TV w . . JLflLSMtL-sv , THE ONTARIO A ROUS, ONTAKIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY If), 1921 . . ft is I "Just Between You and Me" says the Good Judge Here's genuine chewing satisfaction for you, hook ed up with real economy. A small chew of this class of tobacco lasts much long er than a big chew of the ordinary kind that's be cause thc full, rich, real tobacco taste lasts so long. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that, ' m in two stiles W-B GUT is 11 long fmc-c:it tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco IRONSIDE NEWS NOTES Summer Excursions EAST DAIIjY fc JUNK 1HT TO AUOUHT 1I1TII VIA OUKflON shout i.ini: ItAIMtOAI) (Union I'urlflc HjnIiiii) HKK AOKNTrt IXIH DKTAIIM Omnhn, St. JOHOpIl or Knimuu City .,.,,, Chicago or Milwaukee? 100.80 Bt. I.ottls 101.40 8t. Paul or , Minneapolis ,,.. 105.00 Memphis 111.00 Ft. Worth, Dallas or UoiiHtoii 100.20 Tickets good throo inoiitliit lint not to exceed October 31. See Our Water Systems We have new and second hand Pressure Tanks, Motors and Pumps, and will be pleased to give you any information for installing pumps. H. R. Wick Phono 152-M Ontario, Oregon Mr. nnil Mrs. Walter Thompson mtuto a trip to Ontnrlo on IiubIiiosb ono dny Inst week. J. I). Hllllngsloy and daughter, Mrs. Don I'lntt enmo down from tholr homesteads on Lost Crook on routo to Ontario tlio lust of tlio wcok. Mr. Mnrtln of tlio Eastern Orogon Land Co. from San Francisco, David Qrnhnm and A. M. Taylor of On tnrlo wore viewing tholr range and ranches In this vicinity tho post week. Mr. Orvlllo went to Wnlln Wnlla, Washington tills past wook. Mr. Tnrotnnn moved up to his home this past week. Arch Myers tins moved to tho Cohiim plaro to rldo rango In this vicinity for tho tinstorn Oregon Land Co. "Red" Chcstor nnd his wlfo canto down from tholr homestead tho last of the wcok. A. M. Tnytor nnd wlfo and small sou of Ontnrlo nro nt tho homo of Arch Myers this wcok. Don I'lntt went to Ontnrlo ono dny this pnst wcok. Illll Cooley enmo thru hero with a load of supplies onrouto for tho Stnufleld Camp above hero. Mr. Capo was n business visitor at tho storo this wcok. Ironside and llonltn fans met nt tho llonltn hall pnrk Sunday, Scoro was ono to 1 1 In favor of Ironside. A picnic dinner wns served nnd nil hnd an onjoynblo time. Mr. nnd Mrs. Klmor Lnwrcnco nnd Mr. nml Mrs. Alva Lawrence of Uni ty nttended tho gnmo. Miss No nth I.nthropo spent tho wcok olid visiting at tlio I'hclan nnd Mlllor homo nt llonltn. It. C. Hints nnd son, Frank, mndo n business trip to Vnlo Monday. Fred nnd Wnltor I.awrenco took their stock to tho resorvo at Flag Pralrlo Sunday. Kd llenm nnd family wont to On tario nnd Nyssn to spond tlio wook with frlonds nnd rolnttvos. Arthur Van lluren, vlco president of tho Stock Association, attended tho stock meeting hold nt Hnrdy Murray's on camp creek, Sunday. Stato Highway Commissioners, John H. Ycon nnd W. II, llnrrnlt, of Portland woro nccompnnlod to Uni ty nnd Ironsldo by tho linker Com mercial Club mon, Jinlgo Duty, Mr. Cauldor nnd Walt Mcnchnm. They woro mot nt Ironsldo by tho follow ing boosters of Ontnrlo, Vnlo and llregnn: P. J. Gnllaghor, C. C .Van I'otton, J. H. Illnckaby, Gcorgo Mad dux, George K. Alkon, Frank VIiich and K. II. Tost, county Judgo, of Ontario; Lloyd Illchos, Julian Hur ley, ailbort W. Dunn, Hugh McCttll, I.00 Schmlds and Itobt. D. Lytic, of Vale; nnd J. A. Kennedy of Ilrogan. Thoy woro oscortcd to llrognn nnd Vnlo by tho boosters over tho high way that Is Just tindor construction HRffi fc&aC from Jhmloson to Vnlo. Vnlo gnvo tliotn n banquet on nrrlvlng thoro. Jnmos McDervo nnd C. M. Klbblo mndo flunl proof on their homestead nt Malheur City Monday before ( II. Morfltt. Mr. Judd of Clover Crcok wns an Ironsldo visitor for supplies Monday. Hub Walters passed thru Iron sldo Mondny from Cnmp Crook to Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Albort Morfltt was Ironsldo visitors, Tltursdny morning enrouto to Unity whoro ho will rldo tho rango this Btimmor. Mr. Phillips, Mnnngcr of Eastern Orogou I.nnd Co. farm nt Jnmlcsou wns an Ironsldo business visitor Monday. Tho miction snlo at W. A. Anthony Saturday was well attoudod. All tholr household goods, farm Imple ments nnd ono hundred stnuds of bees woro sold. