The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 19, 1921, Image 3

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The Vitrous Enamel throughout the interior prevents
The Mirco Top Finish on a MONARCH Malleable
Range banishes stove polish.
A Monarch Malleable Range costs the fewest possible
dollars per year to own, and it will stay satisfactory.
A Monarch Malleable Range saves time and money,
work and kitchen worry.
Now on sale at the store of McNulty and Co. at lOPer
Cent Discount. Do not miss this chance to get the
best there is at a reasonable price.
As school cloios May 20th tho ac
tivities o( tho Fruttlund grades ana
IIIrIi School havo boon uutto pro
nounced. Last Thursday tho untlro High
School vont to Welter and utter
ward Journoyod sovon mlloi boyound
to tho Hot Bprlngs whoro thoy on
Joyed an all day picnic and a sump
tuoua spread,
Thursday noon tho sixth grado
wont to Now Plymouth (or n picnic.
Tho sixth grado hoys played tho
sixth grado of Now Plymouth, win
ning tho gamo 8 to 8, Tho Bocond
and third grado students ouch hold
their picnic Friday on tho grocn
spot of tho school grounds, Tues
day of this wook tho two l'rlmary
grades celubratod with a picnic.
Wodnoaday tho fourth and fifth
grndos enjoyod a picnic at the school
Mrs. M. 1 Hullls ontortalnod at
her homo Wodnesday aftornoou, tho
Ilusy lloo Club.
Ono of tho most dollghtful ovonts
In school llfo of this wook was tho
Junlor-Sonlor Kowplo Banquet,
servod at tho Bungalow Monday
Hov. Horshel Shanks preached tho
baccaleaureato sermon Sunday oven
jig at tho High School Auditorium
and took as his subject "Tho Kind
of Men and Women This World
Noods," A nunihar of sacred songH
by tho aioo Club and n duot by
Adolbort Baker and Porn Wllfong
woro rondorod.
Charlos Hobort llollonbock colo'
bratod his sovonth birthday anni
versary by Inviting In 26 of his
nolghbor boy and girl friends.
Thursday ovonlng Miss Uuby
Kauffmaii entertained to dlnnor
llyron Hang, Claudo Sonsoman and
Miss Magglo Eldrldgo. In tho ovon
lng tho romalndor of tho monitors
of tho Excolslor clnsa of tho Broth-
rcn Church woro tnvltod In. Tho
party was glvon ns a farowoll to
MoDsrs. SoiiRomnn and Haag who
loft Sunday ovonlng for Plymouth,
Mrs. Mary Ilurnott had as hor
guests Sunday attornoon sixteen
seniors from tho Wolsor Instltutu.
A olvely spread was tondorod tho
guests and nil had n happy tlmo.
Mr. and Mrs. James Doal had as
tholr guests to dlnnor Sunday,
Misses lluby Knuffmnn and Magglo
Eldrldgo and Mossrs. llyron Hang
and Claudo Sonsomau.
On Tuesday ovonlng Mlsa Itolno
Jonks ontortalnod. tho mombors of
tho Excelsior Class.
Tho Fldells Class of tho Brethren
Cruch were ontortalnod Tuosday
ovonlng at tho J. Hostotlor homo.
Wcdnosday aftornoou of this
weok tho M. K. Ladles Aid mot at
tho homo of Mrs. W. A. Colwojl to
bid farowoll to Mrs. K. A. Llnck,
past president, and hor family who
r 4! i
Doubtful Protection
Causes Worry
You cannot depend upon doubtful
protection for your valuables-it causes too
much worry to store your securities and
other valuable papers at huih ""l""' V
You can rent a box in our Safe De-1
posit Vault for ?2.5U ana up per yeai .
iiu . v i mill
loavo mion for Uolso to tnako tholr
1'Vmlcr Conantsor PnNicn
Fowlor n. Conantsor died May 11,
1021, nt St. AlphonstiB Hospital,
lloUo, following a mastoid oporatlon
and n solgo of pnoumoula. Ho was
born October 15, 1002, nt Mangum,
Oklahoma, and was ngod 18 yoars,
six months and 20 days nt tho tlmo
of his tloath. Ho loaves his par
onts, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Conantsor,
tlireo brothora and flvo alstorB.
