY 7 TO MAY 11 CAMj I'OU 1UI8 Sealed bids for tho construction of n school building, comploto In accordance with tho plans and spec ifications, will bo rocolvod by School District No, 47, known as Illg Ilond School District, 'Malheur County, Oregon, on or bnforo Wodnosday, Juno 1st, 1021, at 2 o'clock P. M At which tlmo said bids will bo opouod at tho school houso of said district. All bids should bo ad dressed to William F. Schultz, Par ma, Idaho, 11, F. D, accompanied by n corttflod chock for S 100.00 In ac cord nnco with tho plans and specifi cations which may bo examined at tho Ontario National Dank, Ontario Orogon, or at tho offlco of tho County Treasurer. Vale, Orogon, or nt the Van Potten Lumbor Co., Adrian, Orogon nnd nt Ilolso Pay otto Lumbor Co., Parma, Idaho. Tho Hoard resorvoa tho right to re ject all bids. Wm. F. Schultz. Chairman. 24-2G. U. S. A. to Luko A. Cornell, E and SWVi Sec. 34-14-41. April 13, 1921. U. S. A. to Hardy Melton Kngtnud Lots 1 nnd 2, 8NE, Soc. 0-1G-42 Nov. 20, 1019. Shorlft II. Leo Noo to Jean II. Duron & Son, NEHNEU Sec. 13-32-40. April 30, 1921. $14.00 U. S. A. to John Alvoy Lawronco S48Wtti 8WHSBH Soc. 22; S WUSWU Soc. 23; NHNWH Sec. 20; NNEVi Soc. 27-14-38. Aug 2, 1910. U. S. A.' to John Alvoy Lawronco, 8WU8BU Sec. 30; NBV4NWW. Sec. 31-14-38. Nov. 20, 1920. U. S. A. to Dort Lawronco, N N, SHNEW, 8EHNWK,, BEtf SEU Sec. 10-1G-38. Nov. 2, 1920. U. S. A. to llnlney Arvlllo Uybco, ' Sec. 24-14-40. Aug. 30, 1920. J. M. JohtiBon et al to James S. Stark ot ux, Metes A Hounds ln Sec. 3G-1C-47. cont. 100 acres. May 2, 1921. $1,200.00. Itoubon McCroary et ux to Peter Chrlstcnson, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, C, 0, 7 and 8, In Block 0, Adrian, Juno 12, 1020. $100.00. Waltor W. Nichols ot ux to C. M. Nichols Motes & Hounds In SEVi Sec. 1-21-4C, cont. 44 acres, May 7, 1921. $550.00. Earl V. Dull ot ux to Ed. Durbln, SWSEUBWWSWH Soc. 0-18-47. Mar. 14, 1921. $1,500.00. Ellzaboth O. Toolo to Malheur County, Iload right of way across DH8WW8EW Soc. 3-17-47, April 20, 1921. $25.00. Androw J. Whltosldo to John A. Flock, Lots 10, 17 nnd 18, In Illock 182, Ontnrlo. May 10, 1921. $400.00 U. S. A. to Malllo J. Orcoloy, N WHNWU Sec. 1G-31-44. Jan. 1C, 1920. It. E, Woant et ux to Ooorgo Gardner, Und. V, Int. In WNEtf, and NHSEU Sec. 14-14-41, Mar. 24, 1920. $10.00. a oo. Turoman ot ux to School District No. 47, 2 acres In NEW NEU Soc. 2-22-40. April 12, 1021. MAItltlAOE I.ICKNH1CS IHHUKI) Loyd Wlsomnn ami C-ladys Ed wards. May 13, 1921. COMPLAINTS FILE!) IN CIltCUIT COUUT Caldwell Lumbor & Coal Co. vs. Arthur Mumford, May 10, 1921. Ho covory of monoy $100.20. Davis & Kostor vs. Jas. W. Manoy ot al. May 11, 1921. Itocovory ot monoy. $2,010.14. Lowell J. Hadloy vs. Dan II. Eno ot ux, May 13, 1921. To Qulot Tltlo. U. S. National Hank ot Vale vs. W. H. Mocklor, May 13, 1921. Ito covory on Nolo, $2,000.00 Millard J. Sago vs. Jesus Aran gulna. May 13, 1921. Damages, $950.00 PAID LOCAL ADS FOR SALE At bargain, ono now houso In Torraco IIolghtB with or chard and olghtoon lots. A Lohoad. r S CONDENSED REPORT OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP ONTARIO, OREGON "As made to the Comptroller of the Currency at the close of TJr,:.,00 Arvi.!l QRrVi 1Q91 Business April 28th, 1921 ItESOURCES: Loans and Discounts $B06,S02.80 Overdrafts 33S.G2 Honda and Warrants....