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. M. lltitborford woro Ironsldo visitors from Malheur Saturdny. Mr.nnd Mrs. F. Smith mid Miss Tholmn Smith woro Ironsldo visitors from llrognn Suiidny. Win. Turomnn nnd Itoscoo Welch roturncd to tholr homo nt Malheur rlvor Wednesdny. Orvlllo Nichols went to Ontnrlo 'Thttrsdny to move tho liotisohold goods of Ernest I.ocoy nnd family who nro moving lioro nftor spending tlio pnBt nlno months In Ontnrlo for school. Mrs. 1M I tit Itobbertsou of Grouse Crcok wns shopping In Ironsldo Tltursdny. S. M. Matthows returned homo from linker whoro ho has been the past wcok with his wlfo who Is taking modlcal treatment thorn. Ross Itood of Unity went to Ilro gan via Ironsldo for n loud of freight for tho Kurnt Itlvcr Morcnutllo Co, O. Y. Chcstor of Vnlo wns un Ironsldo visitor going to Malheur rlvor Thttrsdny. Mrs. Oscar Huthorford visited Mrs. II. M. Huthorford at Malhotir Sunday nnd Monday. W. A. Anthony nnd son, Cltns., took tholr departure for Situ Diego, California Monday by auto where thoy will ntnko tholr fttturo homo. Wm. Tiiroinun, 11. Welch went to Vnlo Saturdny on business. Mr. Until of Lost Valley, roturncd homo Monday after spending sovornl dnys at Ironsldo holplng Itnlph Hnry survey some fonco linos on his homestead. Kd. Iloromnn was called to Port land, Friday, by tlio death of his alitor. John Smith nnd sons woro Iron sldo visitors Saturdny. E. F. Cnlllns, llfo Insttrnnco ngont of Ilnkor for McMum Voll Co. was an Ironsldo visitor Friday. John Allen nccompnitlcd hint. Mr. Hnll, llfo Insttrnnco ngont of Kelso, Idaho, was ut tho homo of C II. Dlckorson adjusting rouril lions nftor tho burning of tholr hotiso, Thttrsdny mid Friday. Wnltor nnd Karl Wenvor of llon ltn woro Ironsldo visitors Friday. I'd walk The pleasure is worth it. There's no sub stitute for Camel quality and that mild, fragrant Camel blend. The fellow who smokes Camels, wants Camels. That's because Camels have a smoothness, a fragrance and a mildness you can't get in another cigarette. Don't let anyone tell you that any other cigarette at any price is so good as Camels. Let your own taste be the judge. Try Camels for yourself . A few smooth, refreshing puffs and you'd walk a mile for a Camel, too. Camel amel R. J. REYNOLDS Tobacco Co. Wlattou.StUm, N. C. OWYHEE NEWS NOTES Owyhee, May 12 Fred Kllngback nnd T. M. I.owo motored to tho Ileud Inst Thursday to hear Prof Mnns flold's loctttro on tho fnriiior'fl pro bletiis. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns. Schwolzor nnd daughter, Dolln, woro wook oud visi tors In Ilrogan. Harry Nowby, of Nyssn, was a guost of Hollo Fonn last weok. Itov. nnd Mrs. W. F. Shields woro gttosts to dlniinr nt tlio Kllugbark homo, Wednesday. Tho Ulcolow family woro Goto City visitors, Wednesday. George W. Kenton nnd son Clyde of Kelso woro guests nt tho DoKord homo, Sunday. Messrs. Frank Friar and K, F. Korr woro Nyssn visitors, Saturday. Tito Kllngback family woro din ner guests nt tlio DoKord homo .Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. O. It. Hlto mid fam ily left Monday for Long Valloy whoro thoy will spond tho summor. Vorna Hlto, who is convalescing nf tor mi attack of pneumonia will .visit at tho Gus Schwolzer homo for a few days. Frod Snlvoloy wns down Monday from his homo up tho Owyhee rlvor. Mrs. W. W. Smith vlsltod hor daughter, Chnrlotto and family, Tuesday. Itov. Chns. Klom and Hugh Allen of Ontario woro guests to dinner at tho Kllngback homo Tuesday. They also visited other homes in Owyhee nnd in tho Kolony. Itov. Klom an nounced that ho will bo accompani ed by a dottblo malo quartette when ho holds his regular service hero on tho fourth Sunday In May. Mr. mid Mrs. Chns. Schwolzer and Dolln returned from Drogan, Mon day whoro thoy spent tho weok end at tho Axtel Iteod home. MeCormiek and Deering Machines speed up Hay Harvest THERE are two big reasons for speeding up -the cost of labor and the pressure of other work. MeCormiek and Deering Mowers are light draft, easy to handle and can be depended upon to cut hay every minute. MeCormiek Hakes got all the hay. TROXELL IMPLEMENT COMPANY ONTARIO, OREGON I o D Funeral Directors Six State Licenses Lady Assistant When Desired Modern Chapel Room pPiPiMV! Ambulence Service With all Modern Conveniences II. L. Peterson Phone 37-J ONTARIO FURNITURE CO. C. R. Augustus Phone 76-M TO TRADE Good team of horses to trado for Ford Runabout. Also wont to buy Ford car for cash. Phono 183, Hunt and Robinson. mmam THE NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVES Speedy; Steady; Clean; Hot This is the story of the new perfection. An all blue flame for most ordinary cooking pur poses; and for fast cooking. There is the high flame with the clean white tips. Its the hottest. And at any speed there is no smoke- Always visible thru the Mica Door. Call and let us show you how the Perfection works. 3,000,000 in use today. McNulty & Company AGENTS, Ontario, Oregon 0 o D a D o 0 1 " - . lf.k-fc fjt. .Muijfttt H V