8. A. D. Fardunn will loavo soon
for an oxtondod trip In tho mlddlo
statos. Ho will visit a sister whom
ho hag not soon for thlrty-olght
Mr. and Mrs. D, L. Ingard nnd
Mrs. A Cox woro In Uolso Saturday.
Mr. Ingard spoko for Puyotto Coun
ty boforo tho Utilities Commission at
Its hoarlng for tho reduction of
railroad ratos as It rolatos to tho
shipping of Tayotto County pro
ducts. Word has coma that Elmor Orolp,
son of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Orlop,
who rocontly wont to Annapolis,
has passod tho examinations for en
trance to tho Annapolis Acadomy.
Ho Is a graduato of tho Frultland
High School.
11. T. Lowls and Mrs. Lowls and
aionn havo roturnod from Bolso
whero Mr. Lowls attonded a state
Farm Uuroau mooting. Mrs. Lowls
and sou vtsltod Mrs. Ernest Alsop,
n sister.
Whllo Stockmen Jojful Over Italn
Which Haven Gran On HIIIh
Alfalfa Handlers and Grain
Men lVcl Injured To Slight
Tho old saying; "It Is an 111 wind
that blows nobody good," was Illus
trated Sunday afternoon in Malheur
County when the storm which cen
tered about Ontario and reached
up Into Willow Creek and north to
Wolsor was accompanied by a heavy
fall of rain and hall.
Whllo tho stockmen woro highly
gratified at tho rain which saved
tho grass on tho hill sides that was
rapidly turning brown, the ranchers
in tho lower valley In soma Instances
suffored material losses; particular
ly on Dead Ox Flat.
Over on tho flat tho hall was ox
tromely heavy and drlvon by tho
high wind pelted tho fields in a
most determined manner, Tho ten
acre corn field of Mr. Tomlln was
ruined, the young corn Just a few
Incjies above tho ground was cut to
pieces and will havo to be reseeded.
Likewise the alfalfa fields of many
of tho ranchers were injured and
tho crop which In a few weekB
would have been ready for tho
mowers was ruined, Jus( how
great this damage will bo Is not
known for only portions of tho
flat were so affocted.
Mnjor J. O. Hnrtlctt OjKins Offlco
In Wilson lluldliiK - U Nutho
Hon of Hume) Was Cited In
Firm 1 tilt do of A. K. F.
Mnjor J. A. Bnrtlott, son of Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Bartlett of thla city
has oponod offices In tho Wilson
building In tho sulto formerly oc
cupied by tho Eastern Oregon Land
Company, nnd will practtco his pro
fession of modlclno and surgory
Major Bartlett mndo this decision
aftor investigating tho prospects of
dovelopmont In many cities and
towns In this section and determin
ed that in his Judgment Ontario's
futuro possibilities for growth and
dovolopment is Burpaasod by nonu.
Dr. Bartlett Is not a strangor In
this section, for ho Is a natlvo son
of DrowBoy, Oregon nnd oxcopt for
tho tlmo ho Bpont In collcgo and
post graduato Btudy and In Franco
with tho A. E. F. ho tins lived all
his llfo In Eastorn Oregon or South
ern Idaho.
Dr. Bartlett Is an nlumnus of tho
University of Oregon collcgo of
modlclno having graduated with tho
class of 1010, Ho did his Intorno
work at tho Saloni City Hospital
and thon practlcod modlclno nnd
surgory in Southern Idaho until
wnr was declared In 1017.
Immediately upon tho declaration
of wnr ho otferod Ills servlco and
was asslgnod to tho Flold Hospital
nt Camp Funston, Kansas with tho
rank of First Lloutonant, from
which ho wnB promoted to captaincy
nnd placed in chargo of tho unit,
with which ho later wont to Franco.
Dr. Bartlett was ono of tho first
Amorlcan surgeons to bo cltod In
ordors following a bnttlo for In tho
battlo of tho Marno ho saw action
and was raised to tho rank of Ma
jor and placed In chargo of n field
hospital. Ho was in Franco for 18
months nnd roturnod to Amorlca In
tho fall of 1010 when ho loft tho
After leaving tho servlco ho spont
a yonr and a halt In Now York
taking Bpoclal post graduato work
In tho Now York I'ost Oraduato
School & Hospitals, during which
ho majored In surgery nnd general
modlclno. Slnco tho completion of
his post graduato work ho has boon
looking about for n location and
finally settled upon Ontario as tho
placo ho dcslrod to mako his por
mnnont homo. Dr. Bartlett Is n
brother of Mrs. Thomas Arnold of
this city nnd also of Dr. Carl Bart
eott of Baker, formerly of Vnlo.