- 89,165.27 Banking House and Fix- tures ...... 3S.lHi.ob OA81I 183,007.83 $708,570.14 LIABILITIES Capital $ GO.000.00 Surplus and Profits 51,31(5,02 Circulation 11,400.00 Federal Resorvo Hank sooured by Government Obligations 30,000.00 mils re-discounted G 1,3 18, 04 Ontario City Bonds & Warrants sold under ro-purchaso agreement 34, GOO, 99 DEPOSITS fi30,771.IO $78,G76,14 'KNOWN FOR ITS STRENGTH AND STABILITY" LOST At Juntura, Orogon, May 3 a pair ot black rimmed glassos In caso boarlng name at Dr. McFall, Flndor roturn to R. R. Johnston, Houlab, Orogon nnd rocolvo roward. FOR RENT 2 rooms for light houso-kooplng. Phono 149-R. Mrs. D. E. Brown. 23. TO TRADE Eight room houso nnd G lots to trado for Clarkston, Washington or Lowlston, Idaho pro perty. Ontario Roal Estato Co. LOST A bar pin, In tho strcots of Ontario, has cameo center. Flnd or ploaso notify Mrs. C. R. Emlson. 23-24 FOR SALE Cheap, two now Big 4 McCormlck Mowora, used ono son son. D. C. Booth, Ontario. tt FOR SALE At loss than cost, n now bungalow with all modorn con vontonces, locatod Just north of Uundry. For appointment call O. A. Kratr. FOR SALE I Dcorlng mower, now; truck hay wagon; 1 good milk cow. Phono 201-R, Chns. A CorllBH, Ontario. 23-24 p. Homstltchlng 10c por yard Blanche O. Andorson. Phono 42-W 23-20 p FOR SALE Good R. 1. Rod eggs $1.00 setting ot 1G eggs. I.pstor Turner, Phono 48-J. 1G-23 p. FOR SALE Good Trohl Seod or Food Harloy,. $1.G0 por cwt. John Mulomiar, 2 mllos wost of Ontario, 21-24. I am making up car load ship ment of small Tractor Throshlng Machines, and will be glad to seo anyone Interested In small Thresh ors. V, B. Staples, Ford Qarago. FOR SALE or TRADE Bulok Six. Call at Ford Oarage. tf. FOR RENT Largo Bleeping room modern house. Phono 173-M. IGtf. EdOS for setting from extra good laying Whlto Leghorn stock. $1.00 per sotting; $7 00 per hun dred. W. T. Parker, Ontario, Phono 113-R. 21-24 p. FOR SALE Ono 3 cyllndor Har dto spray outfit complete In good working order. Also ono 7 foot disc. A. It. Albco, Phono 207-M-2. tf. FOR SALE Chovrolot touring car 1918 modol In good condition $300 . Somo torms. Sco It at tho Ford Garage, Phono 151-J. P. O. U. 270, Ontario. 14. tf. FOR RENT Good pasture plon ty of wntor, three nnd ono-linlf miles wost of Ontnrlo. $1.75 per month, yonrllngs $1.25. No Block moved till Bottled for. C. W. Oar rott. tf. FOR SALE OR TRADE Tent hoiiBO, 10x10, nnd smnll bungnlow, both with llnoloum covored floor. Good condition nt a bargain. Can ho easily moved; or will trado for good milk cow. Phono 20GW3. 23p FOR SALE 1920 G PaBsongor Uulck with oxtraa, In first class condition. Paul Cayou. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Corner Idaho Avo. & 2nd St. S. W. J. D. Glllandors, Pastor Sunday School, 10:00 A. M. I'roachlng, 11:00 A. M. Subject: "Rust as n Wltnoss" Junior Endeavor, 2:30 P. M. Senior Endeavor, 7:00 P. M. I'roachlng, 8:00 P. M. Subject: "Lots Cholro." Ulblo Study, Wednesday 7:30 P. M. All tho nbovo services aro for you and our purpose Ib to glorify God. God is calling you now. Now Is God's tlmo. Someday It will bo tho last call. Ho careful In turn ing Josub down. You may bo mighty proud now. Somoday you will bo mighty humblo, but It will bo too lato. You should bo ashamod to say I am too busy to nttond God's houso. Wako up I FOR SALE Jorsoy bull calf. Qoldon Glow Chief. Reglstorod from high clasa stock. For quick aalo phono or sco C. E. Dlbblo, Payette. your instruction book It says-. Old oil should be drained from the cronkenne at regular Intervals and replaced with fresh oil. Thin statement is made because engine operation cause road dust, carbon, fino metal particles and other Impurities to accumulate in the cranlccaoo olL The gritty oil circulates through the engine, impairing Its performance, nnd ulti mately leads to rapid depreciation and repairs. These careful Instructions from the manufacturer are often disregarded; cleaning the crankcose la a job generally disliked. To meet this need Modern Crankcose Cleaning Service has been established by first-class garages nnd other dealers co-operating with the Standard Oil Company. These garages and dealers use Calol Flushing Oil, the scientific agent that cleans out old oil, dirt, grit and other Impurities and does not impair the lubricating efficiency of fresh oQ used. The cleaned crankcasc is refilled with the proper grade of Zerolene. Look for the garage or dealer displaying the sign shown below, it means ' Bettor operation and longer engine Ufe." STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CUob1) MODERN CRANKCASE CLEANING SERVICE Wu CAM. nUStlMJ OB. ZZPjOLCKE I "for better operation t Cfo? Attjgfcr cim Ufe' YOU certainly want to "save money, and you would like to have better bakings. Then use Calumet. It's the Uggest thing you can do to Im prove the quality ot your bakings and lower baking costs. Calumet Is made in the larg est, most sanitary Daking Powder Factories In tho World. No Dak. lag Powder Is mado under better conditions none can be better In quality. It contains only Buch ingre dients as have been officially en; dorsedby the U. S. Pure Food Authorities, An absoluto guaran. teetbat it Is pure. V '- CALUMET BAKING POWDER MtTSYTBTl ; r It received highest Awards, World's Pure Food Exposition, Chi cago Paris Exposition. Parts, France positive proof of its super ior merit It is used by more house-' wives, dorp'-c scientists and chefs than any other brand. That would not be tbo case, U it were possible to secure a higher quality leavener. It fa sold atarnoderate price. Al you havo to do U to compare costs to determine how much vou eaa save br buyias Calumet. Pound can of Calumet contains full 18 oa. Some bating powders come in M tn..f1n1llftf ratm ItaBtira you get a pound when you want it. 4CNM S cups putty flour. 3 Ul t poons CalumtC lUklng 1'owdtr. S cupbuUer.lMcue rnouUted UMf. Yokio(Ses.M nip com wtr. WbUuoJIcfShl tcuoooa orn strict. TUmt bUitnfUitvw