Highly Idaho Member Alt mil Hrn-
ttlon Hpi-o l)iKm Tvnm Pre-
scntM Floral Ccroimmj
Ilmuiuct Hmed
At tholr regular mooting Thurs
day ovonlng, May tho twolfth, Star
Chaptor, .No. 09, O. E. 8., had as
tholr guosts, about eighty mombors
of Lorraine Chnptor of Pnyotto,
Aftor tho conferring of degrcos
upon Poto DuFord, tho officers of
Star Chaptor oxcmpllflod tho beau
tiful and Improsslvo floral ceremony.
Star Chaptor Is vory fortuuato in
having ono of its mombors, a grand
offlcor of tho stato, Mrs. Mlunlo
O. Lotion, Assoclato Grand Matron
of Oregon, who so ably assisted in
tho training and preparation for
tho drill work.
Tho vocal duot by Mrs. J. W. Mc
culloch and Mrs, A. E, Brocouht
was well rondorod and addod great
ly to tho lmprosslvoness of tho coro
raony. At tho closo of tho mooting a do
llclous banquet was served uuder
tho direction of Mrs. A. L. Cock-
rum. Tho hall was tastotully do
corated with tlowors and tho chap
ter eolorB.
West Bound
17 Passengor
6 Mall
19 Passenger
23 Passengor
85 Passenger
3:47 A.M. Dally
6:20 P.M. Dally
4:30 P.M. Dally
2:01 P.M. Dally
0:33 A.M. Dally
East Bound
18 Passenger 1:10 A.M. Dally
86 Passenger
(Pony) 7:60 A.M. Dally
4 Passenger 9:33 A. M. Dally
6 Mall 2:20 P.M. Dally
24 Passenger 4:30 P.M. Dally
Oregon Eastern Branch
West Bound
371 Mixed Vale-Crane Departs
10:00 A. M. Dally Ex. Sunday
373 Mixed Vale-Brogan Departs
12:30 P. M, Daily Ex. Sunday
193 Passengor Vale Departs
10:30 A.M. Sunday Only
East Bound
372 Mixed from Crauo Arrive
2:60 P. M. Daily Ex. Sunday
374 Mixed from Brogan Arrive
4;60 P. M. Daily Ex. Sunday
194 Passengor from Vole
3:06 P.M. Sunday Only
that pay back the price of your
t Electric Range
A Saving of Heat
Tho current is on only when you are
using the heat.
A Saving of Utensils
No smoky scum to scour off
No scorched rim to be scraped out.
A Saving of Furnishings
With up coal dust, soot, smoke and
ashes set loose in the air, your curtains,
pictures and furnishings will keep
clemi much longer.
A Saving of Foods
The shrinkage of foods, particularly of
meats, is practically eliminated when
you cook electrically.
A Saving of Money
You may havo an Electric Range for
$10 down and pay the balance in
twelve monthly payments
Electric Shop
Idaho Power Co.
FOIl SALE Jersey bull calf.
Oolden Olow Chief. Registered from
high class stock. For quick sale
phono or see C. E. Dibble, Payette. Phono 9W
Building Opportunity
Building costs are away down, and every im
provement is a good investment now.
Time waits on no one- next year will bo too
late to build for this summer's .comfort .and
Lumber prices are from 20 por cent to 40 .per
cent less than a year ago and all building mater
ials are down correspondingly.
At the same time Boise Payette service remains
at the same high standard.
Plans Make it Easy
Boise Fayotto plans and sketches and our sales
manager's pencil make it easy for you to choose
and build the kind of improvement .you .will
most enjoy.
Ask the sales manager for
estimates of the cost
Boise Payette Lumber
Geo. McLain Sales Manager, Ontario Yard
When in Ontario
Prices Reasonable
Try Our
FOR RENT Furnished rooms
Also 1 apartment. 1 Mock north
of Mooro Hotol. Mrs S. E. Morgan.
24-27 p
Furnlshod houso for rout. II. W.
Jones. 24,
Six. Call at Ford Oarage. tf.